
WAF Bypass explanation -toshi

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. So today I have decided to share my knowledge just a little.
  2. Why we need use 50000,12345,00000 in /*! */ ?
  3. Now I wanna share something interesting for you which is part of SQLi.
  4. Only for newbies. Usually we use /*!12345*/ like that for bypassing WAF.
  5. Do you know the logic behind this why we use 12345?
  6. Today I'm telling you the actual meaning of this,
  7. but first after reading this comment what you know
  8. before the meaning of that use 12345.00000,50000.
  9. Actually we use 12345 because when we write this it execute the MySQL
  10. version up to 5. I mean if your MySQL version is up to 5 then you
  11. can use 00000,12345, 50000 or even you can use 56000 but if the
  12. version of MySQL is 5.6 or something. So it means that 12345 numbers
  13. is related to MySQL version.
  15. 12345 means =>
  16. 1.23.4500000 means =>
  17. 0.00.0050000 means =>
  18. 5.00.0056000 means =>
  19. 5.60.00
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