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ActiveChat Beta 1.15

a guest
Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. //= ActiveChat Beta 1.15 =============================================================
  3. // Found an error? Please make a screenshot and copy the relevant LOGs
  4. // and send them via private message at to "22855".
  5. // You can find your LOGs at this path:
  6. // .minecraft/liteconfig/common/macros/logs/ActiveChatDebug.txt
  8. // HowTo Install:
  9. //
  10. // 1) Go to your keyboard screen.
  11. // 2) Click on the white icon at the top left corner.
  12. // 3) Click on "GUI Editor".
  13. // 4) Click on "ingame" on the left side.
  14. // 5) Click on the white icon at the bottom left corner.
  15. // 6) Click on "Adjust grid".
  16. // -> "rows" = "3"
  17. // -> "colums" = "2"
  18. // 7) Click on the white icon at the bottom left corner.
  19. // 8) Click on "Add Textarea"
  20. // 9) Set your new Textarea on the left side of the second row.
  21. // 10) Rightclick your Textarea to edit its settings:
  22. // -> "Control Name" = "TempInfo"
  23. // -> "Message life" = "100"
  24. // 11) Click on "OK" to save your changes.
  25. // 12) Press [Esc]
  26. // 13) Click on "inchat" on the left side.
  27. // 14) Click on the white icon at the bottom left corner.
  28. // 15) Click on "Add Label"
  29. // 16) Set your new Label in the bottom left corner.
  30. // 17) Rightclick your Label to edit its settings:
  31. // -> "Control Name" = "ActiveChat"
  32. // -> "Background colour" = "0"
  33. // -> "Text Align" = "Bottom Left"
  34. // 18) Click on "OK" to save your changes.
  35. // 19) Press [Esc]
  36. // 20) Press [Esc]
  37. // 21) Click on the white icon at the top left corner.
  38. // 22) Click on "Edit Chat Filter".
  39. // 23) Paste the whole code you are reading right now in there.
  40. // 24) Click on "OK" to save the code.
  41. // 25) Press [Esc] to leave the Macro Mod screen.
  42. // 26) Disconnect from the server if you are connected to one.
  43. // 27) Connect to and enjoy ActiveChat!
  44. // 28) You can also change or disable features if you scroll down to OPTIONS!
  46. // Ignore this line of code:
  47. if(#spam=0)
  49. //= OPTIONS ==========================================================================
  51. #on=1
  52. // Master switch for all functions
  53. // 0 - off
  54. // 1 - on
  56. #news=0
  57. // Shows Kadcon news for the invite system
  58. // 0 - off
  59. // 1 - on
  61. #activechat=1
  62. // Shows you your active chat via label
  63. // 0 - off
  64. // 1 - on
  66. #money=1
  67. // Makes /money messages short and fancy
  68. // 0 - off
  69. // 1 - on
  71. #bank=1
  72. // Changes /kbank infos and replaces the guy at the bank
  73. // 0 - off
  74. // 1 - on
  75. #bank_adds_visible=1
  76. // Shows names of added players
  77. // 0 - off (does not show added players)
  78. // 1 - on
  79. // 2+ - on (names will only be shown if there are less added players than the value of #bank_adds_visible)
  81. #shop=1
  82. // Makes shop messages so damn fancy. Holy shit!
  83. // 0 - off
  84. // 1 - on
  85. #shop_customer=1
  86. // Shows a message when someone buys from a shop of yours
  87. // 0 - off
  88. // 1 - on
  89. #shop_empty=1
  90. // Shows a message when someone trys to buy from an empty shop of yours
  91. // 0 - off
  92. // 1 - on
  94. #tpa=2
  95. // Makes tpa requests much shorter and fancy
  96. // 0 - off
  97. // 1 - on
  98. // 2 - on (Using just "/tpa" and "/tpahere" will automatically
  99. // send the request to your chatpartner)
  101. #guildinfo=1
  102. // Filters unnecessary lines and changes join/leave messages
  103. // 0 - off
  104. // 1 - on
  106. #ping=1
  107. // Changes ping messages. For style reasons.
  108. // 0 - off
  109. // 1 - on
  111. #mail=1
  112. // Makes mail messages fancy
  113. // 0 - off
  114. // 1 - on
  115. #mail_only_new=1
  116. // Only shows messages when you have new mail
  117. // 0 - off
  118. // 1 - on
  120. #votes=1
  121. // Makes vote messages short and fancy
  122. // ( links will be useless - Type /votes to get a working link)
  123. // 0 - off
  124. // 1 - on
  125. #votes_short=1
  126. // Replaces the voters names with the amount of voters
  127. // 0 - off
  128. // 1 - on
  129. #votes_reward=1
  130. // Shows your periodic vote rewards
  131. // 0 - off
  132. // 1 - on
  133. #votes_voted=1
  134. // Shows messages that you voted on the vote page
  135. // 0 - off
  136. // 1 - on
  137. #votes_others=1
  138. // Shows all the other vote messages
  139. // 0 - off
  140. // 1 - on
  142. #server=1
  143. // Makes messages from a server switch short and fancy
  144. // 0 - off
  145. // 1 - on
  147. #noperm=1
  148. // Changes "You don't have permission ..." messages
  149. // 0 - off
  150. // 1 - on
  151. #noperm_clean_action=1
  152. // Filters those messages caused by action (e.g. hitting things)
  153. // 0 - off
  154. // 1 - on
  155. #noperm_sound_action=1
  156. // Makes a villager sound when you get messages caused by action
  157. // 0 - off
  158. // 1 - on
  159. #noperm_sound_chat=0
  160. // Makes a villager sound when you get messages caused by chat commands
  161. // 0 - off
  162. // 1 - on
  164. #mcmmo=1
  165. // Filters and changes mcMMO messages and protects normal chat from it
  166. // 0 - off
  167. // 1 - on
  169. #lag=1
  170. // Changes the message of /lag
  171. // 0 - off
  172. // 1 - on
  174. #spawnie=1
  175. // Filters /spawnie help messages
  176. // 0 - off
  177. // 1 - on
  179. #crates=1
  180. // Filters crate opening messages
  181. // Changes crate win messages
  182. // 0 - off
  183. // 1 - on
  184. #crates_normal=2
  185. // Shows crate messages of normal prizes
  186. // 0 - off
  187. // 1 - on (shows messages in chat)
  188. // 2 - on (shows messages in TempInfo)
  190. #chat=1
  191. // Changes chat messages (exept for ones including links)
  192. // 0 - off
  193. // 1 - on
  195. #version=1
  196. // Shows the version of ActiveChat if you join on
  197. // 0 - off
  198. // 1 - on
  199. #version_settings=0
  200. // Displays your Settings after the ActiveChat-version-message
  201. // 0 - off
  202. // 1 - on
  204. #spleef=1
  205. // Activate fancy Spleef messages
  206. // 0 - off
  207. // 1 - on
  209. #view=0
  210. // Shows Fake-View messages
  211. // 0 - off
  212. // 1 - on
  214. #debug=0
  215. // Don't know what's going on?
  216. // 0 - Normal operation mode
  217. // 1 - Show ALL chat messages (original and changed ones)
  219. //====================================================================================
  221. logto(ActiveChatDebug.txt,%CHAT%)
  223. // TAGS
  224. &tag_version="§r§5ActiveChat§r §eBeta§r §e1.15§r"
  225. &tag_activechat="§r§8§l>>>§r"
  226. &tag_afk="§r§8[§7§lAFK§r§8]§r"
  227. &tag_money="§r§8[§r§aMoney§r§8]§r"
  228. &tag_itime="§r§8[§r§aiTime§r§8]§r"
  229. &tag_bank="§r§8[§r§aBank§r§8]§r"
  230. &tag_bank_assistent="§r§7[§aBank§7]§r §fMonet§r"
  231. &tag_bank_cashmashine="§r§8[§r§6KCash§r§8]§r"
  232. &tag_shop="§r§8[§r§aShop§r§8]§r"
  233. &tag_votes="§r§8[§r§aVotes§r§8]§r"
  234. &tag_server="§r§8[§r§cServer§r§8]§r"
  235. &tag_spleef="§r§8[§r§aSpleef§r§8]§r"
  236. &tag_tpa="§r§8[§r§aTpa§r§8]§r"
  237. &tag_ping="§r§8[§r§aPing§r§8]§r"
  238. &tag_mail="§r§8[§r§aMail§r§8]§r"
  239. &tag_crates="§r§8[§r§aCrates§r§8]§r"
  240. &tag_mcmmo="§r§8[§r§amcMMO§r§8]§r"
  241. &tag_arrow_r="§r§8»§r"
  242. &tag_arrow_l="§r§8«§r"
  243. &tag_minus="§r§8-§r"
  244. &tag_pipe="§r§8|§r"
  245. &tag_pipeend="§r§8L§r"
  247. if(#on)
  248. do
  249. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".com")
  250. else
  251. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".net")
  252. else
  253. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".gl")
  254. else
  255. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".io")
  256. else
  257. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".li")
  258. else
  259. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".ly")
  260. else
  261. // News
  262. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§2§lNeu! §r§fDu kannst neue Spieler auf Kadcon holen und dein Bonus-Einkommen aufbessern. Infos unter §r§§r")
  263. if(#news=0)
  264. #cut=1
  265. break
  266. endif
  267. endif
  268. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f Du bekommst aktuell doppelt so viel Kadis für deine Invites!§r")
  269. if(#news=0)
  270. #cut=1
  271. break
  272. endif
  273. endif
  274. ifcontains(%CHAT%,".de")
  275. if(#mcmmo)
  276. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"mcMMO-Drop! \(Angel-Regeln beachten. Siehe §§r 1.9\)§r")
  277. #cut=1
  278. break
  279. endif
  280. endif
  281. if(#server)
  282. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6\*\*\* Willkommen auf §r§§r§6! Ihr gestaltet die Stadt! \*\*\*§r")
  283. #cut=1
  284. endif
  285. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§bForum: §r§§r§7 - §r§bVotes: §r§§r")
  286. #cut=1
  287. endif
  288. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§c2x §r§§r§c und 825 Kadis erhalten!§r")
  289. #cut=1
  290. endif
  291. endif
  292. ifendswith(%CHAT%," für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r")
  293. if(#votes)
  294. ifbeginswith(%CHATCLEAN%,"[")
  295. else
  296. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§a wurde für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r")
  297. #cut=1
  298. if(#votes_short=0)
  299. match(%CHAT%,"§6(.*)§r§a wurde für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r",{&votes_voters})
  300. &message="%&tag_votes%§r §3%&votes_voters%§r §7was§r §7rewarded§r §7for§r §7voting.§r"
  301. #output_chat=1
  302. break
  303. elseif(#votes_short=1)
  304. &message="%&tag_votes%§r §7The§r §7server§r §7received§r §e1§r §eVote§r§7.§r"
  305. #output_chat=1
  306. break
  307. endif
  308. endif
  309. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§a wurden für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r")
  310. #cut=1
  311. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§aDie Spieler §r§6")
  312. match(%CHAT%,"§aDie Spieler §r§6(.*)§r§a wurden für den Vote auf§r§e§l§r§a belohnt!§r",{&votes_voters})
  313. replace(&votes_voters,"Ein Kadconer","§3Ein§r §3Kadconer§r")
  314. split("§r§6, ",%&votes_voters%,&votes_voters_array[])
  315. if(#votes_short=0)
  316. //arraysize(&votes_voters_array[],#votes_amount)
  317. //&votes_voters_last="%&votes_voters_array[%#votes_amount%]%"
  318. join("§r§7,§r §3",&votes_voters_array[],&votes_voters)
  319. //log("%&tag_votes%§r §3%&votes_voters%§r §dand§r §3%&votes_voters_last%§r §dwere§r §drewarded§r §dfor§r §dvoting.§r")
  320. &message="%&tag_votes%§r §3%&votes_voters%§r §7were§r §7rewarded§r §7for§r §7voting.§r"
  321. #output_chat=1
  322. break
  323. elseif(#votes_short=1)
  324. arraysize(&votes_voters_array[],#votes_amount)
  325. &message="%&tag_votes%§r §7The§r §7server§r §7received§r §e%#votes_amount%§r §eVotes§r§7.§r"
  326. #output_chat=1
  327. break
  328. endif
  329. endif
  330. endif
  331. endif
  332. endif
  333. endif
  334. else
  335. ifbeginswith(%CHATCLEAN%,"[")
  336. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f]")
  337. // Version
  338. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§bYou joined '§r§bkadcon")
  339. if(#version)
  340. if(#switch=0)
  341. echo("/kbank")
  342. #name_check=1
  343. #guild=0
  344. if(#activechat)
  345. &activechat_color="§a"
  346. else
  347. &activechat_color="§c"
  348. endif
  349. if(#money)
  350. &money_color="§a"
  351. else
  352. &money_color="§c"
  353. endif
