
Sister talk

Feb 20th, 2017
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  1. "...oh hey you're back. What did Mom want with you?"
  3. "Trying to have me read the meaning of stars like a Theurge...I'm not very good at it"
  5. "So Fortune Cookie time, got it-- hey no need to shove you know I say it with love."
  7. "Bite me"
  9. "Later, I'm still working on my half of the Research. Did you at least get anything to add to this?"
  11. "Actually...yes, yes I did. There is something in Leo and Lupus tonight, telling of a time when the Howlers may return."
  13. "...Holy shit really? Well I guess your half is going to be mysticism and star-reading. If you need help doing the Theurge thing you could ask Uncle for what i got on my half, I've been trying to look into what they released so far on the project. Looking into how the cave lion lived before, comparing the environment and how the climate has changed, as well as the likelihood of the new cub surviving the first year with the knowledge that they will be in captivity so the chances are higher than if they let it live outside of it. Been looking into what other cloning projects have been going on in the world with google and source checking, seeing if there is a common theme of their successes or drawbacks. A lot of them haven't been updated in a few years or even longer so I'm not sure how reliable those are but its still a start that its possible to bring back animals from...why are you looking at me like that Cecelia"
  15. "Because you are an incredible nerd about animals."
  17. "Eat my fat cock, wanker. Look, I'm just...interested in this, in the science and possibility of seeing these animals driven to extinction back if the environment is suitable to sustain them. This could be used to swell the numbers of animals that are endangered, reversing years of damage wrought by climate change and human-intervention...and some other intervention"
  19. "I know what you mean you don't have to dance around it you know"
  21. "Sorry. Anyways ever since I started helping at the Animal Reserve near here I just got really into the natural science behind it, you know? Knowing the effect we have on a population of animals keeps me from going overboard when its hunting season and I'm out there getting some wild game for us. At least I use arrows, don't have to worry about finding empty shells after a shot."
  23. "Still can't believe they let you do that. I thought you'd have to be older to get a hunting permit."
  25. " do, but you can take people along like your kids and the like for hunting trips. Mum gets me the permit...we just don't tell anyone it isn't her doing the hunting. Not like I'm using guns out there, it should be fine."
  27. "I can't tell you one way or another but I'll be sure to visit you in juvvie"
  29. "Again, eat my fat cock. So back on topic, this is what I have so far. Thanks for helping me with this, I know its kind of a pet project of mine and not really for anything but us but...its something I'd like to get into one day, you know?"
  31. "No I get you. How about after we take Mum's jeep to Whiskey for some Ice Cream before she and Mom notices"
  33. "...yeah that'll be good."
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