
Defeated again (by Caesar)

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [08:39:02] "Well, well, well.." Lotlhuitl said, sauntering over to Genos and Zoromon. The gloomy Nagual had a bit of a spring in her step as she made her way over to the two.
  3. She wore a lot of jewellery.
  5. The sun wasn't too bright in the Ezmaran settlment, however, somehow one of her necklaces in particular seemed to glitter and sparkle with the sun's rays. And all of the metal did add up to the woman's approach having a soft jingle jangle jingle to it.
  7. "Ready to pay your debts to me? It's taken sooo long," Lotlhuitl exclaimed, fluttering her eyelashes as she leant in to them both in a manner which almost have seemed threatening. "I might have to charge interest.."
  8. (Lotlhuitl)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [08:46:43] Having just entered the courtyard of the Ezmaran temple, Zoromon gives a casual wave to the two that greeted himself.
  13. "Ey' there Ilene, Lothuitl. Wha'dya mean debt? Did I uh-...Borrow some coins from ya-...Oh wait. I remember, I owe ya' a proper story back from the mainland."
  15. Zoromon takes a brief moment to think about what tale he might regale, before sidestepping to a bench and seating himself, rubbing his palms together for one that he's always enjoyed personally.
  17. "I was jus' about to go wandering with my friend Genos ere' but I have ta' share this story I've always had fun scar-...I mean telling my brothers and sisters back on the mainland with."
  18. (Zoromon)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [08:47:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Ooooh. Weeell.. I love stories. "
  22. [08:48:25] Lotlhuitl says, "But I understand if you want to go wandering! "
  23. [08:48:25] Lotlhuitl says, "<* nodded, looking most serious and sagely. *> "
  24. [08:48:25] Lotlhuitl says, "But if you don't pay me back today, well.. you'll owe me extra."
  25. [08:48:25] Lotlhuitl says, "More stories."
  26. [08:49:16] Zoromon gives a smirk before prompting a question.
  27. (Zoromon)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [08:49:16] Zoromon asks, "Well then, ave' y'ever heard of a little flying bug known as the 'Nyuki'?"
  31. [08:49:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Nuh-uh.."
  32. [08:49:16] Lotlhuitl shook her head.
  33. (Lotlhuitl)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [08:50:59] Zoromon says, "Where I used to live, it was by a tribe of mostly dryads known as the Lopochtli tribe."
  37. [08:50:59] Ilene looks intrigued and highly interested upon the mention of some bug.
  38. (Ilene)
  39. [08:50:59] Lotlhuitl nodded.
  40. (Lotlhuitl)
  41. -
  43. [08:50:59] Zoromon says, "And these dryad lived in harmony with Nyuki."
  44. [08:50:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "A bug?"
  45. [08:50:59] Lotlhuitl says, "Ick.."
  47. [08:57:48] Zoromon enters his story-telling phase, being sure to be flashing a smirk as he stroked his stubbly chin in a wise-like fashion.
  49. "The nyuki flying bugs were very close friends with the dryad tribe for they had a mysterious ability or even magic power that could cause flowers and greenery within their jungle homes to bloom and sprout bigger and more beautiful than any other territory."
  51. "The nyuki lived in one giant colony, with a single queen and in strange hexagon holes within their home which was like a birds nest but even stranger. If y'were very lucky, y'could even be blessed with the gift of harvesting some of the juices they seemed to secrete known as 'honey'."
  54. (Zoromon)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [09:03:47] Despite the bickering of prices and sales talk in the background, her ears and focus seemed heavily trained on Zoroman’s story. She liked his stories. But this one just seemed way way way more interesting than what she usually hears in the square.
  59. Immediately she stands up and joins the conjoined group across her to get a better perception of the rest of the story. Standing a feet or two next to Lotlhuitl, she seems entranced by the topic. ”They can’t grow plants? That’s amazing.” She says.
  61. Almost immediately, a book from her pack is pulled out, one that the storyteller will find familiar. The same maroon hardbound cover and the same insignia would be evident as she immediately flips it open. ”Do they look like bees and stuff? I know bees live in hexagon hives too!” Plucking one of the feathers from her hat, she seemed prepared to take down notes and what-not.
  62. (Ilene)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [09:05:29] Lotlhuitl sat at the edge of the fountain, her green gaze fixated on Zoromon. Unblinking, she leant forward, elbows pressing into her thighs, her chin resting in her hands, before finally her long, fluffy tail wrapped around herself.
  67. Such was her attention on Zoromon that she completely missed Chieftain Karma Vindict being called a liar for, what, the third time today? If she'd heard that, she probably would've reacted in some fashion. At least looked pleased, that her wish was coming true. Karma was getting what he deserved. Karma - get it? Nice.