  354. if(#bank)
  355. &bank_color="§a"
  356. else
  357. &bank_color="§c"
  358. endif
  359. if(#shop)
  360. &shop_color="§a"
  361. else
  362. &shop_color="§c"
  363. endif
  364. if(#tpa)
  365. &tpa_color="§a"
  366. else
  367. &tpa_color="§c"
  368. endif
  369. if(#guildinfo)
  370. &guildinfo_color="§a"
  371. else
  372. &guildinfo_color="§c"
  373. endif
  374. if(#ping)
  375. &ping_color="§a"
  376. else
  377. &ping_color="§c"
  378. endif
  379. if(#mail)
  380. &mail_color="§a"
  381. else
  382. &mail_color="§c"
  383. endif
  384. if(#votes)
  385. &votes_color="§a"
  386. else
  387. &votes_color="§c"
  388. endif
  389. if(#server)
  390. &server_color="§a"
  391. else
  392. &server_color="§c"
  393. endif
  394. if(#noperm)
  395. &noperm_color="§a"
  396. else
  397. &noperm_color="§c"
  398. endif
  399. if(#mcmmo)
  400. &mcmmo_color="§a"
  401. else
  402. &mcmmo_color="§c"
  403. endif
  404. if(#lag)
  405. &lag_color="§a"
  406. else
  407. &lag_color="§c"
  408. endif
  409. if(#spawnie)
  410. &spawnie_color="§a"
  411. else
  412. &spawnie_color="§c"
  413. endif
  414. if(#crates)
  415. &crates_color="§a"
  416. else
  417. &crates_color="§c"
  418. endif
  419. if(#chat)
  420. &chat_color="§a"
  421. else
  422. &chat_color="§c"
  423. endif
  424. if(#version)
  425. &version_color="§a"
  426. else
  427. &version_color="§c"
  428. endif
  429. if(#spleef)
  430. &spleef_color="§a"
  431. else
  432. &spleef_color="§c"
  433. endif
  434. log("§dYou are using %&tag_version%§r§d!§r")
  435. log("§dPlease §dreport§r §7bugs§r §dand§r §aideas§r §dto§r §322855§r§d!§r")
  436. if(#version_settings)
  437. log("§5Current§r §5settings§r§d:§r")
  438. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r %&activechat_color%ActiveChat§r %&money_color%Money§r %&bank_color%Bank§r %&shop_color%Shop§r %&tpa_color%Tpa§r %&guildinfo_color%GuildInfo§r %&ping_color%Ping§r %&mail_color%Mail§r %&votes_color%Votes§r")
  439. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r %&server_color%Server§r %&noperm_color%NoPerm§r %&mcmmo_color%mcMMO§r %&lag_color%Lag§r %&spawnie_color%Spawnie§r %&crates_color%Crates§r %&chat_color%Chat§r %&version_color%Version§r %&spleef_color%Spleef§r")
  440. endif
  441. endif
  442. endif
  443. if(#server)
  444. #cut=1
  445. match(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§bYou joined '§r§bkadcon(.*).server'§r",{&server_server})
  446. &message="§e§lWelcome§r §e§lto§r §4§lK§r§a§§r §e§lServer§r §6§l%&server_server%§r§e§l!§r"
  447. #output_chat=1
  448. endif
  449. if(#activechat)
  450. &activechat_colored="§eLocal"
  451. &activechat_active="Local"
  452. #afk=0
  453. #updatelabel=1
  454. endif
  455. #mail_mails_old=0
  456. #switch=0
  457. break
  458. endif
  459. // Crates
  460. if(#crates)
  461. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"Piece§r")
  462. if(#crates_special=2)
  463. #cut=1
  464. match(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§b (.*)§r",{&crates_win})
  465. &message="%&tag_crates%§r §7You§r §7won§r §e%&crates_amount%§r §b%&crates_win%§r§7!§r"
  466. #output_chat=1
  467. break
  468. endif
  469. else
  470. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§b §r")
  471. #cut=1
  472. break
  473. endif
  474. endif
  475. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§c§k\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|§r")
  476. #cut=1
  477. #crates_special=1
  478. break
  479. endif
  480. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§bOpening ")
  481. #cut=1
  482. #crates_special=0
  483. break
  484. endif
  485. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§6You need to wait a second before opening another crate. 1§r")
  486. #cut=1
  487. break
  488. endif
  489. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§6WIN: '")
  490. #cut=1
  491. match(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§6WIN: '(.*)'§r",{&crates_win})
  492. if(%&crates_win%="null")
  493. &crates_win="§5§lDRAGON_HEAD§r"
  494. endif
  495. &message="%&tag_crates%§r §7You§r §7won§r §c%&crates_win%§r§7!§r"
  496. #output_chat=1
  497. break
  498. else
  499. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§f[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f] §r§6WIN: ")
  500. #cut=1
  501. match(%CHAT%,"§f\[§r§2Chunk§r§4li§r§f\] §r§6WIN: (.*) (.*)§r",{&crates_win,&crates_amount})
  502. if(#crates_special=1)
  503. ifcontains(%&crates_win%,"BUTTON")
  504. #crates_special=2
  505. break
  506. else
  507. #crates_special=0
  508. &message="%&tag_crates%§r §7You§r §7won§r §e%&crates_amount%§r §b%&crates_win%§r§7!§r"
  509. #output_chat=1
  510. break
  511. endif
  512. elseif(#crates_normal=1)
  513. &message="%&tag_crates%§r §7You§r §7won§r §e%&crates_amount%§r §a%&crates_win%§r§7!§r"
  514. #output_chat=1
  515. break
  516. elseif(#crates_normal=2)
  517. &message="%&tag_crates%§r §7You§r §7won§r §e%&crates_amount%§r §a%&crates_win%§r§7!§r"
  518. #output_tempinfo=1
  519. break
  520. endif
  521. endif
  522. endif
  523. endif
  524. else
  525. #crates_special=0
  526. // Chat
  527. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] ")
  528. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r")
  529. if(#bank)
  530. if(#chat)
  531. &bank_chat="&8[§e/l§8]§r"
  532. else
  533. &bank_chat="&e[l]§r"
  534. endif
  535. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort kann §r")
  536. #cut=1
  537. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"§r§a nicht mehr auf das Konto §r§6")
  538. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort kann §r§a nicht mehr auf das Konto §r§6")
  539. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e: §ePlease§r §etell§r §eme§r §ethe§r §ename§r §eof§r §ethe§r §eperson§r §eyou§r §ewant§r §eto§r §eremove§r §efrom§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  540. #output_chat=1
  541. break
  542. else
  543. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort kann §r§e(.*)§r§a nicht mehr auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a zugreifen.§r",{&bank_add,&bank_account})
  544. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e: §3%&bank_add%§r §ehas§r §eno§r §eaccess§r §eto§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r §eanymore.§r"
  545. #output_chat=1
  546. break
  547. endif
  548. else
  549. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort kann §r§e(.*)§r§a auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a zugreifen.§r",{&bank_add,&bank_account})
  550. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e: §3%&bank_add%§r §ehas§r §enow§r §efull§r §eaccess§r §eto§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r §eWe§r §edo§r §enot§r §erefund§r §eany§r §estolen§r §emoney.§r"
  551. #output_chat=1
  552. break
  553. endif
  554. endif
  555. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cBitte beachten Sie: Die Bank haftet nicht dafür, wenn §r§e")
  556. #cut=1
  557. break
  558. endif
  559. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§6Entschuldigung, ich habe Sie leider nicht verstanden.§r")
  560. #cut=1
  561. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eSorry.§r §eI§r §edid§r §enot§r §eunderstand§r §ewhat§r §eyou§r §esaid.§r"
  562. #output_chat=1
  563. break
  564. endif
  565. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie das Konto mit dem Namen §r§6")
  566. #cut=1
  567. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie das Konto mit dem Namen §r§6(.*)§r§a eröffnet.§r",{&bank_account})
  568. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYour§r §enew§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r §eis§r §eready§r §eto§r §ebe§r §eused.§r"
  569. #output_chat=1
  570. break
  571. endif
  572. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie §r§e")
  573. #cut=1
  574. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"§r§a Kadis auf das Konto §r§6")
  575. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie §r§e(.*)§r§a Kadis auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a eingezahlt.§r",{&bank_amount,&bank_account})
  576. ifcontains(%&bank_account%,"(")
  577. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eI§r §etransferred§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §eto§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r"
  578. #output_chat=1
  579. break
  580. else
  581. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eI§r §etransferred§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §eto§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  582. #output_chat=1
  583. break
  584. endif
  585. else
  586. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie §r§e(.*)§r§a von Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a überwiesen.§r",{&bank_amount,&bank_from,&bank_to})
  587. ifcontains(%&bank_from%,"(")
  588. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §efrom§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §ehave§r §ebeen§r §etransferred§r §eto§r §6%&bank_to%§r§e.§r"
  589. #output_chat=1
  590. break
  591. else
  592. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §efrom§r §6%&bank_from%§r §ehave§r §ebeen§r §etransferred§r §eto§r §6%&bank_to%§r§e.§r"
  593. #output_chat=1
  594. break
  595. endif
  596. endif
  597. endif
  598. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier sind Ihre §r§e")
  599. #cut=1
  600. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier sind Ihre §r§e(.*)§r§a Kadis vom Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a.§r",{&bank_amount,&bank_account})
  601. ifcontains(%&bank_account%,"(")
  602. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eHere§r §eare§r §eyour§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §efrom§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r"
  603. #output_chat=1
  604. break
  605. else
  606. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eHere§r §eare§r §eyour§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §efrom§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  607. #output_chat=1
  608. break
  609. endif
  610. endif
  611. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe Ihr Konto §r§6")
  612. #cut=1
  613. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe Ihr Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a geschlossen.§r",{&bank_account})
  614. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r §ewas§r §edeleted.§r"
  615. #output_chat=1
  616. break
  617. endif
  618. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cLeider gibt es schon ein Konto mit dem Namen §r§6")
  619. #cut=1
  620. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cLeider gibt es schon ein Konto mit dem Namen §r§6(.*)§r§a.§r",{&bank_account})
  621. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eThere§r §eis§r §ealready§r §ea§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §enamed§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  622. #output_chat=1
  623. break
  624. endif
  625. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf das Konto §r§6")
  626. #cut=1
  627. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§c.§r",{&bank_account})
  628. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYou§r §edon't§r §ehave§r §eaccess§r §eto§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  629. #output_chat=1
  630. break
  631. endif
  632. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, auf dem Konto §r§6")
  633. #cut=1
  634. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, auf dem Konto §r§6(.*)§r§c sind nicht genug Kadis.§r",{&bank_account})
  635. ifcontains(%&bank_account%,"(")
