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- ###########################################################################################################################
- ### ###
- ### Motion-Compensated Temporal Denoise: MCTD() ###
- ### ###
- ### v1.4.20 by "LaTo INV.", mod4.2 by 06_taro mod4.3 by AmjadSONY ###
- ### ###
- ### 08 may 2013 ###
- ### ###
- ###########################################################################################################################
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### /!\ Needed filters: MVTools (v2.5.11.3/v2.6.0.4), MaskTools (v2.0a48),
- ### ------------------- LSFmod (v1.9), FFT3Dgpu (v0.8.2) or FFT3Dfilter (v2.1.1),
- ### TTempsmooth (v0.9.4), RemoveGrain + Repair (v1.0PR),
- ### Deblock (v1.2), Deblock_QED (29.Nov.2011), DctFilter (v0.0.1.4),
- ### EEDI2 (v0.9.2), SangNom (v1.0beta),
- ### GradFun2DBmod (v1.5), GradFun2db (v1.0), AddGrainC (v1.6.1),
- ### Dither(v1.18.1).
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### USAGE: MCTD(i, radius, sigma, twopass, useTTmpSm, limit, limitC, limit2, limitC2, post, chroma, interlaced, refine, pMode,
- ### sharp, adapt, strength, SHmode, SHmethod, Slimit, Sovershoot, Tlimit, Tovershoot, ssource, shF,
- ### protect, cutoff, threshold, maxdiff,
- ### AA, useEEDI2, reduc, maxd, AAthr, method, aaF,
- ### deblock, useQED, quant1, quant2,
- ### edgeclean, ECrad, ECthr, ECmode,
- ### stabilize, maxr, lthresh, cthresh, TTstr, stF,
- ### enhance, GFthr, AGstr, bias, temp, dbF,
- ### bwbh, owoh, blksize, overlap,
- ### GPU, fixband, bt, ncpu, precision,
- ### thSAD, thSAD2, thSCD1, thSCD2,
- ### truemotion, MVglobal, pel, pelsearch, search, searchparam, MVsharp, DCT,
- ### p, settings, useMMask,
- ### show, screenW, screenH,
- ### p1nr, p2nr, ppnr, pp)
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### -----------
- ###
- ### +---------+
- ### | DENOISE |
- ### +---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | radius : Temporal radius [1...6] |
- ### | sigma : FFT3D sigma for the pre-filtering clip [0=no pre-filtering,1...] |
- ### | twopass : Do the denoising job in 2 stages (stronger but very slow) |
- ### | useTTmpSm : Use MDegrain (faster) or MCompensate+TTempsmooth (stronger) |
- ### | limit : Limit the effect of the first denoising [-2=luma-adaptive-auto,-1=auto,0=off,1...255] |
- ### | limitC : Limit the effect of the first denoising on chroma planes +--same--+ |
- ### | limit2 : Limit the effect of the second denoising (if twopass=true) | as | |
- ### | limit2 : Limit the effect of the second denoising on chroma planes (if twopass=true) +-limit--+ |
- ### | post : Sigma value for post-denoising with FFT3D (before all the PP stage) [0=off,...] |
- ### | /!\ Absolute value is taken, i.e., post=-2 is valid |
- ### | /!\ When post < 0, do not apply gradfun2db after post-denoising even if fixband==true |
- ### | chroma : Process or not the chroma plane |
- ### | interlaced : Input video interlaced or not |
- ### | refine : Refines and recalculate the analyzed motion vector for more robust result or not |
- ### | pMode : pre-filter mode (0 = off |
- ### | 1 = Luma-adaptive prefilter to bias to protect dark edges |
- ### | 2 = 1 plus expanding TV range to PC range for easier motion estimate) |
- ### | p1nr : Use your own denoising filter instead of internal MDegrain/TTempsmooth in the 1st pass |
- ### | p2nr : Use your own denoising filter instead of internal MDegrain/TTempsmooth in the 2nd pass |
- ### | ppnr : Use your own denoising filter instead of internal FFT3D in post-denoising |
- ### | (Set your filter in string, e.g., p1nr="FluxSmoothST(7, 7)") |
- ### +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +-------+
- ### | SHARP |
- ### +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | sharp : Enable Post-Sharpening (Spatial-Sharpening + Motion-compensated temporal limiting) |
- ### | adapt : Adaptative sharpening --> sharp only static & detailed areas, prevents grain sharpening & save much bitrate (+-10/15%) |
- ### | strength : Sharpening strength ( see LSFmod: strength ) |
- ### | SHmode : Sharpening mode ( see LSFmod: Smode ) |
- ### | SHmethod : Sharpening method ( see LSFmod: Smethod ) |
- ### | Slimit : Spatial limiting ( see LSFmod: Lmode ) |
- ### | Sovershoot : Spatial overshoot ( see LSFmod: overshoot ) |
- ### | Tlimit : Temporal limiting (Motion compensated, clamp output to Tovershoot) |
- ### | Tovershoot : Temporal overshoot, = Maximum sharpening excess allowed (If Tovershoot=0, don't sharp more than the original clip.) |
- ### | /!\ If you set Tovershoot>0, be sure that Slimit!=0 (to not over-enhance edges... Slimit=2 is a good compromise) |
- ### | ssource : Can be either clip or bool |
- ### | If ssource is defined as a clip, MCTD doesn't sharp more a denoised clip than this ssource clip ( see LSFmod: source ) |
- ### | If ssource is bool and is True, MCTD doesn't sharp more a denoised clip than this the input clip |
- ### | shF : Use your own sharpening filter instead of internal LSFmod (Set your filter in string, e.g., shF="Sharpen(0.3)") |
- ### +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +---------------------------------+
- ### +---------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | protect : Enable star & bright points protection |
- ### | cutoff : Luma cutoff (process only brighter areas than this value) [0=all,1...255] |
- ### | threshold : Luma threshold (minimal change needed to be filtered, the higher = the lesser areas are filtered) [0...127] |
- ### | maxdiff : Maximum change allowed between source and result (the lesser, the brighter) [0=source,1...255] |
- ### +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +--------------+
- ### +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | AA : Enable antialiasing (only on edges) |
- ### | useEEDI2 : If true use EEDI2 filtering, else use SANGNOM filtering |
- ### | reduc : MC-soothe reduc parameter, reduc==-1 turn off "MC-antialiasing" [-1=off,0.0...1.0] |
- ### | maxd : If EEDI2 is used it's his maxd setting, if SANGNOM is used it's his AA setting (see docs of these filters) |
- ### | AAthr : Threshold for mask (the higher, the less "small edges" are processed) [0...255] |
- ### | method : Sharpness for downsize [0=bilinear,1=spline36,2=lanczos4] |
- ### | aaF : Use your own anti-aliasing filter instead of internal SANGNOM/EEDI2 (Set your filter in string, e.g., aaF="Sangnom(48)") |
- ### +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +---------+
- ### | DEBLOCK |
- ### +---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | deblock : Enable deblocking before the denoising |
- ### | useQED : If true, use Deblock_QED, else use Deblock (faster & stronger) |
- ### | quant1 : Deblock_QED "quant1" parameter (Deblock "quant" parameter is "(quant1+quant2)/2") |
- ### | quant2 : Deblock_QED "quant2" parameter (Deblock "quant" parameter is "(quant1+quant2)/2") |
- ### +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +------------------------------+
- ### +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | edgeclean : Enable safe edgeclean process after the denoising (only on edges which are in non-detailed areas, so less detail loss) |
- ### | ECrad : Radius for mask (the higher, the greater distance from the edge is filtered) |
- ### | ECthr : Threshold for mask (the higher, the less "small edges" are process) [0...255] |
- ### | ECmode : Script/Filter used for cleaning edges (ex: "dfttest().dehalo_alpha()", don't forget quotes "") |
- ### +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +-----------+
- ### | STABILIZE |
- ### +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | stabilize : Enable TTempSmooth post processing to stabilize flat areas (background will be less "nervous") |
- ### | maxr : Temporal radius (the higher, the more stable image) |
- ### | lthresh : luma and motion thesholds (see TTempSmooth docs) |
- ### | cthresh : chroma and motion thesholds (see TTempSmooth docs) |
- ### | TTstr : Strength (see TTempSmooth docs) |
- ### | stF : Use your own stabilizing filter instead of internal TTempSmoothF (Set your filter in string) |
- ### +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +---------+
- ### | ENHANCE |
- ### +---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | enhance : Enable GradFun2DBmod post processing to enhance flat areas (may avoid banding & blocking when encoding too) |
- ### | GFthr : Gradfun2db threshold [1.0=off,...] |
- ### | AGstr : AddGrain strength [0.0=off,...] |
- ### | bias : Brightness bias for adaptative grain mask (the higher, the less grain in dark areas & the more grain in bright areas) [-1=off,0=input,1...254,255=invert] |
- ### | temp : Temporal stabilization for grain (the higher, the more calm) [0=nervous,...,100=static] |
- ### | dbF : Use your own debanding filter instead of internal GradFun2dbmod (Set your filter in string, e.g., dbF="f3kdb(31, 32, 0, 0)") |
- ### | - filter with stacked 16-bit output is allowed, e.g., dbF="f3kdb(output_depth=16, output_mode=1)" |
- ### +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +---------------------+
- ### +---------------------+----------------+
- ### | bwbh : FFT3D blocksize |
- ### | owoh : FFT3D overlap |
- ### | - for speed: bwbh/4 |
- ### | - for quality: bwbh/2 |
- ### | blksize : MVTools blocksize |
- ### | overlap : MVTools overlap |
- ### | - for speed: blksize/4 |
- ### | - for quality: blksize/2 |
- ### +--------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +-------+
- ### | FFT3D |
- ### +-------+---------------------------------------+
- ### | GPU : Use FFT3Dgpu instead of FFT3Dfilter |
- ### | fixband : Prevent banding issue with FFT3D |
- ### +---------------------------------------+-------+
- ### | bt : FFT3D block temporal size |
- ### | ncpu : FFT3Dfilter ncpu |
- ### | precision : FFT3Dgpu precision |
- ### +---------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +---------+
- ### | MVTOOLS |
- ### +---------+----------------------------------------------------+
- ### | thSAD : MVTools thSAD for the first pass |
- ### | thSAD2 : MVTools thSAD for the second pass (if twopass=true) |
- ### | thSCD1 : MVTools thSCD1 |
- ### | thSCD2 : MVTools thSCD2 |
- ### +-----------------------------------+--------------------------+
- ### | truemotion : MVTools truemotion |
- ### | MVglobal : MVTools global |
- ### | pel : MVTools pel |
- ### | pelsearch : MVTools pelsearch |
- ### | search : MVTools search |
- ### | searchparam : MVTools searchparam |
- ### | MVsharp : MVTools sharp |
- ### | DCT : MVTools DCT |
- ### +-----------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +--------+
- ### | GLOBAL |
- ### +--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ### | p : Set an external prefilter clip |
- ### | settings : Global MCTD settings [default="low"] |
- ### | - "very low" |
- ### | - "low" |
- ### | - "medium" |
- ### | - "high" |
- ### | - "very high" |
- ### | useMMask : Enable motion mask for sharp/stabilize/enhance along with edge mask [default=true] |
- ### | pp : Enable MCTDmod_PP for post-processing [default=true] |
- ### +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ### +-------+
- ### | DEBUG |
- ### +-------+------------------------------------------------+
- ### | show : Show debug clip & informations |
- ### | screenW : Screen horizontal resolution (for show clip) |
- ### | screenH : Screen vertical resolution (for show clip) |
- ### +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### ---------
- ###
- ### +-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | radius | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
- ### | sigma | 2 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16 |
