

Nov 22nd, 2018
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  1. #全体オプション
  3. options:
  4. Title: 未定(後々設定)
  6. #SK reload
  8. on load:
  9. broadcast "&a[&cSkript&a] リロードが完了しました。"
  12. every 3 ticks:
  13. loop all players:
  14. set the text of id "%loop-player%10" to "&e"
  15. set the text of id "%loop-player%9" to "&e&lClass &8&l> &3&l%{class.%loop-player%}%"
  16. set the text of id "%loop-player%8" to "&f"
  17. set the text of id "%loop-player%7" to "&e&lLevel &8&l> &7%{Level.%loop-player%}%"
  19. set the text of id "%loop-player%6" to "&e&lExp &8&l> &7%{Exp.%loop-player%}%&8/&6%2*(5*{Level.%loop-player%}+{Level.%loop-player%}^8)+100%"
  20. set the text of id "%loop-player%5" to "&1"
  21. set the text of id "%loop-player%4" to "&e&lMoney &8&l> &6%{Money.%loop-player%}%G"
  22. set the text of id "%loop-player%3" to "&e&lMana &8&l> &b%{Mana.%loop-player%}%&8/&b%2*{Level.%loop-player%}+{Level.%loop-player%}^2+47%"
  24. #sidebar on join
  26. on join:
  27. wait 0.2 seconds
  28. create a new stylish scoreboard named "%player%"
  29. set title of stylish scoreboard "%player%" to "&7&l≪&6&lServerName&7&l≫"
  30. create a new id based score "%player%10" with text "&e" slot 10 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  31. create a new id based score "%player%9" with text "&e&lClass &8&l> &3&l%{class.%player%}%" slot 9 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  32. create a new id based score "%player%8" with text "&f" slot 8 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  33. create a new id based score "%player%7" with text "&e&lLevel &8&l> &7%{Level.%player%}%" slot 7 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  34. create a new id based score "%player%6" with text "&e&lExp &8&l> &7%{Exp.%player%}%&8/&6%2*(5*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^8)+100%" slot 6 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  35. create a new id based score "%player%5" with text "&1" slot 5 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  36. create a new id based score "%player%4" with text "&e&lMoney &8&l> &6%{Money.%player%}%G" slot 4 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  37. create a new id based score "%player%3" with text "&e&lMana &8&l> &b%{Mana.%player%}%&8/&b%2*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^2+47%" slot 3 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  38. set stylish scoreboard of player to "%player%"
  40. #reset
  42. command /reset:
  43. trigger:
  44. set {Level.%player%} to 1
  45. set {Exp.%player%} to 0
  46. set {Money.%player%} to 100
  47. set {Mana.%player%} to 50
  48. set {Fire.point.%player%} to 0
  49. set {Water.point.%player%} to 0
  50. set {Leaf.point.%player%} to 0
  51. set {Electricity.point.%player%} to 0
  52. set {Shadow.point.%player%} to 0
  53. set {Status.point.%player%} to 5
  54. set {Class.%player%} to "none"
  55. send "&bステータスをリセットしました。"
  57. #status set
  59. command /setstatus [<text>] [<text>] [<number>] :
  60. trigger:
  61. if arg 2 is "level":
  62. set {Level.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  63. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  64. stop
  65. if arg 2 is "exp":
  66. set {Exp.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  67. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  68. stop
  69. if arg 2 is "money":
  70. set {Money.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  71. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  72. stop
  73. if arg 2 is "mana":
  74. set {Mana.%player%} to arg 3
  75. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  76. stop
  77. if arg 2 is "class":
  78. set {class.%player%} to arg 3
  79. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  80. stop
  81. if arg 2 is "fire":
  82. set {Fire.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  83. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  84. stop
  85. if arg 2 is "water":
  86. set {Water.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  87. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  88. stop
  89. if arg 2 is "leaf":
  90. set {Leaf.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  91. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  92. stop
  93. if arg 2 is "Electricity":
  94. set {Electricity.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  95. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  96. stop
  97. if arg 2 is "shadow":
  98. set {Shadow.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  99. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  100. stop
  101. if arg 2 is "status":
  102. set {Status.point.%arg 1%} to arg 3
  103. send "&b%arg 1% の %arg 2% を %arg 3% に設定しました。"
  104. stop
  105. else:
