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The Colony Full Movie Hd Download

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  55. Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature.
  56. Groups of people - colonies - are forced underground due to another ice age. Colony 7 goes to check on Colony 5, which they lost contact with. When they get there they find that the colony has fallen and there is a whole new enemy that they have to face on their way back.
  57. First third of movie was alright. Rest was terrible. I had some hope for this movie since I like these actors, but it was so disappointing that I feel I have to say something. Spoilers ahead. Reasons why this movie stinks: <br/><br/>First of all, someone with the type of military training that Fishbourne&#39;s character supposedly has would never be so stupid as to take two kids to check out what happened to a colony of 50 people that suddenly went silent except for a distress signal. Leaving Paxton&#39;s character behind even though he has military training and then asking civilians to stop him with little to no training, was just colossally stupid. Hate to say it, but he deserved to die. Oh, and when a colony of 50 people goes silent and all you find at the entrance are pools of blood, only a total moron goes in with a couple of kids and such limited weapons.Telling the kid to grow a spine because he had enough intelligence to know it was a dumb idea is the worst. Gee, wonder what happened here...50 people couldn&#39;t handle it, but these two kids and I will save them!!! Right.<br/><br/>Second, why couldn&#39;t they do a better job with Paxton? It was a lazy casting decision. &quot;Hey, we don&#39;t have to build the character so much if we get a guy who has experience playing jerks because the audience will buy into it more easily.&quot;<br/><br/>Third, if you have a massive structure made of concrete and steel, and you&#39;re able to make the whole thing collapse, burying cannibal-vampire- wannabes at the bottom under tons of debris, they aren&#39;t coming after you unless they are really vampires. But these jokers aren&#39;t. They&#39;re just really stupid cannibals who wish they were vampires.<br/><br/>Fourth, if you blow up a bridge over a huge icy chasm that clearly requires the stupid cannibals chasing you to spend perhaps days going around the long way, I&#39;m pretty certain they&#39;d be like, &quot;Forget this. Don&#39;t we have a bunch of meat back at the last place we trashed? Maybe we should just go eat that.&quot; But maybe they used some rope to get across? No, they aren&#39;t that smart. Besides, if they did do that, they would&#39;ve caught the kid before he had a chance to collapse in front of his home base. But wait, they must&#39;ve climbed down into the chasm so they could wander around in the snow until they found Captain Dynamite&#39;s head to shove at the camera when they caught up to the kid and his colony. Yay!<br/><br/>Fifth, Paxton&#39;s character was a dufus who decided to go psychotic for reasons. Even when things seemed to be going downhill, he repeatedly made the worst possible choices. &quot;Hey, whatever happened to them resulted in the death of my old military buddy, but this kid is lying or delusional because reasons.&quot; &quot;Hey, even though I saw some awful stuff and came here with my pal to make sure nothing like that ever happened again, I&#39;m somehow just a general scumbag.&quot;<br/><br/>Sixth, chief stupid-cannibal-vampire-wannabe always happens to somehow avoid getting killed, even though he&#39;s quite often near the front of the action. If that were all, it would be terrible enough to ruin the movie. However, that isn&#39;t all at all. Somehow, when Paxton&#39;s character blows up what appears to be a propane tank, the explosion blows the chief idiot into the ducts behind the fleeing characters so he can continue pursuit. This is the worst decision in movies since having Legolas surf/skate in LOTR. <br/><br/>Seventh, no, just no. <br/><br/>Eighth, &quot;Hey, these people with clear skies have no seed to sustain them. But grabbing 2 or 3 jars of random seeds will save us all!&quot; &quot;Hey, Paxton is a jerk, but let me give him my gun because reasons.&quot; &quot;Hey, we&#39;re inside a huge structure made of concrete and steel, but we can hear a couple of dudes banging on the front door throughout the colony like the entire structure is a tin can&quot; &quot;Hey, did we really just abandon all those bodies (50) we just butchered at the last place so we could hunt down this kid and the ten people with him?&quot;
  58. When I first saw the trailer for this film I had high hopes. Some pretty solid journeymen actors, a great premise, and enough of a budget to execute the thing properly.<br/><br/>However, the actual film simply failed to deliver as promised by the trailer.<br/><br/>It&#39;s hard to pin down exactly what the problem with The Colony is, but if I had to point to a couple of things I would say; lack of originality, and a confused plot development that feels far too rushed by the time the final credits roll.<br/><br/>Basically this is a non-viral version of 28 Days Later by Danny Boyle (with a spot of Sunshine mixed in for good measure) - identical score, similar story points, same sort of antagonists, and an ultra-violent final clash that bears striking similarities to the final act of 28 Days Later.<br/><br/>It&#39;s really the final act of this film where the plot development starts to implode in on itself - basically things are set up relatively well, but then the film rushes to a conclusion, and leaves you feeling like what you&#39;ve just seen shouldn&#39;t have actually unfolded the way that it did.<br/><br/>I was especially perplexed by the final confrontation where not only has our main antagonist developed a terminator-like strength and invincibility (previously his band of merry men were being killed with single gunshots, and single blows from axes, etc), but now our protagonist has also become equally superhuman in his fighting ability.<br/><br/>Then, in a film that has previously featured very little in the way of on-screen blood and gore, suddenly features a prolonged and graphic head bashing, followed by an almost comic decapitation at the mouth.<br/><br/>All in all this one was a dissatisfying movie experience.
  59. Greedily tries to cram every dystopian curse into one misbegotten plot, resulting in something wildly disjointed, even if its pieces arguably connect.
  60. a5c7b9f00b
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