- ### | twopass | false | false | false | true | true |
- ### | useTTmpSm | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | limit | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
- ### | limitC | same as limit | same as limit | same as limit | same as limit | same as limit |
- ### | limit2 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | limitC2 | same as limit2 | same as limit2 | same as limit2 | same as limit2 | same as limit2 |
- ### | post | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | chroma | false | false | true | true | true |
- ### | interlaced | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | refine | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | pMode | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | sharp | true | true | true | true | true |
- ### | adapt | true | true | true | true | true |
- ### | strength | 100 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 200 |
- ### | SHmode | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
- ### | SHmethod | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
- ### | Slimit | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | Sovershoot | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | Tlimit | true | true | true | true | true |
- ### | Tovershoot | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | ssource | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | shF | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | protect | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | cutoff | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 |
- ### | threshold | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
- ### | maxdiff | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | AA | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | useEEDI2 | true | true | false | false | false |
- ### | reduc | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
- ### | maxd | 24 | 24 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
- ### | AAthr | 64 | 32 | 32 | 16 | 16 |
- ### | method | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
- ### | aaF | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | deblock | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | useQED | true | true | true | false | false |
- ### | quant1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 40 |
- ### | quant2 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 60 | 80 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | edgeclean | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | ECrad | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
- ### | ECthr | 32 | 32 | 32 | 16 | 16 |
- ### | ECmode | "Removegrain(2,0)" | "Removegrain(2,0)" | "Removegrain(2,2)" | "Removegrain(4,4)" | "Removegrain(4,4)" |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | stabilize | false | false | false | true | true |
- ### | maxr | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | lthresh | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
- ### | cthresh | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
- ### | TTstr | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | stF | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | enhance | true | true | false | false | false |
- ### | GFthr | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.8 |
- ### | AGstr | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.8 | 2.4 |
- ### | bias | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 |
- ### | temp | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
- ### | dbF | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" | "internal" |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | bwbh | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 |
- ### | owoh | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 |
- ### | blksize | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 | HD?16:8 |
- ### | overlap | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 | HD? 8:4 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | GPU | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | fixband | true | true | true | true | true |
- ### | bt | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
- ### | ncpu | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- ### | precision | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | thSAD | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 |
- ### | thSAD2 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 |
- ### | thSCD1 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 |
- ### | thSCD2 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 130 | 130 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | truemotion | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | MVglobal | true | true | true | true | true |
- ### | pel | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | pelsearch | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | search | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | searchparam | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
- ### | MVsharp | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
- ### | DCT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ### |-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------|
- ### | show | false | false | false | false | false |
- ### | screenW | 1280 | 1280 | 1280 | 1280 | 1280 |
- ### | screenH | 1024 | 1024 | 1024 | 1024 | 1024 |
- ### +-------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------------+
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### MCTD's Post Processor :
- ### ------------------------------------
- ###
- ### USAGE: MCTDmod_PP( denoised, source,
- ### sharp, adapt, strength, SHmode, SHmethod, Slimit, Sovershoot, Tlimit, Tovershoot, ssource, shF,
- ### protect, cutoff, threshold, maxdiff,
- ### AA, useEEDI2, reduc, maxd, AAthr, method, aaF,
- ### deblock, useQED, quant1, quant2,
- ### edgeclean, ECrad, ECthr, ECmode,
- ### stabilize, maxr, lthresh, cthresh, TTstr, stF,
- ### enhance, GFthr, AGstr, bias, temp, dbF,
- ### chroma, settings, useMMask )
- ###
- ### This is the post-processor used internally in MCTD.
- ### It can be called externally if you want some specific functionality without denoising.
- ###
- ### Parameters & defaults are the same as MCTD.
- ### By default, all filters are OFF!
- ###
- ### "Sharp" & "Protect" options need 2 inputs:
- ### EX: source=last
- ### denoised=source.FFT3Dfilter()
- ### MCTDmod_PP(denoised,source,...)
- ### The others only need "denoised".
- ###
- ###
- ###
- ### ----------
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod4.3: fix ""I don't know what "refine" means"" When the MCTemporalDenoise and MCTD in auto-load folder
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod4.2: fix documents and code comments of pMode
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod4.1: recalculate motion vectors for the second pass if refine=True
- ### recalculate motion masks and motion compensated frames of delta=1 for the second pass properly
- ### try to use native MDegrainN when radius > 3, but still keep backward capability with official mvtools2
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod4: rework on pMode's adaptive pre-filter, use [0:255 16:255 75:0 255:0] gradient mask map instead of [0:x bias:255 255:y](x=0 or y=0)
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.8: only use the finest hierarchical level for MSuper when capable
- ### added "refine" to recalculate super clip for more robust motion estimation
- ### added "pMode" to use adaptviely pre-filtered or even range-expanded clip for motion search
- ### added negative "sigma" value to use dfttest as a frequency-based adaptive pre-filter
- ### separate "limitC" and "limitC2" from "limit" and "limit2" to define different limit value for chroma planes
- ### added -2 for limit* to use luma-adaptive auto-limit mode
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.7: bug fixes
- ### added "ssource" as lsfmod's "source" clip
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.6: adjusted merge16_8 usage to latest version of dither package
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.5: now accept negative value of post as sigma ( was only used to define whether fixband is used on post-denoise, and must be used with custom "ppnr" )
- ### added "useMMask" in MCTD to turn motion mask on/off for sharpen/stabilize/enhance
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.4: fully supported Y/U/V in -65535~5 of MCPP_merge16_8, although MCTDmod_PP only needs value of 1/3
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.3: added "stF" to allow custom stabilizing filter
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.2: made lthresh/cthresh changeable
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3.1: added "useMMask" in MCTDmod_PP to turn motion mask on/off for sharpen/stabilize/enhance
- ### changed the type of "sigma" from int to float
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod3: fixed scene change frames not being filtered correctly with sharp/stabilize/enhance
- ### added "pp" in MCTD to turn all post-processing in MCTDmod_PP off
- ### supported stacked 16-bit output for custom "dbF" ( mainly implemented by SAPikachu )
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod2: removed deblock mod16 warnings when deblock=true, pad and crop internally
- ### updated Deblock_QED with custom bug fix
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 mod : added "p1nr", "p2nr", "ppnr", "shF", "aaF", "dbF" to allow custom filters
- ###
- ### v1.4.20 : tweaked some settings
- ### updated QED_Deblock version
- ###
- ### v1.4.18 : fixed anti-aliasing PP (was broken since v1.4.07)
- ### updated MVTools-MaskTools-AddgrainC version
- ###
- ### v1.4.16 : added switch to avoid loading of unused filters
- ### fixed a bug in anti-aliasing part
- ###
- ### v1.4.08 : fixed MOD16 warning when deblock=true
- ###
- ### v1.4.07 : improved masking in PP-stage
- ### cleaned code (cosmetic)
- ###
- ### v1.4.00 : fixed bug with maxdiff=0
- ### fixed speed issue in MCTemporalDenoisePP (+20%)
- ### added "deblock" to MCTemporalDenoisePP
- ### changed "flat" to "enhance"
- ### cleaned and optimized all the code
- ### changed some settings
- ### updated documentation
- ###
- ### v1.3.09 : added MOD4 restriction
- ### updated MVTools version
- ###
- ### v1.3.00 : added a post-denoising stage (see "post")
- ### fixed a bug with fixFFT3D and defined p clip
- ### changed "very high" to be less insane
- ### renamed fixFFT3D to fixband
- ### cleaned some stuff
- ### adapted to LSFmod v1.8
- ###
- ### v1.2.02 : changed default gpu=true to gpu=false (set gpu=true if you want speed!!!)
- ### adapted to LSFmod v1.7
- ###
- ### v1.2.00 : adapted for LSFmod v1.6 & GradFun2DBmod v1.3
- ### changed sharp int->bool (deleted sharp=1)
- ###
- ### v1.1.27 : fixed a bug in MCTemporalDenoisePP with chroma=false
- ### adapted for LSFmod v1.5
- ###
- ### v1.1.26 : changed "flat" post-processing to use GradFun2DBmod
- ### changed int->float for AGstr
- ### fixed a small bug in AA
- ###
- ### v1.1.24 : fixed a chroma bug with PP
- ###
- ### v1.1.23 : adapted script for MvTools v2.3.0 (deleted MT & idx parameters)
- ### changed MCTemporalDenoisePP's defaults (now the same as MCTemporalDenoise)
- ### deleted safe parameter (slow & useless)
- ### changed some minor things
- ###
- ### v1.0.03 : fixed a bug in MCTemporalDenoisePP
- ###
- ### v1.0.02 : changed defaults according to new LSFmod v1.2
- ###
- ### v1.0.01 : fixed a speed issue in MCTemporalDenoisePP (introduced in beta5)
- ### changed documentation about MCTemporalDenoisePP
- ###
- ### v1.0.00 : first stable version
- ### changed sharp=2, need LSFmod v1.0 !
