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Jan 24th, 2017
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  1. [8:23:34 AM] L0rd_Bulldog: what do you want 2 cause more trouble
  2. [8:30:52 AM] L0rd_Bulldog: well why did u add me
  3. [8:41:08 AM] L0rd_Bulldog: we both know the personal reasons why hes banned me from everything sumies and its bullshit what happened was b4 you and him and him holding a grudge is childish
  4. [1:59:32 PM] Sumies Pahkina: u were banned cause of the blackmailing.
  5. [2:00:35 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: ididnt fucking blackmail anyone i aint even been around or on the servers for 3 month and even kookos said i didnt break any hydrox rules he banned me for personal reasons
  6. [2:02:10 PM] Sumies Pahkina: this was when u joined marcus with themu. which got themu banned u then threatened kookos to expose my pic. u sent him pics claiming they were me when clearly only one of them was
  7. [2:02:37 PM] Sumies Pahkina: u even told connor about the blackmail
  8. [2:03:35 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: i never told connor fucking anything i asked him to get kookos 2 message me too find out what was going on and he got fucking cheeky so what happend with me and connor has fuck all todo with hydrox so i duno why you were talking about it in staff chat
  9. [2:04:33 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: and hold on a min after me and kookos spoke he said i wasnt getting banned as i broke no rules but then all of a sudden 2 days ago i get a perm ban
  10. [2:06:30 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: haha fucking lil grass asks me whats up with me and and tells me its between me and him then runs his mouth eh
  11. [2:06:50 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i have a doctors apt i need to go to. i will be back in a an hr or so.
  12. [2:07:01 PM] Sumies Pahkina: then we will talk about this more
  13. [2:07:18 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: dont see wtf what me and him said had anything todo with hydrox and why it was discussed in the staff chat
  14. [2:07:34 PM] Sumies Pahkina: it wasnt talked about in staff chat
  15. [2:07:38 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yes it was
  16. [2:07:42 PM] Sumies Pahkina: nope
  17. [2:07:54 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yes it was even ine of your own fucking staff members told me
  18. [2:08:08 PM] Sumies Pahkina: only people who know are me kookos and now dino cause u pulled him into it
  19. [2:09:00 PM | Edited 2:09:08 PM] Sumies Pahkina: u think i would tell them about this? hell no. anyway im running late i gotta go. we can talk more when i get back.
  20. [2:10:27 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: bullshit i was mentioned in fucking staff chat one of your hgh ranking staff even told me
  21. [2:11:59 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: i even have a screenshot of kookos admiting he banned me for personal reasons and i will be contacting paypal as i have been told as it was personal reasons he banned me its no allowed soill be requesting my $87 back
  22. [2:12:44 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: Couldn't say, I think all staff who we thought were jumping ship were removed from the site. I did just get a message in one of the staff chats regarding you and someone else. Which is being looked into
  23. [2:13:45 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: so why the fuck what was said between me and connor on skype being looked into by hydrox staff when it had nothing todo with you's
  24. [2:19:34 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: and yea i already know what your terms and conditions says and i have been informed who knows then inside and out that theres certain things it doesnt cover so we will see what enjin and paypal say because if he thinks its ok to ban sumone for personal reasons and stop there access too things they have bought with there real money he is wrong as you can see he has admited i didnt break any rules and iwad banned for personal reasons
  25. [6:00:28 PM] Sumies Pahkina: ok well good luck with that. the other thing about staff chat the only thing said was connor needed to speak to me. if it didnt concern him why did u pull him into it? u seem to be pulling alot of people into then claiming it doesnt concern them. also u do know its against the law to make these kinda threats on the internet ? i have a screen shot of u clearly threating to leak personal photos. i could easly make a report against you.
  26. [6:03:02 PM] Sumies Pahkina: this whole time ur swearing up and down that kookos banned you. thats funny cause i am the one who did. for threatening to expose personal info and pictures. so i will also be handing this over to paypal so they know kookos wasnt the one who banned you i was and it was for making threats against me.
