
Vox gets cyberbullied

Aug 31st, 2016
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  1. megaLifter [ML] has begun espering voltaireMortis [VM]
  2. ML: sup bitch
  3. ML: you want to talk about fuckin weeb stuff
  4. ML: you wanna fuckin cry?
  6. VM: Are you, are you alright Nolan?
  7. VM: This is rather aggressivve evven coming from you.
  8. VM: Is this like one of those things people do to covver up their inability to control their emotions?
  9. VM: Do you wwant to cry Nolan? Is that wwhy you're talking to me?
  10. ML: nah man, when i'm done with you you're gonna fuckin ball your fuckin eyes out
  11. ML: so guess what, you're in the shit now
  12. ML: let's get this shit started
  13. ML: say something stupid right now
  14. VM: Oh I'vve got one, my name is Nolan and nobody wwill evver lovve me like my right hand wwill.
  15. VM: Or wwas that a little too clevver to be coming from you? I may struggle to dumb it dowwn a bit, seeing as howw I'm not you.
  16. ML: pshhh yeah right i regularly get more action than you've ever seen in porn
  17. ML: all that fucked up shit you see
  18. ML: i bet you're into foot shit
  19. ML: you like seeing feet?
  20. ML: get a hard on from that shit?
  21. VM: Oh really? Cause Elliot's told me you'vve been on a bit of a dry spell for the last... Oh eighteen years?
  22. VM: Nothing to feel bad about, you'll get through it someday. There's alwways Celia, but I imagine that she'd wwant out after a twwenty second covversation wwith you.
  23. VM: So wwho's really the one wwith the fucked up shit? Wwho's really the one projecting his foot fetishes? Hmm?
  24. ML: still you man
  25. ML: i have a fucking photo from her dickless
  26. ML: more than you can say from the man that is so fuckin weebish, he can't help but press his v's and w's twice
  27. ML: you so sick in the head that you don't notice that?
  28. VM: You mean this photo?
  29. VM: 'Cause guess wwhat dumbass? That's not her.
  30. VM: That's the fake photo she sent you to try and get you to leavve her alone.
  31. VM: You think I'm sick in the head? At least I knoww wwhat's wwrong wwith me, you don't seem to havve a clue.
  32. ML: actually no, i don't mean that photo
  33. ML: she took a selfie of herself in a forest for me
  34. ML: there was fuckin animals and shit
  35. ML: and you know what else?
  36. ML: she promised me more photos
  37. ML: i'm so fuckin sorry you can't get a girl to give you anything
  38. ML: oh, and that girl fashionableLunatic?
  39. ML: sent me at least three
  40. ML: so why don't you fix how small your dick is before we continue this convo
  41. VM: Wwell I mean you're clearly wwrong since I havve that picture I just showwed you?
  42. VM: More entertainingly on the other hand, you'vve been talking to Jydbec? Because the only thing she wwants to givve you is a knife in the back, feel free to ask her yourself.
  43. VM: You also seem to havve a strange fixation on my "dick" this may be one of those issues that you should probably talk to a psychologist about.
  44. ML: you dumbass
  45. ML: i literally just told you what photo she sent me
  46. ML: it was literally called hinolan.jpg so there's no way in fuckin hell you have that fuckin photo
  47. ML: and you want to know why i'm talking your fuckin dick?
  48. ML: because i am god damn amazed at how fuckin small it is
  49. ML: the most powerful microscope in the world couldn't see it
  50. ML: so i guess you win the small dick contest
  51. ML: in fact you put the fuckin word in parentheses
  52. ML: i shouldn't have called you dickless
  53. ML: you did yourself
  54. VM: The point is that I havve another photo of the same person, she literally just found them on google, you could probably find them online yourself if you had the self awwareness to realize that you're not god's gift to wwomen.
  55. VM: And again your obsession wwith dicks is rather concerning. Celia once told me that a man wworrying about another persons dick is literally the gayest thing they could evver do.
  56. VM: But secondly yeah, I don't havve a dick. So your obsession wwith it seems a little unfounded.
  57. ML: what, you're a chick?
  58. ML: let me tell ya lady, you're the bitchiest woman i ever seen
  59. ML: trying to get in bed with you would actually be worse for the human race
  60. VM: Sure, wwhatevver you wwant to think gay boy.
  61. ML: pffft
  62. ML: holy shit
  63. ML: it's actually come to this
  64. ML: you're using fuckin "gay" as an insult
  65. ML: wow
  66. ML: you know, i thought you were just a regular moron before this, but holy shit
  67. ML: i'm actually taken back by that
  68. ML: what is this, fuckin middle school?
  69. ML: you gonna start callin me a doodoo head too?
  70. ML: is Nolan a little poopy mcpooperton?
  71. ML: you may be a chick, but let me tell ya
  72. ML: you have no style
  73. ML: and it's actually makin me laugh
  74. ML: so good job, you actually made me feel better by being the dumbass you are
  75. VM: I had no inclination of using "gay" as an inuslt, simply as a statement of fact. In fact I was of the inference that gay wwasn't a derogatory term, is that not the case?
  76. VM: And I'm the moron? I'm not the one wwith a problems accepting wwho I am on the inside. I'm not the one wwho didn't realize he wwas talking to a "chick" for the past half hour.
  77. VM: You really don't knoww anything aside from howw to turn off chicks don't you? Has Celia evven responded to you? Howw's that convversation going hmm?
  78. ML: she's offline, so it doesn't matter
  79. ML: she's talkin to jack shit amount of people right now
  80. ML: at this point, i've stopped givin a shit
  81. ML: i came here lookin to pick a fight, got one, and in the end you proved yourself just perfectly
  82. ML: fuck girl, you got me smilin
  83. ML: i would wish you luck in anyone finding you attractive, but well...
  84. ML: we both know how that will turn out
  85. ML: let's never talk again unless you want to embarrass yourself again
  86. ML: later bitch
  87. megaLifter has blocked voltaireMortis
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