- ### fixed a bug introduced in beta5
- ###
- ### 1.0beta5: added new sharpening routine & deleted LSF (SHmode,Slimit,Sovershoot,Tlimit,Tovershoot)
- ### changed some code (cosmetic)
- ###
- ### 1.0beta4: changed some descriptions & blksize default (submitted by Didée)
- ### added auto blksize setting (16:HD & 8:SD, if you want speed use 16)
- ###
- ### 1.0beta3: all post-processing filters are now usable as a standalone function (MCTemporalDenoisePP)
- ### added MC-antialiasing (see reduc parameter)
- ###
- ### 1.0beta2: fixed MOD16 restriction (effective only if deblock=true)
- ### small speedup/fix with limit>0 and/or protect=true&maxdiff>0
- ### added warning about GPU & MT in the documentation
- ###
- ### 1.0beta1: changed name Udegrain --> MCTemporalDenoise (to be more specific and avoid confusion with chroma)
- ### added the choice to use MDegrain (since the chroma bug in MDegrain is fixed, +50% speed)
- ### added twopass option to do the denoising job in two stage (very effective but slow)
- ### added MT parameter for MVTools (be careful +- unstable)
- ### added fixFFT3D parameter to prevent banding/posterize with limit=-1
- ### added stabilize options (stabilize,maxr,TTstr)
- ### added deblock options (deblock,useQED,quant1,quant2)
- ### added new presets "light"(=low)/"heavy"(=medium) --> 5 presets (very high is 'a bit' extrem)
- ### added check/warning for some settings
- ### added thSAD2 & limit2 parameters for twopass=true
- ### added overrange parameter for controling sharpness (useful for sharpening more than the source)
- ### changed +- much code to implement twopass/MDegrain/MT, should be bug free (I hope)
- ### changed sharp->MVsharp & post->sharp
- ### changed "light Smode4" --> LimitedSharpenFaster for sharp=2 (strength,Smode,overshoot)
- ### reduced max radius to 6
- ### optimized chroma in PP stage (+20% with all PP on)
- ### fixed a bug with external p clip
- ### fixed a bug in Star&Bright Point Protection with maxdiff>0
- ### added YV12&MOD16 restriction
- ### changed some settings due to new presets
- ### restriction when using MT=true: bt=1 in FFT3Dgpu & plane=4 in MDegrainMulti (will be removed when fixed)
- ###
- ### v0.9.05a: changed version number: vX.XX branch -> v0.X.XX branch
- ### added AA options (AA,useEEDI2,maxd,AAthr,method)
- ### changed dering --> edgeclean: you can now use your own script
- ### fixed bug with show=true
- ### fixed bug with chroma in PP stage
- ### fixed omission with chroma=false in MAnalyse
- ### changed some settings
- ### added changelog in .avsi
- ###
- ### v0.9.01a: added adapt & SS for sharpening
- ### added dering option (dering, DRGrad, DRGthr, RGmode)
- ### added flat areas processing (flat, AGstr, GFthr, bias)
- ### added modX(=blocksize) checking
- ### changed some default settings
- ### updated documentation in .avsi
- ###
- ### v0.8.08c: fixed bug with chroma=false & interlaced=true
- ###
- ### v0.8.08b: added mocomp contra-sharpening (basic contra-sharpening always usable)
- ###
- ### v0.7.29a: added star & bright points protection
- ### changed some default options
- ### added more options for FFT3D
- ### added YV12 checking
- ###
- ### v0.7.25a: changed to chroma=false for light settings
- ### added temporal limiter for sharpening
- ###
- ### v0.7.24a: replaced blankclip by nop
- ###
- ### v0.7.23a: first public release
- ###
- ####################################################################################################################################
- function MCTD( clip i, int "radius", float "sigma", bool "twopass", bool "useTTmpSm", int "limit", int "limitC", int "limit2", int "limitC2", float "post",
- \ bool "chroma", bool "interlaced", bool "refine", int "pMode",
- \ bool "sharp", bool "adapt", int "strength", int "SHmode", int "SHmethod", int "Slimit", int "Sovershoot", bool "Tlimit", int "Tovershoot", val "ssource", string "shF",
- \ bool "protect", int "cutoff", int "threshold", int "maxdiff",
- \ bool "AA", bool "useEEDI2", float "reduc", int "maxd", int "AAthr", int "method", string "aaF",
- \ bool "deblock", bool "useQED", int "quant1", int "quant2",
- \ bool "edgeclean", int "ECrad", int "ECthr", string "ECmode",
- \ bool "stabilize", int "maxr", int "lthresh", int "cthresh", int "TTstr", string "stF",
- \ bool "enhance", float "GFthr", float "AGstr", int "bias", int "temp", string "dbF",
- \ int "bwbh", int "owoh", int "blksize", int "overlap",
- \ bool "GPU", bool "fixband", int "bt", int "ncpu", int "precision",
- \ int "thSAD", int "thSAD2", int "thSCD1", int "thSCD2",
- \ bool "truemotion", bool "MVglobal", int "pel", int "pelsearch", int "search", int "searchparam", int "MVsharp", int "DCT",
- \ clip "p", string "settings", bool "useMMask",
- \ bool "show", int "screenW", int "screenH",
- \ string "p1nr", string "p2nr", string "ppnr", bool "pp" )
- {
- version = "v1.4.20 mod3.8"
- Assert(isYV12(i) == True ? true : false, chr(10) + "This is not an YV12 clip ! Please convert color space to YV12 before using MCTD()" + chr(10))
- settings = Default(settings, "low")
- useMMask = Default(useMMask, true)
- pp = Default(pp, true)
- settings_num = -1
- settings_num = (settings == "very low") ? 0 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "low") ? 1 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "medium") ? 2 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "high") ? 3 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "very high") ? 4 : settings_num
- Assert(settings_num >=0 ? true : false, chr(10) + "These settings do not exist !" + chr(10))
- function MCTDmod_Defaults(clip clp, int "settings_num", string "setting")
- {
- HD = (clp.width > 1024 || clp.height > 576) ? true : false
- radius = Select(settings_num, 1 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 3 )
- sigma = Select(settings_num, 2 , 4 , 8 , 12 , 16 )
- twopass = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , true , true )
- useTTmpSm = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- limit = Select(settings_num, -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , 0 )
- limit2 = Select(settings_num, -1 , -1 , -1 , 0 , 0 )
- post = Select(settings_num, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
- chroma = Select(settings_num, false , false , true , true , true )
- interlaced = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- refine = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- pMode = Select(settings_num, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
- sharp = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , true , true )
- adapt = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , true , true )
- strength = Select(settings_num, 100 , 100 , 150 , 200 , 200 )
- SHmode = Select(settings_num, 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 )
- SHmethod = Select(settings_num, 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 )
- Slimit = Select(settings_num, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
- Sovershoot = Select(settings_num, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
- Tlimit = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , true , true )
- Tovershoot = Select(settings_num, 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 0 )
- ssource = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- shF = Select(settings_num, "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" )
- protect = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- cutoff = Select(settings_num, 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 )
- threshold = Select(settings_num, 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 )
- maxdiff = Select(settings_num, 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 )
- AA = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- useEEDI2 = Select(settings_num, true , true , false , false , false )
- reduc = Select(settings_num, 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 )
- maxd = Select(settings_num, 24 , 24 , 48 , 48 , 48 )
- AAthr = Select(settings_num, 64 , 32 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
- method = Select(settings_num, 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 )
- aaF = Select(settings_num, "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" )
- deblock = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- useQED = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , false , false )
- quant1 = Select(settings_num, 10 , 20 , 30 , 30 , 40 )
- quant2 = Select(settings_num, 20 , 40 , 60 , 60 , 80 )
- edgeclean = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- ECrad = Select(settings_num, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )
- ECthr = Select(settings_num, 64 , 32 , 32 , 16 , 16 )
- ECmode = Select(settings_num, "Removegrain(2,0)" , "Removegrain(2,0)" , "Removegrain(2,2)" , "Removegrain(4,4)" , "Removegrain(4,4)" )
- stabilize = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , true , true )
- maxr = Select(settings_num, 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- lthresh = Select(settings_num, 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 )
- cthresh = Select(settings_num, 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 )
- TTstr = Select(settings_num, 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 )
- stF = Select(settings_num, "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" )
- enhance = Select(settings_num, true , true , false , false , false )
- GFthr = Select(settings_num, 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.4 , 1.6 , 1.8 )
- AGstr = Select(settings_num, 0.6 , 0.8 , 1.2 , 1.8 , 2.4 )
- bias = Select(settings_num, 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 )
- temp = Select(settings_num, 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 )
- dbF = Select(settings_num, "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" , "internal" )
- bwbh = Select(settings_num, HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 )
- owoh = Select(settings_num, HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 )
- blksize = Select(settings_num, HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 , HD?16:8 )
- overlap = Select(settings_num, HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 , HD? 8:4 )
- GPU = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- fixband = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , true , true )
- bt = Select(settings_num, 1 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 4 )
- ncpu = Select(settings_num, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
- precision = Select(settings_num, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- thSAD = Select(settings_num, 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 )
- thSAD2 = Select(settings_num, 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 )
- thSCD1 = Select(settings_num, 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 )
- thSCD2 = Select(settings_num, 90 , 100 , 100 , 130 , 130 )
- truemotion = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- MVglobal = Select(settings_num, true , true , true , true , true )
- pel = Select(settings_num, 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- pelsearch = Select(settings_num, 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- search = Select(settings_num, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- searchparam = Select(settings_num, 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 )
- MVsharp = Select(settings_num, 2 , 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 )
- DCT = Select(settings_num, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
- show = Select(settings_num, false , false , false , false , false )
- screenW = Select(settings_num, 1280 , 1280 , 1280 , 1280 , 1280 )
- screenH = Select(settings_num, 1024 , 1024 , 1024 , 1024 , 1024 )
- return Eval(setting)
- }
- radius = default(radius, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "radius" ) )