  69. "How did they do that?" She asked, the tip of her tail twitching rapidly as her expression shifted into a look of wonder. Wow, the Nagual really liked stories from the motherland. "A-and why would that do that? Bug juice? Hnn.. for some kinda spell?"
  71. Lotlhuitl frowned at Ilene after her approach. "Shh. This is my story. I bought it. You should pay me if you want to listen."
  72. (Lotlhuitl)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [09:13:10] Zoromon simply smiled before continuing the story enthusiastically.
  77. "The dryad of the Lopochtli tribe were also experts at bending and allowing nature to grow as it pleased. However they were a peaceful tribe more concerned with appeasin' and communicating with the wraiths of their jungle. The nyuki bugs also thrived on the abundance of more plants and flowers, growing in each passing day, allowing more colonies to spread throughout the jungles."
  79. "This is when things start ta' get real interestin'...A warmongering tribe had heard of 'honey' and in their greed and want they decided ta' chop down the trees where the Nyuki bugs had made their homes, smashing into them and collecting the sweet honey inside with reckless abandon...Course' it jus' so appens' the Nyuki tended to live near the dryad tribe, causing many important trees ta' be felled by the foolish tribe."
  81. "The dryads were angered by this, but they had no proper way ta' fight back without immense losses, and so they had communed with the wraiths of their jungle to give a boom the Nyuki, this boon would be deadly stingers filled with a most dangerous venom!"
  83. "Together, the dryad tribe and the Nyuki lived in alliance, an army of Nyuki bugs descended upon the foolish tribe, leavin' only corpses filled with venom and only worthy as sacrifices to the wraiths."
  86. (Zoromon)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [09:23:24] Considering the very bee-centric nature of Zoroman’s description, she begins sketching out different potential looks of whatever this bug could be. Most of her design seemed to be centered around a mix between a bee and a beetle. Her own vision of what it looked like. It may be wrong, but it’s a good way for her to actually take down notes.
  91. The tale goes on and most things are drawn and written. However it would be rather hard to understand for most peering into her book as instead of the usual lines of text and the occasional drawings, most of her writing seems to be written in some archaic language of symbols.
  93. However it would be cut short as she slowly faces the nagual by her. It was a rather irking though withholding any facet of learning, especially that of spoken tales. Mostly due to the fact that even then she’s probably going to hear all this. ”I don’t think that’s how stuff like this works.” She softly says. ”If anything, I’d pay the story teller.” With that, she turns to face Zoroman as she said this.
  94. (Ilene)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [09:33:39] Lotlhuitl forgot Ilene was there. And had returned to appearing entirely placid, her delicate features displaying a most enrapt expression as Zoromon spoke. "O-oh.." She had breathed, before letting out gasps of "ah" and "oooh" at appropriate moments in his story, before pulling her tail around herself tighter as Zoromon informed her about the end of the foolish tribe who had faced the alliance of Nyuki and Dryads.
  100. And then, Ilene's words reached her ears.
  102. Instantly, the woman stood up, drawing herself up to her full height. "You what?" She snarled, visibly getting up in Ilene's personal space. "No. He won't finish the story with you here, because I paid for this story and he's MY friend. You don't get to freeload off MY hard work."
  104. The anger the Nagual displayed was entirely disproportionate to Ilene's crime -- bein' a rude freeloader who was fascinated about bees. But make no mistake, she was furious. Her lips were parted, teeth slightly bared, and her tail had visibly bristled.
  106. Lotlhuitl looked down her nose at Ilene, a flash of electricity passing across her intense green gaze.
  108. "Tell you what. Leave, if you don't want to pay. Leave and I won't take your books and drop them into the fountain."
  109. (Lotlhuitl)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [09:33:39] Gives a shrug before continuing on. Still rather determined to finish the story.
  114. "Of course, never does a tale of revenge ever jus' end so easily. The tribe of greedy honey-snatchers were allied with many other tribes, causing them to declare war in vengeance an' anger at the dryad tribe. But seeing as how the wraiths had blessed the Nyuki bugs with new weapons, the dryads would adapt, improvise and survive the oncoming assaults by doing jus' this. They would make nests for the Nyuki bugs within their bodies, allowing the bugs ta' live....Literally inside of em!"
  116. "And when the day came fer' more war and bloodshed, the Lopochtli were ready for their enemies. As magi and warriors descended upon them in a frontal assault, hoping ta' overwhelm them in numbers, Nyuki bugs swarmed from the bodies of the dryads along with powerful nature magicks combined ta' destroy and disrupt their enemies. The dryads would have won that day and sent a powerful message through the jungles."
