

Jun 13th, 2016
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  1. <Cezar> <txt Kali@Markus ~ I want a kitty :'( >
  2. <DarnellJermaine> <A kitty? They're cool I guess- never had pets. Why do you want one?>
  3. <Cezar> <I'm cuddling one right now, but he won't let me keep him>
  4. <DarnellJermaine> <Hahaha he told you that?> Silly Kali- cats don't talk!
  5. <Cezar> <Ya... he makes me sad.>
  6. <DarnellJermaine> <It's ok- animals aren't always cooperative. My mom hated cats and dogs- why we never had a pet haha>
  7. <Cezar> <But I want this kitty... he talks and likes cuddles...>
  8. <DarnellJermaine> <Talks? What do you mean, like a magic cat?>
  9. <Cezar> <Ya! Look!!> Kali sends a picture of her with this
  10. <DarnellJermaine> <Hey that's not a cat! Well, it is, but that's a person! A student here! What are you doing with him?>
  11. <Cezar> She's cuddling with him, of course. <He looked fluffy and I offered cuddles. He took it!>
  12. <DarnellJermaine> <Is that... another guy?> he hoped, really hoped that it was a girl or he was gay or something.
  13. <Cezar> <I guess? It's a boy! But he won't let me keep him! I wanna keep him T_T>
  14. <DarnellJermaine> No reply.
  15. <Cezar> <Markie!!>
  16. <DarnellJermaine> <What?>
  17. <Cezar> <I want a kitty!!>
  18. <DarnellJermaine> <A normal cat? Or that one...>
  19. <Cezar> <Something fluffy that I can cuddle!>
  20. <DarnellJermaine> No reply.
  21. <Cezar> And probably cut.
  22. <DarnellJermaine> D:
  23. <Cezar> <Hello?>
  24. <DarnellJermaine> No reply. (dun dun duuuunnn)
  25. <Cezar> <Where did you goo???>
  26. <DarnellJermaine> <What's his name?>
  27. <Cezar> <Ally! Why?>
  28. <DarnellJermaine> No reply.
  29. <Cezar> <Don't make me come over there.>
  30. <DarnellJermaine> No reply.
  31. <Cezar> Where is Markus?
  32. <DarnellJermaine> He's in his room atm- but he's packing stuff up rn. He's got plans >:3
  33. <Cezar> A red and orange light seeps in through the wall of his room.
  34. <DarnellJermaine> Markus is currently packing stuff into his backpack in a haste- looking furious.
  35. <Cezar> She forms behind him. "Markus!!" She yells.
  36. <DarnellJermaine> He looks up- more sad and frustrated than angry, "What?" he snaps back, stuffing his journal into his backpack and zipping it up.
  37. <Cezar> "What are you doing?"
  38. <DarnellJermaine> He doesn't answer, just slings on his backpack and begins to head out the door.
  39. <Cezar> Kali enters the door and it locks immediately. "Markus." She said in a calm voice, "Speak."
  40. <Cezar> (get on curse for ooc chat)
  41. <DarnellJermaine> umm sure 1 sec
  42. <DarnellJermaine> "I have nothing to say" he looks away from the direction her voice came from. He seems pretty frustrated- not even so much at Kali as with this... this cat boy-thing! Who the hell did he think he was?
  43. <Cezar> "Are you being a baby? Stop being a baby!" She ordered.
  44. <DarnellJermaine> "I'm not being a baby- I'm just not gonna let some cat thing take you away. I'm gonna go talk to him- and let's just say I hope words are enough for his sake"
  45. <Cezar> She left the door and reformed in front of him. "Don't worry about the cat. Your anger makes you weak."
  46. <Cezar> "Jealousy is pointless."
  47. <DarnellJermaine> "Well how am I supposed to feel about that?" he looks back at her- a sad look, really. "I thought you said you loved me. That's not how love is supposed to work"
  48. <Cezar> "I do." She said. "... But you keep getting angry and emotional about trivial things! I thought you wanted to be stronger. This is going backwards."
  49. <DarnellJermaine> He seems silently resigned- and once more attempts to get out the door. "We can talk about this AFTER I meet this 'Ally' guy"
  50. <Cezar> "Don't leave this room... when I'm talking."
  51. <DarnellJermaine> "Why? You gonna destory me? Do it! I don't care" he seems to mean what he's saying- oh Markus you angsty boy.
