
Evemek: Partake of the Forbidden Fruit

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. A reawakening, dirt and dust and black rot sloughing off the being as she arose once more, her corpse nest all but rotten away, her gaze, those terrible yellow eyes watched, enough of darkness to bring her meals to her. Yokai that was forced to slit their own throats dripping ichor that the demonic butterfly so lovingly lapped up.
  3. Her gazee sharped, the bodies were consumed, strength returneed. A brief testing blackness lurking around Styn as she stretched all the muscles she had. Well what had happened in her absence..? Her heavy eyed wings flapped, lifting her off the ground gracefully as she took flight once more, ah the joys.
  5. This world doesn't change, never changes. Dull and boring. Very so.. Very much dull and boring.. She thought to herself, sensing one of her class, her gaze spotting the crippled Giga as she started to land, hovering but a foot off the ground. "Greetings.." She clacked her teeth off each other, saliva affording a cruel web between her sharp teeth, glistening on her black tongue. "Do forgive me, but what year is it? A slumber is most untrustworthy for the passage of time."
  6. (Styn)
  8. Zan looks to the flying creature... "i agree this world is dull but i tent to find entertainment in fighting people i encounter.... as you can see looks where its gotten me" motioning to his lack of a right arm and a left hand....
  10. "shameful on my part. but you a not a creature ive seen before. I am Karisa zan you?" zan attempts to talk in a civil manner as to avoid uhh lets say needless combat a the moment.
  11. (Karisa Zan)
  12. Quockly looks back to the human.. purify? tell me do you happen to not be a human of the light?.
  13. (Karisa Zan)
  15. There was a distinct pause...
  16. It seemed as though the beast believed that, even for a moment, that he was an exorcist. Though, such claim could be answered quite easily, granted repliance to the newly arrived yokai to-boot: Styn. Much smaller than most he's come across. Didn't it require Gigai class to communicate, period? If it was of such size, wouldn't it be a lesser or Megai by definition? It didn't meet the typical description of anything beyond a Mega Class... And certainly didn't boast a threatening stature akin to Elemental nor Kaor status...
  18. "Nine-hundred-fourty-seven." He answered to Styn's question, seemingly approaching the gargatuan insectoid only to pivot on his heels for a solid 90* turn for Karisa. An open palm festered a midnight fog from his flesh, conjuring from it solid mass: A modified glaive, four-bladed with the sole intent to maim and gouge-- All the while, radiant in the esoteric domain.
  20. An occultic weapon forced out of thin air? " Does I, look like a 'Human of the Light' to you?" He inquired with a solemn dip in tone, weapon pointed up for one's face in an aggressive front, easily capable of gnashing the serrated knives into Karisa's face given reason.
  21. Said reason, being whatever reply they could make up that succeeded in agitating him further. Though, such was not to say they were entirely useless... As they still outnumbered him should he had tried anything malign beyond rhetoric.
  22. (Evemek)
  24. Styn gave a small chuckle, the gaze, all four eyes focused on the idiotic giga and the glaive. Ah interesting. Her tongue tasted the air, a gob of acidic saliva hitting the grass below, black patches. "I have slumbered for a while then.. Ho-"
  26. Hold. She refocused, her gaze sharpening on the Giga. She asked telepathically, her voice shoved into skulls like glass into brains. Her teeth ground against each other, an angry unlocking of darkness, sickly to smell, sweet to taste. The prideful butterkai glare. "Needless to say I am better than you. I have not lost an arm or a leg like you have."
  27. (Styn)
  29. === Minor Time Skip ===
  31. In what seemed to be a heartbeat, Styn's matter of communication went from slightly unsettling to full throttle, in terms of discomfort. He was forced to an outright wince, clutching at his forehead and massaging at his temples to no avail. Every words and syllable it sounded was one more, too many. It had to come to an end...
  32. He had to -silence- her, and he would... Should the power invested in him, prove enough payment to bring cease to this malefic endeavor.
  34. The weapon within one's grasp was turned from Karisa to Styn, blades prongs radiant of a pungent black mist, pried together midst the four, acting as beacon pillars to the powers in flux. Soon enough, a black sphere within these metallic digits was forged with a tint of mauve. Though, before anyone was allowed to comment on the matter, it'd fire off with a vibrant flash of pseudo-light.