  636. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eThere§r §eare§r §enot§r §eenough§r §eKadis§r §eon§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r§e.§r"
  637. #output_chat=1
  638. break
  639. else
  640. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eThere§r §eare§r §enot§r §eenough§r §eKadis§r §eon§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  641. #output_chat=1
  642. break
  643. endif
  644. endif
  645. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, Sie haben nicht genug Geld.§r")
  646. #cut=1
  647. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYou§r §edon't§r §ehave§r §eenought§r §eKadis§r §efor§r §ethis§r §etransaction.§r"
  648. #output_chat=1
  649. break
  650. endif
  651. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cSie haben bereits die Maximalanzahl an Konten eröffnet.§r")
  652. #cut=1
  653. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYou§r §ecannot§r §eopen§r §eanother§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r"
  654. #output_chat=1
  655. break
  656. endif
  657. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort können Sie nicht mehr auf das Konto §r§6")
  658. #cut=1
  659. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ab sofort können Sie nicht mehr auf das Konto §r§6(.*)§r§a zugreifen, für erneuten Zugriff melden Sie sich bitte beim Kontobesitzer.§r",{&bank_account})
  660. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYou§r §ehave§r §ebeen§r §eremoved§r §efrom§r §6%&bank_account%§r§e.§r"
  661. #output_chat=1
  662. break
  663. endif
  664. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cAuf Ihrem Konto sind noch §r§e")
  665. #cut=1
  666. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cAuf Ihrem Konto sind noch §r§e(.*) Kadis§r§c, bitte leeren Sie es zuerst.§r",{&bank_amount})
  667. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §ePlease§r §ewithdraw§r §eyour§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §ebefore§r §eclosing§r §eyour§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r"
  668. #output_chat=1
  669. break
  670. endif
  671. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§cDer Mindestbetrag liegt bei 1 Kadi.§r")
  672. #cut=1
  673. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_assistent%§e:§r §eYou§r §ehave§r §eto§r §etransfer§r §eat§r §eleast§r §e1§r §eKadi.§r"
  674. #output_chat=1
  675. break
  676. endif
  677. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fBankberater§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier ist Ihre Kontoinformation:§r")
  678. #cut=1
  679. break
  680. endif
  681. endif
  682. else
  683. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r")
  684. if(#bank)
  685. if(#chat)
  686. &bank_chat="&8[§e/l§8]§r"
  687. else
  688. &bank_chat="&e[l]§r"
  689. endif
  690. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, Sie haben nicht genug Geld.§r")
  691. #cut=1
  692. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_cashmashine%§r§e:§r §eYou§r §edon't§r §ehave§r §eenought§r §eKadis§r §efor§r §ethis§r §etransaction.§r"
  693. #output_chat=1
  694. break
  695. endif
  696. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§cEs tut mir leid, auf dem Konto §r§6\(%&name%\)§r§c sind nicht genug Kadis.§r")
  697. #cut=1
  698. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_cashmashine%§r§e:§r §eYour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount§r §edoes§r §enot§r §ehave§r §eenough§r §eKadis§r §efor§r §ethis§r §etransaction.§r"
  699. #output_chat=1
  700. break
  701. endif
  702. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie §r§e")
  703. #cut=1
  704. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§aGerne. Ich habe für Sie §r§e(.*)§r§a Kadis auf das Konto §r§6\(%&name%\)§r§a eingezahlt.§r",{&bank_amount})
  705. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_cashmashine%§r§e:§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §ehave§r §ebeen§r §etransferred§r §eto§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r"
  706. #output_chat=1
  707. break
  708. endif
  709. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e[l] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier sind Ihre §r§e")
  710. #cut=1
  711. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier sind Ihre §r§e(.*)§r§a Kadis vom Konto §r§6\(%&name%\)§r§a.§r",{&bank_amount})
  712. &message="%&bank_chat% %&tag_bank_cashmashine%§r§e:§r §e%&bank_amount%§r §eKadis§r §efrom§r §eyour§r §eprivate§r §ebank§r §eaccount.§r §eHere§r §eyou§r §ego!§r"
  713. #output_chat=1
  714. break
  715. endif
  716. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r§fAutomat§r§e: §r§aGerne. Hier ist Ihre Kontoinformation:§r")
  717. #cut=1
  718. break
  719. endif
  720. endif
  721. else
  722. if(#chat)
  723. match(%CHAT%,"§e\[l\] §r(.*)§r§e: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  724. &chat_color="§e"
  725. &chat_symbol="/l"
  726. #chat_change=1
  727. break
  728. endif
  729. endif
  730. endif
  731. else
  732. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[G] ")
  733. if(#chat)
  734. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[G\] §r(.*)§r§2: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  735. &chat_color="§2"
  736. &chat_symbol="/g"
  737. #chat_change=1
  738. break
  739. endif
  740. else
  741. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§9[T] ")
  742. if(#chat)
  743. match(%CHAT%,"§9\[T\] §r(.*)§r§9: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  744. &chat_color="§9"
  745. &chat_symbol="/t"
  746. #chat_change=1
  747. break
  748. endif
  749. else
  750. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§b[h] ")
  751. if(#chat)
  752. match(%CHAT%,"§b\[h\] §r(.*)§r§b: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  753. &chat_color="§b"
  754. &chat_symbol="/h"
  755. #chat_change=1
  756. break
  757. endif
  758. else
  759. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[S] ")
  760. if(#chat)
  761. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[S\] §r(.*)§r§6: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  762. &chat_color="§6"
  763. &chat_symbol="/s"
  764. #chat_change=1
  765. break
  766. endif
  767. else
  768. // Guild Chat
  769. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[Guild] > ")
  770. if(#chat)
  771. #cut=1
  772. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[Guild\] > §r§a(.*)§r§7\[§r§6(.*)§r§7\] §r(.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_server,&chat_message})
  773. &message="§8[§3/gc§r §6%&chat_server%§8]§r §a%&chat_name%§r§3:§r §f%&chat_message%§r"
  774. #output_chat=1
  775. break
  776. endif
  777. else
  778. // Shop 1/2
  779. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] ")
  780. if(#shop)
  781. ifcontains(%CHAT%,") von ")
  782. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] §r§fDu hast §r§a")
  783. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) von (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  784. else
  785. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) von (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  786. endif
  787. &shop_action="You buy"
  788. endif
  789. ifcontains(%CHAT%,") an ")
  790. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a[Shop] §r§fDu hast §r§a")
  791. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) an (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  792. else
  793. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) an (.*) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_player,&shop_money})
  794. endif
  795. &shop_action="You sell"
  796. endif
  797. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat von dir §r§a")
  798. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis Steuern) gekauft.§r")
  799. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r \((.*)\) gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money,&shop_tax})
  800. else
  801. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  802. endif
  803. &shop_action="They buy"
  804. else
  805. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat von dir ")
  806. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis Steuern) gekauft.§r")
  807. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r \((.*)\) gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money,&shop_tax})
  808. else
  809. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat von dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r gekauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  810. endif
  811. &shop_action="They buy"
  812. endif
  813. endif
  814. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat dir §r§a")
  815. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat dir §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  816. &shop_action="They sell"
  817. else
  818. ifcontains(%CHAT%," hat dir ")
  819. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§f(.*) hat dir (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*) Kadis§r verkauft.§r",{&shop_player,#shop_amount,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  820. &shop_action="They sell"
  821. endif
  822. endif
  823. if(&shop_item="Music Disc")
  824. if(&shop_id="2256:0")
  825. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §d13§r"
  826. elseif(&shop_id="2257:0")
  827. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dCat§r"
  828. elseif(&shop_id="2258:0")
  829. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dBlocks§r"
  830. elseif(&shop_id="2259:0")
  831. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dChirp§r"
  832. elseif(&shop_id="2260:0")
  833. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dFar§r"
  834. elseif(&shop_id="2261:0")
  835. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dMall§r"
  836. elseif(&shop_id="2262:0")
  837. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dMellohi§r"
  838. elseif(&shop_id="2263:0")
  839. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dStal§r"
  840. elseif(&shop_id="2264:0")
  841. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dStrad§r"
  842. elseif(&shop_id="2265:0")
  843. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dWard§r"
  844. elseif(&shop_id="2266:0")
  845. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §d11§r"
  846. elseif(&shop_id="2267:0")
  847. &shop_item="%&shop_item%§r §dWait§r"
  848. endif
  849. endif
  850. if(&shop_action!="")
  851. if(&shop_action="You buy")
  852. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7bought§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  853. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7bought§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  854. if(&shop_compensation!="")
  855. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7got§r §7item§r §7quality§r §7compensation.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_compensation%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  856. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7got§r §7item§r §7quality§r §7compensation.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_compensation%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  857. &shop_compensation=""
  858. endif
  859. elseif(&shop_action="You sell")
  860. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7sold§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  861. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7sold§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  862. if(&shop_compensation!="")
