

Dec 21st, 2011
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  1. Wed[09:40:44]PM Jousway: hey isk you there, I wonder how does the amod work, like how does it get the avarage bpm of the song, like does it check all the bpm's and use the one thats used most, or do you define it in the file self like abpm=180 or something?
  2. Wed[09:41:16]PM isk: it just takes the most used
  3. Wed[09:41:40]PM isk: there has been some discussion on improving it...
  4. Wed[09:41:57]PM isk: as really it should take the fastest BPM where actually playability is required
  5. Wed[09:42:10]PM Jousway: then you get mmods
  6. Wed[09:42:10]PM isk: but finding that BPM is a bit more tricky
  7. Wed[09:42:30]PM Jousway: isk, look in to vyhd's mmod code for openitg
  8. Wed[09:42:35]PM isk: well, it has to be able to overlook gimmick and very short speedups
  9. Wed[09:43:03]PM isk: and if there is a constant gradual speedup that means the BPM will be ever changing
  10. Wed[09:43:27]PM isk: yet there has to be a certain point where it is a defined a "playable section over X BPM" and that BPM is used
  11. Wed[09:43:55]PM isk: bit of an edge case but i'm sure it will happen
  12. Wed[09:44:06]PM Jousway: sounds like an ass to code
  13. Wed[09:44:19]PM isk: i thought mmod simply took the "max" bpm?
  14. Wed[09:44:26]PM Jousway: yeah
  15. Wed[09:44:31]PM isk: that would be easy
  16. Wed[09:45:05]PM Jousway: was an ass to code for stepmania according to vyhd
  17. Wed[09:45:13]PM isk: rly?
  18. Wed[09:45:25]PM isk: does he do excluding gimmicks or something like that as well?
  19. Wed[09:45:39]PM isk: just finding the MAX should be trivial
  20. Wed[09:45:55]PM Jousway: and amod's is going to be an ass to code for stepmania, but patashu has said it before to the ssc crew that it would be nice to have amod's in stepmania but yeah
  21. Wed[09:47:24]PM isk: well if m-mod got those two features
  22. Wed[09:47:31]PM isk: it would essentially by a-mod
  23. Wed[09:47:33]PM Jousway: from what I know they dont
  24. Wed[09:47:41]PM isk: or vice versa, at that point it's just a different name ;P
  25. Wed[09:47:53]PM isk: current a-mod is very limited though, so i doubt it would be worth adding
  26. Wed[09:48:13]PM isk: it's like a slightly improved m-mod
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