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a guest
May 29th, 2017
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  1. Rob says:
  2.  ?
  3. Mario says:
  4.  lol your itunes
  5.  got hacked?
  6. Rob says:
  7.  no
  8.  who said that?
  9. Mario says:
  10.  raptorjesus
  11.  apparently someone bought stuff
  12.  with your itunes
  13.  $100 worth of stuff
  14.  or something
  15. Rob says:
  16.  well yeah
  17. Mario says:
  18.  you called the cops? lol
  19. Rob says:
  20.  i got a fraud call
  21. Mario says:
  22.  fraud call?
  23. Rob says:
  24.  yes
  25.  about a mysterious charge
  26.  so we filed a police report
  27. Mario says:
  28.  what did you do about it
  29. Rob says:
  30.  and they are trying to track down the person who did it
  31.  they only have an ip address to go by tho
  32. Mario says:
  33.  Ok listen
  34. Rob says:
  35.  but they know it was from canada
  36. Mario says:
  37.  it might have been one of my friend's
  38. do you have a paypal account
  39. I'll send you the money back
  40.  whatever they used
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