  863. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7paid§r §7item§r §7quality§r §7compensation.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_compensation%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  864. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7You§r §7paid§r §7item§r §7quality§r §7compensation.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_compensation%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  865. &shop_compensation=""
  866. endif
  867. elseif(&shop_action="They buy")
  868. if(#shop_customer)
  869. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7bought§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  870. endif
  871. elseif(&shop_action="They sell")
  872. if(#shop_customer)
  873. log("%&tag_shop%§r §3%&shop_player%§r §7sold§r §e%#shop_amount%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  874. endif
  875. endif
  876. &shop_action=""
  877. #cut=1
  878. endif
  879. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast nicht genug Items, um hier zu verkaufen!§r")
  880. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You don't have this item.§r")
  881. #cut=1
  882. endif
  883. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDie Shopkiste hat nicht genug Platz!§r")
  884. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7This shop does not have the required free space.§r")
  885. #cut=1
  886. endif
  887. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDer Shopbesitzer hat nicht genug Geld!§r")
  888. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7The shop owner is out of money.§r")
  889. #cut=1
  890. endif
  891. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast nicht genug Geld!§r")
  892. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You can't afford that.§r")
  893. #cut=1
  894. endif
  895. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDieser Shop kann nicht benutzt werden! \(fehlt eine Kiste\?\)§r")
  896. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7This shop can't be used. The chest is missing.§r")
  897. #cut=1
  898. endif
  899. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fHier kannst du nichts kaufen!§r")
  900. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You can't buy items here.§r")
  901. #cut=1
  902. endif
  903. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fHier kannst du nichts verkaufen!§r")
  904. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You can't sell items here.§r")
  905. #cut=1
  906. endif
  907. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDafür hast du keine Berechtigung!§r")
  908. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7You don't have access to this shop chest.§r")
  909. #cut=1
  910. endif
  911. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDein Inventar hat nicht genug Platz§r")
  912. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7Your inventory does not have enough space.§r")
  913. #cut=1
  914. endif
  915. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fShop erfolgreich erstellt! - 50.00 Kadis§r")
  916. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7Shop§r §7created!§r §4[§r§c-§r§e50§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  917. #cut=1
  918. endif
  919. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDu hast 40.00 Kadis zurückbekommen.§r")
  920. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7Shop§r §7closed.§r §2[§r§a+§r§e40§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  921. #cut=1
  922. endif
  923. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDieser Shop ist gerade ausverkauft.§r")
  924. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7This shop is out of stock.§r")
  925. #cut=1
  926. else
  927. ifcontains(%CHAT%," Shop ist ausverkauft!§r§7 [")
  928. match(%CHAT%,"§a\[Shop\] §r§fDein (.*) Shop ist ausverkauft!§r§7 \[(.*)\]§r",{&shop_item,&shop_position})
  929. if(#shop_empty=1)
  930. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7Your§r §a%&shop_item%§r §7shop§r §7at§r §a/finde§r §a%&shop_position%§r §7is§r §7empty.§r")
  931. endif
  932. #cut=1
  933. endif
  934. endif
  935. endif
  936. else
  937. // Money
  938. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] ")
  939. if(#money)
  940. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] §r§2Balance: §r§f")
  941. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2Balance: §r§f(.*) Kadis§r",{&money_pocket})
  942. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7got§r §e%&money_pocket%§r §eKadis§r §7in§r §7your§r §7pocket§r§7.§r")
  943. #cut=1
  944. endif
  945. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fMoney§r§2] §r§2You have sent §r§f")
  946. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2You have sent §r§f(.*) Kadis§r§2 to §r§f(.*)§r§2.§r",{&money_payed,&money_receiver})
  947. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7have§r §7sent§r §e%&money_payed%§r §eKadis§r §7to§r §3%&money_receiver%§r§7.§r")
  948. #cut=1
  949. endif
  950. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"§r§2 has sent you §r§f")
  951. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§f(.*)§r§2 has sent you §r§f(.*) Kadis§r§2.§r",{&money_sender,&money_received})
  952. log("%&tag_money%§r §7You§r §7recieved§r §e%&money_received%§r §eKadis§r §7from§r §3%&money_sender%§r§7.§r")
  953. #cut=1
  954. endif
  955. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"'s Balance: §r§f")
  956. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fMoney§r§2\] §r§2(.*)'s Balance: §r§f(.*) Kadis§r",{&money_name,&money_pocket})
  957. log("%&tag_money%§r §3%&money_name%§r §7has§r §e%&money_pocket%§r §eKadis§r §7in§r §7the§r §7pocket§r§7.§r")
  958. #cut=1
  959. endif
  960. endif
  961. else
  962. // Spleef 1/2
  963. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§d[Spleef 3]§w ")
  964. if(#spleef)
  965. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§d[Spleef 3]§w Spiel startet in ")
  966. #cut=1
  967. match(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Spiel startet in (.*) Sekunden§r",{&spleef_time})
  968. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §7Game§r §7starts§r §7in:§r §e%&spleef_time%§r §eseconds§r"
  969. playsound(entity.experience_orb.pickup)
  970. #output_tempinfo=1
  971. break
  972. endif
  973. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§d[Spleef 3]§w Noch §r§e")
  974. #cut=1
  975. match(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Noch §r§e(.*)§r§f Minuten Spielzeit§r",{&spleef_time})
  976. if(&spleef_time="1")
  977. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cGame§r §cends§r §cin§r §e%&spleef_time%§r §eminute§r§c!§r"
  978. else
  979. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cGame§r §cends§r §cin§r §e%&spleef_time%§r §eminutes§r§c!§r"
  980. endif
  981. #output_chat=1
  982. break
  983. endif
  984. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Spiel §r§cbeendet§r§f.§r")
  985. #cut=1
  986. break
  987. endif
  988. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§f Kadis gewonnen!§r")
  989. #cut=1
  990. match(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w §r§b(.*)§r§f hat §r§e(.*)§r§f Kadis gewonnen!§r",{&spleef_winner,&spleef_money})
  991. if(&spleef_winner=&name)
  992. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §5§lYou§r §5§lwon!§r §2[§r§a+§r§e%&spleef_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r"
  993. playsound(entity.player.levelup)
  994. else
  995. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §5We§r §5have§r §5a§r §5winner!§r §3%&spleef_winner%§r §5won§r §e%&spleef_money%§r §eKadis§r§5!§r"
  996. endif
  997. #output_chat=1
  998. break
  999. endif
  1000. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Es gibt Interessenten für eine neue Runde.§r")
  1001. #cut=1
  1002. break
  1003. endif
  1004. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Eine neue Runde startet gleich.§r")
  1005. #cut=1
  1006. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §7The§r §7game§r §7will§r §7begin§r §7soon.§r"
  1007. #output_chat=1
  1008. break
  1009. endif
  1010. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w Spiel §r§agestartet§r§f!§r")
  1011. #cut=1
  1012. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §a§lGO!§r"
  1013. playsound(entity.rabbit.death)
  1014. #output_chat=1
  1015. #output_tempinfo=1
  1016. break
  1017. endif
  1018. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w §r§cNiemand§r§f hat gewonnen!§r")
  1019. #cut=1
  1020. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cThere§r §cis§r §cno§r §cwinner...§r"
  1021. #output_chat=1
  1022. break
  1023. endif
  1024. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§d\[Spleef 3\]§w §r§cSpielzeit abgelaufen, beende das Spiel...§r")
  1025. #cut=1
  1026. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cTime§r §chas§r §cran§r §cout.§r §cNo§r §cwinner...§r"
  1027. #output_chat=1
  1028. break
  1029. endif
  1030. endif
  1031. else
  1032. // Ping
  1033. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r§aPING§r§6]§r§7: §r§a")
  1034. if(#ping)
  1035. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r§aPING§r§6]§r§7: §r§aDein Ping ist: §r§6")
  1036. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[§r§aPING§r§6\]§r§7: §r§aDein Ping ist: §r§6(.*)§r",{&ping_ping})
  1037. log("%&tag_ping%§r§7 Your ping is §e%&ping_ping%§r §ems§r§7.§r")
  1038. else
  1039. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r§aPING§r§6]§r§7: §r§aPing von ")
  1040. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[§r§aPING§r§6\]§r§7: §r§aPing von (.*) ist: §r§6(.*)§r",{&ping_name,&ping_ping})
  1041. log("%&tag_ping%§r §3%&ping_name%§r§7's§r §7ping§r §7is§r §e%&ping_ping%§r §ems§r§7.§r")
  1042. else
  1043. log("%&tag_ping%§r§7 Player not found...§r")
  1044. endif
  1045. endif
  1046. #cut=1
  1047. endif
  1048. else
  1049. // iTime
  1050. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2[§r§fTime§r§2] §r§2Balance: §r§f")
  1051. if(#money)
  1052. match(%CHAT%,"§2\[§r§fTime§r§2\] §r§2Balance: §r§f(.*) Minutes§r",{&itime_itime})
  1053. log("%&tag_itime%§r§7 You have §b%&itime_itime%§r &biTime§r§7.§r")
  1054. #cut=1
  1055. endif
  1056. else
  1057. // Mail & Lag
  1058. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6[§r")
  1059. match(%CHAT%,"§6\[§r(.*)§r§6\] (.*)§r",{&mail_sender,&mail_message})
  1060. ifcontains(%&mail_sender%,"#")
  1061. if(#lag)
  1062. match(%&mail_message%,"(.*) TPS",{&lag_tps})
  1063. log("%&tag_server%§r §7I§r §7am§r §7running§r §7at§r §e%&lag_tps%§r§7/§r§e20.0§r §7TPS.§r")
  1064. #cut=1
  1065. endif
  1066. else
  1067. ifcontains(%&mail_sender%,"§f_")
  1068. if(#lag)
  1069. match(%&mail_message%,"(.*) TPS",{&lag_tps})
  1070. log("%&tag_server%§r §7I§r §7am§r §7running§r §7at§r §e%&lag_tps%§r§7/§r§e20.0§r §7TPS.§r")
  1071. #cut=1
  1072. endif
  1073. else
  1074. if(#mail)
  1075. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §3%&mail_sender%§r§f: %&mail_message%§r")
  1076. if(#mail_just_sent)
  1077. #mail_just_sent=0
  1078. if(&mail_receiver=&name)
  1079. log(
  1080. #mail_mails=%#mail_mails%+1
  1081. endif
  1082. endif
  1083. #cut=1
  1084. endif
  1085. endif
  1086. endif
  1087. endif
  1088. endif
  1089. endif
  1090. endif
  1091. endif
  1092. endif
  1093. endif
  1094. endif
  1095. endif
  1096. endif
  1097. endif
  1098. endif
  1099. endif
  1100. else
  1101. if(#chat)
  1102. // Niemand hört dich
  1103. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eNiemand hört dich. Schreibe /g DeinText um den ganzen Server anzuschreiben.§r")
  1104. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Nobody heard you. Try§r §a/tell <Name>§r §7or§r §a/g <Text>§r§7.")
