
RHCSA containers update

Sep 22nd, 2020
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  1. [student@podman ~]$ history
  2. 1 podman ps
  3. 2 sudo -i
  4. 3 podman ps
  5. 4 podman inspect nice_poitras | less
  6. 5 podman attach -it 66753de5a5e8
  7. 6 podman exec -i 66753de5a5e8 /bin/bash
  8. 7 podman exec -it 66753de5a5e8 /bin/bash
  9. 8 sudo -i
  10. 9 sudo yum module install container-tools
  11. 10 podman run nginx
  12. 11 podman run -d nginx
  13. 12 podman ps
  14. 13 podman ps --all
  15. 14 podman run ubuntu
  16. 15 podman ps
  17. 16 podman ps --all
  18. 17 podman run ubuntu cat /etc/os-release
  19. 18 uname -r
  20. 19 podman run ubuntu uname -r
  21. 20 podman run -it ubuntu
  22. 21 podman ps
  23. 22 podman run -it ubuntu
  24. 23 docker ps
  25. 24 podman ps
  26. 25 sudo yum install -y podman-docker
  27. 26 history
  28. 27 ps fax | less
  29. 28 sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf
  30. 29 podman login
  31. 30 sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf
  32. 31 podman login
  33. 32 podman run -it ubi
  34. 33 podman run -it ubi8/ubi
  35. 34 podman search fedora
  36. 35 podman search --no-trunc
  37. 36 skopeo inspect docker://
  38. 37 podman images
  39. 38 podman inspect | less
  40. 39 podman images
  41. 40 podman rmi
  42. 41 sudo podman run -dt -p 80:8080/tcp
  43. 42 podman ps
  44. 43 sudo podman run -d -p 80:8080/tcp
  45. 44 podman ps -a
  46. 45 sudo podman ps
  47. 46 sudo podman inspect cb96bf764bd9
  48. 47 sudo podman inspect cb96bf764bd9 | grep IP
  49. 48 ip a
  50. 49 history
  51. 50 podman ps
  52. 51 sudo podman ps
  53. 52 sudo podman inspect vigilant_hypatia | less
  54. 53 buildah from fedora:latest
  55. 54 buildah images
  56. 55 buildah containers
  57. 56 curl -sSL
  58. 57 ls
  59. 58 curl -sSL -o hello-2.10.tar.gz
  60. 59 ls
  61. 60 buildah copy fedora-working-container hello-2.10.tar.gz /tmp/
  62. 61 cont=fedora-working-container
  63. 62 buildah run $cont dnf install -y tar gcc make automake gettext
  64. 63 buildah run $cont dnf clean all
  65. 64 buildah run $cont tar xzvf /tmp/hello-2.10.tar.gz -C /opt
  66. 65 buildah config --workingdir /opt/hello-2.10 $cont
  67. 66 buildah run $cont ls
  68. 67 buildah run $cont ./configure
  69. 68 buildah run $cont autoreconf
  70. 69 buildah run $cont make
  71. 70 buildah run $cont ls
  72. 71 buildah run $cont cp hello /usr/local/bin/
  73. 72 buildah config --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/hello $cont
  74. 73 buildah commit --format docker $cont hello:latest
  75. 74 podman images
  76. 75 buildah rm $cont
  77. 76 podman run localhost/hello
  78. 77 history
  79. 78 podman run mysql
  80. 79 podman run -d mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=book -p 3306:3306
  81. 80 podman run -d -v /webfiles:/webfiles nginx
  82. 81 sudo mkdir /webfiles
  83. 82 podman run -d -v /webfiles:/webfiles nginx
  84. 83 podman ps
  85. 84 sudo -i
  86. 85 podman kill dreamy_kilby
  87. 86 podman run -d -v /webfiles:/webfiles:Z nginx
  88. 87 sudo chown student /webfiles
  89. 88 sudo ls -ldZ /webfiles/
  90. 89 podman run -d -v /webfiles:/webfiles:Z nginx
  91. 90 sudo ls -ldZ /webfiles/
  92. 91 sudo loginctl enable-linger student
  93. 92 sudo loginctl status student
  94. 93 sudo loginctl show-user student
  95. 94 podman ps
  96. 95 podman generate systemd --name serene_lamarr --files
  97. 96 vim container-serene_lamarr.service
  98. 97 ls -a
  99. 98 cd .config/
  100. 99 ls
  101. 100 mkdir -p systemd/user
  102. 101 cp ../container-serene_lamarr.service systemd/user/
  103. 102 systemctl --user daemon-reload
  104. 103 systemctl --user enable container-serene_lamarr.service
  105. 104 sudo reboot
  106. 105 podman ps
  107. 106 systemctl --user status container-serene_lamar.service
  108. 107 systemctl --user status container-serene_lamarr.service
  109. 108 systemctl --user start container-serene_lamarr.service
  110. 109 systemctl --user status container-serene_lamarr.service
  111. 110 sudo loginctl show-user student
  112. 111 man -k systemd | grep user
  113. 112 history
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