  36. A streak lavender screamed through the scene, enforcing the visual effect of refraction to the atmosphere in direct proximity. The ray, soared for Styn, aimed only inches away from where there head would lie-- An intentional miss: A warning shot. There was a distinct delay before the tail of this blast faded, only to remind those whom forgot its brief presence of its existence with a single blast of cannonade thundering across the prairies.
  38. A nearby mesa was unsettled, thanks to the penetrating blast, intended to skewer, if not scrape clean the existence of matter and flesh, assuming that of Styn's or any other, for that matter, got in the way.
  39. " ... I know fair enough of your race, to understand you can control that..." He claimed, "... Try that act again, and I won't miss next time..." It was perhaps, his first legitimate threat of lethality towards either of these yokai, but came with his own reasoning.
  40. (Evemek)
  41. Styn smirked, the overt display of magic merely infuriated her, eyes focused on Evemek, wing's grin widened, Styn's teeth clacked together once more, drips of saliva starting to swell. Man she was hungry.
  43. "Then I will thank you not to threaten me." She said softly, that leaking darkness wanting to get out, like a animal testing the limit's of it's cage, and each affront only caused it to grow flimsy. "This is most interesting infomation.. yes.. Hahaha.. perhaps.."
  45. Her tongue stuck out slightly, exposing the fluid sucking stringer at the end of the black flesh. I will indeed have fun. Her gaze focused on Evemek. "And for you what will you do? Will you help or hinder? Such things are important when you're one as us. I smell a type on you. I smell something.. This is most fun already."
  46. (Styn)
  47. [04:54:11] [ omitting knowledge of " 'Mormegil', 'Camp', 'Deadland Marsh qoute" ]
  49. The Karisa entity lacked much to say to Evemek, bearing no knowledge that managed to garner his interest-- Which came to include a name and title. It earned a sigh from his person, demanded to make an apology from a monster he'd expect to force him through suffering for the action. Perhaps, it was what he perceived to be softness badgering him? Or rather, the fact that he didn't care for anything that couldn't further enhance his person.
  51. Information? What was this beast talking about? He didn't say anything about... Anything... Perhaps, he was simply oblivious to a higher power making rhetoric beyond his sense of awareness?
  52. "For me?" He inquired, almost as though proded to offer his worth. "Help or hinder, what?" He asked of Styn, "What are you going on about..."
  53. (Evemek)
  55. Another knowing smirk, a mocking one or perhaps not so mocking. "Why, will you help or hinder the coming of this new era? Thirty years is a long time for nothing to happen."
  57. Styn chuckled softly, lifting herself up from the ground more, higher and higher she hovered. "Since.." She laughed. "Hah.. Most.. interesting.. Since you have such.. interesting abilities, will you help or hinder me?"
  58. (Styn)
  59. [06:45:07] Evemek: What exactly do you mean?
  60. [06:46:49] Styn: Tsk, it's up to you to find that out.
  61. [06:47:40] Evemek: ... And if I never find out of your motive, how could I ever aid you in it.
  62. [06:48:32] Styn: Simple, you be a simple human~
  64. [06:59:37] Something was.. different. Wrong. Weird. Another? Another form of evolution was upon the butterkai. Slowly darkness ebbed, a blackness surrounding her, cocooning her in a murky nothingness, a soft glow emitting from the black.
  66. Wings changed, the blob of darkness grew bigger, more and more surrounding Styn, growing before jutting, sickening sloshing noises emitting from the darkness cocoon. Noises inhuman, unworldly.
  68. CRACK.
  70. Light came from the cocoon, before from it burst Styn, a rush of wind swirling around her. a new form. The giga is now an Elemental. Teeth clinked against each other. A drastically lighter form to better contrast again the darkness. A gentle kind of laughter emitted from the newly evolved yokai.
  71. (Styn)
  72. Before one's very eyes, this Gigai had confirmed his assumption as to its form and stature-- Though, it was only temporal, for in the looming moments metamorphosis, from the overly sized butterfly to... The emergence wrought a lighter pallet of colour to their facade, enchanted by the everlasting gales of venturamancy.