  1105. #cut=1
  1106. endif
  1107. // Private Chat
  1108. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§8From §r")
  1109. if(#chat)
  1110. match(%CHAT%,"§8From §r(.*)§r§d: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  1111. &chat_color="§d"
  1112. &chat_symbol="From"
  1113. #chat_change=1
  1114. endif
  1115. else
  1116. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§8To §r")
  1117. if(#chat)
  1118. match(%CHAT%,"§8To §r(.*)§r§d: (.*)§r",{&chat_name,&chat_message})
  1119. &chat_color="§d"
  1120. &chat_symbol="To"
  1121. #chat_change=1
  1122. endif
  1123. endif
  1124. endif
  1125. endif
  1126. if(#mail)
  1127. // Nachrichten
  1128. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast ")
  1129. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast keine Nachrichten.§r")
  1130. #mail_mails=0
  1131. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%#mail_mails% mails§7.§r")
  1132. #cut=1
  1133. endif
  1134. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast keine neue Nachrichten.§r")
  1135. #mail_mails=0
  1136. if(#mail_only_new=0)
  1137. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%#mail_mails% mails§7.§r")
  1138. endif
  1139. #cut=1
  1140. endif
  1141. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast §r§c")
  1142. match(%CHAT%,"§6Du hast §r§c(.*) §r§6Nachrichten\! Schreibe §r§c/mail read§r§6 um deine Nachrichten anzuzeigen.§r",{#mail_mails})
  1143. if(#mail_only_new)
  1144. if(#mail_mails!=#mail_mails_old)
  1145. #mail_mails_old=%#mail_mails%
  1146. #mail_show=1
  1147. endif
  1148. else
  1149. #mail_show=1
  1150. endif
  1151. if(#mail_show)
  1152. if(#mail_mails!=0)
  1153. if(#mail_mails=1)
  1154. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%#mail_mails% mail§7. Type §a/mail read§7 to read it.§r")
  1155. else
  1156. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You got §e%#mail_mails% mails§7. Type §a/mail read§7 to read them.§r")
  1157. endif
  1158. endif
  1159. #mail_show=0
  1160. endif
  1161. #cut=1
  1162. endif
  1163. endif
  1164. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"Mail")
  1165. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§e ---- §r§6Mail: read §r§e--§r§6 Seite §r§c")
  1166. match(%CHAT%,"§e ---- §r§6Mail: read §r§e--§r§6 Seite §r§c(.*)§r§6/§r§c(.*) §r§e----§r",{&mail_page_now,&mail_page_of})
  1167. if(&mail_page_of="1")
  1168. if(#mail_mails=1)
  1169. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 There is §e1 mail§7 in your mailbox.§r")
  1170. else
  1171. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 There are §e%#mail_mails% mails§7 in your mailbox.§r")
  1172. endif
  1173. else
  1174. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 Opening mailbox §e%&mail_page_now%§7 of §e%&mail_page_of%§7. You got §e%#mail_mails% mails§7.§r")
  1175. endif
  1176. #cut=1
  1177. endif
  1178. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§6 wurde diese Mail gesendet:§r")
  1179. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 wurde diese Mail gesendet:§r",{&mail_receiver})
  1180. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You sent §3%&mail_receiver%§7 the following mail:§r")
  1181. #mail_just_sent=1
  1182. #cut=1
  1183. endif
  1184. endif
  1185. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"/mail ")
  1186. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Tippe§r§c /mail read ")
  1187. #cut=1
  1188. endif
  1189. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um deine Nachrichten zu löschen, schreibe§r§c /mail clear.§r")
  1190. if(%&mail_page_of%="1")
  1191. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r§7 Clear your mailbox with §c/mail clear§7.§r")
  1192. else
  1193. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r§7 Use §a/mail read 1§8..§a%&mail_page_of%§7 to read and §c/mail clear§7 to clear.§r")
  1194. endif
  1195. #cut=1
  1196. endif
  1197. endif
  1198. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Nachrichten gelöscht!§r")
  1199. log("%&tag_mail%§r§7 You cleared your mailbox.§r")
  1200. #mail_mails=0
  1201. #cut=1
  1202. endif
  1203. endif
  1204. // Shop 2/2
  1205. if(#shop)
  1206. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"Du wirst §r§a")
  1207. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§f kaufen.§r")
  1208. match(%CHAT%,"Du wirst §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*)§r§f kaufen.§r",{#shop_amount_request,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  1209. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7Buying§r §e%#shop_amount_request%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§c-§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  1210. #cut=1
  1211. endif
  1212. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§f verkaufen.§r")
  1213. match(%CHAT%,"Du wirst §r§a(.*)§r (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*)§r§f verkaufen.§r",{#shop_amount_request,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  1214. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7Selling§r §e%#shop_amount_request%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§a+§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  1215. #cut=1
  1216. endif
  1217. else
  1218. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"Du wirst ")
  1219. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§f kaufen.§r")
  1220. match(%CHAT%,"Du wirst (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*)§r§f kaufen.§r",{#shop_amount_request,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  1221. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7Buying§r §e%#shop_amount_request%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §4[§c-§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§4]§r")
  1222. #cut=1
  1223. endif
  1224. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§f verkaufen.§r")
  1225. match(%CHAT%,"Du wirst (.*) MONSTER_EGG (.*) \((.*)\) für §r§c(.*)§r§f verkaufen.§r",{#shop_amount_request,&shop_item,&shop_id,&shop_money})
  1226. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_shop%§r §7Selling§r §e%#shop_amount_request%§r §a%&shop_item%§r§7.§r §2[§a+§e%&shop_money%§r §eKadis§r§2]§r")
  1227. #cut=1
  1228. endif
  1229. else
  1230. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§aPreiskorrektur basierend auf der ItemQualität. Rückerstattung: ")
  1231. match(%CHAT%,"§aPreiskorrektur basierend auf der ItemQualität. Rückerstattung: (.*) Kadis§r",{&shop_compensation})
  1232. #cut=1
  1233. endif
  1234. endif
  1235. endif
  1236. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Der Handel wurde abgebrochen.§r")
  1237. log("%&tag_shop%§r §7Your trading request was canceled.§r")
  1238. #cut=1
  1239. endif
  1240. endif
  1241. // Guildinfo (GUILD MEMBERS HINZUFÜGEN)
  1242. if(#guildinfo)
  1243. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§b-----------------------------------------------------§r")
  1244. #cut=1
  1245. endif
  1246. ifendswith(%CHAT%," hat das Spiel betreten§r")
  1247. match(%CHAT%,"§a(.*) hat das Spiel betreten§r",{&guild_join_leave})
  1248. log("§8[§a+§8] §3%&guild_join_leave%")
  1249. #cut=1
  1250. endif
  1251. ifendswith(%CHAT%," §r§chat das Spiel verlassen§r")
  1252. match(%CHAT%,"§a(.*) §r§chat das Spiel verlassen§r",{&guild_join_leave})
  1253. log("§8[§4-§8] §3%&guild_join_leave%")
  1254. #cut=1
  1255. endif
  1256. endif
  1257. ifmatches("§a%&name% §r§chat die Gilde verlassen!§r")
  1258. &guild_name=""
  1259. #guild=0
  1260. #updatelabel=1
  1261. #updatechat=1
  1262. endif
  1263. ifmatches("§a%&name% §r§cwurde aus der Gilde geworfen§r")
  1264. &guild_name=""
  1265. #guild=0
  1266. #updatelabel=1
  1267. #updatechat=1
  1268. endif
  1269. // ActiveChat
  1270. if(#activechat)
  1271. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eNiemand hat dir eine Nachricht hinterlassen.§r")
  1272. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 There is no one to reply...")
  1273. #cut=1
  1274. endif
  1275. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu ")
  1276. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt mit §r§f")
  1277. match(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt mit §r§f(.*)§r§e.§r",{&activechat_active})
  1278. &activechat_colored="§d%&activechat_active%"
  1279. #updatelabel=1
  1280. #updatechat=1
  1281. #cut=1
  1282. endif
  1283. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt in §r")
  1284. match(%CHAT%,"§eDu chattest jetzt in §r(.*)§r§e.§r",{&activechat_colored})
  1285. strip(&activechat_active,%&activechat_colored%)
  1286. #updatelabel=1
  1287. #updatechat=1
  1288. #cut=1
  1289. endif
  1290. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eDu bist nun AFK.§r")
  1291. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 You are AFK now. §cGoodbye§7!")
  1292. #afk=1
  1293. #updatelabel=1
  1294. #cut=1
  1295. endif
  1296. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eDu bist nicht länger AFK.§r")
  1297. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 You returned from your AFK-Adventure. §aWelcome back§7!")
  1298. #afk=0
  1299. #updatelabel=1
  1300. #cut=1
  1301. endif
  1302. endif
  1303. ifcontains(%CHAT%," wurde ")
  1304. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eSpieler wurde nicht gefunden.§r")
  1305. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 Player not found...")
  1306. #cut=1
  1307. endif
  1308. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eChannel wurde nicht gefunden.§r")
  1309. log("%&tag_activechat%§r§7 Channel not found...")
