
Stress relief (Wip)

Dec 12th, 2016
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  1. >"What a night" Yawned Lincoln as he shambled his way into the kitchen and opened the fridge
  2. >"Living in a house with 10 sisters can be rather taxing" Grumbled Lincoln, taking out a carton of orange juice "Especially when they get...Needy"
  3. >Too tired to bother with finding a cup, Lincoln took a swig straight from the Carton
  4. >"Morning Lincy" Greeted Lola "Would you mind helping me wi-"
  5. >Lincoln's eyes widened as he saw Lola standing at the door, mouth open and ready to shout
  6. >"MOOO-"
  7. >"Wait!" Interrupted Lincoln, practically choking on the orange juice "Don't tell mom!"
  8. >"Why not?" Asked Lola, putting her hands on her hips
  9. >"She said she'd ground me if She caught me doing this again" Explained Lincoln desperately
  10. >"Look I'll give you whatever you want" Pleaded Lincoln, now on his knees "Just PLEASE don't tell her!"
  11. >Hearing this, Lola cracked a devious smile
  12. >"Anything?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice
  13. >"Yes" Nodded Lincoln, hoping Lola would take his offer "Anything."
  14. >After Thinking for a moment, Lola got an idea
  15. >"I want a massage." She demanded
  16. >"A massage?" asked Lincoln, slightly confused "That's it?"
  17. >"Not just any old foot massage" She clarified "I want a nice full body massage"
  18. >"Practicing for pageants is quite stressful, so a nice massage with warm oil is just what I need."
  19. >"You don't mind, Do you?" she asked Knowingly
  20. >"N-No" Stuttered Lincoln "Not at all."
  21. >"Good."
  22. >"Be in my room in an hour" Ordered Lola as she left the kitchen "Oh, And don't wear a shirt"
  23. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  24. >With Lola gone Lincoln just sat there quietly on the floor
  25. >"No shirt?" mumbled Lincoln as he scratched his head "What have I gotten myself into this time"
  26. >As Lincoln sat there trying to figure out what to do, he noticed the sound of footsteps behind him
  27. >"If you're going to sulk, go do it somewhere else" grumbled Lori as she poured herself a cup of coffee
  28. >"You are Literally a fire hazard"
  29. >"Sorry" apologized Lincoln as he stood up and brushed off his pants
  30. >"So what are you sulking about?" Asked Lori after taking a sip "You're not turning into another Lucy, are you?"
  31. >"I've gotta give Lola a massage" explained Lincoln as he sat at the kitchen table "Not sure how though..."
  32. >"She caught you drinking from the carton again, didn't she?"
  33. >"Yeah" replied Lincoln with a sigh "She wants me upstairs in an hour"
  34. >"That sucks" mumbled Lori, remembering all the times Lola blackmailed her
  35. >"Ya know" started Lori, walking up behind Lincoln "I think it still have those massage tapes upstairs"
  36. >"If you want, I could let you use them."
  37. >"Really?" Asked Lincoln, quickly picking his head up off the table "You don't mind?"
  38. >"They're in my top drawer on the left." she directed as she waved him away "If you hurry you should be able to get through the first few."
  39. >"Thank you Lori!" Shouted Lincoln as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran from the room
  40. >"Have fun" She giggled as took another sip of coffee
  41. >As she listened to Lincoln running up the stairs, Lori felt at twinge of concern
  42. >"I probably should have warned him about tape two..." She thought to herself
  43. >"Eh, It'll probably be fine"
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