
S3E5 Magic Duel Chat Log

Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. [10:30:11] <Wayoshi> PONY NOW
  2. [10:30:11] <diribigal> I haven't tried doing one of these streams in so long, let's see if it works ok
  3. [10:30:12] <WT_Fits> WE'VE GOT PONY SIGN
  4. [10:30:12] <Durandal> no robotzor the bandwidth is perfect
  5. [10:30:12] <BartonFink> http://i.imgur.com/BDOCn.gif NEW EPISODE http://i.imgur.com/BDOCn.gif
  6. [10:30:13] <numsOic> yo okay
  7. [10:30:13] <AppleCobbler44> where's the from?
  8. [10:30:13] <numsOic> okay
  9. [10:30:14] <Isaak> HERE WE GO
  10. [10:30:14] <jamartinezm> gogogo
  11. [10:30:14] <HerrGeneral> PONY
  12. [10:30:14] <Stuff> HOLY CRAP
  13. [10:30:15] <Wayoshi> rain
  14. [10:30:16] <AppleCobbler44> AJ episode?
  15. [10:30:16] <HerrGeneral> rain
  16. [10:30:17] <jamartinezm> it's on!
  17. [10:30:17] <jamartinezm> sssh
  18. [10:30:18] <agradify> yes!
  19. [10:30:18] <Throbulator> IS PONY TIME
  20. [10:30:18] <Stuff> RAIN
  21. [10:30:18] <numsOic> okay
  22. [10:30:18] <Obi2> it's time!
  23. [10:30:18] <Wayoshi> here she comes
  24. [10:30:18] <Isaak> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  25. [10:30:19] <FlareShard> HORSE
  26. [10:30:20] <wilma> OOOOOOH
  27. [10:30:20] <FactoryFactory> HORSIE RAIN
  28. [10:30:21] <numsOic> every trixie fanfic ever
  29. [10:30:21] <RudeCyrus> ominous
  30. [10:30:21] <BaronPorkface> Canterlot
  31. [10:30:21] <_Grue_> it was a dark and stormy night
  32. [10:30:22] <Wayoshi> well damn
  33. [10:30:22] <Durandal> our crappy DSL can handle it so it's good
  34. [10:30:22] <Lazy> MYSTERIOUS OPENING!?!?!?!?!??!???
  35. [10:30:22] <numsOic> GO
  36. [10:30:22] <HelixNebula> render unto me the pony
  37. [10:30:23] <HerrGeneral> damn
  38. [10:30:23] <Durandal> YES
  39. [10:30:23] <Durandal> YES
  40. [10:30:24] <Wayoshi> it's those shots we saw
  41. [10:30:26] <CasualViewing> NO NOT MARE DO WELL
  42. [10:30:26] <numsOic> fanfic episode
  43. [10:30:27] <Wayoshi> cool
  44. [10:30:27] <Shotgunbadger> DARK AND DANGEROUS
  45. [10:30:27] <Lazy> ?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?/
  46. [10:30:27] <LiamTop> Horsie interloper
  47. [10:30:28] <HerrGeneral> that looks awesome
  48. [10:30:28] <Chronos30> This background!
  49. [10:30:29] <_Grue_> backgrounds
  50. [10:30:29] <In_West_Fillydelphia> WHO IS THIS CLOAKED PONY
  51. [10:30:29] <Throbulator> WOAH SPOOKY
  52. [10:30:30] <BaronPorkface> Zebra skull
  53. [10:30:31] <garamir> wow
  54. [10:30:32] <Durandal> best episode already
  55. [10:30:32] <Frosthawk> ban for grimdark
  56. [10:30:32] <Lapis> Horse time.
  57. [10:30:34] <thatbastardken> oh cool
  58. [10:30:35] <BartonFink> hippie pony
  59. [10:30:35] <VoidChicken> oh good those pics aren't spoilers anymore
  60. [10:30:36] <FlareShard> O hai Zecora
  61. [10:30:37] <Corpus> chinese pony
  62. [10:30:38] <Wayoshi> ooh
  63. [10:30:38] <Pretorius> Poison?
  64. [10:30:38] <thatbastardken> stop theif
  65. [10:30:40] <BartonFink> I AM A SHOPKEEPER
  66. [10:30:40] <LiamTop> :o
  67. [10:30:42] <drunkill> canterlot shop :3
  68. [10:30:42] <_Grue_> d&d shop
  69. [10:30:43] <Jupiter> Zebra skull!
  70. [10:30:43] <HuffyTheDragon> Diagon Alley
  71. [10:30:43] <BlueBastard> Noooo, I can't handle the quality
  72. [10:30:46] <garamir> I'm looking for someone who speaks the Chinese language.
  73. [10:30:46] <FactoryFactory> Apothepony :3
  74. [10:30:47] <BaronPorkface> Alicorm
  75. [10:30:48] <Lazy> horsies sell the mysterious item :3
  76. [10:30:49] <RudeCyrus> point
  77. [10:30:50] <Ashenai> whoah
  78. [10:30:50] <BartonFink> - Neoh, "Theh Matrixh"
  79. [10:30:51] <Wayoshi> alicorn amulet
  80. [10:30:52] <Durandal> "Hail, outlander"
  81. [10:30:52] <CasualViewing> PUT A BUCKET ON HIS HEAD
  82. [10:30:53] <LiamTop> :o
  83. [10:30:53] <Isaak> uh oh
  84. [10:30:56] <Lazy> DUN DUN
  85. [10:30:56] <FlareShard> Chinese people are canon now
  86. [10:30:56] <CasualViewing> STEAL HIS SHIT
  87. [10:30:56] <Swift`> Whoa
  88. [10:30:56] <Shastao> what
  89. [10:30:57] <Quanta> ALICORN! :O
  90. [10:30:57] <Swift`> alicorn
  91. [10:30:57] <Ashenai> ALICORN AMULET
  92. [10:30:58] <fenster> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp
  93. [10:30:58] <numsOic> Alicorn Amulet seriously?
  94. [10:30:59] <Chronos30> Alicorn Amulet
  95. [10:31:00] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Alicorn confirmed
  96. [10:31:00] <republic> WATCHA BUYIN' STRANGER??
  97. [10:31:00] <Mordja> Whoa hey
  98. [10:31:02] <Robotzor> rich
  99. [10:31:02] <thatbastardken> great
  100. [10:31:03] <agradify> TALK STRANGER
  101. [10:31:04] <Isaak> this is a rad opening so far
  102. [10:31:04] <jamartinezm> it is shiny. i want it
  103. [10:31:04] <Wayoshi> holy bits
  104. [10:31:06] <Dolash> Where'd she gt the mad stacks?
  105. [10:31:06] <BartonFink> heh
  106. [10:31:06] <Swift`> Crazy
  107. [10:31:06] <Jupiter> lol
  108. [10:31:06] <Durandal> It's the Genie's lamp
  109. [10:31:07] <HuffyTheDragon> She's gonna kill this dude
  110. [10:31:07] <numsOic> fanfic time is a go
  111. [10:31:07] <Mordja> Alicorns now official
  112. [10:31:07] <fenster> alicorns revealed
  113. [10:31:07] <Throbulator> great and powerful amulet
  114. [10:31:08] <LiamTop> Don't feed it after midnight!
  115. [10:31:08] <Mordja> Haha
  116. [10:31:09] <agradify> its a deal!
  117. [10:31:09] <RudeCyrus> TAKE MY LOOT
  118. [10:31:10] <Frosthawk> where did she get that money
  119. [10:31:11] <_Grue_> lol wrapped
  120. [10:31:11] <Wayoshi> SMILE OF EVIL
  121. [10:31:12] <Frosthawk> oh right
  122. [10:31:12] <diribigal> if it's so dangerous, why would you have it in your shop?
  123. [10:31:12] <Isaak> money talks
  124. [10:31:13] <DarkMatter> OH SHIT
  125. [10:31:13] <Ashenai> whoah
  126. [10:31:13] <Wayoshi> epic
  127. [10:31:13] <BartonFink> - Neoh, "Theh Matrixh"
  128. [10:31:14] <cathead> GET MONEY
  129. [10:31:15] <Stuff> TRIXIE
  130. [10:31:15] <thatbastardken> cash solves every problem
  131. [10:31:16] <KefkaFloyd> EEEEVIL
  132. [10:31:16] <FlareShard> Damn it, Liam
  133. [10:31:16] <PoorYorick> MY LITTLE PONY
  134. [10:31:16] <drunkill> shiny teeth
  135. [10:31:16] <Robotzor> AH AH AH AHHHH
  136. [10:31:16] <wilma> PWETTY
  137. [10:31:17] <Pretorius> He's like the Mogwai shop owner pony
  138. [10:31:18] <HerrGeneral> MY LITTLE PON
  139. [10:31:18] <BartonFink> Disappointing so far. Show has clearly jumped the shark. 2/10
  140. [10:31:18] <Obi2> whoa shes rich
  141. [10:31:18] <Ashenai> shit is about to go down
  142. [10:31:18] <Chronos30> MY LITTLE POOONNNY
  143. [10:31:20] <Quanta> OH SHIT THINGS GETTIN' REAL
  144. [10:31:21] <Throbulator> what a great start
  145. [10:31:22] <nimrod> pfha
  146. [10:31:22] <Radio_PhoolCat> Knockturn Alley
  147. [10:31:23] <agradify> cut to cute song
  148. [10:31:24] <HuffyTheDragon> Trixie's blood money
  149. [10:31:25] <thatbastardken> cool as heck
  150. [10:31:26] <BlueBastard> Well, that explains where she gets that
  151. [10:31:26] <numsOic> this episode sucks thanks everyone now you can go home
  152. [10:31:27] <nimrod> the almighty bit
  153. [10:31:29] <_Grue_> she stole all those money
  154. [10:31:29] <Geomancing> Is that where those backgrounds came from, glad I marked them as spoilers then.
  155. [10:31:29] <fenster> that was a badass cold open
  156. [10:31:30] <FactoryFactory> Song whiplash
  157. [10:31:31] <Dolash> Guess that sinks the "amulet is Sombra related" theory
  158. [10:31:32] <Robotzor> see why everyone spoiling
  159. [10:31:32] <Stuff> FAITHFUL AND STRONG
  160. [10:31:33] <Frosthawk> This is not the show I once knew, 1/10
  161. [10:31:34] <Robotzor> D:
  163. [10:31:35] <garamir> This book is not for you. It's not safe.
  164. [10:31:36] <drunkill> Monkey Island shop :3
  165. [10:31:36] <anniie> what is this some girl cartoon
  166. [10:31:36] <Shadowwalker> you buying, stranger
  167. [10:31:36] <FlareShard> My Little Pony: Shit's Getting Real
  168. [10:31:37] <FactoryFactory> a bootiful hart
  170. [10:31:41] <In_West_Fillydelphia> freeeeens
  171. [10:31:41] <Radio_PhoolCat> FRENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNS
  172. [10:31:42] <ancara22> FRAAAAANCE
  173. [10:31:42] <_Grue_> i guessed this
  174. [10:31:42] <Jupiter> No mystery for us
  175. [10:31:43] <Stuff> frens
  176. [10:31:44] -->| AdelorLyon (~Adium@synIRC-68108C17.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #ponyday
  177. [10:31:44] <FactoryFactory> FWENZ
  178. [10:31:44] <HerrGeneral> I can't wait for headless to eat his fruit hat
  179. [10:31:45] <diribigal> I thought we're only allowed to have evilness in 2-part episodes
  180. [10:31:45] <BartonFink> why are the horses talking??? 4/10
  181. [10:31:45] <RudeCyrus> fraaaaaaaaaaaaaance
  182. [10:31:45] <Wayoshi> fireindzzzzzzzzzzzz
  183. [10:31:45] <Throbulator> im glad sombra isnt involved
  185. [10:31:47] <Ashenai> so "alicorn" is a canon word now
  186. [10:31:47] <Ashenai> sweet
  187. [10:31:48] <HelixNebula> "this amulet has great power" "that's good" "the amulet is also cursed" "that's bad"
  188. [10:31:50] <Jupiter> I mean, we obviously figured it out
  189. [10:31:50] <jamartinezm> freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnz
  190. [10:31:51] <FlareShard> Frizz
  191. [10:31:51] <garamir> giddy... up...?
  192. [10:31:51] <TheDoctor> Teaching the kids a valuable lesson. WHo started this whole evil mess? That arab pony dealing magical stuff
  193. [10:31:51] <agradify> MLP Friendship is Grimdark
  194. [10:31:51] <Jupiter> but
  195. [10:31:52] <Geomancing> new tag for alicorn_amulet then
  196. [10:31:54] <drunkill> pegacorn
  197. [10:31:55] <Stuff> boo ads
  198. [10:31:56] <jamartinezm> gak time
  199. [10:31:56] <Robotzor> stream is like 6 seconds behind
  200. [10:31:57] <numsOic> trixie owns ponyville forever rest of season 3 is trixie ruling equestria
  201. [10:31:57] <Robotzor> boooo
  202. [10:31:59] <wilma> trixie s****s, why am i watching this
  203. [10:32:00] <thatbastardken> adds
  204. [10:32:00] <RudeCyrus> STUPID COMMERCIALS
  205. [10:32:02] <Lazy> UGH NO GET OUT
  206. [10:32:03] <Pretorius> Seriously, Gremlins shopkeeper pony
  207. [10:32:04] <BartonFink> LITTLEST PET SHOP WOOP WOOP
  208. [10:32:05] <Lapis> Bring on the fucking gak!
  209. [10:32:05] <ozone> the gak amulet
  210. [10:32:08] <_Grue_> it was called alicorn amulet in the filename
  211. [10:32:14] <DarkMatter> take it to #petday if you want to watch lps
  212. [10:32:17] <Ashenai> Geomancing: also, new "alicorn" tag, instead of "princess", probably
  213. [10:32:18] <wilma> HHAHAHA, OH MAN
  214. [10:32:20] <garamir> aaaaaaaa
  215. [10:32:20] <_Grue_> blythe is eeevil
  216. [10:32:20] <thatbastardken> the worst friends
  217. [10:32:24] <numsOic> LPS > MLP
  218. [10:32:25] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Whoa the plot of mean girls
  219. [10:32:26] <Jupiter> hanging out at the mall makes you evil
  220. [10:32:27] <Wayoshi> that LPS ep looks pretty ba
  221. [10:32:28] <FactoryFactory> Blythe is turning evil
  222. [10:32:28] <anniie> the designs in LPS look disturbing
  223. [10:32:29] <Lazy> uuurgh
  224. [10:32:30] <Wayoshi> d
  225. [10:32:30] <Stuff> aaa
  226. [10:32:31] <FlareShard> Why do the evil girls have red eyes
  227. [10:32:31] <anniie> i can't watch that shit
  228. [10:32:32] <Mordja> what are those
  229. [10:32:32] <Jupiter> this is an undeniable fact
  230. [10:32:33] <FlareShard> That's racist
  231. [10:32:34] <garamir> PINYPON, the decapitation toy!
  232. [10:32:34] <WT_Fits> Where's the Gak ads?
  233. [10:32:35] <republic> winku~
  234. [10:32:35] <WalrusWhiskers> oh god
  235. [10:32:36] <HerrGeneral> WOW
  236. [10:32:37] <BartonFink> PLAY GOD WITH DISPOSABLE DOLLS
  237. [10:32:37] <Lazy> this singing
  238. [10:32:37] <FactoryFactory> AHHHHHGH RECREATIONAL DISMEMBERMENT
  239. [10:32:38] <Pretorius> girl legos?
  240. [10:32:38] <Durandal> BODY SWAPPERS
  241. [10:32:40] <thatbastardken> jesus wept
  242. [10:32:40] <HerrGeneral> LET'S DRIVE AWAY
  243. [10:32:41] <Frosthawk> gak is dead
  244. [10:32:41] <FlareShard> I'm evil, and I have blue eyes
  245. [10:32:42] <wilma> this part of the commericial break sucks
  246. [10:32:42] <Lazy> GAK TAKE ME AWAY
  247. [10:32:45] <diribigal> I was second to petday...
  248. [10:32:45] <_Grue_> is it a pinky st. ripoff
  249. [10:32:45] <LiamTop> Gak is dead.
  250. [10:32:46] <drunkill> lego dolls
  251. [10:32:47] <Jupiter> "Vans are awesome! Always get into every van!"
  252. [10:32:48] <garamir> "They're cool!"
  253. [10:32:49] <Throbulator> wheres their noses
  254. [10:32:49] <Isaak> noooo, don't mutilate those poor tiny people like that D:
  255. [10:32:51] <Mordja> RIP GAK
  256. [10:32:51] <BartonFink> that one doll looks like Babs Seed
  257. [10:32:52] <DarkMatter> gak is dead, long live gak
  258. [10:32:52] <Corpus> they drive a weed van
  259. [10:32:54] <HuffyTheDragon> And some of you guys complained about the Gak...
  260. [10:32:59] <Plobo> everything but gak, please
  261. [10:33:00] <diribigal> DABBA
  262. [10:33:01] <FlareShard> Gak ist tot
  263. [10:33:01] <Lazy> ANIME
  264. [10:33:01] <RudeCyrus> SUGAR
  265. [10:33:03] <Ashenai> KICK FOR YO MOUF
  266. [10:33:04] <Robotzor> cocoa pebbles will save your fucking life
  267. [10:33:04] <In_West_Fillydelphia> FOR YOUR MOUTH
  268. [10:33:04] <Stuff> long live gak
  269. [10:33:05] <numsOic> computer graphics .gif
  270. [10:33:06] <HerrGeneral> gut
  271. [10:33:06] <RudeCyrus> SUUUUUUGAAAAAAAAAR
  272. [10:33:06] <Frosthawk> our cereal will kick you in the fucking mouth
  273. [10:33:07] <Throbulator> COCO PEPPLES AAAAAAAAA SO INTENSE
  274. [10:33:08] <Quanta> I SUMMON GAK!
  275. [10:33:08] <wilma> where da gak be @????
  276. [10:33:10] <Mordja> Anime Flintstones
  277. [10:33:10] <BartonFink> NOTE: Cocoa Pebbles isn't actually this fun after you turn 10
  278. [10:33:12] <garamir> "Mommy, what's that thing I'm riding on?"
  279. [10:33:12] <Shastao> why do I keep seeing that word when there hasn't been a commercial for it yet
  280. [10:33:13] <Chronos30> chocolate freaking kamehamehas
  281. [10:33:13] <Isaak> ok, this is a rad commercial
  282. [10:33:14] <Geomancing> They still make Cocoa Pebbles?
  283. [10:33:14] <wilma> YEAAAAh
  284. [10:33:15] <thatbastardken> I miss gak
  285. [10:33:15] <Pretorius> Cereal-benders?
  286. [10:33:16] <_Grue_> wat
  287. [10:33:17] <Lapis> CHOCOLATE FLINTSTONES ENERGY
  288. [10:33:18] <Radio_PhoolCat> POUND
  289. [10:33:18] <cathead> what hte fuck
  290. [10:33:18] <FactoryFactory> What, could they not afford the Fred and Barney VAs?
  291. [10:33:18] <Jupiter> it makes you a super sayan
  292. [10:33:18] <cathead> is this
  293. [10:33:19] <In_West_Fillydelphia> the fuck was that
  294. [10:33:19] <Throbulator> woah sweet riffs
  295. [10:33:19] <WalrusWhiskers> lol what
  296. [10:33:20] <HerrGeneral> WOW WHAT A BADASS
  297. [10:33:21] <HuffyTheDragon> Super Saiyin cocoa pebbles
  298. [10:33:21] <Tyberius> They still make tricycles?
  299. [10:33:22] <ryaxnb> RECORDS
  300. [10:33:22] <Isaak> this is just stupid
  301. [10:33:22] <CasualViewing> kids love records!
  302. [10:33:23] <Ashenai> cyberpunk as fuck
  303. [10:33:23] <diribigal> gak motorcycles?
  304. [10:33:25] <BartonFink> haha what is this
  305. [10:33:25] <Durandal> RADICOOOL
  306. [10:33:27] <cathead> ITS LITERALLY TRON
  307. [10:33:27] <FactoryFactory> Power Raddles
  308. [10:33:27] <ozone> I want his trike
  309. [10:33:28] <drunkill> tron
  310. [10:33:29] <Frosthawk> gak gak gak
  311. [10:33:30] <DarkMatter> "Gak may be gone but it will forever live on in my heart." - BartonFink, 2012
  312. [10:33:30] <Corpus> kids are wondering: "what's that spinning black thing?"
  313. [10:33:31] <Isaak> no one under 10 remembers vinyl
  314. [10:33:31] <PoorYorick> we got a badass over here
  315. [10:33:31] <Lapis> Oh my god that trike is boss
  316. [10:33:31] <FlareShard> This is not how records work
  317. [10:33:32] <Chronos30> CHOCO-DOKEN
  318. [10:33:33] <BartonFink> lol
  319. [10:33:33] <Stuff> kickin' rad
  320. [10:33:33] <numsOic> X-=TREME
  321. [10:33:34] <In_West_Fillydelphia> okay kid lay off the acid
  322. [10:33:35] <BartonFink> GREEN MACHINE
  323. [10:33:35] <Throbulator> turntable tricycle
  324. [10:33:35] <Lazy> lol
  325. [10:33:35] <Robotzor> my mom wasn't cool enough to get me that
  326. [10:33:36] <HerrGeneral> kids don't even know what records are
  327. [10:33:36] <agradify> VINYL SCRATCH WITH WHEELS
  328. [10:33:36] <Lazy> what
  329. [10:33:36] <Geomancing> It's a Power Wheels, kid
  330. [10:33:36] <thatbastardken> the raaddest
  331. [10:33:36] <FactoryFactory> Pow Pow Power raddles
  332. [10:33:37] <wilma> yngwie
  333. [10:33:38] <jamartinezm> kids don't even know what a vinyl record is
  334. [10:33:38] <Mordja> This is exactly like Tron
  335. [10:33:39] -->| Soge (Mibbit@synIRC-7004B616.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) has joined #ponyday
  336. [10:33:40] <Shadowwalker> hub's tweet @getglue
  337. [10:33:40] <Pretorius> Warning: Tricycles never actually this cool\
  338. [10:33:43] <WalrusWhiskers> lol a rad trike
  339. [10:33:43] <Lapis> I would have killed for that thing when I was 8
  340. [10:33:45] <garamir> Taxidermy Workshop
  341. [10:33:46] <Shastao> hipster kids do
  342. [10:33:47] -->| Shax (Shax@synIRC-375DFA75.static.snfr.nc.charter.com) has joined #ponyday
  343. [10:33:49] <Ashenai> D:
  344. [10:33:50] <Jupiter> GET STUFFED!
  345. [10:33:50] <LiamTop> It is irresponsible to market tronmobiles to kids.
  346. [10:33:50] <In_West_Fillydelphia> You do whaaaaaa
  347. [10:33:50] <wilma> Bil-Ber Workshop?