  1310. #cut=1
  1311. endif
  1312. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§2Gilden§r§bchat wurde aktiviert§r")
  1313. #guild=1
  1314. #updatelabel=1
  1315. #updatechat=1
  1316. #cut=1
  1317. endif
  1318. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§2Gilden§r§bchat wurde deaktiviert§r")
  1319. #guild=0
  1320. #updatelabel=1
  1321. #updatechat=1
  1322. #cut=1
  1323. endif
  1324. endif
  1325. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§c§lDu wirst zu Server ")
  1326. #switch=1
  1327. #cut=1
  1328. endif
  1329. if(%#updatelabel%)
  1330. #updatelabel=0
  1331. if(%#guild%)
  1332. if(%#afk%)
  1333. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_afk%§r §7§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  1334. else
  1335. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_activechat%§r §a§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  1336. endif
  1337. else
  1338. if(%#afk%)
  1339. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_afk%§r §7%&activechat_active%§r")
  1340. else
  1341. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&tag_activechat%§r %&activechat_colored%§r")
  1342. endif
  1343. endif
  1344. endif
  1345. if(%#updatechat%)
  1346. #updatechat=0
  1347. if(%#guild%)
  1348. if(%#afk%)
  1349. log("%&tag_afk%§r §7§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  1350. else
  1351. log("%&tag_activechat%§r §a§lGuildchat§r §8(§7%&activechat_active%§r§8)")
  1352. endif
  1353. else
  1354. if(%#afk%)
  1355. log("%&tag_afk%§r §7%&activechat_active%§r")
  1356. else
  1357. log("%&tag_activechat%§r %&activechat_colored%§r")
  1358. endif
  1359. endif
  1360. endif
  1361. endif
  1362. // Tpa
  1363. if(#tpa)
  1364. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"eleport")
  1365. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Teleportierungsanfrage ist abgelaufen.§r")
  1366. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 No teleport request found within the last §e30 seconds§7.")
  1367. #cut=1
  1368. endif
  1369. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Du hast keine Teleportierungsanfragen.§r")
  1370. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 No teleport request found within the last §e30 seconds§7.")
  1371. #cut=1
  1372. endif
  1373. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§4 bereits eine Teleportierungsanfrage gesendet.§r")
  1374. match(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Du hast (.*)§r§4 bereits eine Teleportierungsanfrage gesendet.§r",{&tpa_spam})
  1375. log("%&tag_tpa%§r §7You§r §7already§r §7sent§r §3%&tpa_spam%§r §7a§r §7teleport§r §7request.§r")
  1376. &tpa_teleport="here"
  1377. #cut=1
  1378. endif
  1379. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§6 fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.§r")
  1380. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.§r",{&tpa_teleportin})
  1381. log("%&tag_tpa%§r §7Teleport§r §3%&tpa_teleportin% §7to§r §7you?§r §8[§r§a/tpaccept§r§8]§r §8[§r§c/tpdeny§r§8]§r")
  1382. &tpa_teleport="here"
  1383. #cut=1
  1384. endif
  1385. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§6 fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.§r")
  1386. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*)§r§6 fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.§r",{&tpa_teleportin})
  1387. log("%&tag_tpa%§r §7Teleport§r §7to§r §3%&tpa_teleportin%§r§7?§r §8[§r§a/tpaccept§r§8]§r §8[§r§c/tpdeny§r§8]§r")
  1388. &tpa_teleport="there"
  1389. #cut=1
  1390. endif
  1391. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7Teleportierungsanfrage akzeptiert.§r")
  1392. if(%&tpa_teleport%="here")
  1393. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleported §3%&tpa_teleportin%§7 to you.")
  1394. elseif(%&tpa_teleport%="there")
  1395. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 You teleported to §3%&tpa_teleportin%§7.")
  1396. endif
  1397. #cut=1
  1398. endif
  1399. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um zu teleportieren, schreibe §r§c/tpaccept§r§6.§r")
  1400. #cut=1
  1401. endif
  1402. ifendswith(%CHAT%," §r§6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.§r")
  1403. match(%CHAT%,"§c(.*) §r§6hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.§r",{&tpa_teleportaccepted})
  1404. #cut=1
  1405. endif
  1406. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Teleportiere...§r")
  1407. if(%&tpa_teleportaccepted%)
  1408. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 §3%&tpa_teleportaccepted%§7 was teleported to you.")
  1409. &tpa_teleportaccepted=0
  1410. #cut=1
  1411. endif
  1412. endif
  1413. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6teleportieren zu §r§c")
  1414. match(%CHAT%,"§6teleportieren zu §r§c(.*)§r§6.§r",{&tpa_teleportaccepted})
  1415. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 You have been teleported to §3%&tpa_teleportaccepted%§7.")
  1416. &tpa_teleportaccepted=0
  1417. #cut=1
  1418. endif
  1419. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Request to teleport to the specified player.§r")
  1420. #cut=1
  1421. endif
  1422. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Request that the specified player teleport to you.§r")
  1423. #cut=1
  1424. endif
  1425. endif
  1426. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"Anfrage")
  1427. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Um diese Anfrage abzulehnen, schreibe §r§c/tpdeny§r§6.§r")
  1428. #cut=1
  1429. endif
  1430. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Diese Anfrage wird nach§r§c 30 Sekunden§r§6 ungültig.§r")
  1431. #cut=1
  1432. endif
  1433. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Anfrage gesendet an§r§c ")
  1434. match(%CHAT%,"§6Anfrage gesendet an§r§c (.*)§r§6.§r",{&tpa_teleportout})
  1435. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Teleport request sent to §3%&tpa_teleportout%§7.")
  1436. #cut=1
  1437. endif
  1438. endif
  1439. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Kehre zur letzten Position zurück.§r")
  1440. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Wooosh! You're back!")
  1441. #cut=1
  1442. endif
  1443. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cFehler:§r§4 §r§4Spieler nicht gefunden.§r")
  1444. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Player not found...")
  1445. #cut=1
  1446. endif
  1447. endif
  1448. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"/tpa <player>§r")
  1449. if(#tpa)
  1450. if(#tpa=1)
  1451. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpa <Name>§7 to teleport yourself to a player.")
  1452. #cut=1
  1453. elseif(#tpa=2)
  1454. if(&activechat_colored="§eLocal")
  1455. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpa <Name>§7 to teleport yourself to a player.")
  1456. elseif(&activechat_colored="")
  1457. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpa <Name>§7 to teleport yourself to a player.")
  1458. else
  1459. echo("/tpa %&activechat_active%")
  1460. endif
  1461. #cut=1
  1462. endif
  1463. endif
  1464. endif
  1465. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"/tpahere <player>§r")
  1466. if(#tpa)
  1467. if(#tpa=1)
  1468. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpahere <Name>§7 to teleport a player to you.")
  1469. #cut=1
  1470. elseif(#tpa=2)
  1471. if(&activechat_colored="§eLocal")
  1472. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpahere <Name>§7 to teleport a player to you.")
  1473. elseif(&activechat_colored="")
  1474. log("%&tag_tpa%§r§7 Use §a/tpahere <Name>§7 to teleport a player to you.")
  1475. else
  1476. echo("/tpahere %&activechat_active%")
  1477. endif
  1478. #cut=1
  1479. endif
  1480. endif
  1481. endif
  1482. // Votes
  1483. if(#votes)
  1484. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§aDir sind heute bereits §6")
  1485. match(%CHAT%,"§aDir sind heute bereits §6(.*)§a Kadis und §6(.*)§a Minuten entgangen, da du nicht gevotet hast! Wenn du vor 24 Uhr votest, bekommst du das entgangene Geld nachgeliefert!§r",{&votes_kadis,&votes_itime})
  1486. if(#votes_others=1)
  1487. log("%&tag_votes%§r §dVote§r §aTODAY§r §dto§r §dget§r §e%&votes_kadis%§r §eKadis§r §dand§r §b%&votes_itime%§r §biTime§r §dextra!§r")
  1488. endif
  1489. #cut=1
  1490. endif
  1491. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"Vote")
  1492. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Kadis§r§a für die neuen Votes erhalten :)§r")
  1493. match(%CHAT%,"§f(.*) Kadis§r§a für die neuen Votes erhalten :\)§r",{&votes_kadis})
  1494. #cut=1
  1495. endif
  1496. ifendswith(%CHAT%," Minuten§r§b für die neuen Votes erhalten :)§r")
  1497. match(%CHAT%,"§f(.*) Minuten§r§b für die neuen Votes erhalten :\)§r",{&votes_itime})
  1498. if(#votes_reward=1)
  1499. log("%&tag_votes%§r§7 You received §2[§a+§e%&votes_kadis% Kadis§2]§7 and §2[§a+§b%&votes_itime% iTime§2]§7!")
