

Apr 3rd, 2019
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  2. MedriHarker: *the word was sent to those who truly wanted to see a change, in their governement, in their homes , in their schools and in the world around them...some students had been told by word of mouth some had received brochures and pamphlets handed to them at school or even at church.
  3. MedriHarker: a selct few were given information on this, others invited by those selcted few
  4. MedriHarker: tonight they were meeting in an old apartment building in Arkham.
  5. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice grinned as she practickly dragged her frend to the apartment- Come on.. thi group seem awsome
  6. Heockius: It had better be, Alice! Last party you dragged me to sucked!
  7. SlaughteredLamb: Well kinda.. but I promise this will make up for that
  8. Heockius: It had better -Sophie said as she hurried after her friend-
  9. MedriHarker: *Alice had been informed of a special knock to conduct at the back alley door as well as knowing the special passcode*
  10. SlaughteredLamb: -she rolled her eyes as she did the special knock- I swear.. it should have been two shaves and a hair cut
  11. Heockius: -Sophie folds her arm and waits- With a special knock... I'd almost expect to get into some exclusive club...
  12. MedriHarker: *a eye slit slides open as the metal slit makes a thuding noise, a pair of eyes covered in shades states* passcode.
  13. SlaughteredLambSlaughteredLamb Whisper: -she looked up to the bouncer giving the passcode-
  14. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *he slides the slit close, a metal clank and thud is heard, the door slides open*
  15. MedriHarker: enter* the hallways is dark and quite dingy*
  16. Heockius: Dungeon theme? -Sophie mutters- I can dig that...
  17. SlaughteredLamb: -she chuckled- We must be early Soph..
  18. Heockius: -Sophie motions for Alice to lead the way- Are the drinks good here?
  19. SlaughteredLamb: Hell yeah.. -she knocked on the apartment door before opening the door-
  20. Heockius: -Sophie walks in behind her friend-
  21. MedriHarker: *a group of men and woman with similar hooded uniforms and eye wear stand around as a few other students arrive similar in dress and loook*
  22. SlaughteredLamb: Aww common.. you did not tell me we were dressing up again
  23. Heockius: -Sophie adjusts her vest and looks around-
  24. Heockius: Uh... Alice... This is weird...
  25. MedriHarker: *the leader steps forward he looks similar to everyone else with the exceptions of a few scars on his..face*
  26. MedriHarker: Welcome youthlings, welcome to another day of subserviance to the boundaries and limiations They have set out for us! *he points to nowhere in particular yet everyone seems to feel a sense of inspiration as he talks*
  27. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: (I do realize.. I look like a tall Kiki)
  28. Heockius: -Sophie listens and looks confused as he points. She doesn't seem to understand-
  29. SlaughteredLamb: (hehe)
  30. MedriHarker: For to long we have allowed our governments to take what is ours....our minds freedom
  31. MedriHarker: our own powers that we have manifested in ourselves to become higher and greater beings!
  32. MedriHarker: now is our time!
  33. MedriHarker: to stand! to take back what was stolen
  34. Heockius: -Sophie looks back as she hears this-
  35. MedriHarker: enough of this lack of leadership...we vote for pretty boys! we vote for old boys! we vote for boys who know nothing but whats at the end of their scrotum!
  36. SlaughteredLamb: -she chuckled, holding sophie close- I know the methods are weird but Yes we do need to stregthen our minds
  37. MedriHarker: In her nMae!*He points to a picture of a woman on the wall...* we shall move forward
  38. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : we will take back what is ours!
  39. MedriHarker: and take control of what is needed
  40. MedriHarker: *the group chants* In Her Name!
  41. Heockius: -Sophie looks at the picture-
  42. SlaughteredLamb: In her name! -she was swaying in her shoes-
  43. Heockius: Um... Who's her?
  44. MedriHarker: The story goes of a woman who made a stand for what she believed in, she practiced witch craft and although there seemed to be no witches in the room the idea of a woman making a difference in her world only to be killed and painted as a criminal moved this group to perceive her as a martyr*
  45. MedriHarker: *he looks to the picture* whos her? *the man hears this* who said that...
  46. MedriHarker: *the crowd steps away from sophie singling her out*
  47. Heockius: -Sophie steps forward- I did.
  48. MedriHarker: *he steps forward* she is the mother of a revolution, a revolition that was stopped by our governement, by pharmaceutical companies..and enemies that take root in our very city...I speak of the late great, Arabella hart.
