
marcel lol x

Dec 30th, 2020
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  1. [19:58] Silent.
  3. Patrolling as usual, the Corporal keeps his rifle by his side, hung over his shoulder by a strap; it isn't the first or the last time that he's this far from home.
  5. He was always on search.
  6. For something- or someone.
  8. Yet, a particular sight. Curious one at that, too... because as much as he could often see the young magi around Osrona in his attempts to infiltrate the city, this..
  10. This is bigger than that. A whole group of them. But why here?
  12. "Hrm.."
  14. Thoughtful. The children, for all intents and purposes, were harmless- even if they were to attack him..
  16. What kind of a soldier is so insecure as to think children can pose a threat to him?
  18. To that end, he watches, almost intrigued. Is this a pre-gathering for Academy? Most likely.
  19. (Marcel Delisle)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [19:59] Violet Vartuul says, "......"
  23. [20:00] "A little scrapping could go a long way, actually. I wouldn't mind it." Krom grabs his octopus and holds it with both hands - Morphing it and condensing it into mist as he'd lift it into the air and let it fizzle. "Really get things going between two clusters of friends." The blue-haired kid pointed to Caster, Fran, and Elise moments after.
  25. "Would you guys be down to fight a little? Four one-on-ones. For no prize, of course. Just to get to know one another and hang out a little more."
  27. Out of the corner of his eye - He'd notice two people. An angry Violet Vartuul- And a man wearing an all-too-familiar dark hat of Achyon.
  29. A long pause follows and Krom can't stop staring. A hand slowly rose up to touch at his eyepatch. A mild frown creeped onto his expression.
  30. (Krom Valadez)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [20:01] Eztli's ears perk up, the sound of ruffling coming from behind him. He's quick to turn around and face them, golden hues eyeing the stranger with contempt.
  35. It was a Cog.
  37. Almost sub-consciously did he draw out a pocket knife with one hand and keep it rested over his other - ready to cut it and draw blood should the Cog choose to start something.
  39. Apart from that he simply eyes them, never moving forward, though never backing down.
  41. Niffty was nice, perhaps a rare exception. Was this stranger any different?
  43. "...Problem?"
  44. (Eztli Meztin)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [20:03] The gaggle of children was slowly growing more and more expansive. Many travelled these roads, but who knew that a gathering of this size was truly possible! All by pure chance as well. It was truly a pleasure to find many more of their own age group.
  49. More people to explore with and share ideas with. There was basically no downsides!
  51. Yet Krom's made her ears tingle. "Yes! Four one-on-one matches. It's nice to train with others, and since we're all going to the Academy then it's great to get a head start!"
  53. She chirped with some enthuasm, but as everyone's attention went elsewhere, hers followed.
  55. The Corporal was now hanging, lose from the ground below him.
  57. "It's the Corporal... Here?"
  59. She looked towards their little grouping of fighters.
  61. "What should we all do? Most of us are Osrona and he's very much not that."
  64. (Ariel Cirque)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [20:03] There may have been little chance for the Vartuul to cut Marcel down, but seeing the hat, the uniform...? She was reminded of what they did. Her uncles, each of them.
  69. Her sword was pulled free in a quick second. There was no hesitation from Violet whatsoever, as she marched forward, though her steps were swiftly gaining pace. Eventually she was in a full on run towards Marcel, the blade she had located in her mother's chest being hefted up high.
  71. Even now, the prodigal daughter said not a word. Did anything truly even needed to be said?
  73. No. Of course not.
  74. (Violet Vartuul)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [20:04] Once again, he regards Violet with a gaze -- albeit, a concerned one. Was she...Looking at him? He gives his crew a cursory look of desperation, trying to confirm his suspicions.
  79. She puffs out her chest? He nods and makes a face like, 'oh okay' then offers her a thumbs-up? It was kind of a thumbs-up.
  81. Though before he could make any real attempts to engage, in his line of sight does he catch an Achyonite with that detached olive gaze.
  83. He taps a digit against his lips.
  85. "I'm thinking of stew ingredients, but I don't think you guys are."
  86. (Caster)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [20:04] Elise hosted a warm smile to her features, though she seemed to be getting more and more nervous as more and more people began to enter the fray.. Not the most sociable of people she was; raised on a farm with her brother and nobody else, making friends simply wasn't her first talent.
  91. Nor was it when they made it so difficult to like.. Even so, she tries her best to smile before her gaze catches the Achyonian soldier in the corner of her eye..
  93. ".. I don't like the looks of that.." She mumbled beneath her breath..
  94. (Elise Soleis)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [20:04] Was a little busy getting clammed up at the time. The kid about to leave before he noticed Marcel over here in Osrona while the kid was trying to mingle with others his age. Why was he way over here for? This was a bit strange for him to be in this section of the land.
  99. Yoshi hoped the others wouldn't try to attack him. They would be foolish to do so and then went the girl with the wings.
  101. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. He's out of your league!"
  102. (Yoshi Winters)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [20:05] Eztli Meztin says, "Don't be a coward."
  106. [20:05] Yoshi Winters exclaims, "Don't be stupid!"
  107. [20:05] Eztli Meztin says, "Go hide in a hole if you want to run away from all your problems."
  108. [20:06] "A bar..?" She echoes, canting her head a little bit. "You mean, like, for kids and stuff? Because I know adults go to those all the time! You know, to talk about the stuff you said." Just like Ariel, she puffs out her chest and stands a little taller, going as far to even stand on the very tips of her toes just to try and look all the more opposing.
  110. "War this, war that. Something, something, women to impress." She teeters back down onto the flats of her feet with that impression out of the way, a little giggle muffled by the covering of her hand.
  112. "And yeah! We came out here to train. If you wanted to join us, we-..." She stops, amber eyes flickering towards the newcomer. She'd never seen a 'Cog' before, but that hat-- that hat was reminiscent of the very one her father had once warned her about. They were a dangerous sort.
  114. "I-... don't think we can do anything about it. Maybe-... we should go back inside?" There were a lot of them, sure, but their bones were practically made of glass! And he? He was going to shatter them all.
  116. "So, why don't we go inside. There's an arena. We can-..." The Drakanite lunges and Fran's words are cut short.
  118. "Wh-... hey! That's not a good idea!"
  119. (Fran)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. [20:06] Yoshi Winters says, "I'm not scared but at least I use my brain."
  123. [20:06] Until now, Nilcov kept himself casual, throwing shameless jokes and mockeries in left and right, compared by how much he would probably stress others, he wasn't stressed at all.
  125. Then, the 'Hrm...' from behind the group could be heard resonating like a stone dropped in clear water who made ripples and ripples, echoing inside his head. "Oh look, ain't em one of these goofy bastards back at Achyon?" The kid mustered in quite an audible tone.
  127. He stepped closer, a grin could be seen on his face. It was time for justice, justice for what he had seen back in their city. "Sup dude, ain't ya a tad away from MiStEr CaPtAiN." He adds with a mocking tone.
  128. (Nilcov Donobame)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [20:09] The Corporal remained silent.
  133. Neither the questioning from as to whether he has any 'problem', nor any remark that they're from Osrona caused him to make a move- perhaps, it's a bit of relatable sympathy. Perhaps, he just knows all too well how it is to be a child, overwhelmed by adults..
  135. It wasn't too long ago when he had to do this.
  136. Much younger than now.
  138. Or perhaps, he's simply giving them time - he's wholly devoted to the Empire, but no matter the transgressions done against him, no matter the difficulties..
  140. He never became a monster.
  142. The soldier never said a word, never did an action- from the taunts, to worried remarks, all he did was give a glance to those present; but it's clear he wasn't very interested in engaging them.
  144. He was curious to watch, curious to see what they're doing - but..
  146. A charge, from a Drakanite?
  148. The Corporal's reflexes are quick, honed- the ion barrier that rises around him helps to mitigate the blow partially; a step to the side, and the gauntlet on his hand intends to give a sudden push to the blade - leading the wayward Drakanite right past him with another hand.
  150. Standard close quarters combat.
  151. His military training put to practice.
  153. "You don't want this."
  155. "Engage me again and I'll treat you like any other enemy I faced."
