
CYOA - Rainbow Dash

May 3rd, 2014
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  1. >She sighs
  2. >It's taking all of your strength not to laugh
  3. >She looks so sadly pathetic in front of your door
  4. >Bags are stacked up next to her, and she's grumbling
  5. >Biting your lower lip, you wait for her to talk
  6. >It takes a while, but you can see she's getting there
  7. >"Thanks for letting me stay at your place", she mumbles
  8. "You're welcome, Dash. What was it, a week?"
  9. >She sighs again
  10. >"Yeah... Stupid construction."
  11. >With embarrassment in her eyes, she finally looks up at you
  12. >"If you make any comments about it, I'll kick your ass."
  13. >Fighting the laughter is difficult
  14. >Instead, you simply go out and grab her bags
  15. >You dump them in the entrance to your house
  16. >Rainbow eyes the cheeky smile on your face as she enters
  17. "I won't mention how you bulldozed your own home, I promise."
  18. >"Hey, cut it out! It was an accident."
  19. >She's already fuming
  20. >You kinda hope all of Ponyville knows about this
  21. >Though annoying for her, it would be great fun for you
  22. >You nod at her and snicker
  23. >She shakes her head and grumbles
  24. >Looking about, she finally asks
  25. >"So, which room is mine?"
  27. >You look about
  28. >You hadn't really considered it
  29. >There would be room enough for her next to the kitchen
  30. >Still, you decide to taunt her just a tad more
  31. "Well, the spare mattress is being cleaned at the moment. I guess we'll have to share the main bed."
  32. >Rainbow's ears perk up
  33. >Her entire body turns slowly
  34. >The moment you see her eyes, you start laughing
  35. >You are met with nothing but flames and anger
  36. >"Ha-ha, very funny!"
  37. >She stomps a hoof into the floor in frustration
  38. >You didn't think she would be this upset about the situation
  39. "Come on, lighten up, Dash."
  40. >You smile as warmly as you can
  41. "I'm just kidding. We're going to have fun. See it as an opportunity instead of moping around:"
  42. >She sighs and forces a smile onto her lips
  43. >"Yeah, I guess. You're a cool guy, I'm just worried what ponies are going to say when they see me living here."
  44. >You roll your eyes and grab her bags
  45. >"No offense, Anon, but you're a human and I'm a pony. I just don't want people thinking I'm some sort of weirdo."
  46. >Upon entering the room you put down her bags and turn around
  47. >She's back to her careless, usual self
  49. "You're awfully defensive. You sure you aren't a weirdo already, and just hiding it?"
  50. >Her jaw drops and eyes widen
  51. >She stammers, but doesn't say a word
  52. >You decide to push it a bit further
  53. "I am pretty hot."
  54. >You shoot her the cheekiest smile you can manage
  55. >You expected her to freak out and yell
  56. >Instead, you notice what seems like...
  57. >No, surely it couldn't be
  58. >Is Rainbow Dash blushing?
  59. >It must just be the embarrassment
  60. >"I'm going to get some fresh air."
  61. >She mutters the words
  62. >You watch as she leaves the room
  63. >Before she exits the house, she turns around
  64. >"I am not a weirdo! Sheesh!"
  65. >That's more like it
  66. >You chuckle and walk a few steps towards her
  67. "But I AM pretty hot, don't you think?"
  68. >She sends you a deadpan look and grumbles
  69. >"Yeah, and I'm the mayor of Cloudsdale."
  70. >She exits your home, leaving the door open
  71. >You can see her just standing there, looking about
  72. >Mostly at the sky, but also at the busy street
  73. >Not quite the dramatic exit you expected
  75. >You were just kidding
  76. >But she was pretty harsh to be fair
  77. >It's time to get back at her
  78. >Pumping yourself up a bit, you sigh very loudly
  79. "Oh, that's what you think, is it?"
  80. >Rainbow turns around, confusion painted on her face
  81. "You think it's fine to just insult me like that?"
  82. >As you walk towards her, she eyes you carefully
  83. >"I didn't insult -"
  84. "Yes you did! Hanging out with me is weird? Well, thanks a lot!"
  85. >Poor Dash looks completely lost
  86. >She continually opens and closes her mouth
  87. >It never results in explanation or apology
  88. "You think you're so much better than me, is that it?"
  89. >Before she can answer, you stop right in front of her
  90. "Hoof wrestling contest. You, me, right now."
  91. >You point at the table inside the living room
  92. >Rainbow just walks inside, staring at you in confusion the entire way
  93. >As she sits down, she stares at the wood for a bit
  94. >"What in Equestria just happened?"
  95. >You force a smile back and sit down opposite her
  96. >As were it instinct, Rainbow puts up her right hoof when you present your hand
  97. >The two of you lock, and she snaps out of it, returning to her ambitious self
  98. >She leans forward, her eyes filled with determination
  99. >"I'm not gonna go easy on you."
  100. >You lean forwards in unison
  101. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
  102. >In a moment of true courage, you press your lips against her snout
  103. >Rainbow falls completely silent
  104. >Shock is painted in broad strokes on her face
  105. >"Woah, woah! What was THAT?!"
  106. >She's staring intently, though not in anger
  109. >You decide to push your luck just a little further
  110. "It's a cultural courtesy from my world with females."
  111. >Rainbow's jaw slowly closes
  112. >She keeps staring, however
  113. "Do you have a problem with it? I don't have a problem with it."
  114. >She mulls over the question for a brief moment
  115. >"I guess... not. I just didn't except THAT."
  116. >You smile at the confused pony
  117. >She chuckles awkwardly
  118. >This clearly isn't territory she's used to
  119. >Maybe just a little more, you decide
  120. "Besides..."
  121. >You wink at her, and gently nudge her hoof
  122. >Sudden surprise all over her face again
  123. >It's oddly fun to see her reactions to all of this
  124. "I believe that's exactly what you've been dreaming of."
  125. >As you finish your sentence, you grab your sunglasses from the edge of the table and put them on
  126. >Now her jaw REALLY drops
  127. >You can't really tell if she's angry, confused, or insulted
  128. >In truth, Rainbow is hard to read
  129. >With her usual attitude, you barely see her act like this
  130. >Finally she gets a hold of herself
  131. >"Anon, what is going on?"
  132. >Her brows furrow
  133. >"Is this some sort of prank Pinkie set up?"
  134. >She rubs her eyes and grumble
  135. >"I mean, one moment we're having a hoof wrestling contest, and, and then this! You're weird, dude. Really weird."
  137. "Well, wanna get weird with me?"
  138. >She retracts her hoof and lets it rest on the table
  139. >Silence grows between you
  140. >Rainbow doesn't seem at a loss for words
  141. >Rather, she's waiting
  142. >It seems she expects you to speak more
  143. >Truthfully, you have nothing more to add
  144. >A minute passes in silence
  145. >Then, finally giving up, she says very quietly
  146. >"This is the weirdest prank ever."
  147. >She eyes your body carefully
  148. >Almost as if she's afraid you're armed or something
  149. >"This IS a prank, right? You didn't just ask me... that, for real?"
  150. >She sighs and shakes her head gently
  151. >"I'm not even sure if you meant what I think, but I hope you didn't... Ugh, I'm confused."
  152. >Once again, she rubs her eyes
  153. >She seems to be both tired and frustrated
  154. >There's something adorable to it
  155. >You're not sure why
  156. >The way she grumbles and complains quietly
  157. >The little sneers and staring
  158. >You really can't take it seriously
  159. >Best not to let her know that, though
  160. >You'd never hear the end of it
  162. >She's just a pony
  163. >All this serious business is strange
  164. >After all, it's a blue pegasus, with a multi-color mane arguing with you
  165. >Sometimes, you just like looking at them
  166. >They're so damn adorable
  167. >Even if she is confused and slightly angry
  168. >Before thinking things further through, you stick out your hand
  169. >Placing it on Rainbow's head, you ruffle her mane as fast as you can
  170. >"H-Hey!"
  171. >You chuckle as she tries to shove your hand away
  172. >Her attempts aren't even close to good enough
  173. >"Quit it already!"
  174. >She grumbles and hits your wrist
  175. >Her punches are pitiful
  176. >Clearly she isn't putting any strength into it
  177. >Still, you remove your hand and smile at her
  178. >Her mane is a mess
  179. >Hairs are sticking out everywhere
  180. >If you had continued for a few more minutes, she might have had an afro
  181. >She blows stray strands away from her face and frowns at you
  182. >"You know I hate that. Ugh, now I look ridiculous!"
  183. >Her hooves desperately try to redo her look, but to little avail
  184. >That mane isn't changing without a proper brush
  186. >You're having great fun
  187. >Probably the best fun all week
  188. >Even if it is on her behalf
  189. "Well, excuuuse me, princess."
  190. >You lean back and act ironically offended
  191. >Rainbow doesn't seem to find it very funny
  192. >She's given up trying to fix her mane
  193. >Instead, she's just staring at you intently
  194. >"Fix my mane, or I'll kick your ass, Anon."
  195. >Her voice is devoid of emotion
  196. >This is nothing more than a command
  197. >Not angry, not frustrated, just an order
  198. >You wait for a bit
  199. >See what happens
  200. >Her brows furrow slightly more
  201. >She twists her neck, causing it to make loud snapping noises
  202. >"I'm serious, Anon."
  204. >You chuckle and get up
  205. "Okay, but just because I can't resist such an adorable pony."
  206. >She snaps her neck once more
  207. >You take the hint and go to the bathroom
  208. >Grabbing your brush, you return to Rainbow
  209. >You put the brush on her head and gently start brushing her mane
  210. >The very notion makes you giddy inside
  211. >It's a little odd to be this excited about brushing hair, but you find it cute as hell
  212. >Rainbow just grumbles
  213. "Do you really think this is something Pinkie would set up?"
  214. >For what seems like the first time in forever, Rainbow actually chuckles
  215. >"Well, you never know with that crazy pony."
