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a guest
Oct 13th, 2018
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text 12.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. "\nFinished with exit code: %i\n" = "\nFinished with exit code: %i.\n";
  2. "%@ (raw: %@)" = "%@ (raw: %@)";
  3. "%@. %@" = "%@. %@";
  4. "%@. <array>" = "%@. <array>";
  5. "%@. <dict>" = "%@. <dict>";
  6. "%i item(s); %@ free" = "%i item(s); %@ free";
  7. "%i item; permissions: %@" = "%i item; permissions: %@";
  8. "%i items; permissions: %@" = "%i items; permissions: %@";
  9. "%i:%c%i of %i:%c%i" = "%i:%c%i of %i:%c%i";
  10. "'%@' = '%@';" = "'%@' = '%@';";
  11. "'%@' = <array>;" = "'%@' = <array>;";
  12. "'%@' = <dict>;" = "'%@' = <dict>;";
  13. "'file' command" = "'file' command";
  14. "(No description)\nTag ID: %i" = "(No description)\nTag ID: %i";
  15. "[MyFile] Attachment: %@ (%@, %@)" = "[MyFile] Attachment: %@ (%@, %@)";
  16. "about" = "about_en";
  17. "About" = "About";
  18. "About MyFile" = "About MyFile";
  19. "Access time" = "Access time";
  20. "Add bookmark" = "Add bookmark";
  21. "Add labels" = "Add labels";
  22. "Add to Camera Roll" = "Add to Camera Roll";
  23. "Add to iPod" = "Nahrát do iPodu";
  24. "Add to Queue" = "Add to queue";
  25. "Album" = "Album";
  26. "Albums" = "Albums";
  27. "Alpha:" = "Alpha:";
  28. "App info" = "App info";
  29. "Application: %@" = "Application: %@";
  30. "Archive manager" = "Archive manager";
  31. "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?" = "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?";
  32. "Artist" = "Artist";
  33. "Artists" = "Artists";
  34. "Artwork" = "Artwork";
  35. "Audio player" = "Audio player";
  36. "Blue:" = "Blue:";
  37. "Bookmarks" = "Boookmarks";
  38. "Calculating..." = "Calculating...";
  39. "Cancel" = "Cancel";
  40. "changelog" = "changelog_en";
  41. "Check out my file: %@" = "Check out my file: %@";
  42. "Choose image" = "Choose image";
  43. "Clear Queue" = "Clear Queue";
  44. "Close" = "Close";
  45. "Columns of table" = "Columns of table";
  46. "Command failed" = "Command failed";
  47. "Comments" = "Comments";
  48. "Compress" = "Compress";
  49. "Compress failed" = "Compress failed";
  50. "Compress files" = "Compress files";
  51. "Confirm deletion" = "Confirm deletion";
  52. "contact" = "contact_en";
  53. "Continuous" = "Continuous";
  54. "Convert 8 spaces to TAB" = "Convert 8 spaces to TAB";
  55. "Copy" = "Copy";
  56. "Create" = "Create";
  57. "Create file" = "Create file";
  58. "Create folder" = "Create folder";
  59. "Crop" = "Crop";
  60. "Cut" = "Cut";
  61. "Delete" = "Delete";
  62. "Directory?" = "Directory?";
  63. "Dismiss" = "Dismiss";
  64. "Don't forget to generate a HashInfo file to use iPod library support. See Seetings -> Help for details." = "Don't forget to generate a HashInfo file to use iPod library support. See Seetings -> Help for details.";
  65. "donate" = "donate_en";
  66. "Donate" = "Donate";
  67. "Done, modify!" = "Done, modify!";
  68. "Download file" = "Download file";
  69. "Download successful" = "Download successful";
  70. "Dropbox" = "Dropbox";
  71. "Dropbox actions" = "Dropbox actions";
  72. "Dropbox sync" = "Dropbox sync";
  73. "Dropbox upload path" = "Dropbox upload path";
  74. "Edit as text" = "Edit as text";
  75. "Editing metadata" = "Editing metadata";
  76. "Empty trash" = "Empty trash";
  77. "Enable password" = "Enable password";
  78. "Enter file mode" = "Enter file mode";
  79. "Enter filename" = "Enter filename";
  80. "Enter group ID" = "Enter group ID";
  81. "Enter new metadata" = "Enter new metadata";
  82. "Enter raw value" = "Enter raw value";
  83. "Enter SQL query here" = "Enter SQL query here";
  84. "Enter user ID" = "Enter user ID";
  85. "Error" = "Error";
  86. "Error creating folder" = "Error creating folder";
  87. "Error deleting file" = "Error deleting file";
  88. "Error downloading file" = "Error downloading file";
  89. "Error loading metadata" = "Error loading metadata";
  90. "Error uploading file" = "Error uploading file";
  91. "Executing command" = "Executing command";
  92. "Executing command:\n%@...\n\n" = "Executing command:\n%@...\n\n";
  93. "Extract application" = "Extract application";
  94. "Extract package" = "Extract package";
  95. "File %@ was uploaded to %@" = "File %@ was uploaded to %@";
  96. "File name" = "File name";
  97. "File operations" = "File operations";
  98. "File sharing" = "File sharing";
  99. "File tasks" = "File tasks";
  100. "Filename" = "Filename";
  101. "Find" = "Find";
  102. "Fit to screen" = "Fit to screen";
  103. "Folder name" = "Folder name";
  104. "Font size in points" = "Font size in points";
  105. "Font size of text editor" = "Font size of text editor";
  106. "General" = "General";
  107. "Generate hash" = "Generate hash";
  108. "Genre" = "Genre";