  157. The rifle is drawn at that point. Should Violet choose to engage again..
  159. He'll fire.
  160. (Marcel Delisle)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [20:09] She listened to the others that began to quiver slightly at the sight of the Cog. Her own hands began to shake as they curled into tight fists. She saw first hand how excessive Achyon was, how brutal and unnecessarily violent.
  165. Yet still, as her eyes watch with paralyzed fear she couldn't bring herself to running.
  167. "But we have to help her!"
  169. She exclaimed, her teeth chattering against each other. Even if this was not their battle, how could they not protect those of the same age group?
  171. "I don't think she's going to stop..."
  172. (Ariel Cirque)
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. [20:11] Chaska Aevnass says, "W-wait. Are we going to fight? He looks awful strong."
  176. [20:11] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  177. [20:11] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  178. [20:11] Yoshi Winters exclaims, "I'm trying to tell you guys he is strong! I've seen him fight before. Don't fight him!"
  179. [20:12] She charged despite various calls from the other children not to. What did she have to fear? This was honorable battle, after all. As Marcel stepped to the side, and his gauntlet covered hand utilized the force of her blade to lead her past him?
  181. Violet spun on a proverbial dime, allowing the earth itself to speak for her. Magma vented itself true and fast underneath Marcel's feet. Her crimson and silver wings snapped open wide before she charged forward once more.
  183. He could treat her like any other enemy, it was clear she wasn't going to stop. Whether or not he was a higher mountain than she could handle. It wouldn't be right to simply sit back and allow him to...
  185. Exist.
  186. (Violet Vartuul)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [20:12] Ariel Cirque says, "He's the Corporal of Achyon! We saw him when that Councilwoman beat up a prisoner.."
  190. [20:14] Chaska steps up on the sidelines. "If we fights, I'm fighting with her. No one deserves to engage this alone."
  191. (Chaska Aevnass)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [20:14] Ariel Cirque exclaims, "Could we try to attack him in teams?!"
  195. [20:14] Yoshi Winters says, "It's not going to work.."
  196. [20:14] Chaska Aevnass says, "It's still not fair for her to do this alone."
  197. [20:15] Chaska Aevnass says, "Ariel is right, we could try teams."
  198. [20:15] Ariel Cirque says, "..."
  199. [20:15] Eztli Meztin says, "The fight's already started, we should be honour bound to assist her."
  200. [20:15] Chaska Aevnass asks, "To fight him after her?"
  201. [20:16] When Violet charges the man, the girl lets out a light sigh.. Interlaced with worry of some manner; even so, her own instinct began to drive her as the silver staff was lifted from her back. She raises it high..
  203. "I don't know any of you, but we have to help that girl!" She cried. In that instant, a blast of lightning began to charge the cheap casting rod she'd purchased in the marketplace only this morning.
  205. "He's going to hurt her!" She continued, beginning to advance herself as the winds themselves aided her..
  207. .. faintly. Magic wasn't in her scope of mastery quite yet.
  209. "What was it that the First Light used to say.. Oh, right!
  211. Hic Sunt Leones!"
  212. (Elise Soleis)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [20:18] It seems that all their efforts were in vain, and the Draknite girl charged in with little hesitation in the face of such a powerful foe. It sparked something within her, that courage and strength inspired her own.
  217. "Eztli! Me and you! We can fight him together! He won't be able to outmatch both of us.. Right?!" She exclaimed, before glancing at Chaska at the side! "I can't let you get involved..."
  219. Her right hand rose, pressing a flat palm on her chest. "I promise Revna I'd keep you safe!"
  221. She would honour that promise to the Draknite lady.
  223. "We must help her!"
  224. (Ariel Cirque)
  225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. [20:19] Ariel Cirque whispers to Eztli Meztin: (We could totally 2v1 him with my anti-heal and our cc
  228. [20:19] Raahll silently watches as the other youths line up to be beaten by the corporal
  229. (Raahll)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [20:20] "This is...So not--" He despaired, watching kin engage with an enemy he couldn't get a read on. And he winced at the sight of the corporal's rifle.
  234. "Shi--I mean, damn. I need to recharge the tome, then..."
  236. The drakan unstraps the tome from his belt and quickly flipped to a seemingly random page, the only thing written were two scribbles written in runes.
  238. "Alright, let's just recharge these..."
  240. The crackle of lightning distracted him, nearly dropping the book from surprise. His eyes flickered forward, watching the combat from afar.
  242. "Here...Alright, I'm ready...!"
  244. The runes on his tome glow a dull blue, in which he quickly shuts before reattaching the book to his hip, instead replacing it with his sword.
  246. "Allow me to join you. I can fight."
  248. He steps up beside Ariel.
  249. (Caster)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [20:20] It was never Eztli's intention to start a fight with the Cog, as he viewed such to only be a last, last resort. Had things gone his way, he'd have simply chosen to speak to Marcel - understand his intentions and then they could all go on their merry way.
  254. But Violet had charged. A Warriors fearless and true.
  256. He couldn't help but stare at her in awe.
  258. And as she charged, on his honour would he run forward to assist her.
  260. "Our hands have been forced. It's only right to assist her, right?"
  261. (Eztli Meztin)
  262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. [20:21] Was Nilcov gonna stand there and watch? Fuck no, he was too dumb of a bastard to just stand on the side and watch the two of them clash but, as the forces began to unfold, he remained without a choice but back away.
  266. "Ariel, I ain't leaving you fight alone so fuck you, I join the fight too." Nilcov said as he advanced into the lines, reading his whip with a crack.
  267. (Nilcov Donobame)
  268. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. [20:21] Chaska's eyes as she was told to stand back. That is certainly not what she had been taught to do. She defended innocents and fought when there was battle.
  272. "I'm not standing down, let's do this."
  273. (Chaska Aevnass)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [20:22] Smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand. Were these other kids complete idiots? Did they not see how strong he was? Was Yoshi the only one with a head on his shoulder? They should know when they were out matched.
  278. "She wen in on her own after she was warned by more than one person. It wasn't like he was attacking us. She attacked him first. Wouldn't you defend yourself if you were attacked?"
  279. (Yoshi Winters)
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. [20:22] Scratches.
  283. Tiny bruises at most.
  285. She definitely has fight in her, but that fight is hardly enough to do much against the Corporal- he outclassed her by strength, by speed, by practically every part of the magi arsenal that could exist..
  287. This was not a fair fight by all means.
  289. But as much as he takes her seriously, the boons of his combat displayed along with the ion barrier that surrounds him, there's no attempt to cripple her - or even kill her, for that matter.
  291. There's defensive focus. But..
  292. Just as promised, he'll take her seriously.
  294. The shock of lightning wears her down, and the winds that batter her eventually make a number on her; she makes a mistake to engage the Corporal while worn down, and..
  296. The sword is caught.
  297. The hand extends quickly towards the wrist.
  299. And with a twist upward, she's forced to drop the sword- the other hand is quick, quite literally pushing her in the face and knocking her down to the ground, slamming her against it.
  301. []
  303. There is no palpable, dangerous injury... but that's going to hurt for a while. And leave some bruises.
  305. "You got heart, kid."
  307. "But it's not your fight."
  309. The Corporal only gives a glance at the gathering party. There's a frown, to which he adds.
  311. "Leave."
  313. One and only warning.
  314. (Marcel Delisle)
  315. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. [20:24] Krom took in a deep breath and closed his singular eye. Stepping forward, he'd call forth trace amounts of water with little spots of energy hidden within every bubble.
  319. "No. You leave." The youth pointed his palm at the Achyon soldier, his teeth grit intently. He didn't want to fight this much older man - Krom would've much rather had the soldier turn tail and leave Osronan roads. But after Violet attacked him, he wasn't budging.
  321. Krom was going to ask that he go - But if he wasn't budging? Neither was he. "I'm with Caster on this one. Get out of here, Cog!! Leave!"
  322. (Krom Valadez)
  323. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  325. [20:24] Raahll joined the line of people, mostly for effect
  326. (Raahll)
  327. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. [20:27] "We-... I think we can play it carefully, right? We don't have to attack him all at once or even at all, just-... Just make sure he doesn't hurt her." They'd have to play things defensively now that the first shot had already been fired, and as much as she wanted to heed her father's words-...
