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a guest
Jan 16th, 2017
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  1. 18:25:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8.8
  2. [18:25:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  3. [18:25:51] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  4. [18:25:51] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52 (MC: 1.8.8) (Implementing API version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
  5. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  6. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  7. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled
  8. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  9. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
  10. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  11. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable
  12. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Loading AsyncWorldEditInjector v2.3.0
  13. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading TitleAdvanced v5.13.0
  14. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ArrowTrails] Loading ArrowTrails v2.3
  15. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  16. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SketchMap] Loading SketchMap v1.0.0
  17. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Loading VoidWorld v1.0
  18. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Loading ServerSelectorPlus v2.5.1
  19. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Loading BuycraftX v10.1.3
  20. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719
  21. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Loading SkinsRestorer v12.9.4
  22. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Loading AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2
  23. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAPI] Loading TitleAPI v1.7.4
  24. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Microblocks] Loading Microblocks v2.2
  25. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.23.4
  26. [18:25:52] [Server thread/WARN]: [PermissionsEx] This server is in offline mode. Unless this server is configured to integrate with a supported proxy (see, UUIDs *may not be stable*!
  27. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ConditionalCommands] Loading ConditionalCommands v1.2
  28. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading ViaVersion v1.0.3
  29. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion 1.0.3 is now loaded, injecting!
  30. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49
  31. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZavAutoMessager] Loading ZavAutoMessager v3.2.1
  32. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [TPSShutdown] Loading TPSShutdown v1.0
  33. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded TPSShutdown version 1.0 by stuntguy3000.
  34. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutorunCommands] Loading AutorunCommands v3.2.4
  35. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Loading ShopGUIPlus v1.4.7
  36. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeakParkour] Loading LeakParkour v2.3
  37. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.0.1-b437
  38. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v3.7-SNAPSHOT-b232
  39. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Loading AAC v1.9.10
  40. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Loading ChestCommands v3.1.2
  41. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b437
  42. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b437
  43. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleManager] Loading TitleManager v1.5.11
  44. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.2
  45. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loading LeaderHeads v2.7.1
  46. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [UHCDuel] Loading UHCDuel v2.1
  47. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded UHCDuel version 2.1 by stuntguy3000.
  48. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonationsHolograms] Loading DonationsHolograms v1.4
  49. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Enabling AsyncWorldEditInjector v2.3.0
  50. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Injector platform set to: InjectorBukkit
  51. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Injecting WorldEdit classes...
  52. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession injected.
  53. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.function.operation.Operations injected.
  54. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.SchematicCommands injected.
  55. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.ScriptingCommands injected.
  56. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Class com.sk89q.worldedit.command.RegionCommands injected.
  57. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Enabled
  58. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Enabling VoidWorld v1.0
  59. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Enabling SkinsRestorer v12.9.4
  60. [18:25:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1mDetected Minecraft [0;33;1mv1_8_R3[0;32;1m, using [0;33;1mUniversalSkinFactory[m
  61. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [m
  62. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m +===============+[m
  63. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m | SkinsRestorer |[m
  64. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m |---------------|[m
  65. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m | Bungee Mode |[m
  66. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m +===============+[m
  67. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [m
  68. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;36;1m Current version: [0;31;1m12.9.4[m
  69. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;31;1m A new version is available! Download it at:[m
  70. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;33;1m[m
  71. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [m
  72. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  73. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  74. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  75. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  76. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting
  77. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49
  78. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v3.7-SNAPSHOT-b232
  79. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Started structure compiler thread.
  80. [18:25:53] [Server thread/WARN]: **** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!
  81. [18:25:53] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  82. [18:25:53] [Server thread/WARN]: Whilst this makes it possible to use BungeeCord, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  83. [18:25:53] [Server thread/WARN]: Please see for further information.
  84. [18:25:53] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  85. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time ****
  86. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  87. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world] --------
  88. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  89. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  90. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  91. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  92. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  93. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  94. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  95. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  96. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  97. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  98. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  99. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  100. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  101. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  102. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  103. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  104. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  105. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  106. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  107. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  108. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  109. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  110. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  111. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  112. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  113. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  114. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  115. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  116. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  117. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  118. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  119. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  120. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  121. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  122. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  123. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_nether] --------
  124. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  125. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  126. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  127. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  128. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  129. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  130. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  131. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  132. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  133. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  134. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  135. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  136. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  137. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  138. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  139. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  140. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  141. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  142. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  143. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  144. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  145. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  146. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  147. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  148. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  149. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  150. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  151. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  152. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  153. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  154. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  155. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  156. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  157. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  158. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  159. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 2576981930578548345)
  160. [18:25:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 2576981930578548345)
  161. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Enabling TitleAdvanced v5.13.0
  162. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  163. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Plugin: TitleAdvanced v5.13.0
  164. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Framework version: 2016-11
  165. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Author: Maximvdw (Maxim Van de Wynckel)
  166. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Site:
  167. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  168. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading configuration ...