  216. >Her mane is slowly getting back into shape
  217. >You take your time, though
  218. >It's an enjoyable experience
  219. >"I remember one time we put tape on all of Twilight's books. She hated us for a week."
  220. >The two of you share a bit of laughter
  221. >You could imagine Twilight getting pretty mad at that
  222. "You know, being weird doesn't stop you from being awesome."
  223. >Rainbow scoffs and shakes her head
  224. >"Yeah, right. It's like you don't even know what 'awesome' means."
  225. "Well, you have that Daring Do collection, don't you?"
  226. >Her ears perk up at that
  227. >"But those books ARE awesome. That isn't weird at all."
  228. >You smile, even though she can't see it
  229. "I'd best most athletes don't read novels about adventuring."
  230. >She turns around, messing up your brushing
  231. "Hey! Those books are great! It's not weird!"
  233. >You smile at her and pat her head
  234. >She looks cute
  235. >Even attractive
  236. >Something stirs deep within you
  237. >The longer you stare, the louder the rumble gets
  238. >Blood rushes, and you can feel the fabric around your pants tightening
  239. >You try to stick to reason
  240. >Be nice, be polite
  241. >It isn't working one bit
  242. >There's only one thing your body wants
  243. >And it has taken complete control over your brain
  244. >"Anon...?"
  245. >Rainbow furrows her brows in confusion
  246. >"Hello? Equestria to Anon?"
  247. >You notice yourself breathing hard
  248. >Sweat is dripping gently from your forehead
  249. >But such is what happens when you think of these things
  250. >In an instant you decide
  251. >Even knowing this ultimately will turn bad, you move
  252. >You drop to your knees instantly, frightening Rainbow
  253. >Turning her chair around, you cause her to face you
  254. >You see it, just barely
  255. >Right there between her hind legs
  256. >It's driving you mad
  257. >Just a little taste, that's all you want
  258. >"Anon, what are you- WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!"
  259. >Her shouting causes you to snap back to reality
  260. >What you see makes you fear for your life
  261. >At first you only see blue fur
  262. >The feeling of a nub at your lips
  263. >Gulping once, you slowly look upwards
  264. >Rainbow looks horrified
  265. >She doesn't say a word
  266. >She doesn't even seem to breathe
  267. >The tension is thick in the air
  268. >You can almost smell it, feel it
  269. >She hasn't struck out yet
  270. >But you know there's a minefield to avoid in the next precious seconds
  272. >In what can only be described as a moment of insanity, you get up
  273. >Something has awoken inside you
  274. >A side of yourself you never truly knew
  275. >You need this
  276. >More than anything else
  277. >"Anon... what...?"
  278. >She's completely out of it
  279. >You grab her sides, causing her to squeal
  280. >Her body's shaking, and her lip quivering
  281. >She gulps and looks at you
  282. >It's tough for her, you can tell
  283. >"You're scaring me."
  284. >You don't know what to say
  285. >There's really no need to speak, in truth
  286. >Making sure she's pinned to the chair, you move a hand to your pants
  287. >With a bit of fumbling, you manage to get your belt opened
  288. >Rainbow watches in horror as your pants slide off
  289. >Her head shakes gently from side to side
  290. >"No, no, no..."
  291. >Still, she does nothing to retaliate
  292. >It's only when your penis is freed that she gets back her strength
  293. >With a roar, her brows furrow, and fire is lit in her eyes
  294. >You weren't expecting this, and she manages to wiggle a hoof free
  295. >She pushes you back, and you stumble
  296. >You manage to stay upright, but only barely so
  297. >With your pants around your ankles, movement is limited
  298. >"What the crap, Anon?! What are you doing?!"
  299. >You move closer, and she backs off
  300. >She's much faster than you
  301. >Not once does she blink
  302. >Her muscles are clenched, ready to flee or fight
  304. >As you stand there, you snap out of it
  305. >What in the world are you doing?
  306. >A wave of guilt and embarrassment washes over you
  307. >You pull up your pants and look at the floor
  308. >The words escape you
  309. >Rainbow keeps her distance
  310. >Finally you look at her and gulp
  311. "I'm sorry. I... I tripped."
  312. >It suddenly feels very hard to stand
  313. >You sigh heavily and sit down on your chair
  314. >It's unbearable to look her in the eye
  315. >Instead you just stare at the floor
  316. >You're not even sure how it go to this
  317. >It was like something gripped you
  318. >Done, is done, you guess
  319. >Now it all continues from here
  320. >"You didn't trip."
  321. >Rainbow's voice is surprisingly calm
  322. >There's an edge of anger in it, but nothing blunt
  323. >"That was... something else."
  324. >You fight the shame and look up
  325. >Her expression remains unchanged
  326. >A pair of stern eyes staring right at you
  327. >"I don't even wanna think about it. I just wanna know if you're gonna try that again."
  328. >She takes a cautious step forward
  330. >There's a flurry of thoughts coursing through your mind
  331. >None of them are even close to good
  332. >Mostly, you are worried
  333. >What will happen, you have no idea
  334. >You chuckle quietly in defeat
  335. >Chuckle because you don't know what else to do
  336. "Only if you ask for it nicely."
  337. >You speak quietly
  338. >Slowly, you get up and walk to the kitchen
  339. >Rainbow watches you carefully the entire way
  340. >Opening your fridge, you grab a bottle of ice cream and a spoon
  341. >You slouch back into the living room and sit down
  342. >You don't even look at Rainbow
  343. >It doesn't really matter anymore
  344. >If there's a way to salvage the situation, you can't think of it
  345. >You simply start eating
  346. >As you stare at the wall, you think
  347. >The future isn't going to be bright
  348. >Images of public fear for you, jail, and other nastiness pass by your inner eye
  349. >You make faces at each, reaction as were they real
  350. >It shifts from frantic chuckling to stiffened upper lip
  351. >You barely notice it at all
  352. >"Anon? Are you... okay?"
  353. >Rainbow sounds incredibly confused
  354. >You stuff another spoonful of ice cream in your mouth
  355. >It's far colder than you'd like
  356. >But right now you don't care much
  357. >"What is going on with you?"
  358. >She keeps her distance
  359. >The look on her face has changed, though
  360. >The anger still has a presence, but it's mixed with genuine confusion
  361. >It's no wonder, you think
  362. >Your actions have been far from normal
  364. "Why? Are you a prude, Rainbow Dash?"
  365. >She rears her head back
  366. >"Excuse me?"
  367. >You take another scoop of ice cream
  368. >It's a pretty good one
  369. "Are you telling me in all these years with other athletes, you never had the call for the D?"
  370. >"But... But, I.... What?"
  371. >You think about it for a while
  372. "Are you, a virgin?"
  373. >You gasp a little in the middle of the sentence
  374. >You scoff afterwards, returning your attention to the ice cream
  375. >There's dangerously little left
  376. >A damn shame
  377. >It's a good ice cream
  378. "I just thought you were that kind of cool girl. You know, getting laid for fun."
  379. >Silence falls around you
  380. >At least in between your ice cream eating
  381. >You don't look at her, but you can imagine her face
  382. >She doesn't say a damn thing while you eat
  383. >"Did... did you just...?"
  384. >Her voice is quieter than you've ever heard it before
  385. >There is only genuine confusion to be heard
  386. >"Hold on... Back up..."
  387. >She steps forward
  388. >"You think I'm 'that kind of cool girl', so you just... pull it out and go for it?!"
  389. >There's the anger again
  390. >"What's wrong with you?! We aren't even the same species! I can't... What?!"
  392. >The question takes you a little off guard
  393. >However, it doesn't take long for you to answer it yourself
  394. >It's been obvious from the start
  395. >You just never bothered to sit down and think
  396. "What is wrong with me?"
  397. >Your voice is as quiet as before
  398. "We aren't the same species. Well, tell me, Rainbow Dash: who is the same species as me?"
  399. >Now it's her turn to be caught off guard
  400. >You turn and look at her
  401. >She's pondering the question greatly
  402. >"Well, I... No one, I guess..."
  403. "Exactly. I'm the only human here."
  404. >She looks back up, determination in her eyes
  405. >"What does that have to do with me, though?"
  406. >You nod slowly, smiling gently
  407. "I've been here for a long time, as you know. Ponies are a lot like humans, but it's not the same. I see couples in the street, and I get, well, jealous. I can't date a pony, be intimate with one. That's what I thought a while ago."
  408. >Rainbow Dash looks at you in silence
  409. >Her ears are perked
  410. >It seems you have her full, undivided attention
  411. "The idea of being alone for the rest of your life isn't exactly pleasant. With you here today, all that frustration came out all at once. I acted wrongly, and I apologize. I don't want to cause you harm."
  412. >You put aside the ice cream container
  413. >Sighing to yourself, you wait
  414. >Now it's out in the open
  415. >It's a gamble, but such is life
  416. >You can't always know what will happen
  417. >"I... understand. But still, what you did was..."
  418. >Rainbow sighs herself
  419. >"You scared me, Anon. I was really afraid."
  421. "I'm sorry."
  422. >You can't think of anything else to say
  423. >There isn't much more to say, you reckon
  424. >Cleaning up this mess might be impossible
  425. >You don't know for sure
  426. >Some days aren't as good as the others
  427. >It seems Rainbow has the same mindset
  428. >Other than sitting down on a chair, she does nothing
  429. >Not a word, not a pat on the back, not a scoff
  430. >Sometimes she does surprise you
  431. >"I should probably go stay at Twilight's instead."
