
03.26 zahhual death end + adsila fight

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [00:02:46] They weren't listening! They didn't listen at all to her meek, squeaky words before everything hit the fan, to that end, the young dancer found herself falling to impulse much quicker than she expected; a cosmic shroud slowly but surely ebbing out of her form as she observed the fight.
  3. It was horrifying to watch; her teacher nothing more than a wild powerhouse that resembled a Wraith! Yet despite that, despite knowing her teacher was long gone, Xitlalli hopelessly stuck to that dream that she wasn't lost, that this could be overcome.
  5. Or so she kept telling herself.
  7. "Stop it! Ple-Please, stop, stop, stop!"
  9. Lotlhuitl's words fell upon deaf ears, Xitlalli too entranced by the harsh display between the trio, to which she found herself drawn to it all, staggering forward, idly brushing by the Nagual.
  11. The sheer fact they brought her to kneel was enough to make Xitlalli goover the edge!
  13. This was not how she wished to remember Zahhual, not what she wanted for the woman which taught her plenty! It was insulting in her mind that Xoconan had done such a thing, only to suggest Kayeliun ordered Zahhual's execution.
  15. She wouldn't. She couldn't. She didn't believe it at all for a second.
  17. "Stop! Stop it! No! Get away from her!"
  19. Without much in the way of warning, a burst of intense mana flew out from Xitlalli's form, as her hands were brought upwards, causing a ray of cosmic light to shoot out, aimed directly towards Xoconan. The dancer did not know his intent, all she saw was something she did not, she wished for him to move, to get away from Zahhual.
  21. Unfortunately with such a narrow mindset within this time, it wasn't enough for her to realise what he had said, it wasn't enough to figure out that Hatsune was still there to finish it all off.
  23. The dancer acted entirely on impulse.
  24. (Xitlalli)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [00:03:37] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oh god that's spooky)
  28. [00:07:53] Hatsune was behind for the majority of the fight. The wind and water she leveled across the battlefield was her surrogate, and the motes of silver light that came with the rainfall she brought about her washed across Xoconan. She kept her eyes cast down, avoiding looking at the Shaman-
  30. And it did not matter or inhibit her, for the Shaman put her sights on Xoconan before she had the chance to put them onto the mermaid. The fight went on, and Hatsune only had to weather the cacophony of noise that caused her to fold her finned ears against her head and the rush of water that did little to overcome her innate resistance to the magic. The mermaid went... Largely unharmed.
  32. Before she had a chance to come to terms with it, the fight was over. Or at least, it seemed so fast to her. The shaman was still a brick house- A walking tank of a woman. The amount of abuse she faced against two opponents was enough to fell three regular magi. So while it washed by the adrenaline soaked, slow paced mermaid...
  34. Perhaps the sight was a bit more gruesome for those watching in terror. She did not flinch or even react to the fight happening elsewhere. It passed over the mermaid as if the world was just her and the dancer.
  35. I love her so much...
  36. Finish it, Hatsune.
  37. Even now.
  38. She stepped forward to where the woman was laid out, and with a surprising show of strength... She pushed to put the woman on her back. Her touch was gentle, and where she came into contact with the Shaman their flesh lit up like two live wires being crossed. Golden light flared up and blinded those who watched, and the shaman was given a touch that washed away not just the pain of her body, but that of her mind as well. It was clarity and peace. It was the distinct impression that all guilt was meaningless, for there was more forgiveness in this world than wrongdoing...
  39. I need to be strong for her.
  40. After that, she reached down at a slow pace and undid the bracer she wore. Beneath it was her wrist, and upon it a small bone protrusion, a spur... So odd on her body, so rarely displayed. No one even mentioned it, and she never felt the need to display it. A wicked, sharp point, but no edge for cutting.
  41. There will be time for tears later...
  42. She looked down to Zahhual and dropped down to her knees. The posture she'd never let the mermaid endure without being chastised despite protests that it was merely the most convenient way to reach people sometimes. To help people. She sank down and placed a hand over the Shaman's chest, prying at her chest armor and all of its familiar latches.
  43. When it will hurt her less to see them.
  44. A moment of pause took her- But just a moment. The hand resumed prying at her armor, but she leaned down, bumped her forehead against the Shaman's mask, and whispered. Her face betrayed no emotion. She went through this task like she'd gone through the rest of her day.
  45. (Hatsune Panic)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [00:08:44] Hatsune Panic whispers something.
  49. [00:11:18] LOOC - Xoconan: (Whoops)
  50. [00:13:00] He was struck, sliding back several paces before his own power could recover from the unexpected attack. Pain rippled through his form, blood splattering across the stone from the wound in his chest, but Xoconan did not budge towards the ground.
  52. A motion brought him out of the way of the remainder of the beam, a glare settling on Xitlalli. "Stay out of this. Strike me again and I'll defend myself."
  53. (Xoconan)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [00:18:59] To be ordered to 'stay out of this', when it regarded her teacher caused a frown to break the saddened expression, Xitlalli held prior. No that wasn't right, he had no room to tell her to 'stay out of this', not at all.
  58. "That's my teacher, she's not yours.", she says with gritted teeth, as motes of cosmic energy began to gather once more around her, the shroud growing ever stronger for the time being.
  60. "You've no right to tell me to 'stay out of this'.", after all, she wanted a part in it and she would not suffer a stranger denying her of what she wanted.
  62. No, she wouldn't allow it to happen again --if it happened again that is, though for now, it wasn't the case, yet.
  63. (Xitlalli)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [00:21:32] Lotlhuitl's fingers had grasped at Xitlalli, attempting to hold the dancer back, to protect her. To shield her from what was about to happen. But Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati failed. She failed to maintain her grasp on the dancer. Failed to stop Xitlalli from charging forward. Failed to stop the woman from attacking her lover.
  68. Lotlhuitl started forward. Too slow. Much too slow.
  70. Her attention was drawn, pulled between Zahhual's fallen figure, Hatsune, who knelt beside her, Xoconan and his bleeding chest wound, and Xitlalli, distraught beyond measure.
  72. "And you've no right to attack him..!" Lotlhuitl hissed at Xitlalli finally coming to herself. Grabbing hold of her will. Her senses. Directing her ire towards Xitlalli, her friend. She once more attempted to grab the woman, aiming to pull her to herself. To force the dancer to look into her eyes. To force her to pay attention to her. Her anger. "He and Hatsune gave Zahhual a choice." Lotlhuitl shuddered, unable to look at the fallen woman. No. She focused on Xitlalli. "A choice. She had a choice."
  73. (Lotlhuitl)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [00:25:48] Xoconan says, "There's more at stake than your teacher. Stay out of it- and let Hatsune have her moment."
  77. [00:28:22] Strength failing, durability faltering for the first time in twenty four years, Zahhual falls. Before long, every sweep of magic strikes true, no longer resisted by the Shaman's impossible durability, channelled magic beginning to fade.
  79. But even so. Even so, with strength draining from all four of her arms, Zahhual never quite kneels. Legs shaking, hands and feet on the stone below, her knees never quite touch the ground.
  80. Perhaps it isn't obvious, with all that blood. Perhaps it still looks as though she finally kneels for the first time. Perhaps none will ever realise.
  82. Her body plumes with thick, unnatural stroke. Each wound she had taken flows not only with corrupted blood, but with those same wisps. Each injury revealing more and more just how inhuman she's become. Even when the blood parts under the heat of flames and lightning, burned meat is revealed below- and even that is purple with the ravages that once laid her low.
  84. But then, she finds herself on her back, form twitching with the fleeting remnants of fight or flight.
  85. A warmth of the mind and the soul washes over her, radiant and cleansing- the touch of her beloved, and her familiar magic. Something that had kept Zahhual calm in the darkest times, for years. Something that slowed her descent.
  86. Something that could never fully cleanse her, even now.
  88. "Why is the pain.. ?"
  90. Half formed, delirious. Almost as if she's barely aware of the rest of the world now. For in truth, the pain had never left- the pain of having such corrupt blood ravage her body for years, of having her form forcibly warped, of spending almost forty five years constantly dancing. The corruption had lessened, but in truth, she had never sought to tell her loved ones of her body's rapid internal decline.
  92. Through the smoke and the blood, the dim visage of a familiar figure comes into view. Zahhual's head slowly turns, limp, like a loved one in a hospital bed.
  93. The flow of blood begins to dry up, and one bare, clawed lower hand rises to seize Hatsune's throat.
  95. Weak. Unable to squeeze.
  96. Perhaps, for an instant, a moment of lucidity washes over Zahhual, voice losing its power. Soft. Fading.
  98. "I told you. . Never to kneel. ."
  99. (Zahhual)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [00:36:54] There was more at stake than her own teacher, that was correct but that wasn't on Xitlalli's mind which was so wired on the short-term, so incredibly short-sighted since the appearance of that particular Wraith. That being said, short-sightedness could be abused and used against Xitlalli.
  104. The dancer's attention ripped away by Lotlhuitl.
  106. The hissing and then the 'orders', it made Xitlalli blink and wince, turning her head slightly to the side, eyeing the blood covered tiles and not Lotlhuitl. Xitlalli couldn't afford to look at them, not after they got in the way, tried to stop her from doing what she wanted to.
  108. Lotlhuitl's ire was upon her, whilst Hatsune knelt and proceeded with what might be very well Zahhual's last moments.
  110. "Stop it.", she utters, a selfish demand for her own sake, nobody else's just her own, only to be jerked and shaken! Forced to look Loithuil in the eye, which was once more, not what she wanted to do; but she had not the means or the power to get what she wanted yet.
  112. "No. No. No. No. This isn't what she wanted, what she desired from us, no. We're not supposed to be her opposition.", Xitlalli ends up whispering; she truthfully did not know what Zahhual wanted.
  115. (Xitlalli)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [00:46:17] The mermaid's face finally twisted and reformed- Those two words were the only ones that might truly apply to the change there. Her lips drew back in abnormal ways, muscles that humans and other land dwellers lacked opening them wide and baring the full row of sharp, dagger-like teeth she had. A smile? A grimace? It was impossible to tell what, if anything, it meant. Her teeth parted from their zig-zag before closing slowly. A breath.
  120. The ball of water that whirled around her shoulders whirled its way down to her arm- To her wrist. It wrapped around her there, replaced the bracer she wore with a translucent, quivering mass, and formed a solid point over the bone spur jutting out there.
  122. With her lips still pulled back and open, she pulled her head away from Zahhual's mask and sank down- Off of her knees, onto her rear, awkwardly sprawled out over the floor but no longer kneeling.
  124. The tip of the spur pressed over her bared chest...
  126. To Zahhual, there might be nothing at all. Perhaps even relief. Maybe a tug or a pull. She claimed she could make it painless, and so there was every effort to avoid pain.
  128. To everyone else? The water made a fine point, and it took a clear silver color. Holywater made an incision before rushing into the Shaman's chest. A massive amount of pressure burst into her body, swept away blood, smoke, everything. Ribs were crushed and ruptured out, but the heart was made to remain unscathed. The mermaid reached down into the mess she'd made and searched out for that vital organ or whatever was left. Rubbery fingers searched it out and singled it out before pulling it up, and her head went down.
  130. Those teeth that were bared parted once more, and then kept parting. There was a distinct crunching noise from her jaw, and then her lips fell away even wider. Two rows of teeth bared themselves behind the first, though they were spindly, barbed, and curled inward in a bed of fleshy, wiggling gums that. Her throat contorted and flexed as she began to produce a wailing, whining song...
  132. And somehow, with her jaw gaping and wide open, she started to sing...
  134. "O' my love I'll set you free..."
  135. "Yama please take my love from this place..."
  136. "All you've gave won't ever fade..."
  137. "This one who has been so dear to me..."
  138. "This place in my heart will forever be..."
  139. "Give to her your healing grace..."
  140. "A home for you that you have made..."
  141. "And forgive her of all this misery..."
  142. And that song continued even as she leaned down to bite the heart from Zahhual's chest, still beating, and tried to flood the rest of her body with holy water through those opened arteries. Even as whatever was left of her heart after all of the corruption passed down her throat, causing her flesh to pulsate with each latent beat, the noise poured from her chest with a miserable, haunting melody.
  144. The mermaid's eyes closed, and through all of the golden light and all of the moisture naturally on her face, it was impossible to tell if she cried.
  145. (Hatsune Panic)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [00:48:51] Lotlhuitl's anger visibly waned. She.. she couldn't maintain it. There was a depth of sadness in her green eyes. Truly, Xitlalli said all the things which she wanted to say. And what protestation did Lotlhuitl need to make, when Xitlalli was around to say it all for her? But hearing these words aloud, well. It only made Lotlhuitl realise how pointless any of that was. It might have all been the truth, but what did that matter?
  150. She felt drained.
  152. And soon enough, the Nagual found herself awkwardly attempting to pat Xitlalli on the back. That was what people did at moments like this, yes?
  154. "She had a choice." Lotlhuitl repeated, ignoring Xitlalli's demand that she stop. Her words were quiet. Vaguely desperate. Like some part of Lotlhuitl needed to believe that there had been a possibility that the ex-Cruxati Chieftess could have avoided this place. This place, which should have been her heartland, this place where she had served them all. Taught them all. Loved them all.
  156. Singing.
  158. Tail bristling, ears twitching, Lotlhuitl released Xitlalli. Turned from her friend.
  160. And she stared. Silent now. Watching Hatsune devour Zahhual's heart.
  162. Truly, the shaman only ever had been a sacrifice.
  163. (Lotlhuitl)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [00:49:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (er. Avoided this fate.. Idek what I'm writing..)
  167. [00:49:42] Xitlalli whispers: She... She... Noooo... Nooo! She's taking her from me! They both are.
  168. [00:49:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (avoided this fate at this place)
  169. [00:56:32] It wasn't what she was expecting Hatsune to do, she thought it'd look painless as well, but seeing someone pass on? That was a lie, losing someone was never painless; in this instance Xitlalli had lost a teacher, a very good one infact, whilst for Hatsune... A lover, perhaps.
  171. Xitlalli did not know, she could not think, all she could do was watch in horror as Lotlhuitl patted her on the back.
  173. Xitlalli continued to watch, to see Hatsune devour Zahhual's heart, that act alone made Xitllali tremble, it unnerved her entirely! First her eyes watered, then blinked, with her body following suit with it's trembling and incoherent motions as she tried to stand up and remain 'strong'.
  175. It made her horribly empty to witness Hatsune's method of putting Zahhual to rest, frightened beyond explanation too. So without much difference to that of Lothuitl in the end, Xitlalli felt mentally drained and weary.
  177. She made her demands, she pleaded her desperation but there was no changing what was happening.
  179. The Shaman coming to an end.
  180. (Xitlalli)
  181. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [00:57:23] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm gonna save my dot for Zahhual)
  184. [01:06:46] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  185. [01:06:46] Your combat experience has grown! (1 BL Gained)
  186. [01:12:44] LOOC - Xitlalli: (nooo 15 mins then i get checked)
  187. [01:13:36] LOOC - Xitlalli: (but modifiers are bugged)
  188. [01:16:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb need to secure a... food)
  189. [01:22:08] "I made her a promise. ."
  191. One last burst of strength, half a squeeze, the last ounce of Zahhual's malicious intent. And then, her arm falls from Hatsune's throat, her form falling limp long before the death stroke. Her head no longer turns, the visage of her mask directed towards the Sirenian.
  193. Mother. ."
  195. Barely a murmur now, the voice that once shook Gehenna with its power now falls to frailty, final gasps barely parting her lips.
  197. The visage of her beloved, a fitting final sight. Behind the mask, Zahhual's eyes drift shut, the flow of fog coming to a halt. .
  199. Visions of Hatsune. Of Navi. Of her children. Of Oyaotl. Of all of those who saw her as a mentor or a mother. Kayeliun. Taliyah. Xitlalli. Lotlhuitl.
  200. Even Zaatual and Faustus.
  202. Memories all too vivid, losing lucidity on the verge of consciousness. Memories of her mother and younger sisters, starving in the homeland, of being gifted with her mask on the day lessons in the dance began. Memories of being the only one of health enough to head to Agartha, of the terror that gripped her heart of what may happen if she failed them.
  204. Looking out over the river with her Chieftain, only a commander. Meeting with her beloved, day after day at the bridge, dancing together. Teaching Navi the ways of her mother, fate unknown. Time spent with Zaatual, hidden away at the cove, training with one another to defend their people.
  205. Time spent holding her daughter.
  207. Of the earliest days, cowering in fear.
  208. Of the times that followed, forging bonds, trying to relieve fear in others that she too felt.
  209. Of building bonds with so many loved ones.
  210. Of seeking to build a new home, together with the tribes, in Faustus' memory.
  212. -And of the years of pain that followed. The crippling corruption that destroyed her. The accusations of power grabbing as she helped the tribes rebuild. The spirit weaved through her own. The first life she took. Rahxal, Uthlase, Yohn, Malroth. Slain by her own hands. Quentin, desecrated through her agreement. Others slain on her orders. Cruxati joining war under her.
  214. The warping of her flesh.
  215. Her failure in duty.
  217. Her body doesn't show it- her body can't show it. But as the drums fade, a very real part of what Zahhual has become struggles and writhes, part of her own soul. The struggle isn't physical, certainly not, but. .
  218. It still looses such pitiful, telepathic whimpers and wails, desperate to live. Empathy roils from her form like stench from a bog. .
  220. And it carries every last trace of the grief, the regret, the failure she feels.
  222. It proves all too easy to pierce her flesh, its once-potent protection gone. No longer is Hatsune greeted with skin like nyeshk, but rather the frail, fragile flesh of an aging Shaman.
  223. There's no resistance. There can't be.
  225. Her ribs shatter. Her blood vessels swell. Her lungs are crushed. Her heart is devoured, a loving tribute from a Sirenian.
  226. One last cough, wet with blood, and followed by a gush of waters from behind that mask.
  228. And finally, with the last remnants of air from her lungs, Zahhual manages three last words. Broken. Barely heard. No longer lucid, and offered only to one person, so very far away from Agartha.
  230. "I failed you. ."
  231. (Zahhual)
  232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. [01:25:32] He stood back, for a long moment, letting the fury fade from him. He let Hatsune do what was necessary, to prevent him from doing it himself. He wouldn't have shown the same respect, the same... Attachment.
  236. The love she did.
  238. He kept his eyes firmly trained on the scene, arms folded as his staff floated nearby. His body bled, ached from the battle, but he did not move. He simply... Watched.
  240. And finally, he sighed. As Zahhual uttered her last words, took last breaths, he approached softly, feet gliding just an inch above the stone of the cliff they stood on.
  241. (Xoconan)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [01:25:32] Xitlalli whispers: I think, I think I'm going to collapse.
  245. [01:26:24] Xoconan whispers something.
  246. [01:28:57] LOOC - Xitlalli: (>0.75 rpp)
  247. [01:28:57] LOOC - Xitlalli: (good mod aaaa)
  248. [01:28:57] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Mods are broken))
  249. [01:28:57] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((They'll be fixed next reset.))
  250. [01:28:57] LOOC - Xitlalli: (I know but I'm losing out on my mod)
  251. [01:28:57] LOOC - Xitlalli: (due to this bug)
  252. [01:36:38] The deed was done, and the mermaid consumed the heart whole. Zahhual was made lifeless on the ground, laid out on her back and flooded with holywater. It was over. Finished. Many actions taken and words shared could never be brought back to where they came from.
  254. A hand reached down and pushed beneath the mask so firmly fastened to her face, wrenching it free and stroking the violet, cursed flesh beneath- Those burgundy curls. She pulled the mask away and brought it up into her arms, and then to her chest for a hug as she stared down at the dead woman.
  256. "I've done so much for her, for so long."
  258. Her words came out in a bleak monotone as that golden aura that surrounded her dissipated. There was nothing behind them- No emotion be it sadness, anger, or regret.
  260. "I thought I might yet have decades on her malady. I thought I might see her grow old as I did before shesuccumbed. I have been doing so much for her for so long."
