

Apr 19th, 2010
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  1. 13/04/2010 6:44:13 AM E Patrick So what're you up to today?
  2. 13/04/2010 6:45:32 AM Patrick E Nothing much. It's been a strange day. Woke up feeling like I was dreaming. Feel like I'm just waking up now.
  3. 13/04/2010 6:45:41 AM Patrick E The last few hours have felt like some kind of drug trip.
  4. 13/04/2010 6:45:45 AM E Patrick Those days are always interesting.
  5. 13/04/2010 6:45:58 AM E Patrick I'm pretty sure that's how Orak always feels.
  6. 13/04/2010 6:47:10 AM Patrick E Is he actually on drugs, though?
  7. 13/04/2010 6:47:24 AM E Patrick ...not ALL the time.
  8. 13/04/2010 6:47:29 AM Patrick E Oh. This should make you happy. Next Celani call. I'm gonna apply. Whether I get up or not is a separate issue.
  9. 13/04/2010 6:47:35 AM Patrick E But I will apply.
  10. 13/04/2010 6:47:35 AM E Patrick Oh please
  11. 13/04/2010 6:47:40 AM E Patrick like you won't go up
  12. 13/04/2010 6:47:54 AM Patrick E Galleus is kind of irritated with me, I think. And Iosyne...
  13. 13/04/2010 6:48:01 AM Patrick E I was mean to Iosyne.
  14. 13/04/2010 6:48:30 AM E Patrick afaict Iosyne is a silly bint, and if G doesn't take you then he's a worse businessman than anyone knew.
  15. 13/04/2010 6:48:55 AM Patrick E Still. If Iosyne says nay, that's all Galleus needs to slam the door in my face.
  16. 13/04/2010 6:49:24 AM E Patrick Well, we can hope that he's got some modicum of logic left in him
  17. 13/04/2010 6:49:35 AM E Patrick In any case, that does make me happy.
  18. 13/04/2010 6:49:40 AM E Patrick Because fuck yeah Obs magic
  19. 13/04/2010 6:50:35 AM Patrick E So hey. I have this idea for Omei's return.
  20. 13/04/2010 6:50:46 AM Patrick E She bursts out of the clouds, surrounded by moths and a hunting party of shadows, playing an eight-stringed violin.
  21. 13/04/2010 6:50:52 AM Patrick E And charges through the forests.
  22. 13/04/2010 6:50:57 AM Patrick E Leaving a trail of dead animals in her wake.
  23. 13/04/2010 6:51:12 AM E Patrick That's a pretty grand entrance.
  24. 13/04/2010 6:51:23 AM Patrick E Yeah. The idea's stuck in my head.
  25. 13/04/2010 6:51:33 AM E Patrick You should listen to some of the Crooked Fiddle Band
  26. 13/04/2010 6:51:48 AM E Patrick Because that flavour of Psychogypsy just popped into my head
  27. 13/04/2010 6:52:26 AM E Patrick not least because I imagine her playing incredibly hard
  28. 13/04/2010 6:52:33 AM E Patrick and my god, the Crooked Fiddle play hard.
  29. 13/04/2010 6:52:37 AM Patrick E She'd be playing -all eight strings at once-, Eleanor
  30. 13/04/2010 6:52:42 AM E Patrick «I nods.
  31. 13/04/2010 6:52:48 AM E Patrick When I saw the crooked fiddle live
  32. 13/04/2010 6:52:53 AM E Patrick the bass player snapped a string
  33. 13/04/2010 6:53:05 AM E Patrick and each member of the band had a holster with a couple of extra bows
  34. 13/04/2010 6:53:27 AM E Patrick about half the hair was hanging off the end of the violinist's bow by the end of their hardest song
  35. 13/04/2010 6:54:11 AM Patrick E Nice.
  36. 13/04/2010 6:54:15 AM Patrick E Lemme check 'em out
  37. 13/04/2010 6:54:40 AM Patrick E Omei's probably a mix of modern, folk, and tribal. All at the same time. Dissonance? Very yes.
  38. 13/04/2010 6:54:52 AM E Patrick Yep, you're describing Crooked Fiddle
  39. 13/04/2010 6:55:01 AM Patrick E Listening to them now.
