
Kava for Sadey

Jul 7th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]Tremendous dynamite[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Explosively creative[/i][/right]
  14. It was monsoon season over the Shattered Plain when Kava hatched. Her emergence from the shell was accompanied by a rolling boom that rattled her small young bones and echoed in her little chest, and made her eyes go wide -- not with fear, mind. She felt only wonder and excitement.
  16. Since then, Kava's been enamoured with making things go boom. Her favourite tool for the job is dynamite, and she's got bushels of the stuff sitting around her workspace waiting for the right time to go off. Of course, Kava can't go running around Sornieth blowing stuff up all willy-nilly, so she uses her enthusiasm in more constructive ways, like lair design. That's right: Kava is a lair builder and designer. She puts a couple sticks in the ground, lights the fuse and heads for cover. When the dust's settled, she's got a blank, rubble-filled slate to work with and a head bursting with ideas. She's had a hand in designing (and exploding) half the homes in Nocturne, and hardly seems close to slowing down anytime soon.
  18. As if all the booming and banging wasn't enough excitement for one dragon, Kava's other love is going abroad on long adventures. She's usually in the company of either the clan cartographer, Khalla, or the lorekeeper, Koza, or some mixture thereof. But if they aren't up for a long trip to exciting locales, Kava is more than willing to clear her schedule and go herself. She usually calls these trips "inspiration tours," as a way of saying she goes spying on other dragons' lairs for new ideas on what to do with interior design and how to do it. Kava's travel bags are always packed with sticks of dynamite ("just in case"), snacks, and reams of blueprints to trade with any fellow architects she comes across while out on a wander.
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  22. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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