
Djinn 1

Oct 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. ["*I have seen a great many things in this world--more than most. Terrors and joy alike. And I choose to recognize the bad, but focus on the good*"](
  3. **Djinn**, is a 4000 year old teenager created by [God/Yahweh](, who joins the Teen Titans. Her brother, Elias, the most powerful of all Djinns, did not allow her to have a proper name, thus giving her the name of just "Djinn", which means "genie". Feats that occur when she is amped by her ring will be bolded.
  5. # Physicals
  7. * [Punches and draws blood from Elias]( "Teen Titans 41")
  8. * [Pierces Elias with Moses' Staff]( "Teen Titans 41")
  9. * [Smacks Brother Blood with an iron pan she created]( "Deathstroke 2016 43")
  10. * *Speed*
  11. * **[Reacts to Red Arrow's arrow and Roundhouse charging at her in time, and reflects their attacks]( "Teen Titans Annual 1")**
  12. * *Magic Power*
  13. * [Harms Brother Blood]( "Teen Titans 20")
  14. * [Makes a small explosion]( "Teen Titans 39")
  15. * [Her magic knocked back the Teen Titans' spirits]( "Teen Titans 41")
  16. * **[Blasts back the Teen Titans enough to crack a wall and shatter glass]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  17. * **[Casually throws back Crush, blasting a wall]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  18. * **[Hits Crush with an energy attack]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  19. * *Durability*
  20. * [Takes a charge from Crush]( "Teen Titans 22")
  21. * [Her magic shielded her from a large explosion which took out a small part of a building]( "Teen Titans 23 and 24")
  22. * [Takes a blow from Obelus, a metal chain that could crack the ceiling]( "Teen Titans 25")
  23. * [Takes an attack from Deathstroke]( "Teen Titans 28")
  24. * [Survives a charge from Red Arrow which cracks the floor]( "Teen Titans 30")
  25. * [Gets hit by her own magic]( "Teen Titans 32")
  26. * [Survives an arrow that pierces through her hand]( "Teen Titans 34")
  27. * [Survives being pierced by Moses' staff, then heals from it quickly]( "Teen Titans 41")
  29. * *Telekinesis*
  30. * [Lifts Red Arrow up a building]( "Teen Titans 23")
  31. * [Lifts up a bunch of people]( "Teen Titans 20")
  32. * [Binds the Teen Titans and lifts up Crush]( "Teen Titans 30")
  33. * [Likely moves up the ground beneath her to make a shield]( "Teen Titans 33")
  34. * **[Moves a telescope towards her]( "Teen Titans 34")**
  35. * **[Casually tosses Red Arrow out of a building, shattering the windows]( "Teen Titans 34")**
  36. * [Ties up Obelus the metal chain]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")
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