  109. "Go to trash" = "Go to trash";
  110. "Grayscale" = "Grayscale";
  111. "Green:" = "Green:";
  112. "Group" = "Group";
  113. "Group ID" = "Group ID";
  114. "help" = "help_en";
  115. "Help" = "Help";
  116. "Hex editor" = "Hex editor";
  117. "Hey! I just shared a file on Facebook! %@" = "Hey! I just shared a file on Facebook! %@";
  118. "Home directory" = "Home directory";
  119. "Host:" = "Host:";
  120. "HTTP server" = "HTTP server";
  121. "ID: %i" = "ID: %i";
  122. "Image effects" = "Image effects";
  123. "Image operations" = "Image operations";
  124. "Image saved" = "Image saved";
  125. "Image viewer" = "Image viewer";
  126. "Image will be saved to the camera roll." = "Image will be saved to the camera roll.";
  127. "Install application" = "Install application";
  128. "Install package" = "Install package";
  129. "Invalid media type" = "Invalid media type";
  130. "IP address: %@" = "IP address: %@";
  131. "Language" = "Language";
  132. "Later" = "Later";
  133. "Load directory" = "Load directory";
  134. "Load home on startup" = "Load home on startup";
  135. "Load previous node" = "Load previous node";
  136. "Loading file" = "Loading file";
  137. "Loading..." = "Loading...";
  138. "Local" = "Local";
  139. "Local Dropbox sync folder" = "Local Dropbox sync folder";
  140. "Local file:" = "Local file:";
  141. "Local sync folder" = "Local sync folder";
  142. "Log in" = "Log in";
  143. "Log in to Dropbox" = "Log in to Dropbox";
  144. "Login required" = "Login required";
  145. "Login to Facebook" = "Login to Facebook";
  146. "Login to Twitter" = "Login to Twitter";
  147. "Logout from Facebook" = "Logout from Facebook";
  148. "Logout from Twitter" = "Logout from Twitter";
  149. "Lots of hard work went into the development of MyFile. I kindly ask you to donate in order to let me buy a new iPhone. I need this to be able to test MyFile and my other apps against recent iOS versions as my old device is no longer supported by Apple. Thank you very much!" = "Lots of hard work went into the development of MyFile. I kindly ask you to donate in order to let me buy a new iPhone. I need this to be able to test MyFile and my other apps against recent iOS versions as my old device is no longer supported by Apple. Thank you very much!";
  150. "Lyricist" = "Lyricist";
  151. "Manage items in queue" = "Manage items in queue";
  152. "MD5 hash" = "MD5 hash";
  153. "MIME type" = "MIME type";
  154. "Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
  155. "Modification time" = "Modification time";
  156. "Movie player" = "Movie player";
  157. "MyPod" = "MyPod";
  158. "Name" = "Name";
  159. "New file" = "New file";
  160. "New folder" = "New folder";
  161. "Next" = "Next";
  162. "No" = "No";
  163. "No title" = "No title";
  164. "Octal 4-digit" = "Octal 4-digit";
  165. "OK" = "OK";
  166. "Open with..." = "Open with...";
  167. "Options" = "Options";
  168. "Owner's name" = "Owner's name";
  169. "Parent directory" = "Parent directory";
  170. "Password" = "Password";
  171. "Password:" = "Password:";
  172. "Paste file(s)" = "Paste file(s)";
  173. "Paste Queue" = "Paste Queue";
  174. "Permissions" = "Permissions";
  175. "Photos" = "Photos";
  176. "Play once" = "Play once";
  177. "Playlists" = "Playlists";
  178. "Please donate" = "Please donate";
  179. "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet and try again." = "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet and try again.";
  180. "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the file to be deleted exists and try again." = "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the file to be deleted exists and try again.";
  181. "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the file to be uploaded doesn't exist yet and try again." = "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the file to be uploaded doesn't exist yet and try again.";
  182. "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the folder to be created doesn't yet exist and try again." = "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and the folder to be created doesn't yet exist and try again.";
  183. "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and you have enough space on your device and try again." = "Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet, logged in and you have enough space on your device and try again.";
  184. "Please make sure that you're connected to the Internet, logged in to your Dropbox account and the specified file does not exist yet and try again." = "Please make sure that you're connected to the Internet, logged in to your Dropbox account and the specified file does not exist yet and try again.";
  185. "Please note that you'll need to log in in order to use MyFile with your Dropbox account." = "Please note that you'll need to log in in order to use MyFile with your Dropbox account.";