  331. Someone was in danger, self-inflicted or not.
  333. So Fran lunges herself-- not into danger nor towards the Achyon man in question, but towards the downed Drakanite. If everybody was going to get their licks in, then she'd at least make sure the Vartuul was able to get the heck out of dodge.
  335. "I can help you, if you need it." She offers, knowing fully well not to force help upon a Drakanite. They were a prideful race, after all! And to some, forcing help would just be an insult.
  337. So she keeps her wary gaze on the Achyon man instead, the slits in her eyes contracting slightly. If he so much as twitched funny, she wanted to make sure she noticed it.
  338. (Fran)
  339. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. [20:28] Rushes in after Violet, blade drawn! How dare he beat on a defenseless child.
  342. (Eztli Meztin)
  343. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  345. [20:28] "I ain't givin' a fuck if he's defending himself, those bastards back at Achyon? Those fuckers deserve to be beaten down." Nilcov said out, a frown could be seen on his face and not like one of his buffooneries.
  347. "I ain't giving a fuck if I get hurt, lost my arm or lose my life. I've run all my life from fuckers like you, but no more!" He said with a dead serious face, a thud could be heard as he advanced further.
  349. "I ain't a sewer rat anymore, I'm the fuckin' Rat King!" And with another crack of his whip, the boy stiffened up, pinning his legs into the sand preparing his stance. Not even god could move him from there.
  350. (Nilcov Donobame)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [20:28] w
  354. (Krom Valadez)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [20:29] Nilcov charges at Marcel.
  358. (Nilcov Donobame)
  359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. [20:29] "Remember we're here to provide support -- the goal isn't to win. It's to survive."
  362. (Caster)
  363. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  365. [20:30] She wasn't backing away from this!
  366. (Ariel Cirque)
  367. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. [20:30] The chances of her success were slim to none, and Violet was very aware of that. But she was also one to not shy from a battle. It wasn't honorable! The gap between Violet and Marcel was great, but...
  371. That didn't mean she wasn't still giving it her all.
  373. She came at him time and time again, and even as his lightning coursed through her, the strong scales of her kind proved to not offer much assistance. Thusly, when his hand reached out to catch her sword, the Vartuul stared at him with silent surprise.
  375. She hadn't expected that. She had never experienced that before, in truth. Her wrist was taken and as Marcel's hand pushed against her face, she tumbled over onto the back of her neck with a sickening snap and crack.
  377. She laid there. She wasn't injured as she moved immediately after, but even as Fran came to her side to assist her, Violet simply waved her off. She didn't need help.
  379. The Drakanite climbed back to her feet, her left wing stretching outwards slowly followed by her right to ensure everything was in proper working order. Now, the others were rushing Marcel all at once.
  381. Had she accidentally inspired a movement? Oops.
  382. (Violet Vartuul)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [20:32] Nilcov Donobame whispers something.
  386. [20:33] The Corporal has to fend himself against a large group of rabid children.
  388. At this point, it only seems that constant chain of violence is the only answer- regardless of who's attacking who. The inspiration speeches and taunts, however..
  390. They're entirely ignored.
  392. Soldiers do little talking in fights.
  393. (Marcel Delisle)
  394. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  396. [20:33] Nilcov Donobame whispers something.
  397. [20:33] Elise rushed forward all the same, though her intention seemed to be to try and get between Marcel and Violet herself. If there was anything from the emergency medical lessons she'd learned, it's that being the first responder was really, really important.. or something. She wasn't paying the most attention nor was she studying the material.
  399. "Get out of here!" She shouted, staring down Marcel once she'd hopefully had been able to get between the two who'd just done battle. The staff, in her hands, supercharged with weak sparks and arcs of lightning.
  401. Despite her protests toward Fran, the girl stares down at her, trying to look for any lasting injuries..
  403. "Are you alright? I'm a junior medical student of the Blue Unicorn clinic! My name is Elise Soleis!"
  404. (Elise Soleis)
  405. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. [20:34] also late but whatever bro im slow
  408. (Fran)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [20:34] (Pursue roll)
  412. (Chaska Aevnass)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [20:34] Violet breathes briskly.
  416. (Violet Vartuul)
  417. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  419. [20:34] Violet Vartuul says, "...."
  420. [20:34] Baby legs
  421. (Raahll)
  422. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. [20:34] Was stuck with what to do. It wasn't smart to attack a guy he wanted to sell items to. But the other kids weren't listening to him either. Yoshi just grabbed his head letting out a frustrated grunt. He wanted to fit in with the other kids.. He wanted to make friends but they just weren't using their head nor was he used to getting along with people his age.
  426. "Hhghn.."
  427. (Yoshi Winters)
  428. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  430. [20:38] Ariel Cirque says, "..."
  431. [20:38] Raahll says, "..."
  432. [20:38] Chaska Aevnass is attempting to pursue! They have scored 2605
  433. Nilcov Donobame is attempting to pursue! They have scored 2395
  434. Eztli Meztin is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1833
  435. Raahll is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1820
  436. Violet Vartuul is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1637
  437. Fran is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1295
  438. Ariel Cirque is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1280
  439. Caster is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1135
  440. Krom Valadez is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1080
  442. (Krom Valadez)
  443. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  445. [20:45] Another one.
  447. Is it any wonder that it'd be a matter of time until one of them ends up badly hurt? The Corporal warned the children to stay away, to leave, but..
  449. It's no use. Sometimes, accidents can happen.
  451. The accident that happened to Nilcov here is immeasurable; while he tried his best to fight against the battering lightning and shredding winds, he finds himself caught in a powerful grip by the Corporal- no doubt, yet another martial technique.
  453. It's squeezed, taken into an arm lock, and..
  454. Nilcov is dropped down with tremendous force.
  456. Yet another takedown- this time, however, there's a loud crack! that echoes from his hand; it becomes swollen, terribly purple-ish, with palpable internal bleeding.
  458. His entire right hand is crushed under such weight.
  460. The Corporal only glances down upon Nilcov; for all of his taunts, it seems Karma has repaid him in kind.
  462. An injury for the rest of his life.
  464. "Leave."
  466. "You do not want this fight."
  468. A second warning to the group of children. Perhaps, after seeing their friend's hand get crushed..
  470. Maybe they'll reconsider.
  471. (Marcel Delisle)
  472. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  474. [20:48] Nilcov's assault was brushed aside by sharpened gales and blistering lightning. His speed was crippled by the Corporal, who was quick to subdue the Sewer King in his clutches.
  476. As Ariel watched him get captured in the arms of the Coporal, her hand reached forward - until a echoing snap silenced the boy's magic.
  478. "Nilcov!"
  480. Yet another one beaten to the ground, and this time left with an undesirable injury!
  482. "We can't keep throwing ourselves at him m-..."
  484. Clutched onto her quivering hand, she wouldn't allow for fear to overwhelm her at this moment.
  486. They had to keep fighting.
  489. (Ariel Cirque)
  490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  492. [20:51] Krom Valadez says, "..."
  493. [20:52] As the boy so furiously charged towards the Cog Soldier his body became transparent, a blur of what he used to be and not only for his enemy, for everyone who watched his boldly dumb action they could barely notice a glimpse of the boy but... only after he landed his first strike.
  495. The boy was fast, he moved quick and his magic wasn't all that weak as one might expect, he fought against the shredding winds but only for so long, without the cover who ensured his first struck, he had no chance and everything only went downhill from there.
  497. Defeated, the boy crawled away from the scene, a trail of blood being left behind and what one was his arm, there was a red mess, more of bloody pulp than anything else yet, so severely wounded as the boy was, the smirk grin never cased from his Shengnese face.
  499. It wasn't about winning, it was about sending a message.
  500. (Nilcov Donobame)
  501. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  503. [21:00] Despite her inexperience, Chaska stepped up the fray with the intent on protecting the innocent and those who had fallen before her. Her hands shook grasped around her staff but she moved nonetheless, her instinct guiding her.
  505. The battle seemed a blur. She tried to remember what Nilcov had said about remaining at a distance but she advanced despite his warning and that seemed to be her downfall. Immediately rushing forward with a dash of cosmic energy she found herself beat into submission by the much stronger Achyon man.
  507. As she was thrown down on the ground, her nose breaking upon impact, she grunted. She shouldn't have expected any less, especially after watching the others fall.