  118. "However...The nyuki had changed....Where once they were peaceful bugs that provided sweet honey and allowed nature to bloom, they now took their source of living from the corpses of the dryads foes. Blood an' bone."
  120. "Ta' this day, if you hear buzzing coming from inside a dryad, y'would be best ta' show them caution and respect. Lest' ya become the Nyuki's next meal for bloody honey."
  122. He ended last sentence of the tale as ominously and eerie of a tone as best he could before inquisitively observing for a reaction of any current and would-be listeners.
  123. (Zoromon)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [09:34:30] Malachai says, "Nagual... behave.."
  127. [09:34:30] Lotlhuitl says, "W-what. Zoromon.. how could you.."
  128. [09:34:30] Ilene asks, "Zoromon, I'll get my mom to whip you up a heary meal for it then. Sound good?"
  129. [09:35:21] Lotlhuitl says, "This isn't fair."
  130. [09:35:21] Zoromon says, "Heh...Ey' if y'want I can always tell ya' another story when we're somewhere else. Though' stories are meant'
  131. [09:35:21] Lotlhuitl says, "It was supposed to be *MY* story."
  132. [09:35:21] Lotlhuitl says, "You tricked me."
  133. [09:36:12] Zoromon says, "Tell y'what. I'll owe ya' another story, and it can be about whatever y'feel like hearin about next time."
  134. [09:37:04] Zoromon exclaims, "Sides' I love the Nyuki story too much ta' hide it heh!"
  135. [09:37:04] Ilene finishing her barely eligable jibberish notes and sketches, she flips her book closed as a peculiar yellow twine would creep up around her book like a snake, sealing it shut. "I'm very greatful for your tales from your homeland. It's always nice to hear about another part of the world Zoro!"
  136. (Ilene)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [09:38:46] Zoromon says, "I'm kinda glad that there ain't any Nyuki here on this continent. Y'don't want ta' be stinged a thousand times by em'."
  140. [09:38:46] Malachai says, "Nyuki?...
  141. [09:42:11] Lotlhuitl glared intensely at Ilene. By all the spirits in the highest realms, she was so angry. "Do you like ruining things, outsider?" The nagual's hiss was barely a whisper, her tail still bristling as her ears slowly pinned back.
  143. Her gaze flicked back to Zoromon. "Fine. I accept your apology, Zoromon. This was not adequate to please me. What kind of friend acts in this manner, really? Surely such behaviour isn't acceptable back in the motherland." Her tone was scathing, but it was clear that she was deeply hurt.
  145. In truth, her upset at having something stolen from her vastly outweighed her anger.
  146. (Lotlhuitl)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [09:45:36] Zoromon arches an eyebrow, clearly confused. He never expected that stories or tales would hold that much value to the point that they could be stolen.
  151. "Well stories oughta' be shared, but I guess I can see why it was special to ya' Lothuitl."
  153. He tussles the hair at the back of his head rather apologetically but more-so confused at the sudden emotion.
  154. (Zoromon)
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. [09:47:18] Holding her resealed book close to her person, she looked on to the nagual and towards Zoromon with a blank stare. Out of most of the Gehennans she has met and spoken to ever since she was let out of Atro’s church, this was the first to be so impacted by a stolen story. She was extremely curious about such a stance.
  159. Slowly her eyes fall and stop towards Zoromon. She remains silent and unmoving despite harsh words as she stares deep into the seated fellow. Her gaze could’ve meant many things, but it was plastered and obvious that she was confused, afraid and guilty of all this. She hoped he’d say something, anything to at least clear up her confused state.
  160. (Ilene)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [09:52:25] At Ilene's silence, Lotlhuitl had snarled, turning back to Zoromon. "Stories ought to be shared? You can do what you like with your stories, but not when I pay you for them! That one was mine!"
  165. Her breathing had sped up, blood rushing in her ears. Her ears, which were still pinned back.
  167. "Were you unhappy with what I did for you?" The woman was bordering on hysteria, her face (normally possessing a healthy, cheery blush at her cheeks) having grown distinctly ashen. For a moment she looked distressed, her eyes widening as she wrung her hands as her body filled with tension.
  169. Lotlhuitl clearly was both distraught AND furious. Humiliated. Again, she hadn't been able to stop someone from taking what she wanted from her. "I didn't want to share!" She protested, literally giving a little stomp of her left foot.
  171. Her jewellery jingled with the act.
  174. (Lotlhuitl)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [10:00:06] Perhaps belonging to a rather irrelevant or even inconsequential family back on the mainland, he was simply unaware of the importance of things being owned to one another. Unless he was simply overanalyzing the whole act.