  348. [10:33:51] <Lazy> it's weird how EVERYTHING has techno music now
  349. [10:33:52] <Mordja> Well, at least the ads are new
  350. [10:33:53] <Corpus> Meep!
  351. [10:33:54] <Throbulator> i stuff my friends :3
  352. [10:33:54] <nimrod> "i stuff her" hahahahahhaa
  353. [10:33:55] <Isaak> WE ARE CHILDREN AND WE ARE ACTING
  354. [10:33:56] <RudeCyrus> next I stuff her
  355. [10:33:57] <BartonFink> bild-a-bear
  356. [10:33:58] <Robotzor> Meep new gak
  357. [10:33:58] <HerrGeneral> meep
  358. [10:34:00] <Tyberius> Meep meep meep meep
  359. [10:34:01] <thatbastardken> techno is for babbies
  360. [10:34:01] <anniie> meep meep meep
  361. [10:34:01] <Throbulator> meep
  362. [10:34:01] <RudeCyrus> meep
  363. [10:34:02] <Robotzor> Meep NEW GAK
  364. [10:34:02] <Stuff> stuff is a cool word
  365. [10:34:02] <LiamTop> Meep!
  366. [10:34:03] <PoorYorick> angry burds
  367. [10:34:03] <Lazy> LOOK A SHITTY IPAD
  368. [10:34:03] <WT_Fits> Needs more Gak GAK GAK.
  369. [10:34:03] <Frosthawk> meep
  370. [10:34:03] <numsOic> meep is the new gak
  371. [10:34:04] <Robotzor> meep
  372. [10:34:04] <diribigal> "best friends are made", because you can't have humans as a best friend
  373. [10:34:04] <Lazy> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
  374. [10:34:04] <In_West_Fillydelphia> imeep
  375. [10:34:04] <ryaxnb> TABLET
  376. [10:34:04] <garamir> .....
  377. [10:34:05] <numsOic> efb
  378. [10:34:05] <jamartinezm> m33p
  379. [10:34:06] <KillingVector> meep
  380. [10:34:06] <Robotzor> meep meep
  381. [10:34:06] <Jupiter> it's android.
  382. [10:34:06] <Dolash> Thought he'd said "My world of meat"
  383. [10:34:06] <Mordja> So, uh, good for HUB i guess
  384. [10:34:07] <HerrGeneral> meep meep
  385. [10:34:07] <BlueBastard> Ugh, sorry Robotzor, had to go to Bronystate
  386. [10:34:08] <ryaxnb> with angry birds
  387. [10:34:09] <Durandal> better commercials I guess....
  388. [10:34:09] <LiamTop> Oh God.
  389. [10:34:10] <FactoryFactory> meep meep gak gak meep gak
  390. [10:34:10] <BartonFink> KNEEL BEFORE MEEP
  391. [10:34:11] <RudeCyrus> the roadrunner uses meep
  392. [10:34:11] <cathead> l8r
  393. [10:34:11] <fenster> meep mepp - road runner
  394. [10:34:12] <Ashenai> meep u l8r
  395. [10:34:13] <Lazy> MEEP U L8R!
  396. [10:34:14] <garamir> mee mee mee mee mee
  397. [10:34:14] <agradify> meep iz da kewl
  398. [10:34:15] <Isaak> Safety First, best tagline for kids
  399. [10:34:16] <Lapis> God damned spoiled ass kids and their high tech toys.
  400. [10:34:16] <Frosthawk> like an ipad but you cant do anything on it
  401. [10:34:16] <Robotzor> your stream commander declares meep new gak
  402. [10:34:17] <Wayoshi> ... what the hell
  403. [10:34:18] -->| londonarbuckle (Mibbit@synIRC-500E1088.albq.qwest.net) has joined #ponyday
  404. [10:34:18] <_Grue_> meep > ipad
  405. [10:34:19] <Geomancing> Shitty tablet is go.
  406. [10:34:19] <Wulfolme> download the gak iphone app
  407. [10:34:19] <Plobo> sick moves
  408. [10:34:19] <ozone> meep is gonna run apple out of business
  409. [10:34:20] <Chronos30> Pick your animal friend, slaughter it, stuff it! :3
  410. [10:34:20] <garamir> nah I'm just foolin' witchu
  411. [10:34:20] <wilma> AT LEAST GIVE ME FLOAM
  412. [10:34:21] <thatbastardken> a cheap tablet with a rubber coating
  413. [10:34:22] <Shotgunbadger> MEEP U LATER
  414. [10:34:22] <KillingVector> LET'S MEEP
  415. [10:34:22] <Tyberius> Meep you later
  416. [10:34:22] <BlueBastard> my college connection can't handle your stream's quality for some reason
  417. [10:34:23] <Wayoshi> geez, dumb stuff all over.
  418. [10:34:24] <FlareShard> I can't decided between this chat and stream chat <___>
  419. [10:34:24] <thatbastardken> I think I need that
  420. [10:34:26] <DarkMatter> meep is the new gak
  421. [10:34:26] <LiamTop> I bet it's some heavily customized Android tablet.
  422. [10:34:26] <HerrGeneral> this is idiotic
  423. [10:34:26] <Quanta> GET MEEPED!
  424. [10:34:27] <numsOic> bounceable squeezable meep meep meep
  425. [10:34:28] <In_West_Fillydelphia> meep ya ll8r
  426. [10:34:29] <hCrow> meep you later, motherfucker.
  427. [10:34:31] <fenster> meep u l8r
  428. [10:34:31] <BartonFink> Brony Game Night
  429. [10:34:31] <Lapis> All I had was the original gameboy!
  430. [10:34:33] <Jupiter> I wanna see the specs, comercia
  431. [10:34:34] <FactoryFactory> This Hubday on the Sun
  432. [10:34:34] <Jupiter> l
  433. [10:34:35] <In_West_Fillydelphia> MASHVILLE
  434. [10:34:35] <Isaak> gangsta kid
  435. [10:34:36] <Robotzor> this chat
  436. [10:34:37] <KefkaFloyd> I'm going to ban all memes
  437. [10:34:38] <KefkaFloyd> if you guys keep doing this
  438. [10:34:39] <BlueBastard> Ohio is apparently now a city
  439. [10:34:41] <Radio_PhoolCat> Pleased to Meep you, hope you guessed my name...
  440. [10:34:42] <jamartinezm> GAKVILLE
  441. [10:34:43] <Wayoshi> alright, I so hype for Act I, here we go
  442. [10:34:43] <Stuff> IT'S BACK
  443. [10:34:43] <FactoryFactory> INCOHERENT CHILD YELLING
  444. [10:34:44] <londonarbuckle> man what am i doing
  445. [10:34:45] <garamir> :3
  446. [10:34:45] <thatbastardken> I never got a game console
  447. [10:34:46] <Durandal> OHIO!!
  448. [10:34:46] <HerrGeneral> PONY
  449. [10:34:46] <jamartinezm> sssh
  450. [10:34:47] <Frosthawk> ~fuck~
  451. [10:34:47] <agradify> Hey guys I'm dying inside
  452. [10:34:47] <Throbulator> WOOOO
  453. [10:34:47] <WalrusWhiskers> WHAT COULD HAPPEN?
  454. [10:34:48] <Robotzor> kefka grumpy best meme
  455. [10:34:49] <FactoryFactory> pones
  456. [10:34:49] <jamartinezm> it's back
  457. [10:34:49] <Isaak> ssssshhh
  458. [10:34:49] <wilma> here it be
  459. [10:34:50] <numsOic> YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  460. [10:34:50] <WT_Fits> Right, shutting up about the thing.
  461. [10:34:51] <londonarbuckle> i cant follow chat AND show
  462. [10:34:51] <garamir> :O
  463. [10:34:51] <drunkill> yes ban memes thanks
  464. [10:34:51] <republic> meep you later kefka
  465. [10:34:51] <Wayoshi> Fltus :-D
  466. [10:34:51] <PoorYorick> Fluttershy
  467. [10:34:52] <thatbastardken> PC master race since birth
  468. [10:34:52] <anniie> what is this some girl's cartoon
  469. [10:34:53] <ryaxnb> we're back
  470. [10:34:53] <Shotgunbadger> Ohio AND Atlanta?
  471. [10:34:53] <WalrusWhiskers> yay fluts
  472. [10:34:54] <Lazy> AMINALS
  473. [10:34:54] <Quanta> Flutters <3
  474. [10:34:55] <Stuff> :D
  475. [10:34:55] <Pretorius> Ponytime
  476. [10:34:55] <numsOic> yesssssssss
  477. [10:34:55] <Corpus> wow
  478. [10:34:56] <fenster> oh fs
  479. [10:34:56] <LiamTop> Time.
  480. [10:34:56] <Jupiter> :3
  481. [10:34:57] <jamartinezm> :3:3
  482. [10:34:57] <BartonFink> lol
  483. [10:34:58] <Durandal> baclk
  484. [10:34:58] <Wayoshi> UHO H
  485. [10:34:58] <WalrusWhiskers> racoon :3
  486. [10:34:59] <Swift`> O_O
  487. [10:34:59] <RudeCyrus> uh oh
  488. [10:34:59] <Throbulator> HAHAHA
  489. [10:35:00] <garamir> hahahahah
  490. [10:35:01] <Radio_PhoolCat> D:
  491. [10:35:01] <Ashenai> ahahahaha
  492. [10:35:01] <PoorYorick> B)
  493. [10:35:01] <LiamTop> :o
  494. [10:35:01] <Quanta> OH SHIT
  495. [10:35:01] <Robotzor> flutterpwn
  496. [10:35:02] <jamartinezm> JAAJAJAJJA
  497. [10:35:02] <Plobo> inb4 animaloranges
  498. [10:35:02] <BlueBastard> Ahahaha
  499. [10:35:02] <Chronos30> Larson!
  500. [10:35:03] <Wayoshi> Larson
  501. [10:35:03] <Jupiter> 3:
  502. [10:35:03] <ozone> lol
  503. [10:35:04] <wilma> oh man, i don't like that
  504. [10:35:04] <drunkill> Larson!
  505. [10:35:04] <Shavnir> :o
  506. [10:35:04] <Shotgunbadger> hahahaha
  507. [10:35:05] <KillingVector> haha
  508. [10:35:06] <agradify> Flutterthreat
  509. [10:35:06] <Shotgunbadger> holy shit
  510. [10:35:07] <Mordja> LARSON
  511. [10:35:07] <HerrGeneral> dammit
  512. [10:35:07] <jamartinezm> win
  513. [10:35:07] <drunkill> called it
  514. [10:35:08] <Throbulator> FLUTTERTHREATS
  515. [10:35:08] <numsOic> flanderization
  516. [10:35:08] <wilma> ewwwww
  517. [10:35:09] <Frosthawk> callback
  518. [10:35:09] <Isaak> aaahahahahahaha
  519. [10:35:09] <Corpus> Continuity! huzzah!
  520. [10:35:09] <KefkaFloyd> continuity
  521. [10:35:09] <WalrusWhiskers> haha
  522. [10:35:10] <FlareShard> oh god
  523. [10:35:10] <ABitS> Haha
  524. [10:35:10] <fenster> caaaaaled it
  525. [10:35:11] <_Grue_> callback
  526. [10:35:11] <Lazy> no twilight don't
  527. [10:35:11] <LiamTop> Oh hey.
  528. [10:35:11] <Jupiter> I remember that
  529. [10:35:11] <RudeCyrus> CALLBACK
  530. [10:35:11] <Throbulator> woah callback
  531. [10:35:12] <fenster> larrson
  532. [10:35:12] <drunkill> callback
  533. [10:35:12] <HelixNebula> hey
  534. [10:35:12] <Durandal> yep, larson
  535. [10:35:12] <HuffyTheDragon> She'll just make them into oranges
  536. [10:35:13] <Wayoshi> don't snowmball them, Twi.
  537. [10:35:13] <BartonFink> Larson was an easy call
  538. [10:35:14] <HerrGeneral> I wanted headless to eat a hat
  539. [10:35:15] <BlueBastard> Not a minute in and we have Flutterrage
  540. [10:35:15] <Swift`> Yay Larson =)
  541. [10:35:15] <BartonFink> haha
  542. [10:35:16] <CasualViewing> Hhaha Fluttershy is a seething coal of hate
  543. [10:35:16] <thatbastardken> that did happen
  544. [10:35:18] <RudeCyrus> hahaha
  545. [10:35:19] <Durandal> HH doesn't have to eat hi hat
  546. [10:35:20] <Wayoshi> the raccoons look fine
  547. [10:35:20] <Ashenai> haha
  548. [10:35:20] <Lazy> clap clap
  549. [10:35:21] <Radio_PhoolCat> Orangejay?
  550. [10:35:21] <Throbulator> totally scared
  551. [10:35:21] <anniie> fluttershy arm discoloration
  552. [10:35:21] <fenster> hahahaha
  553. [10:35:22] <numsOic> lol
  554. [10:35:23] <BartonFink> I KNOW
  555. [10:35:23] <Wayoshi> I KNOW
  556. [10:35:24] <LiamTop> Pony projection.
  557. [10:35:25] <jamartinezm> FS is best pony
  558. [10:35:26] <In_West_Fillydelphia> do they not know that is a badger!
  559. [10:35:27] <thatbastardken> lies
  560. [10:35:27] <numsOic> the only good scene
  561. [10:35:28] <WalrusWhiskers> where is fluts going
  562. [10:35:28] <HerrGeneral> ORANGES
  563. [10:35:29] <numsOic> ever
  564. [10:35:29] <Chronos30> badger badger
  565. [10:35:29] <Corpus> turn them into oranges!
  566. [10:35:30] <Shotgunbadger> overprotective fluts :3
  567. [10:35:30] <Durandal> racoon is just chillin
  568. [10:35:31] <Dolash> "Eh, fuckit"
  569. [10:35:32] <FlareShard> SO SCARED
  570. [10:35:33] <garamir> It's a world of your imagination~
  571. [10:35:35] <Throbulator> they're all oranges now
  572. [10:35:36] <Wayoshi> practice get
  573. [10:35:36] <Robotzor> nails
  574. [10:35:36] <RudeCyrus> wheeeeeeeee
  575. [10:35:37] <Frosthawk> why that IS fun
  576. [10:35:38] <Robotzor> ewww
  577. [10:35:38] <Lazy> don't give a FUK
  578. [10:35:38] <wilma> CHECL THIS OUT
  579. [10:35:39] <Pretorius> Fluts at high pitch = Bubbles
  580. [10:35:39] <Wayoshi> I think someone called thsi
  581. [10:35:39] <thatbastardken> :getin:
  582. [10:35:40] <BartonFink> nails?
  583. [10:35:40] <Wayoshi> oh god hoofnails
  584. [10:35:40] <Durandal> she's gonna give them moustaches
  585. [10:35:41] <Plobo> animal circus?
  586. [10:35:42] <Dolash> Did she just chew off her hooves
  587. [10:35:42] <Jupiter> hahaha gross
  588. [10:35:42] <RudeCyrus> ew
  589. [10:35:43] <numsOic> what even
  590. [10:35:43] <drunkill> hgahaha
  591. [10:35:43] <In_West_Fillydelphia> the fuck
  592. [10:35:43] <KefkaFloyd> hahaha flutters biting her hooves
  593. [10:35:43] <HuffyTheDragon> Ep already rules
  594. [10:35:43] <_Grue_> what u gonna do about it fluttershy?
  595. [10:35:44] <WalrusWhiskers> wow hoffnails
  596. [10:35:44] <diribigal> twilight does it anyway
  597. [10:35:44] <FactoryFactory> eeewww
  598. [10:35:45] <jamartinezm> wait what
  599. [10:35:45] <thatbastardken> ow
  600. [10:35:45] <drunkill> welp
  601. [10:35:46] <Wayoshi> INFINITY
  602. [10:35:46] <Isaak> hahahahahahha
  603. [10:35:46] <Frosthawk> Infinity animals
  604. [10:35:47] <Throbulator> ok seriously, what?
  605. [10:35:47] <Chronos30> hoof clippings?
  606. [10:35:48] <FlareShard> wheeeeeee
  607. [10:35:49] <BlueBastard> DAMNIT, Bronystate just went down
  608. [10:35:50] <Isaak> this is awesome
  609. [10:35:51] <drunkill> infinity animals
  610. [10:35:52] <Jupiter> it was just some levitatio
  611. [10:35:53] <CasualViewing> that looks rediculous
  612. [10:35:55] <Jupiter> come on
  613. [10:35:55] <Quanta> Again Again!
  614. [10:35:55] <Frosthawk> boing boing boing boing
  615. [10:35:56] <Lazy> fluttershy you have changed everything
  616. [10:35:57] <garamir> Levitation? Unicorns will be shocked
  617. [10:35:59] <RudeCyrus> bounce bounce
  618. [10:35:59] <Durandal> theheck was that for
  619. [10:36:00] <thatbastardken> cool
  620. [10:36:01] <Wayoshi> *clap*
  621. [10:36:02] <Jupiter> turn them into oranges!
  622. [10:36:02] <drunkill> BlueBastard, stream in topic
  623. [10:36:03] <HelixNebula> ahaha
  624. [10:36:03] <HerrGeneral> fluttershy.
  625. [10:36:04] <PoorYorick> and Bronystade died again
  626. [10:36:04] <Mordja> RIP FS
  627. [10:36:05] <HerrGeneral> chill
  628. [10:36:06] <agradify> fun fun fun
  629. [10:36:07] <Corpus> horse pun
  630. [10:36:08] <thatbastardken> magic is a drug
  631. [10:36:08] <Robotzor> SADDLE ARABIA
  632. [10:36:09] <numsOic> Fluttershy died of a heart attack
  633. [10:36:11] <fenster> saddle
  634. [10:36:11] <BartonFink> Saddle Arabia :pinkieshot:
  635. [10:36:11] <anniie> what
  636. [10:36:12] <Ashenai> SADDLE ARABIA
  637. [10:36:12] <RudeCyrus> SADDLE ARABIA
  638. [10:36:12] <fenster> arabia
  639. [10:36:12] <HerrGeneral> ded
  640. [10:36:13] <Throbulator> saddle arabia :-I
  641. [10:36:14] <Wayoshi> R.D. CRASH
  642. [10:36:14] <Shavnir> saddle arabia :o
  643. [10:36:14] <Isaak> Saddle ARABIA
  644. [10:36:14] <KefkaFloyd> EMERGENCY
  645. [10:36:14] <Mordja> Saddle Arabia :3
  646. [10:36:15] <WalrusWhiskers> hahaha the hors epuns
  647. [10:36:15] <diribigal> saddle arabia oh god
  648. [10:36:15] <thatbastardken> delicates?
  649. [10:36:17] <agradify> Saddle Arabia
  650. [10:36:17] <Dolash> Saddle Arabia is a stunning pun
  651. [10:36:18] <Radio_PhoolCat> oooo
  652. [10:36:18] <jamartinezm> emergency!!!
  653. [10:36:18] <WalrusWhiskers> the never end
  654. [10:36:18] <ozone> dem arabians
  655. [10:36:19] <Chronos30> Rainbow dash entrance
  656. [10:36:19] <Wayoshi> meanwhile....
  657. [10:36:19] <jamartinezm> D:
  658. [10:36:19] <Frith> weak
  659. [10:36:19] <drunkill> ALARM
  660. [10:36:20] <HelixNebula> Saddle Arabia *does a little jig*
  661. [10:36:22] <Shotgunbadger> you mastered the ancient spell of 'lift some tiny animals'
  662. [10:36:22] <drunkill> OH NOOOO
  663. [10:36:23] <fenster> delegates
  664. [10:36:23] <numsOic> here we go
  665. [10:36:23] <Throbulator> no horses in my ponyshow plz
  666. [10:36:24] <Isaak> SOMETHING IS AHOOF
  667. [10:36:24] <jamartinezm> tacky
  668. [10:36:25] <BartonFink> lol
  669. [10:36:26] <_Grue_> you beast
  670. [10:36:26] <Lapis> Didn't she put a dam back together, how does that make her break a sweat?
  671. [10:36:26] <Durandal> DUN DUN DUN
  672. [10:36:27] <BlueBastard> I know, but robotzor's stream is a bit too high quality for my crappy college connectoin
  673. [10:36:27] <FlareShard> oh noo
  674. [10:36:28] <Wayoshi> *faint* as suual
  675. [10:36:29] <Durandal> OH WHAT THE
  676. [10:36:29] <Ashenai> ahaha
  677. [10:36:29] <agradify> ewwwwww
  678. [10:36:31] <diribigal> ACCENTS
  679. [10:36:32] <HerrGeneral> AJ
  680. [10:36:32] <Plobo> uncouth brown
  681. [10:36:33] <RudeCyrus> STAT
  682. [10:36:34] <Jupiter> :
  683. [10:36:35] <Stuff> OH NO
  684. [10:36:36] <Shadowwalker> evil woomod
  685. [10:36:37] <Jupiter> :/
  686. [10:36:37] <jamartinezm> oh hai
  687. [10:36:37] <drunkill> oh god, here it is.
  688. [10:36:39] <BartonFink> she looks familiar
  689. [10:36:39] <Frosthawk> WHAT
  690. [10:36:39] <Isaak> OH SHIT
  691. [10:36:40] <Wayoshi> *gasp*
  692. [10:36:40] <diribigal> trixie?!
  693. [10:36:41] <Robotzor> angry pony ears
  694. [10:36:41] <Ashenai> oh shit
  695. [10:36:43] <Isaak> SHIT JUST GOT REAL
  696. [10:36:43] <Lazy> D:
  697. [10:36:43] <Shavnir> GASP
  698. [10:36:44] <Plobo> dun dun duuunnnnn
  699. [10:36:45] <_Grue_> its twilight sparkles baloon!
  700. [10:36:45] <diribigal> I thought trixie wasn't coming back
  701. [10:36:45] <RudeCyrus> who's she
  702. [10:36:46] <BartonFink> Trixie is back http://i.imgur.com/BDOCn.gif
  703. [10:36:46] <drunkill> evil jerk time
  704. [10:36:47] <thatbastardken> oh man trixie
  705. [10:36:48] <HuffyTheDragon> EVIL
  706. [10:36:50] <Tyberius> hah
  707. [10:36:50] <agradify> Who?
  708. [10:36:51] <RudeCyrus> aaaaaaah
  709. [10:36:51] <Dolash> Giant wing, eat it
  710. [10:36:52] <HerrGeneral> sephiroth
  711. [10:36:53] <Wayoshi> one-winged R.D.
  712. [10:36:53] <Shax> Dashiroth!
  713. [10:36:53] <Radio_PhoolCat> One Winged Angel!
  714. [10:36:55] <BartonFink> SNIPS AND SNAILS FUCK
  715. [10:36:55] <Stuff> ugh
  716. [10:36:55] <anniie> sephiroth
  717. [10:36:57] <Isaak> whoa
  718. [10:36:57] <Ashenai> RAINBOW WOBBLE
  719. [10:36:57] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  720. [10:36:58] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Rainbow.... wobble
  721. [10:36:59] <Shotgunbadger> hahaha
  722. [10:36:59] <jamartinezm> sephirot?