  169. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Creating new custom effect: warning
  170. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Lines: 2
  171. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Arguments: 1
  172. [18:25:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading placeholders ...
  173. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loaded 2345 of the 4645 placholders
  174. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading Event hooks ...
  175. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla Death hook ...
  176. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block break hook ...
  177. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla Block place hook ...
  178. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla Create portal hook ...
  179. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla player join ...
  180. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla player rejoin ...
  181. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla player first join ...
  182. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading event hook: Vanilla Combat hook ...
  183. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Adding title group 'example-firstjoin' ...
  184. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Adding title group 'example-rejoin' ...
  185. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading messages ...
  186. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Loading language file: lang_en
  187. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;35;22m[[0;34;1mTitleAdvanced[0;35;22m] [0;31;1mA new update for TitleAdvanced is available for download on Spigot![m
  188. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Adding command 'titlemotdadvanced'
  189. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [ArrowTrails] Enabling ArrowTrails v2.3
  190. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  191. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
  192. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_8_R3 as the Bukkit adapter
  193. [18:25:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [SketchMap] Enabling SketchMap v1.0.0
  194. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m| |[m
  195. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m| [0;36;1mSketchMap 1.0.0 has been Enabled![0;32;1m |[m
  196. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m| [0;36;1m Authors: SlipsWhitley & Fyrinlight[0;32;1m |[m
  197. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m| |[m
  198. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Enabling ServerSelectorPlus v2.5.1
  199. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Loading files...
  200. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Loading modules...
  201. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Enabling modules...
  202. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Creating inventories...
  203. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Registering channels...
  204. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Adding events...
  205. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Starting refresh thread...
  206. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Registering commands...
  207. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Done! (15ms)
  208. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Enabling BuycraftX v10.1.3
  209. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Validating your server key...
  210. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Está disponible una nueva versión de BuycraftX (10.1.4). Ve al panel de servidor en para actualizar.
  211. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all server packages...
  212. [18:25:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719
  213. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [lobbyduelos] --------
  214. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  215. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  216. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  217. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  218. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  219. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  220. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  221. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  222. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  223. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  224. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  225. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  226. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  227. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  228. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  229. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  230. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  231. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  232. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  233. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  234. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  235. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  236. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  237. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  238. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  239. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  240. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  241. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  242. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  243. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  244. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  245. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  246. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  247. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  248. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  249. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 27594263)
  250. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [parties] --------
  251. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  252. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  253. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  254. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  255. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  256. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  257. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  258. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  259. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  260. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  261. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  262. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  263. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  264. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  265. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  266. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  267. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  268. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  269. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  270. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  271. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  272. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  273. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  274. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  275. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  276. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  277. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  278. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  279. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  280. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  281. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  282. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  283. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  284. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  285. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  286. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: -700068631666635983)
  287. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [builduhc] --------
  288. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  289. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  290. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  291. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  292. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  293. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  294. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  295. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  296. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  297. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  298. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  299. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  300. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  301. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  302. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  303. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  304. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  305. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  306. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  307. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  308. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  309. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  310. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  311. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  312. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  313. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  314. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  315. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  316. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  317. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  318. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  319. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  320. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  321. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  322. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  323. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: 204466192746542705)
  324. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [eventos] --------
  325. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  326. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  327. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  328. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  329. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  330. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  331. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  332. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  333. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  334. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  335. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  336. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  337. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  338. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  339. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  340. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  341. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  342. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  343. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  344. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  345. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  346. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  347. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  348. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  349. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  350. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  351. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  352. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  353. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  354. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  355. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  356. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  357. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  358. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  359. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  360. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 5 (Seed: -8742622570256042334)
  361. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [bunranked] --------
  362. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  363. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  364. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  365. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  366. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  367. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  368. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  369. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  370. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  371. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  372. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  373. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  374. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  375. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  376. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  377. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  378. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  379. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  380. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  381. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  382. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  383. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  384. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  385. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  386. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  387. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  388. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  389. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  390. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  391. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  392. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  393. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  394. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  395. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  396. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  397. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 6 (Seed: 7364011138828007282)
  398. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [bunranked4] --------
  399. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  400. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  401. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  402. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  403. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  404. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  405. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  406. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  407. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  408. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  409. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  410. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  411. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  412. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  413. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  414. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  415. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  416. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  417. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  418. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  419. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  420. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  421. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  422. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  423. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  424. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  425. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  426. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  427. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  428. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  429. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  430. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  431. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  432. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  433. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  434. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 7 (Seed: -4143629529049228783)