  262. She bowed her head down and stooped her body low, evidence to tension in her chest and stomach.
  264. "But it was not to be. She was cursed further."
  266. "This is all Xomac Tepin's fault. I could feel it in her. Her last acts, prideful and sinful, were the fault of the Sin. I have cured many of the maladies he inflicts on others. It was familiar, and it was him."
  268. "It is the Sin of Pride who has slain Zahhual. There was nothing left to save. She was so weak before. He ruined what was left."
  270. "It was the Sin of Pride who has angered the spirits, making Zahhual act in the way she did. Through his actions these lands face a terrible calamity."
  272. She did not raise her voice- Or lower it. She shook her head slowly, and then went still. The mask stayed clutched to her breast all the while.
  274. And she stayed there. If no one moved her or brought her to stir, she would not leave Zahhual's body.
  275. (Hatsune Panic)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. [01:37:29] Xoconan whispers something.
  279. [01:39:12] Xoconan whispers something.
  280. [01:39:12] Xoconan whispers something.
  281. [01:40:54] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Oop, can't do shit, dead.))
  282. [01:42:36] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Soz, just gotta like. Make sure All the shit like auras aren't auras.))
  283. [01:43:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (AN ILLEGAL RING)
  284. [01:43:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (BAN SHE)
  285. [01:44:19] LOOC - Zahhual: ((I'm gonna keep the rucksack for clothes purposes.))
  286. [01:44:19] By the time the act was finished and Zahhual's dying breath was given out, Xitlalli was unable to resist much longer. That dreadful, crushing sensation began to come in hard, in roves as she glanced from Lothuitl over to Zahhual's corpse.
  288. She felt sick in the stomach and with the whole Spirit Rot fiasco, it was only made worse; she felt much, much, much worse than she should and the woman could only dream about the wrongness she felt about herself and this entire ordeal.
  290. Xitlalli wasn't to blame, but.
  292. Then she heard Hatsune's words, the talk of it being the fault of Xomac Tepin, it made her grit her teeth to hear accusations given out! If anything it stroked the grief she could feel, the harrowing absence of tempo and beating now that Zahhual had gone.
  294. With a wince of pain, Xitlalli continued to dwell on it all deeply. Oh how much it hurt to lose not only a teacher, but a mother figure; one that filled in for the absence ofher own mother.
  296. A person who for the short while she knew them, was pretty damn great; Zahhual was wonderful, up until her downfall. Xitlalli knew now what she longed for, what she thoroughly desired and it certainly was not malicious to those gathered here today.
  298. "Xomac..."
  300. "He's... H-.", even then if she did have plans to harm anyone, it wasn't going to occur anytime soon.
  302. With a sway, then stagger, the dancer slumped forward, collapsing as promised to Lotlhuitl. Passed out.
  303. (Xitlalli)
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. [01:44:19] LOOC - Xoconan: (I doubt we're looting your blood)
  307. [01:44:19] LOOC - Zahhual: ((My unenchanted blood and unenchanted foot vibrations))
  308. [01:45:10] LOOC - Zahhual: ((and unenchanted fur))
  309. [01:50:17] Hatsune heard Xoconan's whispers. Whatever the man said, it did not bring much physical reaction out of the mermaid. She just kept that mask clutched to her chest and stared-
  311. Eventually, she did speak.
  313. "A body is a body. Her spirit has passed, brought to rest and know all the love I could give to her. She will spend one hundred years being cherished for the woman she was in life. It was all I could give to her in the end: Freedom from the pain she thought she could hide."
  315. "Take her gauntlets, forged by Chitli out of Arcanium brought from the homeland and enchanted with the sacrifice of three Valmaese and a Spire Shard. Bring them to Ezmara. Take her armor as well. Take everything from her for she will not need it, but leave me her body and her mask."
  317. Her voice stayed level and even.
  318. (Hatsune Panic)
  319. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321. [01:51:08] Xoconan says, "As you wish."
  322. [01:51:08] LOOC - Balthie: ((REMINDER))
  324. [01:51:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (Am aware)
  326. [01:52:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (Okay)
  327. [01:52:51] LOOC - Zahhual: ((One sec.))
  328. [01:52:51] LOOC - Xoconan: (tfw your inventory is so full you can't take everything)
  329. [01:53:42] LOOC - Xitlalli: (should i grab the student house key?)
  330. [01:53:42] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Hatsune is heir to both homes, will need to transfer.))
  331. [01:53:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Hm..)
  332. [01:53:42] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oooh gotcha)
  333. [01:56:16] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Take care of that ring.))
  334. [01:56:16] LOOC - Zahhual: ((It's Yohn's.))
  335. [01:56:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (It's in the corner)
  336. [01:56:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (I physically lack the space in my inventory to carry it)
  337. [01:56:16] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Zahhual's been wearing Yohn's ring. 8y))
  338. [01:57:07] LOOC - Xoconan: (Carrying too much fuckin' ore)
  339. [01:57:58] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Not sure if death means heirs automatically work.))
  340. [01:57:58] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Raven can you do me a favour?))
  341. [01:57:58] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Yeah?))
  342. [01:57:58] LOOC - Zahhual: ((Can you check if you own the houses?))
  343. [01:59:40] Lotlhuitl's countenance was ashen. Unable to look away. Unable to speak. Unable to move. She stood by Xitlalli's side, frozen.
  345. And then Xomac Tepin's name was brought up.
  347. Suddenly, everything made sense to Lotlhuitl.
  349. Zahhual's words. The agony she was in. Well. The agony was Zahhual's alone, but the words? They weren't hers at all, but the words expressing the twisted desires of the Sin of Pride.
  351. They were words she had heard him speak. Words which.. she had admittedly had found rousing. War with Jianghu. It was a concept which was difficult to resist. But. Not in this fashion. Not against Dmex's wishes. Not against Dmex's orders.
  353. Acting on reflex, Lotlhuitl had reached for Xitlalli as she collapsed. This time, given warning, she was fast enough. The Nagual caught the dancer. She was tall, and she was strong. And she wrapped her arms around Xitlalli. Briefly staring down atthe woman, her green gaze stunned.
  355. What was this. Lotlhuitl didn't know how to feel. Emotions were not her shtick. She preferred.. not having them. And yet, real, distinct guilt, despair, grief. She felt all these things. She trembled with the effort to suppress them. But.. suppress them she did. Lock these emotions away! They weren't useful. Only anger. Only rage. Only..
  357. "Xitlalli." She said, hesitating before lightly tapping the fainted woman at her cheek. Once. Twice. And then slightly harder. Slap. "Snap out of it." Yeah. Lotlhuitl really wasn't so great at being comforting.
  359. What the fuck was she supposed to do now?
  361. "Zahhaul will be avenged." Lotlhuitl offered. To Xitlalli, perhaps. Though the woman was likely unconscious. It was all she could think to say. Tail flicking back and forth, she shifted Xitlalli's weight in her arms. If the dancer was going to persist at remaining fainted, well. She would attempt to gently scoop her up, to carry her over one shoulder.
  363. And then she moved closer. To Xoconan's side.
  365. "Xoconan. You.. you didn't tell me." Lightly accusatory. But then, her gaze flicked down to his injury. "You require healing."
  366. (Lotlhuitl)
  367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. [01:59:40] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Gonna drag Zahhual to fix the housing situation real quick. Borrowing shaman.))
  370. [02:04:48] With respect, he gently took the items Hatsune instructed him to- and only those. The amulet, the armor, and most importantly... The gauntlets.
  372. The latter were stashed away to a small pouch, the rest carried in a bundle. "This is..." He shook his head. Hopefully Karma was around, so that he could be done with this. Hopefully.
  374. "Goodbye, Zahhual. You deserved better than this." He sighed again, glancing over to Lotlhuitl. "I didn't tell you because it was, well... I don't want to insult you, dear, but it was something that needed to be kept... Silent." His eyes closed.
  376. "Come on, let's... Let's just go. Leave Hatsune to Zahhual."
  377. (Xoconan)
  378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. [02:05:39] LOOC - Xoconan: (here hold this)
  381. [02:05:39] {Item} You picked up Mythril x54.Dropped by Xoconan. .
  382. [02:05:39] {Item} You picked up Orchilacum x23.Dropped by Xoconan. .
  383. [02:05:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (what do you want me to grab soz?)
  384. [02:05:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (just the ore?)
  385. [02:05:39] LOOC - Xoconan: (Yeah)
  386. [02:06:30] LOOC - Xoconan: (I needed inventory slots)
  387. [02:06:30] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Man, houses are fuck.))
  388. [02:06:30] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Can someone post the last posts to me rq?))
  389. [02:07:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ye)
  390. [02:07:21] LOOC - Hatsune Panic: ((Thanks.))
  391. [02:07:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm not set to private)
  392. [02:08:12] LOOC - Oyaotl: { Ah, ima bounce by
  393. [02:08:12] LOOC - Balthie: ((Houses should work now.))
  394. [02:08:12] LOOC - Balthie: ((Tell me when I'm free to deathbox.))
  395. [02:08:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (If no one has objections)
  396. [02:08:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (Ima leave)
  397. [02:09:04] Lotlhuitl gives Zahhual's body one last fleeting glance, before following Xoconan. Carrying Xitlalli over one shoulder.
  398. (Lotlhuitl)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [02:09:55] LOOC - Xoconan: (Thotlhuitl, follow me)
  402. [02:09:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (r u d e)
  403. [02:10:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (um)
  404. [02:10:46] LOOC - Xoconan: (what the fuck)
  405. [02:10:46] LOOC - Xitlalli: (LMFAO)
  406. [02:10:46] LOOC - Xitlalli: (whoooooo)
  407. [02:10:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Crux is wild)
  408. [02:10:46] Xoconan asks, "Where does Xitlalli stay?"
  409. [02:10:46] Xoconan asks, "So we can drop her off?"
  410. [02:11:37] Lotlhuitl says, "... uncertain. She had never invited me to her home."
  411. [02:11:37] LOOC - Xitlalli: (oh god the truth is out)
  412. [02:11:37] LOOC - Xitlalli: (people going to figure out im homeless and i've just been leeching beds off of zahhual and oyaotl)
  413. [02:12:28] Xoconan says, "Hm... She's in Cruxati, so I'll leave her in the temple"
  414. [02:12:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. usually see her at your mother's house, actually.."
  415. [02:12:28] Xoconan says, "I'm not taking her to Mom's house."
  416. [02:12:28] Lotlhuitl says, "But. Yes. Temple."
  417. [02:12:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Wise."
  418. [02:13:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (noo..)
  419. [02:13:20] Lotlhuitl removes Xitlalli's boots, before gently tucking her into bed, still clothed.
  420. (Lotlhuitl)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [02:16:44] After leading them around, he finally makes his way back to his own home... Before collapsing onto the bed. Wounded, and still bleeding, he hadn't paused for a moment. He fell backwards onto the bed, letting the Nyeshk armor hit the ground. He imagined it was more durable than the stone itself, and wouldn't be damaged by it.
  425. Instead, his breath was heavy, the young man breathing deeply with each pained intake. "I'm sorry for not telling you about it..." He glanced over.
  426. (Xoconan)
  427. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. [02:23:34] "I should be furious at you." Was all Lotlhuitl could say, green eyes watching Xoconan unbuckle his armour. Watched it drop from his frame. She could have assisted him. Could have. Didn't. "I guess I am furious at you."
  431. Her tail twitched, gaze only briefly looking her love in the eyes.. before trailing down his form. Inspecting the wound. She shifted forward, by his side. "But.. that can wait. All.. all of that can wait. You're hurt."
  433. Her love. It was such a strange thing, this fluttering emotion at the pit of her stomach. She.. adored him. He infuriated her. She was furious at him. She did not forgive him. Not yet. But would she?
  435. That could wait. Lotlhuitl pushed her anger to one side.
  437. She reached into her bag, withdrawing a medical kit. She was.. admittedly self trained. Books read on human anatomy. Mostly self practiced, her own wounds sustained in battle stitched up by her own hand. "I am no great healer, nothing like Hatsune. But.. that needs attending. Let me stitch you up."
  438. (Lotlhuitl)
  439. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  441. [02:27:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (Sorry)
  442. [02:30:24] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hm, no worries. Thought you mighta passed out.)
  443. [02:30:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (Nah, I was mopping a floor)
  444. [02:30:24] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh aha)
  445. [02:32:06] He reached out, to grip her shoulder, a small smile on his face. "You have the right to be furious with me- I kept something from you." He spoke softly, before pulling his hand back. The show of affection was enough.
  447. "We'll talk about it, and I'll be honest about everything else." His eyes closed, a dull, throbbing pain in his chest. The wound was... Odd. Like a whip had slashed open his skin, the crystalized blood had torn the flesh, leaving it ragged. It wasn't deep enough to truly hinder him, not when aided by magical durability, but enough to pain him greatly.
  449. "Please." The only response to her last words.
  450. (Xoconan)
  451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. [02:32:06] LOOC - Xoconan: (Gonna go pick up some food now, shouldn't be gone *too* long)
  454. [02:34:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no worries)
  455. [02:52:35] "Shh." Lotlhuitl said. "Shh.." She repeated. Her hand gently brushing against his face. A moment of affection.. Though there was no denying: Oh. She was angry. There was a certain tension in her limbs. Her tail twitched. Her jaw looked.. squared. Xoconan surely would have to see the telltale signs of her anger. But. Even so, she visibly couldn't stand to see him hurting.
  457. Lotlhuitl forced her breathing to be even. One. Long. Breath. In. And. Out.
  459. What moisture was in the room, she summoned it to herself. To her hands. An aura of water, providing the most mildest of healing effects. She traced a hand over the wound. Water flowing into the wound. Flushing any traces of the crystalised, corrupted blood from the gash. Hopefully. It.. likely would have hurt. She was no expert healer. But the wound had to be cleansed.
  461. Unlike Hatsune, Lotlhuitl was no holy caster. There was no warm bathing glow accompanying the water magic. Little comfort. Only the mildest of healing effects. It stopped the bleeding, however.
  463. The water remained there, though her hands retreated. It.. was tinged red. Red with Xoconan's blood. It likely would have stung.
  465. "Shh," Lotlhuitl said once more. He hadn't really said anything, but.. she was trying to be soothing. Even though she was hurt. Felt betrayed. And.. well. Felt a mess of other things. Other things which she was desperately trying to suppress.
  467. Xoconan and Hastune had just slain Zahhual. Her.. hero.
  469. Oh. Lotlhuitl hadn't realised that when Zahhual had said she would wear her charm until her last breath that such an event would be so soon!
  471. The Nagual's breathing was heavy as she threaded a rather.. ominous looking needle. The wound needed stitches. Emotion was visibly threatening to rise up within her. This much was obvious, from the conflicted expression decorating her delicate face, agony making her gaze.. well. Sad. No. She refused. She was in control.
  473. "I.. I still love you, Xoconan." She said, gaze flicking to look at her lover. It.. wasn't some kind of cruel statement on her part. Truly, she meant it. She wasn't even sure why she said it. Was she worried he would think otherwise? She bit her bottom lip, before withdrawing a powerful pain reliever from her bag. Lax Essence.
  475. "Here. Take this if the pain is too bad. Otherwise.. weather through it, my love."
  477. The water shifted, and Lotlhuitl began to stitch the wound closed. Something which was unlikely to be pleasant. But.. Lotlhuitl's stitches were even, and she did not unduly draw the process out. And by the end of it all, the wound had been cleaned, and neatly sutured.
  479. The Nagual sighed, taking the bloodied water and.. well. letting it be vaporised in a nearby brazier. She.. did not immediately take back to his side. Instead, she turned her green gaze to the flames. Her eyes reflected the flickering firelight as she stood, apparently warming her hands. Not.. too prepared to face Xoconan. Not immediately.
  481. One might have got the sense that she had many things to say. On.. her grief about Zahhual. But.. that was not what she started with as she stared into the flames. Still. Not. Looking. At. Him.
  483. "If you are going to keep secrets from me, Xoconan, then I really am nothing more than a trophy."
  484. (Lotlhuitl)
  485. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. [03:17:20] The surgery process was long, or it felt that way anyway. Blood cleaned, both his and Zahhuals away, stinging, but he could deal with that. Pain was pain, so long as it didn't stop him physically, didn't hold him back. And what did he have to worry about, anyway, with his love tending to him?
  489. "I'd hope you don't have to question mine already." He spoke softly, shaking his head at the offered pain relief.
  491. He kept his eyes closed through it, knowing he could've done any number of things. Gone to Maiya, seared it shut, but instead, he let Lotlhuitl tend to it. A sharp intake of breath followed every stitch, though she seemed to not mind.
  493. And finally, it was done. Xoconan reached a hand up to gently prod at the wound, eyes still closed. The words... Hurt more than expected. He thought he'd left emotional pain like that behind, to Oyaotl, but it seemed like he was wrong. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, and could've easily pulled her to him with a wave of gravity-
  495. But he didn't.
  497. "Then I won't. It was a mistake that I won't make again. I love you too much for you to be some trophy on my arm."
  498. (Xoconan)
  499. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  501. [03:18:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i woz readin :P)
  502. [03:18:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (Fair enough! Didn't know if you were afk)
  503. [03:18:11] LOOC - Xoconan: (Since it took awhile)
  504. [03:18:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha sorry)
  505. [03:34:24] The Nagual's ears had flicked back towards him, at his words. Her expression.. conflicted. Though, she did not look at him, this conflict was visible in her willowy form. A tension in her shoulders. Her anger was like a knife within her. Twisting. Grief honed its edge. She.. no longer stood tall. Slouching slightly.
  507. How could she believe him? People were always hurting her. Betraying her. Humiliating her. They all thought so little of her. If they noticed her at all. Her form tensed, ears visibly pinned back as she stared into the flames. Her anger was an almost tangible force around her.
  509. She exhaled.
  511. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to trust him. And so, Lotlhuitl looked to Xoconan. The depth of her upset obvious in just one look.
  513. He didn't pull her to him with magic, but with his words. She walked to him, each step a subtle jingle. Took a place at his side. Attempted to curl her body against his, careful not to touch the newly stitched wound as she added her arms to the attempt at an embrace.
  515. She couldn't say anything, initially.
  517. Just lay there, fingers running through his hair. Touch. It.. wasn't something she had been used to. Before him. But now that words failed her, a touch of her hand was what she used to try and say I forgive you. She lent in, attempting to place a gentle kiss against his jaw.
  519. The strangest thing was? She did forgive him. And she was not generally the forgiving sort. But Xoconan? He had.. earned that much.
  520. (Lotlhuitl)
  521. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  523. [03:42:04] He wrapped an arm around her, gentle. Pulling harshly would've disturbed his stitches, and it wasn't necessary. He didn't even bother moving in the bed, simply closing his eyes and letting her take her place against him.
  525. "I'm sorry." He whispered gently. "You're the only person I've ever had to tell that to, the only person I likely ever will." His hand came up to stroke her hair, her ears. "One of the only I feel like I have to for."
  527. He leaned down, to press his lips to hers. "I won't keep any more secrets from you. If you have questions, ask. I'll answer every single one."
  528. (Xoconan)
  529. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. [03:48:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (after your post and mine, gonna go see Karma)
  532. [03:48:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (He logged on so I could tell him of what happened)
  533. [03:48:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ok)
  534. [03:48:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm having a touch of writers block :P)
  535. [03:48:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm just gonna finish this rq)
  536. [03:48:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry if it's lame aha)
  537. [03:58:17] Lotlhuitl let him wrap his arms around her. No protesting. She didn't even make a face at the intimacy, at the contact. She felt his hand run through her hair. His hand brushed against her fluffy ears.. and she leant into it.
  539. She kissed him.
  541. Her lips hovering over his, her eyes had opened. Slowly. A flutter of dark eyelashes. She spoke. "I forgive you." Her expression deadly serious. Gaze searching his.
