
Emptiness Pt. 2

Feb 11th, 2013
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  1. >Opting to stay as far away from the roaming Fluttershy as possible, you decide to stick to the main floor
  2. >You turn from the stairs, instead heading to the left of them, down another dark hallway
  3. >You walk as lightfooted as possible, as to not give your position away
  4. >The lantern opens up the hall with each step, revealing the secrets of the corridor once bathed in and protected by darkness
  5. >More ancient furniture, dressers, paintings
  6. >Several more suits of p0ny armor
  7. >You wonder why such a place has so many suits of armor
  8. >They practically line the wall every ten feet
  9. >But these coats of metal give off no reflection
  10. >Their armor was stained, dirty, ancient
  11. >When did p0nies ever wear suits of armor like this?
  12. >You push such petty and irrelevant thoughts out of your mind
  13. >You round the corner of the corridor, and—
  14. >!!!
  15. >Oh… oh man…
  16. >You place your hand on your chest and breathe
  17. >Your heart practically shot out of your throat there
  18. >In the middle of the hall stands…
  19. > a suit of armor
  20. >Out of place, not against the wall, just…
  21. >Sitting there
  22. >Facing you
  23. >You walk around it, keeping your eyes on it as you do
  24. >Who moved this…?
  25. >Fluttershy…?
  26. >You peer over to the wall
  27. >Other suits of armor sit there
  28. >Every ten feet
  29. >So…
  30. >You glace down
  31. Where did this one come from…?
  32. >It continues to stare down the direction from which you came
  33. >You take a few more steps down the hall
  34. >Eyes on the armor
  35. >Then you break off, continuing your trek down the corridor
  36. >The patterns begin to repeat
  37. >Furniture, armor, dressers
  38. >The portraits on the wall all depict p0nies from centuries past
  39. >If you had to compare it to a time period from your own world, you’d say around Victorian-era
  40. >Not a single portrait is the same
  41. >As you pass, your light illuminates each and every one
  42. >Like an introduction, bidding you hello as you shift their world from the everlasting darkness that only they know
  43. >To a goodbye, as you suck the tantalizing light from them
  44. >Only offering it for a second before ripping it away from their grasp once more
  45. >…
  46. (They’re only paintings, Anon…)
  47. >You tell yourself
  48. >A single window has appeared
  49. >Offering what little assistance it can in terms of visibility
  50. >You approach it
  51. I wonder…
  52. >Putting the lantern down, you take off your shirt
  53. >You wrap it around your fist
  54. >You breathe…
  55. >…
  56. >Okay
  57. >One
  58. >Two
  59. >THUNK!
  60. >You punch the window with all your might
  61. >It simply bounces off
  62. >A “thunk” reverberates throughout the corridor
  63. >A loud one
  64. >You sit in silence for a moment
  65. >Only the white noise of rain taking up your ears’ invitation
  66. >You hope Fluttershy didn’t hear that…
  67. >You put your shirt back on
  68. >You grip the lantern firmly in your hand
  69. >You continue to gaze outside
  70. So close…
  71. >With one more lingering look, you turn back to walking
  72. >The lantern opens the darkness once more
  73. >Revealing—
  74. Wha-!?
  75. >Another suit of armor
  76. >It just emerged from the darkness
  77. >It stops you dead in your tracks
  78. >You actually stumble back a little
  79. >You place your hand on your chest once more
  80. >…
  81. >Nope
  82. >You stride lengthily around it
  83. >Leaving it in the darkness forever more
  84. >Three steps later…
  85. >…two more appear
  86. >In the center of the hall
  87. What’s going… on…?
  88. >You step around these ones too
  89. >You extend your stride
  90. >You think you hear silent clinks and clanks
  91. >Your lantern is doing a poor job of parting the darkness at your speed
  92. >You barely catch the faint glimmer of several suits of armor before almost crashing right into them
  93. >You halt immediately
  94. >And back up a little
  95. >There has to be at least…
  96. >Seven of them
  97. >In the middle of the hall…?
  98. >…
  99. >You stare at them
  100. >No way someone could have…
  101. >You take a step back
  102. >Slowly
  103. >You place your other foot behind you
  104. >Your light retreats with you
  105. >The old pieces of metal sink back into the blackness whence they came
  106. >You take one more step for good measure
  107. >Then turn around
  108. >You hold your light in front of you, and—
  109. What the--!?
  110. >You almost drop your lantern in surprise
  111. >You take a few steps back
  112. >But… how…?
