

May 12th, 2017
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  1. : I'm kinda losing my shit here...
  2. [12:48 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Here's why.
  3. [12:48 AM] Morgan James Gavin: I think Catch 33 is only just scratching the surface topics about what the hell is getting up everyones asses...
  4. [12:49 AM] Morgan James Gavin: It's hard to explain... but I'll do my best.
  5. [12:49 AM] Morgan James Gavin: All commentary channels cover the same damned stories, "Who's fucking who?" "Who's screwing over what person in which way over what reason and why?" "Zoe fucking burger"
  6. [12:52 AM] Morgan James Gavin: It's boring, trite, and I expect more from you three. Instead of getting into the fucking meat of the matter, no, fuck the meat, everyone eats the eat, get to the fucking bone marrow, THAT'S where the stories at, don't just settle for the meat and call it a day. Instead of just yapping your asses off about what the fuck is going on with some idjit or another, talk more about the fucking coporate side of shit, talk business rather than be another fucking two bit ass hatted gossip channel with nothing going for you other tan some finely tuned sliding animation.
  7. [12:52 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Talk more of the why's and how's, not just the who's and what's.
  8. [12:54 AM] Morgan James Gavin: After a while, everything just starts to sound the same, and boring, and ineffectual, and oblique and... fucking ay... the same. Everyone sounds the fucking same, over and over and over and over and over again, and there's never any real change, no progress, just a bunch of three bit vultures trying to fuck a ten bit corpse of a story that four billion other one bit commentators who already jacked into.
  9. [12:56 AM] Morgan James Gavin: take the no one else tries, get THAT persons story, try THAT angle, no matter how risky or boring it might seem to you, GO for it, try to strive for something more than just another version of the fucking Enquirer, for fucks sake, we've got enough of snarky ass hats, laughing stock has beens from failed canadian talk shows and whatever the fuck the third wheels supposed to be.
  10. [12:59 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Do something more than what you currently are in a way no one else is and from there you'll see some fucking change. FUCK. but what the fuck do I know? Been born and raised around tech and employees of highly respected websites for most of my life and yet only thing I've got going ais a temporary fame bump from a fucking Leonidas failure who injects his ass with more Gfuel than a gay porn star at a lube'n'slip'n'slide contest for being mistaken for a famous commentator that does show his face and everyone thinks is either a fucking mime or the worlds first example of what the real Xmen may become.
  11. [1:00 AM] Harambe: Woah
  12. [1:01 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Meanwhile I let myself become a fucking joke, a meme, an annoying orange given human form and insulted regularly by british fuckwits that have nothing better to do than waste whatever precious fucking oxygen intheir lungs berating people they know fucking nothing about because what the fuck else is there to do in this fucked up world where everyones going to fucking die in a hail of radiation and howdy fucking doody commercials BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK SHOULD MY OPINION MATTER!?!@?
  13. [1:02 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Calming down for a minute.
  14. [1:05 AM] Morgan James Gavin: Okay, the main criticism being, stop being the other group commentators and find a way to break on through to the upper sides. kinda lost my damned head there for a minute, Redbull gives you rage, something like that, think on it... not me losing my damned head, but the other stuff, relevant to you guys and what's going on in your little orbits... or large orbits, I don't fucking know anymore...
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