  543. "Whom do you serve, really, Xoconan. Yourself? Gehenna?" She hesitated. "Us?"
  545. Question asked, she rest her head against his shoulder.. nestling herself into his grasp. The tip of one of her fluffy ears twitching against his jaw. "When.. did Kayeliun ask you to perform such things? Are there more tasks she has burdened you with?"
  547. Lotlhuitl grew silent for just a moment. Just.. a moment. She sighed.
  549. "Zahhaul. She was my hero." Not a question. Lotlhuitl was just.. sad. The woman remained lying limp in Xoconan's arms, fuzzy tail rubbing up against his leg.
  551. "What happens now. The.. things you took from Zahhual. You'll hand them over to Maiya? She'll use them to research a cure for the curse Zahhual unleashed?"
  552. (Lotlhuitl)
  553. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  555. [04:04:16] He was silent for a long moment, as he pieced through her questions. Mostly, he was enjoying her body against his, the comfort that brought. A long sigh passed his lips. "Gehenna took me in, when Valmasia abandoned me. Gave me a home. A place to call my own, a family. I swore to keep it together no matter what it took- no matter who was in the way."
  557. A sigh left his lips. "But I won't lie and say I don't have my own goals at mind. Our goals, now. To build something away, something capable of both protecting Gehenna and being more than the Homeland." His lips curled up lightly, as he rubbed his chin against the top of her head.
  559. "Kayeliun and I... Made promises to each other. I would help her kill Zahhual, and she would help me kill Xomac. I've fulfilled my end of the bargain. Let us hope it will see Xomac dead soon." Xoconan took a breath, pulling against her just a bit tighter.
  561. "I know you were close to her... It's why I didn't want to tell you. I could never find the right moment." He sighed, before slowly shifting. "Let's go find Karma, and find out what'll happen next, alright?"
  562. (Xoconan)
  563. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565. [04:05:07] LOOC - Xoconan: (Come, I doubt Karma wants to wait around forever)
  566. [04:11:56] Xoconan says, "Was waiting for you come out - we need to talk."
  567. [04:11:56] Karma Vindict asks, "Mmh?"
  568. [04:11:56] Lotlhuitl is with Xoconan.
  569. (Lotlhuitl)
  570. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  572. [04:11:56] Xoconan whispers: "Zahhual's dead."
  573. [04:16:12] He had a bundle in his arms, one that clanked loudly, one that seemed to strain his muscled arms. Xoconan led the way into the Ezmaran temple, Karma and Lotlhuitl in tow, dropping the bundle onto a chair as he did.
  575. "Zahhual is dead." He repeated, unwrapping the bundle. Armor, recognizable as the supremely heavy Nyeshk plate that the shaman wore. "She came to the Cruxati and refused to remain, spoke to those that tried to stop her as traitors. Refused to answer for her crimes, and wished to incite violence against Jianghu once more."
  577. The bundle wasn't quite done. An amulet fell from beneath the cloth covering, nearly hitting the floor if it wasn't for Xoconan's reaction with gravity, halting the rainbow colored thing mid-air. Arcanium. It was placed atop the armor.
  579. There was a battle, between us, Hatsune against her as well. She was slain."
  580. (Xoconan)
  581. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  583. [04:16:12] LOOC - Dmex: (xoconan drops arcanium amulet)
  584. [04:16:12] LOOC - Xoconan: (okay gimme my ore back Lotl)
  585. [04:16:12] LOOC - Dmex: (zoomeyes)
  586. [04:17:04] {Item} You drop Orchilacum x23.
  587. [04:17:04] {Item} You drop Mythril x54.
  588. [04:17:55] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (readin
  589. [04:18:46] Dmex had zipped her way into Ezmara's temple just in time for Xoconan's story to be given, slipping to the broad side of one of the pillars to listen in without interrupting anything.
  591. After the story was complete - and items dropped - she passed around the pillar, and gave a silent nod while standing on guard.
  592. (Dmex)
  593. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  595. [04:23:02] Lotlhuitl had followed Xoconan. No words, it seemed. The jewellery she wore shifted with her motion, the light sound of metal on metal following her. Her green gaze had looked first from Xoconan, then briefly to Karma. More time was spent looking to Dmex, who.. hadn't really paid her any attention, before her green gaze shifted, looking to Zahhual's effect, sitting, dumped unceremoniously on the Ezamaran temple floor.
  597. Her tail twitched.
  599. "Hatsune said that Zahhual's final descent into madness was the Sin of Pride's doing. Xomac's doing."
  601. That said, the Nagual with the blue-black hair again lapsed into silence.
  602. (Lotlhuitl)
  603. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  605. [04:23:02] LOOC - Xoconan: (They weren't dumped to the floor wtf)
  606. [04:23:02] LOOC - Xoconan: (I put them in a chair)
  607. [04:23:02] LOOC - Xoconan: (:unamused:)
  608. [04:23:53] The look of surprise is either absent or well hidden and Karma would only nod-- slowly, tilting his head over to the side as words resonate his ears. There's a clank and yellow hues drift downwards, taking in the sight of various armor and other equipment scattered across-- some he could recognize very well.
  610. Wordlessly would the Chieftain lower himself, fingers brushing against the Nyeshk craft before he'd stare up at Conan, letting out a soft sigh.
  612. "May Ixchel protect her memories..." it's mumbled out, barely audible and mostly to himself than anything before he'd slowly pull himself up, arms loose by his sides. "Think you should return hand the equipment over to Cruxati, honestly... a two on one? You're not injured, are you?"
  614. A soft pause, and he'd suck in a small breath.
  616. "...a pity, really. Any idea what corrupted her?"
  617. (Karma Vindict)
  618. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  620. [04:23:53] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (you should return the equipment*
  621. [04:23:53] Xoconan says, "Hatsune told me to bring her effects, the armor, and..."
  622. [04:23:53] Xoconan says, "Well, to bring it to you."
  623. [04:24:44] Xoconan says, "It's your choice what happens to it from here."
  624. [04:24:44] Dmex says, "...Is there anything that -"
  625. [04:24:44] Xoconan is sporting a long, ragged gash across his chest, stitched up.
  626. (Xoconan)
  627. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. [04:25:36] Xoconan whispers something.
  630. [04:25:36] Karma Vindict says, "...Ixchel."
  631. [04:25:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ok sorry.. im tired)
  632. [04:25:36] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  633. [04:25:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i missed that x.x;)
  634. [04:25:36] Xoconan whispers something.
  635. [04:25:36] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  636. [04:25:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (dumped unceremoniously into a chair then**)
  637. [04:25:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (<3)
  638. [04:25:36] Xoconan whispers something.
  639. [04:25:36] Karma Vindict asks, "Anyhow--- you were saying something, Dmex?"
  640. [04:26:27] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  641. [04:26:27] Dmex says, "I was - someone who'd befriended her, before... whatever happened, happened."
  642. [04:27:18] Xoconan says, "Hatsune claimed she sensed Pride upon her."
  643. [04:28:09] Xoconan says, "She claimed Xomac had corrupted her, that there was nothing left to save."
  644. [04:28:09] Dmex asks, "She - from Xomac?"
  645. [04:28:09] Dmex says, "Oh."
  646. [04:28:09] Dmex says, "Unsettling."
  647. [04:29:52] Xoconan asks, "Do you want me to bring her armor to Kayeliun, Karma?"
  648. [04:29:52] Dmex lets out a low, quiet sigh.
  649. (Dmex)
  650. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  652. [04:29:52] Karma Vindict says, "I'd personally suggest that, yes."
  653. [04:29:52] Dmex says, "Her... amulet."
  654. [04:29:52] Karma Vindict asks, "Mmh?"
  655. [04:29:52] Dmex asks, "What of it?"
  656. [04:30:43] Karma Vindict says, "Unsure. Probably send back to Kayeliun--- unless you'd want it? "
  657. [04:30:43] Dmex says, "I would."
  658. [04:30:43] Karma Vindict says, "Sure thing, I don't mind."
  659. [04:31:34] Dmex says, "I've been using one Uthlase made for me nearly two decades ago."
  660. [04:31:34] Dmex says, "I'm sure you can guess why I'm not intent on keeping it."
  661. [04:31:34] Karma Vindict says, "Mmh..."
  662. [04:32:25] Xoconan says, "But... That's all. I wanted to inform you of what had happened."
  663. [04:33:16] Karma Vindict asks, "Mmh... toss Dmex the amulet--- after that, a moment alone, I suppose?"
  664. [04:33:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (Nibba you have it)
  665. [04:34:08] LOOC - Karma Vindict: (oh yeah
  666. [04:34:08] Dmex says, "Thank you."
  667. [04:34:08] Xoconan asks, "Lotl- mind staying here for just a second?"
  668. [04:35:50] LOOC - Dmex: (...oh my god)
  669. [04:35:50] LOOC - Dmex: (i'll. finally have green health with starlight)
  670. [04:35:50] LOOC - Dmex: (i can die happy)
  671. [04:37:32] Lotlhuitl remained standing, arms folded in front of her chest. Her expression darkening. But even so, she remained silent. Kept her sharp tongue at bay. Kept a lid on the anger, steadily building within her.
  673. They. All. Ignored. Her.
  675. Her tail twitched. Visibly annoyed as Karma asked questions about the source of the corruption, leading Xoconan to repeat what she had said only moments prior!
  677. Fine.
  679. Lotlhuitl gave Xoconan a look which plainly said that, yes, she minded greatly. But then shrugged. Shrugged it all off! Anger swallowed, bottled up, locked away.
  681. It wasn't like she had a choice.
  683. "Time's grace, Xoconan. I will wait."
  684. (Lotlhuitl)
  685. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  687. [04:40:57] Dmex clasped the amulet tightly in the palm of one hand, only staring down at the fist that held it for a time - silently preparing herself for the change, no matter how minor it actually was.
  689. She looks up when Lotlhuitl repeats the same thing she'd used as parting words her whole life, called back to reality by it.
  691. After a silent, proud nod, she ripped the old pendant off by the chain, and replaced it with the new one. Zahhual's.
  693. "It's appreciated, whether or not anyone else noticed."
  694. (Dmex)
  695. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  697. [04:49:29] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  699. A glimmer of relief tempering the anger. The Great Spirit. Her.. Goddess. Dmex had noticed. That relief was practically palpitable around the young woman, her eyes widening. For a moment, there was an expression close to hero worship shining at her face.
  701. Before Lotlhuitl reigned it in. She was cool. She could be cool. Frosty. Yeah.
  703. Lotlhuitl watched as Dmex proceeded to remove her old pendant, and replace it with the new. With Zahhual's. There.. was almost something of a ritual to the action, Lotlhuitl thought.
  705. "Thank you, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl murmured. She couldn't hide the pleasure in her voice. "They.. I'm.. I'm sick of people not noticing me."
  707. She cast a rather baleful glare towards where Karma had walked off with Xoconan. "I'm... sick of being treated like an outsider, simply for speaking the truth."
  709. She folded her arms, green eyeslooking at Dmex directly. "Great Spirit. Karma has not spoken to me directly, and so.. I am not acknowledging it as anything other than conjecture until he does. But Xoconan told me that he intends on banning me from Ezmara."
  711. A sneer tugged at her lips. "Apparently my presence around you is toxic, and all I do is rouse trouble."
  712. (Lotlhuitl)
  713. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. [04:50:20] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. knowing Karma, he has no real intention on doing any such thing. It was probably merely a casual conversation, between two guys. There probably was drink involved, or.. other illicit substances. Who knows, really.."
  716. [04:56:19] Dmex sighs, waving a hand off to the side while trying to sense any difference from the new amulet. Must be one of those more subtle things, she surmises.
  718. "It was most likely an empty threat, Lotlhuitl. If I actually hear of such a thing happening, I'd - "
  720. She forcibly cuts herself off, a hand zipping to cover her own mouth. After a second or two to calm down, it's placed back in her coat.
  722. "Formally object to that, to Karma. Understood?"
  723. (Dmex)
  724. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  726. [05:01:26] "I understand, Dmex."
  728. Well, there it was. Lotlhuitl relaxed somewhat, though the glance she gave to where Karma had taken Xoconan certainly did still have a rather baleful, scornful edge to it.
  730. "I.. suspected as such. That it was just a threat."
  732. Lotlhuitl distained threats. It was such a weak thing, to threaten to do something one never intended on doing. How could anyone respect that?
  734. The strong did not threaten. They acted.
  736. And Lotlhuitl considered herself strong.
  738. "But all the same, Great Spirit. I will guard my--"
  740. The door swung open. She blinked, looking towards Xoconan and Karma.
  742. "--tongue."
  744. Her tail twitched, as she turned to face Xoconan.
  746. "Done?" Was all she asked.
  747. (Lotlhuitl)
  748. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  750. [05:11:40] Dmex says, "...I know I'm done, unless there's more to go over."
  751. [05:13:23] Karma Vindict says, "Mmh, no. That'd be all, Dmex."
  752. [05:13:23] Karma Vindict says, "Spirits protect."
  753. [05:13:23] Xoconan says, "That's all from me."
  754. [05:13:23] Dmex says, "Time's grace."
  755. [05:13:23] Xoconan whispers: "I'll tell you about it when we're free."
  756. [05:13:23] Xoconan whispers: "Like I said - no secrets."
  757. [05:13:23] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace, Dmex."
  758. [05:14:14] Xoconan says, "I'll see you around, Karma."
  759. [05:14:14] Xoconan returns to his comfy place.
  760. (Xoconan)
  761. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  763. [05:15:05] Xoconan says, "So I imagine you're curious what we talked about."
  764. [05:15:05] Lotlhuitl sat on the end of the bed, obviously tempering her annoyance and, well, sullenness with her desire for information. And so, she nodded.
  765. (Lotlhuitl)
  766. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  768. [05:15:56] Xoconan says, "C'mere, it's nothing important. It was about the gauntlets."
  769. [05:16:48] Xoconan says, "He wanted to know about them, and what I thought we should do with them. I'm gonna keep 'em, to make sure they're safe, and Zahhuals swamp is going to be watched carefully."
  770. [05:16:48] Lotlhuitl edged closer, still sitting. Reluctance..
  771. (Lotlhuitl)
  772. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  774. [05:16:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm grumpy, okay..."
  775. [05:17:39] Lotlhuitl says, "And you're going to touch my ears.."
  776. [05:17:39] Xoconan says, "I hear backrubs fix those."
  777. [05:17:39] LOOC - Xoconan: (fix that*)
  778. [05:17:39] Lotlhuitl says, "Nnm.."
  779. [05:17:39] Lotlhuitl relented.
  780. (Lotlhuitl)
  781. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  783. [05:17:39] Lotlhuitl asks, "What does he think is going to happen, out in the swamps?"
  784. [05:18:30] Xoconan says, "I'm the one that suggested it."
  785. [05:18:30] Lotlhuitl asks, "What do you think is going to happen out in the swamps?"
  786. [05:18:30] Xoconan says, "Zahhual used an empowered spire shard in a ritual that cursed three powerful Magi, and herself."
  787. [05:19:21] Xoconan says, "I'd be an idiot to not consider what it might have caused to the place she did the ritual in."
  788. [05:19:21] Lotlhuitl asks, "Are.. we going to watch the swamps?"
  789. [05:20:12] Xoconan says, "Mm, I'll do my best to keep an eye on them, but the swamps are massive. I'm going to give my recommendation to Kayeliun as well."
  790. [05:20:12] Xoconan says, "Hopefully between the Cruxati and Ezmara, we can keep enough of a watch that if something happens, we'll find out quickly."
  791. [05:20:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm happy to patrol with you. I.. I can see why you would think this is important."
  792. [05:21:04] Lotlhuitl says, "<*gave a small laugh, rubbing behind an ear.*> "
  793. [05:21:04] Lotlhuitl says, "*I* did not consider what it might have done to where she did the ritual."
  794. [05:21:55] Xoconan shifts to lay Lotl down on her front, to gently rub her back.
  795. (Xoconan)
  796. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  798. [05:22:46] Xoconan says, "But yeah, that's it. But, he wanted to talk in private, and I'm not gonna argue..."
  799. [05:22:46] Xoconan says, "I'll just tell you later, when he can't stop me."
  800. [05:23:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. trust you, Xoconan."
  801. [05:24:28] Lotlhuitl says, "And I swear, I'm.. not going to.. I'd never betray you."
  802. [05:24:28] Lotlhuitl twitched at Xoconan's touch. The youthful Nagual was TENSE.
  803. (Lotlhuitl)
  804. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  806. [05:24:28] Xoconan says, "I never thought you would."
  807. [05:25:20] Xoconan says, "If I truly worried about that, I wouldn't have sworn myself to you."
  808. [05:26:11] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmn.."
  809. [05:27:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Where to from here? "
  810. [05:27:02] Xoconan asks, "Tonight? Or in general?"
  811. [05:27:53] Xoconan says, "Because I dunno about you, but... I'm exhausted after that fight. I'm going to finish rubbing your back, wrap my arm around you, and go to sleep."
  812. [05:28:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. aha. I meant in general."
  813. [05:30:27] Xoconan says, "Hmm..."
  814. [05:31:18] Xoconan says, "Well, I dunno, to be completely honest. Things are so up in the air."
  815. [05:31:18] Xoconan says, "Xomac is going to die in the near future, demons continue to grow themselves to the north.'"
  816. [05:31:18] Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. today has been something. I feel.. I feel like scales have fallen from my eyes. That I see the world in a new light."
  817. [05:32:09] Xoconan says, "It's not something that's easy to think about when you're tired."
  818. [05:32:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (Aka I'm OOCly tired as hell)
  819. [05:33:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OH. Uh. Aha. Sorry!)
  820. [05:33:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (Is fine)
  821. [05:33:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (But I'm gonna wrap it up here and go to bed.)
  822. [05:33:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (night!)
  823. [05:33:00] Xoconan asks, "We can talk about it in the morning, alright?"
  824. [05:33:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm.."
  825. [05:33:00] Xoconan yawns heartily.
  826. (Xoconan)
  827. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  829. [05:33:52] Lotlhuitl moved, curling up in Xoconan's arms.
  830. (Lotlhuitl)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [05:38:08] Well she wasn’t wrong. The blind hope the woman had of living in a world where peace would be sought after and kept was definitely foolhardy, however her words seemed genuine and truthful in all aspects. An unattainable dream left as something she advocates for whenever she comes upon another soul with a like-minded view.
  835. But with such words ringing true to her, she slowly arches her head downward as reality is once again thrown up onto her face. A mind that was easy to alter it seems. What was a strong opinion slowly crumbles to hard facts that she chose to push aside. All that was left in her was silence as the light rabble of vendors and shoppers echo around the trio.
  837. However the words of the nagual do revitalize the simmer of hope snuffed out by reality. Although she wasn’t really able to witness it herself, she’s heard tales from the church about a corrupted spirit cleansed by a shard brought from the island. She remembered a mild celebration put in honor of such a deed.
  839. Sadly this mindset would not arrive to stay. ”Although that may be a good thing back in your homeland, that doesn’t do much in terms of here.” She says. ”Jianghu and Atl’s relationship is still borderline enemies. I trusted Jianghu to subside and be the better man, however news about the raid were. . .” She pauses.
  841. Peace was an option, yet it seems like that was the road rejected for another. Other than the words she’s already parted with, she didn’t have much input left in her considering the incredible conflicting sides of hope and reality within her head. She didn’t know which one to believe in anymore.
  842. (Ilene)
  843. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  845. [05:40:41] Senshi says, "It'll continue, this cycle. But there will be a means to break it remake fate."
  846. [05:44:06] Lotlhuitl sauntered out into the Ezmaran marketplace. Her hips swayed as she walked, the exaggerated motion causing the jewellery which clung to her willowy form to softly jingle.
  848. The Nagual cast her green gaze around the people who had gathered. In truth, she only knew one who was present. Ilene. They all appeared to be sitting around, talking about peace. Gossiping about the various raids Jianghu and Atl had taken out against each other.
