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a guest
Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. ---
  2. # view perfrunner
  3. # tpcc
  4. # xdcr
  5. # kv
  6. # rebalance/failover
  8. view: # perfrunner view test uses sasl
  9. - test:
  10. container: perfrunner
  11. command: '-c clusters/systest.spec
  12. -t tests/query_dev_20M_group_by.test
  13. --local'
  14. tpcc:
  15. - test:
  16. container: tpcc
  17. command: "./ servers:address:0:2:8093 util/cbcrindex.sql"
  18. wait: false
  19. - test:
  20. container: tpcc
  21. command: "python --warehouses 1 --no-execute n1ql
  22. --query-url servers:address:0:2:8093
  23. --userid Administrator --password password"
  24. wait: false
  26. phase1:
  27. - test: # continous doc loading to WAREHOUSE with gideon
  28. container: gideon
  29. command: "kv --ops 20000 --create 30 --get 70
  30. --hosts servers:address:0:0 --bucket WAREHOUSE"
  31. - test: # 1 Million Documents to default bucket with pillowfight
  32. container: pillowfight
  33. command: "-U servers:address:0:0 -I 1000000 -t 4 -B 250 -c 1000"
  34. wait: true
  36. phase2: # load 3M items. on small cluster = ~85% dgm
  37. - test:
  38. container: pillowfight
  39. command: "-U servers:address:0:0 -p aaa -m 1024 -I 1000000 -t 1 -B 100"
  40. - test:
  41. container: pillowfight
  42. command: "-U servers:address:0:0 -p bbb -m 1024 -I 1000000 -t 1 -B 100 -c 10000"
  43. wait: true
  46. xdcr: # xdcr 2 buckets -> 1
  47. - test:
  48. container: couchbase-cli
  49. command: 'xdcr-setup -c servers:address:0:0 --create
  50. --xdcr-cluster-name servers:clustername:0
  51. --xdcr-hostname servers:address:1:0
  52. --xdcr-username servers:rest_username:1
  53. --xdcr-password servers:rest_password:1'
  54. wait: true
  55. - test:
  56. container: couchbase-cli
  57. command: 'xdcr-replicate -c servers:address:0:0
  58. --xdcr-cluster-name servers:clustername:0
  59. --xdcr-from-bucket default
  60. --xdcr-to-bucket default'
  61. wait: true
  62. - test:
  63. container: couchbase-cli
  64. command: 'xdcr-replicate -c servers:address:0:0
  65. --xdcr-cluster-name servers:clustername:0
  66. --xdcr-from-bucket WAREHOUSE
  67. --xdcr-to-bucket default'
  68. wait: true
  70. phase3: #failover a data node
  71. - test:
  72. container: couchbase-cli
  73. command: "failover -c servers:address:0:0
  74. --server-failover servers:address:0:1
  75. -u servers:rest_username:0 -p servers:rest_password:0"
  76. wait: true
  77. - test:
  78. container: couchbase-cli
  79. command: "rebalance -c servers:address:0:0
  80. -u servers:rest_username:0 -p servers:rest_password:0"
  81. wait: true
  84. phase4: # increase bucket-2 ops and put default bucket into higher dgm
  85. - test: # higher doc loading to bucket-2
  86. container: gideon
  87. command: "kv --ops 20000 --create 30 --get 70
  88. --hosts servers:address:0:0 --bucket buckets:bucketname:1:1"
  89. scale: 10
  90. - test: # heavier dgm for default bucket
  91. container: pillowfight
  92. command: "-U servers:address:0:0 -p ccc -m 1024 -I 1000000 -t 1 -B 100 -c 10000"
  93. - test:
  94. container: pillowfight
  95. command: "-U servers:address:0:0 -p ddd -m 1024 -I 1000000 -t 1 -B 100 -c 10000"
  96. wait: true
  99. phase6: # force failover and loose all data
  100. - test:
  101. container: couchbase-cli
  102. command: "failover -c servers:address:0:0
  103. --server-failover servers:address:0:2
  104. -u servers:rest_username:0 -p servers:rest_password:0
  105. --force"
  106. wait: true
  107. - test:
  108. container: couchbase-cli
  109. command: "rebalance -c servers:address:0:0
  110. -u servers:rest_username:0 -p servers:rest_password:0"
  111. wait: true
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