  435. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [gapple] --------
  436. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  437. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  438. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  439. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  440. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  441. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  442. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  443. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  444. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  445. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  446. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  447. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  448. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  449. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  450. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  451. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  452. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  453. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  454. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  455. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  456. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  457. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  458. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  459. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  460. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  461. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  462. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  463. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  464. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  465. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  466. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  467. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  468. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  469. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  470. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  471. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 8 (Seed: 2660285801759956213)
  472. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [bunranked2] --------
  473. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  474. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  475. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  476. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  477. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  478. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  479. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  480. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  481. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  482. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  483. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  484. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  485. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  486. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  487. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  488. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  489. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  490. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  491. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  492. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  493. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  494. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  495. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  496. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  497. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  498. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  499. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  500. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  501. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  502. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  503. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  504. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  505. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  506. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  507. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  508. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 9 (Seed: -2958613482207107998)
  509. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [group] --------
  510. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  511. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  512. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  513. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  514. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  515. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  516. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  517. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  518. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  519. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  520. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  521. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  522. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  523. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  524. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  525. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  526. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  527. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  528. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  529. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  530. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  531. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  532. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  533. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  534. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  535. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  536. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  537. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  538. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  539. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  540. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  541. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  542. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  543. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  544. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  545. [18:25:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 10 (Seed: -830533679595895240)
  546. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [bunranked3] --------
  547. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 3
  548. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Anti X-Ray: false
  549. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Engine Mode: 1
  550. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Hidden Blocks: [14, 15, 16, 21, 48, 49, 54, 56, 73, 74, 82, 129, 130]
  551. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Replace Blocks: [1, 5]
  552. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false
  553. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100%
  554. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100%
  555. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100%
  556. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100%
  557. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100%
  558. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100%
  559. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100%
  560. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100%
  561. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 6 / Mo 16 / Mi 2
  562. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 50 / An 10 / Mo 10 / Mi 24 / Other 24
  563. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 24 Hopper Check: 24 Hopper Amount: 3
  564. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false
  565. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: false
  566. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** You have selected to NOT save structure info. This may cause structures such as fortresses to not spawn mobs!
  567. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: *** WARNING *** Please use this option with caution, SpigotMC is not responsible for any issues this option may cause in the future!
  568. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Sending up to 10 chunks per packet
  569. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 2
  570. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617
  571. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100
  572. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms
  573. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000
  574. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 3.5
  575. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200
  576. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true
  577. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10
  578. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true
  579. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Chunks to Grow per Tick: 650
  580. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Clear tick list: false
  581. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 6.0
  582. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 11 (Seed: -2416496331755461833)
  583. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 12 - World(s) loaded.
  584. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5-b719 (API v20) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  585. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Enabling AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2
  586. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] PlotMeFix set to class org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.plotme.NullFix
  587. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] New class factory set to: org.primesoft.asyncworldedit.injector.async.AsyncClassFactory
  588. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] You have the latest version of the plugin.
  589. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Enabled
  590. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAPI] Enabling TitleAPI v1.7.4
  591. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;36;1mTitleAPI V1.7.4 has been enabled![m
  592. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Microblocks] Enabling Microblocks v2.2
  593. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Microblocks] Please report any head mismatches to itsCrafted on SpigotMC, or infiniteForge on BukkitDev.
  594. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Microblocks] The current plugin version is 2.2. Please use this when sending reports of mismatched heads and such.
  595. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4
  596. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Initializing file backend
  597. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Permissions file successfully reloaded
  598. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
  599. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked.
  600. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked.
  601. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ConditionalCommands] Enabling ConditionalCommands v1.2
  602. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ConditionalCommands] Initializing placeholders...
  603. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ConditionalCommands] Ready.
  604. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Enabling ViaVersion v1.0.3
  605. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZavAutoMessager] Enabling ZavAutoMessager v3.2.1
  606. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [TPSShutdown] Enabling TPSShutdown v1.0
  607. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutorunCommands] Enabling AutorunCommands v3.2.4
  608. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: AutorunCommands v3.2.4 enabled
  609. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Enabling ShopGUIPlus v1.4.7
  610. [18:25:59] [Server thread/WARN]: [ShopGUIPlus] Permissions support enabled.
  611. [18:25:59] [Server thread/WARN]: [ShopGUIPlus] Spawners plugin not found, spawners won't be supported.
  612. [18:25:59] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Vault economy support enabled.
  613. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeakParkour] Enabling LeakParkour v2.3
  614. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  615. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m**************************************************[m[m
  616. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m----------------- LEAK PARKOUR ------------------[m[m
  617. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  618. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;31;1mLicense:[m[m
  619. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;31;1m - Do not modify plugin![m[m
  620. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;31;1m - Do not share/upload anywhere![m[m
  621. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;31;1m - Do not use for commercial purposes![m[m
  622. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  623. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;33;1mIf you want download new version just copy this:[m[m
  624. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;33;1m>[m[m
  625. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  626. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m---------------- PROBLEM DETECTOR ----------------[m[m
  627. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  628. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m > No problems found. :)[m[m
  629. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  630. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m**************************************************[m[m
  631. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m [m[m
  632. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.0.1-b437
  633. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using 1.8.3+ BlockStateMeta provider as mob spawner provider.
  634. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy item data provider as spawn egg provider.
  635. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using legacy potion meta provider as potion meta provider.
  636. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Using locale es
  637. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global PluginMetrics config.
  638. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  639. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (PermissionsEx)
  640. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Enabling AAC v1.9.10
  641. [18:26:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Enabling ChestCommands v3.1.2
  642. [18:26:01] [Thread-12/INFO]: [AAC] Checking for updates...