  179. "I see. I never thought that y'were holding that much importance to the debt I owed ya. But y'should calm down. What can be told in words can't be stolen. And another thing, greed is a powerful sin when y'let it eat you from the inside. Y'warned me of the other Chieftans, of their corruption of their sins. It was even the reason as to why I offered my allegiance ta' Cruxati."
  181. He takes a deep breath, this time standing up tall from the bench with serious expression and locked eyes with Lotlhuitl. "Are y'goanna tell me that yer' going to allow yer'self to fall to a sin as s'well?"
  183. Zoromon seemed to not care of the time and place of what he spoke. He was fully aware of how much power and strength can be extorted by giving in to sin and corruption.
  184. (Zoromon)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [10:00:57] Lotlhuitl says, "What."
  188. [10:00:57] Lotlhuitl says, "<cold. anger.>"
  189. [10:00:57] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl. The pure. Of Cruxati."
  190. [10:01:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "How.. how can you even say that, Zoromon?"
  191. [10:01:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I thought we were friends."
  192. [10:01:48] Ilene has shrunk down. Her arms are hidden within her cloak as the lower portion of her face is burried in cloth as well.
  193. (Ilene)
  194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. [10:01:48] Zoromon crossed his arms and clicked his tongue.
  197. (Zoromon)
  198. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  200. [10:02:40] Zoromon says, "If that's the case, y'should calm down. This is something that only a child would throw a fit about."
  201. [10:02:40] Lotlhuitl is visibly distraught, tears dotting her eyelashes like morning dew.
  202. (Lotlhuitl)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [10:02:40] Lotlhuitl says, "This is all YOUR fault."
  206. [10:02:40] Lotlhuitl says, "<@Ilene.>"
  207. [10:02:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I challenge you to an honour duel."
  208. [10:03:31] Lotlhuitl says, "You.. you have dishonoured me. If I win, I want your damn book."
  209. [10:03:31] Zoromon says, "Oi, passin' blame on someone else..."
  210. [10:04:22] Lotlhuitl says, "You have no.. no right to judge me, Zoromon. No right. "
  211. [10:04:22] Ilene asks, "W-What? I don't get it, it's a story. Do stories means this much to you?"
  212. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl says, "It's.. it's not just a story, if you've never been to Gehenna."
  213. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl says, "If you'll never go to Gehenna."
  214. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl says, "<snarls> Shut up."
  215. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl says, "Duel, yes or no."
  216. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you accept?"
  217. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl asks, "Or are you as cowardly as you are devious??"
  218. [10:05:13] Ilene exclaims, "I can't fight!"
  219. [10:05:13] Ilene says, "I barely know how to fight."
  220. [10:05:13] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  221. [10:06:04] Caesar Valerius exclaims, "Heeeeeeey! Don't bully my friend!"
  222. [10:06:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "Bully???"
  223. [10:06:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "Me?"
  224. [10:06:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "What are you talking about?"
  225. [10:06:04] Caesar Valerius asks, "She's not used to fighting. Can't you see?"
  226. [10:06:04] Lotlhuitl says, "She's.. well, fine. I'll fight you in her stead."
  227. [10:06:04] Caesar Valerius says, "Look at her... flaccid muscles."
  228. [10:06:04] Caesar Valerius asks, "Fight me?"
  229. [10:06:04] Caesar Valerius asks, "Well... fine?"
  230. [10:06:56] Lotlhuitl says, "If I win, I get her book. Name your price, if you defeat me."
  231. [10:06:56] Caesar Valerius asks, "What do you have?"
  232. [10:06:56] Zoromon says, "...Is this'll calm you down even. It might be worth it."
  233. [10:07:47] Lotlhuitl squints at Caesar before beckoning him closer.
  234. (Lotlhuitl)
  235. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. [10:08:38] Lotlhuitl says, "I have a rifle I looted from the fall of Avalon, magically enchanted. I did it myself. The work is good."
  238. [10:08:38] {Item} You drop Valmasian Mana Rifle.
  239. [10:08:38] Caesar Valerius says, "Ohhh."
  240. [10:08:38] Caesar delineates a smile, nodding.
  241. (Caesar Valerius)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [10:08:38] Caesar Valerius asks, "Will you trust me, Ilene?"
  245. [10:08:38] {Item} You picked up Valmasian Mana Rifle.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  246. [10:09:29] Ilene says, "Y-Yes."
  247. [10:09:29] Caesar Valerius exclaims, "Alright! To the arena we go!"