  1500. endif
  1501. #cut=1
  1502. endif
  1503. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§aDanke fürs Voten, du hast Kadis und iTime erhalten§r")
  1504. if(#votes_voted=1)
  1505. log("%&tag_votes%§r §dThank§r §dyou§r §dfor§r §dyour§r §aVote§r§d!§r §dEnjoy§r §dyour§r §eKadis§r §dand§r §biTime§r§d!§r")
  1506. endif
  1507. #cut=1
  1508. endif
  1509. endif
  1510. endif
  1511. // Server
  1512. if(#server)
  1513. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"erver")
  1514. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§dWelcome to the server ")
  1515. #cut=1
  1516. endif
  1517. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Dir gefaellt der Server? Bitte §r")
  1518. #cut=1
  1519. endif
  1520. endif
  1521. ifcontains(%CHAT%," §r§3 ")
  1522. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f §r§f §r§1 §r§0 §r§2 §r§f §r§f §r§2 §r§0 §r§4 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r")
  1523. #cut=1
  1524. endif
  1525. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f §r§f §r§1 §r§0 §r§2 §r§4 §r§f §r§f §r§2 §r§0 §r§4 §r§8 §r§3 §r§9 §r§2 §r§0 §r§0 §r")
  1526. #cut=1
  1527. endif
  1528. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§e §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§3 §r§6 §r§d §r")
  1529. #cut=1
  1530. endif
  1531. endif
  1532. endif
  1533. // NoPerm
  1534. if(#noperm)
  1535. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§4")
  1536. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.§r")
  1537. #noperm_command=1
  1538. #cut=1
  1539. endif
  1540. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You are in a no-PvP area.§r")
  1541. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1542. playsound(
  1543. endif
  1544. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1545. log("%&tag_server%§r §7You are in a no-PvP area.§r")
  1546. endif
  1547. #cut=1
  1548. endif
  1549. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4Kein Animal-Griefing.§r")
  1550. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1551. playsound(
  1552. endif
  1553. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1554. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Be nice to other's Animals.§r")
  1555. endif
  1556. #cut=1
  1557. endif
  1558. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You're not invited to this tea party!§r")
  1559. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1560. playsound(
  1561. endif
  1562. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1563. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Get your own cake. Fatass.§r")
  1564. endif
  1565. #cut=1
  1566. endif
  1567. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4It is not possible to spawn Animals here!§r")
  1568. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1569. playsound(
  1570. endif
  1571. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1572. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Spawn your animals on your land.§r")
  1573. endif
  1574. #cut=1
  1575. endif
  1576. endif
  1577. ifcontains(%CHAT%,"permi")
  1578. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.§r")
  1579. #noperm_command=1
  1580. #cut=1
  1581. endif
  1582. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cYou do not have permission to use that command§r")
  1583. #noperm_command=1
  1584. #cut=1
  1585. endif
  1586. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cYou are not permitted to do that. Are you in the right mode\?§r")
  1587. #noperm_command=1
  1588. #cut=1
  1589. endif
  1590. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have permission to damage in this area.§r")
  1591. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1592. playsound(
  1593. endif
  1594. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1595. log("%&tag_server%§r §7You don't have permission to damage in this area.§r")
  1596. endif
  1597. #cut=1
  1598. endif
  1599. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have permission to use that in this area.§r")
  1600. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1601. playsound(
  1602. endif
  1603. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1604. log("%&tag_server%§r §7You don't have permission to use that in this area.§r")
  1605. endif
  1606. #cut=1
  1607. endif
  1608. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have permission for this area.§r")
  1609. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1610. playsound(
  1611. endif
  1612. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1613. log("%&tag_server%§r §7You don't have permission for this area.§r")
  1614. endif
  1615. #cut=1
  1616. endif
  1617. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have permission to open that in this area.§r")
  1618. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1619. playsound(
  1620. endif
  1621. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1622. log("%&tag_server%§r §7You don't have permission to open that in this area.§r")
  1623. endif
  1624. #cut=1
  1625. endif
  1626. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have interact permission in this area.§r")
  1627. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1628. playsound(
  1629. endif
  1630. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1631. log("%&tag_server%§r §7This is not yours. Stop it.§r")
  1632. endif
  1633. #cut=1
  1634. endif
  1635. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You don't have permission to destroy vehicles here.§r")
  1636. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1637. playsound(
  1638. endif
  1639. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1640. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Don't try to destroy others property. Be nice.§r")
  1641. endif
  1642. #cut=1
  1643. endif
  1644. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You are not permitted to enter this area.§r")
  1645. if(#noperm_sound_action=1)
  1646. playsound(
  1647. endif
  1648. if(#noperm_clean_action=0)
  1649. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Sorry, this region is blocked.§r")
  1650. endif
  1651. #cut=1
  1652. endif
  1653. endif
  1654. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help.§r")
  1655. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Unknown command. Type §a/help§7 for help.§r")
  1656. #cut=1
  1657. endif
  1658. if(#noperm_command)
  1659. log("%&tag_server%§r §7Your command was blocked.§r")
  1660. if(#noperm_sound_chat)
  1661. playsound(
  1662. endif
  1663. #noperm_command=0
  1664. endif
  1665. endif
  1666. // Spam
  1667. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§6Guild Name: ")
  1668. #spam=-1
  1669. endif
  1670. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§2Top §r§f")
  1671. match(%CHAT%,"§2Top §r§f(.*)§r§2 Richest Players:§r",{#spam})
  1672. endif
  1673. // Bank
  1674. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Bank: §r§aGerne. Hier ist Ihre Kontoinformation:§r")
  1675. #bank_read=1
  1676. if(#bank||#name_check)
  1677. #cut=1
  1678. endif
  1679. endif
  1680. if(#bank_read)
  1681. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§6(")
  1682. match(%CHAT%," §r§6\((.*)\)§r§a: §r§e(.*) Kadis§r§a von §r§e(.*)§r",{&name,&bank_money,&bank_owner})
  1683. if(#name_check)
  1684. #cut=1
  1685. else
  1686. if(#bank)
  1687. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §aPrivate§r §abank§r §aaccount:§r §e%&bank_money%§r §eKadis§r")
  1688. #cut=1
  1689. endif
  1690. endif
  1691. else
  1692. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§6")
  1693. match(%CHAT%," §r§6(.*)§r§a: §r§e(.*) Kadis§r§a von §r§e(.*)§r",{&bank_account,&bank_money,&bank_owner})
  1694. if(#name_check)
  1695. #cut=1
  1696. else
  1697. if(#bank)
  1698. if(&bank_owner=&name)
  1699. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §6%&bank_account%§r§a:§r §e%&bank_money%§r §eKadis§r")
  1700. else
  1701. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §6%&bank_account%§r §afrom§r §3%&bank_owner%§r§a:§r §e%&bank_money%§r §eKadis§r")
  1702. endif
  1703. #cut=1
  1704. endif
  1705. endif
  1706. else
  1707. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§amit Zugriff für: §r§e")
  1708. match(%CHAT%," §r§amit Zugriff für: §r§e(.*)§r",{&bank_adds})
  1709. if(#name_check)
  1710. #cut=1
  1711. else
  1712. if(#bank)
  1713. split(", ",%&bank_adds%,&bank_adds_array[])
  1714. join("§r§a,§r §3",&bank_adds_array[],&bank_adds)
  1715. arraysize(&bank_adds_array[],#bank_adds_amount)
  1716. if(#bank_adds_visible>1)
  1717. if(#bank_adds_amount>=#bank_adds_visible)
  1718. log("%&tag_minus%§r%&tag_arrow_r%§r §a(§r§e%#bank_adds_amount%§r §eplayers§r §aare§r §aadded)§r")
  1719. else
  1720. log("%&tag_minus%§r%&tag_arrow_r%§r §a(§r§3%&bank_adds%§r§a)§r")
  1721. endif
  1722. elseif(#bank_adds_visible=1)
  1723. log("%&tag_minus%§r%&tag_arrow_r%§r §a(§r§3%&bank_adds%§r§a)§r")
  1724. endif
  1725. #cut=1
  1726. endif
  1727. endif
  1728. else
  1729. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§aAktuelles Geld dabei: §r§e")
  1730. match(%CHAT%," §r§aAktuelles Geld dabei: §r§e(.*) Kadis§r",{&money_pocket})
  1731. if(#name_check)
  1732. #cut=1
  1733. else
  1734. if(#bank)
  1735. log("%&tag_bank%§r §aYou§r §agot§r §e%&money_pocket%§r §eKadis§r §ain§r §ayour§r §apocket§r§a.§r")
  1736. #cut=1
  1737. endif
  1738. endif
  1739. else
  1740. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§aSie haben ")
  1741. match(%CHAT%," §r§aSie haben (.*) Konten.\(max. (.*)\)§r",{&bank_accounts,&bank_accounts_max})
  1742. if(#name_check)
  1743. #cut=1
  1744. else
  1745. if(#bank)
  1746. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §e%&bank_accounts%§r §aout§r §aof§r §e%&bank_accounts_max%§r §abank§r §aaccounts§r §aare§r §abeing§r §aused.§r")
  1747. #cut=1
  1748. endif
  1749. endif
  1750. else
  1751. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%," §r§aGesamt verfügbares Vermögen: §r§e")
  1752. match(%CHAT%," §r§aGesamt verfügbares Vermögen: §r§e(.*) Kadis§r",{&bank_money_sum})
  1753. if(#name_check)
  1754. #cut=1
  1755. else
  1756. if(#bank)
  1757. log("%&tag_arrow_r%§r §aYou§r §ahave§r §aaccess§r §ato§r §aa§r §atotal§r §aof§r §e%&bank_money_sum%§r §eKadis§r§a.§r")
  1758. #cut=1
  1759. endif
  1760. endif
  1761. #bank_read=0
  1762. #name_check=0
  1763. endif
  1764. endif
  1765. endif
  1766. endif
  1767. endif
  1768. endif
  1769. endif
  1770. if(#bank)
  1771. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cBitte nicht so schnell klicken, warte einen kurzen Moment.§r")
  1772. log("§e[l] §r%&tag_bank_cashmashine%§r§e:§r §ePlease§r §ewait§r §ea§r §emoment.§r §eSecure§r §esystems§r §eneed§r §etime.§r")
  1773. #cut=1
  1774. endif
  1775. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§cBeispiel: /kbank ")
  1776. #cut=1
  1777. endif
  1778. endif
  1779. // mcMMO
  1780. if(#mcmmo)
  1781. ifbeginswith(%CHATCLEAN%,"**")
  1782. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§a**YOU READY YOUR ")
  1783. match(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*YOU READY YOUR (.*)\*\*§r",{&mcmmo_ability})
  1784. lcase(%&mcmmo_ability%,&mcmmo_ability)
  1785. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7ready§r §7your§r §a%&mcmmo_ability%§r§7!§r")
  1786. #cut=1
  1787. endif
  1788. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§7**YOU LOWER YOUR ")
  1789. match(%CHAT%,"§7\*\*YOU LOWER YOUR (.*)\*\*§r",{&mcmmo_ability})
  1790. lcase(%&mcmmo_ability%,&mcmmo_ability)
  1791. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7lower§r §7your§r §c%&mcmmo_ability%§r§7!§r")
  1792. #cut=1
  1793. endif
  1794. ifendswith(%CHAT%," ACTIVATED**§r")