  850. "Spirits, I could use a drink." She muttered. Jewel-clad hand shifting to sit on her hip, jauntily thrust out to the side. Her tail swished.
  852. "What are you all doing?" She asked, squinting at them each. "Idle chatter? Or are you all actually brainstorming a plan to achieve peace on Agartha?"
  853. (Lotlhuitl)
  854. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. [05:44:57] Zyanya Tlaco says, "Mmm... Well, it's good to have ambitions."
  857. [05:49:13] ”Just a mild discussion about recent events.” She shrugs. Her mind was too muddled to actually take a side and defend it now. ”And that. I guess.” She says pertaining to the words of Zyanya.
  859. Clasping her hands together and placing them onto her lap, she was still in a state of distraught considering her challenged beliefs. Perhaps it was something she would have to have a meditative state to think about later one.
  860. (Ilene)
  861. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  863. [05:50:04] The nagual shakes his head and crosses his arms. Tip-tapping his foot as new means of setting his pace of rhythm.
  865. "Well-well, there's no need to get angry or cranky, idle-chatter can lead to more important matters. Although even someone as friendly as Senshi can see that the talk is just not ready for this flock." He smirks, waving his palms in dismissal.
  867. "Lets just agree to fight our hearts out, as brothers and sisters before we tear each other apart before we even start."
  868. (Senshi)
  869. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  871. [05:59:28] "Well met, friend." Lotlhuitl said to Zyanya, using the word friend in lieu of her name. "It IS good to have ambitions."
  873. "Mm. Recent events. Zahhual's death? The demon army amassing to the north? The treachery of the Jiangs?"
  875. Lotlhuitl paused for a moment, thinking on these. And then Senshi spoke.
  877. She blinked. Dark eyelashes rising and falling slooowly as her attention appeared to be drawn to the young man by this comment.
  879. "Cranky?" She repeated, raising a jewellery adorned hand to her chest. "Me?"
  881. Her fluffy blue-black tail flicked. Back and forth. Back and forth. Briefly annoyed. And then: "aha!" she finally breathed, expression breaking into a smile along with her laugh. It was a wide smile, presenting a flash of pointed, perfect teeth between unpainted lips.
  883. The smile, truth be told, wasn't entirely natural seeming, but that could just be due to how serious and gloomy she had previously appeared.
  885. "Ahaha," she repeated, tail still flicking back and forward. "Good one. Say.. I didn't catch your name, brother?" Lotlhuitl breathed, pacing towards Senshi.. her piercing green aze appraising as she looked the teenage Nagual both up and down.
  886. (Lotlhuitl)
  887. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  889. [05:59:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ah.. broken <I> tag.. whoops..)
  890. [06:00:19] LOOC - Ilene: (rip)
  891. [06:00:19] LOOC - Ilene: (i hate it when that happens so i started writing the code and jsut copy pasting them whenever i need to use them)
  892. [06:01:10] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (thats smart)
  893. [06:02:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aa. piercing green gaze***)
  894. [06:02:01] LOOC - Ilene: (v useful for like, when u need to do color codes)
  895. [06:02:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (mm.. I'm too lazy I think)
  896. [06:02:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (which is why I.. just.. don't do colour codes)
  897. [06:02:01] LOOC - Ilene: (yeah, it can get tedious)
  898. [06:02:52] LOOC - Ilene: (well im actually being pinged to play something with my friends, if u guys dont mind ill be posting a leaving rp, if that's ok?)
  899. [06:02:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (don't mind :))
  900. [06:02:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'll have to bully you another time :P)
  901. [06:04:35] LOOC - Ilene: (yeee, gotta continue that arc line)
  902. [06:05:26] Seeing as she was a bit conflicted at the moment, she needed time to herself. Or at least she believes a walk alone would help clear her mind of things she was meddled with.
  904. Nonchalantly she just stands up from the bench, mindlessly walking down the path as she makes her way to the east, into the dark brush of the jungle nearby. She’s probably going to be fine. Probably.
  905. (Ilene)
  906. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  908. [06:05:26] LOOC - Ilene: (alrighty, gonna play terriara with peeps now, thanks for the rp guys!)
  909. [06:05:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nw nw see you around)
  910. [06:10:33] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm just gonna relog bc weird fog glitch and also other.. weird glitches..)
  911. [06:10:33] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (guns.. above our heads..)
  912. [06:13:58]
  913. {LOAD GAME}
  915. [06:14:49] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (otay)
  916. [06:15:40] LOOC - Xitlalli: (send the rpb ect. ect.)
  917. [06:15:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (uh sorry)
  918. [06:17:23] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  919. [06:18:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hmmmmmm...)
  920. [06:18:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (my skills are.. not assigned to where I thought they should be)
  921. [06:22:30] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  922. [06:24:12] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  923. [06:25:55] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  924. [06:27:37] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  925. [06:29:20] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  926. [06:35:18] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  927. [06:37:00] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  928. [06:39:34] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  929. [06:49:48] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  930. [06:57:29] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  931. [07:00:03] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xitlalli! They're unable to continue fighting.
  932. [07:23:56] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: Anyone online and want to RP?
  933. [07:51:15] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: Hey there!
  934. [07:51:15] (Cruxati Tribe) Cocinar {Citizen}: Rip
  935. [08:36:28]
  936. {LOAD GAME}
  938. [08:39:53]
  939. {LOAD GAME}
  941. [08:45:00]
  942. {LOAD GAME}
  944. [08:47:34]
  945. {LOAD GAME}
  947. [09:08:54]
  948. {LOAD GAME}
  950. [10:42:46] Atla was leaning against the walls of Ezmara's temple when Yareth came close to talk about the Archons and Kaors, the conversation then turned on Erenan Qi, he stood with his arms still leaning against the wall as he talked.
  952. "That may be a problem, but I see them as children with powerful bodies, I won the Erenan in a race and he distracted himself with food and ended up banging his head on a rock. It's just a matter of knowing how to deal with them properly."
  953. (Atla-Cuauhtli)
  954. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  956. [10:43:37] LOOC - Asmund: rock paper scissors ?)
  957. [10:43:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i choose scissors)
  958. [10:43:37] LOOC - Asmund: im a rock man myself )
  959. [10:52:09] What the hell was she even doing.
  961. Lotlhuitl looked like she should have been asleep.
  963. Weary. Dark circles beneath her eyes. Vaguely twitchy.
  965. Or perhaps she was asleep. Perhaps this life was merely a dream, and she was just walking through it and everything she was doing had already been done. Fate was set and --
  967. The Nagual pinched herself before her thoughts could stray any further into sleep deprived panic. The Soul Rot was still affecting her. Her.. her very essence, she could feel it draining out of her body. And it really fucking didn't help that she couldn't sleep.
  969. "I need a drink." It was a sentiment that she had spoken earlier, when her countenance had seemed distinctly more.. manic. But her source of entertainment had disappeared. And now? Now she was just tired.
  971. Xoconan was dead to the world. And she? She felt like she was sleepwalking through it.
  973. Perhaps that was why the Nagual with the blue-black hair almost stumbled into Asmund. Tail twitching, swishing from side to side, she had withdrawn.
  975. "Oh," she breathed. Blinked, blearily. "You're new." Lotlhuitl said. "Or.. stealthy. I don't recall your face. And I always recall faces."
  977. The woman looked him up and down. Appraising. Reviewing. And then she sort of.. just.. stared at him. Blankly. Looking him dead in the eyes. But.. she was really struggling. There was something distinctly not quite there about the woman at the moment.
  979. And then she startled, tail bristling, a gasp rolling from her lips.
  981. It was important to note that with every movement her body took, she subtly jingled. She was wearing A LOT of jewellery. Even in the dull light in Ezmara, the Nagual with the blue-black hair glittered.
  983. "Ah.. aha." Lotlhuitl had breathed, resting a hand against her chest. "Ahm. Where.. was I. Yes. I am Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati."
  985. A slow blink. Dark eyelashes rising and falling. "You look new. Or.. stealthy. I don't recall your face.." It seemed the Nagual was going to repeat herself.
  987. (Lotlhuitl)
  988. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  990. [11:01:32] Walking back up from his afternoon of fishing. Asmund with a bright smile over his face, it had seemed that he caught a decent amount. Though he ate more then half of it before he made the trip back up to the village. Walking over to the merchants wanting to sale some, maybe make a little coin for his small struggle.
  992. Raising an eyebrow as he ntocied a taller nagual women coming towards him, he had not many females. More so naguals. She didnt seem to stop as she almost walked straight into him. Stopping himself from hitting her, not that it was needed she was already a foot or so back. Tilting his head at her, noticing her dark circles around her eyes before anything else, even more then the jewerly that surrounded her neck.
  994. Asmunds face turned a little curious at the girl infront of him. Little confused at why she was just looking at for more then what he believed was acceptable. Not that it creeped him out or anything, more so just found it odd.
  996. " Um.. Yeah I'm pretty New. My name is Asmund. Of eh.. Not too sure yet.. I'm not in town much, mostly just to sale things or to patch my self up. So I guess you could say just not really noticable haha.." He would stop before looking over her some more. " You sure do wear a lot of jewerly. Looks nice. " A smile came back over his face, it seemed friendlyness waved off of this Gehenna.
  998. (Asmund)
  999. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1001. [11:07:31] She looked nice? "Mmm, I know." Lotlhuitl breathed, nodding. Struggling not to tune out. The woman adjusted the bronze circlet sitting at her brow as she regarded him. "Asmund," she repeated. Saying the young man's name almost like she was tasting it.
  1003. "Have you been shown around? Told about Ezmarans, the Cruxati and the Atl?"
  1005. Lotlhuitl regarded Azmund thoughtfully.
  1007. She clicked her fingers, as if coming to some sort of great conclusion. "Well, it doesn't matter. You're going to come with me. I'm going to take you on a tour and tell you all sorts of secret information. And later? As payment? You're going to tell me a story."
  1009. Lotlhuitl nodded, gesturing for the fisherman to follow her.
  1011. "Any story you want. Your life story. Story you overheard whilst out drinking. Story your ma told you when you were a child. Anything. My price is reasonable, no?"
  1012. (Lotlhuitl)
  1013. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1015. [11:09:13] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:3 tip number one: you can press x on someone when your cursor isnt in this chat bar to follow them!)
  1016. [11:09:13] LOOC - Asmund: alright )
  1017. [11:12:38] the smile would grow larger. He had only really conversed with another male, that was some time ago and ended with him laying on the ground bruised up. Maybe this one would not go as back. With his pole on his shoulder, Asmund would give her a nod.
  1019. " I have not.. Mostly been staying here for the time being, it's close to the water and to the mountains.. Though not a fan at times haha.." Asmund said the last part a little quietly not wanting to upset any of the locals.
  1021. " Oh? Um sure, i'd be fine with that. " He didnt have any need for secret information, but the talking and walking sounded fun. Plus learning of the area would not hurt him any either.
  1023. " A story? Hm.. I'll think of something. I may have something interesting to tell haha..But yeah sounds good." Asmund said moving closer to her awaiting for her to take off on their adventure and site seeing.
  1024. (Asmund)
  1025. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1027. [11:13:29] Lotlhuitl says, "Ok. On my, uh.. right, there's two people just kinda standing there. But.. you can see that. Aha."
  1028. [11:14:20] Lotlhuitl says, "And.. this is the Ezmaran temple. You can see the Ezmaran's story here.."
  1029. [11:14:20] Lotlhuitl says, "And.. often find Chieftain Karma."
  1030. [11:14:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Whom I have 'opinions' of, but.. I might just hold my tongue. Wouldn't want to be seen as toxic."
  1031. [11:14:20] Lotlhuitl grumbled.
  1032. (Lotlhuitl)
  1033. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1035. [11:14:20] Asmund says, "Neat.. Yeah I was told to see the chief awhile ago to join this place, but not sure if its for me."
  1036. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "The warchief, Dmex, is amazing. A shining inspiration to us all."
  1037. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "A.. actual spirit, bound in flesh."
  1038. [11:15:12] Asmund says, "Really? "
  1039. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Who walks amongst us to protect us all."
  1040. [11:15:12] Asmund says, "Are we all not that? "
  1041. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmmhmm."
  1042. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Uh. No."
  1043. [11:15:12] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Like. I mean an actual spirit. From the higher realm!"
  1044. [11:16:03] Lotlhuitl says, "An actual spirit from the highest spiritual realms.."
  1045. [11:16:03] Asmund says, "Oh.."
  1046. [11:16:03] Asmund says, "Sounds cool.."
  1047. [11:16:03] Lotlhuitl fumbled with something in her pocket.
  1048. (Lotlhuitl)
  1049. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1051. [11:16:54] Lotlhuitl produced what appeared to be a runic necklace with a star on it!
  1052. (Lotlhuitl)
  1053. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1055. [11:16:54] Lotlhuitl says, "Here. If you wear this, Dmex will recognise you as one of her faithful.."
  1056. [11:16:54] Lotlhuitl says, "She is a proud spirit. Full of righteousness. Pursuer of justice.."
  1057. [11:17:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Distance is no obstacle to her."
  1058. [11:17:45] Lotlhuitl says, "Patron of travellers."
  1059. [11:18:36] Looking over the necklace. Asmund already had a locket around his neck with a heart marked on it. " Mm.. I guess I could wear two, not like you don't wear a lot your self haha.."
  1060. (Asmund)
  1061. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1063. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl smiles.
  1064. (Lotlhuitl)
  1065. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1067. [11:18:36] Asmund says, "She sounds like a nice spirit.."
  1068. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Mmm. She's stern, but wise."
  1069. [11:18:36] Lotlhuitl says, "She doesn't tollerate fools."
  1070. [11:18:36] Asmund says, "Well, I don't believe i'm too foolish.."
  1071. [11:19:28] (Midnight Coven) Alert: Asmund has joined the guild.
  1072. [11:19:28] Asmund says, "Maybe niave at times haha.."
  1073. [11:19:28] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: iiiiiiiiii'm a member of the midnight crew
  1074. [11:19:28] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: iiiiiiiiiiii'm a night owl and a wisebird too
  1075. [11:19:28] LOOC - Asmund: ( how do i talk in guild chat ?)
  1076. [11:19:28] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: hi Ashmund aha
  1077. [11:20:19] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: you change say to guild and select the guild to talk in guild chat
  1078. [11:20:19] LOOC - Asmund: ( its not there lemme relog )
  1079. [11:20:19] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: also (8) home with milk in the morning
  1080. [11:20:19] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: #singing the same ole song
  1081. [11:20:19] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: RISE WITH THE MOON, GO TO BED WITH THE SUN
  1082. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: eaaarrly to bed
  1083. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: you miss all the fun
  1084. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you
  1085. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Asmund {Neophyte}: Hello!
  1086. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: hellooo
  1087. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: so there's not many peeps in here yet
  1088. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: but
  1089. [11:21:10] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: i plan on inviting more people
  1090. [11:22:01] (Midnight Coven) Asmund {Neophyte}: Alright cool, i don't mind small groups either way :)
  1091. [11:22:01] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: hmm..
  1092. [11:22:52] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: has effigy like.. died IC
  1093. [11:22:52] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: or is he just busy OOC
  1094. [11:22:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: Anyway.. I.. I don't think Ezmara is bad. Don't get me wrong.
  1095. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: knowing mouse
  1096. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: there's a decent chance he slept for like 24 hours
  1097. [11:23:44] Lotlhuitl whispers: But Karma Vindict is a fool, who is causing the Great Spirit lots of trouble.
  1098. [11:23:44] Asmund says, "Really? I don't like it too much at all.."
  1099. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Dmex {Vector}: and just did that at a weird enough time it says he hasn't been on in 2 days
  1100. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: Aha
  1101. [11:23:44] Asmund says, "It stinks..all of the dark don't like it."
  1102. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: i really want to rp with him
  1103. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: post
  1104. [11:23:44] (Midnight Coven) Lotlhuitl {Favorite}: telling him to be mad at Karma
  1105. [11:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Hah.. well."
  1106. [11:24:35] Lotlhuitl says, "The fog does smell funny.. and the sun is dim here. But.. the marketplace is good."
  1107. [11:25:26] Asmund says, "Yeah, I sale a decent bit of wood there.."
  1108. [11:25:26] Asmund says, "Can't really afford much still,haha."
  1109. [11:25:26] Lotlhuitl says, "This is the marketplace. Be careful, sometimes the prices are a bit.. well."
  1110. [11:25:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Ahem."
  1111. [11:26:17] Lotlhuitl says, "This is a spooky cave.. you'll need a torch, or to be a magi with an aura that lights up to see inside there.."
  1112. [11:26:17] Lotlhuitl says, "You can find reagents for things in there, which people sometimes want.."
  1113. [11:26:17] Asmund says, "Yeah, i've gone mining a couple of times. Though hard to keep my aura up.. Still new to it."
  1114. [11:26:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Maiya, the chieftain's wife... she's a master Alchemist. She might buy things off you."
  1115. [11:27:08] Asmund says, "Good to know."
  1116. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh! Well. That's good that you're practicing. Don't worry, I was a late bloomer too."
  1117. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "North of here is the Dreadwoods.."
  1118. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I can show you where some caves are, later, if you want to have a look."
  1119. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Once you leave the city, you're.. well. It can be dangerous."
  1120. [11:27:08] Asmund says, "That sounds nice."
  1121. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Dangerous creatures lurk out there."
  1122. [11:27:08] Asmund says, "Yeah I know.."
  1123. [11:27:08] Lotlhuitl says, "Demons are massing an army far to the north."
  1124. [11:28:00] Asmund says, "I fought against a big red one.. was not the best of experiances."
  1125. [11:28:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Sorry: 'natives'. Oh.. wow. Yes.."
  1126. [11:28:00] Lotlhuitl says, "They're not very happy that we're here in Agartha. Consider it their land."
  1127. [11:28:51] Asmund says, "Hm..I can see how that be conflicting, doubt they'll want peace haha.."
  1128. [11:28:51] Lotlhuitl says, "This is Oyotl's house. The White Witch. I've been living here.. I'm.. uh.. yeah. "
  1129. [11:28:51] Lotlhuitl mumbled something about Xoconan.
  1130. (Lotlhuitl)
  1131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1133. [11:28:51] Lotlhuitl says, "You can sometimes find me here."
  1134. [11:29:42] Lotlhuitl says, "If it's locked, I'm probably not there. Don't.. break into people's homes. Especially not the White Witches' home."
  1135. [11:29:42] Asmund says, "What ya mumblin about ? Alright, i'll remember that."
  1136. [11:29:42] Asmund asks, "Why would I break into peoples home?"
  1137. [11:29:42] Lotlhuitl says, "... I don't know. Some people don't seem to know how to use doors."
  1138. [11:30:33] Lotlhuitl says, "I don't assume anything these days."
  1139. [11:30:33] Lotlhuitl says, "This is Ezmara's fighting arena. "
  1140. [11:30:33] Lotlhuitl says, "You can often find people in here. Both from Ezmara and from Cruxati."
  1141. [11:30:33] Asmund says, "I've been in there before.. Had a spar with a rather strong guy. "
  1142. [11:30:33] Lotlhuitl says, "People like to lounge about, watching the fights. It's entertaining."
  1143. [11:30:33] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh? That's exciting."
  1144. [11:31:24] Asmund says, "Mm..I guess. "
  1145. [11:31:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah. Sometimes you can find work here. At the farmstead, if you're looking for it."
  1146. [11:31:24] Asmund says, "Usually only like to fight when I need too, but that might be why i'm so weak haha."
  1147. [11:31:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Everyone starts somewhere."
  1148. [11:31:24] Asmund says, "Oh? "
  1149. [11:32:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes."
  1150. [11:32:16] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. nobody appears to be awake, and their door is closed."
  1151. [11:32:16] Lotlhuitl says, "so I can't introduce you."
  1152. [11:32:16] Asmund says, "Well damn.."
  1153. [11:32:16] Asmund says, "Haha.."