  49. MedriHarker: her legacy is carried in our work
  50. SlaughteredLamb: She is new.. so of coursse she does not know Of Her yet
  51. MedriHarker: *he takes her hand and looks her in the eye* In her name we move forward to take our city back, witch craft is not what is was and we do not intend to joing their ways...after all it was the witches who shoved her away, the law makers that locked her and the civilians of unchanging ways that burned her to a grave..
  52. MedriHarker: we are all outcast here, we are all shoved away
  53. Heockius: -Sophie listens attentively- Huh. Well.. Big pharma is good at that...
  54. MedriHarker: *he nods liking her reply*
  55. MedriHarker: the darkness of this world, is so complex that it is truly undefined...we take up her legacy and do our works in her name.
  56. Heockius: Wait... Witch? You mean like that goth chick that works at the public library?
  57. MedriHarker: *scoffs* she was no ordinary witch, she was a necromancer....powerful and willing to make the choices vital to tear down this world to build a nccasry new one
  58. Heockius: Oooh. -Sophie nods-
  59. MedriHarker: we have plans for that one...a new era
  60. Heockius: The world or the librarian?
  61. Heockius: -Sophie looked confused for a moment-
  62. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice beamed a Sophie seemed to be getting along with the group-
  63. MedriHarker: the world...
  64. MedriHarker: the universe...
  65. MedriHarker: this reality we dwell in...
  66. Heockius: Right right... -Sophie lloked down sheepishly-
  67. MedriHarker: it has always been ours to claim...
  68. Heockius: *Looked
  69. MedriHarker: you have come on the night of your friends claim to Her legacy and night where she gives up her name
  70. Heockius: -Sophie looks up-
  71. MedriHarker: a night where you two...can claim this future with us...
  72. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice giggled as she swayed- I wanted to share this night with you..
  73. Heockius: Sounds good so far... What do we have to do? -Sophie smiles over to Alice-
  74. MedriHarker: take the oath, of pure prmose and the pledge of loyalty to her cause
  75. MedriHarker: *another dressed the same steps forward with a black book* her manifesto was never uncovered by the police..her grimooire lost but her manifesto found....
  76. MedriHarker: to serve the everymother
  77. MedriHarker: to take her name and use it to bring the new era forth
  78. Heockius: -Sophie looks towards the book- A new world.
  79. SlaughteredLamb: -Alice smiled as she walked forward as well- Sounds exciting right Sophie?
  80. Heockius: Fuck yeah it does.
  81. MedriHarker: *the girls are than taken to the next room, where they presented their black hoodies, sunglasses.*
  82. Heockius: -Sophie pulls hers on-
  83. MedriHarker: ((m looking up hoodies))
  84. MedriHarker: ((but its hard to find one for girls withthe hood up))
  85. SlaughteredLamb: -she smiled as she slipped on the hoodie followed by the shades-
  86. Heockius: -Sophie had a hard time with her hair and the hood so she decided to leave the hood down if they'd let her.-
  87. MedriHarker: *they than took out the sheers* Woman- we must know you are fully commited and leave all vanitys behind*
  88. MedriHarker: *they bring a jet black dye*
  89. Heockius: -Sophie shrugged and let them shop her hair off-
  90. Heockius: *Chop
  91. MedriHarker: *the hair style is in a black bob *))
  92. SlaughteredLamb: -she softly sighed as their hair is treated-
  93. Heockius: -Sophie looked over her glasses at Alice- Who am I now? Hey! Put that book back right! -She said imitating Selene-
