
Linc/Lucy vampire game (fuckslvania)

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. >lucy had been talking about vampires for weeks now, she won't shut up about it since seeing "Dracula"
  2. >he would tell lincoln about it, put on a cape and skulk about, and "bite" his brothers neck
  3. >one day, lincoln got an interesting idea. something he was sure his brother would LOVE
  4. >"Hey lucy" shouted lincoln, "could you come into my room for a sec"
  5. >before lincoln could even finish his sentence, lucy was behind him on the bed
  6. >"yes..." lucy said causing lincoln to jump in surprise
  7. >"h-Hey lu, I got an idea for a game we could play."
  8. >"A game?" lucy said
  9. >Yeah it's called "vampire hunter"
  10. >lucy seemed more interested than lincoln has ever seen him.
  11. >"Vampire hunter eh? do we play?"
  12. >"Well..." lincoln said, feeling as though he was on thin ice
  13. >"Well, we wait till everyone goes out, turn off the lights, and hunt eachother. you as the vampire, and Me as the vampire hunter."
  14. >"" said lucy, his excitement betraying his cold goth style
  15. >"When can we play?" he asked, not wanting to wait
  16. >"We can play this saturday when everyone else is at take your daughter to work day"
  18. Fast forward to saturday
  19. >The girls went to the movies, the house was empty, save for 2
  20. >The drapes were drawn, the lights were off, and the hunt was on
  22. >lincoln tiptoed through the living room, tools in hand
  23. >In his left hand was a toy hammer, no heavier than a pound
  24. >in his right, what appeared to be a thin smooth metal rod with rounded tapering ends
  25. >on his belt, a squeeze bottle of thick clear liquid labeled "Holy water"
  27. >The house was so quiet that Lincoln could hear his heart beating
  28. >He was listening for any odd noises
  29. >WHISH
  30. >Lincoln spun around, looking for the source of the noise
  31. >WHOOSH
  32. >Was it behind him?
  33. >WHISH
  34. >to his left
  35. >WHISH
  36. >Above!
  37. >Lincoln pulled the Holy water off his belt and sprayed it into the air, hitting lucy on the chest
  38. >"HAHA!" Lincoln shouted triumphantly , "YOU ARE MINE NOW YOU GODLESS CREATURE OF THE NIGHT!"
  39. >Without hesitation, lincoln Jumped onto lucy, pinning his arms to the ground.
  40. >"UNHAND ME MORTAL!" lucy yelled louder than he had ever yelled before (which is not saying much to be honest)
  41. >"W-WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" lucy cried, seeing lincoln remove his pants
  43. >"Why, I'm cleansing you of course" stated lincoln
  44. >"B...But you hit me with your holy water" said lucy nervously
  45. >"One must be thorough when cleansing a vampire" lincoln replied, spreading the "holy water" on his dick
  46. >"I must cleanse you both, outside" he put his dick to lucy's ass
  47. >"AND IN!" lincoln grunted as he penetrated lucy's tight pucker
  48. >"AH!!" lucy squeeled, "F-Foolish human, D-Do you really think this will make me surrender?"
  49. >Lincoln began to thrust, causing lucy to let out faint moans of pleasure
  50. >"Surrender?" questioned lincoln, "by the time i'm done, you will be begging for more!"
  51. >Lincoln picked up the pace, causing lucy to become erect
  52. >"My My, What a sinful tool you have there" said lincoln eyeing lucy's twitching penis
  53. >"I think this foul appendage must be cleansed as well!"
  54. >lincoln put the tip of the squeeze bottle to the opening in lucy's glans and gave it a squeeze
  55. >"G..GGGHHHHHAAAA!?!?"
  56. >Lucy could only moan as the "Holy water" filled his urethra
  57. >"OH, OH GOD!" lucy exclaimed "L-LINCOLN, I THINK IM GONNA-"
  58. >Before lucy could finish her sentence, lincoln took the metal rod and placed it to the tip of lucy's dick
  59. >"BY THE POWER OF CHRIST, BE PURIFIED DEMON!!!" lincoln shouted as he hammered the "stake" into lucy's urethra
  60. >"AAH, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Lucy shouted as he came violently
  61. >"NOT YET YOU BEAST!" Shouted lincoln, holding the rod in lucy's twitching cock
  62. >the cum lucy would have let out was blocked by the rod, his urethra began to swell where it was all pooled together
  63. >With one final push lincoln came inside lucy's ass, causing lucy to shake with pleasure
  64. >as lincoln came, he removed the rod, causing lucy to shoot a massive load of pent up cum all over himself.
  65. >the two lay there on the living room floor, breathing heavy, barely able to move
  66. >"H-hey linc"
  67. >"yeah lu"
  68. >"The uh, the girls are going to another movie next week right?"
  70. End
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