  27. [7:32:03 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: but yet clearly you can see he said he banned me
  28. [7:32:21 PM] Sumies Pahkina: yes I see that
  29. [7:36:57 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: at the end of the day not my problem kookos is pissed people.had a laugh nd shit with ya b4 u nd him were a thing he said i needed 2 fucking grow up he does more lyk i hadnt wven been on the servers or anything came on ts for 10 mins and said hi 2 people then went too bed then the next day found out i was banned this whole banned for blackmailijg is bullshit if that was the ccase kookos would of banned me then and there but he didnt you decided to ban me the other day for nothing and ull find the threat wasnt made till after i was banned because all of a sudden i was banned when i aint even be around but then you got kookos holding grudges for ages ago and making shit personal if he wants 2 make shit personal 2 can do that
  30. [7:39:32 PM] Sumies Pahkina: I wanted u banned then. I was mad he gave in to ur demands about and even more mad that u would stoop to that lvl to get your way. it is very childish. I still have pics of you but u don't see me threatening to release them to get u to stop. I feel the whole thing is childish on your part. and u should of never have done it.
  31. [7:45:11 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea well he said shit back then he shouldnt of said aswell he can give it but not take it eh
  32. [7:46:47 PM] Sumies Pahkina: why would u even do that? like wtf. it was a low move on ur end.
  33. [7:49:49 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: cudnt give a fuck he got personal back then with me so i got personal he wants to get personal again with me fair enough i will get personal i dont need fucking pics witch i dont even have anymore to get personal with him i aint the fucking virgin that spent server money on buying a fucking girl over the internet computer upgrades
  34. [7:50:52 PM] Sumies Pahkina: hah. that's funny cause he didn't buy them. I saved up and got them myself. kookos has only ever gave me skins in csgo and even then there still his he can have them back at anytime.
  35. [7:51:06 PM] Sumies Pahkina: I refuse to accept any money from him. I don't need it.
  36. [7:52:21 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i had been saving to upgrade my computer long before i got with kookos. i had finaly had enough to upgrade. i am currently saving again to get a graphics card
  37. [7:52:51 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: bullshit coz i have a screenshot on my laptop of him admitting too sumone he borrowed the mkney for that reason and he was paying it back and dont forget sumies 2 weeks leading upto you got the upgrades you were always complainging that your pc needed upgradig and u cudnt afford it
  38. [7:53:26 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i couldn't afford it in one go. kookos never bought them for me. i got them myself.
  39. [7:53:36 PM] Sumies Pahkina: who ever is telling u that is lieing.
  40. [7:54:04 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: not what he said back then and no1 told me iwas in the convo when he said it
  41. [7:54:13 PM] Sumies Pahkina: I'm guessing its marcus. cause he has said that before.
  42. [7:54:35 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: no i was accualy in the convo when kookos said it himself
  43. [7:54:35 PM] Sumies Pahkina: kookos did not buy my computer upgrades. i bought them myself
  44. [7:54:47 PM] Sumies Pahkina: he did offer to. but i refused
  45. [7:54:57 PM] Sumies Pahkina: cause i was already saving up for them
  46. [7:55:02 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: but yet he told peoplemhe bought eh
  47. [7:55:09 PM] Sumies Pahkina: he never said that
  48. [7:55:56 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: he fucking did sumies i have the screen shot on my laptop sunwere of him saying it himself on his skype account in a convo
  49. [7:56:09 PM] Sumies Pahkina: frankly I'm a bit pissed off about this. i bought my own damn pc parts. i saved for 3 months to be able to
  50. [7:56:48 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i have never accepted money from kookos. and i never will. cause I'm not that kind of person. I'm not a charity case
  51. [7:57:06 PM] Sumies Pahkina: yes i am poor and it sucks but i don't need hand outs. i make due on my own
  52. [7:57:44 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: but yet hes always used 2 say he helped you out and shit
  53. [7:58:14 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said he has offered and has tried to. but i refuse everytime
  54. [7:59:27 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: why you think most people back then went wierd with you coz the way we seen it coz what he was saying came acroos like you were getting shit from him for being a staff memeber and then you 2 got togeather and shit started happening
  55. [7:59:55 PM] Sumies Pahkina: everyone seems fine with me.
  56. [8:00:12 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea now im on about back then
  57. [8:00:28 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i have had to fight this a lot tho. people keep thinking cause he is the owner he is giving me money but like i said i refuse to accept any
  58. [8:01:32 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: here at the end of they day he got personal so i got personal dofference is he didnt lyk it when he got it back and now once again he decided to tell me its personal again so if he wants 2 get personal again so will i
  59. [8:03:02 PM | Edited 8:03:34 PM] Sumies Pahkina: well it is illegal and if u do leak my photo i will contact the police for internet privacy violation. and if for some reason that goes no where. then i will do it back to u.