  106. send "&4Skript error"
  107. stop
  111. #score 設定
  113. command /applyboard:
  114. trigger:
  115. create a new stylish scoreboard named "%player%"
  116. set title of stylish scoreboard "%player%" to "&7&l≪&6&lServerName&7&l≫"
  117. create a new id based score "%player%10" with text "&e" slot 10 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  118. create a new id based score "%player%9" with text "&e&lClass &8&l> &3&l%{class.%player%}%" slot 9 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  119. create a new id based score "%player%8" with text "&f" slot 8 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  120. create a new id based score "%player%7" with text "&e&lLevel &8&l> &7%{Level.%player%}%" slot 7 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  121. create a new id based score "%player%6" with text "&e&lExp &8&l> &7%{Exp.%player%}%&8/&6%2*(5*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^8)+100%" slot 6 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  122. create a new id based score "%player%5" with text "&1" slot 5 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  123. create a new id based score "%player%4" with text "&e&lMoney &8&l> &6%{Money.%player%}%G" slot 4 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  124. create a new id based score "%player%3" with text "&e&lMana &8&l> &b%{Mana.%player%}%&8/&b%2*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^2+47%" slot 3 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  125. set stylish scoreboard of player to "%player%"
  128. command /updatescores:
  129. trigger:
  130. set the text of id "%player%10" to "&e"
  131. set the text of id "%player%9" to "&e&lClass &8&l> &3&l%{class.%player%}%"
  132. set the text of id "%player%8" to "&f"
  133. set the text of id "%player%7" to "&e&lLevel &8&l> &7%{Level.%player%}%"
  135. set the text of id "%player%6" to "&e&lExp &8&l> &7%{Exp.%player%}%&8/&6%2*(5*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^8)+100%"
  136. set the text of id "%player%5" to "&1"
  137. set the text of id "%player%4" to "&e&lMoney &8&l> &6%{Money.%player%}%G"
  138. set the text of id "%player%3" to "&e&lMana &8&l> &b%{Mana.%player%}%&8/&b%2*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^2+47%"
  140. command /removeboard:
  141. trigger:
  142. reset stylish scoreboard of player
  143. delete stylish scoreboard named "%player%"
  145. #TAB
  147. on join:
  148. loop all players:
  149. set tab header to "&6&lThe Fantasy RPG Server" and footer to "&eOnline players &7: &e%amount of all players%&7/&e15" for loop-player
  152. on quit:
  153. loop all players:
  154. wait 0.5 ticks
  155. set tab header to "&6&lThe Fantasy RPG Server" and footer to "&eOnline players &7: &e%amount of all players%&7/&e15" for loop-player
  159. #Join&Quitメッセージ表示
  160. on join:
  161. set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7%player%"
  164. on quit:
  165. set quit message to "&7[&c-&7] &7%player%"
  168. on first join:
  169. set join message to "&7[&a+&7] &7%player% &e-&6New&e-"
  170. set {Level.%player%} to 1
  171. set {Exp.%player%} to 0
  172. set {Money.%player%} to 100
  173. set {Mana.%player%} to 50
  174. set {Fire.point.%player%} to 0
  175. set {Water.point.%player%} to 0
  176. set {Leaf.point.%player%} to 0
  177. set {Electricity.point.%player%} to 0
  178. set {Shadow.point.%player%} to 0
  179. set {Status.point.%player%} to 5
  181. #level up
  183. on death:
  184. wait 2 ticks
  185. if {Exp.%attacker%} is more than 2*(5*{Level.%attacker%}+{Level.%attacker%}^2)+99:
  186. add 5 to {status.point.%attacker%}
  187. send "&bレベルが上がりました。" to attacker
  189. #respawn
  191. on respawn:
  192. wait 2 ticks
  193. create a new stylish scoreboard named "%player%"
  194. set title of stylish scoreboard "%player%" to "&7&l≪&6&lServerName&7&l≫"
  195. create a new id based score "%player%10" with text "&e" slot 10 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  196. create a new id based score "%player%9" with text "&e&lClass &8&l> &3&l%{class.%player%}%" slot 9 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  197. create a new id based score "%player%8" with text "&f" slot 8 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  198. create a new id based score "%player%7" with text "&e&lLevel &8&l> &7%{Level.%player%}%" slot 7 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  199. create a new id based score "%player%6" with text "&e&lExp &8&l> &7%{Exp.%player%}%&8/&6%2*(5*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^8)+100%" slot 6 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  200. create a new id based score "%player%5" with text "&1" slot 5 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  201. create a new id based score "%player%4" with text "&e&lMoney &8&l> &6%{Money.%player%}%G" slot 4 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  202. create a new id based score "%player%3" with text "&e&lMana &8&l> &b%{Mana.%player%}%&8/&b%2*{Level.%player%}+{Level.%player%}^2+47%" slot 3 for stylish scoreboard "%player%"