  1154. [11:32:16] Lotlhuitl says, "this is Cruxati."
  1155. [11:32:16] LOOC - Asmund: ( how does rpp checks work ?)
  1156. [11:32:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (type /rpp)
  1157. [11:33:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (that tells you if you've qualified or no)
  1158. [11:33:07] LOOC - Asmund: ( feel like ive been rping forever and still says i dont qualify )
  1159. [11:33:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and when the next check)
  1160. [11:33:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it.. typically takes 15 red text posts. White does count, but)
  1161. [11:33:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not as much)
  1162. [11:33:07] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so if you wanna red, feel free to drop dots. I'm just.. tired..)
  1163. [11:33:58] LOOC - Asmund: so its not a character type thing ?)
  1164. [11:33:58] LOOC - Asmund: like type so many words i guess )
  1165. [11:33:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahaha)
  1166. [11:33:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (um, i think it is on words)
  1167. [11:33:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but IDK how many words)
  1168. [11:33:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'll start dropping dots at you)
  1169. [11:33:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (short redtext rps)
  1170. [11:34:49] LOOC - Asmund: dropping dots lol, i like that term )
  1171. [11:35:40] LOOC - Asmund: ( wish didnt age so fast on this, swear i was just 16 u.u )
  1172. [11:35:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you might have made close to the end of a year)
  1173. [11:35:40] LOOC - Asmund: boo )
  1174. [11:36:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (type /year)
  1175. [11:36:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (supposed to be 1 year in 5 days. but everyone ages up at the same time)
  1176. [11:36:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so if you made 2 days ago.. you would have aged up super fast)
  1177. [11:37:23] LOOC - Asmund: ( i made a bit ago, just irl havent been on much )_
  1178. [11:37:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it's fine, happens to everyone.)
  1179. [11:39:56] "Welcome to Tecotchitlan temple," Lotlhuitl said, gesturing at the Cruxati structure which stretched out around them.
  1181. "This is the seat of power for the Cruxati. We are led by the," she was about to say honourable, but.. something made her frown and pause. "We are led by the powerful Chieftess Kayeliun. You can recognise her by her wings. A Drakanite. Short stature."
  1183. A thought.
  1185. "If.. you would like to be part of Cruxati Tribe, I can actually assist you with part of that. Though you will still need to speak to Kayeliun when you get a chance. But if you tell her that I sent you, it will be a very swift process."
  1187. Lotlhuitl's tail wrapped around herself, end twitching slightly. "I am Cruxati, so naturally, you must think me biased if I say we are the best. But. Really. Ezmara is ruled by Karma, who is a fool. Atl is.. well. Ruled by Xomac Tepin, who has fallen to the Sin of Pride and who acts to tear Gehenna apart. Really. Cruxati is the tribe you want to join."
  1188. (Lotlhuitl)
  1189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1191. [11:42:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb)
  1192. [11:47:37] following around Lotlhuitl. Figuring out the area of the village he was in a lot better then before. Putting a note in his head on where she would be and not to break into the place. " Curxati? Neat name.."
  1193. Walking into the temple after Lotlhuitl. " Tecotchitlan, that sure is a mouthful haha.. Though it is pretty. Guess most places like this are rather pretty.. I'm not too used to them, grew up in a hut.. But guess i'll get used to it. " He said wide eyed looking around the place, his breathing a little hard.
  1195. " A darkanite? The dragon folk right? I have not met one of them yet.. Sounds interesting though. " Asmund tightened his hand, it would seem being a normal human might be hard in this world. " Cheiftess Kayeliun.. Everyone has such great names haha.. Makes me feel a little less, but thats fine. " Putting his hands behind head looking over the area some more.
  1197. He could not imagine how long it would of taken to create a place like this. He wondered if the place was still there, the place his uncle told him about. " Really ? Are you two friends? I may think about it.. I'm not apart of anything yet, was thinking of looking for a smaller tribe. But you seem cool and are currently the only one speaking to me. So why not ? "
  1199. " Well bias or not, you sound right in that.. I've not talked to Karma nor this Tepin. Sin is rather bad..So.. Where to next Lotlhuitl? " Asmund said with a slight smile as he looked to the ceiling of the building.
  1200. (Asmund)
  1201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1203. [11:48:28] LOOC - Asmund: kk)
  1204. [11:49:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Hmm."
  1205. [11:49:20] (Cruxati Tribe) Alert: Asmund has joined the guild.
  1206. [11:50:11] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Oh. Dmex. Look!"
  1207. [11:50:11] LOOC - Asmund: ( i need a better desc )
  1208. [11:50:11] Lotlhuitl gestures to Asmund, who had accepted one of Lotlhuitl's star pendants
  1209. (Lotlhuitl)
  1210. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1212. [11:50:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I can help yooou maybe)
  1213. [11:51:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (did you look at /html?)
  1214. [11:51:02] peaked over the side of Lotl. " Hello!"
  1215. (Asmund)
  1216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1218. [11:51:02] LOOC - Markus: [[ Lmao it's gotta be better than mine. ]]
  1219. [11:51:02] LOOC - Asmund: im ok at html )
  1220. [11:51:02] LOOC - Asmund: just lazy xD )
  1221. [11:51:02] Dmex says, "...Oh."
  1222. [11:51:02] Dmex says, "Good to know."
  1223. [11:53:36] After speaking those few words, Dmex resumed pacing around through Cruxati square as if Lotlhuitl and the new arrival weren't even there -
  1225. Until, about halfway through another round, she comes to a stop and stares towards them. Slowly, slowly, she realizes there's people in front of her.
  1227. "It's - someone you've gifted a pendant to, yes? How much do they know?"
  1228. (Dmex)
  1229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1231. [11:55:18] Lotlhuitl's tail had twitched.
  1233. For a second, she wondered if she was daydreaming again. If this was real. Dmex was.. slightly eerie.
  1235. The Nagual gathered up her will. She was.. so.. tired.. though.. and she pinched herself. It hurt. It was real.
  1237. And then Dmex was speaking to her! The Nagual almost seemed startled at that, green eyes (accompanied with.. some distinct heavy dark circles beneath) blinking rapidly.
  1239. "Ah.. ah.. Tell the Great Spirit, Asmund."
  1240. (Lotlhuitl)
  1241. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1243. [11:58:43] Tilting his head at Lotlhuitl a little confused at why they were acting so weird.. Maybe they needed some sleep.
  1245. " Oh?! You're the great spirit right! Neat! " Asmund would move infront of Lotlhuitl. Offering his hand out towards Dmex. A greeting offering.
  1247. " Um.. Lets see I was told you're a spirit, a great protector and justice seeker! " Asmund seemd a little over joyed. " Oh I'm Asmund!-..Though she already told you this haha.."
  1248. (Asmund)
  1249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1251. [11:59:34] Lotlhuitl says, "And.. and that distance is meaningless to Dmex's power. <coaching>"
  1252. [12:02:08] The masked woman only nods to the account of her that Lotlhuitl gives, at first. Even that brief motion is delayed by about a second longer than it should've been.
  1254. "I am many things. I am whatever someone needs."
  1256. It's hard to tell whether or not she noticed Asmund's extended hand - she sure didn't offer her part of the gesture, nor did she look towards it.
  1258. "Great Spirit works as an effective default answer."
  1259. (Dmex)
  1260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1262. [12:02:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you qualify yet?)
  1263. [12:02:59] LOOC - Asmund: ( nope )
  1264. [12:02:59] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm just showing Amund around."
  1265. [12:03:50] Lotlhuitl says, "In exchange, he's going to tell me a story."
  1266. [12:03:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Asmund*)
  1267. [12:03:50] raising an eyebrow at Dmex, noticing she was not going to shake his head. He thought it too be a bit rude, but hey she was a great spirit. " Yeah a pretty neato story! Hopefully.."
  1268. (Asmund)
  1269. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1271. [12:04:41] Dmex asks, "...Showing him around?"
  1272. [12:04:41] Dmex says, "Feel free to show him where my home rests."
  1273. [12:04:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, he looked new. Lost."
  1274. [12:04:41] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh, I shall do so, Great Spirit."
  1275. [12:04:41] Asmund says, "I am new.. Not lost though."
  1276. [12:04:41] Asmund says, "Well maybe lost,haha.."
  1277. [12:05:32] Asmund says, "But i'm where I need to be I suppose."
  1278. [12:05:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah, you were lost. I hadn't found you yet. Dmex's light had not yet pierced through the fog that shrouded your life.."
  1279. [12:05:32] Asmund asks, "Fog ?"
  1280. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "A metaphore."
  1281. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl suddenly looked sullen, her tail twitching as she frowned.
  1282. (Lotlhuitl)
  1283. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1285. [12:06:24] Asmund says, "Ah.."
  1286. [12:06:24] Lotlhuitl says, "It made sense."
  1287. [12:06:24] Dmex says, "I've never been excellent at metaphors."
  1288. [12:06:24] Dmex says, "Very literal."
  1289. [12:07:15] would give Lotlhuitl a thumbs up" I'm sure it did! I'm just, not too good with them haha.."
  1290. (Asmund)
  1291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293. [12:07:15] Asmund exclaims, "Same!"
  1294. [12:07:15] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes.. well. "
  1295. [12:07:15] Lotlhuitl rubbed behind an ear, blearily looking around the courtyard. Her anger dissapated.
  1296. (Lotlhuitl)
  1297. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1299. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. still trying to decide if I will take him to Atl."
  1300. [12:08:06] Dmex says, "Don't."
  1301. [12:08:06] Asmund says, "Atl is- "
  1302. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "The.. last time I visited, Xomac.. well. He's dangerous."
  1303. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  1304. [12:08:06] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, that's probably for the best."
  1305. [12:08:06] Dmex says, "I'm not sure what you believe Atl is, but it isn't an option right now."
  1306. [12:08:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Atl is..."
  1307. [12:08:57] Asmund says, "Never really heard of it, well what I have nothing good."
  1308. [12:08:57] Dmex says, "Atl is a horde of rabid dogs following behind a rat of Pride."
  1309. [12:08:57] Asmund says, "Ah.. Sad."
  1310. [12:08:57] Dmex says, "Things should stabilize whenever Xomac is gone."
  1311. [12:08:57] Lotlhuitl says, "... he.. he truly believes that he is Gehenna's salvation. But he corrupted Zahhual."
  1312. [12:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "The words Zahhual spoke, they were Xomac's."
  1313. [12:09:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Who will lead the Atl."
  1314. [12:09:48] Dmex says, "I know."
  1315. [12:10:40] Lotlhuitl says, "There.. there really is non worthy amongst them."
  1316. [12:10:40] Dmex says, "I know, Lotlhuitl."
  1317. [12:10:40] Asmund asks, "Maybe some one whos not a rat of pride?"
  1318. [12:10:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Xomac himself was not even Atl."
  1319. [12:10:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. so Xoconan told me."
  1320. [12:10:40] Dmex says, "Not native to Atl, no."
  1321. [12:10:40] Lotlhuitl says, "Xomac was once Cruxati."
  1322. [12:11:31] Dmex says, "Current intentions are to absorb the remnants of the tribe worth talking about, after Xomac is gone."
  1323. [12:11:31] Lotlhuitl nodded.
  1324. (Lotlhuitl)
  1325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1327. [12:11:31] Dmex says, "Split them to the other two."
  1328. [12:11:31] Lotlhuitl says, "I have not seen anyone worthy amongst them."
  1329. [12:11:31] Dmex says, "...If there happens to be anyone, they will be controlled."
  1330. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, I suppose that does not mean they do not exist."
  1331. [12:12:22] Lotlhuitl says, "I suppose any one Atlian who happened to be worthy may very well be keeping their head down."
  1332. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl says, "But yes, I am sorry, Asmund. I'm afraid I don't have much more to show you."
  1333. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh! Except.."
  1334. [12:13:13] Asmund says, "Mm.. that is fine, this place is cool."
  1335. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl says, "The Great Spirit's dwelling place.."
  1336. [12:13:13] Lotlhuitl says, "I should show you that, yes."
  1337. [12:13:13] Asmund says, "Sounds spirity."
  1338. [12:13:13] Dmex says, "...Off to Ezmara, myself."
  1339. [12:14:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well, Dmex. Time's grace."
  1340. [12:14:04] Asmund exclaims, "Cya around!"
  1341. [12:14:56] Lotlhuitl says, "This is the Grea--w-wow.."
  1342. [12:14:56] Lotlhuitl blinked at Dmex, shocked.
  1343. (Lotlhuitl)
  1344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1346. [12:14:56] Asmund says, "..."
  1347. [12:17:29] The question begging to be asked: Had Dmex just TELEPORTED here?
  1349. Lotlhuitl swore she had seen the Great Spirit in Ezmara.
  1351. "I.. ah. Asmund, like I said. Distance is no barrier to the Great Spirit."
  1353. She tilted her head. "Though, perhaps, I might have to start clarifying the 'walks amongst us' part. Clearly, Dmex does not need to walk anywhere."
  1355. A smile. Tired, but filled with wonder.
  1357. "This is Mighty Dmex's dwelling place. Her home. If the door is locked, you can approach it and knock. If she is home, and not busy with some divine task beyond the ken of mortals, she will surely answer."
  1358. (Lotlhuitl)
  1359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361. [12:17:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm pretty sure if you stand close to a door and RP next to it, it carries through into the next room.)
  1362. [12:18:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I thinnk..)
  1363. [12:18:20] LOOC - Dmex: (this is true.)
  1364. [12:18:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (So you can knock.)
  1365. [12:18:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (also you can ping her through guild chat aha)
  1366. [12:19:12] LOOC - Dmex: (probably better...)
  1367. [12:19:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha.. yeah.)
  1368. [12:19:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (that way if she's busy, I can RP with you if I'm around)
  1369. [12:20:03] LOOC - Dmex: (and maybe mouse will be back someday too...)
  1370. [12:20:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (maaaybee)
  1371. [12:21:45] Not a fan of the all of the dark Trees. Asmund kept his head down most of the way to the The Great spirits home. As they showed up, it would seem she was already here. A confused look came over the face of Asmund.
  1373. " Yeah I'm starting to get that haha.." His mouth seemed to stay open far to long before he closed it. Shaking his head and focusing himself again. " Alright, will do. You guys seem very interesting. Rather nice knowing folks..ya know ? " Asmund twiddle with this thumbs for a moment.
  1375. " Nice home! " Straightening himself out.." Dmex.. Eh.. Great Spirit.. How'd you do that ? If you don't mind me asking.. "
  1376. (Asmund)
  1377. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1379. [12:21:45] LOOC - Asmund: ( alright cool :)
  1380. [12:22:36] LOOC - Asmund: ( do i just need to mash out walls of text for rpp o.o )
  1381. [12:22:36] LOOC - Dmex: (no)
  1382. [12:22:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no)
  1383. [12:22:36] LOOC - Dmex: (it has nothing to do with character count, only post count)
  1384. [12:22:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i just get.. excited)
  1385. [12:22:36] LOOC - Asmund: ( nah its fine lotl, i like to rps :)
  1386. [12:22:36] LOOC - Asmund: how many posts is it ? like rng lol )
  1387. [12:23:28] LOOC - Dmex: (there is nothing rng about it)
  1388. [12:23:28] LOOC - Dmex: (unless anything's changed, pre-200 is still 15)
  1389. [12:23:28] LOOC - Asmund: swear i only did like not even 6 before, and got one )
  1390. [12:23:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it used to be 15)
  1391. [12:23:28] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you get your first checks easy)
  1392. [12:23:28] LOOC - Asmund: oh thats not much )
  1393. [12:23:28] LOOC - Dmex: (remember that white's still counted, just at a reduced rate)
  1394. [12:24:19] LOOC - Asmund: oh ok cool )
  1395. [12:24:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (do you know about the discord? The forums?)
  1396. [12:24:19] LOOC - Asmund: i'm in the discord and forgot my forum password XD )
  1397. [12:24:19] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha no worries)
  1398. [12:26:01] After a brief nod, Dmex decides that another demonstration is in order. She gestures off towards a patch of the Dreadwoods a short way south -
  1400. And immediately afterward, appears at the point she'd motioned towards, with only a white flash in between. The exact path she'd traveled is only marked by a trail of dim blue light.
  1402. "I am not very attached to the concept of distance, for one. In time, you'll discover others that don't affect me."
  1403. (Dmex)
  1404. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1406. [12:29:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im afraid i grow weary friends)
  1407. [12:29:26] Looking at where she pointed and then back towards her. Asmunds eyes would not leave her, not even for a moment. Seeing it happen in motion kind of left him speechless, more so then her just appearing her before..
  1409. " So it is true.. That is very cool. Haha. I'm not too special.. " Letting out a deep sigh. " I'm happy to meet you though and you Lotlhuitl. Hopefully I can be of some service.."
  1411. Stopping himself from talking more, he'd continue again.. " Um Does it hurt to do that? The whole teleporting thing.. Also what do you mean others? "
  1412. (Asmund)
  1413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1415. [12:29:26] LOOC - Asmund: sleepy ?)
  1416. [12:29:26] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah)
  1417. [12:30:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (is 3.30am)
  1418. [12:30:17] LOOC - Asmund: ( woo )
  1419. [12:30:17] LOOC - Asmund: only 9 am here )
  1420. [12:30:17] Lotlhuitl says, "Dmex has many secrets."
  1421. [12:30:17] Lotlhuitl says, "There are many mysteries surrounding the Great Spirit."
  1422. [12:30:17] Asmund says, "Seems that way.."
  1423. [12:31:08] Lotlhuitl says, "And she only has one favourite. And that's me. But.. maybe in time you'll be trusted enough to learn things. Incredible things."
  1424. [12:31:08] Asmund says, "Did you want to hear my story Lotlhuitl or another time ? You look rather restless.. Should sleep yo."
  1425. [12:31:08] Asmund says, "Haha.. Would be neat.. Not sure i'd be able to learn even if she offered."
  1426. [12:32:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oop i failed to see that Dmex was dotting)
  1427. [12:32:51] Without a second flash, Dmex just sort of... appears, in front of her house once again. She was still fully content to speak, however.
  1429. Hell, even that weird delay seems to be gone by now.
  1431. "Your first question, conveniently, helps me answer your first. Nothing hurts me, Asmund."
  1433. For a moment, she considered showing this fact off, but shakes her head to force away the idea.
  1435. "I am immune to fatigue, hunger, pain..."
  1437. The way she trails off implies that the list goes on, but maybe that's another mystery she's keeping close to her chest.
  1438. (Dmex)
  1439. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1441. [12:33:42] Lotlhuitl says, "<*listened, enrapt. But.. sleepy.*> "
  1442. [12:34:33] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, Asmund. You will have to pay me what I am owed another time. For.. I must sleep."
  1443. [12:34:33] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Im gonna have to log, soz! fun RP!)
  1444. [12:35:24] Lotlhuitl says, "Time's grace."
  1445. [12:35:24] even more suprised now. Shocked really. To think some one like this actually existed. Maybe she was even more powerful then the massive demons he encountered in the middle of the city.
  1446. " Alright Lotlhuitl! Sleep well!" He said looking towards her with a bright smile. Then back towards Dmex with an almost stern look.. " You're cool Dmex. Very interesting haha.. Wish I could be as such.. Though not sure how i'd feel not being hungry.. Food is too good!"
  1447. (Asmund)
  1448. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1450. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl left, presumably to go sleep somewhere.. quite possibly in a certain young man's arms..
  1451. (Lotlhuitl)
  1452. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1454. [12:36:16] Asmund says, "Time's Grace!... < Not sure what that meant>"
  1455. [19:31:50]
  1456. {LOAD GAME}
  1458. [19:32:41] LOOC - Paladin: (getting myself KILLED rn fam)
  1459. [19:33:32] Nyrra had won the spar, rather easily, much to her surprise. The man was older and seemed much stronger then she was, maybe he was holding back against her. Either way, she felt her pride returning to her somewhat, since she had won and all.