  248. [10:09:29] Lotlhuitl whispers: if you just hadn't told the story like I'd told you, I wouldn't have to do this.
  250. [10:10:20] Zoromon heaves an exasperated sigh, giving an odd glance to Lotlhuitl before moving on.
  251. (Zoromon)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [10:11:12] Zoromon says, "You didn't have ta' do something like this in the first place Lotlhuitl. But yer' choices are yours ta' make."
  255. [10:12:03] Nochte asks, "What happened?"
  256. [10:12:03] Zoromon says, "A lil' heated argument turning ta' this."
  257. [10:12:54] Nochte says, "Interesting."
  258. [10:12:54] Nochte says, "Well, fighting is a decent way to solve an argument, just my opinion."
  259. [10:12:54] Zoromon says, "I hope yer' right."
  260. [10:16:19] "Alright, alright."
  262. A white hand revealed a metal rod, inscribed with pink gems and runic symbols. His black robes ondulated in response, subsequently rotating the weapons with a certain kind of proficiency-- enough training made to wield a staff.
  264. Surely, fighting for Ilene's book seemed interesting, but the reward of a Valmasian rifle was a better trigger for Caesar, collecting ores and stuff. An unknown reason, but it felt good having special things.
  266. "I'll try to win, Ilene. Don't worry!"
  268. Considering he had nothing to lose, it was a decent bet. The boy risked his digits, a crimson spark coating the entirety of his body, dancing with rough flashes as it travelled the boy's structure.
  270. Crepitations reverberated through the ambit, yellow eyes completely focused on the target, and nothing more,exuding the same rubicund luminescence from the occultic magic he used. Prepared, his labiums moved once more, exchanging words before the combat.
  272. "Mmhm... my second serious fight! Agartha looks amazing compared to that church! Let's go, cat race! A whole world of adventures awaits us!"
  273. (Caesar Valerius)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [10:18:52] Lotlhuitl entered the Ezmaran arena with her head held high. Lightning already crackled over her willowy form. And so it was that she didn't bother with the long walk around the side of the arena. No, she just stepped off the edge and with a -flash- of lightning and a -KRAKHAW- of thunder she was standing in the middle of the fighting pit.
  278. Waiting.
  280. Part of her knew this was crazy.
  282. It was just a story. A story! That was all.
  284. But Lotlhuitl had never known the motherland. Never known Gehenna. She only knew it from the tales her father had told her, before the Valmasian colonists had killed him.
  286. And that damned outsider. She just had to come and ruin everything. Why couldn't the girl just let her have the story? Just leave her alone? It was all her fault. ILENE WAS A THIEF.
  288. Lotlhuitl curled her hands into fists. She could feel her hatred grow within her. It was just a tiny little seed. Xomac, everyone had warned her about him. Heck, she'd even warned others (it was good sense to be wary of him). But.. he was so strong. Perhaps he was onto something with that?
  290. Her green gaze, furious and hurt, tracked over the crowd. Zoromon was supposed to be her friend. Why was he treating her like this? It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair!
  292. "Everything is going to be okay.." She breathed, talking to herself in a soothing, calm voice as she paced out opposite Caesar.
  294. Her face, which had but moments before been a mask of anguish, was more or less calm when she regarded Caesar. Cool. Collected.
  296. "When I get Ilene's book, I'm going to burn each page. One. By. One."
  297. (Lotlhuitl)
  298. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. [10:21:26] Crossing his arms, he watched it quietly, expecting a decent fight, he was curious, the boy looked like a merchant from what he saw before, not the kind he would think was a fighter, but seeing him using occult was simply, interesting.
  302. "Another occultist...? This will be interesting..."
  304. Standing there quietly, he just leaned back on the wall, trying to watch the fight while taking a little break.
  305. (Nochte)
  306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [10:22:17] Zoromon grinds his teeth, not sure what to expect. Even if this was his considered 'fault' or not. Seeing a much darker side of Lotlhuitl was not something he expected to see shift so quickly in such a short time.
  310. Whether if she was of the same tribe or even to discriminate against Elsyreans, he truly did not expect to see such a raw emotion in want from her. He shakes his head, not knowing what the future might hold, crossing his arms in uneasiness.
  312. >"This can't end well with what's at stake fer' both sides..." He clicks his tongue. This was going to be a bad habit of his.
  313. (Zoromon)
  314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. [10:24:00] From the stands, the young lass stood just as mortified as she was in the square. This may be Caesar’s second serious bout, but this is the second time she’s drawn unwanted attention to herself in the same place. Maybe she should stop going there. . .