  113. >You step forward again, holding up your light
  114. >As you raise it, the p0ny shaped helmets emerge from the darkness
  115. >All four of them
  116. >As you raise it further, their bodies as well show themselves
  117. >All facing you
  118. >No way…
  119. But I… I just came from…
  120. >You lower your light
  121. >You spin back around
  122. >Maybe—
  123. >Armor
  124. >You stumble
  125. >Six suits of armor
  126. >In front of you once more
  127. >The light wasn’t even needed to be able to see them
  128. >You turn your head behind you
  129. >The others from behind appear to be even closer
  130. >You’re so flustered
  131. >How are they—
  132. >Taking a step back, your foot clangs against metal
  133. >You lunge forward in response, dropping your lantern
  134. >It bangs against the ground, extinguishing itself once more
  135. >Total darkness
  136. >Instantly, clinging and clanging of metal erupts from all around you
  137. >It’s like an earthquake at a pots and pans outlet
  138. >You drop to your knees and fumble against the ground
  139. >You can feel something pass by you
  140. >And behind you
  141. >The noise continues violently
  142. >Your heart races
  143. >You feel your hand pang against an object on the ground
  144. >You grip it instantly and pull it close
  145. >The metal clanging adds so much pressure to your situation
  146. >You fling out your lighter and flick it on
  147. >You light the lantern as quickly as possible
  148. >Immediately, at the instant the flame touches the wick
  149. >…the sound halts
  150. >Completely
  151. >You hold out the light and dart it from left to right
  152. >Not a single suit of armor surrounds you
  153. >…
  154. >You breathe heavily and deeply
  155. >Catching your breath
  156. >…
  157. >You point it to the wall
  158. >Well… there is that one…
  159. >Sitting against the wall like all the others
  160. >…
  161. >You stand to your feet
  162. >And back slowly away from it
  163. >You turn around
  164. >You dart the lantern out quickly
  165. >…nothing
  166. >You reach your hand behind your head and rub
  167. >What the hell was that about…?
  168. >This structure…
  169. >You gaze around once more
  170. >…what kind of place is this?
  171. >You breathe in deeply
  172. >Well, you’re in this situation now, and you have to get out of it
  173. >Be brave, Anon
  174. >You set forward in the direction you were in once more
  175. >Eyes locked on every suit of armor as you pass
  176. >Such an uneasy feeling they give you…
  177. >The hall eventually splits up in three different directions
  178. >There is zero indication as to which one goes where
  179. >Windows disappeared a while ago
  180. >Which means you’re probably inside the mansion deeper now
  181. >Maybe even the middle
  182. >You take a look down one of the halls with your light
  183. >You can’t see far, but it looks very much the same
  184. >You point it down another
  185. >Also looks the same
  186. >But it seems to be lined with rooms
  187. >Your instinct tells you to go with this one
  188. >Maybe check these rooms out
  189. >You head in that direction, and approach one of the rooms
  190. >You grip the handle and push
  191. >It doesn’t budge
  192. >You don’t linger on it for too long
  193. >You advance down about ten feet down
  194. >Another room
  195. >You try this one as well
  196. >…nothing
  197. >You continue walking and trying
  198. >The rain has been so constant, it’s almost completely blended in with your own thought
  199. >Unnoticeable
  200. >Unlike the…
  201. >…
  202. >Wait
  203. >You crouch down and sit still
  204. >And listen
  205. >…
  206. >What is that…?
  207. >Is that… singing?
  208. >You listen more intently
  209. >…
  210. >…
  211. >It becomes clearer
  212. >”…--quiet now, it’s time to go to bed~.”
  213. >That voice
  214. >It’s Fluttershy…
  215. >And it’s coming from where you just came from
  216. >Your chest starts thumping even harder
  217. >”Hush now, quiet now~”
  218. >You fling your hand down to your lantern and fumble with it
  219. >”It’s time to lay your sleepy head~. Hush now… Ooh…”
  220. >You finally extinguish the light
  221. >”…what was that I saw?~”
  222. >…oh no
  223. >”Was that a light, my dear Anon?”
  224. >…no, no no no
  225. >You stand up
  226. >She could see that? Is light that noticeable in this dark decrepit structure?
  227. >She has to be more than sixty feet down the other hall!
  228. >You tuck it under your arm and step quickly but quietly to a door
  229. >You grip it and push
  230. >Nothing
  231. >Ugh!
  232. >You quickly make your way to the next
  233. >Push!
  234. >Nothing
  235. >”I can heeeear you~!”
  236. >You’re being too loud with these doors!
  237. >You practically bolt to the next one, trying to be as quiet as possible
  238. >It’s a no-go!
  239. >You can begin to hear her trotting hooves echo throughout the corridors
  240. >You begin to panic
  241. >You hurry to the next one and push
  242. >It gently opens up
  243. >Perfect!
  244. >You slip inside quietly and close the door as silently as possible
  245. >You feel around for a lock
  246. >There… isn’t one…?
  247. >Do none of these doors actually have locks…?
  248. >But…
  249. >…
  250. >You don’t dwell on it
  251. >You whip out your zippo lighter and flick it on
  252. >The flame barely illuminates anything, but it’s enough to make out where you are
  253. >It’s another bedroom
  254. >One that seems to be much bigger than before
  255. >”Sweeeeetie~” you hear from not too far away
  256. >You can hear doors rattling back and forth
  257. >Fuck!
  258. >You step forward in the room
  259. >Under the bed?
  260. >Too obvious!
  261. >In the corner?
  262. >You doubt the dark will sufficiently shield you this time!
  263. >A wardrobe…?
  264. >Also obvious
  265. >But—
  266. >You hear a door very close rattle
  267. >--no time!