  1461. Seamlessly moving through his attacks as if dancing, she'd end the match by conjuring a giant ball of fire in the form of a bird. And send it flying towards the older man in a climactic impact.
  1463. "That was fun," She cheered as she walked towards him to help him up.
  1464. (Nyrra)
  1465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1467. [19:42:04] "Have either of you two seen Xoconan?" A voice cried out from above. Said voice belonged to none other than the Nagual, Lotlhuitl.
  1469. The youthful woman vaguely shimmered in the torch light. If inspected, one would realise that this wasn't because of some aura, nor any magical effect for that matter. No, it was because she was utterly draped in various jewelleries and trinkets. Shiny things, which caught the light.
  1471. Green eyes stared appraisingly down at both of them. Now silent. Waiting. Watching Nyrra help Griffin u[.
  1472. (Lotlhuitl)
  1473. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1475. [19:43:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (up, not u[.. bleh0
  1476. [19:43:47] Intense heats were apparent as the flames blazed on. His steel armor and Iron broadsword would slowly feel the effects as they slowly heated up. Perspiration was now present. Sweat flowing down his cheek inside of the now heated helmet. His only defense was the surge of holy energies emitting from his body by the will of Kraus. He resisted the heat, and surely the heat was far beyond resisting. His body was plagued by the crippling heat, but not his will.
  1478. Dashing forward through waves after waves of intense flames, the young Valmasian now Gehennan warrior swung his great sword with great efficiency, destined to fall any foe. In any other case, this would have been a pretty easy fight with the outcome being the same. But today was different. Today he had met the force that would prove to be something he could not resist.
  1480. Because of the heat, and the incredible force that he kept on receiving from the younger woman, his senses became slurred, cutting his efficiency in half if not more so. Within moments, he would find himself against the barring of the Arena after being knocked back from a mighty fire blast. Panting heavily, he slowly removed his heated helmet, the heat could be seen rising from his armor set.
  1482. "Phew...You pack a punch there Milady. And you said you weren't good. Surely you jested." he said, pulling off his gauntlets then continued to wipe the sweat from his features. He would accept the help of young lady, rising to his feet, armor slowly cooling. down.
  1483. (Griffin D'cil)
  1484. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1486. [19:43:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (bleh even)
  1487. [19:44:38] Griffin D'cil asks, "It was a good hard fight, but I enjoyed it. Thank you...Uh...Forgive me. What was your name?"
  1488. [19:44:38] Lotlhuitl jumped down, landing beside the two.
  1489. (Lotlhuitl)
  1490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1492. [19:45:29] Nyrra says, "Oh, apologies, It's Nyrra."
  1493. [19:45:29] Nyrra asks, "And yourself?"
  1494. [19:45:29] Griffin D'cil says, "Ah. I am Griffi-.."
  1495. [19:45:29] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hmm?"
  1496. [19:45:29] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1497. [19:45:29] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hello?"
  1498. [19:46:20] Nyrra asks, "Xoconon?"
  1499. [19:46:20] Lotlhuitl staring, tail flicking. Waiting for an answer, as it slowly dawned on her that they must not have heard the question..
  1500. (Lotlhuitl)
  1501. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1503. [19:46:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Nan.. Xoconan.."
  1504. [19:46:20] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (oh)
  1505. [19:46:20] Nyrra says, "Xoconan? Can't say I have."
  1506. [19:46:20] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (didnt see it)
  1507. [19:47:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Harumph."
  1508. [19:47:12] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone by that name."
  1509. [19:47:12] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm fairly new here after all."
  1510. [19:47:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Oh?"
  1511. [19:47:12] Griffin wipes away the sweat from his brow
  1512. (Griffin D'cil)
  1513. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1515. [19:48:03] Lotlhuitl says, "And getting challenged to honour duels already... tch."
  1516. [20:00:00] His brow arched at the statement. A small chuckle escaped his maw as he equipped his now cooled armor gauntlets. As he properly got the gear in place, he would stoop down, retrieving his helmet. Sky Blue hues now focused on the Nagaul before him while still acknowledging the presence of Nyrra if ever so subtly.
  1518. "No, no my dear. It wasn't like that at all. We were merely having a friendly spar. I'm still learning how to use my sword properly. Nyyra was just kind enough to indulge me in a little exercise." he said, a gentle smile on his features as he lifted his helmet to see if there was any damage done due to the heat of the flames.
  1520. His gaze then shifts to Nyrra, his smile still present as he spoke. "I'm Griffin D'cil by the way. And thank you for the spar." he saidreturning his gaze back to Lotlhuitl the new comer that seemed to come out of nowhere. "As for you. Yea. I'm fairly new so I don't know much people. Besides those at Atl, to which I still don't know most of their names, I don't know many people. sorry I couldn't be of help to you."
  1522. With that said, he then equips his helmet, sky blue hues peering out of the veil once more.
  1524. "Perhaps I did see him, but didn't know his name or who he was. If you could provide some description, maybe that would jag my memory, yes?" he suggested, hoping to help the new comer if he could.
  1525. (Griffin D'cil)
  1526. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1528. [20:00:00] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Krab nuggets)
  1529. [20:00:00] LOOC - Nyrra: (I g2g now D:)
  1530. [20:00:51] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (*shakes his fist in anger*)
  1531. [20:00:51] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (dang Html)
  1532. [20:00:51] LOOC - Nyrra: (lol)
  1533. [20:00:51] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (also bye. Spirits guide)
  1534. [20:00:51] LOOC - Nyrra: (Anyway, G'night.~)
  1535. [20:00:51] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (*waves*)
  1536. [20:01:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (o-oh! aha.)
  1537. [20:01:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I was reading... didn't get to say goodbye.)
  1538. [20:01:42] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (It's fine, its fine)
  1539. [20:02:33] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (U can say goodbye when U see her again~)
  1540. [20:05:07] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Oh damn...so many mistakes)
  1541. [20:05:07] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (;-;)
  1542. [20:07:40] At the mention of the Atl, Lotlhuitl gave Griffin one heck of a sideways glance. Her tail flicking. The Nagual with the blue-black hair tapped her fingers together, briefly pursing her lips as she regarded the white-haired man.
  1544. "Xoconan is taller than me. Brown hair. Red eyes. The son of Oyotl, the White Witch. He has.. a mythril skeleton at his back." She paused, a smirk suddenly tugging at her lips. "He's usually shirtless."
  1546. Her tail flicked once more, as she looked the slightly younger man up and down. Appraising.
  1548. "If you're so new, have people given you a tour of the land?" She enquired. Before swiftly thinking better of it, and snapping her fingers.
  1550. "No matter. I, Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati, will show you around. Explain what is going on. Introduce you to people. Teach you about the Great Spirit. And in return? In return you will tell me a story."
  1551. (Lotlhuitl)
  1552. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1554. [20:25:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry brb)
  1555. [20:28:09] The description was vaguely familiar. Had he seen this person? He would opt to recall the faces, the clothing and the accessories of the few people he had seen today. His hands lift to remove his helmet once more from his head. Silver like mane flows down his shoulder and back. His eyes watching the reaction of the older woman. Her tail movement, her facial expression as she spoke. Charming to some extent. He was sort of fond of the furry people known as Nagaul. His mind was now on the subject at hand. "Xoconan...Xoconan..." he said, tapping his pale, silky skin. It was hard to believe that this man was a warrior. Hard to believe he was a man at all with his initial appearance.
  1557. He quickly begins to recall his short day. Recalling all the places he had went, the people he had seen."Let's see. There was those two brownshirt wearing chums, A black jacket wearing fellow...The smith I talked to by the Cruxati temple..." he trailed on, tapping his bottom lip as he did. His eyes staring down the ceiling of the arena construct as if he was watching his day go by in slow motion.
  1559. "Ah yes. While I had my armor custom made, I believe I saw a guy that fit that description standing by the Cruxati temple door. He seemed to fit that description. Not sure if he's still there though..." he said, trailing off from his initial topic as he caught wind of the Nagaul's new topic of converse.
  1561. "No, I haven't gotten a tour. Most of my current knowledge of this land and the limited knowledge of it's layout was gathered by myself as I was searching for a Scribe the other day. They are really hard to find if I may add..." he said, pouting as he recalled the long, long, hard, did he mention long? Yea, long journey, quest to find one.
  1563. "I guess people are too busy with their daily lives to give care to others." he continued, placing his hand to his hip as he chuckled. His sky blue irises now focused further on the Nagaul as she gave rise to another topic. An offer to guide him about. His lifts his same free hand from his hip, no stroking his chin with it.
  1565. "Lotlhuitl? That's a lovely name. A mouth full...But a lovely name nonetheless." he paused for a bit before continuing."Hmm...I have some knowledge of the spirits. but it wouldn't hurt to learn more and it would be nice to properly see the land and know more people...But a story? I'm not sure I'm good with those. Are you sure you want to hear one from me?" he enquired, his gentle gaze peering down on the older woman, his eyes meeting hers.
  1568. (Griffin D'cil)
  1569. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1571. [20:29:00] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (brb also. I need to oocly check on something. read and reply to post while I run out and come back)
  1572. [20:56:19]
  1573. {LOAD GAME}
  1575. [20:57:10] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (soz, internet cut out..)
  1576. [21:08:16] Lotlhuitl had tilted her head, fuzzy ears twitching as she stared at Griffin whilst he ummed and ahhed over whether he had seen Xoconan.
  1578. Her tail twitched. "No tour?" She had muttered. "Pah, figures."
  1580. Lotlhuitl had ran a hand through her silken blue-black hair. She let the entire length run through her fingers, arching her back as she let the white-haired Atlian compliment her.
  1582. "Lovely?" Lotlhuitl blinked, ears pricking up slightly before relaxing. "Oh, I know. Everything about me is lovely." The woman's expression was deadpan as she spoke. Her green gaze once more looing the man in the eye.
  1584. Lotlhuitl gestured for Griffin to follow her.
  1586. "This is Ezmara's arena, as you'd know. Often, if you can't find people elsewhere.. you can find them here. From both Cruxati and Ezmaran tribes."
  1588. She let out a soft "hm"under her breath, fumbling with her pouch.
  1590. "Before we go any further, here." She produced a small charm braclet. Carved bones, plenty of beads. Star motifs. "This is a tribute to the Great Spirit, Dmex. You should wear it proudly."
  1591. (Lotlhuitl)
  1592. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1594. [21:09:07] {Item} You picked up To Lotlhuitl.Dropped by Griffin D'cil. .
  1595. [21:12:32] {Item} You drop To Lotlhuitl.
  1596. [21:21:04] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (back)
  1597. [21:37:16] (Midnight Coven) Alert: Griffin D'cil has joined the guild.
  1598. [21:46:40] He laughs vibrantly, his eyes shut as he did. Truly a refreshing moment for the young warrior. Wiping a tear from his eye, he regains his composer. His helmet now nestled under his arm, like a mother bird would nestle her young. His helmet was precious to him, his last memory of his father. The helm of Hawk. His eyes now returning to the woman before him, his gentle smile remained after the laugh was done.
  1600. "Confident, I like that. Nothing pulls me more to a person than one that has certain attributes and confidence is one of them." he said, pausing for a moment to appraise the woman before him. She did have much redeeming qualities indeed. Her hair seemed so soft, much like his own. Her eyes as well.
  1602. "I'm not sure what this place was called truth be told. I just wondered in here out of curiosity and met that girl. Don't know where she went.." He looked around to see if she was still present. She was not. As he was following behind the nagaul woman, his sight fixated on her tail, she would drag his attention to her hand as she presented a braclet. It was ingenuities, if he did say so himself. His gaze would fall to her eyes once more. His expression becoming bland, stoic. "Great spirit, Dmex? Another religion, another God? Oh boy, here we go again..." he said, stuffing the braclet beneath his cloak. He didn't want it, but kept it as a keepsake. A means to remember Lotlhuitl by.
  1603. (Griffin D'cil)
  1604. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1606. [21:59:28] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  1608. "Mighty Dmex isn't part of another religion. She is part of the Tocathian. Worshipped by Gehennans. Me. I also pay homage to other spirits, but none higher than Dmex. She.. has done much for me. Directly."
  1610. Her tail twitched, looking back over her shoulder to shoot the white-haired man a hard look. "So I suggest you watch your tongue, Griffin."
  1612. That said, Lotl still seemed keen enough to lead Griffin around and to show him the sights.
  1614. "I'll skip Atl, of course. Not only because you must be familiar with it.. but, ah. Xomac.. last time I visited, he almost convinced me to ride to war with him to fight the Jiangs."
  1617. (Lotlhuitl)
  1618. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1620. [22:02:01] Kayeliun says, "Oh. Sorry, Hatsune."
  1621. [22:02:01] Griffin hummed in solemn gaze. He didn't want to doddle too much on the touchy topic of religions and the gods there of. He would say nothing more on that and just followed along as he was guided about.
  1622. (Griffin D'cil)
  1623. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1625. [22:02:52] Hatsune Panic says, "Quite alright, Kayeliun."
  1626. [22:02:52] Griffin D'cil asks, "Was this the fellow you saught?"
  1627. [22:04:35] Lotlhuitl loitered by Xoconan, staring at him from beneath looong dark eyelashes for a good moment. Then, moment over, she turned her attention back to Griffith.
  1628. (Lotlhuitl)
  1629. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1631. [22:04:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes."
  1632. [22:05:26] Griffin D'cil says, "Ah. I'm glad I could help you find him then."
  1633. [22:05:26] Kayeliun asks, "Is there still something you need to ask?"
  1634. [22:05:26] Lotlhuitl says, "Griffin, these are Hatsune, Atro, and Chieftess Kayeliun. "
  1635. [22:05:26] Hatsune Panic says, "Yes, but I would like to take the conversation into the temple if that is possible."
  1636. [22:06:17] Kayeliun says, "Yes, just give me a moment."
  1637. [22:06:17] Hatsune Panic says, "Hello Griffin. I am indeed Hatsune."
  1638. [22:08:51] LOOC - Kale: (quit bugging out idiot)
  1639. [22:13:07] Griffin turns to face the people being addressed. All individuals he had seen once before but had not the reason or cause to greet candidly. He raises his hand to his mouth, clearing his throat. His gaze would fall to the first to introduce themselves personally. The sole Sirenian of the bunch.
  1641. "Hello Hatsune. As Lotlhuitl had mentioned. I am Griffin, Griffin D'cil of Atl. I'm a fairly new arrival and she has taken it upon her self to show me around." he said, a soft smile to his features as he observed Hatsune closely. It was a first for him, to see her species.
  1643. "Forgive me for being straight forward, but what are you? It's the first I've seen someone like you" he said, blinking a few times. His gaze falling to Lot then back to Hatsune
  1644. (Griffin D'cil)
  1645. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1647. [22:13:07] Kayeliun says, "...I can speak now, Hatsune. If you wish to answer him quickly."
  1648. [22:13:07] Hatsune Panic says, "I am a Siren. To be exact, I am a Mermaid. It is only reasonable you've not seen much of me because as I spend more time in the ocean than on land."
  1649. [22:14:49] Griffin D'cil says, "Ah. Thats interesting. Hmm...Well It seems you are being summoned. I won't keep you then."
  1650. [22:15:40] Hatsune Panic asks, "Thank you. Kayeliun, in the temple very quickly?"
  1651. [22:15:40] Hatsune Panic says, "I do not wish to take up too much of your time."
  1652. [22:15:40] Griffin D'cil says, "It was apleasure meeting you all."
  1653. [22:15:40] Lotlhuitl regarded Hatsune. Greeted Kayeliun with a raised fist. Et cetera...
  1654. (Lotlhuitl)
  1655. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1657. [22:16:32] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (lol)
  1658. [22:16:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Let's go, Griffin."
  1659. [22:16:32] Griffin nods
  1660. (Griffin D'cil)
  1661. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1663. [22:16:32] Griffin D'cil says, "Lead the way."
  1664. [22:16:32] Lotlhuitl says, "Well. I mean. Naturally, being Cruxati, you would expect me to tell you that Cruxati holds the best territories."
  1665. [22:16:32] Lotlhuitl says, "This is true."
  1666. [22:17:23] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Too kind, Nagual."
  1667. [22:17:23] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hmm. The best?"
  1668. [22:17:23] Griffin looks around
  1669. (Griffin D'cil)
  1670. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1672. [22:17:23] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes. Well. Perhaps you're a lost cause.."
  1673. [22:18:14] Griffin arches a brow
  1674. (Griffin D'cil)
  1675. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1677. [22:18:14] Lotlhuitl says, "So perhaps I should stick to.. just.. the basics."
  1678. [22:18:14] Griffin D'cil says, "If its what you think is best."
  1679. [22:18:14] Lotlhuitl says, "Cruxati care about their appearance. Fittingly, we have the best clothing merchant."
  1680. [22:19:05] Lotlhuitl gestured, indicating the salesperson.
  1681. (Lotlhuitl)
  1682. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1684. [22:19:05] Griffin D'cil says, "I see."
  1685. [22:19:05] Lotlhuitl says, "We have a lovely, calm lake.."
  1686. [22:19:56] Griffin casually looks over to the lake as they walked by
  1687. (Griffin D'cil)
  1688. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1690. [22:19:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I honestly have no idea whose house this is."
  1691. [22:19:56] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. really shouldn't have entered."
  1692. [22:19:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Whoops."
  1693. [22:19:56] Griffin chuckles
  1694. (Griffin D'cil)
  1695. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1697. [22:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "Atl is across the river."
  1698. [22:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I assume you know where the bridge is."
  1699. [22:20:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I... will not enter."
  1700. [22:20:48] Griffin D'cil says, "It's alright. I know this place can be.,.."
  1701. [22:21:39] Griffin D'cil says, "Overwhelming."
  1702. [22:21:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I like Atl enough. But, perhaps, this is why I should not."
  1703. [22:21:39] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.. yes. It's certainly exciting.."
  1704. [22:21:39] Griffin D'cil says, "I know...I've met the chief..."
  1705. [22:21:39] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Is any Runescribe?"
  1706. [22:21:39] Lotlhuitl languidly cast her gaze towards the two who now stood on the bridge.
  1707. (Lotlhuitl)
  1708. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1710. [22:21:39] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Need implant to heal permanent wound."
  1711. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I am, though.. my skills are.. limited."
  1712. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Best seek out Xitlalli."
  1713. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "She was standing in Cruxati square."
  1714. [22:22:30] Griffin blinks
  1715. (Griffin D'cil)
  1716. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1718. [22:22:30] Nizhoni says, "I think that was the woman we passed in the Cruxati square, yes. "
  1719. [22:22:30] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "I see."
  1720. [22:22:30] Griffin D'cil asks, "Xitlalli?"
  1721. [22:22:30] Griffin D'cil says, "....."
  1722. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Tell her Lotlhuitl told you to viist."
  1723. [22:22:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (visit*)
  1724. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Xitlalli, yes."
  1725. [22:22:30] Lotlhuitl asks, "What's wrong?"
  1726. [22:23:21] Griffin D'cil says, "That woman that sent me to another..."
  1727. [22:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "She is my friend."
  1728. [22:23:21] Griffin shakes his head
  1729. (Griffin D'cil)
  1730. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1732. [22:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "O-oh, ah.."
  1733. [22:23:21] Griffin D'cil says, "Forget it. It's a long story."
  1734. [22:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Perhaps she didn't understand you."
  1735. [22:23:21] Griffin D'cil says, "Oh..It's not hard to understand me."
  1736. [22:23:21] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes.. I really -shouldn't- enter.."
  1737. [22:24:12] Griffin D'cil says, "Wait.."
  1738. [22:24:12] Lotlhuitl clearly was tempted...
  1739. (Lotlhuitl)
  1740. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1742. [22:24:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Wait?"
  1743. [22:24:12] Griffin D'cil asks, "Why are you afraid?"
  1744. [22:24:12] Griffin D'cil asks, "The chief?"
  1745. [22:24:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Afraid?"
  1746. [22:24:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not afraid of anything."