  723. [10:37:00] <PoorYorick> SEPHIROTH
  724. [10:37:00] <agradify> shut up snails
  725. [10:37:00] <garamir> ahsadhshd
  726. [10:37:01] <In_West_Fillydelphia> ugh
  727. [10:37:02] <TheDoctor> I wonder how many times Trixie has stabber herself on the Horn of that pendant
  728. [10:37:02] <Dolash> Suckups are back in full swing
  729. [10:37:03] <Frosthawk> no barton no
  730. [10:37:03] <Mordja> Just like my fanfic
  731. [10:37:04] <FlareShard> Red eyes for evil is racist towards evil people :(
  732. [10:37:05] <thatbastardken> you guys are dumb
  733. [10:37:05] <_Grue_> at least she didnt crash
  734. [10:37:06] <Robotzor> AHHHH D:
  735. [10:37:07] <Lazy> GET OWNED
  736. [10:37:07] <Shotgunbadger> snips and snails
  737. [10:37:08] <Wayoshi> Siamese twins
  738. [10:37:10] <FactoryFactory> I love Snails' voice
  739. [10:37:10] <BlueBastard> at least we've seen everything from the trailers so far
  740. [10:37:10] <HuffyTheDragon> Damn the other streams are ahead of horsie
  741. [10:37:10] <Chronos30> joined at the horn
  742. [10:37:10] <Radio_PhoolCat> ewww
  743. [10:37:11] <jamartinezm> LOL
  744. [10:37:11] <garamir> Gyrosnips
  745. [10:37:11] <RudeCyrus> good lord
  746. [10:37:12] <thatbastardken> hahaha
  747. [10:37:12] <Robotzor> :GONK:
  748. [10:37:13] <Throbulator> that's not a way to treat your fans
  749. [10:37:13] <In_West_Fillydelphia> *neck breaks*
  750. [10:37:14] <thatbastardken> eat it
  751. [10:37:15] <numsOic> schadenfreud
  752. [10:37:15] <Isaak> hahahahaha
  753. [10:37:15] <Dolash> Looks like she punishes failure pretty harshly
  754. [10:37:16] <numsOic> e
  755. [10:37:17] <Jupiter> Fusion Dance!
  756. [10:37:18] <Frosthawk> The Trixie Sideshow
  757. [10:37:18] <BartonFink> Catdog sucked
  758. [10:37:20] <wilma> BIIIIIIIIG EYES, I KEEP FALLIN' FOR THOSE
  759. [10:37:22] <numsOic> snipsnails
  760. [10:37:23] <Throbulator> your only fans tbh
  761. [10:37:23] <drunkill> and also snips and snails
  762. [10:37:23] <thatbastardken> pigeon rat
  763. [10:37:24] <Frith> that's funny
  764. [10:37:26] <WalrusWhiskers> you take that back bar
  765. [10:37:27] <Robotzor> title drop
  766. [10:37:27] <Shastao> this is pretty hilarious so far
  767. [10:37:29] <Dolash> "Stop picking on my friends and also Snips and Snails!"
  768. [10:37:29] <WalrusWhiskers> BartonFink:
  769. [10:37:30] <HelixNebula> "stop picking on my friends, and snips and snals
  770. [10:37:30] <garamir> THE END
  771. [10:37:30] <wilma> catdog is one of the worst things ever, yuck
  772. [10:37:31] <Robotzor> FOREVERRR
  773. [10:37:33] <KefkaFloyd> FOREVERRRR
  774. [10:37:33] <Frosthawk> loser falls
  775. [10:37:33] <Mordja> Magic Dool
  776. [10:37:33] <HelixNebula> snail*
  777. [10:37:35] <fenster> welcome to weird VA
  778. [10:37:37] <drunkill> foreverrr
  779. [10:37:37] <Quanta> Pistols at Dawn!
  780. [10:37:38] <thatbastardken> magic duel
  781. [10:37:41] <In_West_Fillydelphia> *red glint*
  782. [10:37:42] <Jupiter> What does Trixie eveen get out of this
  784. [10:37:43] <RudeCyrus> TIME TO D-D-D-DDUEL
  785. [10:37:44] <Dolash> Explodes Spike
  786. [10:37:44] <Robotzor> spike pwn
  787. [10:37:46] <Throbulator> hahahaha
  788. [10:37:46] <Shadowwalker> nba ponies
  789. [10:37:46] <FactoryFactory> Twi is smarter than AJ
  790. [10:37:47] <Lazy> hahahahahaha
  791. [10:37:47] <_Grue_> dragonball
  792. [10:37:47] <Pretorius> Why would she actually want to stay? She's a traveler.
  793. [10:37:48] <Stuff> hahaha
  794. [10:37:48] <Wayoshi> bounce the basektball
  795. [10:37:49] <Tyberius> 2 points
  796. [10:37:49] <Ashenai> rip
  797. [10:37:49] <BartonFink> 2 points
  798. [10:37:49] <HerrGeneral> bouncy
  799. [10:37:49] <Durandal> WHAT ARE YOU, CHICKEN?
  800. [10:37:50] <garamir> From downtown!
  801. [10:37:50] <Robotzor> and it's good!
  802. [10:37:51] <wilma> what am i watching again?
  803. [10:37:51] <Frosthawk> yeeeaaaahhhh
  804. [10:37:51] <Lazy> GET DUNKED
  805. [10:37:51] <Dolash> Get DUnked
  806. [10:37:52] <Shotgunbadger> spikeball
  807. [10:37:52] <Isaak> Spikeball
  808. [10:37:52] <PoorYorick> Dragon Ball
  809. [10:37:53] <Quanta> FROM DOWNTOWN!
  810. [10:37:53] <RudeCyrus> 3 points
  811. [10:37:53] <Wayoshi> basketSpikeball
  812. [10:37:55] <garamir> She's going allll the waaaaay!
  813. [10:37:55] <Mordja> Not for TREND
  814. [10:37:55] <BlueBastard> Welp, guess he's a...DRAGON BALL
  815. [10:37:56] <Stuff> ahahaha
  816. [10:37:57] <Robotzor> pony watch the TV
  817. [10:37:58] <drunkill> 3 pointer!
  818. [10:37:58] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Don't use that wording "put him down"
  819. [10:37:58] <Wayoshi> PIP FLASHBACK
  820. [10:37:59] <Frosthawk> "get dunked" is good
  821. [10:38:00] <BartonFink> ~*~*~~**~~FLASHBACK~*~*~*~*~
  822. [10:38:00] <drunkill> clipshow
  823. [10:38:00] <Durandal> SLAAAAM DUNK
  824. [10:38:01] <HerrGeneral> SPACE JAM
  825. [10:38:01] <BaronPorkface> Rock farm
  826. [10:38:01] <Radio_PhoolCat> iPad
  827. [10:38:02] <thatbastardken> revenge!
  828. [10:38:02] <fenster> looks like he's been.....S
  829. [10:38:03] <Jupiter> Clip Show
  830. [10:38:04] <numsOic> TV spell
  831. [10:38:04] <republic> clips episode
  832. [10:38:04] <RudeCyrus> IN CASE YU FORGOT
  833. [10:38:05] <republic> 2/10
  834. [10:38:05] <BlueBastard> YEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHh
  835. [10:38:05] <Robotzor> pony stream within pony stream
  836. [10:38:05] <Mordja> Not for CORPORATE ATTITUDE
  837. [10:38:06] <Quanta> Poor Trixie :(
  838. [10:38:06] <fenster> spiked!
  839. [10:38:06] <Shotgunbadger> FLASHBACK SPELL
  840. [10:38:06] <Tyberius> Bluebastard, terrible.
  841. [10:38:06] <garamir> Callbacks: The Episode
  842. [10:38:07] <BartonFink> oh shit!
  843. [10:38:10] <drunkill> rock farm :3
  844. [10:38:11] <Mordja> Not for STONER
  845. [10:38:11] <HelixNebula> turn down the lights, let me project my thoughts
  846. [10:38:12] <Quanta> HAHAHA
  847. [10:38:12] <Wayoshi> continuity
  848. [10:38:12] <jamartinezm> :3
  849. [10:38:12] <Stuff> ROCK FARM
  850. [10:38:14] <garamir> whaaaaa
  851. [10:38:14] <Plobo> Pinkie's farm
  852. [10:38:15] <Ashenai> ROCK FARM
  853. [10:38:16] <Shavnir> rock farm!
  854. [10:38:16] <jamartinezm> rock farm
  855. [10:38:16] <Dolash> References up in this bitch
  856. [10:38:16] <diribigal> haha mordja
  857. [10:38:17] <Frosthawk> continuity all up in here
  858. [10:38:17] <Throbulator> A ROCKFARM
  859. [10:38:17] <Wayoshi> implications
  860. [10:38:18] <wilma> u tell her guuuuuurrrrrrrrrrlllllllll
  861. [10:38:18] <BaronPorkface> Hana
  862. [10:38:18] <Shotgunbadger> haha rock farm
  863. [10:38:18] <thatbastardken> mine them rocks
  864. [10:38:18] <RudeCyrus> hahahaha
  865. [10:38:19] <agradify> pinkie's dad!
  866. [10:38:21] <Shastao> nothing but callbacks
  867. [10:38:21] <BartonFink> hahaha
  868. [10:38:21] <Wayoshi> kbai mouth asset
  869. [10:38:22] <RudeCyrus> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  870. [10:38:23] <BlueBastard> best part
  871. [10:38:23] <diribigal> nooo
  872. [10:38:23] <cathead> DELETED
  873. [10:38:23] <Robotzor> pony use the compuetr
  874. [10:38:24] <Ashenai> NOOOOOO
  875. [10:38:25] <Stuff> ahahaha
  876. [10:38:25] <jamartinezm> delete
  877. [10:38:26] <WalrusWhiskers> lol what
  878. [10:38:26] <wilma> oh
  879. [10:38:26] <HelixNebula> :
  880. [10:38:27] <Shavnir> TOOK YOUR NOSE
  881. [10:38:27] <Isaak> whoa
  882. [10:38:27] <Quanta> hahahaha
  883. [10:38:27] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  884. [10:38:27] <Plobo> wow
  885. [10:38:29] <Mordja> Ahahahaa
  886. [10:38:29] <KillingVector> rip mouth
  887. [10:38:30] <agradify> Inb4 shitstorm
  888. [10:38:30] <HerrGeneral> flash
  889. [10:38:31] <CasualViewing> she's gonna suffocate!
  890. [10:38:32] <numsOic> whoa neo matrix
  891. [10:38:33] <Wayoshi> Owl-whatever
  892. [10:38:33] <Jupiter> Pony Flash the asset
  893. [10:38:33] <Shadowwalker> photoshop ponies
  894. [10:38:33] <Mordja> whoa
  895. [10:38:34] <ozone> pony os
  896. [10:38:36] <RudeCyrus> NOT THE BOOKS
  897. [10:38:36] <Radio_PhoolCat> WOL
  898. [10:38:37] <Quanta> Books! NOOOOOOOO!
  899. [10:38:38] <wilma> gotta love that owl
  900. [10:38:38] <Frosthawk> That's an extreme version of "got your nose"
  901. [10:38:38] <_Grue_> trixie is op
  902. [10:38:38] <Stuff> owned twilight
  903. [10:38:39] <drunkill> oh noooo she didn'
  904. [10:38:39] <thatbastardken> no the books
  905. [10:38:39] <garamir> IT'S TIME TO DUEL
  906. [10:38:40] <jamartinezm> BOOOOOKS
  907. [10:38:40] <Dolash> Hey look the owl
  908. [10:38:41] <agradify> owlowiscious
  909. [10:38:41] <BlueBastard> oh, it's even more tragic than that
  910. [10:38:41] <Ashenai> ahahaha
  911. [10:38:41] <Plobo> owl!
  912. [10:38:41] <Wayoshi> no eating for you, Pinkie.
  913. [10:38:42] <BartonFink> hahaha
  914. [10:38:42] <WalrusWhiskers> :(
  915. [10:38:44] <Robotzor> IT'S TIME TO
  916. [10:38:45] <BlueBastard> NO CUPCAKES
  917. [10:38:45] <Lazy> bounce bounce
  918. [10:38:46] <Robotzor> DU DU DU DUDUDUDUDUD DUEWL
  919. [10:38:47] <In_West_Fillydelphia> This item is OP
  920. [10:38:47] <Chronos30> :'
  921. [10:38:48] <Plobo> all the callbacks
  922. [10:38:49] <FlareShard> NOT THE BOOOOOKS
  923. [10:38:49] <Plobo> IT IS ON
  924. [10:38:51] <fenster> It's time to duel!
  925. [10:38:53] <Quanta> hahaha
  926. [10:38:53] <CasualViewing> D-D-D-D-D-D-DUEL
  927. [10:38:54] <ozone> dddddddduel
  928. [10:38:54] <Dolash> Ahaha Pinkie still no mouth
  929. [10:38:55] <Jupiter> "We couldn't think of anything t do to you AJ"
  930. [10:38:56] <Wayoshi> aww.
  931. [10:38:57] <RudeCyrus> mmm mm mm!
  932. [10:38:58] <LiamTop> Haha
  933. [10:38:58] <Stuff> i have no mouth
  934. [10:38:59] <Lazy> get owned pinkie
  935. [10:39:00] <HelixNebula> c'mon tsparks, lift her up and spin her around show her who's boss
  936. [10:39:00] <wilma> dat'll shut 'er up
  937. [10:39:01] <diribigal> set hoof\
  938. [10:39:02] <republic> IMPROVEMENTS
  939. [10:39:02] <garamir> But Optimus, Megatron CHEATED!
  940. [10:39:03] <Frosthawk> Pinkie you will never eat again
  941. [10:39:04] <BartonFink> one horse town
  942. [10:39:04] <Tyberius> one horse town, really
  943. [10:39:05] <thatbastardken> leave the mouth
  944. [10:39:06] <Chronos30> I have no mouth and I must PARTY
  945. [10:39:06] <Dolash> She has no mouth and she must pinkie
  946. [10:39:07] <Plobo> it was shift+deleted, sorry Pinkie
  947. [10:39:07] <_Grue_> yes pinkie shut up for the duration of the episode
  948. [10:39:07] <drunkill> where da horse?
  949. [10:39:10] <WalrusWhiskers> horse?
  950. [10:39:11] <Shotgunbadger> haha one horse town
  951. [10:39:12] <KefkaFloyd> the zooms
  952. [10:39:13] <Robotzor> this will remix well
  953. [10:39:13] <Wayoshi> GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  954. [10:39:14] <BlueBastard> oh wow, serious pun there
  955. [10:39:15] <drunkill> TRIXIE SHOT FIRST!
  956. [10:39:15] <CasualViewing> That Pinkie is a Pyro!
  957. [10:39:16] <thatbastardken> come on
  958. [10:39:17] <Dolash> Draw?
  959. [10:39:17] <Shotgunbadger> this is a multiple horse town, Trixie
  960. [10:39:17] <Throbulator> time for destroy equestria
  961. [10:39:17] <Frosthawk> oh we're starting
  962. [10:39:18] <Frosthawk> well
  963. [10:39:19] <Dolash> This is a shootout
  964. [10:39:22] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Draw doesn't make sense
  965. [10:39:22] <Robotzor> wilhelm scream
  966. [10:39:23] <numsOic> ohmfuck
  967. [10:39:23] <garamir> YOU FOOL
  968. [10:39:23] <Mordja> Nearly dead
  969. [10:39:25] <FlareShard> No one-liners for Pinkie :(
  970. [10:39:26] <HerrGeneral> Shit's gettin real
  971. [10:39:27] <garamir> YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL
  972. [10:39:28] <Isaak> holy cow wilhelm scream
  973. [10:39:29] <Frosthawk> you're on the defense twilight
  974. [10:39:30] <Wayoshi> MAD AT THAT
  975. [10:39:31] <Radio_PhoolCat> Well,t hat upset the apple cart
  976. [10:39:31] <Lazy> whoa
  977. [10:39:32] <LiamTop> NO
  978. [10:39:32] <_Grue_> wtf
  979. [10:39:32] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  980. [10:39:32] <BaronPorkface> Callbacks everywhere
  981. [10:39:32] <HerrGeneral> NO
  982. [10:39:32] <BartonFink> lol
  983. [10:39:32] <RudeCyrus> oh no
  984. [10:39:32] <jamartinezm> wut
  985. [10:39:32] <KefkaFloyd> haha, parasprite
  986. [10:39:33] <Jupiter> YOU FOOL!
  987. [10:39:33] <Frosthawk> gawd
  988. [10:39:33] <Throbulator> holy shit
  989. [10:39:33] <Robotzor> kill spell
  990. [10:39:33] <Chronos30> Parasprite?!
  991. [10:39:33] <Quanta> OH GOD NO
  992. [10:39:34] <fenster> twilight is exhasted
  993. [10:39:34] <Mordja> Parasprite!
  994. [10:39:34] <Ashenai> ahahaha
  995. [10:39:34] <In_West_Fillydelphia> NOOOO TWI NOO
  996. [10:39:35] <drunkill> NOOO
  997. [10:39:35] <KillingVector> what
  998. [10:39:36] <Plobo> WOW DID YOU JUST
  999. [10:39:36] <Dolash> Ahahaha
  1000. [10:39:37] <diribigal> whew
  1001. [10:39:37] <agradify> parasprite!
  1002. [10:39:37] <drunkill> oh
  1003. [10:39:37] <ozone> lazer battles! awesome! rad! tubular!
  1004. [10:39:38] <Dolash> Kills em
  1005. [10:39:38] <fenster> shiiiit
  1006. [10:39:38] <Tyberius> That was a bad idea
  1007. [10:39:39] <drunkill> phew
  1008. [10:39:39] <thatbastardken> holy shit
  1009. [10:39:39] <thatbastardken> owns
  1010. [10:39:40] <Frosthawk> YOU
  1011. [10:39:41] <CasualViewing> MURDERER
  1012. [10:39:42] <HuffyTheDragon> Summon Parasprite, Level 2
  1013. [10:39:42] <BlueBastard> PARASPRITES
  1014. [10:39:42] <Stuff> ahhahaha
  1015. [10:39:43] <garamir> frieeeeends
  1016. [10:39:43] <Wayoshi> time to Winter Wrap UP
  1017. [10:39:43] <HerrGeneral> heat
  1018. [10:39:44] <Robotzor> twilight casts KILL
  1019. [10:39:44] <Lazy> HAHAHA U GT SNOWED ON
  1020. [10:39:44] <Chronos30> Winter wrap up
  1021. [10:39:44] <Dolash> This is seriously reference city
  1022. [10:39:45] <jamartinezm> snow
  1023. [10:39:45] <drunkill> WINTER WRAP UP WINTER WRAP UP
  1024. [10:39:45] <Stuff> snowpony
  1025. [10:39:46] <Durandal> hahahahaha
  1026. [10:39:46] <Durandal> OH NO
  1027. [10:39:47] <Jupiter> HAHAHAHAH
  1028. [10:39:48] <Frosthawk> DED
  1029. [10:39:48] <WalrusWhiskers> lol
  1030. [10:39:49] <HerrGeneral> fantastic
  1031. [10:39:49] <Throbulator> this is, like, callback the episode
  1032. [10:39:49] <Quanta> Mustaches!
  1033. [10:39:50] <Shavnir> MOUSTACHE
  1034. [10:39:50] <Mordja> SWAG
  1035. [10:39:51] <KillingVector> haha
  1036. [10:39:52] <LiamTop> Nice.
  1037. [10:39:53] <thatbastardken> noice
  1038. [10:39:54] <TheDoctor> Twilgihts Body coutn continues to rise.
  1039. [10:39:54] <FactoryFactory> pffft
  1040. [10:39:54] <jamartinezm> mustache
  1041. [10:39:54] <FactoryFactory> ha
  1042. [10:39:54] <fenster> hahahaha
  1043. [10:39:54] <drunkill> Number 15 came in handy
  1044. [10:39:54] <Durandal> yes
  1045. [10:39:55] <Throbulator> MOUSTACHE
  1046. [10:39:55] <KefkaFloyd> HER MOOUSTAAACHE
  1047. [10:39:55] <Shotgunbadger> MOUSTACHE SPELL
  1048. [10:39:55] <BlueBastard> AHAHAHAHAA
  1049. [10:39:56] <Wayoshi> uh oh
  1050. [10:39:57] <Isaak> I MOUSTACHE YOU A QEUSTION
  1051. [10:39:57] <agradify> i'll bet the storyboard artists and animators had fun with this
  1052. [10:40:00] <Radio_PhoolCat> ahaha Philomenatache
  1053. [10:40:00] <Frosthawk> henchmen I summon you
  1054. [10:40:00] <Plobo> #25?
  1055. [10:40:03] <Wayoshi> ah shit
  1056. [10:40:04] <Stuff> i hope the whole ep is like this
  1057. [10:40:05] <LiamTop> :o
  1058. [10:40:05] <Mordja> Snips and Snails, you tools
  1059. [10:40:05] <thatbastardken> you guys suck
  1060. [10:40:05] <Lazy> trixie what
  1061. [10:40:05] <wilma> SNIPS, SNAILS, GET OVER HERE
  1062. [10:40:10] <Dolash> How does that help?
  1063. [10:40:11] <RudeCyrus> jesus
  1064. [10:40:11] <KefkaFloyd> well
  1065. [10:40:11] <WalrusWhiskers> wtf
  1066. [10:40:11] <In_West_Fillydelphia> what
  1067. [10:40:11] <BlueBastard> what
  1068. [10:40:12] <KefkaFloyd> that's something
  1069. [10:40:13] <wilma> lol
  1070. [10:40:14] <drunkill> oh nooo
  1071. [10:40:15] <BlueBastard> WHAT
  1072. [10:40:16] <Durandal> the heck
  1073. [10:40:16] <garamir> A wild Lv. 100 Trixie is approaching!