  186. "Please specify output filename." = "Please specify output filename.";
  187. "Plist operations" = "Plist operations";
  188. "Point to draw text to" = "Point to draw text to";
  189. "Preview and print" = "Preview and print";
  190. "Previous" = "Previous";
  191. "Property list viewer" = "Property list viewer";
  192. "Public link was copied to the pasteboard." = "Public link was copied to the pasteboard.";
  193. "Public link was shared on Twitter." = "Public link was shared on Twitter.";
  194. "Pull down to refresh..." = "Pull down to refresh...";
  195. "Radius in pixels" = "Radius in pixels";
  196. "Record #%i" = "Record #%i";
  197. "Red:" = "Red:";
  198. "Release to refresh..." = "Release to refresh...";
  199. "Remote Dropbox sync folder" = "Remote Dropbox sync folder";
  200. "Remote file:" = "Remote file:";
  201. "Remote sync folder" = "Remote sync folder";
  202. "Repeat" = "Repeat";
  203. "Rotate" = "Rotate";
  204. "Rounded corners" = "Rounded corners";
  205. "Running..." = "Running...";
  206. "Save image" = "Save image";
  207. "Saving image" = "Saving image";
  208. "Scale" = "Scale";
  209. "Select" = "Select";
  210. "Send by e-mail" = "Send by e-mail";
  211. "Server is off" = "Server is off";
  212. "Server port:" = "Server port:";
  213. "Serving on port %@" = "Serving on port %@";
  214. "Set transparency" = "Set transparency";
  215. "Settings" = "Settings";
  216. "SFTP/SCP" = "SFTP/SCP";
  217. "Share on Facebook" = "Share on Facebook";
  218. "Share on Twitter" = "Share on Twitter";
  219. "Show metadata" = "Show metadata";
  220. "Shuffle" = "Shuffle";
  221. "Size" = "Size";
  222. "Size: %@, permissions: %@" = "Size: %@, permissions: %@";
  223. "Size: %@; mode: %@" = "Size: %@; mode: %@";
  224. "Social" = "Social";
  225. "Song added" = "Song was added";
  226. "Songs" = "Songs";
  227. "Specify degrees" = "Specify degrees";
  228. "Specify percents" = "Specify percents";
  229. "SQL viewer" = "SQL viewer";
  230. "Start server" = "Start server";
  231. "Stop server" = "Stop server";
  232. "Symlink" = "Symlink";
  233. "Tables in database" = "Tables in database";
  234. "Tap to select image" = "Tap to select image";
  235. "Text editor" = "Text editor";
  236. "Text font size" = "Text font size";
  237. "Text to be searched for" = "Text to be searched for";
  238. "The image '%@' was successfully added to the camera roll." = "The image '%@' was successfully added to the camera roll.";
  239. "The song %@ was successfully added to the iPod library." = "The song '%@' was successfully added to the iPod library.";
  240. "The song '%@' could not be added to the iPod library." = "The song '%@' could not be added to the iPod library.";
  241. "The specified command couldn't be executed." = "The specified command couldn't be executed.";
  242. "The video '%@' could not be added to the iPod library." = "The video '%@' could not be added to the iPod library.";
  243. "The video '%@' was successfully added to the camera roll." = "The video '%@' was successfully added to the camera roll.";
  244. "The video '%@' was successfully added to the iPod library." = "The video '%@' was successfully added to the iPod library.";
  245. "This mail was sent you using MyFile. See attachment." = "This mail was sent you using MyFile. See attachment.";
  246. "This media format appears to be unsupported." = "This media format appears to be unsupported.";
  247. "Title" = "Title";
  248. "Trash" = "Trash";
  249. "Trash operations" = "Trash operations";
  250. "Tweet sent" = "Tweet sent";
  251. "Type file name here" = "Type file name here";
  252. "Type new password here" = "Type new password here";
  253. "Type port number here" = "Type port number here";
  254. "Unknown album" = "Unknown album";
  255. "Unknown artist" = "Unknown artist";
  256. "Unknown genre" = "Unknown genre";
  257. "Unlink iPhone from Dropbox" = "Unlink iPhone from Dropbox";
  258. "Upload file" = "Upload file";
  259. "Upload file to Dropbox" = "Upload file to Dropbox";
  260. "Upload path" = "Upload path";
  261. "Upload specificly" = "Upload specifically";
  262. "Upload successful" = "Upload successful";
  263. "Use trash" = "Use trash";
  264. "User ID" = "User ID";
  265. "Username:" = "Username:";
  266. "Value" = "Value";
  267. "Video added" = "Video added";
  268. "Video saved" = "Video saved";
  269. "Web browser" = "Web browser";
  270. "Working" = "Working";
  271. "Write text here" = "Write text here";
  272. "X, Y, Width, Height" = "X, Y, Width, Height";
  273. "Year" = "Year";
  274. "Yes" = "Yes";
  275. "You have entered an invalid string." = "You have entered an invalid string.";
  276. "You must enter a valid port number" = "You must enter a valid port number";
  277. "You've successfully downloaded the file to %@" = "You've successfully downloaded the file to %@";
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