  203. set stylish scoreboard of player to "%player%"
  205. #&6&lSoul &7&l> &c&l%{Soul.%player%}%&7/&65
  208. #attribution
  209. command /attribution [<number>] [<player>]:
  210. trigger:
  211. if arg 1 is 1:
  212. wait 2 ticks
  213. open chest with 0 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lFireを付与する武器を選択してください" to arg 2
  214. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  215. if arg 1 is 2:
  216. wait 2 ticks
  217. open chest with 0 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lWaterを付与する武器を選択してください" to arg 2
  218. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  219. if arg 1 is 3:
  220. wait 2 ticks
  221. open chest with 0 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lLeafを付与する武器を選択してください" to arg 2
  222. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  223. if arg 1 is 4:
  224. wait 2 ticks
  225. open chest with 0 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lElectricityを付与する武器を選択してください" to arg 2
  226. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  227. if arg 1 is 5:
  228. wait 2 ticks
  229. open chest with 0 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lShadowを付与する武器を選択してください" to arg 2
  230. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  233. on inventory click:
  234. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&9&l≫&6&lFireを付与する武器を選択してください":
  235. cancel event
  236. if lore of clicked item contain "&8&l??? &7&lWeapon":
  237. set line 1 of lore of clicked item to "&8&l≪&4&lFire &7&lWeapon&8&l≫"
  238. send "&6武器に属性を付与しました"
  239. close inventory of player
  240. stop
  241. else:
  242. send "&6そのアイテムに属性は付与できません"
  243. stop
  244. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&9&l≫&6&lWaterを付与する武器を選択してください":
  245. cancel event
  246. if lore of clicked item contain "&8&l??? &7&lWeapon":
  247. set line 1 of lore of clicked item to "&8&l≪&b&lWater &7&lWeapon&8&l≫"
  248. send "&6武器に属性を付与しました"
  249. close inventory of player
  250. stop
  251. else:
  252. send "&6そのアイテムに属性は付与できません"
  253. stop
  254. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&9&l≫&6&lLeafを付与する武器を選択してください":
  255. cancel event
  256. if lore of clicked item contain "&8&l??? &7&lWeapon":
  257. set line 1 of lore of clicked item to "&8&l≪&2&lLeaf &7&lWeapon&8&l≫"
  258. send "&6武器に属性を付与しました"
  259. close inventory of player
  260. stop
  261. else:
  262. send "&6そのアイテムに属性は付与できません"
  263. stop
  264. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&9&l≫&6&lElectricityを付与する武器を選択してください":
  265. cancel event
  266. if lore of clicked item contain "&8&l??? &7&lWeapon":
  267. set line 1 of lore of clicked item to "&8&l≪&e&lElectricity &7&lWeapon&8&l≫"
  268. send "&6武器に属性を付与しました"
  269. close inventory of player
  270. stop
  271. else:
  272. send "&6そのアイテムに属性は付与できません"
  273. stop
  274. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&9&l≫&6&lShadowを付与する武器を選択してください":
  275. cancel event
  276. if lore of clicked item contain "&8&l??? &7&lWeapon":
  277. set line 1 of lore of clicked item to "&8&l≪&5&lShadow &7&lWeapon&8&l≫"
  278. send "&6武器に属性を付与しました"
  279. close inventory of player
  280. stop
  281. else:
  282. send "&6そのアイテムに属性は付与できません"
  283. stop
  286. on right click on enchantment table:
  287. block under block is lapis block
  288. cancel event
  289. player's tool exist
  290. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  291. wait 2 ticks
  292. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&l付与する属性を選択してください" to player
  293. wait 1 tick
  294. format slot 11 of player with iron sword named "&4&lFire&6を付与する" with lore "&4選択する武器にFireを付与します" to run "attribution 1 %player%"
  295. format slot 13 of player with iron sword named "&b&lWater&6を付与する" with lore "&b選択する武器にWaterを付与します" to run "attribution 2 %player%"
  296. format slot 15 of player with iron sword named "&2&lLeaf&6を付与する" with lore "&3選択する武器にLeafを付与します" to run "attribution 3 %player%"
  297. format slot 30 of player with iron sword named "&e&lElectricity&6を付与する" with lore "&e選択する武器にElectricityを付与します" to run "attribution 4 %player%"
  298. format slot 32 of player with iron sword named "&5&lShadow&6を付与する" with lore "&5選択する武器にShadowを付与します" to run "attribution 5 %player%"
  301. #attribution of Mobs
  304. #sound
  306. on inventory click:
  307. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 6
  309. on command:
  310. play sound "BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK" to player with volume 5 and pitch 3