  643. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b437
  644. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b437
  645. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleManager] Enabling TitleManager v1.5.11
  646. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.2
  647. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found ProtocolLib, adding support for player relative variables.
  648. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'espera' was in the world 'flowernether' but it wasn't loaded.
  649. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'comandos' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  650. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'lucha' was in the world 'uhc' but it wasn't loaded.
  651. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'tops' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  652. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'informacion1' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  653. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'informacion2' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  654. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'prox' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  655. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'info' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  656. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'masinfo' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  657. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'topss' was in the world 'nuevolobby' but it wasn't loaded.
  658. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [HolographicDisplays] Hologram 'donaciones' was in the world 'LobbyArcade' but it wasn't loaded.
  659. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Enabling LeaderHeads v2.7.1
  660. [18:26:01] [Thread-12/INFO]: <----------------------------------->
  661. [18:26:01] [Thread-12/INFO]: [AAC] A new version of AAC is available!
  662. [18:26:01] [Thread-12/INFO]: <----------------------------------->
  663. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Successfully connected to MySQL.
  664. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Correctly initialized skin manager
  665. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Hooked into HolographicDisplays
  666. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loading custom statistic: example.yml
  667. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loaded automatic reward: votes
  668. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Loaded automatic reward: kills
  669. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [UHCDuel] Enabling UHCDuel v2.1
  670. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
  671. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
  672. [18:26:01] [Server thread/WARN]: SLF4J: See for further details.
  673. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Statistic is not in list, adding it: uhcduel-elo
  674. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Statistic is not in list, adding it: uhcduel-kills
  675. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Statistic is not in list, adding it: uhcduel-wins
  676. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonationsHolograms] Enabling DonationsHolograms v1.4
  677. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  678. [18:26:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (8,909s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  679. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;22m[[0;32;1mChestCommands[0;32;22m] [0;32;1mFound a new version: v3.1.4[0;37;1m (yours: v3.1.2)[m
  680. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;22m[[0;32;1mChestCommands[0;32;22m] [0;32;1m[0;37;1mDownload it on Bukkit Dev:[m
  681. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;22m[[0;32;1mChestCommands[0;32;22m] [0;32;1m[0;37;[m
  682. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Found a new version available: v2.2.3
  683. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Download it on Bukkit Dev:
  684. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays]
  685. [18:26:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/INFO]: [TitleManager] Searching for updates.
  686. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion detected server version: 1.8.x(47)
  687. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Beginning Enable...
  688. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Checking config file...
  689. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check chat.Spam
  690. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.CombatImpossible
  691. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Angle
  692. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Criticals
  693. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Fastbow
  694. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.FightSpeed
  695. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Forcefield
  696. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Knockback
  697. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Reach
  698. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.Regen
  699. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.FastUse
  700. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check combat.KillauraCombined
  701. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.BadPackets
  702. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Glide
  703. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.NormalMovements
  704. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Speed
  705. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Phase
  706. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Fly
  707. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.NoFall
  708. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Climb
  709. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.Jesus
  710. [18:26:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/INFO]: [TitleManager] An update was found!
  711. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check movement.HeadRoll
  712. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check world.FastBreak
  713. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check world.FastPlace
  714. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check world.Nuker
  715. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check world.NoSwing
  716. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Enabling check world.ImpossibleInteract
  717. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] (CheckManager) Check world.PlayerRadar is disabled
  718. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Starting API...
  719. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] AAC has been enabled.
  720. [18:26:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 3/WARN]: [DonationsHolograms] Successfully found donations status.
  721. [18:26:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  722. [18:26:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAPI] No update was found, you are running the latest version.
  723. [18:26:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
  724. [18:26:03] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players...
  725. [18:26:05] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (12 found).
  726. [18:26:08] [Thread-18/INFO]: UUID of player BlackDemonZ is 38b6e420-74e6-3fd8-9900-d2802c453228
  727. [18:26:08] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ[/] logged in with entity id 408 at ([lobbyduelos]43.793786487552964, 65.5, 57.4931011315717)
  728. [18:26:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/ERROR]: [UHCDuel] There was a problem executing the following query: SELECT `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo`, `eloRank` FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS eloRank, `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo` FROM UHCDuels_stats, (SELECT @rank := 0) r ORDER BY elo DESC ) t WHERE `uuid` = ?;
  729. Stack Trace: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'builduhc.UHCDuels_stats' doesn't exist
  730. [18:26:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 9"
  731. [18:26:08] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 9/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1500
  732. at
  733. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  734. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  735. at
  736. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  737. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.load(
  738. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.listener.PlayerEventListener.lambda$onJoin$0(
  739. at
  740. at
  741. ... 3 more
  743. [18:26:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[+] [0;33;1mBlackDemonZ[m
  744. [18:26:12] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /Tps
  745. [18:26:31] [Thread-19/INFO]: UUID of player RavenZyT is 0b5b5322-260a-3b67-bdf7-3b39d4d5e2bf
  746. [18:26:31] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT[/] logged in with entity id 414 at ([lobbyduelos]62.89559654524534, 65.0, 81.49763880813227)
  747. [18:26:31] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 26/ERROR]: [UHCDuel] There was a problem executing the following query: SELECT `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo`, `eloRank` FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS eloRank, `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo` FROM UHCDuels_stats, (SELECT @rank := 0) r ORDER BY elo DESC ) t WHERE `uuid` = ?;
  748. Stack Trace: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'builduhc.UHCDuels_stats' doesn't exist
  749. [18:26:31] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 26/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 26"
  750. [18:26:31] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 26/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1805
  751. at
  752. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  753. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  754. at
  755. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  756. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.load(
  757. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.listener.PlayerEventListener.lambda$onJoin$0(
  758. at
  759. at
  760. ... 3 more
  762. [18:26:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[+] [0;33;1mRavenZyT[m
  763. [18:27:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §fQuieres ordenar tu inventario en las partidas? §bBlazeChat §f\u27a4 Compra rango en §§f.