  74. "Wha--..." He had never seen such before, with his own eyes. Only, had he read of it... Alas, he could bear witness to a yokai transformation, thanks to time's passing and accumulation rather than ravenous consumption.
  75. To say the least, he was surprised, caught off guard. " Is this.... I.... I see...." He took a single step back, if only in awe.
  76. " So, this is how you yokai get stronger. You transform in stages, abruptly. Now, I can understand why Eglencenin was so confident prior to his execution... He knew, fair and well that his transformation was at hand, but it leaves me with so many more questions."
  77. (Evemek)
  78. Her eyes golden as before glinted with wickedness as a flap of her wings manifested a small torado, trapping a flower and ripping it to shreds. Her gaze turned to Evemak. "Then ask them, since I have just transcended.. I may be in a charitiable mood."
  80. Teeth tingling, her tongue still black as night. "Ohhh~ Like limbs..~"
  81. (Styn)
  82. A newly evolve entity, before him lying in wait to answer his questions... Of all the answers it'd have... But how many would it relinquish unto that of what it condescended upon as naught but human?
  83. "You're a beast that hungers for the essence of the shadows. " He stated outright, " --And so, in being such... Consuming any matter fabricated or radiant of raw occult power boosts your own, yes?" He inquired of Styn.
  85. "... What about humans..." It was odd, why would he bring such up? Of course yokai consumed humans, and -not- just occultists, but any they were willing to consume. Which clearly implied that their hunger extended over to that of mana-based substance as well.
  86. "Can us humans, having been crafted by the same Kraus, and having been able to learn of the same artistry, consume presence of the shadows, and grow stronger for it?"
  88. With that question, he finally had purpose for what he stored away for so long. Within his inventory, stowed away in a pouch for years now. It was moreoff a prize, a memory... It was his way of recollecting the vague images of the past; Such, was a gateway to recalling the dawn of his descent into darkness. A Darkness Elemental Orb, earned in the loot of the very same quest that enforced the Vengeance curse upon him. He toiled at it within his left hand, observing it with a curiosity that'd never be sated with just feeling its sleek marblescent form.
  90. " Has there ever been a case, of a human consuming such presence, and surviving?" He went onwards to prod, "... Is it possible, for a human, to truly master the occult, just as a yokai can master an element."
  91. The elemental orb, rather than gawked upon for its potential use in enchanting a weapon, watered his mouth. This hunger for the shadows, was for a sole, absolute purpose: Power. It was all that mattered.
  93. With power, came influence, and with influence... He could bring about change as he preached to his mentor.
  94. (Evemek)
  96. A smirk, a pondering look crossed the recently evolved yokai as she gave a soft thinking noise. Hmm.. "In all my years I must say I have not heard of one that consumes as yokai do. I know of a clan that consumes utterly to rejuvenate themselves but you don't strike me as one of those." A flap of her wing and cuts from wind appeared in stone.
  98. She was still getting used to this. "However we are not crafted in the same way, but.. I dare say you most certainly can try. If you die then the simple answer is no, if you live.." A glint crossed her eyes.
  100. "Then perhaps we can see how far this can go, how strong one can be, how much occult a body can handle."
  101. (Styn)
  103. Well, he had no reason to delay any further... The forbidden fruit was to be bitten into-- Or in this case, the elemental orb, swallowed whole. Perhaps, if he partook of this, he too could garner power superior to that of his former self.
  105. The reflective ball was pushed betwixt parting maws, soon gnawed upon by teeth that failed to pierce the hardy exterior-- The consistency of solid glass prevented him from chewing; It'd make the endeavor much more difficult, but he wouldn't give in.
  107. He worked hard to get the item in itself, and thus, he was going to see its magic at-works... Even if, he'd suffer some bit in the process. Alas, a tenacious child had managed to slip it down into his throat, only to comedically gag and stumble about. He was choking, yet, refused to let the sphere up. He had to keep going, even as he fell to his back, writhing in agony.
  109. A loud gulp... and it was down... A gasp for breath, and one was set for relief that death did not come with something as silly as swallowing an elemental orb. Heavy panting and waiting... But to one's surprise, no immediate result transformed his person as he'd wish it so.
  110. (Evemek)
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