
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Mountainventure

May 8th, 2019
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  1. Dry Bowser and Toadette were off on another treasure trek within a mountain filled to the brim with bright gems, leading Toadette to take the charge as she stuffed them within her archivist outfit. Dry Bowser of course offered some extra space due to the large size of his charcoal shell, but he knew that his petite sized partner was more stubborn than she looked. Going through countless adventures together made the pair quite connected to 1 another, and it was quite something to see two different beings interacting with each other in such a way that would seem unfeasible!
  3. "Kid, wait a moment!" Dry Bowser huffed as he felt some of his bones popping out of his skeletal body, making him wipe his forehead. "Just because I'm fast on a vehicle doesn't mean I can exactly go as speedy on foot!"
  5. "Aww you're just saying that to make me feel better!" Toadette chimed as she let out a huge bassy fart after feeling her stomach rumble, making her fan the stinky air she crafted as she noticed the peak. "Come on, we're almost close to the top!"
  7. Dry Bowser used his dark magic to gather all of the scattered bones that popped out of his body, with Toadette's stomach growling causing an echo within the cavern as they emerged out. Due to it being night, the sky was bright with stars as it turns out that the mountain they were on overlooked a city surrounded by various other mountains, all of which had different terrain as the mountaintop the skeletal reptile and energetic mushroom girl were on was mostly rocky. As to why they picked a gravel worn hill to mount their presence on, well it was clear that the hard surface provided a much needed challenge that made reaching the high point was worth it in and of itself.
  9. Dry Bowser: (after getting all of his bones together) Well we finally reached the highest point. Now what do you want to do?
  11. Toadette: What we do best, just enjoy ourselves and this view! (bends over to let loose another huge fart)
  13. Dry Bowser rolled his eyes as he pulled out a grill from within the confines of his shell as he decided to make burgers, with Toadette farting a cacophony to help give the chilly point of the mountain a warmer yet stinkier prospect as to help make it more friendly. Dry Bowser grilled up some fine burgers as he was unfazed by Toadette's farts, which was enough for her to build up an appetite after their mountainous adventure. Of course it lead to the question if the duo would head back down the same way they came up, or simply took various alternate means to get off of the mountaintop, and it seemed quite obvious that the latter was going to be the way to go!
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