

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 14 Attempt to approach Antionne again. Approach her from the front instead of coming from behind this time, she seems rather easily scared.: (Firedon, mc2rpg, Sirrocco, redaeth, Malkavian, Lazurman, Keanu Reeves, pepperjack, CptTagon, mizzet, x2ero, shade argost, theqwopingone, Xicree)
  3. -[X] 1 Bring chunks of the murdered beast to Antionne. If you can't give them directly then just leave them at the foot of her sleeping place: (Malkavian)
  4. -[X] 3 Bring chunks of the murdered beast to Antionne. If you can't give them directly then just leave them at the foot of her sleeping place.: (Lazurman, x2ero, Xicree)
  5. -[X] 1 Does she know what a "magical gecko of plenty" is, and would she like one?: (Passing Pinecone)
  6. [X] 1 Elemental Affinity (Air) I. Activating your elemental affinity for air allows for magical traits to transmit across and use this medium. 30: (theqwopingone)
  7. -[X] 5 Go outside and fetch her tribute.: (Passing Pinecone, theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
  8. [X] 4 Hopefully a little better at talking now, go find Hernandez, the magical gecko of plenty. Ask him questions.: (theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
  9. [X] 5 Hunt in the forest with the usual ambush and lure tactics.: (Sirrocco, Malkavian, Lazurman, x2ero, Xicree)
  10. [X] 9 Hunt in the forest.: (Firedon, mc2rpg, redaeth, Keanu Reeves, pepperjack, CptTagon, mizzet, shade argost, theqwopingone)
  11. -[X] 4 If he's got plenty (of... whatever), can we have some?: (theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
  12. -[X] 9 If you see Hernandez again, eat him. Don't let on, though - behave like before until he's in the middle of one of his speeches, then nom him by surprise.: (Firedon, mc2rpg, Sirrocco, redaeth, Keanu Reeves, pepperjack, CptTagon, shade argost, theqwopingone)
  13. [X] 1 Investigate the big wet drum with grains. (Island cove): (Passing Pinecone)
  14. [X] 3 Magic Circuit. By circulating magic through two parts of your body and touching something, you shock it. 15: (Firedon, mc2rpg, mizzet)
  15. [X] 8 Reflexive Siphoning II. You eat a slightly bigger portion of magic from attacks directed at you. 20: (Sirrocco, Smyter, redaeth, Malkavian, Lazurman, x2ero, shade argost, Xicree)
  16. -[X] 10 See if you can find anything Antionne might like.: (Firedon, mc2rpg, Sirrocco, redaeth, Keanu Reeves, pepperjack, CptTagon, mizzet, shade argost, theqwopingone)
  17. -[X] 1 Tribute?: (Passing Pinecone)
  18. [X] 5 We need practice talking, and Antionne probably won't kill us on sight. Ask her if she likes her eggs. We could bring her something different if she wants.: (Passing Pinecone, theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
  19. -[X] 4 What is a gecko, anyway?: (theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
  20. -[X] 4 Where can we find some magic to eat?: (theunderbolt, Thinky Think, Bre Karn, Grosstoad)
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