  1074. [10:40:18] <BartonFink> benjamin button
  1075. [10:40:19] <Wayoshi> damn old Snips is scary
  1076. [10:40:19] <CasualViewing> This is the ep of a million callbacks
  1077. [10:40:21] <Throbulator> snails is still ugly as old
  1078. [10:40:23] <PoorYorick> highest lvl
  1079. [10:40:25] <Plobo> trixie knows secret codes
  1080. [10:40:25] <HuffyTheDragon> Highest Level
  1081. [10:40:26] <drunkill> oh no
  1082. [10:40:26] <Robotzor> twilight casts the magic
  1083. [10:40:27] <ozone> lvl 20 unicorn mage
  1084. [10:40:29] <wilma> that was the first joke i liked
  1085. [10:40:29] <HerrGeneral> babby
  1086. [10:40:30] <Dolash> This kills the snails
  1087. [10:40:30] <Shotgunbadger> THAT'S A LEVEL 20 SPELL
  1088. [10:40:32] <Plobo> she bought a premium
  1089. [10:40:32] <Radio_PhoolCat> No she can't
  1090. [10:40:33] <KillingVector> babby snips
  1091. [10:40:36] <Corpus> FAIL
  1092. [10:40:36] <Lazy> PONY FAIL THE SPELL
  1093. [10:40:36] <Robotzor> it no good D:
  1094. [10:40:37] <LiamTop> :(
  1095. [10:40:39] <RudeCyrus> FAILURE
  1096. [10:40:39] <jamartinezm> out of batteries
  1097. [10:40:40] <Throbulator> shiit
  1098. [10:40:40] <Wayoshi> POWER LEVELS REACHED MAXIMUM
  1099. [10:40:40] <drunkill> NEED ADDITIONAL PYLONS
  1100. [10:40:41] <thatbastardken> aww shit
  1101. [10:40:41] <Durandal> just leave them that way
  1102. [10:40:41] <Frosthawk> no twilight you lost
  1103. [10:40:41] <Jupiter> broken hip
  1104. [10:40:41] <Ashenai> get owned twilight
  1105. [10:40:41] <Frith> fail
  1106. [10:40:42] <HerrGeneral> well shit
  1107. [10:40:42] <Shadowwalker> banish'd
  1108. [10:40:42] <LiamTop> Broke a hip.
  1109. [10:40:42] <BartonFink> turns out twilight sucks. show over everypony
  1110. [10:40:42] <Dolash> There goes his hip
  1111. [10:40:43] <KefkaFloyd> third person
  1112. [10:40:43] <Robotzor> in bender's voice
  1113. [10:40:44] <Frosthawk> fuck
  1114. [10:40:44] <Corpus> bad end
  1115. [10:40:44] <WalrusWhiskers> baby hit his head
  1116. [10:40:45] <KillingVector> welp
  1117. [10:40:46] <Stuff> twilight get out
  1118. [10:40:46] <Mordja> I like them better this way
  1119. [10:40:47] <anniie> twilight sucks
  1120. [10:40:48] <RudeCyrus> MWAHAHAHA
  1121. [10:40:49] <drunkill> SHES OVER. no. lets not
  1122. [10:40:49] <wilma> h*ll yeah
  1123. [10:40:50] <agradify> Trixie wins!
  1124. [10:40:50] <Jupiter> levels?
  1125. [10:40:50] <_Grue_> highest level lol
  1126. [10:40:50] <jamartinezm> highest lvl
  1127. [10:40:51] <FactoryFactory> OH GNOES~~~
  1128. [10:40:51] <Quanta> A Winner is Trixie!
  1129. [10:40:51] <Plobo> Trixie is OP pls nerf
  1130. [10:40:53] <KefkaFloyd> FOREVER
  1131. [10:40:53] <jamartinezm> lvl 100
  1132. [10:40:53] <Dolash> Trixie multiclaaaaaaaasssed!
  1133. [10:40:54] <Robotzor> now kill her
  1134. [10:40:54] <Wayoshi> WLEP
  1135. [10:40:54] <garamir> YOU FOALS
  1136. [10:40:54] <Tyberius> Welp, we have a new leader of team ponyville
  1137. [10:40:55] <Robotzor> KILL HER
  1138. [10:40:55] <Throbulator> FOREVER
  1139. [10:40:58] <agradify> forever
  1140. [10:40:59] <CasualViewing> LOVE ME
  1141. [10:40:59] <Soge> Twilight needs some rare candies
  1142. [10:41:01] <Connoisseur> Twilight needs to do some grinding
  1143. [10:41:01] <HuffyTheDragon> OP, nerf
  1144. [10:41:01] <Wayoshi> gulp I'm scared about this now
  1145. [10:41:02] <Quanta> FOREVER! :O
  1146. [10:41:03] <BlueBastard> huh
  1147. [10:41:05] <RudeCyrus> you mean foals
  1148. [10:41:06] <Frosthawk> no come back twilight
  1149. [10:41:07] <diribigal> fools, not foals, whew
  1150. [10:41:08] <Robotzor> triple bouncy
  1151. [10:41:11] <HuffyTheDragon> Kick her rump!
  1152. [10:41:12] <Plobo> fetch!
  1153. [10:41:12] <Jupiter> To the ends of theearth!
  1154. [10:41:12] <BlueBastard> didn't expect the original Flutterrage to return that way
  1155. [10:41:12] <Stuff> owned
  1156. [10:41:13] <drunkill> hold in 1
  1157. [10:41:13] <Dolash> That made a reasonable amount of sense
  1158. [10:41:14] <Mordja> Well that works
  1159. [10:41:15] <HerrGeneral> Whoa.
  1160. [10:41:15] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  1161. [10:41:15] <HelixNebula> pony toss the pony
  1162. [10:41:16] <fenster> you fools? Doesn't she mean "foals"?
  1163. [10:41:16] <thatbastardken> tyeah alwarming
  1164. [10:41:16] <KillingVector> haha, just toss her out
  1165. [10:41:16] <Quanta> Conquest!
  1166. [10:41:16] <In_West_Fillydelphia> :getout:
  1167. [10:41:17] <Chronos30> We'll start our own ponyville!
  1168. [10:41:17] <Wayoshi> megajar
  1169. [10:41:19] <Jupiter> fishbowled
  1170. [10:41:20] <BartonFink> someone just pick it up
  1171. [10:41:20] <Shotgunbadger> hahaha dome
  1172. [10:41:20] <RudeCyrus> giant bowl
  1173. [10:41:21] <Dolash> "Why don't you put all of Ponyville under a glass?"
  1175. [10:41:22] <LiamTop> Gigajar
  1176. [10:41:23] <numsOic> oh god I missed the duel
  1177. [10:41:23] <drunkill> Trinxie = EPA from the simpsons
  1178. [10:41:24] <thatbastardken> uhhh
  1179. [10:41:25] <ancara22> DOOOOOOME
  1180. [10:41:25] <BlueBastard> WHAT
  1181. [10:41:25] <numsOic> god damn it
  1182. [10:41:26] <BartonFink> SIMPSONS DID IT
  1183. [10:41:26] <thatbastardken> air
  1184. [10:41:26] <numsOic> what happened
  1185. [10:41:26] <FactoryFactory> Rainbow Bonk
  1186. [10:41:26] <Plobo> they can't hear you
  1187. [10:41:27] <Pretorius> 4th forcefield spell
  1188. [10:41:27] <Frosthawk> you have celestia on your side
  1189. [10:41:28] <Throbulator> oh, so that's how she left ponyville
  1190. [10:41:28] <Stuff> call in celestia
  1191. [10:41:28] <thatbastardken> trixie
  1192. [10:41:29] <FlareShard> BUBBLES
  1193. [10:41:30] <Frosthawk> problem solved
  1194. [10:41:30] <Swift`> They probably can't hear you
  1195. [10:41:30] <thatbastardken> air
  1196. [10:41:30] <Ashenai> also pinkie gonna die
  1197. [10:41:31] <drunkill> Welp, Larson has been reading Stephen King
  1198. [10:41:32] <anniie> this music owns
  1199. [10:41:34] <CasualViewing> The needs of the many, before the needs of the few
  1200. [10:41:34] <WT_Fits> Rock farm!
  1201. [10:41:35] <Tyberius> Simpsons did it.
  1202. [10:41:36] <Robotzor> now they go kill trixie
  1203. [10:41:37] <republic> "WHAT?"
  1204. [10:41:37] <Frosthawk> god
  1205. [10:41:38] <Radio_PhoolCat> not a forcefield, a bell jar
  1206. [10:41:38] <cathead> its a Larson ep?
  1207. [10:41:39] <jamartinezm> gak time
  1208. [10:41:40] <Frosthawk> daaaammmmmmnnnn
  1209. [10:41:41] <BartonFink> FUCK everyone is going to die
  1210. [10:41:41] <Isaak> yes
  1211. [10:41:42] <hCrow> hahaha nice
  1212. [10:41:42] <Throbulator> episode still going strong
  1213. [10:41:43] <drunkill> yeah larson ep
  1214. [10:41:44] <Dolash> That was so fuckin dense
  1215. [10:41:44] <Isaak> it's a larson ep
  1216. [10:41:45] <BlueBastard> Shit just got REAL
  1217. [10:41:45] <fenster> this is larson
  1218. [10:41:47] <Soge> Best first act yet?
  1219. [10:41:49] <hCrow> she straight up went full Evil
  1220. [10:41:49] <AppleCobbler44> .....
  1221. [10:41:52] <numsOic> god damn it
  1222. [10:41:52] <Durandal> This is the Larsonest episode ever
  1223. [10:41:53] <Frosthawk> this is the larson episode of all larsons
  1224. [10:41:54] <CasualViewing> Live long and prosper
  1225. [10:41:54] <garamir> I hope Trixie pokes some holes in the lid
  1226. [10:41:54] <numsOic> god damn it
  1227. [10:41:55] <ryaxnb> animaniacs
  1228. [10:41:56] <londonarbuckle> this shits good guys
  1229. [10:41:57] <AppleCobbler44> i'm currently unethused
  1230. [10:41:58] <AppleCobbler44> :(
  1231. [10:41:59] <ryaxnb> ANIMANIACS
  1232. [10:41:59] <Aracat> going way better than expected
  1233. [10:42:00] <BlueBastard> God, Hub wins at commericals forever
  1234. [10:42:01] <Pretorius> They still air Yakko's Wish? Wow
  1235. [10:42:01] <_Grue_> what if pinkie's spell is forever?
  1236. [10:42:02] <ryaxnb> WAKKOS WISH
  1237. [10:42:02] <Dolash> The Larsonest
  1238. [10:42:03] <WalrusWhiskers> So do unicorns live forever?
  1239. [10:42:07] <In_West_Fillydelphia> fuzzy noodle?
  1240. [10:42:08] <thatbastardken> no
  1241. [10:42:08] <numsOic> can I see a repeat of that
  1242. [10:42:09] <Pretorius> *Wakko
  1243. [10:42:10] <Ashenai> FUN
  1244. [10:42:11] <WalrusWhiskers> cuz age spell and w/e
  1245. [10:42:12] <Robotzor> kazoodles not gak
  1246. [10:42:13] <FactoryFactory> Warko Wakner
  1247. [10:42:13] <_Grue_> even trixie cant undelete her mouht
  1248. [10:42:13] <Plobo> the larsonest episodes are the best episodes
  1249. [10:42:13] <In_West_Fillydelphia> It's a pipecleaner
  1250. [10:42:15] <DarkMatter> poor Snips and Snails
  1251. [10:42:15] <Throbulator> look at applecobbler hating on fun
  1252. [10:42:15] <Durandal> GREAT BIG FUZZY NOODLES
  1253. [10:42:16] <CasualViewing> I dont think this is why I liked Trixie
  1254. [10:42:17] <FlareShard> What is this
  1255. [10:42:18] <Quanta> Trixie has been watching the Simpsons Movie
  1256. [10:42:19] <HerrGeneral> I'm quite happy with this episode so far
  1257. [10:42:21] <FlareShard> I'm scared
  1258. [10:42:21] <Isaak> digging this so far
  1259. [10:42:22] <BartonFink> Nuzzy Foodles
  1260. [10:42:24] <jamartinezm> fuzzoodles!
  1261. [10:42:25] <HerrGeneral> guys
  1262. [10:42:25] <fenster> there are some awkward shots in here when the action slows down, but its cool so far
  1263. [10:42:26] <In_West_Fillydelphia> It's a god damn pipe cleaner
  1264. [10:42:26] <RudeCyrus> fuzzoodles
  1265. [10:42:26] <Pretorius> Celestia casts age spell on herself every five years
  1266. [10:42:27] <HerrGeneral> this is a trap
  1267. [10:42:29] <FlareShard> Barton hold me I'm scared
  1268. [10:42:32] <Robotzor> holy shit it's a grue
  1269. [10:42:32] <londonarbuckle> applecobbler is wrong, OBJECTIVELY
  1270. [10:42:35] <Frosthawk> watching the commercials on the hub really brings to light all the fucking shit they will try to sell nowadays
  1271. [10:42:36] <HerrGeneral> it's trying to make everyone dislike trixie
  1272. [10:42:38] <Isaak> deleting pinkie's nose is a bit too meta maybe
  1273. [10:42:41] <Corpus> gold!
  1274. [10:42:42] <Wylie> Prediction: Pinkie will get her mouth back at the very end of the episode and start reacting to everything that happened, in order.
  1275. [10:42:42] <DarkMatter> Trixie is evil
  1276. [10:42:44] <Robotzor> gold pawn commercial
  1277. [10:42:44] <BlueBastard> I've seen every single one of those movies
  1278. [10:42:46] <Robotzor> for the children
  1279. [10:42:47] <Stuff> old guy
  1280. [10:42:48] <Throbulator> GOOOOOLD
  1281. [10:42:48] <thatbastardken> american adds continue to amaze me
  1282. [10:42:48] <HerrGeneral> hahah
  1283. [10:42:48] <FactoryFactory> GOLD
  1284. [10:42:49] <BartonFink> Isaak that was a Matrix move
  1285. [10:42:49] <WalrusWhiskers> lol gold detector
  1286. [10:42:50] <Wulfolme> commercials on kids networks have always been like this
  1287. [10:42:50] <JaceNV> Lance - Treasure Hunter
  1288. [10:42:50] <BaronPorkface> Pony pawn shop
  1289. [10:42:50] <Soge> Now we just need a Trixie and Twilight in a musical battle.
  1290. [10:42:50] <ozone> too much fan pandering 1/10 never watching again
  1291. [10:42:51] <BartonFink> im down w/ it
  1292. [10:42:51] <numsOic> GOLD
  1293. [10:42:52] <Frosthawk> and now, an ad for your cheap dad
  1294. [10:42:52] <fenster> meta meta meta meta
  1295. [10:42:53] <Ashenai> yeah I'll get right on that
  1296. [10:42:54] <Throbulator> GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD
  1297. [10:42:54] <Lazy> ads by ron paul
  1298. [10:42:56] <FlareShard> Also, Trixie is the worst loser AND the worst winner.
  1299. [10:42:57] <BlueBastard> Wait, Pinkie still doesn't have her mouth back?
  1300. [10:42:57] <Shavnir> puuuurrrreeeeestrain
  1301. [10:42:58] <jamartinezm> hold
  1302. [10:42:59] <Dolash> If she'd erased it with a big blackboard eraser it'd be no big deal
  1303. [10:42:59] <Throbulator> FIND GOLD ONTHE BEACH
  1304. [10:42:59] <LiamTop> Ron Paul funding Hub confirmed.
  1305. [10:43:00] <HerrGeneral> this is the most ridiculous thing
  1306. [10:43:00] <ancara22> THER'S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS.
  1307. [10:43:01] <thatbastardken> lance: treasure hunter
  1308. [10:43:01] <anniie> MOM CAN WE GET A WHITE METAL DETECTOR
  1309. [10:43:02] <Robotzor> we need kill bill with that staredown
  1310. [10:43:02] <TheDoctor> Best part is the old man from Gemlin's Pony
  1311. [10:43:03] <TheDoctor> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kRuD6zV4Fqs/S6175wqO1uI/AAAAAAAACwQ/UmIDEaHiOhA/s400/ishot-434.jpg
  1312. [10:43:04] <garamir> The whitest electronics
  1313. [10:43:05] <Corpus> didn't save for retirement? get a metal detector
  1314. [10:43:05] <Isaak> she does not
  1315. [10:43:06] <Robotzor> remix it now
  1316. [10:43:06] <BartonFink> i liked the part where the annoying pony was turned really old and died, 8/10
  1317. [10:43:06] <AppleCobbler44> Call now!!!!
  1318. [10:43:08] <wilma> i could use a metal detector
  1319. [10:43:10] <CasualViewing> I want a lifetime of THAT
  1320. [10:43:11] <RudeCyrus> where the fuck is all this gold coming from
  1321. [10:43:11] <Geomancing> So much for 'Oh Trixie is just misunderstood with a heart of gold'
  1322. [10:43:11] <Throbulator> WILL YOU FIND A MINEFIELD
  1323. [10:43:12] <Lazy> aaaaa
  1324. [10:43:12] <_Grue_> Trixie is the highest level unicorn. it's canon
  1325. [10:43:13] <Radio_PhoolCat> 4:3 adverts?
  1326. [10:43:14] <DarkMatter> cuddle cuddle wuppets
  1327. [10:43:14] <henke37> does metal detectors even work on gold?
  1328. [10:43:14] <Lazy> not again
  1329. [10:43:14] <FactoryFactory> tanks to white's medal detegtors
  1330. [10:43:15] <fenster> what about the black metal
  1331. [10:43:16] <fenster> huh
  1332. [10:43:16] <_Grue_> suck it losers
  1333. [10:43:18] <Wylie> BLANKETS THAT ARE PUPPETS
  1334. [10:43:18] <fenster> what about that
  1335. [10:43:21] <BartonFink> Uddle Cuppets
  1336. [10:43:22] <wilma> but i could really use a BLANKET THAT'S A PUPPET
  1337. [10:43:23] <garamir> Lionel Coin Bank Lionel Coin Bank
  1338. [10:43:25] <Robotzor> Rising action best action
  1339. [10:43:25] <Pretorius> Prediction: Pinkie finds out Trixie's secret but can't tell anyone because she's bad at charades.
  1340. [10:43:26] <WalrusWhiskers> cuddlepuppets look high
  1341. [10:43:27] <Wulfolme> you loved the snuggie
  1342. [10:43:30] <jamartinezm> the puppet plays!?
  1343. [10:43:30] <FlareShard> Aaaaaaaaahhh
  1344. [10:43:30] <HerrGeneral> "I skinned a dog!"
  1345. [10:43:30] <Robotzor> rainbow dash should have kicked trixie
  1346. [10:43:31] <Dolash> We're this close to an alignment joke at this point
  1347. [10:43:31] <wilma> oh wow
  1348. [10:43:32] <Wulfolme> now here's the cuddlepuppet
  1349. [10:43:32] <jamartinezm> what sorcery is this
  1350. [10:43:33] <Frosthawk> black metal is detected using a bible because it bursts into flames upon detection
  1351. [10:43:34] <Robotzor> and solved thigns with volence
  1352. [10:43:34] <FactoryFactory> a horrible dog hybrid begging for death
  1353. [10:43:34] <Isaak> those things are TERRIFYING
  1354. [10:43:34] <Frosthawk> duh
  1355. [10:43:34] <Stuff> aaaaaaaaaaaa
  1356. [10:43:35] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Horsie :3
  1357. [10:43:36] <ancara22> Gak is dead, THANK GOD.
  1359. [10:43:38] <Throbulator> cuddleuppets is ancient evil level of creepy
  1360. [10:43:38] <BlueBastard> I'm amazed they haven't made pony versions of these
  1361. [10:43:39] <thatbastardken> what about puppets that are blankets?
  1362. [10:43:40] <Shax> That crocodile is the highest
  1363. [10:43:41] <FlareShard> I always hear "Frankensteiner puppets"
  1364. [10:43:41] <Dolash> "Trixie's gone Chaotic Evil! Or possibly neutral evil"
  1365. [10:43:43] <Durandal> Pinkie Charades would be pretty cool actually
  1366. [10:43:45] <jamartinezm> gap is so not dead
  1367. [10:43:46] <republic> guys i miss gak
  1368. [10:43:48] <jamartinezm> gak*
  1369. [10:43:50] <Wayoshi> I don't
  1370. [10:43:51] <BartonFink> rig
  1371. [10:43:53] <numsOic> meep meep meep
  1372. [10:43:54] <Robotzor> gak gone
  1373. [10:43:54] <fenster> haha, that's rude Frosthawk
  1374. [10:43:54] <thatbastardken> gk is life\
  1375. [10:43:55] <Robotzor> rip
  1376. [10:43:55] <In_West_Fillydelphia> the plot of mean girls
  1377. [10:43:56] <Plobo> see? no gak. humanity still has hope
  1378. [10:43:56] <Wulfolme> GIANT HEADS
  1379. [10:43:58] <Wayoshi> and now, to Act II
  1380. [10:43:59] <BartonFink> its baaaack
  1381. [10:44:00] <Ashenai> peer pressure
  1382. [10:44:01] <RudeCyrus> PONY
  1383. [10:44:01] <Stuff> IT'S BACK
  1384. [10:44:02] <HerrGeneral> pony
  1385. [10:44:02] <BlueBastard> Oh, wow, the episode is already almost half over?
  1386. [10:44:02] <jamartinezm> sssh
  1387. [10:44:03] <TheDoctor> Trixie saught out the amulet herself, she's not under any evil influence, she's jsut a bitch
  1388. [10:44:04] <wilma> oh, it's this
  1389. [10:44:04] <BlueBastard> that was fast
  1390. [10:44:04] <jamartinezm> hhh
  1391. [10:44:05] <Wylie> the last break will be all gak
  1392. [10:44:06] <Throbulator> more best episdoe
  1393. [10:44:07] <FactoryFactory> horse
  1394. [10:44:07] <fenster> it's gaaaaaaaaaaak
  1395. [10:44:10] <thatbastardken> wow
  1396. [10:44:11] <thatbastardken> so pones
  1397. [10:44:12] <Isaak> great set up so far
  1398. [10:44:13] <BaronPorkface> Teeth!
  1399. [10:44:14] <Frosthawk> now gak to ponies
  1400. [10:44:16] <Stuff> UGH
  1401. [10:44:17] <Quanta> Progre--nevermind
  1402. [10:44:17] <RudeCyrus> face
  1403. [10:44:18] <FlareShard> Trixie killed GAK
  1404. [10:44:18] <Throbulator> AUGH
  1405. [10:44:18] <LiamTop> GUH
  1406. [10:44:19] <HerrGeneral> UGH
  1407. [10:44:19] <Wayoshi> backwards for just a second
  1408. [10:44:20] <garamir> WHO INDEED
  1409. [10:44:21] <Jupiter> haha that teeths
  1410. [10:44:22] <Dolash> Age spells r hard
  1411. [10:44:23] <HelixNebula> EAUGH
  1412. [10:44:26] <Dolash> LUNA
  1413. [10:44:26] |<-- RightInfinity has left irc.synirc.net (Connection reset by peer)
  1414. [10:44:26] <Frosthawk> aging magic sounds dangerous
  1415. [10:44:27] <Stuff> saddle arabia
  1416. [10:44:27] <Lazy> oh DAMN figuring it out
  1417. [10:44:29] <Frosthawk> ZECORA
  1418. [10:44:29] <WalrusWhiskers> saddle arabia haha
  1419. [10:44:29] <LiamTop> !
  1420. [10:44:29] <RudeCyrus> ZECORA
  1421. [10:44:29] <Stuff> ZECORA
  1422. [10:44:29] <KefkaFloyd> who else indeed
  1423. [10:44:30] <diribigal> oh right
  1424. [10:44:30] <Wayoshi> the zebra
  1425. [10:44:32] <Dolash> Oh okay Zecora
  1426. [10:44:32] <BartonFink> Twilight knows all this magic but can't handle "send a letter"
  1427. [10:44:33] <drunkill> gee I wonder
  1428. [10:44:33] <KillingVector> zecora time
  1429. [10:44:33] <Lazy> :3
  1430. [10:44:33] <Radio_PhoolCat> Luna?
