
St George and Gorgon fighting together

Jul 12th, 2023
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  1. With me is Gorgon. His vampiric gaze is useless against the monsters—the exes—but earlier we stopped a minor gang skirmish, and for another hour or so he is superhuman. He grabs an ex by the wrists and swings, throwing it across the pavement. His leather duster whirls open as he does. I know he looks much cooler than I do, but I am still proud of my red and green costume.
  2. I’m aware this is a dream. Far more aware than I’ve been in a long time. This is the past replayed as present.
  3. I slam my hand out and an ex flies across the parking lot to slam into a brick wall head-first. It slumps to the ground. Gorgon—his name is Nikolai, but I don’t know that yet—punches the last one in the jaw. Its head spins from the blow, and he grabs it and twists even more. Its neck breaks with a sound like driftwood and it drops.
  5. Excerpt From Ex-Purgatory, pg 514
  6. Peter Clines
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