  764. [18:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT issued server command: /elo
  765. [18:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /elo
  766. [18:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT issued server command: /elo
  767. [18:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /elo BlackDemonZ
  768. [18:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT issued server command: /elo RavenZyT
  769. [18:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /stats
  770. [18:27:14] [Server thread/ERROR]: null
  771. org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'stats' in plugin UHCDuel v2.1
  772. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  773. at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  774. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  775. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  776. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  777. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  778. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  779. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  780. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_111]
  781. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  782. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  783. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  784. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  785. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  786. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  787. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  788. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  789. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.sendStats( ~[?:?]
  790. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.command.stats.StatsCommand.onCommand( ~[?:?]
  791. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  792. ... 15 more
  793. [18:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /stats BlackDemonZ
  794. [18:27:16] [Server thread/ERROR]: null
  795. org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'stats' in plugin UHCDuel v2.1
  796. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  797. at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  798. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  799. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  800. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  801. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  802. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  803. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  804. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_111]
  805. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  806. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  807. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  808. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  809. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  810. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  811. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  812. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  813. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.sendStats( ~[?:?]
  814. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.command.stats.StatsCommand.onCommand( ~[?:?]
  815. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  816. ... 15 more
  817. [18:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT issued server command: /stats
  818. [18:27:21] [Server thread/ERROR]: null
  819. org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'stats' in plugin UHCDuel v2.1
  820. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  821. at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  822. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  823. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  824. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  825. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  826. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  827. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  828. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_111]
  829. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  830. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  831. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  832. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  833. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  834. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  835. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  836. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  837. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.sendStats( ~[?:?]
  838. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.command.stats.StatsCommand.onCommand( ~[?:?]
  839. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  840. ... 15 more
  841. [18:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /elo BlackDemonZ
  842. [18:27:37] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /stats BlackDemonZ
  843. [18:27:37] [Server thread/ERROR]: null
  844. org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'stats' in plugin UHCDuel v2.1
  845. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  846. at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  847. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  848. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  849. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  850. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  851. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  852. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  853. at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_111]
  854. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  855. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  856. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  857. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  858. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  859. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  860. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  861. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  862. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.sendStats( ~[?:?]
  863. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.command.stats.StatsCommand.onCommand( ~[?:?]
  864. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  865. ... 15 more
  866. [18:27:48] [Thread-21/INFO]: UUID of player Magick_pvp_YT is 45fc166f-901b-3b05-b45b-af4140c9aba0
  867. [18:27:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Disconnecting com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@74f85517[id=45fc166f-901b-3b05-b45b-af4140c9aba0,name=Magick_pvp_YT,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ SERVIDOR EN MANTENIMIENTO
  868. [18:27:48] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@74f85517[id=45fc166f-901b-3b05-b45b-af4140c9aba0,name=Magick_pvp_YT,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: SERVIDOR EN MANTENIMIENTO
  869. [18:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT lost connection: Disconnected
  870. [18:28:00] [Server thread/INFO]: [-] RavenZyT
  871. [18:28:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §fSe te han acabado las rankeds diarias? §bBlazeChat §f\u27a4 §eLos rangos pueden jugar §ailimitadas§e.
  872. [18:28:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 68/WARN]: [DonationsHolograms] Successfully found donations status.
  873. [18:29:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §fUsa §d/menu §fpara moverte entre modalidades.