  1431. [10:44:33] <Isaak> awww yeah
  1432. [10:44:34] <agradify> angel
  1433. [10:44:34] <Quanta> The Strange and Powerful Trixie! :O
  1434. [10:44:34] <HuffyTheDragon> ZECORA
  1435. [10:44:34] <wilma> zecora is cccoool
  1436. [10:44:35] <numsOic> Zecora time
  1437. [10:44:36] <TheDoctor> The black pony!
  1438. [10:44:37] <Robotzor> good rymes
  1439. [10:44:38] <BlueBastard> ZEBRA
  1440. [10:44:39] <FactoryFactory> Zeeba neighba
  1441. [10:44:39] <Robotzor> Dower
  1442. [10:44:39] <Mordja> Yessss
  1443. [10:44:39] <Plobo> don't trust the enchantress
  1444. [10:44:40] <WalrusWhiskers> yay zecora
  1445. [10:44:40] <thatbastardken> zecora, you're a foreigner
  1446. [10:44:40] <jamartinezm> powah
  1447. [10:44:41] <LiamTop> FIGHT THE POWER
  1448. [10:44:42] <CasualViewing> Zecora, the Magical Negro
  1449. [10:44:43] <Shastao> congrats for being the fallback, zecora
  1450. [10:44:43] <Chronos30> rhymes are improving
  1451. [10:44:45] <Frosthawk> throwin down those rhymes
  1452. [10:44:45] <thatbastardken> solve my problems
  1453. [10:44:46] <garamir> It's against ape law!
  1454. [10:44:47] <RudeCyrus> siiip
  1455. [10:44:47] <Throbulator> horn to horn
  1456. [10:44:48] <Ashenai> haha
  1457. [10:44:48] <HerrGeneral> coffee
  1458. [10:44:49] <Ashenai> horn to horn
  1459. [10:44:50] <wilma> this episode got a millions times better just because of this
  1460. [10:44:51] <Quanta> Training Montage incoming!
  1461. [10:44:51] <fenster> hoof haaaands
  1462. [10:44:52] <Swift`> Montage time
  1463. [10:44:54] <Lapis> Magical Zebra
  1464. [10:44:55] <thatbastardken> shit yes
  1465. [10:44:56] <Wayoshi> .... she's a zebra
  1466. [10:44:57] -->| RightInfinity (~SADASS@synIRC-7AFED3F2.dsl.pacific.net.au) has joined #ponyday
  1467. [10:44:58] <thatbastardken> yoda time
  1468. [10:44:58] <Durandal> YOU WILL REACH THE NEXT LEVEL
  1469. [10:44:59] <Tyberius> I hope Twilight speaks like Zecora after the training.
  1470. [10:44:59] <KillingVector> gj
  1471. [10:44:59] <RudeCyrus> don't sit like that
  1472. [10:45:00] <Stuff> rude
  1473. [10:45:00] <BartonFink> whoa
  1474. [10:45:00] <Dolash> Yoda training montage coming up
  1475. [10:45:01] <Robotzor> licked me
  1476. [10:45:01] <jamartinezm> clumsy
  1477. [10:45:02] <Lazy> :D
  1478. [10:45:02] <wilma> twilight you dink >:(
  1479. [10:45:03] <Jupiter> Twilight you are awkward
  1480. [10:45:03] <garamir> "As soon as you mop that up"
  1481. [10:45:04] <Frosthawk> they're always ruining zecora's shit
  1482. [10:45:05] <WalrusWhiskers> woa what
  1483. [10:45:05] <Robotzor> twilight bad
  1484. [10:45:06] <Ashenai> what the hell
  1485. [10:45:06] <ozone> zecora is most helpful pony
  1486. [10:45:07] <BartonFink> STOP KNOCKING THE CUP OVER
  1487. [10:45:07] <Plobo> the magic is in the rhymes
  1488. [10:45:08] <anniie> that didn't fuckin whyme
  1489. [10:45:09] <Mordja> How does Zecora do magic?
  1490. [10:45:09] <HerrGeneral> hah
  1491. [10:45:09] <WalrusWhiskers> zecora is magic
  1492. [10:45:09] <RudeCyrus> dammit twi
  1493. [10:45:10] <Throbulator> spilled drink
  1494. [10:45:10] <Jupiter> Zebras Have Power
  1495. [10:45:10] <drunkill> gosh
  1496. [10:45:10] <Ashenai> zecora can do magic?
  1497. [10:45:11] <thatbastardken> holy crap
  1498. [10:45:12] <FlareShard> I missed you, Zecora :3
  1499. [10:45:12] <Throbulator> hahaha
  1500. [10:45:13] <drunkill> such a jerk twilight
  1501. [10:45:14] <Shadowwalker> all hail seth
  1502. [10:45:14] <Robotzor> zecora really has nothing better to do
  1503. [10:45:14] <thatbastardken> zrbra power
  1504. [10:45:15] <BlueBastard> holy crap
  1505. [10:45:15] <Dolash> Heil Trixie
  1506. [10:45:16] <FactoryFactory> Twilight is bad at tea
  1507. [10:45:17] <Shotgunbadger> Look Zecora no offense but this is white pony magic
  1508. [10:45:18] <Wayoshi> oh god, Pumpkkin Cake
  1509. [10:45:18] <Lazy> pffffft
  1510. [10:45:19] <drunkill> I did nazi that coming
  1511. [10:45:19] <TheDoctor> Twilgiht's OK, she speaks jive
  1512. [10:45:19] <Robotzor> PONHY SLAVES
  1513. [10:45:19] <Stuff> holy crap the smugness
  1514. [10:45:19] <fenster> start after you CLEAN THIS MESS
  1515. [10:45:20] <BlueBastard> ahahaha
  1516. [10:45:20] <Quanta> Candy Throne!
  1517. [10:45:20] <Frosthawk> how depressing
  1518. [10:45:21] <numsOic> mysterious mare do trix
  1519. [10:45:22] <KillingVector> pumpkin cake :3
  1520. [10:45:23] <agradify> OVERLORD TRIXIE
  1521. [10:45:23] <Jupiter> AJ, BUCK HER IN THE FACE!
  1522. [10:45:23] <Dolash> Ew?
  1523. [10:45:23] <thatbastardken> trixie facism
  1524. [10:45:25] <Shax> I, for one, welcome our great and powerful overlord
  1525. [10:45:26] <republic> gross
  1526. [10:45:26] <BlueBastard> yep, Trixie ville
  1527. [10:45:26] <thatbastardken> the best
  1528. [10:45:27] <fenster> hahaha
  1529. [10:45:28] <Mordja> applesauce facial
  1530. [10:45:30] <BartonFink> lol
  1531. [10:45:30] <HuffyTheDragon> Twilight has taken 1 Level of Shaman
  1532. [10:45:30] <Shotgunbadger> hahahah holy shit
  1533. [10:45:31] <wilma> i like the cakes, they cool
  1534. [10:45:32] <HerrGeneral> that's terrible
  1535. [10:45:33] <Wayoshi> oh no, the ultimate evil
  1536. [10:45:33] <KefkaFloyd> torture
  1537. [10:45:33] <Robotzor> applejack's weakness
  1538. [10:45:34] <KefkaFloyd> for shame, trixie
  1539. [10:45:35] <Corpus> that's going to be a thing...
  1540. [10:45:35] <HerrGeneral> torture
  1541. [10:45:36] <Shotgunbadger> Trixie straight up Nazi'd the town
  1542. [10:45:36] <Quanta> Tickle Torture! :O
  1543. [10:45:37] <FactoryFactory> :O
  1544. [10:45:37] <Jupiter> ow
  1545. [10:45:37] <thatbastardken> cruelty
  1546. [10:45:37] <garamir> Pony fails the SERE
  1547. [10:45:39] <FactoryFactory> D:
  1548. [10:45:39] <Throbulator> horsie torture :3
  1549. [10:45:42] <BartonFink> haha
  1550. [10:45:43] <Frosthawk> tickle torture is quite serious
  1551. [10:45:43] <FlareShard> AJ, noooooooooo
  1552. [10:45:44] <agradify> pure evil...
  1553. [10:45:45] <Dolash> Dance, monkey dance!
  1554. [10:45:46] <CasualViewing> AJ and trickling, the ultimate irony
  1555. [10:45:46] <Connoisseur> Trixie is eeeeviiiil
  1556. [10:45:47] <LiamTop> Ahaha
  1557. [10:45:47] <Quanta> Poor Pinkie still has no mouth :(
  1558. [10:45:48] <Wayoshi> give her back her motuh, dammit.
  1559. [10:45:49] <Mordja> stull no mouth
  1560. [10:45:51] <RudeCyrus> she's an evil enchantress
  1561. [10:45:52] <Mordja> *still
  1562. [10:45:53] <HerrGeneral> ded
  1563. [10:45:53] <Robotzor> she IS a marshmallow
  1564. [10:45:54] <diribigal> all of pinkie's dances were already programmed
  1565. [10:45:55] <BartonFink> :(
  1566. [10:45:55] <agradify> oh hey look recycled animations
  1567. [10:45:55] <jamartinezm> D:
  1568. [10:45:55] <anniie> grimdark
  1569. [10:45:55] <WalrusWhiskers> :(
  1570. [10:45:56] <Wayoshi> :'(
  1571. [10:45:56] <jamartinezm> :(
  1572. [10:45:57] <jamartinezm> :C:C:C:C:C
  1573. [10:45:58] <KefkaFloyd> :(
  1574. [10:45:58] <_Grue_> blood
  1575. [10:45:59] <Wylie> TRAINING MONTAGE
  1576. [10:45:59] <Frosthawk> :(
  1577. [10:45:59] <jamartinezm> ;___;
  1578. [10:46:01] <Ashenai> THIIIS IS WHINING
  1579. [10:46:02] <drunkill> need thimbles
  1580. [10:46:03] <Dolash> Rarity needs a giant thimble
  1581. [10:46:03] <Wayoshi> zent raining go
  1582. [10:46:03] <FlareShard> :C
  1583. [10:46:04] <HerrGeneral> Whoa
  1584. [10:46:04] <Robotzor> jesus pony
  1585. [10:46:04] <CasualViewing> Trixie is Hitler
  1586. [10:46:04] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  1587. [10:46:04] <Throbulator> your training begins
  1588. [10:46:06] <FactoryFactory> Oh now :C She poked her... overlarge fingernail
  1589. [10:46:07] <Frosthawk> oh man
  1590. [10:46:07] <Mordja> Cool
  1591. [10:46:08] <HerrGeneral> that shit's awesome
  1592. [10:46:09] <Wayoshi> also one-leged zebra
  1593. [10:46:09] <Corpus> become a jedi, you must
  1594. [10:46:10] <Dolash> That's pretty cool
  1595. [10:46:10] <drunkill> Zecora = yoda
  1596. [10:46:11] <Jupiter> Water Walking
  1597. [10:46:11] <Swift`> Nice
  1598. [10:46:12] <Chronos30> She's gonna lift a spaceship out of there
  1599. [10:46:12] <thatbastardken> rarity needs to learn some magic
  1600. [10:46:13] <Isaak> Use the Force Twilight
  1601. [10:46:13] <KefkaFloyd> unlearn what you have laerned
  1602. [10:46:14] <Shotgunbadger> Trixie it's been, like, a day
  1603. [10:46:14] <numsOic> <CasualViewing> Trixie is Hitler
  1604. [10:46:14] <HuffyTheDragon> Water Shield
  1605. [10:46:15] <numsOic> <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  1606. [10:46:15] <fenster> this is totally star wars
  1607. [10:46:16] <Dolash> Yessss
  1608. [10:46:16] <Frosthawk> twilight is learning to be jesus
  1609. [10:46:16] <VoidChicken> Twilight is now Jesus
  1610. [10:46:17] <CasualViewing> Do or do not, there is no try
  1611. [10:46:19] <Dolash> Unlearnin what you learned
  1612. [10:46:20] <thatbastardken> unlearn
  1613. [10:46:21] <drunkill> TWILIGHT! LIFT YOUR XWING!
  1614. [10:46:22] <FactoryFactory> Yodacora
  1615. [10:46:22] <Shotgunbadger> you already took over the town like a dictator
  1616. [10:46:22] <thatbastardken> do it
  1617. [10:46:24] <Pretorius> Yodcora
  1618. [10:46:24] <Robotzor> wet_hair
  1619. [10:46:26] <garamir> Twilight learns the Rasengan
  1620. [10:46:28] <Throbulator> woah, standing on water
  1621. [10:46:28] <fenster> this is fucking star wars with yoda right here
  1622. [10:46:29] <PoorYorick> Do or do not
  1623. [10:46:30] <Stuff> trixie you cheater
  1624. [10:46:30] <Lazy> twlight b chill k
  1625. [10:46:30] <BartonFink> Zecoda
  1626. [10:46:31] <thatbastardken> oh cool
  1627. [10:46:32] <Swift`> That's actually awesome
  1628. [10:46:34] |<-- RightInfinity has left irc.synirc.net (Connection reset by peer)
  1629. [10:46:34] <RudeCyrus> LOSER
  1630. [10:46:34] <FlareShard> Twilight, you can master all the elements and defeat the Trixie Empire :V
  1631. [10:46:34] <Dolash> Gonna have to cut Trixie's head off in a cave soon
  1632. [10:46:34] <PoorYorick> there is no "try"
  1633. [10:46:35] <thatbastardken> walking on water
  1634. [10:46:39] <Durandal> who's got the bingo card?
  1635. [10:46:40] <agradify> Zecora >>>>> Yoda
  1636. [10:46:40] <Shastao> this season has a lot of wet manes
  1637. [10:46:40] <Tyberius> It's impossible to lift that xwing
  1638. [10:46:41] <Lapis> Yoda Zebra
  1639. [10:46:42] <CasualViewing> That, is why you fail
  1640. [10:46:42] <Frosthawk> zecora making a :< face
  1641. [10:46:48] <Plobo> you gotta get high
  1642. [10:46:49] <Jupiter> Kill yourself in a cave!
  1643. [10:46:49] <Durandal> check off star wars reference
  1644. [10:46:50] <Dolash> It's like her character changed or something!
  1645. [10:46:52] <Lazy> amulet is evil!
  1646. [10:46:53] <BartonFink> btw this is how Zecora was originally envisioned for the show iirc
  1647. [10:46:55] <Wayoshi> it gettingw orse
  1648. [10:46:56] <drunkill> under the dome
  1649. [10:46:56] <Connoisseur> good point twilight
  1650. [10:46:57] <BartonFink> or something closer to this
  1651. [10:46:57] <garamir> "None of us can READ!"
  1652. [10:46:59] <drunkill> :(
  1653. [10:46:59] <ozone> trixieville
  1654. [10:47:01] <Mordja> Welcome to Trixietown
  1655. [10:47:01] <Quanta> Trixieville D:
  1656. [10:47:03] <Throbulator> how can it be windy under a giant jar?
  1657. [10:47:04] <CasualViewing> Night Of The Long Horns
  1658. [10:47:06] <thatbastardken> man they messed with the statue
  1659. [10:47:06] <numsOic> Dinky and Carrot Top
  1660. [10:47:07] <numsOic> welp
  1661. [10:47:07] <Shotgunbadger> GET OFF THE STREETS
  1662. [10:47:08] <Robotzor> an ep where pinkie can't talk
  1663. [10:47:09] <HuffyTheDragon> Trixie = worse than Discord
  1664. [10:47:11] <RudeCyrus> poor pinkie
  1665. [10:47:12] -->| RightInfinity (~SADASS@synIRC-7AFED3F2.dsl.pacific.net.au) has joined #ponyday
  1666. [10:47:12] <Robotzor> yet nopony cares
  1667. [10:47:13] <WalrusWhiskers> how is there high wind in a glass dome
  1668. [10:47:14] <Ashenai> pinkie noooo :(
  1669. [10:47:15] <Frosthawk> she still has no fucking mouth
  1670. [10:47:15] <HelixNebula> how is pinkie breathing
  1671. [10:47:16] <Robotzor> shows how much they listen
  1672. [10:47:17] <HerrGeneral> this the best ep because pinkie can't talk
  1673. [10:47:18] <Dolash> Hey, Applejack can read.
  1674. [10:47:19] <_Grue_> this is the best pinkie episdoe
  1675. [10:47:19] <thatbastardken> pnones don't need to breathe
  1676. [10:47:22] <Shotgunbadger> THE TRIXTAPO IS OUT
  1677. [10:47:23] <BartonFink> lol
  1678. [10:47:23] <Wayoshi> Fluts found it! yay.
  1679. [10:47:24] <_Grue_> becasue she cant talk
  1680. [10:47:24] <republic> silent pinkie is making this the best ep so far
  1681. [10:47:25] <drunkill> pinkie will starve :(
  1682. [10:47:27] <Throbulator> ignoring fluttershy
  1683. [10:47:28] <Wayoshi> pay attention to Fluts
  1684. [10:47:29] <Plobo> spike search your secret stash
  1685. [10:47:29] <Mordja> Oh Rarity
  1686. [10:47:30] <fenster> this is the second "Pinkie can't talk" gag
  1687. [10:47:30] <agradify> FLuttershy finds the alicorn amulet
  1688. [10:47:30] <Radio_PhoolCat> bad joke
  1689. [10:47:32] <Stuff> APPLES
  1690. [10:47:33] <Wayoshi> PAY ATTENTION TO LUTS THE PEGASUS
  1691. [10:47:34] <Shotgunbadger> haha Fluttershy
  1692. [10:47:35] <RudeCyrus> poor fluttershy
  1693. [10:47:35] <Robotzor> fluttershy
  1694. [10:47:35] <FlareShard> I found it under E!
  1695. [10:47:36] <Chronos30> Now fluttershy is the librarian
  1696. [10:47:37] <Jupiter> Get Peelin!
  1697. [10:47:38] <anniie> applejack read in s1 e7
  1698. [10:47:39] <wilma> MMMMM HMMMM
  1699. [10:47:40] <garamir> You're so smart, Spike!
  1700. [10:47:40] <drunkill> apple peel?
  1701. [10:47:41] <drunkill> skins
  1702. [10:47:42] <drunkill> gosh AJ
  1703. [10:47:43] <Mordja> That would be really convenient
  1704. [10:47:43] <CasualViewing> MEDIC!
  1705. [10:47:44] <FactoryFactory> Fluttershy, be assertive
  1706. [10:47:44] <KefkaFloyd> haha
  1707. [10:47:44] <thatbastardken> peel is the best bit
  1708. [10:47:45] <BartonFink> haha
  1709. [10:47:45] <Lazy> spike no
  1710. [10:47:45] <WalrusWhiskers> hahaha
  1711. [10:47:46] <Radio_PhoolCat> gah
  1712. [10:47:46] <Mordja> Ahaha Spike
  1713. [10:47:46] <Dolash> Good old Spike
  1714. [10:47:47] <Stuff> hahaha
  1715. [10:47:48] <Wayoshi> Spike stop usurping the credit
  1716. [10:47:49] <Quanta> lol Fluttershy ignored
  1717. [10:47:49] <Dolash> Saving the day
  1718. [10:47:50] <Plobo> hahah, Spike
  1719. [10:47:50] <Shotgunbadger> hahahahaha
  1720. [10:47:50] <Shavnir> and spike saves the day
  1721. [10:47:50] <BlueBastard> lol
  1722. [10:47:50] <Robotzor> D:
  1723. [10:47:51] <LiamTop> Yaaay Spike!
  1724. [10:47:51] <Shavnir> AGAIN
  1725. [10:47:51] <diribigal> thanks spike
  1726. [10:47:52] <fenster> wow fuck you spike
  1727. [10:47:52] <republic> credit taken
  1728. [10:47:52] <Frosthawk> fluttershy is the new spike
  1729. [10:47:52] <agradify> oh hey look it's the intro to Dragonsy again
  1730. [10:47:53] <Quanta> Poor Flutters :(
  1731. [10:47:53] <Mordja> Go Spike
  1732. [10:47:54] <Shotgunbadger> ahahahahaha holy shit
  1733. [10:47:54] <thatbastardken> alicorn canon
  1734. [10:47:54] <BlueBastard> are you serious
  1735. [10:47:54] <Corpus> so it's not Sombra.
  1736. [10:47:55] <Shotgunbadger> dyin here
  1737. [10:47:55] <Plobo> SPIKE YOU'RE SO AWESOME
  1738. [10:47:57] <HuffyTheDragon> HAHAHA Spike wins
  1739. [10:47:57] <Mordja> Spike saves the day
  1740. [10:47:58] <Connoisseur> buncha jerks
  1741. [10:47:59] <Stuff> oh gosh i'm laughing hard
  1742. [10:48:00] <Robotzor> flutterabuse
  1743. [10:48:01] <BartonFink> Andrea killin' this
  1744. [10:48:01] <FlareShard> Spike you ass
  1745. [10:48:02] <BlueBastard> it's actually called the "Alicorn Amulet"
  1746. [10:48:04] <FlareShard> :(
  1747. [10:48:07] <Throbulator> christ fluta, channel some of that iron will
  1748. [10:48:13] <Dolash> Dig out, come on
  1749. [10:48:14] <thatbastardken> corrupt a jerk, get a super jerk
  1750. [10:48:14] <Robotzor> she's gonna fuck em up
  1751. [10:48:17] <garamir> whaaaat
  1752. [10:48:22] <diribigal> thanks fluttershy
  1753. [10:48:22] <Ashenai> fluttershy :(
  1754. [10:48:24] <Wayoshi> YES
  1755. [10:48:25] <Mordja> WHAT
  1756. [10:48:26] <Dolash> The Great Escape
  1757. [10:48:27] <LiamTop> WWAAAATT
  1758. [10:48:28] <Robotzor> THE MISSION
  1759. [10:48:28] <drunkill> :I
  1760. [10:48:28] <Jupiter> what?
  1761. [10:48:30] <jamartinezm> now she speaks
  1762. [10:48:30] <HerrGeneral> WHAAAAAAAT
  1763. [10:48:31] <agradify> ha!
  1764. [10:48:31] <_Grue_> that was funny
  1765. [10:48:32] <BartonFink> D:
  1766. [10:48:34] <Jupiter> oh, right
  1767. [10:48:35] <thatbastardken> send the animals
  1768. [10:48:37] <KillingVector> perfect!