  509. Pushing herself up off the ground she rubbed the blood from her face with a groan before backing up next to Ariel.
  510. (Chaska Aevnass)
  511. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  513. [21:00] Another one...
  515. Were Osronan children always this nigh suicidal? Did the presence of the group give them this much confidence, or was it the fact that they hoped to take down the Corporal? Among even the powerful magi that he faced against, Marcel was an evident threat.
  517. A threat that they remember too well.
  518. Fighting children, here? It was not his calling.
  519. But they wanted this first.
  521. A defensive stance is adapted. One that works in mitigating Chaska's blows, and ensuring that he would remain safe for the most part, until..
  523. She finds herself too close.
  525. With lightning, he stuns her; an opening of opportunity given for the Corporal to aim for the takedown, and several strikes follow with his bare fists- one against her abdomen, one against her throat, and a final grapple - with his leg going behind her own.
  527. Slam!
  528. She's forcibly slammed against the ground.
  530. A painful crack is heard with it- though this time, the injury is not one that she would not recover from. He idly huffs, soon to remark.
  532. "--I told you."
  534. "How many times it'll take to understand?"
  535. (Marcel Delisle)
  536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. [21:01] It was amazing how quickly events could escalate at any given moment. As was the warning of his older brother, their words still ringing clear in the back of his mind.
  540. One minute they were all talking peacefully and the next, engaged in combat with the countries mortal enemy; a soldier from Achyon. Be it through nerves or simply his lack of speed, he'd been too slow to save Violet and Nilcov, and even slower to save Chaska.
  542. "Disgusting..."
  544. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, the thumping of his heat-beat the only sound he could hear for the briefest of moments. Was he excited? Or was he scared.
  546. "You guys tore open the veil between this world and the next. You've left a permanent scar in the sky... Do you understand the damage you've caused!? The Spirits are weeping, corrupted, crying out for blood," He sneers.
  548. As much as he didn't want to fight, it just wasn't in his blood to back down. And his motives for engaging in combat were a tad more personal then simply enacting revenge for his friends, they did after-all... start the fight. They had no right to complain, nor did he.
  549. (Eztli Meztin)
  550. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  552. [21:03] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  553. [21:03] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  554. [21:03] Elise holds her head.. Violet seemed to be fine; her injuries were the least in comparison to everyone else..
  556. But it seemed like everyone else was stepping forward to try and contest him. More, and more did people get injured as she moved to come to Chaska's side now..
  558. "Are you alright?.." She spoke softly. "My name is Elise of the Blue Unicorn clinic. I can get you help," she explained softly.
  559. (Elise Soleis)
  560. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  562. [21:06] {Lost Aggressive RPB against Marcel Delisle}
  563. [21:06] ** Marcel Delisle has inflicted an injury upon Eztli Meztin. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  564. [21:07] Elijah II says, "..."
  565. [21:08] ((Repost of order ty Krom))
  567. Raahll is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1820
  568. Fran is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1295
  569. Ariel Cirque is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1280
  570. Caster is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1135
  571. Krom Valadez is attempting to pursue! They have scored 1080
  572. (Ariel Cirque)
  573. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575. [21:13] A drop of blood.
  577. Eztli, among the children, was the first one to even draw the drop of blood from the Corporal- as much as the magics that are oft viewed as foul and even disgusting were not enough for the victory..
  579. Comparing to everybody else, it did something.
  581. "All of this.." All this fighting, all of them ganging up on the Corporal.
  583. "For this?" He reaches up to the small cut on his cheek, only to pick up a droplet of blood. How ironic..
  585. Though, no further hesitation is present- the winds are made to batter the Beastkin and lightning surges, enough to strike him down with strength unlike probably anything that he's seen before.
  587. This is the strength that defeated two Champions of Eos.
  588. This is the strength that fought Radiants and won.
  590. And it all comes not from the spirits, but the strength of the Man. Who is this Beastkin to contest that?
  592. "Decent. You remind me of Motai." A long-lost rival. Wherever he's gone..
  594. "But the spirits you praise will lead you nowhere, child." A pause.
  596. "I'll only tell you this in honor of Motai, the only Moxtli tribesman that ever impressed me." In honor that Eztli reminds him of that one all too much.
  598. "Follow the path of the spirits, and you'll come to mediocrity- you will achieve nothing in life and eventually retire a forgotten name on Esshar."
  600. Whether he'll listen to the Corporal's words or not is another story- but they're not spoken out of malice. Regardless..
  602. A sudden blast of wind. Enough to cut him, landing many lacerations, bleeding him- with his magic, it's annoying at most, but..
  604. Hurtful anyway.
  605. (Marcel Delisle)
  606. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. [21:14] Absolutely none of this was a good thing! Play the defensive, she said, but did anyone listen? One broken wrist after the other, one smashed skull later, and Fran finally let out a sigh.
  610. Her friends weren't going to stick out of this, and if she could somehow help to chase him off before they went and got their bones broken?
  612. Then she'd sure as hell try her best.
  614. With the goggles atop her head pulled down to protect her eyes, Fran moved with a trace of lightning to the center of the field, putting her in the middle of it all. Great. Lovely. This was a stupid idea.
  616. "I don't imagine you'll just-... turn around and run, will you?" She almost wanted to nervously laugh, but she knew fully well she was about to eat nothing but soil for the next few days.
  617. (Fran)
  618. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  620. [21:15] Ariel Cirque exclaims, "Here Chaska!"
  621. [21:15] Ariel Ariel throws her a bag of stuff to hold onto...
  622. (Ariel Cirque)
  623. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  625. [21:15] Ariel Cirque asks, "Keep this safe for me?"
  626. [21:15] Chaska Aevnass says, "That's smart... I should have done that..."
  627. [21:15] "..."
  629. The Corporal's gaze turns towards Fran; only a brief answer follows, and the winds and lightning already picks up all the same. She should know what's coming.
  631. "No."
  633. "A soldier only retreats when no other option is given. A soldier holds the line.." A pause. "Even if it's as meaningless as a bunch of children with something to prove."
  635. "Running away will be shameful of me."
  637. Given that she came this close, he knows what she's after.
  638. (Marcel Delisle)
  639. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641. [21:15] Chaska Aevnass says, "I'll keep it safe."
  642. [21:16] Chaska Aevnass asks, "Please be safe, okay?"
  643. [21:20] Krom had hoped Marcel would leave. No.. The youth prayed and pleaded to invisible forces that the Cog would turn around and go. But as they continued to fall and flop onto the ground- One after another- He was beginning to lose hope. The youth began to silently shake as Fran's invitation for Marcel to leave-
  645. Is never once considered by the Achyon Corporal.
  647. The youth's water that surrounded him started to glow with a beautiful energetic spark as he readied his magic. The result was certainly his loss - But if he didn't attack this Achyon soldier here - He wouldn't be able to forgive himself. As Fran hit the ground, he'd exhale softly. Caster and he would soon be next.
  648. (Krom Valadez)
  649. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  651. [21:20] Elise continued to watch the man go through all of her friends- those she knew and those she'd likely make after bonding over how horrible this experience was, and the grip on her staff only got tighter... Even so, she felt like her body could barely move as the long, long battle raged on and more people moved to attack him.
  653. She shut her eyes. She couldn't be like this. Weak. She was a soldier, too, she had to hold her own line and try to protect her own people.
  655. ".. No! I won't accept this. You'll be leaving today even if it's only because we made you too tired to stay!" she shouted. The winds around her began to howl, and as Ariel, Caster and Krom were the next to battle..
  657. Elise prepared to enter the fray! after them, of course. She wasn't going to be rude and budge in line.
  658. (Elise Soleis)
  659. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  661. [21:20] How many of them will come until they learn?
  663. This wasn't their fight, and trying to prove otherwise was rather.. futile; as far as he's concerned, these were all the children with something to prove- for he never attacked them first, nor intended to hurt them.
  665. Since they came here with intent to oppose him... there was no choice but to give them exactly that.
  667. Powerful lightning and winds aim to subdue the young teen; when she comes in far too close, the winds push her back a tad too much - exposing her defenses for something more, and..