  40. 13/04/2010 6:55:22 AM Patrick E ... I am ten seconds in and they are my new soundtrack for Omei
  41. 13/04/2010 6:55:31 AM E Patrick ^^^
  42. 13/04/2010 6:55:47 AM E Patrick I wish you could have been there to see the crooked fiddle live.
  43. 13/04/2010 6:56:19 AM Patrick E This band makes me happy.
  44. 13/04/2010 6:56:24 AM Patrick E :)
  45. 13/04/2010 6:56:33 AM E Patrick You might also like the Counterfeit Gypsies
  46. 13/04/2010 6:56:38 AM Patrick E And the violinist is both hot and talented.
  47. 13/04/2010 6:56:40 AM E Patrick but they might be hard to nail down in terms of music.
  48. 13/04/2010 6:56:45 AM E Patrick «I NODS
  49. 13/04/2010 7:03:09 AM E Patrick But Omei would rock hardcore if she was psychogypsy themed
  50. 13/04/2010 7:03:20 AM E Patrick make her a dark-haired gypsy woman
  51. 13/04/2010 7:03:30 AM E Patrick Like Mirela but Godly.
  52. 13/04/2010 7:03:31 AM Patrick E She's already got black hair.
  53. 13/04/2010 7:03:34 AM E Patrick Curly hair though
  54. 13/04/2010 7:03:35 AM Patrick E And violet skin.
  55. 13/04/2010 7:03:37 AM E Patrick and curves like whoa
  56. 13/04/2010 7:03:42 AM Patrick E And she is curvaceous.
  57. 13/04/2010 7:03:53 AM Patrick E And she's not afraid of being affectionate with mortals.
  58. 13/04/2010 7:04:12 AM E Patrick You should make her like Chak should have been, except more interested in hedonism than corruption.
  59. 13/04/2010 7:04:57 AM E Patrick All Dream and Passion and opium and wine
  60. 13/04/2010 7:05:01 AM Patrick E Omei's all about living in the present, so yeah. Hedonism. You get the urge, follow through on that shit.
  61. 13/04/2010 7:05:15 AM Patrick E Impulsiveness FTW.
  62. 13/04/2010 7:05:22 AM Patrick E Thinking ahead is for losers and conservatives
  63. 13/04/2010 7:05:27 AM E Patrick «I nods.
  64. 13/04/2010 7:05:35 AM E Patrick Also, see Leonard Cohen for more flavour
  65. 13/04/2010 7:05:51 AM Patrick E Also, I'm thinking not -quite- as vindictively cruel. Less grimdark blood.
  66. 13/04/2010 7:06:05 AM E Patrick Leonard Cohen's songs summarised: Sex, suicide, wine, war, sex, dancing, women.
  67. 13/04/2010 7:06:32 AM Patrick E Omei's more of this Goddess that drowns herself in constant experiences to avoid thinking about her pain.
  68. 13/04/2010 7:06:40 AM E Patrick «I nods.
  69. 13/04/2010 7:06:53 AM E Patrick There's different ways to present that, though.
  70. 13/04/2010 7:07:05 AM E Patrick I mean, one reason for doing that would be insecurity
  71. 13/04/2010 7:07:10 AM E Patrick but another would be strength
  72. 13/04/2010 7:07:23 AM Patrick E She is insecure, actually. That's why she's so dependent on mortals. For adoration, for essence.
  73. 13/04/2010 7:07:34 AM Patrick E They validate her because her family won't.
  74. 13/04/2010 7:07:37 AM E Patrick «I nods.
  75. 13/04/2010 7:07:43 AM E Patrick That just makes her more earthy.
  76. 13/04/2010 7:07:51 AM E Patrick "Stuff those other godly types, I like you mortals better."
  77. 13/04/2010 7:07:55 AM E Patrick "Have some opium."
  78. 13/04/2010 7:08:13 AM Patrick E Not so much. 'Cuz she still wants to set herself apart. And I want to portray her as something undeniably alien and inconceivable.
  79. 13/04/2010 7:08:32 AM Patrick E She is still essentially a cosmic horror of sorts.
  80. 13/04/2010 7:09:41 AM E Patrick I think perhaps I'm just in love with the idea of a wild gypsy goddess.
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