  1769. [10:48:38] <Quanta> Dat face
  1770. [10:48:39] <Jupiter> Talk to da adnimals
  1771. [10:48:39] <RudeCyrus> ignoring fluttershy
  1772. [10:48:39] <drunkill> escape form STalag 17
  1773. [10:48:41] <Wayoshi> LETS' GO FLUTS
  1774. [10:48:41] <Throbulator> pressuring is magic
  1775. [10:48:42] <milesluigi> okay
  1776. [10:48:43] <numsOic> whoa
  1777. [10:48:43] <BartonFink> - Neo, "The Matrix"
  1778. [10:48:44] <Frosthawk> its all up to you yellow pony
  1779. [10:48:46] <numsOic> Fluts power hour
  1780. [10:48:48] <WalrusWhiskers> hahaha
  1781. [10:48:48] <Robotzor> Pony Pressure
  1782. [10:48:49] <Shotgunbadger> hahaha
  1783. [10:48:49] <BlueBastard> oh god that face
  1784. [10:48:50] <Durandal> peer pressure
  1785. [10:48:51] <Shadowwalker> peer pressure
  1786. [10:48:52] <Wayoshi> YES
  1787. [10:48:53] <FactoryFactory> awwww :3
  1788. [10:48:54] <CasualViewing> Hail Trixie!
  1789. [10:48:54] <Quanta> Flutters gonna die D:
  1790. [10:48:55] <jamartinezm> hat
  1791. [10:48:55] <Dolash> Priorities
  1792. [10:48:56] <BartonFink> some animator had fun with that one
  1793. [10:48:56] <thatbastardken> yes send the yellow one
  1794. [10:48:56] <Isaak> GO GO PONY RANGERS
  1795. [10:48:57] <HuffyTheDragon> Fluttershy episode
  1796. [10:48:57] <numsOic> lol
  1797. [10:48:58] <jamartinezm> giant hat
  1798. [10:48:59] <Frosthawk> DANGErOUS MISSION OUTFIT
  1799. [10:49:00] <FlareShard> Dat face
  1800. [10:49:02] <Stuff> hahahaha
  1801. [10:49:03] <Shotgunbadger> DANGEROUS MISSION OUTFIT
  1802. [10:49:05] <Dolash> Ahahaha a whip
  1803. [10:49:05] <Robotzor> she is totally irredeamable
  1804. [10:49:05] <BlueBastard> ahahahaha
  1805. [10:49:06] <Durandal> mare do well outfit returns
  1806. [10:49:06] <Mordja> Just because
  1807. [10:49:08] <HerrGeneral> This is definitely the best episode so far
  1808. [10:49:08] <BlueBastard> this is amazing
  1809. [10:49:09] <agradify> holy shit a whip
  1810. [10:49:09] <BartonFink> lol
  1811. [10:49:10] <thatbastardken> try wheels
  1812. [10:49:11] <Wayoshi> god, salvery undertones
  1813. [10:49:11] <garamir> Wheels are of the devil
  1814. [10:49:12] <FactoryFactory> They're too young to be draft horses :C
  1815. [10:49:12] <wilma> LOLOL HAHAHA THEY SUCK
  1816. [10:49:13] <Shotgunbadger> haha Trixie come on you can just fly
  1817. [10:49:14] <Plobo> where are the wheels, Trixie
  1818. [10:49:15] <Frosthawk> people thought trixie was bad before
  1819. [10:49:16] <RudeCyrus> hahaha
  1820. [10:49:16] <jamartinezm> wheels
  1821. [10:49:16] <KefkaFloyd> he odesn't trust wheels
  1822. [10:49:16] <Wylie> Wheels: NOT TO BE TRUSTED
  1823. [10:49:17] <Mordja> ahaha
  1824. [10:49:17] <Throbulator> HAHAHAHA
  1825. [10:49:17] <_Grue_> lol
  1826. [10:49:18] <Wayoshi> or at elast, treating them like real hsorses
  1827. [10:49:18] <Shotgunbadger> this is just mean
  1828. [10:49:18] <LiamTop> Wheels!
  1829. [10:49:18] <HelixNebula> ahahaha
  1830. [10:49:19] <drunkill> WHEELS ARE LIARS!
  1831. [10:49:19] <Dolash> Wheels are untrustworthy
  1832. [10:49:19] <CasualViewing> thats a wooden recreation of the chariot Celestia has
  1833. [10:49:20] <Throbulator> WHEEEELS
  1834. [10:49:21] <BartonFink> SHUT UP LEE TOCKAR
  1835. [10:49:21] <Jupiter> haha what
  1836. [10:49:21] <jamartinezm> are for losers
  1837. [10:49:22] <fenster> pffft wat
  1838. [10:49:22] <Durandal> wheels are for scrubs
  1839. [10:49:23] <Swift`> XD
  1840. [10:49:24] <Shotgunbadger> doesn't trust wheels
  1841. [10:49:24] <_Grue_> haha
  1842. [10:49:26] <BlueBastard> lol doesn't trust wheels
  1843. [10:49:27] <FlareShard> This has crossed the line 8U
  1844. [10:49:27] <Dolash> Ahh okay that's pretty good
  1845. [10:49:28] <Frosthawk> beatboxin beavers
  1846. [10:49:29] <Robotzor> animals are pissed
  1847. [10:49:30] <wilma> SNIPS AND SNAILS, U SUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK
  1848. [10:49:31] <Corpus> angry beavers
  1849. [10:49:32] <BartonFink> haha
  1850. [10:49:32] <thatbastardken> getting kind of howard hughes trixie
  1851. [10:49:33] <Wayoshi> Angry Geavers
  1852. [10:49:35] <BartonFink> lol corpus
  1853. [10:49:36] <Wayoshi> Beavers
  1854. [10:49:37] <Lazy> ararayraryaryab
  1855. [10:49:38] <CasualViewing> the canadians are so super pissed
  1856. [10:49:39] <HuffyTheDragon> I'm enjoying the Snips & Snailsabuse
  1857. [10:49:40] -->| confoundedPonies (~confounde@C2BD3764.260F033C.471371BE.IP) has joined #ponyday
  1858. [10:49:40] <Wylie> HAHA FLUTS IS A TREE
  1859. [10:49:41] <Throbulator> getting chewed ut by a beaver
  1860. [10:49:41] <BlueBastard> ahahaha
  1861. [10:49:42] <garamir> The Great and Powerful Trixie can't refuse a cute widdle beaver
  1862. [10:49:43] <Wayoshi> haha, thanks Trixie
  1863. [10:49:44] <Frosthawk> my GOD
  1864. [10:49:44] <WalrusWhiskers> how nice of you trixie
  1865. [10:49:44] <BlueBastard> OH
  1866. [10:49:44] -->| mib_3q1z5h (Mibbit@synIRC-DE5693AE.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #ponyday
  1867. [10:49:45] <Wayoshi> man fancy bed
  1868. [10:49:45] <Lazy> swag
  1869. [10:49:46] <numsOic> she's in the log obv.
  1870. [10:49:46] <Jupiter> Ahaaha
  1871. [10:49:47] <Frosthawk> hell yeah
  1872. [10:49:47] <Shastao> haha
  1873. [10:49:47] <KillingVector> haha
  1874. [10:49:47] <BlueBastard> FLUTTERSHY IS TREE
  1875. [10:49:48] <Pretorius> Fluttertree
  1876. [10:49:48] <ozone> trixie is too kind
  1877. [10:49:50] <LiamTop> :(
  1878. [10:49:51] <thatbastardken> she was the tree
  1879. [10:49:51] <Robotzor> JUST A FRAUD
  1880. [10:49:51] |<-- mib_3q1z5h has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: mib_3q1z5h)
  1881. [10:49:52] <KefkaFloyd> hahaha
  1882. [10:49:53] <Durandal> Fluttershy is in the tree!
  1883. [10:49:53] <Frosthawk> more like flutterstump
  1884. [10:49:55] <Wayoshi> you know she's a fraud? lol.
  1885. [10:49:55] <CasualViewing> lol Trixie is Xerxes
  1886. [10:49:55] <Stuff> fraud
  1887. [10:49:56] <BlueBastard> Oh my god
  1888. [10:49:57] <LiamTop> Hahaha
  1889. [10:49:57] <jamartinezm> just a fraud
  1890. [10:49:57] <KefkaFloyd> just a fraud, brilliant
  1891. [10:49:58] <RudeCyrus> giant bed
  1892. [10:50:00] <garamir> hahaha that outfit
  1893. [10:50:00] <Shotgunbadger> hahahahaha
  1894. [10:50:00] <Robotzor> she becane a tree
  1895. [10:50:01] <thatbastardken> hahaha
  1896. [10:50:01] <Throbulator> haha everyone knows she's a fraud
  1897. [10:50:02] <BartonFink> hahahah
  1898. [10:50:02] <WalrusWhiskers> just a fraid hahaha
  1899. [10:50:02] <Wayoshi> alright Fluts
  1900. [10:50:03] <KillingVector> flutterlog
  1901. [10:50:04] <Lazy> :3
  1902. [10:50:06] <BlueBastard> lol
  1903. [10:50:06] <_Grue_> flutterspy
  1904. [10:50:07] <Wayoshi> holy bunny suit
  1905. [10:50:07] <Durandal> YESSSS
  1906. [10:50:08] <RudeCyrus> :33333333333
  1907. [10:50:09] <Quanta> Flutters escaped!
  1908. [10:50:09] <fenster> haha
  1909. [10:50:10] <thatbastardken> fuck yeah, giant gold palanquin
  1910. [10:50:10] <agradify> flutterbeaver
  1911. [10:50:11] <KillingVector> nice outfit
  1912. [10:50:11] <numsOic> alright fuck it
  1913. [10:50:11] <Jupiter> haha what the hell is this outfit
  1914. [10:50:11] <BlueBastard> so much Boast Buster callback
  1915. [10:50:12] <Plobo> bunnyoutfit?
  1916. [10:50:12] <Robotzor> Flutterhero
  1917. [10:50:12] <numsOic> gonna have ot watch it later
  1918. [10:50:13] <Wayoshi> come onB unnyshy, do your job
  1919. [10:50:14] <fenster> flutterbeaver
  1920. [10:50:15] <Dolash> Does Fluttershy ever have a plan that doesn't involve getting into a tree?
  1921. [10:50:16] <Shotgunbadger> TACTICAL FLUTTS
  1922. [10:50:16] <--| numsOic has left #ponyday (Ex-Chat)
  1923. [10:50:17] <garamir> Fluts, this is a sneaking suit.
  1924. [10:50:17] <Isaak> SHE HAS A UTILITY BELT
  1925. [10:50:21] <Stuff> goggles
  1926. [10:50:24] <FactoryFactory> that's a fabulous sneaking suit
  1927. [10:50:26] <BlueBastard> THE HARD PART IS OVER
  1928. [10:50:26] <Frosthawk> that works
  1929. [10:50:27] <FlareShard> dat outfit
  1930. [10:50:30] <drunkill> ponynapped
  1931. [10:50:31] <LiamTop> :3
  1932. [10:50:32] <Robotzor> drag her out
  1933. [10:50:32] <PoorYorick> remember the CQC, Fluttershy
  1934. [10:50:33] <HuffyTheDragon> "This Sneaking Suit is putting tremendous pressure on my torso!"
  1935. [10:50:33] <Mordja> Brave at home
  1936. [10:50:34] <Ashenai> :3
  1937. [10:50:35] <Wayoshi> teddy bear?
  1938. [10:50:35] <RudeCyrus> poor fluttershy
  1939. [10:50:35] <Dolash> Fluttershy is shy, you see
  1940. [10:50:36] <jamartinezm> my legs are moving so I must be walking
  1941. [10:50:37] <thatbastardken> you can kill all kinds of demons
  1942. [10:50:39] <Shotgunbadger> I wanna be brave at home
  1943. [10:50:39] <Mordja> *sip*
  1944. [10:50:40] <Frosthawk> incoming art of fluttershy's teddybear
  1945. [10:50:42] <thatbastardken> god flutterhsty
  1946. [10:50:46] <drunkill> the one ring
  1947. [10:50:46] <Ashenai> dark side
  1948. [10:50:48] <BlueBastard> Teddybears now cannon
  1949. [10:50:50] <HerrGeneral> this is a really, really good episode
  1950. [10:50:50] <Durandal> weird pose for FS
  1951. [10:50:51] <Throbulator> wait, why did they send fluttershy?
  1952. [10:50:55] <thatbastardken> animals
  1953. [10:50:58] <garamir> Elements of Harmony time
  1954. [10:50:58] <Shotgunbadger> because the animals
  1955. [10:50:59] <Plobo> gotta learn the ultimate
  1956. [10:51:00] <Shadowwalker> ...
  1957. [10:51:00] <Wayoshi> six?
  1958. [10:51:01] <thatbastardken> also they hater her
  1959. [10:51:01] <Frosthawk> because of animal proweess getting her out
  1960. [10:51:01] <BartonFink> worked perfectly :V
  1961. [10:51:02] <Lazy> ?????
  1962. [10:51:02] <HerrGeneral> the six?
  1963. [10:51:03] <Dolash> The caaaave, remember the day you were in the caaaaave
  1964. [10:51:03] <Jupiter> the... siz
  1965. [10:51:04] <CasualViewing> Teddy Roosevelt now cannon
  1966. [10:51:05] <Throbulator> use the six?
  1967. [10:51:05] <Wayoshi> elements of harmony?
  1968. [10:51:05] <Shotgunbadger> she used the animals to sneak out
  1969. [10:51:06] <Radio_PhoolCat> the MANE 6
  1970. [10:51:06] <drunkill> use the six... six iron
  1971. [10:51:07] <republic> WHAT COULD THAT MEAN
  1972. [10:51:07] <Frosthawk> you know what the six is
  1973. [10:51:08] <Robotzor> freesnnnnnns
  1974. [10:51:09] <Throbulator> what is six?
  1975. [10:51:10] <Ashenai> elements of harmony?
  1976. [10:51:10] <Dolash> Elements of harmony remember?
  1977. [10:51:10] <BartonFink> IM THE SIZ AND IM AWWWWEEESSSOME
  1978. [10:51:11] <HerrGeneral> the elements of harmont
  1979. [10:51:11] <agradify> elements of harmony
  1980. [10:51:11] <Jupiter> ELEMENT OF
  1981. [10:51:12] <drunkill> golf clubn trixie
  1982. [10:51:13] <Frosthawk> of course
  1983. [10:51:14] <jamartinezm> genius
  1984. [10:51:14] <thatbastardken> helements
  1985. [10:51:16] <Shadowwalker> dues ex machina
  1986. [10:51:19] <Throbulator> oh.
  1987. [10:51:19] <WalrusWhiskers> rainbow cannon
  1988. [10:51:20] <LiamTop> The 6
  1989. [10:51:21] <LiamTop> 666
  1990. [10:51:22] <Dolash> Almost like they have a magical superweapon or something
  1991. [10:51:23] <Isaak> nooooo
  1992. [10:51:24] <Robotzor> spoilerz
  1993. [10:51:24] <DarkMatter> OH SHIIIT
  1994. [10:51:25] <BartonFink> GIDDY UPPPPP
  1995. [10:51:26] <CasualViewing> the 6 glocks of automatic
  1996. [10:51:26] <Shotgunbadger> now sneak BACK in
  1997. [10:51:26] <Throbulator> GIDDY UP
  1998. [10:51:27] <anniie> giddyup
  1999. [10:51:28] <Plobo> GIDDYUP
  2000. [10:51:28] <AppleCobbler44> are you kidding me...
  2001. [10:51:29] <FactoryFactory> It won't actually be the elements
  2002. [10:51:30] <Radio_PhoolCat> GIDDY UP
  2003. [10:51:30] <CasualViewing> blma blam blam
  2004. [10:51:32] <fenster> what is this song
  2005. [10:51:32] <wilma> okay, can this end already
  2006. [10:51:33] <BlueBastard> the SIX GAK TUBS
  2007. [10:51:33] <WalrusWhiskers> giddy up giddy up
  2008. [10:51:34] <Pretorius> Did she say mix your magic or nix your magic?
  2009. [10:51:34] <thatbastardken> three season checkoffs gun
  2010. [10:51:35] <nimrod> "trixie doesn't trust wheels" <------ best quote ever
  2011. [10:51:36] <FlareShard> GAK
  2012. [10:51:37] <HelixNebula> the 6... elements! fling your friends at her and knock her out
  2013. [10:51:41] <Plobo> so will this reference every other episode?
  2014. [10:51:42] <AppleCobbler44> alright, maybe the later part will save the episode
  2015. [10:51:43] <Corpus> a pony is better at magic that you... TURN HER TO STONE
  2016. [10:51:44] <drunkill> giddy up :3
  2017. [10:51:45] <jamartinezm> gak tiem?
  2018. [10:51:46] <BartonFink> a lot of season 3 bingo cards are being filled up
  2019. [10:51:46] <Jupiter> This is one weird episode
  2020. [10:51:48] <Robotzor> false gak ban flarshard
  2021. [10:51:50] <ryaxnb> i like this btw
  2022. [10:51:50] <ozone> gakky up
  2023. [10:51:51] <jamartinezm> I NEED MY GAK FIX
  2024. [10:51:51] <wilma> TOITLE
  2025. [10:51:52] <BlueBastard> oh god, the mustache
  2026. [10:51:52] <Frosthawk> this episode is fucking awesome so far imo
  2027. [10:51:53] <DarkMatter> I like that Trixie made them make it forever cloudy in Ponyville
  2028. [10:51:53] <thatbastardken> episode owens
  2029. [10:51:56] <Shavnir> twilight will take a lesson from her brother and start throwing friends at trixie
  2030. [10:51:58] <LiamTop> Episode is dense with good.
  2031. [10:51:59] <garamir> Mix the six. Turn all your friends into a horrible abomination that can SMASH THE JAR
  2032. [10:52:00] <BartonFink> i agree w/ frosthawk
  2033. [10:52:00] <Throbulator> what are you talking about this is a great episode
  2034. [10:52:00] <FlareShard> I NEED MY GAK
  2035. [10:52:01] <Ashenai> tidehunter
  2036. [10:52:01] <Mordja> This episode is the Larsonest thing
  2037. [10:52:04] <Dolash> Just sneak up behind her and hit her with a half-brick in a sock.
  2038. [10:52:04] <HuffyTheDragon> So... Elements of Harmony ending? Power rainbow? Or will they avoid that?
  2039. [10:52:06] <Robotzor> 8 mins left D:
  2040. [10:52:07] <Stuff> WHAT'S THE SIX
  2041. [10:52:10] <Isaak> VISUAL EFFECT ADDED
  2042. [10:52:11] <fenster> I'm still waiting for a Trixie song
  2043. [10:52:12] <Wulfolme> I can't wait to see this in good detail
  2044. [10:52:13] <BartonFink> this episode is kind of fanservicey but it owns so who cares
  2045. [10:52:13] <BlueBastard> also, is this the first time "Alicorn" has been used in the show proper?
  2046. [10:52:16] <thatbastardken> I locked that trixie in a moon
  2047. [10:52:18] <Chronos30> I think so
  2048. [10:52:18] <Lazy> no you do not
  2049. [10:52:20] <Durandal> oh yeah, you're right?
  2050. [10:52:20] <Robotzor> this is good detail
  2051. [10:52:20] <Jupiter> It's a 6 beers
  2052. [10:52:21] <thatbastardken> trixies lula mooons
  2053. [10:52:22] <Isaak> yes, yes and yes
  2054. [10:52:22] <Wulfolme> i don't think so
  2055. [10:52:22] <drunkill> six iron, hit trixie with a golf club till she runs away
  2056. [10:52:23] <Geomancing> I believe so
  2057. [10:52:23] <cathead> this is a great ep so far
  2058. [10:52:23] <KillingVector> yes
  2059. [10:52:23] <garamir> Harmonitrons, form ELEMENTATOR
  2060. [10:52:24] <Pretorius> Since Trixie has to take it off, redemption ending?
  2061. [10:52:26] <FlareShard> A lulamoon?
  2062. [10:52:27] <Jupiter> Twi needs to get drunk as hell
  2063. [10:52:27] <BlueBastard> This is S3's Luna Eclipsed
  2064. [10:52:30] <cathead> and im not just saying that beucase fluttershy got a scene :p
  2065. [10:52:34] <Radio_PhoolCat> 6 o'clock - use your rear
  2066. [10:52:36] <Plobo> adventure ponies
  2067. [10:52:36] <BlueBastard> This is kids indian poker
  2068. [10:52:37] <Durandal> technically it could still refer to the material that composes unicorn horns
  2069. [10:52:39] <hCrow> countdown until that Alicorn Pendant is made real....?
  2070. [10:52:40] <AppleCobbler44> ewww
  2071. [10:52:41] <Isaak> ok, that was a rad little bumper
  2072. [10:52:41] <Jupiter> (she seems like a lightweight)
  2073. [10:52:42] <BartonFink> that was a nice surprise though cathead :V
  2074. [10:52:42] <Robotzor> press dough not even nearly as fun as gak
  2075. [10:52:44] <RudeCyrus> YUM DOUGH
  2076. [10:52:45] <Shax> Six...shooter. Rest of the show is a spaghetti western
  2077. [10:52:46] <jamartinezm> you can eat fun!
  2078. [10:52:46] <Frosthawk> Fluttershy getting a scene's a plus for me not gonna lie
  2079. [10:52:46] <republic> pictured: the reason so many kids eat play-dough
  2080. [10:52:46] <fenster> FS is pretty weird in this ep
  2081. [10:52:48] <Durandal> GAK COOKIES
  2082. [10:52:49] <cathead> yes
  2083. [10:52:51] <garamir> Fudgie the Whale Home Edition
  2084. [10:52:51] <FlareShard> Pixel Poni
  2085. [10:52:52] <BlueBastard> ...
  2086. [10:52:52] <Lazy> where is gak, release the birth certifricate hub
  2087. [10:52:54] <cathead> i wasnt expecting that
  2088. [10:52:55] <fenster> she has some good scenes, then some really overacted one
  2089. [10:52:56] <Wayoshi> if ti's the EoH that's ok but it's a bit disappointing
  2090. [10:52:56] <fenster> s
  2091. [10:52:58] <Plobo> this would be perfect for pinkie
  2092. [10:53:01] <Jupiter> "Six shots, enough to kill anypony that lives"
  2093. [10:53:02] <RudeCyrus> bet it tastes like shit
  2094. [10:53:02] <Plobo> eating your fun
  2095. [10:53:03] <DarkMatter> Fluttershy playing a big role helps this one for me too
  2096. [10:53:04] <HerrGeneral> This episode is much better because pinkie can't talk
  2097. [10:53:08] <thatbastardken> rno way man, elements come from within
  2098. [10:53:10] <BlueBastard> This is just edible gak/floam/playdough
  2099. [10:53:11] <RudeCyrus> ban herr
  2100. [10:53:11] <republic> agreed
  2101. [10:53:12] <fenster> I'd like to see the EoH again
  2102. [10:53:13] <FlareShard> YES CHILDREN
  2103. [10:53:14] <diribigal> super squeezy press dough 6000
  2104. [10:53:15] <thatbastardken> don't need amulets
  2105. [10:53:15] <Isaak> for god's sake, why are you still using the 4:3 screen ratio D:
  2106. [10:53:16] <BartonFink> press dough
  2107. [10:53:17] <LiamTop> I know what you're thinking, Trixie
  2108. [10:53:18] <FlareShard> YOU ARE TOO DUMB FOR OVENS
  2109. [10:53:19] <Frosthawk> fenster don't bring us down yet
  2110. [10:53:20] <--| Wulfolme has left #ponyday
  2111. [10:53:20] <drunkill> six shooter? haha
  2112. [10:53:21] <Frosthawk> save that for later
  2113. [10:53:22] <LiamTop> did she fire five or sixe
  2114. [10:53:23] <drunkill> pony duel
  2115. [10:53:24] <LiamTop> well
  2116. [10:53:30] <garamir> Magic Bullet #6, Outlaw Star crossover
  2117. [10:53:30] <Wayoshi> looks like we'll have 5.5-6 minutes to wrap this up
  2118. [10:53:31] <Stuff> someone call that number
  2119. [10:53:32] <Chronos30> press dough is stuck in the stone age
  2120. [10:53:32] <FlareShard> Fun guide
  2121. [10:53:33] <Ashenai> please buy our plastic shit
  2122. [10:53:35] <Robotzor> gak permagone
  2123. [10:53:36] <LiamTop> to tell you the truth I kinda forgot myself in all this excitement
  2124. [10:53:39] <agradify> I can't wait to see the Elements again. I might even get their autographs.
