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  1. little background: the real-life Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is divided into a number of divisions, Crime Investigation Bureau is one of them, 1st Investigation department investigates violent crime such as homicide, sexual crime and arson, for the sake of this story the department is further divided into at least four sections: 1st is homicide, 2nd investigates assaults, robberies etc., 3rd investigates sexual crime and 4th focuses on arson.
  3. Tokyo, May 201X
  5. >"Ugh, I hate taking this train" you mutter to yourself as you board the packed train. You routinely scan the car with your eyes, trying not to look suspicious. In the one year you have been doing this you have yet to be noticed. Well, except for *that* person, but then again that person is special.
  6. >"Bakashi, that guy looks nervous", a voice coming from your bag whispers, you take another look at the man the voice is clearly referring to; a thirty-something man in a suit holding a vertical bar next to a cute, shy-looking high school girl, in your opinion a prime example of a target for molesters.
  7. >"Terrible hangover and too much coffee at work; not one of our "customers", also stop calling me that" you say out loud while holding your phone to your ear to make it look like you are talking on the phone.
  8. >"Are you saying a hungover salaryman can't be a molester?" Haru, the owner of the voice, asks, ignoring your plea that she stop calling you that. Your name is Takashi, damn it!
  9. >"I'm saying even if he were one, he's not in any shape to do anything, plus he doesn't smell like one" you reply, your "extra sense" hasn't failed you yet no matter how much interfering scents there have been around you, if that man was a molester he'd be producing hormones like crazy standing next to the girl.
  10. >"What if he's into guys?" Haru asks, intent on winning the argument.
  11. >"Then he'd be eyeing one of the two guys right in front of him."
  12. >Haru, a youkai inhabiting an early Showa -era pistol has been in your family ever since the war, or rather your mother's family since you are a halfie. She came to belong to you around the same time you got involved in this job. You start feeling nostalgic and almost miss your station, only a punch at your side & an annoyed voice bring you back.
  13. >"Earth to Bakashi, get out of my way!" says a new voice as a tall girl with long, brown hair in a ponytail & wearing a school uniform pushes you out of the car & onto the platform.
  15. >"...Violent as ever Hi-Gori" you retort to your classmate while at the same time raising your bag to act as a shield against the attack that is about to follow.
  16. >"What did you call me? Do I look like a gorilla to you?" Hiyori shouts as she tries to take a swing at you but misses, almost certainly intentionally. This is perfectly normal for the two of you.
  17. >"By the way, the man you were talking about on the train is a police detective" she says, changing the subject.
  18. >"Really? How do you know?" you ask, you have never seen him before.
  19. >"That's because he's from the Murder Section" she replies with a matter-of-fact -tone.
  20. >You are still sceptical, after all because of your work you have run into pretty much every detective from the 1st Section, 1st Investigation Department, Metropolitan Police Department Crime Investigation Bureau, colloquially known as "Murder Section", at least three times by now. Your Section, 3rd Section of the 1st Investigation Department colloquially knowns as "Rape Section", keeps butting heads with them on a daily basis due to overlapping jurisdiction in most cases. If the "customers" aren't violent, their victims are, at least in the cases that get reported.
  21. >"So, are you working tonight?" Hiyori asks, meaning if you are scheduled to work on a case or a dozen at the station tonight, after all officially you can't do field work as long you are still minor & because of your unique ability you instead "work passively" every time you are out in the public. Your hours doing passive field work get attributed to other detectives who collect your pay for them & hand it over to you.
  22. >"No, I asked for the night off" you reply, you omit the details of your plans for the night. She would take it wrong if she knew where you were going, that or she'd try to tag along (and most likely succeed.)
  23. >"Oh, good, you see I got these tickets that are going to expire & I need someone to come with me..." she tries making excuses.
  25. >"I'm terribly sorry, but I asked for the night off because I have plans, I really can't postpone them this time", you reply, and are in fact telling the truth.
  26. >"...What kind of plans?" She asks, you can't tell which one is scarier: her intuition or the way she reacts when she senses that you aren't telling her the whole truth.
  27. >Shit, there's no way you are digging yourself out of this hole, might as well dig all the way through to the other side...
  28. >"...I think Yoshida-san is doing EK, and considering her personality..." you start explaining, but can't bring yourself to finish your sentence. In the end you don't have to. Yoshida Emi is your fellow classmate, outgoing and liked by most, but she's also rather 'adventurous' as well as incredibly gullible. If she's doing EK it's only a matter of time before her file lands on someone's desk at 1st Investigation Department, and you'd prefer if it was yours instead of someone from the 1st Section.
  29. >"And you were going to leave *me* out of this?" Hiyori starts fuming. They are close, but due to circumstances you know both of them more intimately than they know each other, and neither you nor Hiyori can figure out whether the fact that it's all because of your work is a plus or minus.
  30. >"...It's bad enough for one high schooler to go there late at night, at least if I go alone I can retreat behind my badge, but if you come we'll just look like a couple of delinquents with fake papers getting into trouble."
  31. >"What are you getting at, do I look like a delinquent?" Hiyori is starting to get mad...