  874. [18:30:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §6§lDUELOS§f§l, §e§lFFA§f§l, §c§lFIGHT §f§lCLUB, §b§lSKYWARS
  875. [18:30:24] [Thread-22/INFO]: UUID of player RavenZyT is 0b5b5322-260a-3b67-bdf7-3b39d4d5e2bf
  876. [18:30:24] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT[/] logged in with entity id 431 at ([lobbyduelos]55.68254046594541, 65.0, 23.99846606656338)
  877. [18:30:24] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 45/ERROR]: [UHCDuel] There was a problem executing the following query: SELECT `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo`, `eloRank` FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS eloRank, `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo` FROM UHCDuels_stats, (SELECT @rank := 0) r ORDER BY elo DESC ) t WHERE `uuid` = ?;
  878. Stack Trace: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'builduhc.UHCDuels_stats' doesn't exist
  879. [18:30:24] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 45/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 45"
  880. [18:30:24] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 45/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 10333
  881. at
  882. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  883. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  884. at
  885. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  886. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.load(
  887. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.listener.PlayerEventListener.lambda$onJoin$0(
  888. at
  889. at
  890. ... 3 more
  892. [18:30:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[+] [0;33;1mRavenZyT[m
  893. [18:30:27] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /tps
  894. [18:30:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [ReflectionHelper] Version is v1_8_R3 (10803)
  895. [18:30:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;33;22mTPS from last 1m, 5m, 15m: [0;32;1m*20.0, [0;32;1m*20.0, [0;32;1m*20.0[m
  896. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
  897. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  898. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  899. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  900. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.util.HashMap$Values.forEach(
  901. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  902. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  903. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
  904. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
  905. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
  906. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
  907. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  908. [18:30:42] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  909. [18:30:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;33;22mTPS from last 1m, 5m, 15m: [0;32;1m*20.0, [0;32;1m*20.0, [0;32;1m*20.0[m
  910. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
  911. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  912. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  913. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.util.HashMap$Values.forEach(
  914. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  915. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  916. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
  917. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
  918. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
  919. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
  920. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  921. [18:30:43] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  922. [18:30:44] [Server thread/WARN]: [UHCDuel] Task #11139 for UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception
  923. java.lang.NullPointerException
  924. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison( ~[?:?]
  925. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision( ~[?:?]
  926. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer( ~[?:?]
  927. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.addToLobby( ~[?:?]
  928. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.ArenaHandler.removeUserArena( ~[?:?]
  929. at$onPlayerLeave$1( ~[?:?]
  930. at ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  931. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  932. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  933. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  934. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  935. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  936. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  937. [18:30:44] [Server thread/WARN]: [UHCDuel] Task #11140 for UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception
  938. java.lang.NullPointerException
  939. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison( ~[?:?]
  940. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision( ~[?:?]
  941. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer( ~[?:?]
  942. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.addToLobby( ~[?:?]
  943. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.ArenaHandler.removeUserArena( ~[?:?]
  944. at$onPlayerLeave$1( ~[?:?]
  945. at ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  946. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  947. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  948. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  949. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  950. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  951. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  952. [18:30:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 22"
  953. [18:30:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 22/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  954. at
  955. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  956. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  957. at
  958. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  959. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  960. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  961. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  962. at
  963. at
  964. at
  965. ... 3 more
  967. [18:30:48] [Server thread/WARN]: RavenZyT moved wrongly!
  968. [18:30:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 78/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 78"
  969. [18:30:52] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 78/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  970. at
  971. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  972. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  973. at
  974. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  975. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  976. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  977. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  978. at
  979. at
  980. at
  981. ... 3 more
  983. [18:30:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 3/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 3"
  984. [18:30:57] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 3/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  985. at
  986. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  987. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  988. at
  989. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  990. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  991. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  992. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  993. at
  994. at
  995. at
  996. ... 3 more
  998. [18:31:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 74/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 74"
  999. [18:31:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 74/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1000. at
  1001. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1002. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1003. at
  1004. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1005. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1006. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1007. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1008. at
  1009. at
  1010. at
  1011. ... 3 more
  1013. [18:31:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §fQuieres ordenar tu inventario en las partidas? §bBlazeChat §f\u27a4 Compra rango en §§f.
  1014. [18:31:02] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/WARN]: [DonationsHolograms] Successfully found donations status.
  1015. [18:31:05] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players...
  1016. [18:31:06] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (12 found).