  2125. [10:53:40] <BartonFink> COME ON BLYTHE
  2126. [10:53:41] <Radio_PhoolCat> What do americans call Pillarboxing?
  2127. [10:53:41] <jamartinezm> LPS!!!
  2128. [10:53:41] <Frosthawk> right now Im in pony pony pony mode
  2129. [10:53:43] <londonarbuckle> countdown to someone coining the term Flandersshy
  2130. [10:53:44] <republic> can silent pinkie carry over to the rest of the season please, tia
  2131. [10:53:44] <FlareShard> Robotzor, nooooo
  2132. [10:53:44] <BartonFink> baaaaack
  2133. [10:53:45] <Stuff> IT'S BACK
  2134. [10:53:45] <RudeCyrus> PONY
  2135. [10:53:46] <CasualViewing> steryotypes!
  2136. [10:53:47] <KefkaFloyd> back to horse
  2137. [10:53:47] <HelixNebula> yus
  2138. [10:53:49] <fenster> you crazy
  2139. [10:53:52] <HuffyTheDragon> PONI
  2140. [10:53:52] <thatbastardken> friendship continues to be the best magic
  2141. [10:53:52] <Durandal> BACK
  2142. [10:53:53] <jamartinezm> ssshh
  2143. [10:53:55] <garamir> WHAT?
  2144. [10:53:56] <thatbastardken> amulets can eat a dick
  2145. [10:53:57] <BartonFink> hahaha the lack of wheels
  2146. [10:53:58] <Shastao> pillarboxing
  2147. [10:53:59] <RudeCyrus> still dragging bed
  2148. [10:54:06] <garamir> SPEAK UP
  2149. [10:54:06] <thatbastardken> the best transport
  2150. [10:54:07] <KillingVector> echo
  2151. [10:54:09] <HelixNebula> "it's you" -Trixie
  2152. [10:54:09] <BartonFink> m'wah
  2153. [10:54:12] <jamartinezm> cheated
  2154. [10:54:16] <Lazy> DUN DUN
  2155. [10:54:17] <Plobo> yeaa.
  2156. [10:54:19] <agradify> Moi!
  2157. [10:54:20] <garamir> Laugh face
  2158. [10:54:20] <Wayoshi> :|
  2159. [10:54:22] <RudeCyrus> it's a thing
  2160. [10:54:22] <Dolash> It's a placebo!
  2161. [10:54:23] <Ashenai> haha
  2162. [10:54:23] <FactoryFactory> :|
  2163. [10:54:25] <BartonFink> Trixie used a cheat
  2164. [10:54:26] <anniie> spoilers the amulet does nothing
  2165. [10:54:27] <BlueBastard> Placebo
  2166. [10:54:27] <Ashenai> nice bluff
  2167. [10:54:28] <drunkill> keep bragging
  2168. [10:54:28] <KillingVector> probably a fake
  2169. [10:54:28] <ozone> epic loot
  2170. [10:54:28] <Frosthawk> HAH HAH
  2171. [10:54:29] <Throbulator> battle of the amulets
  2172. [10:54:30] <thatbastardken> hahaha psyops
  2173. [10:54:30] <CasualViewing> that face
  2174. [10:54:30] <WalrusWhiskers> woa her face
  2175. [10:54:32] <TheDoctor> I foudn it in a box of cracker jacks!
  2176. [10:54:32] <HuffyTheDragon> HA!
  2177. [10:54:47] <jamartinezm> u u d d l r l r a b
  2178. [10:54:47] <Durandal> USE THE SCHWARTZ, TWILIGHT
  2179. [10:54:47] <garamir> SERIOUSLY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU
  2180. [10:54:47] <Geomancing> It's fake
  2181. [10:54:47] <agradify> Stupid little alicorns... what would they know about power?
  2182. [10:54:47] <thatbastardken> do it
  2183. [10:54:47] <Jupiter> GOOD POINT1
  2184. [10:54:47] <FlareShard> HAH
  2185. [10:54:47] <thatbastardken> amulet in the mouth
  2186. [10:54:48] <Quanta> Trixie gettin' trolled
  2187. [10:54:50] <Wayoshi> such a big big world
  2188. [10:54:51] <Mordja> Trixie you putz
  2189. [10:54:51] <RudeCyrus> REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY
  2190. [10:54:51] <BlueBastard> And Seth just died
  2191. [10:54:51] <KillingVector> totally awesome magic
  2192. [10:54:53] <thatbastardken> hahaha
  2193. [10:54:54] <Shotgunbadger> Trixie gets tricked
  2194. [10:54:57] <thatbastardken> hubris
  2195. [10:54:57] <Stuff> haha
  2196. [10:54:59] <drunkill> ROUND TWO
  2197. [10:55:00] <KefkaFloyd> Trixie Gets Trolled
  2198. [10:55:01] <drunkill> FIGHT
  2199. [10:55:02] <Wayoshi> oh god the mayor
  2200. [10:55:02] <LiamTop> Trixie gets trolled
  2201. [10:55:02] <Lazy> destroy bowl, THEN teleport
  2202. [10:55:03] <KillingVector> haha
  2203. [10:55:04] <garamir> Pony founds the Reich
  2204. [10:55:04] <FactoryFactory> Trixie Hobbitses
  2205. [10:55:05] <BartonFink> MR ANDERSON WELCOME BACK
  2206. [10:55:06] <Dolash> Ahahah the mayor's in a cave
  2207. [10:55:06] <HelixNebula> mayor ahaha
  2208. [10:55:06] <Frosthawk> a caged mayor
  2209. [10:55:06] <Ashenai> they cant troll you if there dead
  2210. [10:55:06] <Throbulator> i like trixie. she's great
  2211. [10:55:06] <BartonFink> WE MISSED YOU
  2212. [10:55:07] <Quanta> 1-2-3-ELEMENTS!
  2213. [10:55:07] <Mordja> Haha Mayor Mare
  2214. [10:55:07] <agradify> isn't the everfree forest, like, in the middle of eequestria?
  2215. [10:55:07] <Corpus> cage mayor
  2216. [10:55:08] <thatbastardken> first other teleporting uniconr
  2217. [10:55:08] <HerrGeneral> this shit's awesome
  2218. [10:55:09] <jamartinezm> jajaja the mayor in a cage
  2219. [10:55:09] <fenster> did they just disguise the crown form the EoH? or what
  2220. [10:55:09] <WalrusWhiskers> mayor mare :(
  2221. [10:55:09] <jamartinezm> C:
  2222. [10:55:10] <Shotgunbadger> MAYOR IN A CAGE WHAT
  2223. [10:55:10] <Jupiter> Silly Pony, Trix are 4 hooves
  2224. [10:55:11] <Frosthawk> a forgotten hope
  2225. [10:55:13] <Dolash> Just fuckin zap her
  2226. [10:55:13] <Jupiter> I dunno
  2227. [10:55:14] <BlueBastard> holy shit
  2228. [10:55:18] <BlueBastard> Mayor Mare in a cage
  2229. [10:55:18] <BartonFink> now leave them that way
  2230. [10:55:22] <Throbulator> ZAAAPPP
  2231. [10:55:22] <republic> ^
  2232. [10:55:23] <Frosthawk> please
  2233. [10:55:25] <Dolash> Age spell pun
  2234. [10:55:26] <Stuff> haha
  2235. [10:55:27] <Mordja> Guys
  2236. [10:55:30] <CasualViewing> more like a youngie but a goodie
  2237. [10:55:32] <Mordja> Trixie is the best
  2238. [10:55:35] <FlareShard> awwww
  2239. [10:55:38] <Ashenai> applejack's magic is the best
  2240. [10:55:39] <wilma> OH P'SHAW
  2241. [10:55:40] <Durandal> um
  2242. [10:55:41] <Plobo> oh this is the scene from the ads
  2243. [10:55:42] <BartonFink> =0
  2244. [10:55:42] <Chronos30> so it was twi who does this
  2245. [10:55:43] <jamartinezm> cmc
  2246. [10:55:43] <Wayoshi> gottem
  2247. [10:55:43] <drunkill> bebbehs
  2248. [10:55:44] <Durandal> they never agree to this
  2249. [10:55:44] <Lazy> :3
  2250. [10:55:45] <HuffyTheDragon> IT WAS TWI
  2251. [10:55:45] <Throbulator> :3
  2252. [10:55:46] <Lazy> :3333
  2253. [10:55:46] <RudeCyrus> awwwwwwwwwww
  2254. [10:55:46] <KillingVector> :3
  2255. [10:55:47] <Plobo> so it WAS twilight afterall
  2256. [10:55:47] <Ashenai> d'awww
  2257. [10:55:48] <Shotgunbadger> applemancy
  2258. [10:55:48] <garamir> Trixie about to get tricksed
  2259. [10:55:49] <Frosthawk> oh noooooooo
  2260. [10:55:50] <jamartinezm> :3:3:3
  2261. [10:55:50] <agradify> filly jack and rarity
  2262. [10:55:50] <HelixNebula> :3
  2263. [10:55:50] <FactoryFactory> she poofed their cutes
  2264. [10:55:50] <Stuff> hahaha
  2265. [10:55:50] <Tyberius> lolipony
  2266. [10:55:50] <BlueBastard> Huh, so it WASN'T edited
  2267. [10:55:51] <Isaak> OH MY GOD
  2268. [10:55:52] <thatbastardken> heh
  2269. [10:55:52] <jamartinezm> <3
  2270. [10:55:53] <thatbastardken> cute
  2271. [10:55:53] <Jupiter> Haha Cute
  2272. [10:55:54] <Pretorius> Appleboom and Sweetie in disguise?
  2273. [10:55:54] <Stuff> :D
  2274. [10:55:55] <Isaak> DED
  2275. [10:55:56] <Throbulator> trixieface
  2276. [10:56:00] <BartonFink> hahaha
  2277. [10:56:02] <Wayoshi> ohg od Granny Jack
  2278. [10:56:02] <FlareShard> awwwwwwwwwww
  2279. [10:56:04] <jamartinezm> hahahah
  2280. [10:56:05] <drunkill> oh god
  2281. [10:56:06] <Quanta> Granny Jack
  2282. [10:56:06] <Throbulator> hahahaha
  2283. [10:56:06] <Lazy> oldlejack
  2284. [10:56:06] <LiamTop> Granny Jack
  2285. [10:56:10] <WalrusWhiskers> woa granny jack looked weird
  2286. [10:56:11] <garamir> FUN
  2287. [10:56:12] <CasualViewing> "we feel violated"
  2288. [10:56:13] <Ashenai> SO MUCH MANA
  2289. [10:56:14] <Jupiter> haha that did not look enjoyable
  2290. [10:56:15] <BlueBastard> oh wow
  2291. [10:56:18] <Wayoshi> what the
  2292. [10:56:19] <drunkill> no twighlight
  2293. [10:56:20] <Robotzor> RAINDUEL
  2294. [10:56:20] <Dolash> They just swapped their friends around in the dust cloud I bet
  2295. [10:56:20] <drunkill> stop
  2296. [10:56:21] <KillingVector> what
  2297. [10:56:22] <Quanta> What?
  2298. [10:56:22] <WalrusWhiskers> wtf
  2299. [10:56:23] <jamartinezm> cloneees
  2300. [10:56:23] <BartonFink> this show loves clones
  2301. [10:56:23] <_Grue_> wow
  2302. [10:56:24] <Robotzor> Lyra
  2303. [10:56:24] <Mordja> CHANGELING
  2304. [10:56:24] <KefkaFloyd> someone found the mirror pool
  2305. [10:56:25] <RudeCyrus> twice the jerk
  2306. [10:56:25] <LiamTop> :o
  2307. [10:56:25] <Robotzor> is thirsty
  2308. [10:56:26] <Durandal> the heck
  2309. [10:56:27] <Dolash> Did we learn nohing from last week?
  2310. [10:56:27] <Frosthawk> how many clones this season
  2311. [10:56:27] <thatbastardken> whao
  2312. [10:56:27] <Shotgunbadger> DOUBLE RAINBOW
  2313. [10:56:27] <Isaak> hahahahha
  2314. [10:56:28] <garamir> that's not magic
  2315. [10:56:28] <Plobo> cloning again?
  2316. [10:56:28] <BartonFink> - Noe, "The Matirx"
  2317. [10:56:29] <diribigal> oh no, throw one in the pool
  2318. [10:56:29] <Throbulator> double rainbow
  2319. [10:56:29] <HelixNebula> lyra
  2320. [10:56:29] <Quanta> DID YOU FORGET ABOUT PINKIES?
  2321. [10:56:29] <Isaak> that smile
  2322. [10:56:29] <jamartinezm> didn't they already do it?
  2323. [10:56:30] <Durandal> DOUBLE RAINBOW
  2324. [10:56:31] <Shadowwalker> trolling
  2325. [10:56:31] <BartonFink> lol
  2326. [10:56:32] <agradify> oh god its two episodes ago now
  2327. [10:56:32] <Lazy> lyra just chilling
  2328. [10:56:34] <Soge> Lyra!
  2329. [10:56:35] <KillingVector> yesssss
  2330. [10:56:35] <Durandal> MILKSHAKE
  2331. [10:56:35] <_Grue_> lyra
  2332. [10:56:37] <Dolash> Lyrabonbon
  2333. [10:56:37] <Frosthawk> give pinkie back her mouth
  2334. [10:56:37] <garamir> ??!?!?!
  2335. [10:56:40] <Wayoshi> pwned time
  2336. [10:56:41] <BlueBastard> AHAHAHAHA
  2337. [10:56:41] <Tyberius> Still no mouth
  2338. [10:56:41] <fenster> thats not a magic trick
  2339. [10:56:42] <WalrusWhiskers> thats just pinkie being pinkie
  2340. [10:56:42] <Radio_PhoolCat> Pinkie = Deadpool
  2341. [10:56:42] <FlareShard> SO INTENSE
  2342. [10:56:42] <agradify> continuity!
  2343. [10:56:42] <Jupiter> tuba without a mouth is impressive
  2344. [10:56:42] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Pinkie can do that anyway
  2345. [10:56:43] <Corpus> agh!!!
  2346. [10:56:43] <Shadowwalker> ...
  2347. [10:56:44] <KefkaFloyd> bahahaha
  2348. [10:56:44] <Shax> AHAHAHAHAHA
  2349. [10:56:44] <thatbastardken> hahaha
  2350. [10:56:44] <fenster> thats just pinkie :V
  2351. [10:56:45] <Dolash> YES
  2352. [10:56:46] <Robotzor> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
  2353. [10:56:46] <BartonFink> hahahahahahah
  2354. [10:56:46] <LiamTop> :o
  2355. [10:56:47] <jamartinezm> jajajajajaja
  2356. [10:56:47] <RudeCyrus> SEX CHANGE
  2357. [10:56:47] <Frosthawk> no dont
  2358. [10:56:47] <Swift`> But she has no mouth, how is she playing them?
  2359. [10:56:48] <Tyberius> GENDERSWAP
  2360. [10:56:48] <_Grue_> wat
  2361. [10:56:49] <Wayoshi> BIG JACK
  2362. [10:56:49] <WalrusWhiskers> seriously
  2363. [10:56:50] <republic> wat
  2364. [10:56:50] <Throbulator> HAHAHAHA
  2365. [10:56:50] <Dolash> AHAHAHA
  2366. [10:56:50] <KillingVector> welp
  2367. [10:56:51] <Wylie> I am now dead
  2368. [10:56:51] <anniie> WHAT THE FUCK
  2369. [10:56:51] <HuffyTheDragon> Pinkie can do that anyway
  2370. [10:56:51] <Quanta> hahahaha
  2371. [10:56:52] <Durandal> OH MAN
  2372. [10:56:52] <Mordja> Ahaaha
  2373. [10:56:52] <fenster> hahahahahahaha
  2374. [10:56:52] <Radio_PhoolCat> AHAHAHAHAAA
  2375. [10:56:53] <Pretorius> uhhhhh
  2376. [10:56:54] <BartonFink> gender_swap
  2377. [10:56:54] <Stuff> ahahahahahaha
  2378. [10:56:54] <Tyberius> RULE 63
  2379. [10:56:54] <fenster> body swaaaaap
  2380. [10:56:54] <confoundedPonies> holy shit
  2381. [10:56:54] <FlareShard> New polka, yay
  2382. [10:56:55] <RudeCyrus> hahahahahahaha
  2383. [10:56:55] <republic> wat
  2384. [10:56:55] <drunkill> welp
  2385. [10:56:55] <Lazy> THE FANFICS OH GOD
  2386. [10:56:56] <Ashenai> AHAHAHA
  2387. [10:56:56] <BlueBastard> WHAT
  2388. [10:56:56] <Frosthawk> god damn
  2389. [10:56:56] <Connoisseur> nononononononononono
  2390. [10:56:56] <Shastao> aaaaaaaaa
  2391. [10:56:57] <jamartinezm> hahahah
  2392. [10:56:57] <Shotgunbadger> holy shit
  2393. [10:56:57] <Robotzor> that happened
  2394. [10:56:57] <Durandal> THAT JUST HAPPENED
  2395. [10:56:57] <ABitS> the scene that launched a thousand ships
  2396. [10:56:57] <Dolash> Best Episode Ever
  2397. [10:56:58] <HerrGeneral> That's terrible
  2398. [10:56:58] <republic> wat
  2399. [10:56:58] <Frosthawk> fuck
  2400. [10:56:58] <FactoryFactory> This could all be tricks
  2401. [10:56:58] <thatbastardken> million ship
  2402. [10:56:58] <Durandal> WHAT
  2403. [10:56:58] <Plobo> oh boy hahaha
  2404. [10:56:59] <Durandal> JDSANLKFDSLKFDS
  2405. [10:56:59] <Durandal> SDJFHDSFLKJDSF
  2406. [10:57:00] <HuffyTheDragon> NOOOO
  2407. [10:57:01] <LiamTop> Hahahaha
  2408. [10:57:01] <drunkill> show over
  2409. [10:57:01] <BlueBastard> OH MY FUCKING GOD
  2410. [10:57:02] <agradify> Holy shit AJ's a guy!
  2411. [10:57:03] <Chronos30> I can't belive they did that
  2412. [10:57:03] <Mordja> BINGO CARD GET
  2413. [10:57:03] <Corpus> Applejohn
  2414. [10:57:03] <ozone> huh
  2415. [10:57:04] <Swift`> lol
  2416. [10:57:04] <drunkill> shut it down
  2417. [10:57:05] <Stuff> give it back meanie
  2418. [10:57:05] <Pretorius> all faked, calling it
  2419. [10:57:06] <Durandal> THAT JUST HAPPENED
  2420. [10:57:07] <republic> did that just happen
  2421. [10:57:07] <BlueBastard> R63 JUST GOT CANNON
  2422. [10:57:08] <Lazy> what a smarty
  2423. [10:57:09] <garamir> DON'T MIX THE STREAMS
  2424. [10:57:09] <diribigal> gotcha
  2425. [10:57:09] <fenster> wow
  2426. [10:57:10] <Radio_PhoolCat> OWND
  2427. [10:57:10] <CasualViewing> WOW
  2428. [10:57:12] <CasualViewing> HUH
  2429. [10:57:14] <WalrusWhiskers> ....
  2430. [10:57:14] <Dolash> Immediately feels like less of a jerk
  2431. [10:57:15] <anniie> STOP EVERYTHING
  2432. [10:57:16] <BlueBastard> Also, G1 joke
  2433. [10:57:16] <BartonFink> TRIXIE YOU IDIOT
  2434. [10:57:17] <Plobo> you didn't think this through, did you, Twi
  2435. [10:57:18] <Robotzor> applejohn
  2436. [10:57:18] <TheDoctor> I can't bewleive you fell for the oldest trick in the book!
  2437. [10:57:19] <KillingVector> different magic colour
  2438. [10:57:20] <Wayoshi> and now,th e backfiring I assume
  2439. [10:57:21] <drunkill> transformer
  2440. [10:57:21] <Stuff> powerfuler
  2441. [10:57:23] <agradify> TRANSFORMERS
  2442. [10:57:24] <thatbastardken> hahahaha
  2443. [10:57:26] <BlueBastard> yep, placebo
  2444. [10:57:28] <In_West_Fillydelphia> So there's only one neck slot in this game
  2445. [10:57:28] <LiamTop> Snatch!
  2446. [10:57:30] <Quanta> haha Trolled
  2447. [10:57:33] <Shadowwalker> woomod got tricked
  2448. [10:57:36] <_Grue_> it was staged
  2449. [10:57:38] <garamir> Poison Jokeulet
  2450. [10:57:38] <BartonFink> :gotcha:
  2451. [10:57:39] <Plobo> it can't do shit, oh
  2452. [10:57:39] <Robotzor> so which rainbow dash is real rainbow dash
  2453. [10:57:40] <jamartinezm> it tickles :3
  2454. [10:57:41] <Robotzor> AGONY RAY
  2455. [10:57:44] <FlareShard> powerfuller is not a word, Trixie
  2456. [10:57:47] <Radio_PhoolCat> CRUCIO!
  2457. [10:57:48] <Chronos30> tickle-me rainbow dash
  2458. [10:57:51] <Robotzor> trixie bought that
  2459. [10:57:52] <Durandal> CRUCIO
  2460. [10:57:52] <WalrusWhiskers> writhe in agony damn
  2461. [10:57:53] <Throbulator> wait, what are they going to do with the duplicate rainbow?
  2462. [10:57:56] <Robotzor> zecora is stealing
  2463. [10:57:59] <republic> hahaha
  2464. [10:57:59] <HerrGeneral> hahah
  2465. [10:58:00] <Frosthawk> fuckin
  2466. [10:58:00] <jamartinezm> cheater
  2467. [10:58:00] <Throbulator> hahah doorstop
  2468. [10:58:00] <LiamTop> Owned.
