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Mar 25th, 2020
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  1. us presidents rankings
  2. 1. reagan
  3. 2.obama
  4. 3.johnson
  5. 4.nixon
  6. 5.bush1
  7. 6.carter
  8. 7.clinton
  9. 8.carter
  11. 10.bush2
  12. Ronald Reagan is one of the best presidents our country has ever had. i put him as number one on my list because of all his acomplishments, such as his implementation of reaganomics which lowered inflation from 12.5% to 4.4%, and unemployment from 7.5% to 5.4%, and ending the cold war. Reagan also set the path for developments we are still wprking twords to this day, such as nuclear disarmament and the war on drugs. Reagan was faced with many difficult situations during presidency such as air traffic controllers strike, which was the first case of unions power being put into check. Reagan was so popular that during his first election, he won 44 of the 50 states, and in his re-election he won 49, a feat only beat by george washington.
  13. Barack Obama is the second greatest president of the past 10. Obama had to deal with the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis, which is often blamed on him despite it starting before he came into office. Obama paved the path for current wave of democratic-socialists through plans such as Obamacare, his attempts at gun control, and his stance against the keystone pipeline. Oama also had major victories abroad, such as killing osama bin laden, the Iranian nuclear deals, and opened relations with Cuba, ending a 54 year long era of hostility. Obama has also made major strides for the LGBTQ community such as expanding hate-crime to include sexual orientation, removal of don't ask don't tell, and leagalizing same-sex marriage.
  14. Lyndon B. Johnson is the third greatest president of the past 10. Johnson was infamous for his domineering mannerisms, using aggressive tacticts to advance his policy through legislation. Johnson has done so much to advance society that goes unattributed to him, such as the civil rights act. Although MLK pushed pushed for it, Johnson was the one to actually turn it into policy, ending segregation. Johnson also created a set of programs to promote societal well-being such as Medicare, Medicaid, and provided funding for pulic schools, the project was compairable to the New Deal in scale. Johnson also oversaw the development of our space program, even after the first manned flights on Apollo 1 were killed in a cabin fire during a test, Johnson maintained his support for NASA.
  15. Richard Nixon is the fourth greatest presiden of the past 10 presidents. Nixon is very contriversal as a president due to the Watergate scandal, however he has done a lot for the country that i think makes up for the scandal. Nixon oversaw many improvements to the enviornment, he created the Environmental Protection Agency, he celebrated the first Earth Day showing his support for the conservation movement. Nixon also fought for civil rights such as desegragation of schools in the south, affirmative action, and also endorsed the equal rights amendment. He also landed the first men on the moon, even calling them during the mission. Nixon was also massivly popular, during his first election he won 32 states, and in his re-election he won 49.
  16. Georege W. Bush is the worst president of the past 10 presidents. Bush launched the War On Terror, starting the never ending wars in the middle east, first with a invasion of Afghanistan, then an invasion of Iraq in a search for nuclear weapons that didn't exist. The capture of saddam Hussein led to a power vacuum in the middle east, leading to the rise of more terrorists. This increased activity in the midle east has lead to constant wars in an effort to prevent any one terror group from growing too strong, but taking 600 billion us dollars a year to maintain. Bush has condemed North Korea as one of the most dangerous regiems of the world along with Iraq and Iran, dubbing them the "axis of evil" due to the three countries hatred for america and nuclear potential. After 9/11 Bush also allowed the National Security Agency to spy on anyone they considered a potential terrorist. This program has been abused to spy on americans, as leaked by edward snowden.
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