  52. <Cezar> "Destroy you? No.... no, I might just make you suffer. You arrogant child..." She glows a brighter and stronger red as everything around her freezes over. "Do you really want to anger me, human? I SHOW YOU MERCY, AND YOU THROW IT AWAY BECAUSE OF PETTY MORTAL EMOTIONS?" Her form grows as she glows brighter.
  53. <DarnellJermaine> He looks at her- a bit surprised by the outburst- but he doesn't like bullies. He stands his ground. "Yeah- I do. This is important to me." he stares her firmly in the eyes- probably a mistake Markus.
  54. <Cezar> There's an enormous blast of destructive energy that sends him flying across the room in a wave of heat. He's not burned, but the landing wasn't good at all. Papers fly around the room and everything is still cold.
  55. <Cezar> KAli is nowhere to be seen.
  56. <DarnellJermaine> He lies on the ground- clutching his chest and gasping for air. After a few seconds- he slowly gets up, coughing up a bit of blood. "So that's how it is? I guess I should've figured as much. Where did you go?" he looks around the room.
  57. <Cezar> The papers fall... and it's silent.
  58. <DarnellJermaine> (is she gone gone or just like unseeable?)
  59. <Cezar> The room slowly gets warmer.
  60. <DarnellJermaine> He gets up, limping a bit and clutching his chest as he looks around. "Where are you? Leaving after that?" there's a sadness in his voice- but he remains firm in his convictions.
  61. <Cezar> And just like that, the door swings open. Kali is on the other side with her body. She doesn't look angry... just... staring at him.
  62. <DarnellJermaine> He stares right on back at her, his gaze not moving away for a second. He doesn't say anything, just looks at her- a betrayed look- but not one that would elicit pity.
  63. <Cezar> Her expression falls into a frown. She falls against the door and starts crying.
  64. <DarnellJermaine> "Why are you crying?" he asks, now more confused than anything else. He walks a bit closer.
  65. <Cezar> "I-I d-don't want to hurt you, M-Markie... b-but the things you d-do... j-just..." She pulls up her legs and buries her face into her knees, tears streaming down her legs, now.
  66. <DarnellJermaine> He gets down on his knees and stares at her, getting a bit closer- until inches away from her. "I don't care that you blasted me like that- I don't care if you do that a thousand times if it makes you happy. What hurt me was seeing you with that...that /thing/. If you don't wanna hurt me, don't... don't be like that with other guys"
  67. <Cezar> Kali reached out and grabbed him by the collar - again, weak grip - her face was still wet with tears, "You don't want t-to be weak... I c-can show you how to be st-stronger..."
  68. <DarnellJermaine> "Kali... I love you" oh man he finally said it. "But I don't want to see anything like that again. If I do- I'll get stronger on my own. Or you can do what you want to me...but I don't want you to hurt me like that again"
  69. <Cezar> Kali let him go and fell over onto the floor. She cried a little, feeling defeated - or so that's how it looked.
  70. <DarnellJermaine> "Hey, come on. Answer me. Don't just..." he goes over and gives her a hug. "Come on- promise me you won't do stuff like that"
  71. <Cezar> "I-I love you too...." She says, sniffling, "I.... I-I don't understand why that h-hurts..."
  72. <DarnellJermaine> "Kali- I know that you're strong- different. I can never be like you, and I'm sorry for that. I know I have to get stronger- but just this- just this one thing I ask you and everything else I can do for you. Please, don't be with other guys like that. That's all I ask"
  73. <Cezar> "N-not even... G-gunnie?"
  74. <DarnellJermaine> "You're with...?" he sighs, trying to control himself. "Yes, not even Gunnie. I don't mind if you're friends with other guys but...don't treat them the same way you treat me"
  75. <Cezar> Kali pulls herself up and tries to hug him. "O-okay... I-i'll try..."
  76. <DarnellJermaine> Markus smiles, letting a few tears fall from his eyes as he goes to hug her. "Thank you. If you can promise me that...I'll leave this, 'Ally' guy alone"
  77. <Cezar> "H-hey Markie?"
  78. <DarnellJermaine> "Yeah? What is it?"
  79. <Cezar> "Even after what I did... you kept looking into my eyes..." Kali looked up at him, "... That's strong..."
  80. <DarnellJermaine> He smiles at her and leans in to kiss her, "Of course- how could I look away from someone as beautiful on the inside as you? It's why I want to be with you in the first place- you're strong- you're different"
  81. <Cezar> Kali kissed him with her wet lips. She was still teary.
  82. <DarnellJermaine> After he pulled away- he took his shirt and tried to awkwardly wipe the tears away from her face, "No need to cry anymore- everything is gonna be just fine"
  83. <Cezar> "Markie... I need you to do something for me..."