  1017. [18:31:07] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 66"
  1018. [18:31:07] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 66/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1019. at
  1020. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1021. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1022. at
  1023. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1024. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1025. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1026. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1027. at
  1028. at
  1029. at
  1030. ... 3 more
  1032. [18:31:09] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT lost connection: Disconnected
  1033. [18:31:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [-] RavenZyT
  1034. [18:31:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 6"
  1035. [18:31:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1036. at
  1037. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1038. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1039. at
  1040. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1041. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1042. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1043. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1044. at
  1045. at
  1046. at
  1047. ... 3 more
  1049. [18:31:17] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 80/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 80"
  1050. [18:31:17] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 80/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1051. at
  1052. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1053. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1054. at
  1055. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1056. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1057. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1058. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1059. at
  1060. at
  1061. at
  1062. ... 3 more
  1064. [18:31:22] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 88/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 88"
  1065. [18:31:22] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 88/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1066. at
  1067. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1068. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1069. at
  1070. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1071. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1072. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1073. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1074. at
  1075. at
  1076. at
  1077. ... 3 more
  1079. [18:31:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 44/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 44"
  1080. [18:31:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 44/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1081. at
  1082. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1083. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1084. at
  1085. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1086. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1087. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1088. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1089. at
  1090. at
  1091. at
  1092. ... 3 more
  1094. [18:31:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 68/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 68"
  1095. [18:31:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 68/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1096. at
  1097. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1098. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1099. at
  1100. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1101. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1102. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1103. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1104. at
  1105. at
  1106. at
  1107. ... 3 more
  1109. [18:31:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 89/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 89"
  1110. [18:31:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 89/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1111. at
  1112. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1113. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1114. at
  1115. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1116. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1117. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1118. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1119. at
  1120. at
  1121. at
  1122. ... 3 more
  1124. [18:31:42] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 90/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 90"
  1125. [18:31:42] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 90/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1126. at
  1127. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1128. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1129. at
  1130. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1131. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1132. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1133. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1134. at
  1135. at
  1136. at
  1137. ... 3 more
  1139. [18:31:44] [Thread-24/INFO]: UUID of player RavenZyT is 0b5b5322-260a-3b67-bdf7-3b39d4d5e2bf
  1140. [18:31:44] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT[/] logged in with entity id 686 at ([lobbyduelos]68.61089648607582, 65.5, 34.48198453903428)
  1141. [18:31:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 65/ERROR]: [UHCDuel] There was a problem executing the following query: SELECT `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo`, `eloRank` FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS eloRank, `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo` FROM UHCDuels_stats, (SELECT @rank := 0) r ORDER BY elo DESC ) t WHERE `uuid` = ?;
  1142. Stack Trace: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'builduhc.UHCDuels_stats' doesn't exist
  1143. [18:31:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 65/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 65"
  1144. [18:31:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 65/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 13060
  1145. at
  1146. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1147. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1148. at
  1149. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1150. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.load(
  1151. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.listener.PlayerEventListener.lambda$onJoin$0(
  1152. at
  1153. at
  1154. ... 3 more
  1156. [18:31:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[+] [0;33;1mRavenZyT[m
  1157. [18:31:45] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ issued server command: /hub
  1158. [18:31:46] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ lost connection: Disconnected
  1159. [18:31:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [-] BlackDemonZ
  1160. [18:31:49] [Thread-26/INFO]: UUID of player BlackDemonZ is 38b6e420-74e6-3fd8-9900-d2802c453228
  1161. [18:31:49] [Server thread/INFO]: BlackDemonZ[/] logged in with entity id 687 at ([lobbyduelos]62.742046613487744, 65.0, 55.45250984133504)
  1162. [18:31:49] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/ERROR]: [UHCDuel] There was a problem executing the following query: SELECT `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo`, `eloRank` FROM (SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS eloRank, `uuid`, `lastname`, `kills`, `deaths`, `wins`, `games_played`, `elo` FROM UHCDuels_stats, (SELECT @rank := 0) r ORDER BY elo DESC ) t WHERE `uuid` = ?;
  1163. Stack Trace: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'builduhc.UHCDuels_stats' doesn't exist
  1164. [18:31:49] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 1"
  1165. [18:31:49] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 13116
  1166. at
  1167. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1168. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1169. at
  1170. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1171. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.StatsHandler.load(
  1172. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.listener.PlayerEventListener.lambda$onJoin$0(
  1173. at
  1174. at
  1175. ... 3 more
  1177. [18:31:49] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[+] [0;33;1mBlackDemonZ[m
  1178. [18:32:02] [Server thread/INFO]: §fSe te han acabado las rankeds diarias? §bBlazeChat §f\u27a4 §eLos rangos pueden jugar §ailimitadas§e.
  1179. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1180. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1181. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1182. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1183. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.util.HashMap$Values.forEach(
  1184. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1185. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1186. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
  1187. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
  1188. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
  1189. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
  1190. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1191. [18:32:05] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1192. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1193. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1194. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1195. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.util.HashMap$Values.forEach(
  1196. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1197. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1198. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
  1199. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
  1200. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
  1201. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
  1202. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1203. [18:32:06] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  1204. [18:32:07] [Server thread/WARN]: [UHCDuel] Task #13229 for UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception
  1205. java.lang.NullPointerException
  1206. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison( ~[?:?]
  1207. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision( ~[?:?]
  1208. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer( ~[?:?]
  1209. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.addToLobby( ~[?:?]
  1210. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.ArenaHandler.removeUserArena( ~[?:?]
  1211. at$onPlayerLeave$1( ~[?:?]