  312. #attribution status
  314. command /atts [<number>] [<player>]:
  315. trigger:
  316. if arg 1 is 1:
  317. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  318. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  319. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  320. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  321. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  322. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  323. stop
  324. if arg 1 is 2:
  325. add 1 to {Fire.point.%player%}
  326. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  327. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  328. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  329. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  330. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  331. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  332. stop
  333. if arg 1 is 3:
  334. add 1 to {Water.point.%player%}
  335. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  336. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  337. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  338. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  339. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  340. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  341. stop
  342. if arg 1 is 4:
  343. add 1 to {Leaf.point.%player%}
  344. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  345. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  346. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  347. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  348. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  349. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  350. stop
  351. if arg 1 is 5:
  352. add 1 to {Electricity.point.%player%}
  353. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  354. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  355. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  356. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  357. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  358. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  359. stop
  360. if arg 1 is 6:
  361. add 1 to {Shadow.point.%player%}
  362. open chest with 5 rows named "&9&l≫&6&lステータス" to player
  363. format slot 11 of player with book named "&4&lFire&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 2 %player%"
  364. format slot 13 of player with book named "&b&lWater&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 3 %player%"
  365. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&lLeaf&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 4 %player%"
  366. format slot 30 of player with book named "&e&lElectricity&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 5 %player%"
  367. format slot 32 of player with book named "&5&lShadow&6に割り振る" with lore "&5ポイント残量:%{status.point.%player%}%" to run "atts 6 %player%"
  368. stop
  372. #command log
  375. on command:
  376. sender is player
  377. loop all players:
  378. loop-player have permission "admin"
  379. message "&7[&bCommandLog&7] &b%player%&7 /%full command%" to loop-player
  382. #monster spawn
  385. command /spawnmonster [<text>] [<text>] [<number>] [<number>]:
  386. trigger:
  387. if arg 1 is "zombie"
  388. spawn a zombie at {zombie.spawn}
  389. set name of spawned entity to "&a[Lv. 1] Zombie"
  390. set {entity} to last spawned entity
  392. on death:
  393. wait 3 seconds
  394. if victim is {entity}:
  395. spawn a zombie at {zombie.spawn}
  396. set name of spawned entity to "&a[Lv. 1] Zombie"
  397. set {entity} to last spawned entity
  399. command /setmonster [<text>] [<text>] [<number>] [<number>]:
  400. trigger:
  401. if player is op:
  402. set {zombie.spawn} to location of player
  403. send "&8[&bMobspawn&8] &7設定を追加しました。"
  405. command /removemonster [<text>] [<text>] [<number>] [<number>]:
  406. trigger:
  407. if player is op:
  408. delete {zombie.spawn}
  409. send "&8[&bMobspawn&8] &7設定を追加しました。"
  411. #protection
  413. on place:
  414. player do not have permission "admin"
  415. cancel event
  417. on break:
  418. player do not have permission "admin"
  419. cancel event
  421. on drop:
  422. player do not have permission "admin"
  423. cancel event
  425. on explode:
  426. cancel event
  428. on craft:
  429. player do not have permission "admin"
  430. cancel event
  433. #item name and lore
  435. command /itemname [<text>]:
  436. trigger:
  437. set the name of held item to colored arg
  439. command /itemlore [<number>] [<text>]:
  440. trigger:
  441. set line arg 1 of lore of held item to colored "%arg 2%"
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