  432. >She smiles weakly
  433. >It looks forced, but you can't really tell
  435. >You've been keeping it at bay for a while
  436. >Unconsciously, but you have
  437. >Now, suddenly, you realize the strain it's put on you
  438. >And you can't keep at it anymore
  439. >From one moment to the other, you let the tears fall
  440. >It's silent, but you let yourself cry
  441. >More than you have cried in a long, long time
  442. >It's liberating, yet you wish you weren't
  443. >There's something about letting it all out that you never liked
  444. >Especially not in front of others
  445. >There is no hiding it this time, though
  446. >You don't even care to try
  447. >Rainbow stammers a bit, mumbles to herself
  448. >At this point you have no idea how she'll react
  449. >You doubt she's much of an expert in these situations
  450. >She's a good friend, loyal, caring
  451. >But not exactly the shoulder to cry out on, you assume
  452. >Surprising you, however, she gently pats your shoulder
  453. >It's a small gesture, but you are thankful
  454. >There's no soothing voice or kind words to follow it, but you didn't need either
  455. >The feeling of her hoof gently tapping you is nice
  456. >As if she's striking away some of the sadness with a little hammer
  457. >And so the two of you sit for a while
  458. >The human crying, and the pony patting
  459. >It seems to last a long time, but you aren't sure
  460. >All you care about is how nice it feels
  462. "Thanks."
  463. >You smile a little
  464. >A genuine smile
  465. >This feels right
  466. >You and her, sitting here
  467. >Even if the circumstances aren't ideal
  468. "I really appreciate it. I really do. I'm glad you're here, and, and you're a great friend. Even if I like you a lot- Well, uhm, you know... I, I, just think you're great, you know?"
  469. >You dare a peak at Rainbow's face
  470. >She seems confused, but is hiding it well behind a small, amused smile
  471. >You aren't really planning what to say
  472. >And you realize it's making you sound really awkward
  473. >But you have to explain
  474. >Let her know, somehow
  475. "It's just, you and me, we've always... You know, we click... It's like were we made for-... Okay, I'll, uh, just stop. But, thanks, Dash."
  476. >Oh, Jesus, you can feel the redness on your cheeks
  477. >That turned out a lot worse than in your head
  478. >You mentally slap yourself
  479. >Man up and talk normally
  480. >It's not that hard, you do it every day
  481. >Well, you guess it's a little late for that now
  482. >You already opened your mouth
  483. >"You're welcome..."
  484. >Rainbow chuckles quietly as she talks
  485. >"... Weirdo."
  487. >You chuckle
  488. >Rainbow does as well
  489. >For just a moment, everything feels normal again
  490. >But you know it isn't
  491. >There's still things to do before fixing this mess
  492. "Look, I'm... I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me. And... I know that isn't an excuse for what I did."
  493. >Rainbow smiles weakly, and patiently waits
  494. "I'd like nothing more than to turn back time and just... I'm sorry. It was wrong. Completely, and utterly wrong."
  495. >You can't bear to look at her
  496. >But you have to
  497. >You owe that to her, at the very least
  498. >It's much harder than you thought it'd be
  499. >Even if there's that weak smile on her lips
  500. >You wish you could just crawl in a hole and leave it all behind
  501. >She pats your shoulder
  502. >"Hey... We all do stupid things..."
  503. >A reminiscent smile comes to her
  504. >"But you're my friend. Friends stick together, right? You've always been a cool guy. I think we can put this behind us. Just... Never again, okay? I won't go gossiping about it either."
  505. >You chuckle
  506. >Truly loyalty itself
  507. "I'd like that. So, uhm, do you still wanna stay for the week? It's totally fine if you would rather go to Twilight's. I was just... wondering."
  508. >And then the truly unexpected happens
  509. >Rainbow wraps her hooves around you and hugs you lightly
  510. >"Sure I'll stay. You think I'd rather spend a week with that egghead?"
  511. >The two of you share quiet laughter
  512. >Everything is looking up, at least a bit
  514. >"Hey, Anon?"
  515. >You break the hug and look at Rainbow
  516. >"Is there any more of that ice cream? I'm kinda hungry."
  517. "Not really. Wanna go get some?"
  518. >"Yeah, let's get outta here. I haven't flown in hours."
  519. >Truthfully you're glad to get out as well
  520. >It's stuffy and simply unpleasant to be in here
  521. >So the two of you leave, catching a nice breath of fresh air
  522. >You chat all the way throughout Ponyville
  523. >Sometimes Rainbow flies ahead, doing tricks in the air
  524. >She always returned, though
  525. >She'd hover right next to you rather than walk
  526. >The ice cream vendor was thankfully solidly stocked
  527. >Rainbow picks the caramel variant while you stick to chocolate
  528. >You never took her for a lover of ice cream
  529. >You pay for all of it, as an added way of apologizing
  531. >"Come on, go faster!"
  532. >You keep increasing your speed as you walk back
  533. >There's no matching her, though
  534. >"I wanna go eat this! Speed up!"
  535. "I don't have wings!"
  536. >"So run!"
  537. >Rainbow laughs and zooms off
  538. >You're left running through the street
  539. >Not exactly easy with a bucket of ice cream in your arms
  540. >By the time you reach your house, Rainbow is already inside
  541. >She's dug deep into her ice cream
  542. >Her face is a mess
  543. >Like a little kid eating for the first time
  544. "You know, I do have spoons."
  545. >"Pfft, who needs spoons? It's ice cream!"
  546. >She digs in again, munching loudly
  547. "Anyway, shouldn't we go set up your stuff?"
  548. >Her eyes shoot open
  549. >"Uhh, no thanks! I got it! You don't, heh, have to help with that!"
  550. >She seems... fidgety
  552. >You aren't taking a no for a no
  553. >You want to help, damn it
  554. >Looking down at your ice cream, you don't really feel like having more
  555. >After all you did eat a lot of it earlier
  556. >Just looking at it makes you sick to your stomach
  557. >You quickly go to the kitchen and throw it out
  558. >As you do, you wonder why you didn't just put it in the fridge
  559. >Oh well, too late to take it back now
  560. >"Did you just throw out all of that?"
  561. >Rainbow's jaw is hanging open, and her eyes are wet
  562. >"That was perfectly good ice cream!"
  563. >You shrug
  564. "I dunno, I just wanted to get rid of it. I wasn't thinking straight."
  565. >Now to set up her stuff
  566. >It'll be a surprise
  567. >She's going to thank you for it
  568. "Hey, I'm gonna, uh, go to the bathroom. It... might be a while."
  569. >Rainbow nods absentmindedly as she stares at your trash can
  570. "Right... Back in five."
  571. >You quickly tip-toe off to her room
  572. >Inside are the bags
  573. >There isn't so much stuff
  574. >You can do this easy peasy
  575. >You open her bags and find the normal stuff
  576. >Toothbrush, toothpaste, a Daring Do book
  577. >Even a Daring Do blanket
  578. >You snicker
  579. >Maybe that's why she was so fidgety
  580. >You neatly put all of her things in place
  581. >It's quite cozy
  582. >There's barely anything left in her bag
  583. >When you open it, you immediately know
  584. >A hoof-long, purple, rubber horse-cock is lying there
  585. "Wow."
  586. >You decide to close the bag and leave
  587. >Upon returning, however, you find Rainbow's butt
  588. >Sticking out of your trash can?
  589. "Rainbow?"
  590. >"UH, I WAS JUST, UM... I TRIPPED, HEH."
  592. >You can't believe what you're seeing
  593. >The best part is she's trying to get out
  594. >But the poor pony is stuck
  595. >Or at least just terrible at getting out of trash cans
  597. >Chuckling, you walk over to her
  598. >This is turning out to be one of the most interesting days in Equestria
  599. >You put a hand on her butt
  600. >She squeals down in the trash can
  601. >"Heh, yeah, haha, funny. Just help me out... please?"
  602. >Gently, very gently, you start caressing her firm butt
  603. "It's okay, we all have a wild side..."
  604. >Her muscles clench
  605. >She completely stops trying to get out of the trash can
  606. >"What, uh, what are you talking about?"
  607. >You can hear the nervousness in her voice
  608. >She does an admirable job of hiding it
  609. >Though it's not quite good enough
  610. >"I dunno what you're talking about, heh. I just tripped on my way here. And, uhm, could you stop touching my butt and help me out? I'm a little... stuck."
  612. >The setup is too good
  613. >You have to tease her just a bit more
  614. >Removing your hand from her butt, you quietly step backwards
  615. >"Thanks. Now, just, grab and pull or something."
  616. >You fight back the chuckling as you back towards her room
  617. >"Anon? Hello? Hey, are you there?"
  618. >You don't respond
  619. >When you feel the door behind you, you turn around and sneak inside
  620. >Quickly rummaging through her bags, you locate the dildo
  621. >It's weird to actually hold on
  622. >You flop it around a bit
  623. >It would probably be surprisingly fun to hit someone with it
  624. >A good ol' smack
  625. >Putting those thoughts aside, you go to exit the room
  626. >As you put your hand on the knob, you hear loud crashing from outside
  627. "What the...?"
  628. >You open the door and see an enormous mess on the floor
  629. >Banana peels, old food, ice cream
  630. >In the midst of it is Rainbow Dash
  631. >Her upper half is covered in ice cream, mostly
  632. >You simply stand there and stare in awe
  633. >"Ugh, Anon, why did you lea-..."
  634. >Her eyes widen as she spots the dildo in your hand
  635. >"Why, uh, heh, why do you have one of those?"
  636. >She gulps loudly and does her best to smile casually
  637. >It's not too hard to see through
  639. >You know damn well that she knows
  640. >Instead of speaking, you simply move your wrist back and forth
  641. >The dildo flops from side to side
  642. >Rainbow can't take her eyes off it, though she tries
  643. >With each flop, she shakes a bit more
  644. >You can tell it's working
  645. >It's just a matter of flopping the dildo about
  646. >It's oddly enjoyable to stand there
  647. >After a full minute of shaking it about, she caves in
  648. >"UGH! Okay! Okay, it's mine!"
  649. >Rainbow kicks some of the trash, grumbling
  650. >"Can we just pretend this never happened?"