  60. [8:03:40 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: did i even mention fucking photos there no
  61. [8:03:49 PM] Sumies Pahkina: I'm just saying
  62. [8:04:09 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: didi mention any photos there no i didnt
  63. [8:04:10 PM] Sumies Pahkina: if u do go to that length over this petty fight ur having then i will take actions.
  64. [8:04:20 PM] Sumies Pahkina: all I'm saying is if u do
  65. [8:04:35 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: at what point there did isay i was coming for u have u made shit personal no
  66. [8:04:39 PM] Sumies Pahkina: the other shit i don't care about. u want to try and get ur money back go for it
  67. [8:04:57 PM] Sumies Pahkina: that part doesn't concern me
  68. [8:05:13 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: so why the fuck u even messaging me and bringing shit up from last year
  69. [8:06:12 PM] Sumies Pahkina: cause u recently said it to connor
  70. [8:08:47 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: did i fucking realy think ull find the fucking screenshot connor fucjing took was off back then just coz he took a screen shot the other day just coz marcus's server didnt work out and hes trying to get back in with hydrox so hes trying too get on ya good side coz his staff didnt eork out on marcus's server
  71. [8:09:09 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: does mean i fucking said it recently
  72. [8:09:37 PM] Sumies Pahkina: i had him copy paste it
  73. [8:10:02 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: okay then if ya say so
  74. [8:10:23 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: why the fuck wpuld i message connor about it when it had fuckall todo with him
  75. [8:10:56 PM] Sumies Pahkina: all i care about is that your not gonna go that route to get back at kookos. cause that effects me too. i have a teen daughter who doesn't need to see that shit.
  76. [8:11:40 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: what you think i need to go that route too get at him ha okay then
  77. [8:12:01 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said that is all i care about.
  78. [8:12:20 PM] Sumies Pahkina: u want to try to charge back be my guest. that doesn't concern me
  79. [8:13:19 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: there is no trying about it i have already been told by sumone that i can charge back and win the case since he admited it was personal and i brokeno rules
  80. [8:14:08 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: i wouldnt of won the case if he didnt decide 2 admit it was personal
  81. [8:15:12 PM] Sumies Pahkina: so u already won it or u mean ur gonna ?
  82. [8:15:25 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: i will
  83. [8:15:32 PM] Sumies Pahkina: ah
  84. [8:16:09 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: see kookos forgets im not the first person hes banned for personal reasons and hes lost b4 because of it
  85. [8:16:42 PM] Sumies Pahkina: meh its not that much money really. i dought its gonna hurt anything
  86. [8:17:07 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: oh wait yous think im the only one thats doing it ha thats cute
  87. [8:18:45 PM] Sumies Pahkina: well considering everyone else has returned to hydrox i wouldn't think there was anyone else
  88. [8:19:19 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea theres others and trust me one is alot more than my $87
  89. [8:19:39 PM] Sumies Pahkina: well we will just have to wait and see. frankly I'm not worried
  90. [8:21:00 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: well i would considering were all doing it for simular reason coz kookos likes 2 get personal and best of off were getting our advice from sumone that knows the t&c inside and out
  91. [8:36:25 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: shit if we wert garenteed too win our cases we would just wait till lookos went away because then who would deal with it
  92. [8:36:48 PM] Sumies Pahkina: he isn't going away again
  93. [8:37:07 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea he will be he has a duty too join the forces
  94. [8:37:22 PM] Sumies Pahkina: ya but he got it extended for 2 years
  95. [8:37:55 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea right by law he needs too join when he hits the age no execptions
  96. [8:38:15 PM] Sumies Pahkina: mope he has 2 years till he has to go back again
  97. [8:38:18 PM] Sumies Pahkina: nope*
  98. [8:38:29 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: if you say so
  99. [8:38:48 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: makes no difference 2 us we know were guna win our cases
  100. [8:39:01 PM] Sumies Pahkina: plus he had internet acess when he was there. we talked every night he had 3 hrs to himself
  101. [8:39:37 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said I'm not really worried about that part
  102. [8:39:42 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea for now but whos guna deal with it when hes away or called to duty
  103. [8:40:03 PM] Sumies Pahkina: eh I'm not worried
  104. [8:40:36 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea well hydrox is guna feel it considering were all contacting paypal and were all contacting enjin
  105. [8:42:48 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said I'm not worried.