  669. A strike.
  670. Another.
  671. And another.
  672. Followed by last blow to the abdomen.
  674. Her face and core alike, hurt with lacerations and bruises- a standard takedown in the fashion of military, but that's all he's going to give to her.
  676. There was never an intent to kill, or do worse.
  678. "--I told you all that you could just turn around and leave."
  680. "Why won't you?"
  682. Yet, he readies himself for another challenger. Seems they never tire.
  683. (Marcel Delisle)
  684. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686. [21:21] Chaska Aevnass says, "Ariel please be careful! "
  687. [21:21] One by one the childish brigade was being swatted away by the Corporal. There was so much power and density behind each and every strike that there was little that any of them could do against him.
  689. Yet it was far too late for them to back down - each and every one of them had to strike a deal with the unknown and fight this monster. Each of them signing up to protect the others.
  691. Ariel held her staff tightly between shaking fists, weaving together her illusionary masterpieces as she stepped forward!
  693. "Why won't you just leave!?"
  695. She demanded an answer out of him as she waved her staff forward. Curls of smoke and mist begin to rise from the world around them - sharp crystalline figure rising from the ground and charging at the man under charms of invisibility.
  697. Each spell that she weaved together made with moments of hesitation caused by fear.
  699. Surely there was something she could do - something to makethis man back off from all of them.
  701. Even if it was all in vein, the child would not go down without a fight.
  702. (Ariel Cirque)
  703. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  705. [21:22] Nilcov Donobame says, "A-ariel..."
  706. [21:22] Marcel sighs at the sight of this magic.
  707. (Marcel Delisle)
  708. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  710. [21:24] Chaska immediately runs to Ariel's side.
  711. (Chaska Aevnass)
  712. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  714. [21:24] Eztli did not expect to win, nor did he have any hope of doing so. But Violet had started a movement, had instilled in them whatever courage they might've been lacking as they confronted the Cog.
  716. With no actual battle experience on hand, and his control over Blood-Magics amounting to little more then the formation of a whip, he could do naught but try his best against Marcel.
  718. He did fair better then the other kids, so much so that he was at-least able to graze his skin, enough to draw blood - but it simply was not enough.
  720. "Damn..."
  722. Before he had time to process, he's set upon by a barrage of winds. The air cutting deep into his skin, drawing blood not of his own violation but theirs. It's a mockery of his magics. A true insult.
  724. As he kneels in place, holding onto his wounds, he could no little more then listen to the words of the Cog. Mentions of Motai the only things that rang familiar.
  726. "With that... mindset,I doubt we'll ever see eye-to-eye. I don't live for myself, I live for the Spirits. I'm their guide, their voice and their ears. What I do, I do for them. As training Shaman of the Moxtli people..."
  728. He's pushed away then by powerful gusts of winds.
  730. It was up to his friends to see it through.
  731. (Eztli Meztin)
  732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. [21:28] Illusions.
  735. And crystals...
  737. The Corporal is almost all too slow to advance; he never comes in close other than a sudden rush to close in and hurt her- but instead, keeps his wind and lightning magic for the purpose of wearing her down.
  739. Her tricks of illusion, her attempts to blind him, to annoy him.. are met with a rumble in which one thing is becoming pretty clear.
  741. Delisle was getting fed up.
  743. "You're annoying."
  745. The rush of winds- one she can do little about; with such strength disparity, it's no wonder. The lightning surges, the winds hurt her - enough to immobilize her for just a bit, until..
  747. He grabs her by the throat.
  748. And chokeslams into the ground.
  750. Is it enough to cripple or truly injure her? Not quite- but it obviously hurts. Marcel stares her down for a moment, only to give an answer to her earlier question.
  752. "I told you why."
  754. "A soldier always holds his ground, unless he's given no other option. It'll be shameful of me to run away."
  756. "You attacked me - this was your choice."
  758. To see fleeing Marcel is a rare sight- only some of the greatest magi could afford it. But her?
  760. He just leaves alone to scurry away.
  761. (Marcel Delisle)
  762. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  764. [21:31] The drakan closed his eyes and slowly exhaled, keeping a hand pressed against the side of the tome strapped to his belt. The magics were charged, his sword was ready.
  766. The question now was, was he ready?
  768. When sizing up a foe he's never faced before, it's best to always rely on the fundamentals. When all else failed, it was the basics that got his back.
  770. "Actually, I should be honest," he approached with blade at the ready. "At any given moment I could've left. To answer your question as to 'why', it's because I have something I want to ask myself."
  772. Legs spread shoulder width apart, hanging right grip on the blade, knees stable.
  774. "Wait, before you get the wrong idea, I'm not about to say something profound or anything, I just want to see how well I can hold myself against someone like you. So...
  776. ...Thanks for this?"
  778. Caster cocked his head, his brows furrowed with concerned. That felt weird to say.
  779. (Caster)
  780. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  782. [21:32] "..."
  784. Unamused. The Corporal watches yet another challenger come about, but the remark is quick.
  786. "Child."
  788. "I don't know if you've been in a fight before or not, but usually people don't talk much unless they share history."
  790. There was, of course, someone like Jordunn… but he was an odd one- he always liked to talk and interact with Marcel in myriad ways, even if they fought to the blood so many times before.
  792. "Come, then."
  793. (Marcel Delisle)
  794. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  796. [21:37] Another one.
  798. It's plenty of spirit; plenty that he finds in the Drakanites all the time. He knows their people to be hardy and powerful- constantly seeking challenges, but.. facing off against a child went about just as expected.
  800. The sword cuts him, but surprisingly does very little - the ion barrier mitigates most of the blows, a superior defensive technique discovered by the Corporal.
  802. Where Caster seems to engage close, he's caught in the whirlpool of shredding wind- one that, luckily for him, doesn't injure him beyond forcing him to tumble and roll away on the ground.
  804. "I don't 'hate' you."
  806. "You're just a child. All of you are children, with something to prove."
  808. He paused; his eyes always quick with reflex, in case someone else tried to engage.
  810. "Though, I suppose after today we do share history."
  811. (Marcel Delisle)
  812. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  814. [21:37] The combination of her magics had seemingly placed Marcel into a completely different mode of fighting. He remained afar, waiting out and disenchanting the illusions that would come to pester his mind.
  816. Yet still, that did not prevent this from being a one-sided onslaught of battering winds that relentlessly knocked into her. Each gust, shifting and displacing her body until -
  818. The Corporal was right before her - and for a split second she got to stare into the man's eyes before being slammed into the ground.
  820. Blood squirted out from behind clenched teeth, as the girl's body came crippling down to the ground.
  822. "So I gue-" She coughed out bits of chunky blood.
  824. "Beating up kids is part of standing up for yourself..."
  826. As the paralysis on her body eased, she rose from the ground. Clenching onto her stomach. She could hear the pitter patter of her heart pounding on her eardrums. The slow groggy breathes and aches on every inch of her body.
  828. "None of us... Stood even the smallest of chances.."
  830. She admitted to Chaska, leaning on her friend for support.
  832. "We have to get everyone out of here before this turns even more dangerous... What happens when he beats us all? Do you think... He'll just leave?" She coughed another few times into her fist, exhaustion quickly creeping up on her.
  833. (Ariel Cirque)
  834. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  836. [21:40] Chaska sighed a bit as she held onto Ariel, keeping them both standing as they continued to watch on. "It seems that what say about Achyon is true.. To beat of children, a numerous amout of them, rather than leaving... He knew we had no chance, he's just making a morbid point..."
  838. Her eyes narrowed watching the Achyon corporal, knowing that they needed to seek treatment. "When this is over, you and Nilcov are coming with me to my friend... Understood? He will fix you both up to the best of his abilities."
  839. (Chaska Aevnass)
  840. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  842. [21:41] What did the fundamentals say about that giant wall of lacerating winds?
  844. Oh, nothing.
  846. "I hope we both walk away winners after -- AGH FUCK"
  848. Caster could do naught but hold up a defenseless arm to protect his face against the shredding gale that came down upon him in the blink of an eye.
  850. Saint Ryujin's mighty tits! This, this really fucking hurts!
  852. There was a really good chance if he were anything less than a pureblooded drakanite, he'd run the risk of losing an arm or a leg right then and there.