  651. >She looks like a busted kid
  652. >It's adorable how bad she handles defeat
  653. >But it's one of the things that makes her great
  654. >"Why were you in my bags anyway? You can't just snoop in my stuff!"
  656. >With a hearty roar, you laugh harder than you have in weeks
  657. >You put the dildo on your kitchen counter and go towards her
  658. >Still laughing, you offer her a hand, which she accepts with a grumble
  659. "I'm sorry, but it was pretty funny. Let's get you cleaned up. Ice cream in your mane must be pretty gross."
  660. >"... Thanks."
  661. >Completely like a little kid on some points
  662. >The two of you go towards the bathroom in silence
  663. >Well, almost silence
  664. >Rainbow won't stop grumbling to herself the entire way
  665. >Once inside, you help her into the tub
  666. >It's a fair bit taller due to your stature
  667. >You let the water run away from her for a few moments, making sure it's not too cold or hot
  668. "All right, close your eyes."
  669. >Rainbow sighs but does as you say
  670. >You bring the shower head over her and start scrubbing away
  671. >Thankfully the ice cream is coming out fairly easily
  672. >Rainbow doesn't say a word
  673. >She sighs contently as you scrub her mane
  674. >At times you can even swear she's moving her head to get scratched behind her ears
  675. >She's cuter than she thinks
  676. >Or perhaps that she wants to let on
  677. >Whatever the case, you're enjoying this immensely
  679. "Hey, Dash?"
  680. >"Mmh?"
  681. >She sounds so content
  682. "If you want, feel free to snoop through my stuff as well."
  683. >She chuckles and shoves your leg
  684. >"I'm afraid of what I might find."
  685. "Well, I'm not the one hiding dildos in my bags."
  686. >She shoves you harder this time
  687. >Still, she does chuckle, though
  688. >"Forget about that part, right now. Otherwise I'll have to kick your ass."
  689. >The two of you laugh together
  690. >There really isn't much more to do with her mane
  691. >She's clean as can be
  692. >Still, you keep going for just a few more minutes
  693. >It's nice being allowed to scratch her head
  694. >Finally, you turn off the water
  695. "All done."
  696. >You get up and find a fresh towel for her
  697. >"Thanks, Anon. Now, get out. A girl needs some privacy, too."
  698. >Nodding, you turn around to leave
  699. >Things are turning out quite fine
  701. >Hours later, and a successful day done, the night falls
  702. >You're cleaning the kitchen from dinner
  703. >Rainbow went to bed already
  704. >You can't blame her for being tired
  705. >It's nice with some peace and quiet as well
  706. >As you stand at your sink, cleaning the last plate, you hear something
  707. >It was there, you're sure of it
  708. >You turn off the water and wait
  709. >This time it's louder
  710. >It's sounds like a mouse or something
  711. >When the sound hits for the third time, you realize it is most definitely NOT a mouse
  712. >With a wicked smile on your face, you walk towards Dash's room
  713. >You wait a few steps away from the door
  714. >A loud, muffled moan escapes the crack underneath the door
  715. >And they just keep coming
  717. >You wait and wait, simply listening to her going at it
  718. >Each moan gets a bit louder than the previous
  719. >Somehow, you find yourself smiling at the sound
  720. >The idea of Rainbow Dash plowing herself in your room is just too amusing
  721. >You wonder what would happen if you went in there
  722. >She'd get mad, of course
  723. >Super mad
  724. >But with how terribly she handled the dildo confrontation, you wonder if it might not be more fun than that
  725. >But no, a good friend wouldn't do that
  726. >Even if it would be the most fun thing ever
  727. >You bite your lip and look at the door
  728. >As were it a magnet, you find yourself automatically moving towards it
  729. >Suddenly your hand is on the knob
  730. >Rainbow is really going at it in there
  731. >It actually sounds like she's getting close to her climax
  732. >Okay, it's now or never
  733. >You swing the door open and take a step inside
  734. "Hey, Rainbow. I can't sleep, wanna watch TV?"
  736. >She's flicked the sheets completely, hiding herself in them
  737. >There's a look of heavy embarrassment and terror on her face
  739. >You smile broadly
  740. >As broadly as you possibly can
  741. "Well, if you don't want to watch TV, you could have just said so."
  742. >You just stand there, looking at her in the darkness
  743. >There's sweat dripping down her face
  744. >Lots of it
  745. >"N-No, I don't wanna watch TV! I'm, mmh, I'm busy!"
  746. >She's pretty frustrated
  747. >Not just with you, you can tell
  748. >Your timing must have been awful for her
  749. >So you just keep standing there for a little while more
  750. >It's too much fun not to
  751. >"Anon, please! It, it isn't funny! Just... Go watch TV on your own or something!"
  752. >You're not sure, but it seems she's moving a hoof about
  753. >Poor pony is red in the face with embarrassment
  755. "You know, ever since seeing that dildo, I couldn't help but wonder."
  756. >"ANON!"
  757. "It seems rather small for a stallion."
  758. >Dash's eyes are glowing with frustration and confusion
  759. >"Please just let me fi-... UGH!"
  760. >You take a step forward
  761. >You furrow your brows to make yourself seem thoughtful
  762. "Around 7 inches isn't that much for a stallion. Which is why I wonder why a dildo is so relatively small. I mean, honestly -"
  764. "- It's more like the size of a human than a stallion. Which is odd, because there shouldn't be a market for human dildos, and the shape -"
  766. >You keep walking about, absorbed in your rambling
  767. "- Is definitely one of a stallion. So I've been trying to calculate all of this and get to a conclusion, but nothing seems to add up."
  768. >"A-ANOOON!"
  769. >Rainbow's roar floods the room, completely drowning your own voice
  770. >What follows the ear-screeching sound is a series of light, panting breaths
  771. >In addition, quiet whinnies from the pegasus creep into the darkness
  772. >She stops a hoof in her mouth in an attempt to silence herself
  773. >Where there before was frustration on her face, there is now only embarrassment and joyful bliss
  774. >"O-Oh, my gosh..."
  776. >You know exactly what happened
  777. >The smell of her is thick in the air
  778. >The mere thought is enough to get you off
  779. >Your lips feel dry
  780. >She's still panting in her bed, a hoof in her mouth
  781. >Blood rushes down to your groin, and your dick hardens faster than ever
  782. >In that moment, where images of you and Dash flash across your mind, you decide to try
  783. >Slowly, you step forward, straight towards her bed
  784. "Hey, Dash?"
  785. >You speak very softly
  786. >She doesn't respond
  787. >Still she's coming down from her climax
  788. >Apparently it was quite an explosive one
  789. "Have you ever tried a tongue or fingers?"
  790. >That catches her attention
  791. >"W-What?"
  792. >You stop when you reach the edge of her bed
  793. >"I, I don't... I mean, oh my gosh..."
  794. >You chuckle quietly at the flustered mare
  795. "Well, have you?"
  796. >Rainbow gulps
  797. >She's still trying to calm her breathing
  798. >It isn't working at all
  799. >"N-No..."
  801. >Lifting your hands, you wiggle your fingers in the air
  802. "You'd be surprised what these can do."
  803. >Rainbow blushes even harder and gulps again
  804. "You up for a massage?"
  805. >She stammers a bit, with nothing to really say
  806. >After fidgeting around for a little while, she looks up
  807. >Silently, she slowly nods
  808. >You smile gently at her and motion for her to turn around
  809. >She shuffles around, exposing her back to you
  810. "Stop me if you want to, 'kay?"
  811. >Rainbow doesn't respond
  812. >You leave the words be for now
  813. >You start off with her mane
  814. >She liked it earlier, and it isn't too intimidating
  815. >At first she's tense
  816. >But as your fingers calmly run through her mane, scratching her ears, she relaxes
  817. >She even starts cooing gently
  818. >"Mmh..."
  819. >As you sit there in the bed, you notice her wings
  820. >They're unfolded and quite stiff
  821. >Curiosity takes the better part of you, and you slide your hands down
  822. >At first Rainbow just enjoys the feeling of your hands on her back
  823. >The moment you hit her wings, however
  824. >"O-OH! Mmh!"
  825. >You smile broadly
  826. >With as much care you can, you gently rub the length of her feathers
  827. >The other hand massages the base of each wing, causing Dash to shake
  828. >Her panting gets a little rougher
  829. >As if she's losing control of herself
  830. >Up and down, slowly, and gently
  831. >"Oh, Anon... That's good..."
  832. >A quiet moan escapes her throat
  833. >"Don't stop..."
  835. >You oblige the mare
  836. >With how she's gently pushing herself back into your, the little moans, you have no intention of stopping anytime soon
  837. >In fact, you want to increase the intensity just a little more
  838. >Well, 'a little' might be an understatement
  839. >With one hand still focusing on her wings, you let the other slip down her body
  840. >You move it slowly, making sure to massage each inch of the way
  841. >When you reach her butt, she perks up a bit, but doesn't object
  842. >You stay there for a moment, caressing her cheeks
  843. >She's got to have the firmest butt in all of Equestria
  844. >Perfectly toned and chiseled
  845. >It's not exactly what you're after, though
  846. >"M-More..." she moans
  847. >Well, now, that's something you can get behind
  848. >You take the next step of your plan and move your left hand further down
  849. >"O-OH! OH, MY GOSH!"
  850. >You let your hand rest on her slit
  851. >She hasn't objected yet, but you wait
  852. >You continue to massage her wings while you wait
  853. >"W-Why did you stop moving?"
  854. >Now there's a surprise
  855. >You chuckle and put your fingers to work
  856. >She's well lubricated from her previous fun
  857. >First you let one finger in, causing Dash to hold her breath
  858. >Then another, and then a third
  859. >"Oh, Anon, wow... Fingers are... A-Amazing..."
  860. >You start thrusting
  861. >There's no resistance as you push your fingers into her
  862. >In fact, she's moving her rump in sync, trying to increase the pleasure
  863. >"Yes... Oh, yes... Faster... More... That's the spot..."