  106. [8:43:34 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: thats fine because yous are accualy breaking enjin t&c aswell and other t&c so hydrox accualy have alot too answer for
  107. [8:44:28 PM] Sumies Pahkina: me and dino are already working on fixing anything that may be considered against the rules. we have fixed a lot of shit already. and plan to fix it all.
  108. [8:44:48 PM] Sumies Pahkina: dino is really good at that kinda stuff
  109. [8:45:07 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: oh thats fine but dont worrie we have screen shots and the proof already
  110. [8:45:30 PM] Sumies Pahkina: even so it would of just been a warning to fix it which we already are/have
  111. [8:45:47 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said I'm not worried in the least.
  112. [8:46:54 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: nope because some of the t&c your breaking are on the website and since the website has been live for the past 24 days yous are screwed and anything bought or donated in the past 24 days is against t&c and we have all the proof we need
  113. [8:47:23 PM] Sumies Pahkina: still not worried lol.
  114. [8:47:52 PM] Sumies Pahkina: u go ahead and try to do what ever it is u are. as a community we will be fine.
  115. [8:48:01 PM] Sumies Pahkina: anything that happens will pass in time
  116. [8:49:28 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: no accualy as a community it wont be fine accualy because enjin paypal and mojang will all be involved as we can prove you have been breaking t&c by selling items of the store you shouldnt be selling
  117. [8:50:03 PM] Sumies Pahkina: meh still not worried.
  118. [8:50:35 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: haha okay
  119. [8:50:42 PM] Sumies Pahkina: if anything they will give us a warning to stop. and in which case we will.
  120. [8:51:08 PM] Sumies Pahkina: I'm not worried at all.
  121. [8:51:25 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: no accualy yous have been selling item that shouldnt be sold for over a year witch then entitles everyone a refund
  122. [8:51:58 PM] Sumies Pahkina: most of the shit can be bought with our new vpoint system which means no rules are being broken. players have the option to get them via hard work or with money. which is allowed
  123. [8:52:31 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: yea now u can use point not all the time tho
  124. [8:52:50 PM] Sumies Pahkina: ya we already got a warning for it why do u think we did that
  125. [8:53:07 PM] Sumies Pahkina: but now we are all legal and they are fine with us
  126. [8:53:52 PM] Sumies Pahkina: like i said I'm not worried this has all already been delt with. ur just bringing up old shit that they already spoke to us about
  127. [8:54:55 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: nope there still things in the t&c you have overlooked and since a few of the ranks accualy involve items your not supposed sell and thats whats guna bite kookos right in the arse because how many of us that are putting in complaints and contacting paypal
  128. [8:55:43 PM] Sumies Pahkina: k have fun with that. like i said I'm not worried. they have already contacted us and know we are already working on it.
  129. [8:56:31 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: thats fine but you havent fixed issues they reported year ago
  130. [8:56:59 PM] Sumies Pahkina: nah it wasn't a year ago
  131. [8:57:29 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: nope there avcusly is things that havent been fixed since a year ago
  132. [8:57:49 PM] Sumies Pahkina: anyway we sorted the main issue i wanted to talk to you about the rest I'm not worried about and it really doesn't concern me too much.
  133. [8:58:24 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: your right it doesnt but tell kookos 2 watch out hes not the only 1 that can get personal
  134. [8:58:47 PM] Sumies Pahkina: he will be reading this whole chat when he gets up. i already told him i was talking to you
  135. [8:58:58 PM] Sumies Pahkina: but he is sleeping now
  136. [9:00:28 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: thats fine i will also be sending him a copy of this whole thing im sure he will be woundering why you still have pictures of sumone els when you have a bf
  137. [9:00:49 PM] Sumies Pahkina: he knows i have them
  138. [9:01:01 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: okay then
  139. [9:01:23 PM] Sumies Pahkina: this is why i have them. I'm not stupid. i know some people would try this kinda thing
  140. [9:01:37 PM] L0rd_Bulldog: if you say so
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