  2469. [10:58:01] <HerrGeneral> pwned
  2470. [10:58:01] <Lazy> owned scrub
  2471. [10:58:02] <Dolash> Nice job breaking it
  2472. [10:58:02] <drunkill> welp
  2473. [10:58:03] <republic> fucking own zone
  2474. [10:58:03] <Mordja> You broke her doorstop :(
  2475. [10:58:04] <thatbastardken> and you broke it
  2476. [10:58:07] <BlueBastard> AHAHAHAHA
  2477. [10:58:08] <thatbastardken> you suck twilight
  2478. [10:58:09] <BartonFink> hahaha
  2479. [10:58:10] <FactoryFactory> TOLD YOU IT WAS TRICKS
  2480. [10:58:10] <HuffyTheDragon> Pretty weak doorstop
  2481. [10:58:10] <Pretorius> CALLED IT
  2482. [10:58:11] <BlueBastard> a doorstop
  2483. [10:58:11] <Wayoshi> MAD ITW AS ALLFAKE
  2484. [10:58:12] <Stuff> ahahahaha yes
  2485. [10:58:12] <Mordja> :3
  2486. [10:58:12] <KillingVector> nice
  2487. [10:58:13] <KefkaFloyd> hahaha
  2488. [10:58:13] <RudeCyrus> hahahahaha
  2489. [10:58:14] <wilma> THAT IS ABSURD
  2490. [10:58:14] <KefkaFloyd> oh my god
  2491. [10:58:14] <garamir> Three Amigos spell
  2492. [10:58:15] <BartonFink> hahahah
  2493. [10:58:15] <Jupiter> hahaha
  2494. [10:58:15] <fenster> oh shit
  2495. [10:58:15] <KefkaFloyd> I was wrong
  2496. [10:58:16] <Wayoshi> FLUTTER DASH
  2497. [10:58:16] <Robotzor> whut
  2498. [10:58:17] <LiamTop> :o
  2499. [10:58:17] <KefkaFloyd> it was gags all along
  2500. [10:58:18] <Frosthawk> it was all a play
  2501. [10:58:18] <Shotgunbadger> hahaha
  2502. [10:58:18] <fenster> wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaat
  2503. [10:58:18] <WalrusWhiskers> hahaha
  2504. [10:58:21] <Plobo> holy shit
  2505. [10:58:21] <Tyberius> It was all a lie
  2506. [10:58:22] <Wayoshi> LOL
  2507. [10:58:22] <Robotzor> TITLE DROP
  2508. [10:58:22] <HerrGeneral> Shit owns
  2509. [10:58:22] <Throbulator> oh they cheated
  2510. [10:58:23] <BartonFink> i need to rewatch that sequence
  2511. [10:58:23] <Ashenai> haha
  2512. [10:58:24] <RudeCyrus> holy shit
  2513. [10:58:24] <fenster> hahaha
  2514. [10:58:25] <ozone> trixie got tricked
  2515. [10:58:26] <Radio_PhoolCat> called it
  2516. [10:58:26] <Isaak> awww
  2517. [10:58:27] <Shax> Ha!
  2518. [10:58:28] <Corpus> ha.
  2519. [10:58:28] <Dolash> Also illusions and deceptions
  2520. [10:58:28] <HelixNebula> i get it
  2521. [10:58:28] <drunkill> hahaha
  2522. [10:58:29] <FlareShard> It was gags, yes, but it was not gak :(
  2523. [10:58:30] <thatbastardken> stage magic
  2524. [10:58:30] <fenster> :golfclap:
  2525. [10:58:31] <Shotgunbadger> ok that was nice
  2526. [10:58:32] <Wayoshi> oh that's Pinkie
  2527. [10:58:32] <HuffyTheDragon> Cute.
  2528. [10:58:33] <Wayoshi> lololol
  2529. [10:58:33] <Jupiter> That's actually hilarious
  2530. [10:58:35] <jamartinezm> pinkieee
  2531. [10:58:35] <ABitS> tirxster'd
  2532. [10:58:36] <Wayoshi> pwned
  2533. [10:58:36] <Shadowwalker> pinkie pie is magic
  2534. [10:58:36] <Robotzor> how is she playing the tuba
  2535. [10:58:37] <thatbastardken> ffs trixe
  2536. [10:58:37] <Mordja> Yeah she can do that
  2537. [10:58:37] <Swift`> Hahaha
  2538. [10:58:37] <BartonFink> its gags gags gags
  2539. [10:58:37] <agradify> that's so ingenius
  2540. [10:58:38] <CasualViewing> DSP: I didnt grow AJ a donk
  2541. [10:58:38] <_Grue_> still no moyh
  2542. [10:58:39] <RudeCyrus> yaaaaaaaaay
  2543. [10:58:39] <jamartinezm> pinkie'd
  2544. [10:58:40] <garamir> just gonna... back outta here
  2545. [10:58:40] <Tyberius> Still no mouth
  2546. [10:58:41] <Dolash> Did she gt her mouth back yet
  2547. [10:58:41] <Frosthawk> pinie pie IS magic
  2548. [10:58:41] <thatbastardken> you do illusions
  2549. [10:58:41] <Durandal> hahaha
  2550. [10:58:45] <Frosthawk> pinkie
  2551. [10:58:45] <Stuff> so WHAT WAS THE SIX
  2552. [10:58:45] <Wayoshi> Angel get
  2553. [10:58:45] <Plobo> but who will give her her mouth back?
  2554. [10:58:46] <CasualViewing> *DPC
  2555. [10:58:47] <garamir> d'awwww
  2556. [10:58:48] <Wayoshi> REAL HORSES
  2557. [10:58:49] <LiamTop> No mouth ever.
  2558. [10:58:49] <FlareShard> The Magic of CHEATING
  2559. [10:58:50] <fenster> did
  2560. [10:58:50] <KefkaFloyd> trixie, hoisted by her own petard
  2561. [10:58:50] <Frosthawk> THE SIX FRIENDS
  2562. [10:58:50] <republic> beaten by illusions - p cool
  2563. [10:58:51] <BartonFink> lookit those horses
  2564. [10:58:52] <Mordja> SIX FRENS
  2565. [10:58:52] <Connoisseur> How humiliating. Beaten at showmanship.
  2566. [10:58:53] <Wayoshi> Fluts it's good
  2567. [10:58:53] <thatbastardken> trixie never speaks again
  2568. [10:58:53] <Throbulator> damn horses
  2569. [10:58:53] <drunkill> saddddlee arabia
  2570. [10:58:54] <Dolash> So Trixie slowly backs away and that's it
  2571. [10:58:54] <Jupiter> Horse
  2572. [10:58:54] <jamartinezm> horses
  2573. [10:58:54] <drunkill> horses
  2574. [10:58:55] <Plobo> HORSES
  2575. [10:58:56] <BartonFink> hahaha fluttershy
  2576. [10:58:56] <_Grue_> pinkie is forever mute now
  2577. [10:58:56] <thatbastardken> pinkie rahter
  2578. [10:58:56] <jamartinezm> real horses
  2579. [10:58:57] <fenster> did I just pre-empt that line?
  2580. [10:58:57] <RudeCyrus> who the heck are they
  2581. [10:58:58] <Wayoshi> it's aokay
  2582. [10:58:58] <Shastao> horses
  2583. [10:58:58] <Isaak> HORSIES
  2584. [10:59:00] <Quanta> It's okay Flutters D:
  2585. [10:59:00] <Stuff> whoa horses
  2586. [10:59:01] <HuffyTheDragon> Weird horses
  2587. [10:59:02] <Dolash> Arabian horses
  2588. [10:59:02] <HerrGeneral> poor fluts
  2589. [10:59:03] <Lazy> what a weird show
  2590. [10:59:04] <Robotzor> saddle arabia
  2591. [10:59:04] <drunkill> slydiving!
  2592. [10:59:05] <Frosthawk> who the fuck was that
  2593. [10:59:06] <CasualViewing> this is still the dumbest show
  2594. [10:59:06] <Lazy> :O
  2595. [10:59:08] <Mordja> horsie horses :3
  2596. [10:59:08] <anniie> eww
  2597. [10:59:09] <PoorYorick> :3
  2598. [10:59:09] <BlueBastard> lol, the foreign horses mean nothing
  2599. [10:59:09] <Wayoshi> redemptiong et
  2600. [10:59:10] <Corpus> tell her to fuck off!
  2601. [10:59:10] <Dolash> Awwww redemption
  2602. [10:59:11] <wilma> PSYCH
  2603. [10:59:11] <Robotzor> She's FACING UP
  2604. [10:59:11] <FactoryFactory> Awwww :3
  2605. [10:59:11] <_Grue_> redemption
  2606. [10:59:11] <jamartinezm> she's good now?
  2607. [10:59:11] <Radio_PhoolCat> oh shi
  2608. [10:59:11] <garamir> :x
  2609. [10:59:11] <Quanta> REPENTANCE! :O
  2610. [10:59:12] <Stuff> :D
  2611. [10:59:13] <Frosthawk> oh no she's getting redeemed
  2612. [10:59:14] <thatbastardken> awww redemption
  2613. [10:59:14] <jamartinezm> noooo
  2614. [10:59:14] <HerrGeneral> Dammit
  2615. [10:59:14] <KillingVector> awww
  2616. [10:59:14] <TheDoctor> Best part of the episode, Pinkie never talked
  2617. [10:59:14] <Shadowwalker> trixie is worst pony confirmed
  2618. [10:59:14] <Throbulator> damn trixie, dont be good
  2619. [10:59:15] <BaronPorkface> Shipping time
  2620. [10:59:15] <fenster> welp
  2621. [10:59:15] <BartonFink> DONT DO IT
  2622. [10:59:15] <Radio_PhoolCat> redemtion?
  2623. [10:59:16] <Swift`> Reformed...?
  2624. [10:59:17] <BartonFink> KILL HER
  2625. [10:59:17] <Durandal> FRIENDSHIP
  2626. [10:59:17] <Plobo> redempting? really?
  2627. [10:59:17] <anniie> dont be all freindly and shit
  2628. [10:59:17] <jamartinezm> throw her in jail
  2629. [10:59:18] <BlueBastard> REDEMPTION
  2630. [10:59:18] <thatbastardken> wow
  2631. [10:59:19] <agradify> holy shit redemption
  2632. [10:59:19] <FactoryFactory> Pony redeem the jerk :3
  2633. [10:59:19] <Dolash> Awww sad face
  2634. [10:59:19] <jamartinezm> for eveeeer
  2635. [10:59:19] <BartonFink> KILL-aw
  2636. [10:59:20] <Wayoshi> yes
  2637. [10:59:20] <HuffyTheDragon> EPISODE RUINED
  2638. [10:59:20] <Isaak> AWWW
  2639. [10:59:20] <WalrusWhiskers> No fuck you trixie
  2640. [10:59:21] <drunkill> no
  2641. [10:59:21] <KefkaFloyd> she has to think about it
  2642. [10:59:21] <Stuff> hahaha
  2643. [10:59:21] <KillingVector> pout
  2644. [10:59:21] <thatbastardken> so forgives
  2645. [10:59:22] <ozone> no
  2646. [10:59:22] <Throbulator> DONT APOLOGIZE
  2647. [10:59:22] <anniie> NO
  2648. [10:59:22] <jamartinezm> TO THE MOOOON
  2649. [10:59:23] <republic> NOPE
  2650. [10:59:23] <Shastao> no
  2651. [10:59:24] <HerrGeneral> I was hoping she wouldn't
  2652. [10:59:24] <jamartinezm> MOOOOOOOON
  2653. [10:59:24] <Durandal> dat pout
  2654. [10:59:25] <Frosthawk> god damn it
  2655. [10:59:25] <thatbastardken> bo
  2656. [10:59:26] <Robotzor> Where's the but...
  2657. [10:59:26] <agradify> sadface!
  2658. [10:59:28] <BartonFink> Great and Apologetic Trixie
  2659. [10:59:29] <Throbulator> BE GREAT AND POWERFUL YOU IDIOT
  2660. [10:59:29] <Swift`> NOOO
  2661. [10:59:29] <LiamTop> Hahaha
  2662. [10:59:29] <Wayoshi> not quite
  2663. [10:59:29] <Shastao> nooooooo
  2664. [10:59:30] <Tyberius> The great and apologetic
  2665. [10:59:30] <KillingVector> haha
  2666. [10:59:31] <milesluigi> trop
  2667. [10:59:32] <Radio_PhoolCat> D:
  2668. [10:59:33] <Lazy> lol
  2669. [10:59:33] <Robotzor> facefault
  2670. [10:59:34] <TheDoctor> Larson: "FUCK YOU FANFIC WRITERS!"
  2671. [10:59:36] <Stuff> ahahahaa
  2672. [10:59:36] <Plobo> I never asked for this
  2673. [10:59:36] <Shotgunbadger> haha
  2674. [10:59:37] <Mordja> TRIXIE AWAY
  2675. [10:59:37] <wilma> DORK
  2676. [10:59:37] <PoorYorick> lol
  2677. [10:59:37] <Jupiter> haha what
  2678. [10:59:38] <KillingVector> runs away
  2679. [10:59:38] <Lazy> shakes her head
  2680. [10:59:38] <republic> SEEYA
  2681. [10:59:39] <Wayoshi> see you around, Trixie
  2682. [10:59:39] <CasualViewing> hahaha
  2683. [10:59:39] <garamir> whaaaaaa
  2684. [10:59:39] <jamartinezm> haha
  2685. [10:59:39] <Dolash> Ahahaha trips
  2686. [10:59:39] <Isaak> hahahaha
  2687. [10:59:39] <Radio_PhoolCat> ahahaha
  2688. [10:59:39] <Frosthawk> great and apologetic trixie is good though
  2689. [10:59:39] <HerrGeneral> faceplant
  2690. [10:59:40] <drunkill> hahahaha
  2691. [10:59:41] <Robotzor> oops
  2692. [10:59:42] <Shadowwalker> 4th wall
  2693. [10:59:44] <Shax> The best
  2694. [10:59:45] <Durandal> THE END
  2695. [10:59:45] <Throbulator> hahaha
  2696. [10:59:45] <Robotzor> lol
  2697. [10:59:45] <BartonFink> hahaha
  2698. [10:59:47] <Tyberius> HAH
  2699. [10:59:47] <thatbastardken> she just really likes making that exit
  2700. [10:59:47] <KefkaFloyd> ahahahahaha
  2701. [10:59:48] <confoundedPonies> YES
  2702. [10:59:48] <DarkMatter> episode owns
  2703. [10:59:48] <Wayoshi> 4th wall Twilight syas yay
  2704. [10:59:49] <FlareShard> And Trixie is ruined for all her fans
  2705. [10:59:49] <_Grue_> wat
  2706. [10:59:49] <Mordja> Ahaha
  2707. [10:59:49] <Throbulator> HAHAHAHHA
  2708. [10:59:49] <FactoryFactory> HA
  2709. [10:59:49] <Shastao> aaaaaa
  2710. [10:59:50] <diribigal> hahaha
  2711. [10:59:50] <Isaak> YAY
  2712. [10:59:50] <RudeCyrus> hahahahaha
  2713. [10:59:50] <Plobo> ALL THE WALLS
  2714. [10:59:50] <Jupiter> HAHAHAHAH
  2715. [10:59:50] <ozone> wut
  2716. [10:59:50] <Stuff> AHAHAHAHAHA
  2717. [10:59:50] <Dolash> Ahahaha yesss
  2718. [10:59:50] <KillingVector> hahahaha
  2719. [10:59:51] <Ashenai> YES
  2720. [10:59:51] <jamartinezm> trolled
  2721. [10:59:51] <Wayoshi> \AWW
  2722. [10:59:51] <confoundedPonies> ahahahahhahaha
  2723. [10:59:51] <republic> hahahahahaha
  2724. [10:59:52] <Chronos30> hahhahahahahahaah
  2725. [10:59:52] <_Grue_> wat was that
  2726. [10:59:52] <HelixNebula> good
  2727. [10:59:52] <Plobo> EJSUS
  2728. [10:59:52] <Durandal> oh what
  2729. [10:59:52] <Mordja> oh man
  2730. [10:59:53] <cathead> BOOYEAH
  2731. [10:59:53] <Isaak> hahahahahahaha
  2732. [10:59:53] <drunkill> welp
  2733. [10:59:53] <Durandal> the
  2734. [10:59:53] <LiamTop> Yaaay
  2735. [10:59:53] <WalrusWhiskers> hahahaha
  2736. [10:59:53] <Wayoshi> no more lines fo you
  2737. [10:59:53] <Plobo> BEST ENDING
  2738. [10:59:53] <KillingVector> best ending
  2739. [10:59:54] <CasualViewing> hahaha
  2740. [10:59:54] <PoorYorick> :3
  2741. [10:59:54] <Frosthawk> effectiive!yeaaaaahh
  2742. [10:59:54] <Radio_PhoolCat> 11/10 ep
  2743. [10:59:54] <thatbastardken> noice
  2744. [10:59:54] <Shotgunbadger> alright Trixie redeemed but still an asshole
  2745. [10:59:54] <Tyberius> Best episode?
  2746. [10:59:55] <Quanta> hahaha Yessssssss!
  2747. [10:59:55] <diribigal> that was the best
  2748. [10:59:55] <jamartinezm> no more walls
  2749. [10:59:55] <Isaak> HAHAHAHAHA
  2750. [10:59:55] <republic> pinkie gets trolled
  2751. [10:59:55] <nimrod> YES
  2752. [10:59:55] <Stuff> HAHAHAHA
  2753. [10:59:56] <ABitS> Good episode
  2754. [10:59:57] <Shotgunbadger> good ending
  2755. [10:59:57] <Robotzor> resolved but no words
  2756. [10:59:57] <Throbulator> best ending
  2757. [10:59:57] <Plobo> OH GOD I'M LAUGHING SO HARD
  2758. [10:59:57] <Dolash> Amazing episode
  2759. [10:59:57] <BlueBastard> AHAHAHAHAHA
  2760. [10:59:58] <hCrow> twilight broke the 4th wall
  2761. [10:59:58] <cathead> ok
  2762. [10:59:58] <nimrod> AAAAAAAAAAAA
  2763. [10:59:58] <thatbastardken> hahaha
  2764. [10:59:59] <AppleCobbler44> wow....
  2765. [10:59:59] <agradify> the walls have crumbled.
  2766. [10:59:59] <cathead> this is it
  2767. [10:59:59] <Pretorius> lol
  2768. [11:00:00] <Shavnir> twilihg tjust teleported through the fourth wall
  2769. [11:00:00] <FactoryFactory> Good episode
  2770. [11:00:00] <Obi2> great ending
  2771. [11:00:01] <Isaak> THAT WAS AMAZING
  2772. [11:00:01] <Geomancing> Haha, that was good.
  2773. [11:00:02] <cathead> this is the best ep
  2774. [11:00:02] <DarkMatter> that was great
  2775. [11:00:02] <BlueBastard> oh my god
  2776. [11:00:03] <BartonFink> great episode Larson As Fuck
  2777. [11:00:04] <Dolash> Beyond greaat
  2778. [11:00:04] <drunkill> better then expected
  2779. [11:00:05] <cathead> of the season so far
  2780. [11:00:05] <In_West_Fillydelphia> That was alright
  2781. [11:00:05] <ozone> twi joins the 4th wall club
  2782. [11:00:06] <BlueBastard> best episode
  2783. [11:00:07] <CasualViewing> this episode was all over the place
  2784. [11:00:07] <HuffyTheDragon> Superb episode
  2785. [11:00:07] <agradify> fantastic episode!
  2786. [11:00:08] <nimrod> hoooooooooooly balls
  2787. [11:00:08] <garamir> Summon the kraken
  2788. [11:00:09] <Aracat> 9/10
  2789. [11:00:09] <Mordja> That was awesome
  2790. [11:00:09] <_Grue_> that was an episode
  2791. [11:00:10] <BlueBastard> bar none
  2792. [11:00:10] <Shastao> the fuck was this episode
  2793. [11:00:10] <Pretorius> Good, good episode
  2794. [11:00:11] <FlareShard> Oh Pinkie :(
  2795. [11:00:11] <wilma> this is what i call an add episode, i didn't like it too much. sorry nerds.
  2796. [11:00:11] <Stuff> i agree, Larson as fuck
  2797. [11:00:12] <Throbulator> best episode of the season yet
  2798. [11:00:12] <DarkMatter> 10/10 would watch again
  2799. [11:00:13] <HuffyTheDragon> Fanservice, but the best fanservice
  2800. [11:00:13] <Shastao> it was amazing
  2801. [11:00:14] <Frosthawk> <BartonFink> great episode Larson As Fuck
  2802. [11:00:15] <Frosthawk> ^
  2803. [11:00:15] <henke37> that's not teleportation, that's a portal spell
  2804. [11:00:15] <HerrGeneral> I think that was the greatest ep
  2805. [11:00:16] <Shotgunbadger> that ruled
  2806. [11:00:16] <PoorYorick> 4th wall dead forever
  2807. [11:00:17] <Durandal> amazing
  2808. [11:00:18] <HelixNebula> episode sucked 10/10 A+++ would watch again
  2809. [11:00:19] <Quanta> TRIXIE REDEEMED! :O
  2810. [11:00:19] <AppleCobbler44> the ending saved the episode for me
  2811. [11:00:20] <wilma> add meaning A.D.D.
  2812. [11:00:20] <thatbastardken> dman good epiosde
  2813. [11:00:20] <milesluigi> TIL how to bluff.
  2814. [11:00:21] <anniie> welp
  2815. [11:00:21] <fenster> it was very larson
  2816. [11:00:23] <Ashenai> this episode was pretty awesome I gotta say :)
  2817. [11:00:23] <jamartinezm> lps time
  2818. [11:00:24] -->| Octavia (~Octavia@synIRC-CE3ED5CA.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #ponyday
  2819. [11:00:26] <WalrusWhiskers> :D
  2820. [11:00:27] |<-- agradify has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  2821. [11:00:27] <anniie> it's all downhill from there
  2822. [11:00:27] <ancara22> Good episode.
  2823. [11:00:28] <In_West_Fillydelphia> Lyra go away
  2824. [11:00:28] <wilma> losers
  2825. [11:00:29] <Jupiter> I have been pandered too and I don't hat it
  2826. [11:00:29] <jamartinezm> lyra time
  2827. [11:00:29] <BlueBastard> Everything that anybody could have wanted AND MORE
  2828. [11:00:30] <HerrGeneral> Holy shittttttt
  2829. [11:00:30] <jamartinezm> :D
  2830. [11:00:30] <Jupiter> hate
  2831. [11:00:30] <Radio_PhoolCat> Robotzor: thanks again fo ra great and powerfull stream!
  2832. [11:00:31] <fenster> where is LPS
  2833. [11:00:31] <Octavia> holy awesome ep
  2834. [11:00:32] |<-- wilma has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  2835. [11:00:32] <londonarbuckle> damn sat shit was nuts
  2836. [11:00:33] <KefkaFloyd> brilliant
  2837. [11:00:34] <Frosthawk> thank you robotzor you're a gentleman and a cutie
  2838. [11:00:34] <Wayoshi> oh, yeah, THE END
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