  865. >She sure is liking your handiwork
  866. >You wonder just how much she might like it
  867. >Deciding it's worth the try, you remove your index finger from her snatch
  868. >Rainbow whines for a moment
  869. >You don't let her down for long, however
  870. >As you continue to thrust the remaining two in and out of her, you put the index to her anus
  871. >"A-Anon! Wha- OOH!"
  872. >It's a perfect fit
  873. >You take it slowly, pushing into her gently
  874. >It's a lot tighter than her cunt
  875. >Her muscles are clamping down on your finger, as if trying to cling to it
  876. >"Anon, I've, I've never... Ooh... W-Wow..."
  877. >She gulps and winces once
  878. >"Mmh... F-Faster... I like it fast..."
  879. >Smiling, you obey and up the pace of your thrusting
  880. >Your hand is gliding effortlessly back and forth, filling her up
  881. >"Faster! Mmh!"
  882. >Once again you increase your speed
  883. >Still, it doesn't seem to be enough for the athlete
  884. >She's constantly grinding into your hand to increase speed
  885. >Truth is, you're going as fast as you possibly can
  886. >"Oh, gosh, yes, right there! Right there! More! Give me, mmh, more!"
  888. >You chuckle quietly
  889. >She talks too much
  890. >With your right hand, you turn her around
  891. >Before she has time to react, you lean forward and kiss her
  892. >She moans into your mouth, a mix of surprise and pleasure
  893. >At first she doesn't return the kiss, but it isn't long before both her hooves are around your neck, and her lips pressed tightly against yours
  894. >You slow down the thrusting down below
  895. >Rainbow doesn't seem to mind
  896. >No tongues come out as the two of you are locked together
  897. >You simply enjoy the moment of connection
  898. >It continues for long, full minutes
  899. >Just you and her, each moaning quietly into each others' lips
  900. >She seems more reluctant to let you go than the other way around
  901. >Still, you break the kiss and stare into her eyes
  902. >There's a certain calmness to her
  903. >Something you haven't seen in her before
  904. >You plant a kiss on her cheek
  905. >Then her neck, then chest
  906. >Slowly, you drift down her body, planting kisses each inch of the way
  907. >She gasps when you reach her nipples near her legs
  908. >You are gentle with them, but don't linger for long
  909. >Removing your fingers in preparation doesn't sit right with her
  910. >"Come on... It was so goo- OH! O-OH! W-WOW!"
  911. >She never learns
  912. >With your head between her legs, you plant your tongue on her slit
  913. >Above you, she squirms in the bed as you lick and prod
  914. >Every time you hit her clit, she squeals in pleasure
  915. >Her hooves find your head, pressing you against her as hard as she can
  916. >"Please, please, please! More, Anon! More!"
  918. >You do the best you can
  919. >Prodding, licking, going faster and faster
  920. >You shove your tongue inside of her, pumping it in and out
  921. >Rainbow is going wild with lust, moaning in absolute bliss
  922. >From the way her pussy is clenching your tongue, you can tell she's close
  923. >If her voice wasn't an indicator enough on its own
  924. >"Oh, yes! OH YES! RIGHT THERE! YES, YES!"
  925. >Rainbow grips your hair tightly and presses your face directly against her crotch
  926. >With incredible strength, she holds you tight as she roars in pleasure
  927. >"ANOOOON!"
  928. >You are immediately assaulted by a torrent of her juices
  929. >They flow onto your tongue and face, as you try to lap it all up
  930. >There's a freshness to it, though a bit salty
  931. >Still, your tongue is on autopilot, and Dash is loving every second
  932. >Her breathing is heavy and ragged, as were she drowning
  933. >Her wings are fluttering underneath her, and she's biting her lip so hard it's almost drawing blood
  934. >She clearly wasn't ready for an orgasm of this kind
  935. >Just as you're congratulating yourself on a job well done, you hear a loud 'ZAP'
  936. >"Hi, Rainbow!"
  937. >You know that voice
  938. >How the fuck-
  939. >"So how did you like your dil-... Oh... Uh oh... Oh, gosh..."
  940. >This isn't happening
  941. >How is Twilight in your house?
  942. >WHY is she in your house?
  943. >Oh, dear God
  944. >"Uh, h-heh, Anon! I was, uhm, I was just..."
  945. >"TWILIGHT?! This, this isn't what it looks like!"
  946. >"Uh, maybe I should just go, heh..."
  948. >In a moment of clarity and sense, you get up and look at Twilight
  949. >She's completely out of it
  950. >Or just REALLY interested
  951. >Either way, you want her gone
  952. "It actually isn't what it looks like, Twilight."
  953. >"H-Huh?"
  954. >She hadn't paid attention to you at all
  955. "No, you see, we humans have become very skilled in relieving muscles. This technique is particularly good for stretching before flight. Dash really wanted to go on a late night flight. You know how being holed up in a home is for her."
  956. >Twilight is listening intently
  957. >You're even surprising yourself with the calmness of your voice and ability to think off the top of your head
  958. "I know what it may have seemed like, but I assure you it wasn't. If you want, I could come over and tell you more about this. I dunno if that's something you would find interesting or not."
  959. >Twilight gulps and nervously scratches her mane
  960. >"Uh, yeah, sure. Sorry, I just thought it was... Never mind, I'm sorry for just barging in. I shouldn't have done that. I'll, uhm, see you around. Sorry."
  961. >With a heavy blush on her face, Twilight vanishes in a bright flash of light
  962. >The room is silent for a moment, until Dash regains herself
  963. >"Thanks, Anon."
  964. >You sit down on the bed, exhaling sharply
  965. "You're welcome."
  966. >You can't help but notice the hardness of your dick
  967. >It's been aching for some action for a while now
  968. "So... Are we, uh, continuing this, or...?"
  969. >You point to your erection
  971. >Rainbow chuckles and pulls you into the bed
  972. >"After egghead interrupted? Sorry, I don't think so."
  973. >You suddenly feel very frustrated
  974. >You make a mental note to ruin Twilight
  975. >"But."
  976. >Dash kisses you on the cheek and chuckles
  977. >"That was pretty good, plus you saved my skin. Maybe I can repay the favor of letting me stay here throughout the week."
  978. >She bites your earlobe gently
  979. >"Turns out I might be as weird as you, after all."
  980. >Chuckling to herself, Rainbow pulls you down, forcing you to lie next to her
  981. >Not that you mind at all
  982. >She snuggles up close, folding her wings around your body
  983. >"You were great, Anon."
  984. >You nod quietly
  985. >The aching is getting quite bad
  986. >You can't move a limb with the grip she's got on you
  987. "Dash?"
  988. >Her eyes are closed, and she just snuggles closer at the sound of your voice
  989. >"Yeah?"
  990. "Could you let me go? I gotta take care of this."
  991. >You poke your erection into her belly, multiple times
  992. >Dash giggles and lets you go
  993. >"All right, fine. Go do your thing. And, hey, I'm sorry about the interruption. I didn't think she'd, you know, just show up like that."
  994. >Dash kisses you once more
  995. >Her lips are small and light
  996. >It's a wonderful feeling
  997. >You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom
  998. >This week might turn out a lot better than you thought
  999. >But first, this erection has to go
  1002. The next day
  1005. >You open your eyes
  1006. >The ceiling meets you, in all its blank glory
  1007. >It's another day, just as you're used to
  1008. >However, a light snore catches your attention
  1009. >You quickly realize your arm is wrapped around a blue pegasus in your bed
  1010. >In a fraction of a second, everything comes back to you
  1011. >As you go through your previous day in your mind, embarrassment, excitement, and joy washes over you
  1012. >You're still not sure how you ended up in this situation
  1013. >Nevertheless, you're thankful for the result
  1014. >Rainbow Dash is snuggled up close to you
  1015. >There's a tiny smile on her muzzle
  1016. >If you didn't know her any better, you'd say she was an ordinary mare
  1017. >You do know she'd completely deny any of this, though
  1018. >Being 'cute' isn't exactly her
  1019. >Still, you savor the moment and quietly chuckle to yourself
  1020. >You wrap your arm around her and sigh contently
  1021. >The world is quiet around you, and you couldn't ask for more
  1022. >If it were up to you, you'd simply let everything be the way it is
  1023. >You lay there for a while, relaxing
  1024. >Your hand automatically starts rubbing Rainbow's shoulder
  1025. >She coos quietly in her sleep
  1026. >Of course, she'd never admit to doing so
  1027. >It isn't long before she wakes up, however
  1028. >Her eyes flutter open
  1029. >When she sees you, her cheeks turn slightly red
  1030. >You know exactly why, and you smile at her
  1031. "Morning."
  1032. >"Hey, Anon. It wasn't a dream then, huh?"
  1033. >She chuckles and pats your chest
  1034. >It's not the cocky smile you're used to
  1035. >It's simply warm
  1036. >Not something you see often from her
  1038. >Looking at her, you feel yourself float
  1039. >It's like staring at happiness itself
  1040. >Rainbow raises a brow, but smiles
  1041. >Every time she smiles, you feel the butterflies in your stomach
  1042. >It's a feeling you've missed so dearly
  1043. >For a moment the two of you lay there, staring at each other
  1044. >Unable to help yourself, you learn forward and put your lips to hers
  1045. >Rainbow's eyes grow wide
  1046. >It's only a moment before she closes them, however
  1047. >She returns the kiss in full favor, putting a hoof behind your head
  1048. >Her lips are small and tight
  1049. >Yet still they are as great to kiss as anything else
  1050. >More than anything else, really
  1051. >You wouldn't trade it for anything in the world
  1052. >Breaking the kiss, you look into her eyes
  1053. >She chuckles and kisses you again
  1054. >"I never thought I'd end up like this."
  1055. >Leaning down, she snuggles her head underneath your chin
  1056. >"This is way too girly for me. You're not going to tell anyone about this."