  1747. [22:24:12] Griffin D'cil asks, "Oh?"
  1748. [22:24:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Nothing."
  1749. [22:24:12] Griffin arched a brow
  1750. (Griffin D'cil)
  1751. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1753. [22:25:04] Griffin D'cil asks, "Nothing at all?"
  1754. [22:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Nothing."
  1755. [22:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "I am no coward."
  1756. [22:25:04] Griffin 's smile becomes a grin
  1757. (Griffin D'cil)
  1758. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1760. [22:25:04] Lotlhuitl says, "I am carved from good stock, as they say. "
  1761. [22:25:04] Griffin D'cil says, "Courage."
  1762. [22:25:04] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Sleeping standing."
  1763. [22:25:55] Griffin D'cil says, "Also a admirable trait."
  1764. [22:25:55] Lotlhuitl says, "... thank you, I suppose."
  1765. [22:25:55] Lotlhuitl asks, "No luck?"
  1766. [22:25:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (what tier runescribe do you gotta be to do it?)
  1767. [22:25:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm only t4 soz)
  1768. [22:25:55] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (3_)
  1769. [22:25:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hmm..)
  1770. [22:25:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sadly need 2 more rpp)
  1771. [22:26:46] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (plan to go rune end game)
  1772. [22:26:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (which I would have had, if my good mod hadn't broken :( )
  1773. [22:26:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (-weeps)
  1774. [22:26:46] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (atl needs the love)
  1775. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Anyway.."
  1776. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not afraid."
  1777. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Look."
  1778. [22:28:28] Griffin arches his brow again
  1779. (Griffin D'cil)
  1780. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1782. [22:28:28] Lotlhuitl saunters into Atl. The Nagual subtly jingled with each step, what with all the jewellery she was wearing..
  1783. (Lotlhuitl)
  1784. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1786. [22:28:28] Griffin D'cil says, "I'm looking."
  1787. [22:29:20] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Looking for Runescribe."
  1788. [22:29:20] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Need injury fixed bad."
  1789. [22:29:20] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Jink hurt me."
  1790. [22:30:11] Atla-Cuauhtli says, "I am a runescriber."
  1791. [22:30:11] LOOC - Tarlac: ( wtf
  1792. [22:30:11] Uro Tlahcotzin asks, "Can help?"
  1793. [22:30:11] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((?
  1794. [22:30:11] Zyanya Tlaco asks, "Hmm... So, the negotiations went through?"
  1795. [22:30:11] Zyanya Tlaco says, "That's good."
  1796. [22:30:11] Nochte says, "Yep."
  1797. [22:30:11] Atla-Cuauhtli says, "If you got a kit with blacksmiths so yes."
  1798. [22:31:02] He points at the patched permanent wound on his chest, offering the man a prosthetics kit.
  1799. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  1800. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1802. [22:31:02] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (how exacly the wound looks like
  1803. [22:31:02] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (It's a burn wound that goes to my lungs and heart
  1804. [22:31:02] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (?
  1805. [22:31:53] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (you just need to fill it up basically
  1806. [22:31:53] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (hm
  1807. [22:31:53] * You have been awarded 0.75 Roleplay Points! *
  1808. [22:31:53] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Negotiation went through."
  1809. [22:31:53] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Jink try to kill me."
  1810. [22:31:53] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Because humiliate them."
  1811. [22:32:44] Uro lets out a hearty, pained laughter.
  1812. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  1813. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1815. [22:32:44] Griffin D'cil exclaims, "Word your sentences properly!"
  1816. [22:32:44] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (omit)
  1817. [22:32:44] Uro Tlahcotzin exclaims, "Be black!"
  1818. [22:32:44] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (omit
  1819. [22:32:44] Griffin D'cil exclaims, "Fuck that and Fuck you!"
  1820. [22:32:44] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (omit)
  1821. [22:33:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:s)
  1822. [22:33:36] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: ):^(
  1823. [22:33:36] Xomac Tepin says, "Sounds like Jianghu to attempt to coerice those above them. -looks at his nails-"
  1824. [22:33:36] LOOC - Tarlac: ( O.O
  1825. [22:34:27] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Stupid Qilin challenge wounded me to honor duel to death."
  1826. [22:34:27] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Lucky and escaped."
  1827. [22:34:27] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "White hair."
  1828. [22:34:27] Nizhoni says, "Mm. A female Qilin with snow white hair. "
  1829. [22:34:27] Xomac Tepin says, "Which inadaquate-"
  1830. [22:34:27] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Say she hate Atl."
  1831. [22:34:27] Xomac Tepin asks, "Female with snow white hair. Weapon?"
  1832. [22:35:18] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "And she kill us all."
  1833. [22:35:18] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Green Nyeshk blade."
  1834. [22:35:18] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "She with blue hair Kitsune."
  1835. [22:35:18] Xomac Tepin says, "Nohime."
  1836. [22:36:09] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes."
  1837. [22:36:09] Their soldier had been returned to them, albeit he was not whole. His injuries were clear, riddling in his body like badges of honor. She looked upon him, and she nodded her head. Things were a lot simpler now that the captive was liberated; there was no pressure for them to raid, and they could take them time healing and planning.
  1839. "Hmm, well, we shall back them one hundredfold soon enough," she said simply. "Or at least.... I assume so, right Xomac?" she turned and looked upon her god with questioning eyes. She never doubted the god; that would be foolish. She did not assume to understand him, though, as he operated on a separate level. He was a god, and she couldn't hope to keep pace with him.
  1841. After hearing the boy speak, regaling them with tales of his time in the foreign nation, it seemed as if there was no choice but to raid. They could not accept such insults directly; they were known as great warriors, and great warriors never balked.
  1843. "I think that we should continue the effort, personally," she said. "They've insulted us enough; they've wounded us; and now they boast about killing us."
  1844. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1845. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1847. [22:37:00] Xomac Tepin says, "-his tongue flickers over his lips- Qilin blood is quite delicious. I can't wait until I see her next. I will have a feast. And correct. Atl will soon fully recover. more strikes will be made."
  1848. [22:37:00] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Xoxo <3)
  1849. [22:37:52] Xomac Tepin says, "We will pound them into the ground like dity fleas they are."
  1850. [22:37:52] Lotlhuitl sauntered into town.
  1852. The Nagual with the blue-black hair held her head high. Her ears pinned back lightly. Her willowy form draped with jewellery, largely looted from the fall of Avalon. Though, bones and feathers and colourful beads also decorated her form. These largely mere shiny baubles, mere trinkets, except for the sun medallion which sat nestled at her cleavage.
  1854. Nitiehuezit Temple loomed ahead of her. And.. of course. Xomac Tepin.
  1856. The Nagual suppressed a shiver. Her piercing green gaze had, momentarily focused on the Chieftain of the Atl. Staring at him from across the Courtyard.
  1858. She.. felt something pull at her soul, being in his presence. A glimmer of anger, of tormented rage threatening to break free. But she suppressed it. She was in control. In control of her emotions.
  1860. "Yes. Not afraid of anything," she muttered to Griffin. Tail twitching. Annoyed, now, that the white-haired fellow had led her to so easily go against Dmex's advice, against the words of Kayeliun. "But you know everything of Atl already, yes? So no need for me to explain anything."
  1861. (Lotlhuitl)
  1862. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1864. [22:37:52] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (resprite pweez)
  1865. [22:37:52] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Nohime say 'We should bring our strongest warriors to show them we can crush them.'"
  1866. [22:37:52] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "When talking negotation with Atl."
  1867. [22:37:52] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((is that it?
  1868. [22:37:52] Zyanya Tlaco says, "Ahaha, let them come."
  1869. [22:37:52] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "They prideful. Too prideful. Foolish."
  1870. [22:37:52] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((which sprite?
  1871. [22:38:43] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "I will eat someone next time I fight."
  1872. [22:38:43] Xomac Tepin says, "Do so. We will devour them all."
  1873. [22:38:43] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Atl will rise again."
  1874. [22:38:43] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (The ones I sent u)
  1875. [22:38:43] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (sorry was readin Lot's post)
  1876. [22:39:34] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((bottom isn't showing up
  1877. [22:39:34] Uro Tlahcotzin assumes the Ifrit stance!
  1878. [22:39:34] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: op)
  1879. [22:39:34] Xomac Tepin says, "Rise again? We are already arisen."
  1880. [22:39:34] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (319 melee at rpl 107
  1881. [22:39:34] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Funny man Lin insult Chieftain Xomac."
  1882. [22:39:34] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: i feel bad for ur war matchups)
  1883. [22:40:25] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: a mage ur rpl would get eaten)
  1884. [22:40:25] Xomac Tepin says, "Lin is a fool who is too cowardly to face me alone. He fights with a man by his side at all times."
  1885. [22:40:25] "Sit on the floor please, and take off your shirt."
  1887. He picked up the kit and then studied the chest region for a few seconds, clearly he could feel a minor flaw in the magic circuit in that region, Atla then took some tools and a small piece of myhril plate from the kit.
  1889. "I will anesthetize and heal the wounds partially through your magic circuit, but this will not completely heal the wound."
  1891. Atla crouched down and in one hand he focused mana on his finger, and soon after drew runes on Uro's chest, after that he placed the small piece of myhril on top of the runes and pressed it against the Magi's chest, making new runes on top to finish.
  1893. The small plate of Myhril would serve as a plumber, the runes activated his magical circuits to focus on the Mythril point, activating the regeneration and anesthetic factor of Magi's own immune system, the burns slowly fading, but not completely.
  1895. "It's done, but now you'll have to live with that myhril plaque on the chest."
  1896. (Atla-Cuauhtli)
  1897. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1899. [22:40:25] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: ill b able to war chief soon)
  1900. [22:40:25] LOOC - Nizhoni : (I'm a mage his rpl, I'll beat him easily ;)
  1901. [22:40:25] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (a moment Lot)
  1902. [22:41:16] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Thank you."
  1903. [22:41:16] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (ty)
  1904. [22:41:16] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (alright)
  1905. [22:41:16] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (come beside me luv)
  1906. [22:42:08] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (:eyes:)
  1907. [22:42:08] Xomac Tepin says, "Jianghu will know just how outclassed they are as we burn their city to the ground. -cackles- Such filth should kneel already."
  1908. [22:42:08] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes."
  1909. [22:42:08] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (come come lot)
  1910. [22:42:08] LOOC - Nizhoni : (xom dont die before uro and I are rpl 180 plus :eyes:
  1911. [22:42:59] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: (he'll try not to
  1912. [22:42:59] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (>)B4 uro and I
  1913. [22:42:59] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (blood pits gon be live when i drop bodies0
  1914. [22:43:50] LOOC - Nizhoni : (griffins mod got lowered, we can't wait until next year
  1915. [22:43:50] LOOC - Nizhoni : (I'm kidding :P
  1916. [22:43:50] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (:eyes:)
  1917. [22:43:50] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (Did it?
  1918. [22:43:50] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (LMAO
  1919. [22:43:50] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Was it u!?!?)
  1920. [22:43:50] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (WAS IY!?!?!)
  1921. [22:43:50] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (:daggers:)
  1922. [22:44:41] LOOC - Nizhoni : (:X
  1923. [22:44:41] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Nerfed cuz Ima albino gehennan)
  1924. [22:44:41] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Haters gotta hate)
  1925. [22:44:41] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (:eyes:)
  1926. [22:45:32] LOOC - Nizhoni : (I'm a white Gehennan, but I'd never put "Albino Gehennan" in my desc!! My char is half jianghese, mother is one of those Jianghu peeps that got caught like day one :P
  1927. [22:46:24] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (Come on, 8vs1, i'll beat the shit out of you guys with my Unlimited Punch Works!
  1928. [22:46:24] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Oi....I'm a Valmasian in lore...)
  1929. [22:46:24] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (slave since 9...)
  1930. [22:47:15] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Hence Albino)
  1931. [22:47:15] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (oh my god
  1932. [22:47:15] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (cringe
  1933. [22:47:15] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (you are really making Griffith? jeez
  1934. [22:47:15] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (sorry I was afk
  1935. [22:47:15] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (back
  1936. [22:48:06] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (bring me guts!)
  1937. [22:48:06] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (Lesgooo)
  1938. [22:48:06] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (jk)
  1939. [22:48:57] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (In the eternia br server we had an guts, he was a rage sin
  1940. [22:48:57] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (bring him forth!)
  1941. [22:48:57] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (died when tried to 6x1 loranthis
  1942. [22:48:57] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (pride sin for days)
  1943. [22:49:48] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (i hate pride sin so much
  1944. [22:49:48] LOOC - Nochte: (e.e
  1945. [22:49:48] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (this motherfucker here, notche, was already pride enough for my life
  1946. [22:49:48] LOOC - Nochte: (bruh... I'm just a honorable gehennan
  1947. [22:49:48] LOOC - Nochte: (with some ego issues
  1948. [22:50:40] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (but he knows i can beat the shit out of him now, so he stay away from me
  1949. [22:50:40] LOOC - Xomac Tepin: ((i think sins are interesting. plot devices that can be made well or not well
  1950. [22:50:40] He sits on the floor as instructed, carefully removing the fresh bandages off his chest. As Atla speaks, he offers curt nods, understanding what needed to be done. The Runescribe meticulously applied the prosthetic kit to the small hole above his heart, filling in the cap with the tools and applying a plaque on his chest.
  1952. "I grateful. Name is Uro of Atl. What your?"
  1954. Letting a relieved sigh exit his lips, Uro rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, bumping shoulders with the Runescribe gently as a sign of appreciation and gratitude.
  1956. "Now I fight Nizhoni. Then I become mate when win."
  1958. Very boldly and eagerly, he grabbed the woman's hand and started to lead her to the arena with anticipation, excited. Now he had a good chance of emerging victorious.
  1959. (Uro Tlahcotzin)
  1960. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1962. [22:50:40] Some of the more common people recognized the returned boy, and a general sense of mirth that settled over their village. It was an enormous gain for them; they lost nothing, as the their captive had been more of a burden than a boon. She looked upon her people, noting the size of the gathering with an easy smile spread over her dark features.
  1964. "Hmm, would anyone like to practice? I should get use to fighting with this wound."
  1966. Her ribs were still cracked, splintered and parted within her. She had wrapped her abdomen tightly in silk bandages, but the rags did little to alleviate the pain--and they offered no strength. She expected a raid to come at any given time. It would be foolish for their enemies to wait until they were healed. Now was the perfect opportunity.
  1968. "In a perfect world, we could await our injuries to heal, but I fear that Jianghu shall strike soon."
  1970. She gripped her spear, searching the crowd for an opponent. Having never fought with a wound before, she was unsure of her strength. She was definitely slower and weaker, and her reserves weren't as infinite as they were when she was full power.
  1971. (Zyanya Tlaco)
  1972. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1974. [22:50:40] LOOC - Nochte: (e.e
  1975. [22:50:40] LOOC - Nochte: (atla I'm not scared of you
  1976. [22:51:31] Atla-Cuauhtli says, "I am Atla-Cuahtli, Ezmaran Bowman and Runescriber."
  1977. [22:51:31] LOOC - Nochte: (I have not interacted with you...
  1978. [22:51:31] LOOC - Nochte: (and I would now... BUT... I know that it will last for more 4 hours...
  1979. [22:51:31] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Many thanks Atla."
  1980. [22:51:31] LOOC - Atla-Cuauhtli: (you better not interact with me anymore, or i'll punch your face with my unlimited punch works
  1981. [22:51:31] LOOC - Nochte: (e.e I would gladly take it
  1982. [22:52:22] His eyes fell solely Lotl, her expressions, her sudden change in mood. He could tell why she was like this. The reason was standing before her, before them. The one and only God of Atl. His expression dampened for a moment, walking over to Lotl and resting a hand upon her shoulder. Two taps made before he gives her a firm squeeze upon her shoulder.
  1983. (Griffin D'cil)
  1984. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1986. [22:52:22] LOOC - Nochte: (it would be fun losing to you for IC.
  1987. [22:52:22] Griffin D'cil whispers: Let's go.
  1988. [22:53:13] LOOC - Uro Tlahcotzin: (we really need a gehennan merchant in atl lol
  1989. [22:53:13] LOOC - Zyanya Tlaco: brb)
  1990. [22:53:13] Atla-Cuauhtli says, "I'll return to Ezmara now, farewell."
  1991. [22:54:04] Nizhoni watched as the prosthetic was applied, offering a smile to the runescribe. She glanced towards Xomac, their god, as well as the commander Zyanya. Both powerful warriors, two people the young warrior aspired to surpass.
  1993. Upon hearing Uro say he wanted to beat her to mate, she blushed. She nodded her head, looking towards the arena.
  1995. "As promised, if you prove your strength as a man and are able to beat me I will allow you to take my hand, to be my mate. Show me your strength first."
  1997. Since interacting with him in the jail, doing the trade, and going around with him recently, she had grown attached to the man. He was strong, and even though he spoke weirdly at times he wasn't dumb. A brute, she figured he'd grow to be one of their strongest.
  1998. (Nizhoni )
  1999. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2001. [22:54:56] Griffin brow arched
  2002. (Griffin D'cil)
  2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2005. [22:54:56] Griffin D'cil says, "Interesting..."
  2006. [22:54:56] Lotlhuitl says, "Bleh."
  2007. [22:54:56] Griffin D'cil says, "On your lead Lotl."
  2008. [22:55:47] Lotlhuitl was plainly unimpressed by romantic gestures, and the overhearing of conversation between Uro and Nizhoni had her tail twitching.
  2009. (Lotlhuitl)
  2010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2012. [22:55:47] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (just wanna see Xomac's post. :P)
  2013. [22:57:29] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (one more check)
  2014. [22:57:29] It can be sensed in the air, the ever-present, ever palatable sense of dread that followed the Chieftain of Atl as the red haired man sat on the stone steps. There was a look of slight boredom upon his features as the man picked towards his nails, a slight humming breathing past his lips.
  2016. "Get used to fighting with any wounds received. You are all not Gods, incapable of being hurt such as myself. But you are my warriors. I expect you to win reguardless of pain. You are my Atl. Far above the filth that walks Jianghu, far above the little false reality that they have built."
  2018. The red haired man merely states.
  2020. "Spread honor in my name when it is time. Prepare for the raids on Jianghu to resume at a moments. Rats should be finished, stomped upon."
  2022. The silver hue glances over towards the returned two, seemingly noticing their bonding, with a bit of apathy. "Improve and fight."
  2024. The gaze then falls upon the rest present before the man once more returns to picking at his nails, as if the world around him wasn't worth his attention..
  2025. (Xomac Tepin)
  2026. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2028. [22:57:29] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (*whistles a cheerful tune*)
  2029. [22:57:29] Uro Tlahcotzin says, "Yes Chieftain."
  2030. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl turned and left.
  2031. (Lotlhuitl)
  2032. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2034. [22:58:20] Griffin D'cil says, "Hmm..."
  2035. [22:58:20] Griffin D'cil asks, "Want to watch?"
  2036. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Not particularly."
  2037. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Sounds like they might start kissing afterwards."
  2038. [22:58:20] Griffin shrug
  2039. (Griffin D'cil)
  2040. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2042. [22:58:20] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm no deviant."
  2043. [22:58:20] Griffin chuckles at the remark
  2044. (Griffin D'cil)
  2045. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2047. [22:59:12] Griffin D'cil says, "Sounds like you aren't the loving type."
  2048. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl gave Griffin a quite serious stare.
  2049. (Lotlhuitl)
  2050. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2052. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I have a love."
  2053. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl says, "That is enough."
  2054. [22:59:12] Griffin D'cil asks, "Oh?"
  2055. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes."
  2056. [22:59:12] Griffin D'cil says, "Must be a lucky man."
  2057. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl says, "... unsure. I cause him no end of trouble."
  2058. [22:59:12] Lotlhuitl says, "But perhaps he likes that."
  2059. [23:00:03] Griffin D'cil says, "I see."
