
2016-12-28 Patch Notes

Dec 28th, 2016
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  1. 2016-12-28 Patch Notes
  3. - Removed !nagito
  4. - The idea of Nagito was to be an "extra challenge" version of !rr that people could go for once in a while which threatened a higher chance of timeout for a higher return of hype in exchange. In practice, it just ended up being a way for people to time themselves out without care. While it was fun for a while, I feel that the meta surrounding it had shifted in an unintentional direction. I have decided to remove it. !rr is still available.
  6. - Day off changed from Tuesday to Thursday
  7. - With the addition of Next Level Nights to my stream repertoire, I was worried about my channel's focus on speedrunning dropping. Changing my day off to Thursday gives me 5 full days to put effort into runs, and gives me more flexibility in my personal schedule. I will most likely still be streaming on Thursdays for Next Level Nights, however the stream would finish as soon as the team is done playing games for the night. Some weeks, I may choose to not stream Next Level Nights, or to sit out all together. Overall this change should mean more content for you guys.
  9. - New Sub Badges
  10. - This new set follows the more regulated medal system that most channels use. This should make it more clear at a glance for new/old viewers how long someone is subbed for. Also got rid of that confusing green badge, so you can actually tell who is a mod now.
  12. - Overhauled and updated channel info section
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