  1795. match(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*(.*) ACTIVATED\*\*§r",{&mcmmo_ability})
  1796. lcase(%&mcmmo_ability%,&mcmmo_ability)
  1797. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7activated§r §7your§r §a%&mcmmo_ability%§r §7ability!§r")
  1798. #cut=1
  1799. endif
  1800. ifendswith(%CHAT%," has worn off**§r")
  1801. match(%CHAT%,"§c\*\*(.*) has worn off\*\*§r",{&mcmmo_ability})
  1802. lcase(%&mcmmo_ability%,&mcmmo_ability)
  1803. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Your§r §c%&mcmmo_ability%§r §7ability§r §7has§r §7worn§r §7off...§r")
  1804. #cut=1
  1805. endif
  1806. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§c\*\*GREEN THUMB FAIL\*\*§r")
  1807. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7failed.§r §7Your§r §7seeds§r §cdied§r§7.§r")
  1808. #cut=1
  1809. else
  1810. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*Graceful Landing\*\*§r")
  1811. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Rolled§r §7perfectly!§r")
  1812. #cut=1
  1813. else
  1814. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"\*\*Rolled\*\*§r")
  1815. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Rolled!§r")
  1816. #cut=1
  1817. else
  1818. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*ENEMY BLEEDING\*\*§r")
  1819. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aTarget§r §ais§r §cbleeding§r§a!§r")
  1820. #cut=1
  1821. else
  1822. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*COUNTER-ATTACKED\*\*§r")
  1823. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aCounter§r §cattacked§r§a!§r")
  1824. #cut=1
  1825. else
  1826. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*Dodged\*\*§r")
  1827. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aDodged!§r")
  1828. #cut=1
  1829. else
  1830. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§a\*\*STRUCK WITH GREAT FORCE\*\*§r")
  1831. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aOH§r §aMY!§r §aWhat§r §aa§r §cpowerful§r §chit§r§a!§r")
  1832. #cut=1
  1833. else
  1834. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§f\*\*ARROW DEFLECT\*\*§r")
  1835. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aArrow§r §adeflect!§r")
  1836. #cut=1
  1837. endif
  1838. endif
  1839. endif
  1840. endif
  1841. endif
  1842. endif
  1843. endif
  1844. endif
  1845. endif
  1846. ifendswith(%CHAT%,"§r§aability is refreshed!§r")
  1847. match(%CHAT%,"§aYour §r§e(.*) §r§aability is refreshed!§r",{&mcmmo_ability})
  1848. lcase(%&mcmmo_ability%,&mcmmo_ability)
  1849. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Your§r §a%&mcmmo_ability%§r §7ability§r §7is§r §7ready§r §7again!§r")
  1850. #cut=1
  1851. endif
  1852. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§c")
  1854. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §cYour§r §caxe§r §csplinters§r §cinto§r §cdozens§r §cof§r §cpieces!§r")
  1855. #cut=1
  1856. endif
  1857. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cThat tree is too large!§r")
  1858. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7That§r §7tree§r §7is§r §7too§r §7large!§r")
  1859. #cut=1
  1860. endif
  1861. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cCRITICAL HIT!§r")
  1862. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aBOOM!§r §aCritical§r §ahit!§r")
  1863. #cut=1
  1864. endif
  1865. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cYou have too many wolves nearby to summon any more.§r")
  1866. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7There§r §7are§r §7too§r §7many§r §awolves§r §7nearby...§r")
  1867. #cut=1
  1868. endif
  1869. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cYou have too many ocelots nearby to summon any more.§r")
  1870. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7There§r §7are§r §7too§r §7many§r §aocelots§r §7nearby...§r")
  1871. #cut=1
  1872. endif
  1873. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cArcane power has permanently left the item.§r")
  1874. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §cThe§r §cenchantment§r §cleft§r §cyour§r §citem...§r")
  1875. #cut=1
  1876. endif
  1877. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cArcane power has decreased for this item.§r")
  1878. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7The§r §7enchantment§r §7decreased§r §7in§r §7it's§r §7power...§r")
  1879. #cut=1
  1880. endif
  1881. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§cYou are too tired to use that ability again.§r§e (")
  1882. match(%CHAT%,"§cYou are too tired to use that ability again.§r§e \((.*)s\)§r",{&mcmmo_cooldown})
  1883. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Relax§r §7for§r §e%&mcmmo_cooldown%§r §eseconds§r §7to§r §7use§r §7this§r §7ability§r §7again.§r")
  1884. #cut=1
  1885. endif
  1886. endif
  1887. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§aSummoning complete§r")
  1888. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7have§r §7summoned§r §7your§r §7pet!§r")
  1889. #cut=1
  1890. endif
  1891. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§aYour iron grip kept you from being disarmed!§r")
  1892. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Your§r §airon§r §agrip§r §7saved§r §7your§r §7item§r §7from§r §7being§r §7dropped!§r")
  1893. #cut=1
  1894. endif
  1895. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You have been disarmed!§r")
  1896. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §cYou§r §chave§r §cbeen§r §cdisarmed!§r")
  1897. #cut=1
  1898. endif
  1901. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7That felt easy.§r")
  1902. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7Nice§r §7work.§r §7Looks§r §7good!§r")
  1903. #cut=1
  1904. endif
  1905. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7That is at full durability.§r")
  1906. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7There§r §7is§r §7no§r §7need§r §7to§r §7repair§r §7this.§r")
  1907. #cut=1
  1908. endif
  1909. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§4You need more §r")
  1910. match(%CHAT%,"§4You need more §r(.*)§r",{&mcmmo_repair_item})
  1911. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §7You§r §7need§r §7more§r %&mcmmo_repair_item%§r§7!§r")
  1912. #cut=1
  1913. endif
  1914. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§aYou have sustained the arcane energies in this item.§r")
  1915. logto(TempInfo,"%&tag_mcmmo%§r §aThe§r §aenchantment§r §akept§r §aintact!§r")
  1916. #cut=1
  1917. endif
  1918. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4You have placed an anvil, anvils can repair tools and armor.§r")
  1919. #cut=1
  1920. endif
  1921. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7Treasure found!§r")
  1922. #cut=1
  1923. else
  1924. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§7You feel a touch of magic on this treasure...§r")
  1925. #cut=1
  1926. endif
  1927. endif
  1928. endif
  1929. // Spleef 2/2
  1930. if(#spleef)
  1931. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eDer Spieleinsatz von 10 Kadis wird bei Beginn eingezogen.§r")
  1932. #cut=1
  1933. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §7You§r §7will§r §7pay§r §e10§r §eKadis§r §7at§r §7game§r §7start.§r"
  1934. #output_tempinfo=1
  1935. break
  1936. endif
  1937. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§4Achtung§r§e: Dein Inventar wird bei Spielbeginn geleert, lege also alles ab, was dir lieb ist \(oder nutze /inv save\).§r")
  1938. #cut=1
  1939. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cWarning:§r §7Your§r §7inventory§r §7will§r §7be§r §7cleared§r §7at§r §7game§r §7start!§r"
  1940. #output_chat=1
  1941. break
  1942. endif
  1943. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§b \*\* allow§r")
  1944. #cut=1
  1945. break
  1946. endif
  1947. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§eDu hast den Einsatz von 10 Kadis bezahlt.§r")
  1948. #cut=1
  1949. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §7You§r §7paid§r §7your§r §7participation§r §7fee.§r §4[§r§c-§r§e10§r §eKadis§r§4]§r"
  1950. #output_chat=1
  1951. break
  1952. endif
  1953. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6AntiCamping: Vorsicht noch 5 Sekunden, um dich wegzubewegen§r")
  1954. #cut=1
  1955. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §cMove!§r §4AntiCamping§r §cwill§r §cstrike§r §cin§r §e5§r §eseconds§r§c!§r"
  1956. #output_chat=1
  1957. break
  1958. endif
  1959. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cAntiCamping hat zugeschlagen, ab nach unten :-\)§r")
  1960. #cut=1
  1961. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §c§lBOOM!§r §4AntiCamping§r §cstruck!§r"
  1962. #output_chat=1
  1963. break
  1964. endif
  1965. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§cEs sind noch nicht genug Spieler da \(mind. 2\)§r")
  1966. #cut=1
  1967. &message="%&tag_spleef%§r §7A§r §7game§r §7can§r §7only§r §7start§r §7with§r §7at§r §7least§r §e2§r §3Players§r§7.§r"
  1968. #output_chat=1
  1969. break
  1970. endif
  1971. endif
  1972. // Spawnie
  1973. if(#spawnie)
  1974. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Tipp: Du kannst dein Spawnie umziehen mit §r§f/spawnie umziehen§r")
  1975. #cut=1
  1976. else
  1977. ifmatches(%CHAT%,"§6Tipp: Du kannst dein Spawnie zurücksetzen mit §r§f/spawnie reset§r")
  1978. #cut=1
  1979. endif
  1980. endif
  1981. endif
  1982. // View
  1983. if(#view=0)
  1984. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eChanged View Distance to ")
  1985. #cut=1
  1986. break
  1987. endif
  1988. endif
  1989. endif
  1990. endif
  1991. endif
  1992. endif
  1993. endif
  1994. endif
  1995. endif
  1996. endif
  1997. if(#activechat=0)
  1998. setlabel(ActiveChat,"")
  1999. endif
  2000. while(0)
  2001. if(#chat_change)
  2002. &chat_channel[0]="§8[§r%&chat_color%%&chat_symbol%§r§8]§r "
  2003. &chat_channel[1]="§r%&chat_color%: "
  2004. &chat_rank="§r§7"
  2005. ifbeginswith(%&chat_name%,"§bVip§r§8| §r§f")
  2006. match(%&chat_name%,"§bVip§r§8\| §r§f(.*)",{&chat_name})
  2007. &chat_rank="§r§f"
  2008. else
  2009. ifbeginswith(%&chat_name%,"§7[§r§9Mod§r§7]§r§f")
  2010. match(%&chat_name%,"§7\[§r§9Mod§r§7\]§r§f(.*)",{&chat_name})
  2011. &chat_rank="§7[§r§9Mod§r§7]§r §f"
  2012. else
  2013. ifbeginswith(%&chat_name%,"§7[§r§9SMod§r§7]§r§f")
  2014. match(%&chat_name%,"§7\[§r§9SMod§r§7\]§r§f(.*)",{&chat_name})
  2015. &chat_rank="§7[§r§9SMod§r§7]§r §f"
  2016. else
  2017. ifbeginswith(%&chat_name%,"§0[§r§4A§r§0]§r§6")
  2018. match(%&chat_name%,"§0\[§r§4A§r§0\]§r(.*)",{&chat_name})
  2019. strip(&chat_name,%&chat_name%)
  2020. &chat_rank="§0[§r§4A§r§0]§r "
  2021. endif
  2022. endif
  2023. endif
  2024. endif
  2025. split(" ",%&chat_message%,&chat_message_array[])
  2026. join("§r %&chat_color%",&chat_message_array[],&chat_message)
  2027. log("%&chat_channel[0]%%&chat_rank%%&chat_name%%&chat_channel[1]%%&chat_color%%&chat_message%§r")
  2028. #chat_change=0
  2029. #cut=1
  2030. endif
  2031. if(#output_chat)
  2032. #output_chat=0
  2033. log("%&message%")
  2034. endif
  2035. if(#output_activechat)
  2036. #output_activechat=0
  2037. setlabel(ActiveChat,"%&message%")
  2038. endif
  2039. if(#output_tempinfo)
  2040. #output_tempinfo=0
  2041. logto(TempInfo,"%&message%")
  2042. endif
  2043. if(#debug=0)
  2044. if(#cut)
  2045. #cut=0
  2046. filter
  2047. endif
  2048. endif
  2049. else
  2050. setlabel(ActiveChat,"")
  2051. endif
  2052. elseif(#spam>0)
  2053. dec(#spam)
  2054. elseif(#spam=-1)
  2055. ifbeginswith(%CHAT%,"§eOnline Members: §r§a")
  2056. #spam=0
  2057. endif
  2058. endif
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