  1057. >She chuckles, which causes your body to vibrate
  1058. >"I have an image, you know? If you tell anyone, I'm going to kick your ass, Anon."
  1059. >She kisses your neck and snuggles further into you
  1061. >You can't help but laugh at that
  1062. >Even in this situation, she tries to be cool
  1063. >You gently scratch her back, making sure to steer clear of her wings
  1064. >With every movement of your hand, she coos gently
  1065. >It was odd hearing these gentle sounds coming from Rainbow Dash
  1066. >You love every second of it, however
  1067. >It suits her to be cute
  1068. >In fact, it would suit her to be even cuter
  1069. >For a while you've wondered
  1070. >In this very moment, you decide to find out
  1071. >As your right hand rubs her backside, you move your left to her belly
  1072. >Almost instinctively, she moves her hooves out of the way
  1073. >Arching your fingers, you start scratching her belly
  1074. >"Mmh..."
  1075. >Rainbow is completely lost in the pleasure of your scratching
  1076. >Her body rocks back and forth, and a little smile grows larger on her muzzle
  1077. >You find a particular spot near her hind leg to scratch
  1078. >Every time you hit it, her right hind leg starts moving, as were you petting a dog
  1079. >It's absolutely adorable to watch
  1080. >You're certain she hasn't noticed, however
  1081. >She would never admit to doing anything remotely cute
  1082. >With a great big smile on your face, you move your mouth to her stomach and plant it directly on it
  1083. >"Hey, what are you - MPPHF HAHAHA!"
  1084. >Rainbow immediately attempts to push you away as you blow a raspberry on her stomach
  1085. >It isn't very effective, so you keep going
  1086. >"A-Anon, haha, stop it! It tickles!"
  1087. >She squirms underneath you, her hooves pushing your head away weakly
  1089. >You let the poor mare regain herself
  1090. >She chuckles for a minute, wiping her eyes and gently punching your gut
  1091. >You're not exactly done yet, though
  1092. >Rather than tickle her with your mouth, you let your hand do the work
  1093. >At first, you simply place it on her stomach
  1094. >She seems to like it, as she presses herself against it
  1095. >When you've got her right where you want her, however, a wide smile appears on your face
  1096. >"Anon? What are you -"
  1097. >She is immediately silenced as your fingers start moving
  1098. >The silence lasts but a moment
  1099. >Laughter fills the bedroom, and Rainbow scoots around in the bed
  1100. >She desperately tries to get away from your tickling fingers
  1101. >No matter how she moves, you still find a way
  1102. >Whether its sides or hoof-pits, you find a way to tickle her
  1103. >"Anon, stop! Haha, stop it!"
  1104. >You don't respond to her
  1105. >Her eyes shut close and shoot open from one second to the other
  1106. >Her little body is more energetic than usual
  1107. >It gives you an idea
  1108. >Granted, it's risky, but you can't help yourself
  1109. >As you tickle her with your right, you prepare two fingers of your left
  1110. >"Hahahaha, Anon, come on! Stop it al- O-OH!"
  1111. >The laughter stops immediately as your fingers slip inside of her
  1112. >Strangely, she's wet already
  1113. >You slide in without much effort, until your knuckles are pressed against her pink lips
  1114. >"Oh wow... I didn't think... Yeah, right there..."
  1115. >She's already closed her eyes, and her hips are swaying in the bed
  1116. >A little smile is growing on her lips
  1118. >It certainly doesn't take much to get her into the swing of things
  1119. >You've slept no more than ten hours at most, and she's already putty in your hands
  1120. >You slip another finger inside her, eliciting a moan
  1121. >Rainbow bites her lip as her wings slowly unfurl
  1122. >It takes no more than ten seconds for them to grow completely stiff
  1123. >Her hips rock back and forth, grinding against your hand
  1124. >Every time you retract your fingers, she seems at a loss
  1125. >It's almost as if she wants more
  1126. >You certainly wouldn't want to left her wanting, so you slip another finger inside
  1127. >She coos and moans, yet continues her grinding
  1128. >With a grin on your face, you slip your pinky inside of her, for a total of four fingers
  1129. >It's incredibly tight, yet she seems to want more
  1130. >You have nothing more to give, however
  1131. >Unless...
  1132. >As she grinds herself against your hand, you wonder
  1133. >Quiet moans slip from her mouth to your ear
  1134. >Though no words are spoken, you are encouraged
  1135. >It takes but a second for you to decide
  1136. >Curling your fingers causes her to gasp sharply
  1137. >Her eyes shoot open, yet she seems to love it
  1138. >"A-Anon, oh, yes... Do that agAAAAIN!"
  1139. >Her eyes grow as wide as saucers as your entire hand slowly push into her cunt
  1140. >Her body trembles, but she produces no signs of pain
  1141. >She looks to you with a hunger in her eyes
  1142. >Not once does she blink
  1143. >There's an invitation to her look
  1144. >Slowly you thrust, all the way in, and then back out
  1145. >"H-Holy... Wow... I can't even..."
  1147. >You clench your teeth as you thrust your hand inside of her
  1148. >Speed picks up automatically, and Rainbow moans louder with each passing second
  1149. >She has trouble focusing on anything in the room
  1150. >Her eyes are all over the place, and she mumbles unintelligible sounds
  1151. >Here and there you pick up an 'amazing' or 'faster', but you really can't tell
  1152. >It's exactly what you want from her
  1153. >Seeing her this lost in her senses causes you to go faster and harder
  1154. >Half of your lower arm is covered in her juices
  1155. >You can feel her winking with each thrust, and it's getting increasingly harder to push into her
  1156. >In truth, you have no idea how you're even fitting into her in the first place
  1157. >You bite her neck, sucking on her flesh and licking her
  1158. >Rainbow simply gasps, her hooves twitching on the bed
  1159. >She tries to kiss you, but fails in moving her head
  1160. >You've never seen her like this, but you want more of it
  1161. >You bite harder, and her body shakes underneath you
  1162. >The world around you fades
  1163. >There's only you and her
  1164. >Only her rough moans in your ears, and the feeling of her winking pussy on your arm
  1165. >You barely hear it
  1166. >It's only when the squeak floats through the air that panic strikes you
  1167. >Your arm stops, your eyes grow wide
  1168. >And when her voice hits, your stomach churns
  1169. >"Anon! I've been waiting for an hour! Where- ..."
  1170. >The room falls deadly silent
  1171. >You turn around spot her
  1172. >Rarity is in the doorway
  1173. >Shock on her face, her jaw hanging low
  1174. >"I... I..."
  1176. >"R-Rarity!?!?"
  1177. >Rainbow sounds more like a banshee than anything else
  1178. >You've never heard her crack like this
  1179. >Not even during last interruption
  1180. >"Anon...? Rainbow...? I... You..."
  1181. >Rarity's eyes drift from yours to your hand
  1182. >Slowly back and forth
  1183. >A heavy blush is apparent on her face
  1184. >You quietly pray to Celestia for this to go away
  1185. >Anything to get out of this situation
  1186. >After a minute of uncomfortable silence, you realize that isn't going to happen
  1187. >Your throat feels dry as you swallow
  1188. >Croaking, you start talking
  1189. "Look, uh, this isn't... It's not -"
  1190. >"Come on, Anon. I promised to help Rarity, and Twilight is wait-..."
  1191. >Oh, dear God, no
  1192. >Your heart drops as you see a little, purple dragon enter the doorway behind Rarity
  1193. >With one arm still buried deep inside Rainbow Dash, you awkwardly wave to Spike
  1194. >"Dude..."
  1195. >His right eye twitches
  1196. >Rainbow covers her face in her hooves, quietly whispering 'This is a dream'
  1197. >"Spike, get out. Right now."
  1198. >Rarity's voice is filled with shock
  1199. >The dragon simply stands there, staring at your arm
  1200. "Yeah, uh, you should probably -"
  1201. >"What in Equestria is going on?"
  1202. >He honestly sounds intrigued
  1203. >You're not sure if you should answer his question honestly, however
  1205. >Your mind immediately resorts to the only excuse you can think of
  1206. >If it worked before, it's sure to work again
  1207. "I'm just relieving her muscles. It's a human technique for relieving stress and preparing for physical work."
  1208. >Once again, the calmness of your voice surprises even yourself
  1209. >Spike raises an eyebrow at your explanation
  1210. >Rarity, on the other hand, doesn't change her expression at all
  1211. >"Really? That's a weird way of -"
  1212. >"Spike, go outside and wait for me."
  1213. >The dragon looks up at the unicorn in confusion
  1214. >"What? Can't I just wait here?"
  1215. >"No, Spikey. Just go wait for me, okay?"
  1216. >He opens his mouth, but Rarity quickly interjects
  1217. >"I'll give you a tasty gem at the Boutique."
  1218. >He smiles broadly and licks his lips
  1219. >With both his hands on his stomach, he turns around and exits the room
  1220. >You sigh in relief
  1221. >There's still Rarity to deal with, however
  1222. >And she is showing no signs of leaving
  1223. >"I-It's true. I'm just, heh, preparing for a big day of flying!"
  1224. >Rainbow doesn't sound the least bit convincing
  1225. >"Anon is just he-helping me out!"
  1226. >Rarity inhales deeply and tries to regain her composure
  1227. >"What you do is none of my business. We can change our appointment if you wish."
  1228. >Her eyes avidly avoid the point of connection between you and Rainbow
  1229. >You've never seen her this flustered before
  1230. >Rainbow, too, is like a completely different pony
  1231. >She doesn't dare look her friend in the eye
  1233. >You're not sure what to do
  1234. >You expected her to leave
  1235. >She's just standing there
  1236. >God, why isn't she leaving?
  1237. >You've gotta do something
  1238. "Spike knows all about it. I taught him. You should let him try it on you."