- sigma = default(sigma, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "sigma" ) )
- twopass = default(twopass, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "twopass" ) )
- useTTmpSm = default(useTTmpSm, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "useTTmpSm" ) )
- limit = default(limit, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "limit" ) )
- limitC = default(limitC, limit )
- limit2 = default(limit2, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "limit2" ) )
- limitC2 = default(limitC2, limit2 )
- post = default(post, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "post" ) )
- chroma = default(chroma, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "chroma" ) )
- interlaced = default(interlaced, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "interlaced" ) )
- refine = default(refine, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "refine" ) )
- pMode = default(pMode, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "pMode" ) )
- sharp = default(sharp, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "sharp" ) )
- adapt = default(adapt, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "adapt" ) )
- strength = default(strength, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "strength" ) )
- SHmode = default(SHmode, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "SHmode" ) )
- SHmethod = default(SHmethod, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "SHmethod" ) )
- Slimit = default(Slimit, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "Slimit" ) )
- Sovershoot = default(Sovershoot, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "Sovershoot" ) )
- Tlimit = default(Tlimit, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "Tlimit" ) )
- Tovershoot = default(Tovershoot, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "Tovershoot" ) )
- ssource = default(ssource, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "ssource" ) )
- shF = default(shF, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "shF" ) )
- protect = default(protect, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "protect" ) )
- cutoff = default(cutoff, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "cutoff" ) )
- threshold = default(threshold, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "threshold" ) )
- maxdiff = default(maxdiff, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "maxdiff" ) )
- AA = default(AA, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "AA" ) )
- useEEDI2 = default(useEEDI2, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "useEEDI2" ) )
- reduc = default(reduc, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "reduc" ) )
- maxd = default(maxd, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "maxd" ) )
- AAthr = default(AAthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "AAthr" ) )
- method = default(method, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "method" ) )
- aaF = default(aaF, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "aaF" ) )
- deblock = default(deblock, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "deblock" ) )
- useQED = default(useQED, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "useQED" ) )
- quant1 = default(quant1, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "quant1" ) )
- quant2 = default(quant2, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "quant2" ) )
- edgeclean = default(edgeclean, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "edgeclean" ) )
- ECrad = default(ECrad, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "ECrad" ) )
- ECthr = default(ECthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "ECthr" ) )
- ECmode = default(ECmode, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "ECmode" ) )
- stabilize = default(stabilize, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "stabilize" ) )
- maxr = default(maxr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "maxr" ) )
- lthresh = default(lthresh, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "lthresh" ) )
- cthresh = default(cthresh, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "cthresh" ) )
- TTstr = default(TTstr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "TTstr" ) )
- stF = default(stF, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "stF" ) )
- enhance = default(enhance, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "enhance" ) )
- GFthr = default(GFthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "GFthr" ) )
- AGstr = default(AGstr, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "AGstr" ) )
- bias = default(bias, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "bias" ) )
- temp = default(temp, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "temp" ) )
- dbF = default(dbF, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "dbF" ) )
- bwbh = default(bwbh, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "bwbh" ) )
- owoh = default(owoh, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "owoh" ) )
- blksize = default(blksize, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "blksize" ) )
- overlap = default(overlap, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "overlap" ) )
- GPU = default(GPU, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "GPU" ) )
- fixband = default(fixband, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "fixband" ) )
- bt = default(bt, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "bt" ) )
- ncpu = default(ncpu, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "ncpu" ) )
- precision = default(precision, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "precision" ) )
- thSAD = default(thSAD, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "thSAD" ) )
- thSAD2 = default(thSAD2, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "thSAD2" ) )
- thSCD1 = default(thSCD1, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "thSCD1" ) )
- thSCD2 = default(thSCD2, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "thSCD2" ) )
- truemotion = default(truemotion, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "truemotion" ) )
- MVglobal = default(MVglobal, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "MVglobal" ) )
- pel = default(pel, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "pel" ) )
- pelsearch = default(pelsearch, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "pelsearch" ) )
- search = default(search, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "search" ) )
- searchparam = default(searchparam, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "searchparam" ) )
- MVsharp = default(MVsharp, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "MVsharp" ) )
- DCT = default(DCT, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "DCT" ) )
- show = default(show, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "show" ) )
- screenW = default(screenW, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "screenW" ) )
- screenH = default(screenH, MCTDmod_Defaults( i, settings_num, "screenH" ) )
- show_p = defined(p) ? "external" : "internal"
- rfn_blksize = blksize == 4 ? 4 : blksize / 2
- rfn_overlap = overlap == 2 ? 2 : overlap / 4 * 2 + overlap % 4
- rfn_thSAD = thSAD / 2
- chr41 = chroma?4:1
- chr31 = chroma?3:1
- chr21 = chroma?2:1
- Assert((radius>=1&&radius<=6) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'radius' have not a correct value! [0-6]" + chr(10))
- Assert((limit>=-2&&limit<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'limit' have not a correct value! [-2,-1,0,...255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((limit2>=-2&&limit2<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'limit2' have not a correct value! [-2,-1,0,...255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((Tovershoot>=0) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'Tovershoot' have not a correct value! [>=0]" + chr(10))
- Assert((cutoff>=0&&cutoff<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'cutoff' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((threshold>=0&&threshold<=127) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'threshold' have not a correct value! [0,...,127]" + chr(10))
- Assert((maxdiff>=0&&maxdiff<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'maxdiff' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((reduc>=-1&&reduc<=1.0) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'reduc' have not a correct value! [-1,0.0,...,1.0]" + chr(10))
- Assert((AAthr>=0&&AAthr<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'AAthr' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((method>=0&&method<=2) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'method' have not a correct value! [0,1,2]" + chr(10))
- Assert((ECrad>=1) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'ECrad' have not a correct value! [>=1]" + chr(10))
- Assert((ECthr>=0&&ECthr<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'ECthr' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((pMode>=0&&pMode<=2) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'pMode' have not a correct value! [0,1,2]" + chr(10))
- ### INPUT
- i = (interlaced==true) ? i.separatefields() : i
- mod = (bwbh>=blksize) ? bwbh : blksize
- xi = i.width()
- xf = ceil(xi/float(mod))*mod - xi + mod
- xn = int(xi+xf)
- yi = i.height()
- yf = ceil(yi/float(mod))*mod - yi + mod
- yn = int(yi+yf)
- idb = i
- i = i.pointresize(xn,yn,-xf/2,-yf/2,xn,yn)
- m4 = ((int(xi/4.0)*4==xi)&&(int(yi/4.0)*4==yi)) ? true : false
- Assert( m4 ? true : false, chr(10) + "This is not a MOD4 clip! Please use crop() or addborders() before using MCTD()" + chr(10))
- p = defined(p) ? p.pointresize(xn,yn,-xf/2,-yf/2,xn,yn)
- \ : (sigma==0) ? i
- \ : (sigma<0) ? i.dfttest(sstring="0.0:"+string(-sigma*4./3.)+" 0.2:"+string(-sigma*9./3.)+" 1.0:"+string(-sigma*15./3.),tbsize=(bt%2==0)?bt+1:bt,u=chroma,v=chroma,quiet=true,dither=fixband?round(-sigma/11.):0)
- \ : (GPU==false&&fixband==false) ? i.FFT3Dfilter(sigma=sigma*0.8,sigma2=sigma*0.6,sigma3=sigma*0.4,sigma4=sigma*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,ncpu=ncpu)
- \ : (GPU==true &&fixband==false) ? i.FFT3Dgpu(sigma=sigma*0.8,sigma2=sigma*0.6,sigma3=sigma*0.4,sigma4=sigma*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,precision=precision)
- \ : (GPU==false&&fixband==true ) ? i.FFT3Dfilter(sigma=sigma*0.8,sigma2=sigma*0.6,sigma3=sigma*0.4,sigma4=sigma*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,ncpu=ncpu).gradfun2db(thr=1.0+sigma*0.05)
- \ : i.FFT3Dgpu(sigma=sigma*0.8,sigma2=sigma*0.6,sigma3=sigma*0.4,sigma4=sigma*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,precision=precision).gradfun2db(thr=1.0+sigma*0.05)
- padX = xi%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - xi%8)
- padY = yi%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - yi%8)
- d = (deblock==false) ? i
- \ : (useQED==true) ? idb.deblock_QED(quant1=quant1,quant2=quant2,uv=chroma?3:2).pointresize(xn,yn,-xf/2,-yf/2,xn,yn)
- \ : ( padX==0 && padY==0 ) ? idb.deblock(quant=int(quant1*0.5+quant2*0.5)).pointresize(xn,yn,-xf/2,-yf/2,xn,yn)
- \ : idb.pointresize(xi+padX, yi+padY, 0, 0, xi+padX, xi+padY).deblock(quant=int(quant1*0.5+quant2*0.5)).pointresize(xn,yn,-xf/2,-yf/2,xn-padX,yn-padX)
- nullclip = Blankclip()
- lmsk = p.mt_lut("x " + string(bias) + " - abs " + string( bias >= 128 ? 255. / bias : 255. / ( 255. - bias ) ) + " *", U=1, V=1)
- pAdp = mt_merge(i, p, lmsk, luma=chroma, U=chr31, V=chr31)
- mAdp = mt_merge(p, i, i.mt_lut("x 16 < 255 x 75 > 0 255 x 16 - 255 75 16 - / * - ? ?", U=1, V=1), luma=chroma, U=chr31, V=chr31)
- pReb = pMode == 2 ? mAdp.MCTD_Luma_Rebuild(S0=2., c=0.0625, uv=chr31) /* 2: mReb for MC */
- \ : pMode == 1 ? mAdp /* 1: mAdp for MC */
- \ : p /* 0: p for MC */
- pMVS = pReb.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,rfilter=refine?4:2,chroma=chroma)
- rMVS = refine ?