  854. Okay, focus, Caster...! Scorch Index: Overheat!
  856. With a swift flick of his wrist, his free hand scribed invisible runes in the air and rapidly heated up his foe's body temperature with the hopes it'll slow him down.
  858. "Yeap! Just a kid in this crazy world Oh fuck this really stings
  859. With that quip, hoping that his charismatic charm might deter Marcel from instantly dumpstering on the drakanite, Caster took rapid quick steps to close the distance between the two, only to --
  863. The furious vortex that extended from the corporal's body instantenously rendered Caster unable to fight. He collapsed to the ground -- defeated.
  865. "Maybe...Maybe I can work with what I have so...far."
  867. Thud.
  868. (Caster)
  869. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  871. [21:44] She glanced to the side as Chaska offered her assistance in getting their injuries looked at. Yet with each passing second Ariel felt worse, her tender growing darker in colour as several bruises were beginning to worsen.
  873. "Uhh…"
  875. She slid an open hand over them... Hissing when too much pressure was applied by herself.
  877. "Eztli are you o-okay?" She nervously chipped towards the boy.
  879. "Do you need a doctor?"
  880. (Ariel Cirque)
  881. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  883. [21:44] Krom reached up for the aqueous construct atop his head - And though his entire body he felt not fear but hesitation. His eye- His family- Krom had every reason to start running at Marcel. But what if he lost his other eye? What if- It came back to him and his family?
  885. When Fran was kicked down, everything in Krom's body seized up - And only when Caster charged forth did Krom find himself renewed with that same sense of righteous fury.
  887. "You bastard!! You're not a soldier, you're a bully! A monster!" The blue-haired youth reached up and placed his water-octopus behind his head and threw it as hard as he could at Marcel.
  889. He wanted it to either:
  890. A. Stick onto his face and give Krom a few hits.. or-
  891. B. Force him to blow it out of the air, letting Krom get close.
  893. "I have every reason to run you down! Nothing to prove- But everything to gain!" The one-eyed youth sought not to avenge his friends, but dump his built fury for Achyon into this one man.
  895. Even though he wasn't the one who took his eye- Krom couldn't see reason.
  896. (Krom Valadez)
  897. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  899. [21:47] A smile.
  901. Something about Caster was amusing- the way of talking, and the way he carried himself lightly... even a jaded Corporal, one that experienced heartache and betrayals far too many times, still could smile at that.
  903. "Hah."
  905. "I like this one... amusing, at least."
  907. But.. that smile quickly disappears when he gazes at Krom; his childish ideals were something that didn't quite amuse him in the slightest- but he understands.
  909. Even if Krom does not yet.
  911. "Not this again.." A sigh, and the lightning gathers with the winds once more.
  913. "Once you'll learn about the world more, once you grow up - you'll realize just how generous all of this is to you all."
  915. It's not like Marcel never had this feeling- as a member of Achyon, he was treated much harsher, even back when he was still a child. There were constant attempts to kill him, to maim him..
  917. This? This is nothing.
  918. (Marcel Delisle)
  919. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  921. [21:49] "Krom! Get back!"
  923. It was her turn.
  925. As Krom falls, she advances. Bringing her arm back, to wind it up, the Soleis lets out a shout- one filled with vigor as sparks began to course along her body- coating her in a sheen of static power as the silver staff rested in her hands.
  927. "Get. AWAY from him! I'm not afraid of you. I never will be. I'm just a hammer..
  929. ... AND YOU'RE A NAIL!"
  931. Then, she threw her arm forward along with the staff, surging forth with the speed of a lightning bolt. Even so, it was likely that Marcel's lightning far outclassed her own, but she'd charge forward regardless to attack him.
  933. Her attacks were recklessly aggressive, trying to allow the blue-haired magi time to escape.
  934. (Elise Soleis)
  935. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  937. [21:54] Heroes.
  939. They always act this way, based on childish ideas- they always seem to be children too, right until they're forced to grow up; among them, Krom is the very thing that embodies such. Filled with rage for injustice of the world, he couldn't see reason..
  941. Maybe in time he will. Maybe not.
  942. Until then..
  944. "Really?"
  946. The energy magic keeps him pressured, but this is far from enough- for all intents and purposes, it's merely a nuisance to him, at most; though, where the lightning and wind magic alike strike him, there's one miscalculation..
  948. Krom ends up too close.
  949. He's grabbed by the throat, and follows similar fate..
  950. Choke-slammed into the ground.
  951. The difference?
  952. He doesn't let go.
  954. Incapacitated Krom is lifted by the grip over his throat. The Corporal stares at him for a bit, only to note Elise's voice- just as he was about to release him, he squints.
  956. "Oh? We're playing villains and heroes now?"
  958. The grip over Krom's throat doesn't let go; instead, the Corporal still holds him- he can handle this fight even with one hand. Though, her statement is rather amusing... just like them, she's a 'hero' archetype; one that will inevitably be forced to grow up.
  960. "Oh, honey, you're not a hammer.."
  962. "You're a whole tool."
  964. She wants this clash, and she'll have it.
  965. (Marcel Delisle)
  966. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  968. [22:01] As numb as her face might've been? Nothing stops her from noticing that death grip that Marcel has on Krom's throat. Why didn't he let go? Of all the people not to let go, it's Krom.
  970. Despite everything she'd just dealt with, that's what truly made her pulse suddenly spike. "K-... Krom! Hey! Put him down!" She already fought, sure, but if he had any wise ideas? She'd do everything in her power to gnaw at the man's ankles. But maybe Elise could do something-?
  972. No, of course not. They were all children.
  974. Staggering a little closer, a pulse of electricity thrummed around her balled up fist. She was ready to do something-- anything.
  976. "Don't-... Don't you dare hurt him..." A venomless threat, given her current standing.
  977. (Fran)
  978. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  980. [22:03] One by one.
  981. They all fell.
  982. Not a single one close to inching their way to victory.
  984. None of them were able to stop the monstrous strength that presented itself with the Corporal's attacks. Each of his strikes decisive and brutal, with no restraints latched onto each the onslaught of magic that he weaved forward.
  986. Yet the situation was now dire, in the man's clutches was innocent Krom.
  988. His throat mercilessly clung onto by the Corporal!
  990. "Let him GO!"
  992. She exclaimed, yet as a quick movement was made to grab her staff, an excruciating pain fizzled its way through her body.
  994. There was simply no fight left in her - there was nothing she could do.
  995. (Ariel Cirque)
  996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  998. [22:04] Krom? A hero? Maybe in some definition of the word - Maybe even in the future. In that moment, there was anger and aggression. It was all he could feel when he ran down Marcel. Even when lightning hit his body and came out the other side - Even as razor sharp winds caused his entire person to crumple and hit the ground.
  1000. Even as Krom threw away every instinct to flee and gain distance to avoid being locked up - It isn't enough. As forceful energy dazes Marcel for an instant - None of it is ever close to enough. He's lightyears from closing the distance.
  1002. Lightyears.
  1004. When Krom is taken by the throat and slammed into the ground, the air leaves his lungs and he's more blue than he's ever been in his entire life. As he's picked up, Krom never once looks away. Those cerulean eyes of his glare back down at Marcel while he fought Elise the entire time.
  1006. They hadn't picked a fight with some random, wannabe soldier of Achyon. They'd picked a fight with a tried and true warrior who'd long since cemented his worth in their ranks.
  1008. "D-Damn.. Y-You.." Krom coughs out his last breath, beginning to lose out on oxygen in that moment. The youth continued to stare. To lose consciousness or lose sight of Marcel's face in that moment would be shameful.
  1009. (Krom Valadez)
  1010. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1012. [22:05] All beaten, all hurt. And the new-guy Krom was at Marcel's mercy. Things were bleak, dire. Just how were they going to get out of this situation?
  1014. All over his body the cuts bled, numerous in volume. But despite that, he didn't back down. He couldn't.
  1016. "Release him!" He shouts.
  1018. "You've made your point. You're superior to all of us combined... for the moment,"
  1020. He steps forth, snarling like a beast.
  1022. "There's nothing to be gained from this... not for you,"
  1023. (Eztli Meztin)
  1024. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1026. [22:05] Violet Vartuul says, "..."
  1027. [22:06] "Damn of all people..." Caster had regained his senses, but the wounds stung all over. Maybe sting was underestimating it; it felt like every open cut was windbitten and throbbing with little knives stabbing into his skin.