  318. With her hands still clutching her book shaking, she tries her best to calm herself but miserably fails. Primed thoughts in her mind began to fumble as stories told to her seemed to be contrasting at best. However , how the queen’s nephew found compassion in himself for people like these, she could just not decipher such.
  320. She remains silent, standing as firm as her will can take. To that point that she herself seems to unconsciously pitter out magic from her cloak. Small bits of sparks begins to stumble downwards from the base of her neck down to the tip of her cloak. She does not notice it herself, but the extreme drive of emotions were currently highly affecting her it seems.
  322. Despite this, she remains there, anticipating the fight to begin.
  323. (Ilene)
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [10:24:51] Tilting his head to Ilene, a booming voice parted from his lips, after the Nagual's words reached his ears.
  330. Warning the other Elsyrean, his gaze returned to the person in evidence, adjusting his gravitational center and preparing an offensive stance, this time, surely ready.
  332. Copying the book. Yes. The best strategy, to not lose anything.
  333. (Caesar Valerius)
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. [10:25:42] Ilene blinks. Oh god there's not enough time!
  337. (Ilene)
  338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. [10:26:33] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Caesar Valerius! They're unable to continue fighting.
  342. [10:32:32] Caesar's magic surely followed the Nagual, both reaching insane speed. Lightning striked, be it the crimson, despairing one or the pure bolts coming from Lotlhuitl. Droplets of water permeated the arena, a nice conductor to eletricty, enhancing the combat potential of them.
  344. However, the Elsyrean demonstrated an advantage in velocity, disappearing quite easily when it came to being chased, and returning to deal more blows before retracting. A hit-and-run tactic, utilizing the apex of his agility to take control of the battlefield.
  346. Stiffening his spine, a putrid blast of occultism sent the Nagual to the other side of the arena like a ragdoll, declaring a certain pause to the conflict. Consequently, the boy's voice was made clear.
  350. He stated, turning back to the other Elsyrean for a while, butreturning his focus to the combat, determined to end it fastly.
  351. (Caesar Valerius)
  352. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. [10:39:21] Curious, she watched the battle. The arena trembled as they exchanged their attacks. It was difficult for her to gauge her power, but she assumed that they were strong. Her eyes followed their movements with each, taking note of their strategies and attacks. Was it a simple spar, or more?
  356. She clutched her staff tightly in one hand. Blood was dried along the length of it, black and old. Her stare was cold and distant, betraying indifference; however, the fighters had managed to capture her interest. She resigned herself to be an audience member for now, simply watching.
  357. (Zyanya)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [10:41:04] What. The. Actual. Fuck. It didn't matter that she had hit him a few times. He kept not. being. there. He wasn't where she expected him!
  362. "AAAGGHH!"
  364. The Nagual's scream of pain and rage had thundered through the arena as the occult beam threw her against the wall. She hit it hard, but when she landed she was still on her feet. Panting, but on her feet.
  366. She looked up at Caesar. The too-tall youth's back was turned, he was shouting to the THIEF. The fact that he wasn't taking this battle at all seriously made her anger flare.
  368. Her heart was thumping in her chest, like a drum beat. Th-thunk. Th-thunk. It raced faster, and faster.. and then she could hold back no longer: the willowy Nagual lept forward!
  370. (Lotlhuitl)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [10:42:46] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Caesar Valerius! They're unable to continue fighting.
  375. [10:53:00] Another fight. Caesar's countless attempts at travelling the battlefield with fervent impetus continued, bolts of lightning dealing potent blows to the Nagual from everywhere. Sometimes whips scolded the boy for being so careless, but it wasn't enough to make him fall, no.
  377. Dark power shielded him from the most troublesome abilities, and the momentum coming from piercing strikes of the Elsyrean sometimes got ignored by a powerful mist. The battle intensified, however, the end was as clear as ever!
  379. He maintained contact to his target's breathing, analyzing every different step her body tried to take, absorbing knowledge, until a weakness was noticed. Exhaustion, and he took advantage of it!
  381. A red luminescence denounced the white-haired one restructuring himself, perpendicular to the enemy, and a palm reached her clothing, electrifying the entirety of Lotlhuitl! Not enough to paralyze the combatant, but surely to enhance the exhaustion coating that soul.
  383. Returning to the woman's view, Caesar lifted his hand, preparing for a blow. It travelled the air with immense velocity, until--!!
  385. A chop. An inoffensive, harmless chop, declaring the winner, in unison to a smile morphing the britannian features on that face.
  387. "Teehee~~ I won. I guess that rifle is mine!" said the winner, anxious to receive his reward!