- \ pReb.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,rfilter=2,levels=1,chroma=chroma) : nullclip
- f1v = (radius<1) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=1, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f2v = (radius<2) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=2, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f3v = (radius<3) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=3, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f4v = (radius<4) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=4, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f5v = (radius<5) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=5, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f6v = (radius<6) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=false, delta=6, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b1v = (radius<1) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b2v = (radius<2) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=2, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b3v = (radius<3) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=3, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b4v = (radius<4) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=4, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b5v = (radius<5) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=5, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- b6v = (radius<6) ? nullclip
- \ : pMVS.MAnalyse(isb=true, delta=6, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=chroma)
- f1v = !refine || (radius<1) ? f1v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f1v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f2v = !refine || (radius<2) ? f2v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f2v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f3v = !refine || (radius<3) ? f3v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f3v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f4v = !refine || (radius<4) ? f4v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f4v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f5v = !refine || (radius<5) ? f5v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f5v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f6v = !refine || (radius<6) ? f6v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(f6v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b1v = !refine || (radius<1) ? b1v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b1v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b2v = !refine || (radius<2) ? b2v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b2v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b3v = !refine || (radius<3) ? b3v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b3v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b4v = !refine || (radius<4) ? b4v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b4v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b5v = !refine || (radius<5) ? b5v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b5v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b6v = !refine || (radius<6) ? b6v
- \ : rMVS.MRecalculate(b6v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- function MCTDmod_CTM(clip "i", clip "iMVS", clip "SAD_f1m", clip "SAD_b1m", clip "f1c", clip "b1c",
- \ clip "f1v", clip "f2v", clip "f3v", clip "f4v", clip "f5v", clip "f6v", clip "b1v", clip "b2v", clip "b3v", clip "b4v", clip "b5v", clip "b6v",
- \ int "radius", bool "chroma", int "thSAD", int "thSCD1", int "thSCD2", string "cnr")
- {
- nullclip = BlankClip()
- SAD_f2m = (radius>=2) ? i.MMask(f2v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_f3m = (radius>=3) ? i.MMask(f3v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_f4m = (radius>=4) ? i.MMask(f4v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_f5m = (radius>=5) ? i.MMask(f5v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_f6m = (radius>=6) ? i.MMask(f6v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_b2m = (radius>=2) ? i.MMask(b2v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_b3m = (radius>=3) ? i.MMask(b3v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_b4m = (radius>=4) ? i.MMask(b4v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_b5m = (radius>=5) ? i.MMask(b5v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- SAD_b6m = (radius>=6) ? i.MMask(b6v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255) : nullclip
- b = BlankClip(i,color_yuv=$008080)
- SAD_m = (radius==6) ? interleave(SAD_f6m, SAD_f5m, SAD_f4m, SAD_f3m, SAD_f2m, SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m, SAD_b2m, SAD_b3m, SAD_b4m, SAD_b5m, SAD_b6m)
- \ : (radius==5) ? interleave( SAD_f5m, SAD_f4m, SAD_f3m, SAD_f2m, SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m, SAD_b2m, SAD_b3m, SAD_b4m, SAD_b5m )
- \ : (radius==4) ? interleave( SAD_f4m, SAD_f3m, SAD_f2m, SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m, SAD_b2m, SAD_b3m, SAD_b4m )
- \ : (radius==3) ? interleave( SAD_f3m, SAD_f2m, SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m, SAD_b2m, SAD_b3m )
- \ : (radius==2) ? interleave( SAD_f2m, SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m, SAD_b2m )
- \ : (radius==1) ? interleave( SAD_f1m, b, SAD_b1m )
- \ : nullclip
- b2c = (radius>=2) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, b2v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- b3c = (radius>=3) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, b3v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- b4c = (radius>=4) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, b4v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- b5c = (radius>=5) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, b5v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- b6c = (radius>=6) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, b6v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- f2c = (radius>=2) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, f2v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- f3c = (radius>=3) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, f3v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- f4c = (radius>=4) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, f4v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- f5c = (radius>=5) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, f5v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- f6c = (radius>=6) ? i.MCompensate(iMVS, f6v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2) : nullclip
- c = (radius==6) ? interleave(f6c, f5c, f4c, f3c, f2c, f1c, i, b1c, b2c, b3c, b4c, b5c, b6c)
- \ : (radius==5) ? interleave( f5c, f4c, f3c, f2c, f1c, i, b1c, b2c, b3c, b4c, b5c )
- \ : (radius==4) ? interleave( f4c, f3c, f2c, f1c, i, b1c, b2c, b3c, b4c )
- \ : (radius==3) ? interleave( f3c, f2c, f1c, i, b1c, b2c, b3c )
- \ : (radius==2) ? interleave( f2c, f1c, i, b1c, b2c )
- \ : (radius==1) ? interleave( f1c, i, b1c )
- \ : nullclip
- sm = Defined(cnr) ? Eval("c."+cnr)
- \ : c.TTempSmooth(radius,255,255,1,1,strength=radius+1,pfclip=SAD_m,fp=false,scthresh=99.9)
- sm = sm.SelectEvery(1+radius*2,radius)
- return sm
- }
- function MCTDmod_MVD(clip "i", clip "iMVS",
- \ clip "f1v", clip "f2v", clip "f3v", clip "f4v", clip "f5v", clip "f6v", clip "b1v", clip "b2v", clip "b3v", clip "b4v", clip "b5v", clip "b6v",
- \ int "radius", bool "chroma", int "thSAD", int "thSCD1", int "thSCD2")
- {
- nullclip = BlankClip()
- Try {
- vMulti = (radius==4) ? Interleave(b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, b4v, f4v)
- \ : (radius==5) ? Interleave(b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, b4v, f4v, b5v, f5v)
- \ : (radius==6) ? Interleave(b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, b4v, f4v, b5v, f5v, b6v, f6v)
- \ : nullclip
- sm = (radius==1) ? i.MDegrain1(iMVS, b1v, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : (radius==2) ? i.MDegrain2(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : (radius==3) ? i.MDegrain3(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : i.MDegrainN(iMVS, vMulti, radius, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- } Catch ( e ) {
- mv12 = (radius==4) ? i.MDegrain2(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0) : nullclip
- mv34 = (radius==4) ? i.MDegrain2(iMVS, b3v, f3v, b4v, f4v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0) : nullclip
- mv45 = (radius==5) ? i.MDegrain2(iMVS, b4v, f4v, b5v, f5v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0) : nullclip
- mv123 = (radius>=5) ? i.MDegrain3(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0) : nullclip
- mv456 = (radius==6) ? i.MDegrain3(iMVS, b4v, f4v, b5v, f5v, b6v, f6v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0) : nullclip
- sm = (radius==1) ? i.MDegrain1(iMVS, b1v, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : (radius==2) ? i.MDegrain2(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : (radius==3) ? i.MDegrain3(iMVS, b1v, f1v, b2v, f2v, b3v, f3v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=chroma?4:0)
- \ : (radius==4) ? Merge(mv12, mv34, 0.4444)
- \ : (radius==5) ? Merge(mv123, mv45, 0.4545)
- \ : Merge(mv123, mv456, 0.4615)
- }
- return sm
- }
- dMVS = d.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,levels=1,chroma=chroma)
- SAD_f1m = d.MMask(f1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255)
- SAD_b1m = d.MMask(b1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255)
- f1c = d.MCompensate(dMVS, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- b1c = d.MCompensate(dMVS, b1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- sm = ( Defined(p1nr) ) ? MCTDmod_CTM(i=d, iMVS=dMVS, SAD_f1m=SAD_f1m, SAD_b1m=SAD_b1m, f1c=f1c, b1c=b1c,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, cnr=p1nr)
- \ : (useTTmpSm==true) ? MCTDmod_CTM(i=d, iMVS=dMVS, SAD_f1m=SAD_f1m, SAD_b1m=SAD_b1m, f1c=f1c, b1c=b1c,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- \ : MCTDmod_MVD(i=d, iMVS=dMVS,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- /*
- * limit > 0 && limitC > 0 makediff 3 3 3
- * limit > 0 && limitC == 0 makediff 3 c c
- * limit > 0 && limitC < 0 makediff + pre 3 1 1 + 1 3 3
- *
- * limit == 0 && limitC > 0 makediff 2 3 3
- * limit == 0 && limitC == 0 - -----
- * limit == 0 && limitC < 0 pre 2 3 3
- *
- * limit < 0 && limitC > 0 makediff + pre 3 1 1 + 1 3 3
- * limit < 0 && limitC == 0 pre 3 c c
- * limit == limitC < 0 pre 3 3 3
- * 0 > limit != limitC < 0 pre + pre 3 1 1 + 1 3 3
- */
- pDy31 = limit < 0 || ( twopass && limit2 < 0 ) ? 3 : 1
- pDuv31 = chroma && ( limitC < 0 || ( twopass && limitC2 < 0 ) ) ? 3 : 1
- pD = mt_makediff(i,p, Y=pDy31,U=pDuv31,V=pDuv31)
- pDa = mt_makediff(i,pAdp,Y=pDy31,U=pDuv31,V=pDuv31)
- pDc = mt_makediff(i,p, Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- pDac = mt_makediff(i,pAdp,Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- l_lmr31 = limit == 0 ? 1 : 3
- lchr = chroma && limitC != 0
- d_chr31 = lchr ? chr31 : 1
- l_chr31 = lchr && ( limit == 0 || ( limit > 0 && limitC > 0 ) || limit == limitC ) ? 3 : 1
- smD = mt_makediff(i,sm,Y=l_lmr31,U=d_chr31,V=d_chr31) # Only skip when !chroma or limitC == 0
- DD = (limit<0) ? mt_lutxy(limit==-1?pD:pDa,smD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?",Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31)
- \ : (limit>0) ? mt_lutxy(sm,i,yexpr="x y - abs "+string(limit)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limit)+" - y "+string(limit)+" + ? ?",
- \ expr=(limitC>0)?("x y - abs "+string(limitC)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limitC)+" - y "+string(limitC)+" + ? ?"):("x"),
- \ Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31)
- \ : sm
- smL = (limit<0) ? i.mt_makediff(DD,Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31) : DD
- DDc = (limitC<0) ? mt_lutxy(limitC==-1?pDc:pDac,smD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?",Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- \ : (limitC>0) ? mt_lutxy(sm,i,"x y - abs "+string(limitC)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limitC)+" - y "+string(limitC)+" + ? ?",Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- \ : sm