  2060. [23:01:45] Lotlhuitl asks, "Have you been shown around Ezmara?"
  2061. [23:02:36] Griffin D'cil says, "I've been to the square."
  2062. [23:02:36] Griffin D'cil says, "A lot of bench sitters."
  2063. [23:02:36] Griffin D'cil says, "They didn't talk much however."
  2064. [23:02:36] Griffin D'cil says, "Maybe it's because of my complextion."
  2065. [23:02:36] Griffin gently strokes his face
  2066. (Griffin D'cil)
  2067. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2069. [23:03:28] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. assumed you were a Brittanian. "
  2070. [23:04:19] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. a Valmasian convert."
  2071. [23:04:19] Griffin D'cil says, "Hmm..."
  2072. [23:04:19] Lotlhuitl says, "So yes, likely."
  2073. [23:04:19] Griffin D'cil asks, "I see. Its like that huh?"
  2074. [23:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Less so in Ezmara, usually."
  2075. [23:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "The Ezmarans are... usually forgiving of outsiders."
  2076. [23:05:10] Lotlhuitl says, "Most likely amongst the tribes to embrace their ways."
  2077. [23:05:10] The girl attacked Kin-Zhen. They did not want to fight, and inevitably, the girl was hurt as a result.
  2079. The aim was not to main, but simply to defend. The girl before the beast was vicious, throwing an endless flurry of attacks, and Kin-Zhen could only find one opening.
  2081. The eyes.
  2083. An arm swings upwards from below, catching Toka in an opening. If she paid close enough attention to the sound of the beasts hand, she could hear the wind flying aside the arm.
  2085. And all goes red, and soon after, black.
  2087. Pain would spike throughout Toka's face, claws having slashed across the girls face, rendering both eyes completely useless. Being a head wound, it was only natural how blood began to gush out of the wound, and down the girls face.
  2089. "Your rage... Blinds you..."
  2091. "I did not come here to fight... This is your doing."
  2093. Blood dripped down the ashen, tattered flesh of Kin-Zhen's claw, a small dripping sound could be heard as every droplet of blood splashed against the ground below. Orange eyes, however, flick back to Maiya.
  2095. "I wanted a potion made, I did. That's all I came here for, my simple, sole reason."
  2096. (Kin-Zhen)
  2097. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2099. [23:05:10] Griffin D'cil says, "Outsider....It's been a while since I was refered to as that."
  2100. [23:05:10] Griffin sighs
  2101. (Griffin D'cil)
  2102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2104. [23:05:10] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omfg bunny thing)
  2105. [23:06:01] Lotlhuitl immediately moved over to the strange bunny daemon creature and proceeded to coo over it..
  2106. (Lotlhuitl)
  2107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2109. [23:06:01] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hmm?"
  2110. [23:06:01] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((Question))
  2111. [23:06:01] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((Was that a perm?))
  2112. [23:06:01] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((Or a temp?))
  2113. [23:06:01] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (perm.
  2114. [23:06:01] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh wait, people fighting here my bad)
  2115. [23:06:52] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((Toka how much cash you got, and how much ori + mythril you got?))
  2116. [23:06:52] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((I need 15 mythril and 5 ori))
  2117. [23:06:52] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (if i had any i'd hook you up
  2118. [23:06:52] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (they sell ori and mythril at the shop i think
  2119. [23:06:52] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (ya
  2120. [23:06:52] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((Got any cash? The ori heres cheap 75 per))
  2121. [23:06:52] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((mythrils a 100 per.))
  2122. [23:07:44] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (i have 100 coins
  2123. [23:07:44] LOOC - Kin-Zhen: (lmao
  2124. [23:07:44] Griffin observes the creature, then the one standing near it. A nod given to the girl
  2125. (Griffin D'cil)
  2126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2128. [23:07:44] LOOC - Xeke Remira: That will hlep D))
  2129. [23:07:44] Griffin D'cil asks, "Hmm?"
  2130. [23:07:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Well. This is the Ezmaran temple."
  2131. [23:07:44] Griffin looks around
  2132. (Griffin D'cil)
  2133. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2135. [23:07:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I decided to take you inside. Looked like demons were fighting outside."
  2136. [23:08:35] Lotlhuitl says, "The Great Spirit, Dmex, is the Ezmaran's warchief."
  2137. [23:08:35] Lotlhuitl says, "Between you and me, well. The Ezmarans would be lost without her."
  2138. [23:16:16] Lotlhuitl is standing, hip thrust out. Bewelled hand resting on her hip. Gazing around at the Ezmaran tapestries. Tail twitching.
  2139. (Lotlhuitl)
  2140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2142. [23:17:07] Lotlhuitl might even be described as 'loitering'. Gasp.
  2143. (Lotlhuitl)
  2144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2146. [23:17:58] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Ill wait for that post.)
  2147. [23:17:58] Griffin proceeds further inside the temple, taking a look at ever corner stone, ever chair, the set up of the thrown and the the likes. It's set up was far more better than that of Atl. The Ezmaran put effort into interior. It was something he could understand, appreciate. He walks by a few chairs, his fingers brushing on each as he did.
  2149. "Not bad. It's not that different from the Atl temple but the décor is more well placed. I like what they did around here." he commented, approaching the throne. He looks about. Side to side to make sure that it was only the two inside. He sighs lightly, a smile coming to his face. After a few moments of molding it over, he shakes his head. Perhaps this idea wasn't a wise one.
  2151. "So is this the last stop? Or is there more places to go? I'd like to avoid the story telling for as long as possible...I also need to stop talking too much..." he said after realizing his problem once more. He spoke out of turns at times which was needless. His back still turned as he observes the throne.
  2152. (Griffin D'cil)
  2153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2155. [23:17:58] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Before I gank.)
  2156. [23:17:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (gasp..)
  2157. [23:17:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (now I wish I'd made a proper post..)
  2158. [23:17:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (instead of lazy..)
  2159. [23:18:49] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Hello."
  2160. [23:18:49] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I'm glad you like it."
  2161. [23:18:49] Adsila Coaxoch says, "It's my design."
  2162. [23:18:49] Griffin D'cil says, "Hmm? Oh you have great taste."
  2163. [23:18:49] Lotlhuitl says, "It's beautiful. "
  2164. [23:18:49] Griffin D'cil asks, "Are you perhaps the chieftess?"
  2165. [23:19:40] Lotlhuitl held her tongue.
  2166. (Lotlhuitl)
  2167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2169. [23:19:40] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I am not. I am the former High-Priestess, I departed my former title seeking to bring economic might to Gehenna."
  2170. [23:20:32] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Now? I am a Merchant, simple as that is."
  2171. [23:20:32] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Still, I have a love of buildings and architecture."
  2172. [23:20:32] Griffin D'cil says, "Ah. Still a pleasure meeting you. And you really do have good taste."
  2173. [23:22:14] The dryad smiles delicately, the odor of laurels, lilacs, and lavender filling the room.
  2175. "I thank you for your kindness." She nods, and a bit of moss falls from her hair.
  2177. "May I ask for what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
  2179. She comes to her own conclusions.
  2181. "A Traveller?"
  2182. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  2183. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2185. [23:23:05] Adsila Coaxoch exclaims, "Oh!"
  2186. [23:23:05] Adsila Coaxoch says, "How rude of me."
  2187. [23:23:05] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I am Adsila Coaxoch."
  2188. [23:23:56] Griffin D'cil says, "Ah, I'm Griffin, Griffin D'cil."
  2189. [23:23:56] LOOC - Griffin D'cil: (dots)
  2190. [23:23:56] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Same.)
  2191. [23:26:30] Lotlhuitl stood, arms crossed. She was a tall Nagual woman, long of limb and willowy in build. Dressed in brightly coloured clothing -- the cheerful colours at odds with the decidedly gloomy, serious expression decorating her face.
  2193. Her fluffy, blue-black ears twitched as she listened to Adsila introduce herself. And Griffin.
  2195. "He is of the Atl." Lotlhuitl said. The way she said them implied that they should have had some deeper meaning than they, well, had, on the surface.
  2197. She shifted, hands moving once more to her hips. Every time the woman moved, she subtly jingled. She was absolutely adorned in shiny trinkets, jewellery of various metals, bones, feathers.
  2199. Striking a hip out, she looked Adsila up and down.
  2201. "I am Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati. And he is being.. educated."
  2202. (Lotlhuitl)
  2203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2205. [23:28:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Said that, not said them.. ugh)
  2206. [23:28:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I can't english)
  2207. [23:29:55] The dryad nods towards the nagual.
  2209. "Welcome to you as well, Lotlhuitl." She would begin, turning back to Griffin.
  2211. "Your name doesn't sound to be of the Atl, Griffin. Perhaps you serve the Atl in some fashion?"
  2213. Turning back to the Nagual.
  2215. "Please, explain what you mean by being educated?"
  2217. The dryads eyes turn from a lilac to a off-shade of goldenrod.
  2218. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  2219. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2221. [23:31:37] Griffin D'cil says, "Well...I was a slave on the mainland for most of my youth...I was promoted to warrior and sent here to help the Atl settlment."
  2222. [23:31:37] Adsila Coaxoch says, "How terribly curious.... that reminds me, I need to speak with Xomac about a bridge. Hm."
  2223. [23:32:28] Griffin shrugs as he puts on and takes off his helmet. His ears felt odd without it on for long periods
  2224. (Griffin D'cil)
  2225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2227. [23:35:02] Lotlhuitl's gaze turned baleful, almost scornful, as the dryad snapped at her. Plainly, she didn't appreciate the tone Adsila was taking with her! Her ears pinned back slightly, tail flicking back and forth.
  2229. "How many possible meanings of 'educated' are there, Adsila?" She asked, hand still at her hips.
  2231. "He doesn't know anything. I, for a pittance, have taken it upon myself to teach him things." She looked down her nose at the dryad, regarding her appraisingly once more through dark eyelashes. "Educated."
  2232. (Lotlhuitl)
  2233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2235. [23:35:02] Lotlhuitl asks, "All I asked in return was a story from him. Is that so terrible?"
  2236. [23:39:18] His sky blue irises glided back and forth between the two before him. Their talk involved him, there was no doubt but there was another topic that seemed to touch the two. He was oblivious to it in all honesty and so he merely stood there toying with his helmet unless addressed directly by either. His only response was simple.
  2238. "It's not that I don't know anything. I just don't know much about this place, Agartha." he said trying to explain himself to some extent.
  2239. (Griffin D'cil)
  2240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2242. [23:39:18] The dryad waves her hand at Lotlhuitl, the expression seems to be dismissive.
  2244. "Only one, nagual."
  2246. The dryad shakes her head.
  2248. "Here in Ezmara we believe that the best wisdom comes from within. The diverging paths within us all, take us to many places, and teach us many things." She begins.
  2250. "Do not take pittance on those whom are ignorant. Ignorance is soon replaced with wisdom, for a hungry mind."
  2252. She eyes Griffin curiously.
  2254. "This one seems hungry, in more ways than I care to mention."
  2256. Turning back to the Nagual.
  2258. "This is not said to offend you, nor was my gesture made to do so. I've seen many things, and I admire your will to help those who wish to be helped. You are a good person, Lotlhuitl. I hope we will meet again."
  2260. The commotion outside the temple picks up.
  2262. "I feel I am needed elsewhere. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you both. Come to me in the market sometime, and I will provide you with a discount."
  2264. The dryad smiles, and turns to leave.
  2265. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  2266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2268. [23:40:09] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Sry, drama outside the temple.)
  2269. [23:40:09] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Someone got their eyes gouged out.)
  2270. [23:40:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Whaaaaaw)
  2271. [23:40:09] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Anyone want to stop me, or can I fix them.0
  2272. [23:40:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha)
  2273. [23:40:09] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (I wanna rp with u more later, both of u.)
  2274. [23:40:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I kinda wanna stop you)
  2275. [23:40:09] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (whitey, and sassy nagual.)
  2276. [23:41:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: I'm goin to follow and harass u outside)
  2277. [23:41:00] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (ok.(
  2278. [23:41:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ok?)
  2279. [23:41:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (u come too, Grif?)
  2280. [23:41:00] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Something seemed loud out here."
  2281. [23:41:00] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "What's going on?"
  2282. [23:41:52] Toka clenched her fists. A fear? From what Tragedy had told her. Yes. From what she was told by Forneus, she knew it all. What was coming. And Karma and Maiya were letting it grow. And letting it gain even more power. But how do you fight two beings who are so dead-locked on believing something to be unable to do wrong? You simply can't.
  2284. "Solem wouldn't be dead if everyone wasn't so scared...Caprise wouldn't be dead if you moved to assist him..." Speaking barely audible. The storm fading from her body, not even fighting the water that met her eyes.
  2286. "She comes to kill everyone...she is gathering demons...Tragedy wants Agartha. She is working to uncover what happened to the demons here...what happened to the civilizations...ignore me today, and find out when she marches..." Slowly pushing herself to stand, finding her balance uneven due to all that just happened. Hands unclenching as they pressed against her eyes. Pressing against the injuries to stop the bleeding.
  2287. (Toka)
  2288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2290. [23:41:52] After their fight, the Atl warrior led Uro to the Ezmaran square, taking a seat on one of the benches. She noticed something going on, though, and instead got closer. It seemed something weird happened every day in Ezmara.
  2292. She watched as the large demon left, glancing to Uro, then looking at Maiya and the Chieftain when they spoke. Nizhoni had nothing to say on the matter, nor would she voice her opinion during another tribe's affairs.
  2294. She opted to remain silent, a bright smile on her face. She watched Toka curiously, still not sure what was going on.
  2295. (Nizhoni )
  2296. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2298. [23:41:52] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Hm."
  2299. [23:41:52] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (injuries.)
  2300. [23:41:52] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (?)
  2301. [23:42:43] Karma Vindict says, "Adsila."
  2302. [23:42:43] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "Yup?"
  2303. [23:42:43] Karma Vindict says, "Could you provide a couple ores to Xeke over there? "
  2304. [23:42:43] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "Oh sure, what are they for?"
  2305. [23:42:43] Karma Vindict says, "Prosthethic."
  2306. [23:42:43] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Ah, very well."
  2307. [23:43:34] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I will divert funds from the save a demon foundation."
  2308. [23:43:34] JaDrako Kumo whispers something.
  2309. [23:43:34] Adsila Coaxoch says, "One moment."
  2310. [23:43:34] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (what ores u need.)
  2311. [23:43:34] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((sorry))
  2312. [23:43:34] LOOC - Toka: (Can someone help me up so I can take my aura off?)
  2313. [23:43:34] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((15 mythril))
  2314. [23:43:34] LOOC - Xeke Remira: ((5 ori))
  2315. [23:43:34] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (working on it.)
  2316. [23:44:25] Griffin looks around as he exits the temple.
  2317. (Griffin D'cil)
  2318. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2320. [23:44:25] Maiya continues staring onwards like a wild animal. The distinct sensation of dread trickles from his form.
  2321. (Maiya Vindict)
  2322. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2324. [23:45:16] Xoconan gently floats off.
  2325. (Xoconan)
  2326. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2328. [23:45:16] The dryad vomits a bunch of ore in front of Xeke.
  2329. (Adsila Coaxoch)
  2330. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2332. [23:45:16] Xoconan whispers something.
  2333. [23:45:16] Xoconan whispers something.
  2334. [23:45:16] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (whoopsie.)
  2335. [23:45:16] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (got it backwards.)
  2336. [23:45:16] Karma wraps a soft arm around the nagual, giving a soft squeeze.
  2337. (Karma Vindict)
  2338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2340. [23:45:16] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  2341. [23:45:16] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2342. [23:46:08] Xoconan whispers something.
  2343. [23:46:08] LOOC - Nizhoni : (vomits? x.x
  2344. [23:46:08] Xoconan whispers something.
  2345. [23:46:08] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Adsila is a strange creature.)
  2346. [23:46:08] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2347. [23:46:08] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (It's best not to worry about it.)
  2348. [23:46:08] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2349. [23:46:08] Xeke calmly approached Toka kneeling beside them, at a safe distnace, but close enough for her to easily hear him. He looked at their wounds for a moment before kindly speaking to them.
  2351. "Rest now, your pain will soon dissappear, please. I can restore your sight, and ease your pains, but ou must come along with me now. Do you need assitance in moving? I can carry you if need be."
  2352. (Xeke Remira)
  2353. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2355. [23:46:08] Karma Vindict whispers something.
  2356. [23:46:59] Xoconan whispers something.
  2357. [23:46:59] Xoconan whispers something.
  2358. [23:46:59] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "What's all this about Tragedy taking over Agartha?"
  2359. [23:46:59] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2360. [23:47:50] Noxim Florus says, "...Ahh. Is not take over Agartha."
  2361. [23:47:50] Noxim Florus says, "Is settlement made by kin."
  2362. [23:47:50] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2363. [23:47:50] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Oh, yeah. That reminds me, I need to build a house there."
  2364. [23:47:50] Noxim Florus says, "Usual think that too many of kin, mean end of world."
  2365. [23:47:50] Xoconan whispers something.
  2366. [23:47:50] Noxim Florus says, "Is not case."
  2367. [23:47:50] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I've heard that the summers are nice."
  2368. [23:48:41] Xoconan whispers something.
  2369. [23:48:41] Maiya Vindict whispers something.
  2370. [23:49:32] Xoconan whispers something.
  2371. [23:49:32] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "Also, what's with her eyes?"
  2372. [23:50:24] Xeke Remira says, "They were just sliced open."
  2373. [23:51:15] Xeke Remira says, "Ask Maiya for details. Or this woman herself once I am done."
  2374. [23:52:06] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I'd rather not. Whatever it is isn't my business."
  2375. [23:58:56] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Oh, Chitli."
  2376. [23:58:56] Adsila Coaxoch says, "Here is your permit."
  2377. [23:58:56] Adsila Coaxoch says, "I will have an area set up for you shortly."
  2378. [23:58:56] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (Property issues.)
  2379. [23:58:56] LOOC - Adsila Coaxoch: (q.q)
  2380. [23:58:56] Anger. It surged up within her as she pursued the dryad from within the Ezmaran temple. Her hair fanned out behind her as she walked, each step metal clinking and shifting on metal, each footfall a distinct heavy stomp.
  2382. Her green gaze was focused on Adsila. She pursued. Slowly. Pacing forward, as she felt rage twist within her. Like a knife! It hurt. Her soul was rotting, twisted by the Wraith creature. The Wraith creature which had attacked Cruxati. Which she had been powerless to prevent. And Hastune likely wouldn't-
  2384. Her thoughts wandered for a moment, and her fists clenched. She'd lost sight of Adsila, momentarily. Toka. Toka, the woman who had humiliated her, defeated her in combat and then picked her up, swaddling her, cooing at her like a babe! Toka lay bleeding. Bleating. Her eyes cut out.
  2386. Pause.
  2388. Her anger at Adsila fluctuated for a second, as she looked around. Searching for Xoconan. Though he was around, the Nagual failed to notice him somehow..
  2390. "You.. you don't just walk away from me." Lotlhuitl finally said, turning her attention back to Adsila. Stepping in front of her.
  2392. If it had been anyone else, Lotlhuitl may have have been more inclined towards concern. But she loathed Toka. And yet.. confusingly, the woman was saying what she'd been saying all along. How conflicting for the angry Nagual with the blue-black hair!
  2394. She snarled, gaze flicking from Toka to Adsila. Her voice low. Quiet. One long hiss. "You must think I'm an idiot. Why, say I'm a good person and then I'll be easily tamed and just forgive your rudeness without you even begging for such from me. Well. I'm not. And you should watch how you speak to people you've only just met, Merchant Adsila."
  2395. (Lotlhuitl)
  2396. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2398. [23:59:47] Xoconan blinks.
  2399. (Xoconan)
  2400. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2402. [23:59:47] Xoconan says, "One second."
  2403. [23:59:47] Adsila Coaxoch asks, "Perhaps you would like to fight about it?"
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