  1029. "It has to be one of our crew."
  1031. The drakan, forced to kneel to recuperate, pops open his tome. None of the runes were illuminated that dull blue from before, signaling that the magic needs to be recharged once more.
  1033. With a huff, he returns the tome where it belonged and used his blade to pick himself back to his feet.
  1035. "Hey, let's all relax here..." he cautioned a step forward. "Listen, you said we have history now right? How about I start cashing in favors right now and all I ask is that you just get my friend back to us safely...?"
  1036. (Caster)
  1037. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1039. [22:07] What the heck were they saying? Were they flirting with each other or something? Yoshi couldn't believe this was happening. What did Marcel mean by she was a while tool? Was that even supposed to mean something at all? The area around him growing rather cold while he clenched his fists. Maybe he too was an idiot as well. Looks like it was gonna be one of them days. Though he's never really fought before let alone spar.
  1041. "Hey look don't be mad with me okay?"
  1043. The kid just smiled softly, raising up his fists. He still wanted to try to sell things to him later. Hopefully it doesn't fringe his business with Marcel. After all he was still looking for an item. Yoshi got to do what he's got to do after all though he did have pretty much the same magic as his adopted mother which was really a coincidence.
  1045. "Mister if you let the guy go I'll give you sap and fairy powder! He must be alive though."
  1048. (Yoshi Winters)
  1049. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1051. [22:07] Bravery.
  1053. A concept he's all too familiar with- but a concept that he knows must be tempered with humility; or else, her pride would get the best of her. For as much as she fights valiantly, for someone of her age and skill..
  1055. It isn't enough to truly hurt him.
  1057. Mild burns of lightning mar his skin, but other than cosmetic, superficial injury, it brings nothing- she, on the other hand, was made to suffer plenty.
  1059. With vicious winds and lightning alike.
  1061. The final strike puts an end to it, and Elise is blown away. There's curiosity in his gaze- for as much as she knew she'd likely get injured, she charged in to save her comrade.
  1063. This reminds him of himself..
  1064. But he learned a different lesson as well.
  1065. One of humility.
  1067. "You have a soldier's heart, girl."
  1069. "Bravery is an admirable trait. It can, however, get you or your allies killed - should you fail to learn humility, one day your pride can be responsible for someone's death."
  1071. He inches closer; the countless words of everyone else, and struggles of Krom.. they're entirely shut out.
  1073. Nobody else mattered right now.
  1074. Nothing else mattered.
  1076. "Are you humble enough? Can you sacrifice your pride for the sake of another?" He pauses.
  1078. "Take a knee. Apologize for you and all of your friends attacking me - and I'll let him go."
  1079. (Marcel Delisle)
  1080. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1082. [22:08] Eztli grimaces, what a horrible. Disgusting demand.
  1084. Those who kneel must serve as slaves. A dignified warrior does not bow their head.
  1086. Such was the teachings of his tribe.
  1088. He had to look away from the shameful display.
  1089. (Eztli Meztin)
  1090. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1092. [22:08] * You have been awarded 5 Roleplay Points! *
  1093. [22:15] All of the speed and power in the world didn't make up for her recklessness. An inner light guides her hand, welling up inside her as she draws upon it. It's even seen within her casting, but it manifests as nothing more than glints of golden light at her fingertips.
  1095. She is a Soleis. She is the child of the greatest warriors in the First Light.. Of Lightbringers and Paladins. Of those who did battle with Witches and the most wicked creatures on the continent..
  1097. Here she was, defeated by a soldier from an opposing side where her grandfather would have been able to effortlessly defeat a witch with a hand tied behind his back.
  1099. She was too untamed and reckless, and as she pants for air, gasping to catch her breath, her body feels frayed and burnt from the man's superior lightning magic. Her grip on the staff is loosened as it clatters onto the cobblestone ground, now face to face with the man.
  1101. She wanted to strike once more. But this situation is dire.. As her body feels like it's on fire, she glances around with fear.
  1103. I have little time to make this decision. If I struck him down now, I could finish it all..
  1105. .. But it would not assure Krom's safety.
  1107. The thoughts of the inner hero that Elise believed herself to be.
  1109. A complete lie. She falls to her knees, from weakness and giving into his demand. The wind surrounding her body expels at once, weakly, brushing nothing more than a light breeze past everyone as she stood in the center of it all, with the injured Krom still being held by Marcel.
  1111. "Let go of him. Please."
  1113. Her skin was covered in dirt, in grime as she was virtually thrown everywhere through the forest and quarry in their short battle. So brave had she been, now reduced to begging.
  1115. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We're sorry for attacking you."
  1116. (Elise Soleis)
  1117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1119. [22:19] Violet watched, as each of them in turn jumped at Marcel after her initial display. She commended their bravery, in silence naturally, but this display, from Elise?
  1121. As she dropped to her knees?
  1123. The Vartuul looked away. There was a clear judgment in her gaze and her body language. Leathery wings tucked in tight and close against her back. Violet offered a heavy exhale of breath before she shook her head. Embarrassing.
  1125. Why would one kneel for another's sake? She didn't understand.
  1126. (Violet Vartuul)
  1127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1129. [22:20] Eztli winces, a sick feeling pooling up in his stomach.
  1131. He felt bad for her in that moment, pure pity for someone forced into such a situation. He couldn't be angry with her, he couldn't even begrudge her - as if he were in her shoes, could he honestly say he wouldn't do the same?
  1133. Even if his pride depended on it. Life, pure and treasured. Was so much more...
  1135. The small Ookami could do little but glare daggers at the man forcing Elise into such a predicament.
  1137. "You have no shame,"
  1139. He spits on the ground.
  1140. (Eztli Meztin)
  1141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143. [22:20] In that valiant attempt of hers to get a little closer to maybe throwing a second punch, she crumples, falling to one of her knees with a heavy thud. With Marcel's simple demand made, Fran's eyes widened a little. That was it? Such a simple demand was all it took for her friend to be set free.
  1145. "...Does pride really mean that much to people? So much they'd let another die?" Fran thought aloud, her brows furrowing at the very thought of Elise or anyone at all turning such an offer down. To her, it seemed trivial. Pride meant absolutely nothing when it came to the life of another.
  1147. That's exactly why her next words went unhindered.
  1149. "We're-... sorry. Maybe I can't speak for everybody here, but I never had a point to prove. I just-... wanted to try and stop my friends from getting hurt. That's all." She snivels-- not because she's in tears, but because the blood still trickled from her busted nose.
  1150. (Fran)
  1151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1153. [22:24] She watched Marcel give his simple request as payment for the release of Krom. The discardment of one's pride in order to save another. Yet still - even as the others spoke out of the shame of kneels Ariel couldn't resist but to agree with Elise' decision.
  1155. She didn't really have a choice in the matter.
  1157. If she was to allow herself to fall victim to her own pride - Krom would be a goner. Taken, tortured and treated as a second hand citizen by the hands of Achyon.
  1159. Could anyone allow such a fate to befall their friend?
  1161. The apology stirred bitter anger within her blood, as clenched fists watched.
  1163. "She had no choice..."
  1165. Ariel whispered under breathe, glancing at each member of her crew.
  1167. "I would have done the same to save one of you..."
  1169. She would offer them a smile, but this was not the time.
  1170. (Ariel Cirque)
  1171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1173. [22:24] This isn't a question of dignity, or pride.
  1175. This is a question of how much she can sacrifice for others. Marcel made his sacrifices for the people of Achyon many times- be it his own health, safety, pride, or many other things. In a sense, it's a test..
  1177. To see if she's worth anything at all.
  1179. As he watches her kneel before him and speak these words, there is no condescending gaze falling upon her- there is no mockery, no taunt spoken by the Corporal.
  1181. If anything, he respects this.
  1183. "A soldier that does not their best, including sacrifices, to protect another is no soldier at all."
  1185. He praises no spirits; he doesn't believe in the matter of pride, as if it would matter in any possible way at all- dignity, however, is an entirely different thing. In his eyes, kneeling to save a comrade..
  1187. That's not wrong at all. That's dignifying.
  1189. "Your apology is accepted."