- smLc = (limitC<0) ? i.mt_makediff(DDc,Y=1,U=3,V=3) : DDc
- smL = limit == 0 ? lchr ? MergeChroma(sm, smLc) : /* limit == 0, lchr */
- \ sm : /* limit == 0, !lchr */
- \ chroma && l_chr31 == 1 ? MergeChroma(smL, smLc) : /* limit != 0, separate process */
- \ smL /* limit != 0, same process */
- smLMVS = (twopass==true) ? smL.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,levels=1,chroma=chroma) : nullclip
- f1v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<1) ? f1v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f1v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f2v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<2) ? f2v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f2v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f3v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<3) ? f3v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f3v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f4v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<4) ? f4v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f4v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f5v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<5) ? f5v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f5v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- f6v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<6) ? f6v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(f6v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b1v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<1) ? b1v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b1v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b2v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<2) ? b2v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b2v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b3v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<3) ? b3v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b3v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b4v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<4) ? b4v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b4v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b5v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<5) ? b5v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b5v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- b6v = !twopass || !refine || (radius<6) ? b6v
- \ : smLMVS.MRecalculate(b6v, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=rfn_blksize, overlap=rfn_overlap, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, thSAD=rfn_thSAD, chroma=chroma)
- SAD_f1m = !twopass ? SAD_f1m : smL.MMask(f1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255)
- SAD_b1m = !twopass ? SAD_b1m : smL.MMask(b1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=255)
- f1c = !twopass ? f1c : smL.MCompensate(smLMVS, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- b1c = !twopass ? b1c : smL.MCompensate(smLMVS, b1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- sm = (twopass==false) ? sm
- \ : ( Defined(p2nr) ) ? MCTDmod_CTM(i=smL, iMVS=smLMVS, SAD_f1m=SAD_f1m, SAD_b1m=SAD_b1m, f1c=f1c, b1c=b1c,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, cnr=p2nr)
- \ : (useTTmpSm==true) ? MCTDmod_CTM(i=smL, iMVS=smLMVS, SAD_f1m=SAD_f1m, SAD_b1m=SAD_b1m, f1c=f1c, b1c=b1c,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- \ : MCTDmod_MVD(i=smL, iMVS=smLMVS,
- \ f1v=f1v, f2v=f2v, f3v=f3v, f4v=f4v, f5v=f5v, f6v=f6v, b1v=b1v, b2v=b2v, b3v=b3v, b4v=b4v, b5v=b5v, b6v=b6v,
- \ radius=radius, chroma=chroma, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- l_lmr31 = limit2 == 0 ? 1 : 3
- lchr = chroma && limitC2 != 0
- d_chr31 = lchr ? chr31 : 1
- l_chr31 = lchr && ( limit2 == 0 || ( limit2 > 0 && limitC2 > 0 ) || limit2 == limitC2 ) ? 3 : 1
- smD = twopass ? mt_makediff(i,sm,Y=l_lmr31,U=d_chr31,V=d_chr31) : nullclip
- DD = (twopass && limit2<0) ? mt_lutxy(limit2==-1?pD:pDa,smD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?",Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31)
- \ : (twopass && limit2>0) ? mt_lutxy(sm,i,yexpr="x y - abs "+string(limit2)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limit2)+" - y "+string(limit2)+" + ? ?",
- \ expr=(limitC2>0)?("x y - abs "+string(limitC2)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limitC2)+" - y "+string(limitC2)+" + ? ?"):("x"),
- \ Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31)
- \ : sm
- smL = (!twopass) ? smL
- \ : (limit2<0) ? i.mt_makediff(DD,Y=l_lmr31,U=l_chr31,V=l_chr31) : DD
- DDc = (twopass && limitC2<0) ? mt_lutxy(limitC2==-1?pDc:pDac,smD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?",Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- \ : (twopass && limitC2>0) ? mt_lutxy(sm,i,"x y - abs "+string(limitC2)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(limitC2)+" - y "+string(limitC2)+" + ? ?",Y=1,U=3,V=3)
- \ : sm
- smLc = (twopass && limitC2<0) ? i.mt_makediff(DDc,Y=1,U=3,V=3) : DDc
- smL = !twopass ? smL :
- \ limit2 == 0 ? lchr ? MergeChroma(sm, smLc) : /* limit2 == 0, lchr */
- \ sm : /* limit2 == 0, !lchr */
- \ chroma && l_chr31 == 1 ? MergeChroma(smL, smLc) : /* limit2 != 0, separate process */
- \ smL /* limit2 != 0, same process */
- post_abs = Abs(post)
- smP = (post==0) ? smL
- \ : Defined(ppnr)? Eval("smL."+ppnr)
- \ : (GPU==false) ? smL.FFT3Dfilter(sigma=post_abs*0.8,sigma2=post_abs*0.6,sigma3=post_abs*0.4,sigma4=post_abs*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,ncpu=ncpu)
- \ : smL.FFT3Dgpu(sigma=post_abs*0.8,sigma2=post_abs*0.6,sigma3=post_abs*0.4,sigma4=post_abs*0.2,bw=bwbh,bh=bwbh,ow=owoh,oh=owoh,plane=chroma?4:0,bt=bt,precision=precision)
- smP = (post==0) ? smP
- \ : ( fixband==false || post<0 ) ? smP
- \ : mt_makediff(smL,mt_makediff(smL,smP,U=chr31,V=chr31).gradfun2DB(thr=1.0+post*0.5),U=chr31,V=chr31)
- function MCTDmod_PP( clip denoised, clip "source",
- \ bool "sharp", bool "adapt", int "strength", int "SHmode", int "SHmethod", int "Slimit", int "Sovershoot", bool "Tlimit", int "Tovershoot", val "ssource", string "shF",
- \ bool "protect", int "cutoff", int "threshold", int "maxdiff",
- \ bool "AA", bool "useEEDI2", float "reduc", int "maxd", int "AAthr", int "method", string "aaF",
- \ bool "deblock", bool "useQED", int "quant1", int "quant2",
- \ bool "edgeclean", int "ECrad", int "ECthr", string "ECmode",
- \ bool "stabilize", int "maxr", int "lthresh", int "cthresh", int "TTstr", string "stF",
- \ bool "enhance", float "GFthr", float "AGstr", int "bias", int "temp", string "dbF",
- \ bool "chroma", string "settings", bool "useMMask",
- \ clip "f1v", clip "b1v", clip "f1c", clip "b1c", bool "internal" )
- {
- settings = Default(settings, "low")
- settings_num = -1
- settings_num = (settings == "very low") ? 0 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "low") ? 1 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "medium") ? 2 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "high") ? 3 : settings_num
- settings_num = (settings == "very high") ? 4 : settings_num
- Assert(settings_num >=0 ? true : false, chr(10) + "These settings do not exist !" + chr(10))
- sharp = default(sharp, false )
- adapt = default(adapt, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "adapt" ) )
- strength = default(strength, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "strength" ) )
- SHmode = default(SHmode, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "SHmode" ) )
- SHmethod = default(SHmethod, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "SHmethod" ) )
- Slimit = default(Slimit, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "Slimit" ) )
- Sovershoot = default(Sovershoot, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "Sovershoot" ) )
- Tlimit = default(Tlimit, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "Tlimit" ) )
- Tovershoot = default(Tovershoot, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "Tovershoot" ) )
- ssource = default(ssource, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "ssource" ) )
- shF = default(shF, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "shF" ) )
- protect = default(protect, false )
- cutoff = default(cutoff, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "cutoff" ) )
- threshold = default(threshold, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "threshold" ) )
- maxdiff = default(maxdiff, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "maxdiff" ) )
- AA = default(AA, false )
- useEEDI2 = default(useEEDI2, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "useEEDI2" ) )
- reduc = default(reduc, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "reduc" ) )
- maxd = default(maxd, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "maxd" ) )
- AAthr = default(AAthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "AAthr" ) )
- method = default(method, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "method" ) )
- aaF = default(aaF, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "aaF" ) )
- deblock = default(deblock, false )
- useQED = default(useQED, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "useQED" ) )
- quant1 = default(quant1, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "quant1" ) )
- quant2 = default(quant2, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "quant2" ) )
- edgeclean = default(edgeclean, false )
- ECrad = default(ECrad, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "ECrad" ) )
- ECthr = default(ECthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "ECthr" ) )
- ECmode = default(ECmode, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "ECmode" ) )
- stabilize = default(stabilize, false )
- maxr = default(maxr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "maxr" ) )
- lthresh = default(lthresh, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "lthresh" ) )
- cthresh = default(cthresh, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "cthresh" ) )
- TTstr = default(TTstr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "TTstr" ) )
- stF = default(stF, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "stF" ) )
- enhance = default(enhance, false )
- GFthr = default(GFthr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "GFthr" ) )
- AGstr = default(AGstr, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "AGstr" ) )
- bias = default(bias, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "bias" ) )
- temp = default(temp, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "temp" ) )
- dbF = default(dbF, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "dbF" ) )
- chroma = default(chroma, MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "chroma" ) )
- useMMask = default(useMMask, true )
- internal = default(internal, false )
- Assert((Tovershoot>=0) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'Tovershoot' have not a correct value! [>=0]" + chr(10))
- Assert((cutoff>=0&&cutoff<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'cutoff' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((threshold>=0&&threshold<=127) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'threshold' have not a correct value! [0,...,127]" + chr(10))
- Assert((maxdiff>=0&&maxdiff<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'maxdiff' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((reduc>=-1&&reduc<=1.0) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'reduc' have not a correct value! [-1,0.0,...,1.0]" + chr(10))
- Assert((AAthr>=0&&AAthr<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'AAthr' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((method>=0&&method<=2) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'method' have not a correct value! [0,1,2]" + chr(10))
- Assert((ECrad>=1) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'ECrad' have not a correct value! [>=1]" + chr(10))
- Assert((ECthr>=0&&ECthr<=255) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'ECthr' have not a correct value! [0,...,255]" + chr(10))
- Assert((sharp==true||protect==true)&&defined(source)==false ? false : true, chr(10) + "Sharp & Protect need 'source' input in MCTDmod_PP !" + chr(10))