  388. (Caesar Valerius)
  389. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  391. [10:58:08] A weapon had been at stake. She transfixed her gaze on the aforementioned rifle. It looked foreign and dangerous, and she liked it not. It was offensive to look at when held in juxtaposition with the rest of their weaponry; it was an outlier, set apart by its ugliness. Beneath her hood, her lips twisted into a frown.
  393. "Hmm, will fight for rifle," she said, speaking to Caesar. "If lose will give... Ten mythril?"
  395. The wager sounded fair in her mind, but it was up to him to decide. She rolled her staff in her hand as she waited, testing its weight. Her weapon had proved itself over and over again, in real combat with real consequences; she had faith in the simple length of steel that she trusted her life with.
  397. "Only real fight, though, not play."
  398. (Zyanya)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [10:59:50] Staying quietly on the arena, he watched each bit of the fight, it was interesting, the white haired boy really was really good, it caught Nochte attention on the fight, seeing another lightning user and occultist.
  403. Untli the end he said nothing, only after it ended he made a sound, a slow clap, it was a entertaining fight, two decent fighters in his view atleast.
  405. "Good... really good."
  407. But he wasn't interested in only watching, he wanted to try a fight against him, a fight with another occultist, it would be decent to his growth.
  409. "I would want to try a spar against you Caesar, we could bet on it.."
  411. Trying to catch atleast a little bit of his attention.
  412. (Nochte)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [11:01:32] The cascade of thunder and lightning danced along the battlefield as the Elsyrean and the spawn of Ixchel would do battle. However, in the stands, another battle was taking place. While the two down in the pit were going at it against each other, she herself was battling herself from simply aborting her systems of function. Like how she always tends to.
  417. The butterflies in her stomach grows as a familiar feeling could be felt creeping up in her throat. Her eyes water as she fights back the urge, clenching her fist, making her grip on the book tighter and tighter. With whatever resolve left in her, she managed to push it back, grasping out a muffled sigh of relief. Just in time for the battle’s conclusion to occur as another sigh of relief leaves her breath.
  419. She smiles a weak grin at Caesar, mouthing out the word ‘thanks’ to him from the stands as she quickly keeps her book into her pack. She looked at the beaten nagual, worried and concerned. Sure, there was schadenfreudein her mind, yet at the same time a sense of guilt and empathy has partnered it, giving her a very conflicting perception towards her.
  420. (Ilene)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [11:04:57] In her fury, she ran into his attacks. But she could take it.
  425. She shot at him with the adapted Valmasian energy rifle. It was supposed to be used with energy magic. But.. she continued to channel electricity through it. It seemed to work.
  427. His attacks were sapping her energy. The occult powers hurt. Burnt. But she could still defeat him.
  429. At least, she thought so, that is right up until the moment his palm brushed against her, channelling hostile red electricity into her willowy form. "Gyaaaaaaaaaa!" Lotlhuitl screamed, back arching, eyes opening. Already drained close to her limit, her own electricity couldn't compete! Her eyes glowed for a second, sparks flying, dazzling her.
  431. She'd doubled up, a sheen of perspiration covering her soft, tanned skin.
  433. --She was going to kill him.
  435. She was going to kill all of them!--
  437. Lotlhuitl panted, raising herselfup, attempting to roll her body and summon a giant jet of water to drown Caesar.
  439. She moved directly into the path of his hand. Her eyes had widened once more, unable to move out of the way. Her spell fizzled.. she expected him to strike the blow at the side of her neck... she tensed.
  441. And his hand lightly tapped against her.
  443. Lotlhuitl's knees wobbled and she collapsed.
  445. Her blue hair hung over her face as she panted.
  447. "Take it." She said, holding the rifle up and out to him. She couldn't look at him. She couldn't do it. She couldn't.
  449. She had to get out of here.
  451. The Nagual got up, knees still weak, and taking a step (unless somebody stopped her) would suddenly crackle and appear right next to the exit! She intended to leave.
  452. (Lotlhuitl)
  453. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. [11:04:57] {Item} You drop Valmasian Mana Rifle.
  457. [11:06:40] Blinking rapidly at lightning flashes that spewed forth among blasts of water, he was hoping that this victory for Caesar would prove to be for the best in teaching Lotlhuitl some form of temperance or at the very least calmed her down from her rage.
  459. He rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue once more upon seeing the result. He was rather disappointed. Seeing as she looted the rifle from a very like razed settlement this probably should have been a hint as to what she may become.
  461. He takes no effort to pursue Lotlhuitl shaking his head before turning his glance and attention to Ilene.
  462. (Zoromon)
  463. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  465. [11:07:31] Zoromon whispers something.