  84. <DarnellJermaine> "Ok- what's that?"
  85. <Cezar> She pulled out a knife from behind her back and handed it to him. It was like a kitchen knife.
  86. <DarnellJermaine> He takes it from her carefully, "What now?"
  87. <Cezar> "Stab me. In the heart."
  88. <DarnellJermaine> He stops for a moment- shaking. He knew that wasn't a part of her- that she'd be fine. But still. He couldn't he... Unless... Markus shivers for a moment- unsure what to do, before opening his mouth- enchanting his words, "It's ok for me to stab you" he enchants his words for the first time in his life- hoping this works. And it does...suddenly it seems perfectly fine- reasonable to do so. He nods
  89. <DarnellJermaine> and stabs her directly in the heart
  90. <DarnellJermaine> first time in his life... on himself*
  91. <Cezar> The moment he did, she started laughing. Blood trickled down the blade and she laughed even more. Kali looked at it and pulled the knife out with ease. Then, her skin began cracking and caving in to reveal a hollow body with orange and red energy swirling violently inside.
  92. <DarnellJermaine> Markus looked down at the hole- thankful he was correct- that she was still alive. He had never tried to do something like that before... use his power on himself. He stares at the hollowed hole- even if that may not be a good idea, examining the way it moves and twirls.
  93. <Cezar> As he looks into it, he will feel a twinge of fear. This was the very foundry of destruction and chaos. It was... absolute carnage. Insanity. Madness. Chaos. Darkness. It was a part of Kali's being. Her aura. But... concentrated.
  94. <DarnellJermaine> He begins to feel the fear- the chaos fill his body. He stares into it as long as he can before it starts to seriously do harm to him and looks back up at her eyes. "Woah..."
  95. <Cezar> "Stare long into the abyss... the abyss will stare back into you..." She told him.
  96. <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head, still staring into her eyes, "I can't stare forever now- but what I's beautiful. I will get to the point where I can stare deep...forever. It's all I want to see- once I can handle it"
  97. <Cezar> "You will never handle it. It will make you go insane..." She looked over at him, her eyes completely black, "You are a mortal, it will do such things. But... it has nothing to do with how weak you are."
  98. <DarnellJermaine> He nodded- understanding the situation. "Ok... but I'll still get stronger. For your sake- but for mine as well. I promise you that"
  99. * Disconnected (No such device or address)
  100. <Cezar> 7:02 PMΒ <Cezar>Β Kali took his arm and took the knife in her hand. She looked up at him for a moment.
  101. <DarnellJermaine_> He looked back at her- not daring to move his eyes from her gaze. "Well? Now what?" he asks, rather confused as to what comes next.
  102. <Cezar> She places the blade against his arm and watched his reaction.
  103. <DarnellJermaine_> He looks at her- and takes a deep breath. "It's ok if she hurts me" he says- once more enchanting his words. He nods, "Do it"
  104. <Cezar> Kali cut his arm. Deep. Yes... very deep. Blood was a big thing that happened here.
  105. <DarnellJermaine_> He winced- but he refused to yell out in pain. He was going to get stronger- he wasn't going to cry or yell- even though every fiber of his being wanted to. He grit his teeth and took it.
  106. <Cezar> Kali smiled brightly at him and caught the blood with two fingers. She pressed it up against her lips and giggled, leaning up to him and kissing him.
  107. <DarnellJermaine> Okay- definitely weird- but he still loved her- guess that came with it. He whispered to himself, "This is ok" and leaned in to her- the third time this night he had magically enchanted himself.
  108. <Cezar> It was a little bit of a makeout session. Very short makeout session, but she sat back and looked at him.
  109. <DarnellJermaine> He smiled and nodded at her, "That all said and done... you promise no other guys?"
  110. <Cezar> "You're the one and only, Markie~" She said, her eyes still glowing and his blood smeared on her lips. It was on his, too.
  111. <DarnellJermaine> He smiled back at her- staring into her eyes, and gave her a big hug. "Then this is ok. This school's gonna know what's up- this world's gonna know what's up. We're gonna be the strongest, after all"
  112. <Cezar> Kali shivered a bit as she saw another vision. It was her standing in front of a village. She released a wave of energy and mowed down everything in front of her... the people who looked at her reeled back and held their heads, as if seeing her made them go insane. Some even attacked other people, or banged their heads against broken walls, or impaled
  113. <Cezar> themselves. "... The strongest..."
  114. <DarnellJermaine> -scene eeeeeeend-
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