- Assert(isYV12(denoised) == True ? true : false, chr(10) + "This is not an YV12 clip ! Please convert color space to YV12 before using MCTDmod_PP()" + chr(10))
- w = denoised.width()
- h = denoised.height()
- m4 = (internal==true) ? true : ((int(w/4.0)*4==w)&&(int(h/4.0)*4==h)) ? true : false
- Assert( m4 ? true : false, chr(10) + "This is not a MOD4 clip! Please use crop() or addborders() before using MCTDmod_PP()" + chr(10))
- blksize = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "blksize" )
- overlap = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "overlap" )
- truemotion = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "truemotion" )
- MVglobal = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "MVglobal" )
- pel = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "pel" )
- pelsearch = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "pelsearch" )
- search = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "search" )
- searchparam = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "searchparam" )
- MVsharp = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "MVsharp" )
- DCT = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "DCT" )
- thSAD = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "thSAD" )
- thSCD1 = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "thSCD1" )
- thSCD2 = MCTDmod_Defaults( denoised, settings_num, "thSCD2" )
- denoisedMVS = (internal==true) ? denoised : denoised.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,chroma=false)
- f1v = (internal==true) ? f1v : MAnalyse(denoisedMVS, isb=false, delta=1, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=false)
- b1v = (internal==true) ? b1v : MAnalyse(denoisedMVS, isb=true, delta=1, truemotion=truemotion, blksize=blksize, overlap=overlap, pelsearch=pelsearch, search=search, searchparam=searchparam, DCT=DCT, global=MVglobal, chroma=false)
- f1c = (internal==true) ? f1c
- \ : defined(source) ? MCompensate(source , denoisedMVS, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- \ : MCompensate(denoised, denoisedMVS, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- b1c = (internal==true) ? b1c
- \ : defined(source) ? MCompensate(source , denoisedMVS, b1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- \ : MCompensate(denoised, denoisedMVS, b1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2)
- SAD_f1m = defined(source) ? MMask(source, f1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=0)
- \ : MMask(denoised, f1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=0)
- SAD_b1m = defined(source) ? MMask(source, b1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=0)
- \ : MMask(denoised, b1v, kind=1, ml=thSAD, gamma=0.999, Ysc=0)
- padX = w%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - w%8)
- padY = h%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - h%8)
- denoised = (internal==true) ? denoised
- \ : (deblock==false) ? denoised
- \ : (useQED==true) ? denoised.deblock_QED(quant1=quant1,quant2=quant2,uv=chroma?3:2)
- \ : (padX==0 && padY==0) ? denoised.deblock(quant=int(quant1*0.5+quant2*0.5))
- \ : denoised.pointresize(w+padX, h+padY, 0, 0, w+padX, h+padY).deblock(quant=int(quant1*0.5+quant2*0.5)).Crop(0, 0, -padX, -padY)
- nullclip = BlankClip()
- i = defined(source) ? source : denoised
- smP = denoised
- xn = smP.width()
- yn = smP.height()
- chr41 = chroma?4:1
- chr31 = chroma?3:1
- chr21 = chroma?2:1
- rg17 = (protect==true) ? smP.removegrain(17,-1) : NOP()
- iOB = (protect==true) ? i.mt_lut("x "+string(cutoff)+" >= x 0 ?",U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- mB = (protect==true) ? mt_makediff(iOB,rg17,U=1,V=1).mt_binarize(128+threshold,upper=false,U=1,V=1).removegrain(5,-1) : NOP()
- lB = (protect==true) ? mt_lutxy(smP,i,"x y - abs "+string(maxdiff)+" <= x x y - 0 < y "+string(maxdiff)+" - x ? ?",U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- smB = (protect==true) ? mt_merge(smP,lB,mB,U=chr21,V=chr21) : smP
- cAA = (AA==false) ? nullclip
- \ : (useEEDI2==true) ? smB.Turnleft().EEDI2(field=1,maxd=maxd).Turnright().EEDI2(field=1,maxd=maxd)
- \ : smB.Pointresize(xn*2,yn*2).Turnleft().Sangnom(order=1,aa=maxd).Turnright().Sangnom(order=1,aa=maxd)
- cAA = (AA==false) ? nullclip
- \ : (method==0) ? cAA.Bilinearresize(xn,yn,0.5,-0.5,xn*2,yn*2)
- \ : (method==1) ? cAA.Spline36resize(xn,yn,0.5,-0.5,xn*2,yn*2)
- \ : cAA.Lanczos4resize(xn,yn,0.5,-0.5,xn*2,yn*2)
- cAA = (aaF!="internal") ? Eval("smB."+aaF) : cAA
- mA = (AA==true) ? smB.mt_edge("prewitt",0,255,0,0,V=1,U=1).mt_lut("x "+string(AAthr)+" <= 0 x 1.4 ^ ?",U=1,V=1).removegrain(4,-1).mt_inflate(U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- smA = (AA==true) ? mt_merge(smB,cAA,mA,luma=chroma?true:false,U=chr31,V=chr31) : NOP()
- aaD1 = (AA==true&&reduc!=-1) ? mt_makediff(smB, smA, U=1, V=1) : NOP()
- aaD1MVS = (AA==true&&reduc!=-1) ? aaD1.MSuper(hpad=0,vpad=0,pel=pel,sharp=MVsharp,levels=1,chroma=false) : NOP()
- aaD2 = (AA==true&&reduc!=-1) ? aaD1.MDegrain1(aaD1MVS, b1v, f1v, thSAD=thSAD, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, plane=0) : NOP()
- aaD2 = (AA==true&&reduc!=-1) ? mt_lutxy(aaD1, aaD2, "x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?", U=1, V=1).mergeluma(aaD2, 1.0-reduc) : NOP()
- smA = (AA==false) ? smB
- \ : (reduc==-1) ? smA
- \ : mt_makediff(smB, aaD2, U=2, V=2)
- mP = (edgeclean==true) ? mt_edge(smA,"prewitt",0,255,0,0,V=1,U=1) : NOP()
- mS = (edgeclean==true) ? mP.mt_expand(mode=mt_square(radius=ECrad),U=1,V=1).mt_inflate(U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- mD = (edgeclean==true) ? mt_lutxy(mS,mP.mt_inflate(U=1,V=1),"x y - "+string(ECthr)+" <= 0 x y - ?",U=1,V=1).mt_inflate(U=1,V=1).removegrain(20,-1) : NOP()
- smE = (edgeclean==true) ? mt_merge(smA,Eval("smA." + ECmode),mD,luma=chroma?true:false,U=chr31,V=chr31) : smA
- mM = (sharp==true||enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? mt_average(SAD_f1m,SAD_b1m,U=1,V=1).mt_lut(expr="x 1.6 ^",U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- mE = (sharp==true||enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? mt_edge(smE,"prewitt",0,255,0,0,V=1,U=1).mt_lut(expr="x 1.8 ^",U=1,V=1).removegrain(4,-1).mt_inflate(U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- mL = (sharp==true||enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? mt_logic(mM.invert(),mE,"min",U=1,V=1).removegrain(20,-1) : NOP()
- mF = (sharp==true||enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? mt_logic(mM,mE,"max",U=1,V=1).removegrain(20,-1) : NOP()
- mR = (sharp==true||enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? mE.removegrain(20,-1) : NOP()
- Sclp = (sharp == true) ? (shF!="internal") ? Eval("smE."+shF) :
- \ IsBool(ssource) ? ssource ? smE.LSFmod(strength=strength,Smode=SHmode,Smethod=SHmethod,Lmode=0,overshoot=Sovershoot,preblur="ON",secure=true,edgemode=0,soft=0,soothe=false,ss_x=1.00,ss_y=1.00,source=i)
- \ : smE.LSFmod(strength=strength,Smode=SHmode,Smethod=SHmethod,Lmode=Slimit,overshoot=Sovershoot,preblur="ON",secure=true,edgemode=0,soft=0,soothe=false,ss_x=1.00,ss_y=1.00) :
- \ IsClip(ssource) ? smE.LSFmod(strength=strength,Smode=SHmode,Smethod=SHmethod,Lmode=0,overshoot=Sovershoot,preblur="ON",secure=true,edgemode=0,soft=0,soothe=false,ss_x=1.00,ss_y=1.00,source=ssource) :
- \ Assert(False, "MCTD: ssource should be bool or clip!")
- \ : NOP()
- Tmax = (sharp == true) ? i.mt_logic(f1c,"max",U=1,V=1).mt_logic(b1c,"max",U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- Tmin = (sharp == true) ? i.mt_logic(f1c,"min",U=1,V=1).mt_logic(b1c,"min",U=1,V=1) : NOP()
- shrp = (sharp==false) ? smE
- \ : (Tlimit==true) ? Sclp.mt_clamp(Tmax, Tmin, Tovershoot, Tovershoot, U=1, V=1)
- \ : Sclp
- sL = (sharp==true&&adapt==true) ? useMMask ? mt_merge(smE,shrp,mL,U=chr21,V=chr21)
- \ : mt_merge(smE,shrp,mR,U=chr21,V=chr21)
- \ : shrp.mergechroma(smE)
- TTc = (stabilize==true) ? (stF!="internal") ? Eval("sL."+stF)
- \ : sL.TTempSmoothF(maxr=maxr, lthresh=lthresh, cthresh=cthresh, strength=TTstr)
- \ : sL
- GFc = (enhance==true) ? (dbF!="internal") ? Eval("TTc."+dbF)
- \ : TTc.GradFun2DBmod(thr=GFthr,thrC=chroma?GFthr:1.0,mode=0,str=AGstr,strC=0.0,temp=temp,adapt=bias,mask=false,show=false)
- \ : TTc
- FSc = (enhance==true||stabilize==true) ? useMMask ? MCPP_final_mt_merge(GFc,sL,mF,luma=chroma?true:false,U=chr31,V=chr31)
- \ : MCPP_final_mt_merge(GFc,sL,mR,luma=chroma?true:false,U=chr31,V=chr31)
- \ : GFc
- PP = (chroma==false) ? FSc.MCPP_final_mergechroma(internal?i:smP)
- \ : FSc
- return PP
- }
- PP = pp ? MCTDmod_PP( smP, i,
- \ sharp, adapt, strength, SHmode, SHmethod, Slimit, Sovershoot, Tlimit, Tovershoot, ssource, shF,
- \ protect, cutoff, threshold, maxdiff,
- \ AA, useEEDI2, reduc, maxd, AAthr, method, aaF,
- \ deblock, useQED, quant1, quant2,
- \ edgeclean, ECrad, ECthr, ECmode,
- \ stabilize, maxr, lthresh, cthresh, TTstr, stF,
- \ enhance, GFthr, AGstr, bias, temp, dbF,
- \ chroma, settings, useMMask,
- \ f1v, b1v, f1c, b1c, true )
- \ : chroma ? smP
- \ : smP.MCPP_final_MergeChroma(i)
- ### OUTPUT
- o = ((i.height) * 2 == PP.height) ? PP.MCPP_crop16(xf/2,yf/2,-xf/2,-yf/2) : PP.crop(xf/2,yf/2,-xf/2,-yf/2)
- o = (interlaced==true) ? o.weave() : o
- p1nr = Defined(p1nr) ? p1nr : "internal"
- p2nr = Defined(p2nr) ? p2nr : "internal"
- ppnr = Defined(ppnr) ? ppnr : "internal"
- ### SHOW
- function MCTDmod_Show( clip i, clip p, clip o, int "xf", int "yf", string "version", string "settings", string "show_p",
- \ int "radius", float "sigma", bool "twopass", bool "useTTmpSm", int "limit", int "limitC", int "limit2", int "limitC2", int "post", bool "chroma", bool "interlaced", bool "refine", int "pMode",
- \ bool "sharp", bool "adapt", int "strength", int "SHmode", int "SHmethod", int "Slimit", int "Sovershoot", bool "Tlimit", int "Tovershoot", val "ssource", string "shF",
- \ bool "protect", int "cutoff", int "threshold", int "maxdiff",
- \ bool "AA", bool "useEEDI2", float "reduc", int "maxd", int "AAthr", int "method", string "aaF",
- \ bool "deblock", bool "useQED", int "quant1", int "quant2",
- \ bool "edgeclean", int "ECrad", int "ECthr", string "ECmode",
- \ bool "stabilize", int "maxr", int "lthresh", int "cthresh", int "TTstr", string "stF",
- \ bool "enhance", float "GFthr", float "AGstr", int "bias", int "temp", string "dbF",
- \ int "bwbh", int "owoh", int "blksize", int "overlap",
- \ bool "GPU", bool "fixband", int "bt", int "ncpu", int "precision",
- \ int "thSAD", int "thSAD2", int "thSCD1", int "thSCD2",
- \ bool "truemotion", bool "MVglobal", int "pel", int "pelsearch", int "search", int "searchparam", int "MVsharp", int "DCT",
- \ bool "useMMask",
- \ int "screenW", int "screenH",
- \ string "p1nr", string "p2nr", string "ppnr" )
- {
- ssource = IsBool(ssource) ? ssource :
- \ IsClip(ssource) ? True :
- \ False
- i = i.crop(xf/2,yf/2,-xf/2,-yf/2)
- p = p.crop(xf/2,yf/2,-xf/2,-yf/2)
- cW = screenW/2
- cH = screenH/2
- iW = i.width()
- iH = i.height()
- iR = round((iW*cH)/(4*iH))*4
- iC = (iR-cW)/2
- i = i.spline36resize(iR,cH)
- p = p.spline36resize(iR,cH)
- o = o.spline36resize(iR,cH)
- i = (iC>0) ? i.crop(iC,0,-iC,0) : i
- p = (iC>0) ? p.crop(iC,0,-iC,0) : p
- o = (iC>0) ? o.crop(iC,0,-iC,0) : o
- i = (iC<0) ? i.addborders(-iC,0,-iC,0) : i
- p = (iC<0) ? p.addborders(-iC,0,-iC,0) : p
- o = (iC<0) ? o.addborders(-iC,0,-iC,0) : o
- b = i.blankclip()
- b = b.SubTitle("MCTD " + string(version) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=24,x=40,y=20)
- b = b.SubTitle("SETTINGS = " + string(settings) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=60)
- b = b.SubTitle("'p' clip = " + string(show_p) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=70)
- b = b.SubTitle("radius = " + string(radius) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=90)
- b = b.SubTitle("sigma = " + string(sigma) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=100)
- b = b.SubTitle("twopass = " + string(twopass) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=110)
- b = b.SubTitle("useTTmpSm = " + string(useTTmpSm) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=120)