  268. >You run to the wardrobe and fling it open
  269. >A pile of dusty clothes lay inside of it
  270. >You quickly climb in and shut the door behind you
  271. >You grab two handfuls of the clothes and shake them
  272. >Dust goes everywhere; you can’t see it, but you can feel it
  273. >You sit down inside the roomy wardrobe and plant them on top of you, completely covering you
  274. >You really hope this works
  275. >Your heart is racing
  276. >And this dust…
  277. >Oh man, this dust…
  278. >Your throat starts to itch a little
  279. >Damn it, Anon, do not cough
  280. >Her hoofsteps are so close
  281. >And…
  282. >You hear the door to the room swing open
  283. >”Aaah, this one’s open~” she says in her singsongy voice
  284. >You can hear her trot in
  285. >You try to balance your breath as efficiently as possible
  286. >But you’re so nervous
  287. >Every time you try, you practically hold it
  288. >And this only makes your next breath bigger and louder
  289. >And this dust!
  290. >Your throat is on fire!
  291. >”Hmm… could he be in the… bed?” she says playfully
  292. >You hear the springs sink a little
  293. >”Anon, dear? Not here? Awh…~”
  294. >You hear the springs release
  295. >”I thought a bed would be a great place to hide… maybe have a little… private time~?”
  296. >Private time…?
  297. >What is she talking about?
  298. >”Hmm… maybe…”
  299. >Her voice is much louder
  300. >You practically hold your hand over your nose and mouth
  301. >You need this breath under control!
  302. >”Here?”
  303. >KATCHING!
  304. >Something just stabbed into the door
  305. >Violently
  306. >You hear the door creak open slowly
  307. >You begin to hold your breath
  308. >You clamp your eyes down hard
  309. >Your own throat claws at you, desperately trying to betray you
  310. >You need to hold on!
  311. >Baaaaby~, you in here?”
  312. >She waits a moment
  313. >She says nothing more
  314. >The door just stays open
  315. >You can feel Fluttershy’s eyes scan the wardrobe
  316. >Over and over
  317. >…does she know?
  318. >Why is she taking so long?
  319. >It feels like an eternity passes
  320. >…
  321. >…
  322. >SHINK
  323. >The stabbing utensil leaves the door
  324. >You can hear hooves trot away from the door
  325. >”Hmm…” you hear her contemplate
  326. >”Maybe…”
  327. >The main door creaks open again
  328. >”Come ooooout~” she calls again, the voice seemingly coming from the outside hallway
  329. >You can hear her hooves trot away
  330. >More doors try to be pushed open
  331. >Until eventually
  332. >…
  333. >She’s out of earshot
  334. >…you wait more
  335. >Just to be safe
  336. >Then, you burst out of the clothes
  337. >You take a huge breath
  338. >And cough violently
  339. >Trying your best to be silent about it
  340. >You flail out of the wardrobe
  341. >Tripping as you do, falling onto the ground
  342. >You slap against the cold stone floor
  343. >And lay there for a moment
  344. >Breathing
  345. >Collecting yourself
  346. >What a fucking close call…
  347. >You bring out your lighter once more and take a look at the wardrobe
  348. >The light illuminates the age-old wooden piece of furniture
  349. >…yes
  350. >A clear puncture, about two or three inches tall
  351. >…looks like that of a knife
  352. >Why is she carrying that around?
  353. >Does she want to kill you…?
  354. >or…
  355. >…rape you?
  356. >Maybe even…
  357. >Both?
  358. >She seems out of it enough to try something like that
  359. >You take another deep breath
  360. >You light your lantern and poke your head out of the door
  361. >…the coast is clear
  362. >You decide against going further down this hall like Fluttershy did
  363. >Instead, heading back the way you came
  364. >To the intersection
  365. >You observe the third way you never quite looked at
  366. >It looks very similar, even identical, to the hallway you’re in now
  367. >Stretching seemingly indefinitely with a plethora of closed doors
  368. >Fantastic…
  369. >You begin to take a step
  370. >…
  371. >Wait
  372. >…
  373. >Clop…
  374. >You twist your head
  375. >Clop clop…
  376. >Oh no…
  377. >Clopclopclopclop
  378. >Is that coming from down Fluttershy’s hall?
  379. >Has she spotted you again?!
  380. >You bolt from the hallway back down the very original one
  381. >You quickly make your way back
  382. >Suddenly
  383. >A loud barrage of noises assaults your ears
  384. >It sounds like repeated slamming
  385. >You clamp your hands down over your ears
  386. >But, it was pointless
  387. >The noise ends almost as quickly as it began
  388. >You take off your hands and listen
  389. >…
  390. >…
  391. >Silence
  392. >No hooves
  393. >No slamming
  394. >…
  395. >Nothing
  396. >You turn around
  397. >And hold out your lantern once more
  398. >You continue down, back toward the third hall
  399. >You peer into it with your lantern
  400. >It… looks the same
  401. >But…
  402. >Every door…
  403. >Every single one that you can see
  404. >…is wide open
  405. >You stand still for a second, contemplating what just happened
  406. >…what kind of place is this?
  407. >Do you… do you still want to go down that hall?
  409. End of Part 2
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