  466. [11:07:31] Ilene whispers something.
  467. [11:07:31] The ambitious one guarded the rifle, ready to move out from the arena, until a certain sentence echoed inside the depths of his psyche.
  469. Ten mythril... ten... mythril...
  471. Damn, that was enough to make like, two of the same thing he received! Money talked louder. Extending his hand to the unknown combatant, his charismatic tones reached the surface of the world!
  473. "Ten mythril? That's fair! Even better if you want to pay with real money! Let's go, come!"
  474. (Caesar Valerius)
  475. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  477. [11:08:22] Ilene whispers something.
  478. [11:10:04] Lotlhuitl paused, turning to watch the fight.. obviously conflicted.
  479. (Lotlhuitl)
  480. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  482. [11:10:56] LOOC - Nochte: (believe in yourself y.y
  483. [11:13:29] It was a hefty amount of ore, but it was simply a ruse. The ore meant nothing to her. She had no love in her heart for material things. The ore was simply something she had that most people wanted, and it just so happened that her opponent had something she wanted.
  485. She looked at his fair skin, the color of his eyes, and she nodded. "Elsyrean, yes? Hear say..." She offered that brief comment gripping her staff more tightly. She viewed him as an enemy now, simply trying to get into a battle-like state. "Never fought one of before."
  487. Her aura burned around her brightly, climbing into the air. Its golden radiance emanated powerfully from her form, as if she had ceased her life as a human and began her journey as an immortal star. She lowered herself into a quick fighting stance, and she fixed her cold gaze on her opponent.
  489. There was something off about her. Her words, the way she moved, and especially the gaze she had rested so intensely on her opponent. An ulterior motive brewed just under the surface, festering like an untreated wound.
  490. (Zyanya)
  491. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  493. [11:20:19] {combat} Zyanya has been defeated by Caesar Valerius! They're unable to continue fighting.
  494. [11:22:01] {combat} Caesar Valerius has been defeated by Zyanya! They're unable to continue fighting.
  496. [11:31:24] Not one-sided. The last fight wasn't really tough, but this one... Caesar's veins highlited his forehead, bursts of hellstorm purging the remnants of star power coating the arena. Fire burned the boy's robes, and exhaustion was close. Really close.
  498. However, such power could be controlled. Adapting to the fight, the boy's speed once again challenged the human sight, ominous lightning advancing with ease from every inch of his body. Every move had a counterattack. The Elsyrean looked... way too excited for this.
  500. Despite that, a shimmering blow of occultism declared the end, coming from the roof, subjugating the target. Paralyzed, the winner is, undoubtedly, Caesar.
  502. The troublesome, reddish lightning retracted, coming back to his inner-self. Diverging from the past actions, calm footsteps ignored noise while heading towards the hooded woman. His hand extended, trying to remove her hood.
  504. "Well, a bet is a bet. I want my ten pieces of Mythril, heh!"
  505. (Caesar Valerius)
  506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. [11:34:49] Zoromon heaves a sigh and scratches his cheek before proceeding to step outside.
  509. (Zoromon)
  510. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. [11:36:32] She knocked his hand away before it reached her hood. "Never agreed to that," she said, speaking in simple terms. She reached within her cloak and gathered the ore. It was rather meaningless to her, but the commoners had an interest fascination with the material. She offered to him without hesitation; the rules of honor were clear when it came to combat.
  514. Losing was difficult for her to digest; it seemed like an impossibility. It nagged at her like some sort of parasite, twisting about in the back of her mind. She shook her head in an effort to regain her composure, letting out a long, deep breath.
  516. Her aura still burned around her, revitalized by the passion that raged in her heart. She still gripped her weapon tightly. Her emotions were rising, and she struggled to keep them in check. What she had done was already risky; however, the heat of the moment carried on her bad decisions.
  518. "Have more, if want to fight again."
  520. Death before dishonor, or however the saying went, but she wasn't quite that intense as of yet.
  521. (Zyanya)
  522. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  524. [11:36:32] Caesar Valerius says, "Ehhh... I wanted the hood..."
  525. [11:37:23] Zyanya says, "Will let fight for it."
  526. [11:37:23] Caesar Valerius says, "Not really worth it~~"
  527. [11:37:23] Zyanya nods.
  528. (Zyanya)
  529. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. [11:38:14] Caesar Valerius asks, "Sure?"
  532. [11:38:14] The woman had watched Caesar fight, her gaze tracking the moments. She felt like she was being torn apart. Why was she so weak? He had beat her so easily. Lotlhuitl couldn't stand any more of this.
  534. She left.
  535. (Lotlhuitl)
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