- b = b.SubTitle("limit = " + string(limit) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=130)
- b = b.SubTitle("limitC = " + string(limitC) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=140)
- b = b.SubTitle("limit2 = " + string(limit2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=150)
- b = b.SubTitle("limitC2 = " + string(limitC2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=160)
- b = b.SubTitle("post = " + string(post) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=170)
- b = b.SubTitle("chroma = " + string(chroma) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=180)
- b = b.SubTitle("interlaced = " + string(interlaced) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=190)
- b = b.SubTitle("refine = " + string(refine) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=200)
- b = b.SubTitle("pMode = " + string(pMode) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=210)
- b = b.SubTitle("sharp = " + string(sharp) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=230)
- b = b.SubTitle("adapt = " + string(adapt) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=240)
- b = b.SubTitle("strength = " + string(strength) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=250)
- b = b.SubTitle("SHmode = " + string(SHmode) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=260)
- b = b.SubTitle("SHmethod = " + string(SHmethod) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=270)
- b = b.SubTitle("Slimit = " + string(Slimit) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=280)
- b = b.SubTitle("Sovershoot = " + string(Sovershoot) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=290)
- b = b.SubTitle("Tlimit = " + string(Tlimit) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=300)
- b = b.SubTitle("Tovershoot = " + string(Tovershoot) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=310)
- b = b.SubTitle("ssource = " + string(ssource) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=320)
- b = b.SubTitle("shF = " + string(shF) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=330)
- b = b.SubTitle("protect = " + string(protect) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=350)
- b = b.SubTitle("cutoff = " + string(cutoff) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=360)
- b = b.SubTitle("threshold = " + string(threshold) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=370)
- b = b.SubTitle("maxdiff = " + string(maxdiff) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=380)
- b = b.SubTitle("AA = " + string(AA) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=400)
- b = b.SubTitle("useEEDI2 = " + string(useEEDI2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=410)
- b = b.SubTitle("reduc = " + string(reduc) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=420)
- b = b.SubTitle("maxd = " + string(maxd) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=430)
- b = b.SubTitle("AAthr = " + string(AAthr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=440)
- b = b.SubTitle("method = " + string(method) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=450)
- b = b.SubTitle("aaF = " + string(aaF) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=460)
- b = b.SubTitle("deblock = " + string(deblock) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=480)
- b = b.SubTitle("useQED = " + string(useQED) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=490)
- b = b.SubTitle("quant1 = " + string(quant1) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=500)
- b = b.SubTitle("quant2 = " + string(quant2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=510)
- b = b.SubTitle("p1nr = " + string(p1nr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=530)
- b = b.SubTitle("p2nr = " + string(p2nr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=540)
- b = b.SubTitle("ppnr = " + string(ppnr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=60,y=550)
- b = b.SubTitle("edgeclean = " + string(edgeclean) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=60)
- b = b.SubTitle("ECrad = " + string(ECrad) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=70)
- b = b.SubTitle("ECthr = " + string(ECthr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=80)
- b = b.SubTitle("ECmode = " + string(ECmode) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=90)
- b = b.SubTitle("stabilize = " + string(stabilize) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=110)
- b = b.SubTitle("maxr = " + string(maxr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=120)
- b = b.SubTitle("lthresh = " + string(lthresh) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=130)
- b = b.SubTitle("cthresh = " + string(cthresh) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=140)
- b = b.SubTitle("TTstr = " + string(TTstr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=150)
- b = b.SubTitle("stF = " + string(stF) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=160)
- b = b.SubTitle("enhance = " + string(enhance) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=180)
- b = b.SubTitle("GFthr = " + string(GFthr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=190)
- b = b.SubTitle("AGstr = " + string(AGstr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=200)
- b = b.SubTitle("bias = " + string(bias) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=210)
- b = b.SubTitle("temp = " + string(temp) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=220)
- b = b.SubTitle("dbF = " + string(dbF) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=230)
- b = b.SubTitle("bwbh = " + string(bwbh) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=250)
- b = b.SubTitle("owoh = " + string(owoh) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=260)
- b = b.SubTitle("blksize = " + string(blksize) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=270)
- b = b.SubTitle("overlap = " + string(overlap) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=280)
- b = b.SubTitle("GPU = " + string(GPU) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=300)
- b = b.SubTitle("fixband = " + string(fixband) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=310)
- b = b.SubTitle("bt = " + string(bt) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=320)
- b = b.SubTitle("ncpu = " + string(ncpu) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=330)
- b = b.SubTitle("precision = " + string(precision) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=340)
- b = b.SubTitle("thSAD = " + string(thSAD) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=360)
- b = b.SubTitle("thSAD2 = " + string(thSAD2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=370)
- b = b.SubTitle("thSCD1 = " + string(thSCD1) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=380)
- b = b.SubTitle("thSCD2 = " + string(thSCD2) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=390)
- b = b.SubTitle("truemotion = " + string(truemotion) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=410)
- b = b.SubTitle("MVglobal = " + string(MVglobal) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=420)
- b = b.SubTitle("pel = " + string(pel) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=430)
- b = b.SubTitle("pelsearch = " + string(pelsearch) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=440)
- b = b.SubTitle("search = " + string(search) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=450)
- b = b.SubTitle("searchparam = " + string(searchparam) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=460)
- b = b.SubTitle("MVsharp = " + string(MVsharp) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=470)
- b = b.SubTitle("DCT = " + string(DCT) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=480)
- b = b.SubTitle("useMMask = " + string(useMMask) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=490)
- #b = b.SubTitle("screenW = " + string(screenW) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=500)
- #b = b.SubTitle("screenH = " + string(screenH) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=360,y=510)
- i = i.subtitle("Input",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20)
- p = p.subtitle("Prefilter",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20)
- o = o.subtitle("Output",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20)
- TOP = stackhorizontal(b,p)
- BOT = stackhorizontal(i,o)
- return stackvertical(TOP,BOT)
- }
- o = (show==false) ? o : MCTDmod_Show(i,p,o,xf,yf,version,settings,show_p,
- \ radius,sigma,twopass,useTTmpSm,limit,limitC,limit2,limitC2,post,chroma,interlaced,refine,pMode,
- \ sharp,adapt,strength,SHmode,SHmethod,Slimit,Sovershoot,Tlimit,Tovershoot,ssource,shF,
- \ protect,cutoff,threshold,maxdiff,
- \ AA,useEEDI2,reduc,maxd,AAthr,method,aaF,
- \ deblock,useQED,quant1,quant2,
- \ edgeclean,ECrad,ECthr,ECmode,
- \ stabilize,maxr,lthresh,cthresh,TTstr,stF,
- \ enhance,GFthr,AGstr,bias,temp,dbF,
- \ bwbh,owoh,blksize,overlap,
- \ GPU,fixband,bt,ncpu,precision,
- \ thSAD,thSAD2,thSCD1,thSCD2,
- \ truemotion,MVglobal,pel,pelsearch,search,searchparam,MVsharp,DCT,
- \ useMMask,
- \ screenW,screenH,
- \ p1nr,p2nr,ppnr)
- return o
- }
- # ------- Support functions for stacked high bit depth -------
- # ------- Copied from Dither package -------
- Function MCPP_get_msb(clip src){ return src.Crop(0, 0, src.Width, src.Height/2) }
- Function MCPP_get_lsb(clip src){ return src.Crop(0, src.Height/2, src.Width, src.Height/2) }
- Function MCPP_convert_8_to_16(clip src){ return StackVertical(src, BlankClip(src, pixel_type="YV12", color_yuv=0)) }
- Function MCPP_merge16_8(clip src1, clip src2, clip mask, bool "luma", int "y", int "u", int "v")
- {
- luma = Default(luma, false)
- y = Default(y, 3)
- u = Default(u, 2)
- v = Default(v, 2)
- mask16 = StackVertical(mask, mask)
- Dither_merge16(src1, src2, mask16, luma=luma, y=y, u=u, v=v)
- }
- Function MCPP_crop16(clip src, int "left", int "top",
- \ int "width", int "height", bool "align")
- {
- left = Default(left, 0)
- top = Default(top, 0)
- width = Default(width, 0)
- height = Default(height, 0)
- src
- w = Width()
- h = Height() / 2
- width = (width <= 0) ? w - left + width : width
- height = (height <= 0) ? h - top + height : height
- Assert (width > 0)
- Assert (height > 0)
- msb = Crop(left, top, width, height, align)
- lsb = Crop(left, top + h, width, height, align)
- return (top == 0 && height == h) ? src.Crop(left, 0, width, 0)
- \ : StackVertical(msb, lsb)
- }
- Function MCPP_final_mt_merge(clip src1, clip src2, clip mask, bool "luma", int "y", int "u", int "v")
- {
- luma = Default(luma, false)
- y = Default(y, 3)
- u = Default(u, 2)
- v = Default(v, 2)
- src1 = (src1.height * 2 == src2.height ) ? src1.MCPP_convert_8_to_16() : src1
- src2 = (src1.height == src2.height * 2) ? src2.MCPP_convert_8_to_16() : src2
- return Eval( ((mask.height * 2 == src1.height) ? "MCPP_merge16_8" : "mt_merge") + "(src1, src2, mask, luma, y, u, v)")
- }
- Function MCPP_final_MergeChroma(clip src1, clip src2)
- {
- src1 = (src1.height * 2 == src2.height ) ? src1.MCPP_convert_8_to_16() : src1
- src2 = (src1.height == src2.height * 2) ? src2.MCPP_convert_8_to_16() : src2
- return src1.MergeChroma(src2)
- }
- function MCTD_Luma_Rebuild(clip src, float "s0", float "c",int "uv", bool "lsb", bool "lsb_in", bool "lsb_out", int "mode"){
- lsb_in = Default( lsb_in ,false)
- lsb_out = Default( lsb_out ,false)
- lsb = Default( lsb ,lsb_in || lsb_out)
- mode = Default( mode ,6)
- uv = Default(uv, 3)
- s0 = Default(s0, 2.0)
- c = Default(c, 1.0/16)
- k = (s0 - 1) * c
- t = lsb_in ? "x 4096 - 56064 / 0 1 clip" : "x 16 - 219 / 0 1 clip"
- e = String(k)+" "+String(1+c)+" "+String((1+c)*c)+" "+t+" "+String(c)
- \ +" + / - * "+t+" 1 "+String(k)+" - * + "+String(lsb?65536:255)+" *"
- src
- lsb ? (lsb_in ? Dither_lut16 (yexpr=e, expr="x 32768 - 32768 * 28672 / 32768 +", y=3, u=uv, v=uv) : \
- Dither_lut8 (yexpr=e, expr="x 128 - 32768 * 112 / 32768 +" , y=3, u=uv, v=uv)) : \
- mt_lut (yexpr=e, expr="x 128 - 128 * 112 / 128 +" , y=3, u=uv, v=uv)
- lsb_out ? last : (lsb ? Ditherpost(mode=mode,u=uv,v=uv) : last)
- }
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