  1191. Krom is steadily lowered on the ground- until he can settle on his feet, or until he can take a seat. The Corporal's ion barrier diminishes at last, and the uncanny gaze of Delisle returns to her.
  1193. "You are a soldier."
  1195. "You will protect another, even if it means a sacrifice to you. You will give up something, so that your comrade can be safe." It almost sounds like he admires her. Despite her less than impressive performance in battle, there's respect to be had in this.
  1197. "I respect that." A single glance is given to Krom, before his sights turn towards Elise once more.
  1199. "You and I are not so different."
  1201. "We are both soldiers. We both would sacrifice much for our comrades, our homeland - whatever it takes to see them back home, safe and sound."
  1203. "Except, we're on opposite sides."
  1205. The taunting comments in the back, the judging gazes?
  1207. "Do not listen to them."
  1209. "Stick true to your ideals and your people. Pride is worthless when you have nothing but pride alone."
  1211. Neither Moxtli nor Fireblooded were doing fine. He knows that much...
  1213. Unless more is said, the Corporal slings his rifle over his shoulder once more. A soft exhale, and he seemingly begins to head out elsewhere.
  1215. Unless one aims to stop him.
  1216. (Marcel Delisle)
  1217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1219. [22:25] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  1220. [22:26] Ariel Cirque whispers something.
  1221. [22:26] Caster doubled back -- slowly. Exhaling a breath just as quickly. His eyes trained themselves on Krom, then sidelong at Elise's kneeling. There was only relief.
  1223. The drakan found respite beside Fran, who'd likely share in his feelings.
  1225. He made sure not to do anything rash, for Krom and Elise's safety both. But the very least he did share some words with his felinae friend.
  1227. "Let's relax. Once he leaves, we can take Krom to your place since it's closer."
  1229. Upon that suggestion, he joined Elise in a show of solidarity. He didn't get a chance before, but now that he was closer, Caster carefully studied Marcel's face to remember him.
  1231. Not out of malice or for want of revenge, but to keep mental note to himself.
  1233. "Don't know if you care, but know we're gonna keep what happened tonight between us, alright?"
  1235. He uttered a silent word of thanks for her compliance. It'd be a shame to lose someone like Krom so quickly. Not after their friendship had just begun.
  1237. Cautiously, he stepped forward to retrieve Krom off the ground and gave him a gentle pat on the back, whispering while he was at it,
  1239. "On Ryujin, you look and smell like shit."
  1240. (Caster)
  1241. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1243. [22:26] Chaska Aevnass whispers something.
  1244. [22:29] Watches as the Achyon started to float away. His attention turning towards the others.
  1246. "Maybe NEXT time you will listen to me!? A person got hurt and another almost died. BUT NOOO!!! You guys wouldn't listen to me at all!!"
  1247. (Yoshi Winters)
  1248. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1250. [22:30] Eztli Meztin says, "Shut up, coward."
  1251. [22:30] Yoshi Winters exclaims, "I'm not a coward!"
  1252. [22:30] Caster says, "Enough of that."
  1253. [22:30] Caster says, "Let's just fade away, guys."
  1254. [22:30] Yoshi Winters exclaims, "You mangy dog!"
  1255. [22:30] Eztli Meztin says, "If we all weren't injured."
  1256. [22:30] Eztli Meztin says, "I've shave your head."
  1257. [22:30] Eztli Meztin says, "And dunk you in the cean."
  1258. [22:30] Yoshi Winters says, "Yeah right."
  1259. [22:30] Yoshi Winters asks, "Wait whats a cean?"
  1260. [22:31] Krom is slowly brought to the ground as his vision started to get blurry. The youth's feet hit the ground but there is next to no strength in his knees or legs to stand upon. As Elise, a true noble, did the almost unthinkable and swallowed every drop of pride - Krom is freed.
  1262. He falls backwards towards the ground only to be scooped up by Caster in that moment. He'd gone and given his all- Not that he had words to pass to Marcel- And paid the price. Perhaps there was a greater lesson to be learned today. Would he pick up on that? Or linger on festering wounds and malice?
  1264. For now, he was unconscious and once again breathing. The skin slowly returns to his cheeks and face as a whole. Words- All of them- Fall on unconscious ears. He moves wherever Caster carries him.
  1265. (Krom Valadez)
  1266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1268. [22:33] Eztli holds his sides, staggering in place as he looks at the group. Ignoring Yoshi from the point on lest he fly on the rails and attack him in frustration.
  1270. "It was... nice meeting you all. Please get healed. Perhaps we can talk again when there aren't... any Cogs present,"
  1272. What a day this had turned out to be. As for him, he'd make his way back to the tribes. He needed a nice, long nap.
  1273. (Eztli Meztin)
  1274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1276. [22:36] It was easy to pick up Krom piggy-back style. The unconscious magi weighed like a sack of grapes to him. But in actuality it was like, a lot of grapes. An 'x' amount of pounds which grapes would be equal to.
  1278. Or something.
  1280. "Likewise? I think the circumstances could've been better, but I think we're closer now for it."
  1282. He readjusts his grip on Krom and gives Eztli a slow nod of his head.
  1284. "Until we meet again. Or until we're both students."
  1286. Before leaving, Caster waited for both his companions to do their thang.
  1287. (Caster)
  1288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290. [22:36] Elijah II says, "...Shit."
  1291. [22:36] "Regardless of what we should and shouldn't have done, it's-... over now, alright? We stood up to keep everybody safe. We shouldn't undo that." But that's all she'd say on the matter, because if heads were to be shaved, then they'd be shaved whether she liked it or not.
  1293. Her concerns lied elsewhere.
  1295. Picking herself up, she staggered over to Krom, a look of concern quick to twist upon her face. He was still out like a light.
  1297. "Elise-..." She pipes up, knowing fully well the girl's already likely well ahead of her. "Can you help me take him back to the clinic? I think we might all be due for a visit..." Again, with the remnants of blood still dripping from her nose, she snivels.
  1299. And then she turns, offering a slight little nod towards Eztli. "I think we'd like that. And-... maybe next time within the city walls, just so that doesn't happen again." With a sleeve, she rubs gingerly at her upper lip.
  1300. (Fran)
  1301. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303. [22:36] Some of Elise's hair almost seems to be fried-- smoky, in some ways, as she slowly brought herself to her feet. She glanced around for a few moments before breathing a sigh of relief as Marcel left.
  1305. ".. Well, we made him leave.."
  1307. At the cost of her integrity, most definitely, but if the reward was Krom returning to them unharmed then she'd see it as every way worth it. There's an uneasy gaze up to the stars themselves, regardless. Did her forebearers look upon this with shame, or with pride?
  1309. ".. Yes, I'd love to meet you under different.. circumstances," she breathed. Her voice itself felt raspy as she began to feel the full effects of the lightning once the lingering adrenaline had worn off..
  1311. A gaze is cast in Violet if only for a second- of concern, of worry, or something else before she'd return to her friends and Yoshi.
  1313. "It wasn't wise to fight, but I'mproud that we all did it together. But..
  1315. Perhaps we should pay a visit to the clinic..."
  1316. (Elise Soleis)
  1317. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319. [22:37] Elijah II says, "...Marcel came and beat up a bunch of kids, by the time I arrived."
  1320. [22:37] On the ground, leaning against a rock and under a puddle of blood there would be Nilcov, panting lightly, his wounds still gushing blood yet not as harsh as it did right after his clash. In his free hand, there would be a wooden bowl, Crimson Reed smelling smoke coming from it as he lightly breathed the aroma.
  1322. "It... it ain't gonna end here..." The boy mustered in weakened voice... a light, dizzy frown on his face persisted. "As how it neither began here..." He adds tossing burned bowl on it's side, his hand now grasping it's whip as he struggled to get himself up on his feet.
  1323. (Nilcov Donobame)
  1324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1326. [22:38] Yoshi wasn't the type to rush in like a wild animal. He simply folded his arms across his chest, glaring at the ookami. At first he thought he was cute until the brat started to call him a coward more than once.
  1328. "Just go back home, mutt."
  1330. Yeah that's all he had to say to him.
  1331. (Yoshi Winters)
  1332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1334. [22:38] Eztli Meztin says, "Mutt."
  1335. [22:38] Eztli Meztin says, "I'll remember that."
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