  1239. >The words leave your mouth before you even think
  1240. >The moment you realize, you panic
  1241. >Whatever is going to happen next, you expect the worst
  1242. >Rarity isn't going to stand for this
  1243. >She knows exactly what's going on
  1244. >You're a dead man
  1245. >You know it
  1246. >"Ex... Excuse me?"
  1247. >Even Rainbow gulps
  1248. >"Let Spike do... that?"
  1249. >This is the first time you've seen Rarity at a loss for words
  1250. >Her legs are trembling underneath her body
  1251. >"His... In my...?"
  1252. >The redness on her cheeks deepens
  1253. >Her face is nearly completely crimson
  1254. >You notice Rainbow's cunt is still winking around your arm
  1255. >It isn't nearly as enticing as before, however
  1256. >"Uh, Anon?"
  1257. >Rainbow whispers in your ear, but you keep your eyes peeled to the shocked unicorn in the doorway
  1258. >"Maybe you should... You know?"
  1259. >It takes you a moment to register what she means
  1260. >Her hooves are trying to cover the action
  1261. >It isn't working in the slightest
  1262. >Rarity is still mumbling to herself
  1263. >"Spike's... Oh, Celestia..."
  1265. >This isn't working
  1266. >This is also not what you wanted to have happen
  1267. >Not at all
  1268. >In a moment of clarity, you stare at Rarity
  1269. "Look, could you just get out?"
  1270. >She's taken aback by that
  1271. >The lady in her flares up for a brief moment
  1272. "Please? Just, leave us be."
  1273. >Rarity's mouth opens and closes continually
  1274. >Her eyes flicker from you to Rainbow
  1275. >She stands there longer than you wish she would
  1276. >It's almost as if she doesn't understand what you're saying
  1277. >"Rarity... Please."
  1278. >You never thought you'd hear that out of Rainbow
  1279. >Yet it has an immediate effect
  1280. >Rarity nods awkwardly and backs out of the room
  1281. >She mumbles a 'Sorry' as she leaves
  1282. >The door squeaks as she closes it behind her
  1283. >You hold your breath until the sound of her hoofsteps disappear
  1284. >You share a sigh of relief with Rainbow, and the room falls silent
  1285. >Your mind is blank, but you feel exhausted
  1286. >Rainbow, on the other hand, chuckles
  1287. >You turn to face her, a raised brow on your face
  1288. >"You'd think they get off on it."
  1289. "Huh?"
  1290. >"Rarity and Twilight. They just barge in. Maybe it's a unicorn thing."
  1291. >Rainbow laughs
  1292. >You can't help but join in
  1293. >All the while, her walls clamp down on your fist and arm
  1294. >Strangely, she's as wet as before
  1295. >As if nothing had happened
  1297. "Wait, isn't Twilight an Alicorn?"
  1298. >Rainbow lazily hits your shoulder, chuckling
  1299. >"She might have wings now, but you know what I mean."
  1300. >She turns her head and smiles at you
  1301. >"She'll always be the unicorn egghead to us."
  1302. >Still smiling, she plants a quick kiss on your lips
  1303. >"Seriously, though. Do you think unicorns get off on that?"
  1304. >You're not sure why, but she chuckles again
  1305. >Perhaps it's the look of confusion on your face
  1306. >"You know... Watching ponies."
  1307. >Her brows lower and she bites her lip
  1308. >She's oddly good at appearing seductive
  1309. "I, uh, don't know."
  1310. >"Do you think Rarity is all hot now she saw us?"
  1311. >Rainbow slowly waggles her brows
  1312. >She licks her upper lip and purrs quietly
  1313. >"Maybe she's going to go 'play' at the Boutique. You wouldn't believe what she has in her bedroom."
  1314. >You don't know how to respond
  1315. >Seeing Rainbow act like this is absurdly arousing
  1316. >You never knew she could be this direct and saucy
  1318. "You think they get off on this?"
  1319. >You start thrusting your fist again
  1320. >Rainbow immediately moans
  1321. >The look on her face doesn't dissipate
  1322. >She stares at you with sultry eyes
  1323. >"Yeah, I bet Twilight would, mmh, love to watch."
  1324. >Every word encourages you to go faster, and you do exactly that
  1325. >"Maybe they'd want to watch, oh yeah, right there... together."
  1326. >Rainbow arches her back and moans loudly
  1327. >"You never kn-know with those crazy unicorns... More, Anon, more..."
  1328. >You can barely move your fist faster
  1329. >With how tight she is, it's tough to go at this speed
  1330. >Yet she keeps grinding her hips into you
  1331. >She isn't getting what she needs, and she's making it very clear
  1332. >Intent on getting her off completely, you slide further down the bed
  1333. >You plant kisses on her body as you move down
  1334. >Rainbow's moans grow just a tad louder
  1335. >It still isn't nearly enough, however
  1336. >"C'mon... Faster..."
  1337. >You grin as you find what you seek
  1338. >She surely isn't ready for this
  1339. >Planting your lips on a nipple, you start sucking
  1340. >"W-WOAH! What are you... Oh, Celestia..."
  1341. >With your fist still pumping in and out of her, you start licking her crotch-boob
  1342. >You gently bite the nipple, eliciting the girliest moan you've ever heard from Rainbow
  1343. >Her hooves find your head, holding your head firmly in place
  1344. >"A little harder... Oh, yeah, just like that..."
  1345. >They're so incredibly soft, but her nipples are completely erect
  1346. >No matter how hard you suckle, no milk enters your mouth, however
  1348. >This isn't doing it
  1349. >Rainbow's loving it, but she wants more
  1350. >As do you
  1351. >You need to feel her
  1352. >You need to her tightness gripping you
  1353. >Her wetness covering you
  1354. >You need it
  1355. >Removing your fist from her, she moans and gasps
  1356. >When nothing happens, however, she turns to you in confusion
  1357. >"Wha- What?! Come on! I, I need more! You can't just leave me like this!"
  1358. >Her brows are furrowed, and a fiery passion is lit in her eyes
  1359. >This is the Rainbow Dash you know
  1360. >Still, that tone isn't going to get her anywhere
  1361. >Sitting up, you grab a hold of her and turn her around mid-air
  1362. >"HEY!"
  1363. >You put her down in front of you, ass pointed directly towards your crotch
  1364. "You think you can tell me what to do?"
  1365. >You lift your right hand up high
  1366. >Before Rainbow can reply, you bring it down on her well-toned cheek
  1367. >She squeals loudly as her ass wiggles
  1368. >"What do you think you're doing?!"
  1369. >You slap her ass again, this time harder
  1370. "You can't order me around like a slave."
  1371. >"Co-Come on! I just want you to, OW! I just want..."
  1372. >You hold your hand in the air
  1373. >Rainbow is already cowering underneath you
  1374. "You just want what?"
  1375. >"You know what I want!"
  1376. >Another slap
  1377. >Her ass is slowly turning red
  1378. "No, I don't. What do you want?"
  1379. >She grumbles loudly before finally sighing
  1380. >"I want you to fuck me!"
  1381. >Yet another slap
  1382. "I told you not to give me orders, Dashie."
  1383. >"I'm not begging!"
  1384. >A quick, hard slap more, it seems
  1385. >"FINE! Please, Anon, give me your dick! I need it! Please! Fuck me!"
  1387. >You can't help but grin
  1388. "If you insist."
  1389. >Quickly pulling down your boxers, you free your erection
  1390. >Rainbow seems to sense it, as she immediately moves backwards, trying to find it
  1391. >Deciding against teasing her any further, you simply guide yourself straight towards her wet snatch
  1392. >She gasps loudly as your tip makes contact with her
  1393. >Her little body trembles from the connection, but you don't give her time to regain herself
  1394. >With determination, you thrust forward, easily sliding inside of her
  1395. >You're taken aback by the feeling
  1396. >It's unlike anything you've ever experienced
  1397. >Her muscles move in ways you never knew possible
  1398. >The further in you go, the more she massages your shaft, grips your head
  1399. >"F-Fuck..."
  1400. >Rainbow's upper half is completely lost to the pleasure
  1401. >You grab her tail and pull yourself all the way in
  1402. >As your balls slap against her fur, she squeals loudly
  1403. "Fuck, you're tight."
  1404. >Rainbow mumbles, but you're not sure if it's actual words
  1405. >Her focus is completely gone
  1406. >As you start thrusting, your mouth starts going
  1407. "I'm going to cum right inside you. I'll fill you up completely."
  1408. >You automatically thrust harder and faster
  1409. >Leaning forward, you whisper into her ear
  1410. "Your womb is gonna be overflowing with my cum. You'll be dripping for the next week."
  1411. >"A-Anon, I can't... Fuck..."
  1412. "I've been dreaming of this. I've wanted to cum inside you ever since I first saw you."
  1413. >Rainbow moans and squeals, her body squirming
  1415. "Whenever I saw you, I could only think of filling you up. Burying myself, fuck, inside you and letting it all go."
  1416. >Your groin slaps against her ass ferociously
  1417. >Her body shakes with every thrust, and her voice cracks
  1418. >She can't formulate words at this point
  1419. >Her eyes roll into the back of her skull, and her tongue hangs lazily from her mouth
  1420. "I've thought about taking you, right there in front of everyone. Fucking you senseless. Spraying you full of cum. You want it, don't you?"
  1421. >Rainbow's cunt is going amok
  1422. >She gently massages the tip of your cock while pounding against the base of your shaft
  1423. >Her wetness sticks to your dick and drips onto your balls as well as the sheet
  1424. >On her back, her wings are completely flared, completely stiff
  1425. "You're gonna love it. You've always wanted it. Wanted to feel my cum flowing through your womb. Filling you up. Fuck. You dirty little mare. You know you love it."
  1426. >"Y-Yes! Yes I do! Anon, I do! Fuck!"