  1212. at ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1213. at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1214. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1215. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1216. at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1217. at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-21fe707-e1ebe52]
  1218. at [?:1.8.0_111]
  1219. [18:32:07] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 94/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 94"
  1220. [18:32:07] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 94/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1221. at
  1222. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1223. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1224. at
  1225. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1226. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1227. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1228. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1229. at
  1230. at
  1231. at
  1232. ... 3 more
  1234. [18:32:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 95/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 95"
  1235. [18:32:12] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 95/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1236. at
  1237. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1238. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1239. at
  1240. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1241. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1242. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1243. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1244. at
  1245. at
  1246. at
  1247. ... 3 more
  1249. [18:32:17] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 98/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 98"
  1250. [18:32:17] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 98/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1251. at
  1252. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1253. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1254. at
  1255. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1256. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1257. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1258. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1259. at
  1260. at
  1261. at
  1262. ... 3 more
  1264. [18:32:22] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 79/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 79"
  1265. [18:32:22] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 79/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1266. at
  1267. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1268. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1269. at
  1270. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1271. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1272. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1273. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1274. at
  1275. at
  1276. at
  1277. ... 3 more
  1279. [18:32:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 77/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 77"
  1280. [18:32:27] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 77/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1281. at
  1282. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1283. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1284. at
  1285. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1286. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1287. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1288. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1289. at
  1290. at
  1291. at
  1292. ... 3 more
  1294. [18:32:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 92/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 92"
  1295. [18:32:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 92/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1296. at
  1297. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1298. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1299. at
  1300. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1301. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1302. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1303. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1304. at
  1305. at
  1306. at
  1307. ... 3 more
  1309. [18:32:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 103/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 103"
  1310. [18:32:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 103/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1311. at
  1312. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1313. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1314. at
  1315. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1316. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1317. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1318. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1319. at
  1320. at
  1321. at
  1322. ... 3 more
  1324. [18:32:42] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 85/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 85"
  1325. [18:32:42] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 85/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1326. at
  1327. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1328. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1329. at
  1330. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1331. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1332. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1333. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1334. at
  1335. at
  1336. at
  1337. ... 3 more
  1339. [18:32:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 93/WARN]: Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 93"
  1340. [18:32:47] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 93/WARN]: org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin UHCDuel v2.1 generated an exception while executing task 1067
  1341. at
  1342. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  1343. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  1344. at
  1345. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  1346. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.calculateDivison(
  1347. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.DivisionHandler.updateDivision(
  1348. at me.stuntguy3000.clients.blazenetwork.uhcduel.handler.LobbyHandler.updatePlayer(
  1349. at
  1350. at
  1351. at
  1352. ... 3 more
  1354. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping the server
  1355. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  1356. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [DonationsHolograms] Disabling DonationsHolograms v1.4
  1357. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [UHCDuel] Disabling UHCDuel v2.1
  1358. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Disabling LeaderHeads v2.7.1
  1359. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeaderHeads] Shutting down database connection.
  1360. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Disabling HolographicDisplays v2.2
  1361. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleManager] Disabling TitleManager v1.5.11
  1362. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b437
  1363. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Disabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b437
  1364. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Disabling ChestCommands v3.1.2
  1365. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Disabling AAC v1.9.10
  1366. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AAC] Saving log file...
  1367. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v3.7-SNAPSHOT-b232
  1368. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.0.1-b437
  1369. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked.
  1370. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [LeakParkour] Disabling LeakParkour v2.3
  1371. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopGUIPlus] Disabling ShopGUIPlus v1.4.7
  1372. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutorunCommands] Disabling AutorunCommands v3.2.4
  1373. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: AutorunCommands v3.2.4 disabled
  1374. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [TPSShutdown] Disabling TPSShutdown v1.0
  1375. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ZavAutoMessager] Disabling ZavAutoMessager v3.2.1
  1376. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
  1377. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Disabling ViaVersion v1.0.3
  1378. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion is disabling, if this is a reload and you experience issues consider rebooting.
  1379. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ConditionalCommands] Disabling ConditionalCommands v1.2
  1380. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Disabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4
  1381. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
  1382. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Microblocks] Disabling Microblocks v2.2
  1383. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAPI] Disabling TitleAPI v1.7.4
  1384. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Disabling AsyncWorldEdit v2.3.2
  1385. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEdit] Disabled
  1386. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Disabling SkinsRestorer v12.9.4
  1387. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Disabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719
  1388. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Disabling BuycraftX v10.1.3
  1389. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerSelectorPlus] Disabling ServerSelectorPlus v2.5.1
  1390. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Disabling VoidWorld v1.0
  1391. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [SketchMap] Disabling SketchMap v1.0.0
  1392. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca
  1393. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ArrowTrails] Disabling ArrowTrails v2.3
  1394. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [ArrowTrails] Thanks for using Arrowtrails By MasterDerpyDoge
  1395. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Disabling TitleAdvanced v5.13.0
  1396. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [TitleAdvanced] Cancelling all tasks ...
  1397. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Disabling AsyncWorldEditInjector v2.3.0
  1398. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [AsyncWorldEditInjector] Disabled
  1399. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  1400. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT lost connection: Server closed
  1401. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: RavenZyT left the game.
  1402. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  1403. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
  1404. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world_nether'/Nether
  1405. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'lobbyduelos'/Overworld
  1406. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'parties'/Overworld
  1407. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'builduhc'/Overworld
  1408. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'eventos'/Overworld
  1409. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'bunranked'/Overworld
  1410. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'bunranked4'/Overworld
  1411. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'gapple'/Overworld
  1412. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'bunranked2'/Overworld
  1413. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'group'/Overworld
  1414. [18:32:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'bunranked3'/Overworld
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