  32. >"I'm saying I do, and a tomboy like you accompanying another teenager who looks like a "yankee" in the Red Light district isn't going to make you look like an honor student either" you explain.
  33. >"In any case, I am going!" she says after thinking for a moment, you knew this battle was lost before it even began, but you had to at least try.
  34. >"Fine, but we'll have to change clothes, meet you in 2 hours?"
  36. >"No, I am not letting you out of my sight" Hiyori says, believing you are trying to get rid of her, which true enough *had* crossed your mind.
  37. >"...But we need to change, we can't go there in our school uniforms" you say even though you already know what she's going to say.
  38. >"And?"
  39. >"...Nothing, your place or my place?" you ask as you give up trying to reason with her, causing her to turn red.
  40. >"Wha-what are you saying?" she cries out in panic, it seems she took the bait, hook line and sinker.
  41. >"We both need to stop by at our houses to change, and since you aren't letting me out of your sight, we'll need to establish which house we stop by first" you explain while feigning ignorance over what you said, or rather how it can be interpreted.
  42. >"...My house" she replies after a while, still flustered from what you said, before starting to lead the way.
  43. >As you get to her house you are greeted by her older brother who, as usual, isn't too happy to see you. Damn siscon.
  44. >"Welcome back Hiyori, looks like you picked up a creep on your way home" he says obviously referring to you.
  45. >"I'm back nii-san, yeah, could you keep an eye on it while I go to my room to change?" Hiyori replies cheerfully.
  46. >"With pleasure" says the older brother with a sadistic grin on his face. Once again, perfectly normal.
  47. >After Hiyori has changed you proceed to your house where she bribes your brother to watch you while you change, she may be a violent tomboy but she also knows how to get men to do her bidding...
  48. >"Eeh, loose camo pants and a dark hoodie again?" she asks with a hint of annoyance in her voice when she sees your street clothes.
  49. >"They are comfortable, don't stand out too much and they don't restrict my movements like 'fashionable' clothes would" you explain for umpteenth time.
  50. >"For a plain-clothes cop you sure don't look like one" she comments further.
  51. >"The whole idea of being a plain-clothes cop is to not look like a cop" you reply as you put on a pair of boots.
  53. >"By the way, grab a helmet from the closet" you say as you pick up the keys to your motorcycle.
  54. >"We are taking your bike? Why didn't you tell me that before I changed?" Hiyori asks, looking down to her skirt.
  55. >"You didn't ask, besides you know I hate taking the train when I don't have to", you reply.
  56. >"...So this is your trump card to get rid of me, sorry but you'll have to do better than that!" She exclaims as she picks a helmet from the closet.
  57. >"I have no idea what you are talking about", you feign ignorance once more, worth a try.
  58. >"I will never understand your tastes" Hiyori says as you take your dual-sport KTM out of the garage.
  59. >"Can you imagine me riding a cruiser or a sport bike?" you ask her while checking that everything is as it should with the bike.
  60. >"Not a cruiser, no, but I think a sport bike would suit you quite well" she replies after thinking for a moment.
  61. >"Besides, with a dual-sport the number of short-cuts I can take in the city grows exponentially" you add to your previous argument, causing Hiyori to become alarmed.
  62. >"You aren't seriously thinking about zipping through back alleys with me riding behind you?"
  63. >"You could always ride in front of me?" you joke before dodging the following attack, then continuing:
  64. >"Also not so much through back alleys as reserving the option of being able to pass traffic by driving on the sidewalk."
  65. >"Si-that's dangerous, not to forget illegal!" she protests.
  66. >"It's only dangerous if I don't adjust my speed to the amount of pedestrian traffic, and as a cop I can always say that I saw no alternative at the time, now let's go."
  68. >"I thought we were going to Kabukichō, why are we going to Toshima instead?" Hiyori shouts after realising where you are headed, not realising you can hear her clearly through the helmet phone.
  69. >"Because we need to find Yoshida first & she practically lives in Ikebukuro, besides Kabukichō isn't the only pleasure district in Tokyo, Nishi-Ikebukuro is also a possibility" you reply while adjusting volume, leaving out the part of wanting to avoid being recognized. There's just no way of saying "there's a good chance I'll be recognized in Kabukichō" without it sounding wrong, even if all parties know it's just because of your job.
  70. >"??? Since when has this helmet had a radio?" she asks.
  71. >"Technically it's a phone, a radio wouldn't let us talk simultaneously."
  72. >"Aren't you worried someone might eavesdrop on us?"
  73. >"Not really, the system uses bluetooth & has a range of a few meters, the transceivers on these helmets only communicate with the microcontroller installed on this bike. It would be easier to hack our cellphones than to eavesdrop on our conversation" you explain.
  74. >"In any case we should have some free time before Yoshida comes, is there some place you'd like to visit in Ikebukuro?"
  75. >"We-well if you insist, I guess I could be persuaded to go to..." Hiyori starts listing various places she wants to visit while you wait. Hiyori might not show up tonight, or you might simply miss her, but the very least the two of you will get something out of this evening...
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