  1427. >It's all she manages to blurt out in between her moans
  1428. >She's smiling broadly, her eyes still white as snow
  1430. >You suddenly realize how close you are
  1431. >How close you are to exploding inside her cunt
  1432. >You instinctively put more effort into your thrusting
  1433. >Loud, wet slaps can be heard through your house
  1434. >Rainbow's body starts going through a series of spasms
  1435. >This is it
  1436. >And you want the full effect
  1437. >With your dick buried deep inside of her, you grab her body and turn her around
  1438. >You weren't at all ready for having her pussy twist around your shaft like that
  1439. >Her muscles even contract further, smothering your dick in the softness of her walls
  1440. >You simply lean forward and plant your lips on her mouth
  1441. >Rainbow immediately pulls you in with a hoof around your neck
  1442. >Quick, hot breaths assault your face as she opens her mouth
  1443. >The moment her tongue enters your mouth, you lose yourself
  1444. >Pushing your hips against her as hard as you possibly can, your balls twitch, and you explode
  1445. >Your eyes slam shut, and you give yourself in to the jolts of pure ecstasy shooting through your body
  1446. >Sudden weakness courses through you, and you collapse on top of her
  1447. >Still, you do not break the kiss
  1448. >You simply shoot load after load deep into the cyan pegasus, filling her, just as you said you would
  1449. >"Oh, fuck..., Oh, my gosh..."
  1450. >Rainbow mumbles into your mouth, as she assaults your tongue
  1451. >Her muscles pulse around your cock, from the base to the tip
  1452. >As she milks you, she wraps her legs around your back, pulling you even further in
  1454. >Rainbow breaks the kiss, but only slightly so
  1455. >Her breath hits your lips hard, and in rapid succession
  1456. >"Fill me up. Give me everything. Just like that. Fuck, do it. More. More, Anon."
  1457. >She immediately returns to kissing you, now smiling as she does so
  1458. >Your legs are shaking as you spray the last of your seed into her womb
  1459. >Though your eyes are closed, you can feel the world spinning, and see stars all around you
  1460. >The entirety of your body is prickling, and the tips of your fingers and toes have gone numb
  1461. >Rainbow's chest raises and falls in sync with yours, causing her fur to brush against your bare skin
  1462. >The hoof wrapped around your neck grips harder, as do the ones around your lower back
  1463. >She seems intent on never letting you go
  1464. >Even when you are spent, she keeps exploring your mouth with her tongue, keeping you as close as you can possibly get
  1466. >Rainbow squeezes you with her hooves one last time
  1467. >It lasts just a brief moment
  1468. >Then, once you're completely exhausted, she finally lets you go
  1469. >She stares deeply into your eyes as you pull out, a warm smile on her lips
  1470. >You turn over, collapsing on the bed next to her
  1471. >Stars are still swirling around the edge of your vision
  1472. >The world slowly stops spinning
  1473. >Rainbow wraps a hoof around your chest and snuggles up close
  1474. >"That was amazing..."
  1475. >She speaks quietly
  1476. >Even if you can't see her, you can tell she's happy
  1477. >Her hoof slowly runs up and down your body
  1478. >"We've gotta do that again some other time."
  1479. >You now slowly, finally turning to look at her
  1480. >The moment you see her, a wide smile erupts on your face
  1481. >You stare at her intently, watching her beautiful face
  1482. >Her eyes are so very wonderful
  1483. >Yet as you look at her, you wonder
  1484. >Just how would she look as a human?
  1485. >Curiosity gets the better of you
  1486. >There is magic in this world, after all
  1487. "Hey, Rainbow?"
  1488. >"Mmh?"
  1489. "The next time we do this, do you think that you can get Twilight to change you into a human?"
  1490. >Her brows shoot up her forehead immediately
  1491. "I want to see what your boobs will be like."
  1492. >She stares at you in silence for a second
  1493. >You wonder if you screwed up
  1494. >That thought doesn't last very long, however
  1495. >Rainbow roars with laughter
  1496. >She gently slaps your chest and pokes you
  1497. >"You would ask that."
  1498. >She kisses your cheek gently, still chuckling
  1499. >"But, maybe I could. We'll see."
  1501. >The two of you chuckle in unison
  1502. >It's so very quiet, but feels more powerful than any magic in this land
  1503. >It seeps into you, coursing through your body like a river
  1504. >Warmth and joy spreads through you, filling you with hope and excitement
  1505. >Though Dash turns quiet, simply enjoying the moment, you keep chuckling
  1506. >You can't help but simply laugh at how great everything is
  1507. >Equestria, your life, and in particular her
  1508. >"Hey, what's up with you, egghead?"
  1509. >Rainbow playfully pokes you
  1510. >When you turn to look at her, she's smiling gently
  1511. "I want to live the rest of my life with you."
  1512. >You weren't even intending on saying that
  1513. >But it is true
  1514. >Completely and utterly true
  1515. >You want her around you
  1516. >Every day, for the rest of your life
  1517. >You don't want to give this up
  1518. >Rainbow is completely taken aback by the statement
  1519. >She doesn't even speak before you continue
  1520. "Will you marry me?"
  1521. >This makes you do a double take
  1522. >Did you just ask that?
  1523. >Yes, yes you did
  1524. >And somehow, it feels right
  1525. >You don't regret asking
  1526. >More than anything, you want to ask again
  1527. >"M-Marry?" she croaks
  1528. >Smile widening, you nod
  1529. "I love you."
  1530. >She falls quiet
  1531. >A deep silence, a serious moment of pondering
  1532. >Then you notice something
  1533. >Tears, streaming down her face
  1534. >She doesn't tremble, doesn't sob
  1535. >"Marry..." she mumbles
  1537. >She's staring into the void
  1538. >Her eyes are far from yours
  1539. >For a moment you worry
  1540. >Maybe it is too fast
  1541. >Too sudden
  1542. >You should have just enjoyed the moment
  1543. >There was no need for this
  1544. >"Marry..."
  1545. >She repeats the word again
  1546. >This time, however, she chuckles
  1547. >"Marry."
  1548. >Once more, now laughing
  1549. >You feel your heart sink
  1550. >She thinks you're joking
  1551. >Of course she would be
  1552. >Rainbow Dash would never take that seriously
  1553. "Look, I'm so-"
  1554. >"Yes."
  1555. "-ry. What?"
  1556. >"Yes, Anon."
  1557. >She finally looks at you
  1558. >With laughter in her voice and in her eyes
  1559. >She plants lips right onto yours, kissing you with more passion than you though a little pony could contain
  1560. >You barely manage to react before she breaks it
  1561. >"Who am I kidding? It's not like I haven't been wanting this forever."
  1563. >You're at a loss for words
  1564. >There was more you wanted to say
  1565. >You're sure of it
  1566. >Something sugary sweet
  1567. >Something about how much you love her
  1568. >How beautiful she truly is
  1569. >Now, now you can't think of anything
  1570. >It doesn't even matter
  1571. >You laugh
  1572. >Wrapping your arms around your little pony, you laugh
  1573. >Louder than you've ever laughed before
  1574. >Rainbow chuckles and embraces the hug, snuggling up to you
  1575. >She nuzzles her head against your chin and sighs contently
  1576. >You just keep laughing
  1577. >It dies down, the laughter
  1578. >Little by little, but it continues forever inside of you
  1579. >It's like an infection coursing through you
  1580. >All you can think of is this very moment
  1581. >Time, Equestria, ponies, none of it matters
  1582. >With your arms around Dash, you simply focus on her
  1583. >It's all you can think of
  1584. >Her and you, in your house, quietly snuggling against each other
  1585. >Your hand runs down her mane, and she coos gently
  1586. >You kiss her head once
  1587. >This your little pony
  1588. >And you're going to stay with her till the end of days
  1592. >She stares at the fabric
  1593. >Never before has she stared this intently at the perfect shade of purple
  1594. >The needle runs painfully slow through the dress
  1595. >The stitches are not difficult
  1596. >Not even remotely
  1597. >But with all her might, Rarity tries to block out the images
  1598. >She knows he's watching
  1599. >He's sitting right there on the stool, like he always does
  1600. >This is a day like any other
  1601. >Spike just wants to help
  1602. >But she knows it's coming
  1603. >Any second now
  1604. >Sweat is running down her forehead
  1605. >She can feel her magic trembling
  1606. >"What WAS Rainbow and Anon doing?"
  1607. >"WRESLING."
  1608. >Rarity's head twists towards Spike
  1609. >She cackles hysterically
  1611. >As she stares at the startled dragon, she silently prays for someone to save her
  1612. >Celestia, Twilight, anyone
  1613. >"But... Anon said-"
  1614. >"Don't you worry about that! Heh! Eat a gem!"
  1615. >Completely out of control, she grabs a gem with her magic, shoving it directly into Spike's mouth
  1616. >"Uh, thanks, but I'm not hungry. I just wanna-"
  1617. >"Nonsense! Have another one!"
  1618. >Gems soar through the air and directly into Spike's mouth
  1619. >Even when his mouth is filled, they keep pelting at him
  1620. >"MMPHMPH!"
  1621. >"Now! Uh, I have something important to do! Alone! In my room! You just sit there! Good dragon!"
  1622. >Rarity smiles maniacally before rushing off to her bedroom
  1623. >She can hear Spike's voice behind her, but pays no mind
  1625. >Once inside her bedroom, she slams it close and locks it tight
  1626. >Her breathing is ragged
  1627. >Her eyes are directly locked on the darkness underneath her bed
  1628. >Removing the concealment spell, she grabs the box and puts it on her desk
  1629. >She stares at the collection for a moment, image of Anon's fist deep inside Rainbow still fresh in her mind
  1630. >"Stupid, sexy Anon."
  1632. >"Not at all, Spikey! Just give me a minute or ten!"
  1633. >"OR TEN?"
  1635. >After picking, Rarity puts the box back under the bed
  1636. >She immediately gets to work, her mind replaying the moment over and over
  1637. >She's quite certain Spike is right outside the door, but doesn't care
  1638. >It's hard to care in this moment
  1639. >"Stupid, sexy human..."
  1641. The end.
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