  94. MedriHarker: *they are given pale white makeup*
  95. MedriHarker: you are no are hers to live and hers to carry out her legacy*
  96. MedriHarker: **black pants given*
  97. MedriHarker: *the other recruits cheer as the new recruits emerg*
  98. MedriHarker: now for the final intiation..
  99. MedriHarker: the capture and deliverance of the lamb
  100. MedriHarker: *they begin to step into a white van*
  101. Heockius: (I am beginning to think someone from this group should try to nab Selene. >.< Would be an interesting scene)
  102. MedriHarker: *they are given black gloves*
  103. MedriHarker: ((elle you there hun?))
  104. vathella has joined the chat
  105. vathella: ((ok))
  106. MedriHarker: *the young woman is draged up the stairs, what she sees shocks she sees more men and woman dressed and made up in uniform fashion*
  107. vathella looks left and right and shakes with fear
  108. Heockius: -The woman grins slightly.- Oh. Now what?
  109. SlaughteredLamb: (i am back)
  110. MedriHarker: now, we look upon the lamb that has fallen prey to the standards of what our governments! our towns! our churches! our Universities have instilled in us to follow! *he holds the black manifesto*....we have brought her to show this city that we are unafraid
  111. MedriHarker: and wegrow in number
  112. vathella struggles to speak or scream
  113. Heockius: Yeah! -Sophie says as she gets swept into the speach-
  114. MedriHarker: *the room is filled with hooded figures* It is our time to grab back! our era! In her Name! *They all chant * IN HER NAME! IN HER NAME!
  115. MedriHarker: *the young lady would see a picture on the wall of a woman with jet black hair and sunken eyes...haunting to look at it and familiar*
  116. vathella quivers and cries
  117. MedriHarker: Besmirched by they have told us! what they have tried to make us see!! but we see the truth...*he looks down at the girl removing his glasses revealing his natural eyes wide in mania*....we deliver you little lamb, to her great purpose...*he extends a hand as another hooded figure hands him a blade, they all begin to draw blades as he is given another*
  118. MedriHarker: *he hands the blades to both recruits*
  119. MedriHarker: your final initation
  120. Heockius: -Sophie blinks as she takes the knife- Uh...
  121. vathella sees all the knives and she pees herself
  122. vathella shakes her head 'no' vigorously
  123. MedriHarker: *looks to sophie* your hesitance is natural, your doubts are only the weeds of the corrupt rootig themselves in you to allow this....*strokes the girls face* ...vagabond tog et lost int he ways of their are given the blessing that she*Points the picture* allowed many...freedom..deliverence
  124. MedriHarker: *looks to the other recruit* you made your choice well the night of the delivered him after his display of greed...*he nods* you did well bringing us this new recruit*Looks to sophie*
  125. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: Well... I mean... Do.. I cut her hair or something?
  126. vathella shakes her head 'yes'
  127. MedriHarker: *he guides her hand, steping at her side pressing himself against her* cut her where it will set her free ,*looks to alice* she did it you will do now * helooks to herand whispers in sophies ear* In hern ame...
  128. Heockius: Where it will set her free? ...
  129. SlaughteredLamb: -she grinned as she held her knife with pride-
  130. vathella sobs loudly
  131. MedriHarker: *the group begins to raise their knives up and down chanting* set her free! set her free!
  132. MedriHarker: she delivered many,*the stories of the woman on the picture were true..she killed many for "her higher purpose" now sophie was asked to pay the price to serve hers.*
  133. Heockius: I got this... I got this... -Sophie tried to push the man away- I need some breathing space.
  134. MedriHarker: *he strokes her face and steps back, the group chanting still*
  135. HeockiusHeockius Whisper: -Sophie raises her knife-
  136. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *WAtches in anticiaption*
  137. vathella shakes her head left and right as tears roll down her cheeks
  138. Heockius: -Sophie bites her lip and hesitates a moment-
  139. MedriHarker: *the image of the woman, the way its drawn makes it seem she is staring at you*
  140. Heockius: -Sophie screams as she slashes the knife down and cuts the tape binding the red head. She tries to grab the woman and run for the door-
  141. vathella: o.o
  142. vathella gets to her feet and runs
  143. MedriHarker: *the group is quick to grab at both girls*
  144. vathella: no! please!
  145. Heockius: -Sophie tries to fight them off with the knife she was given-
  146. MedriHarker: *he shakes his head*......oh no no no no....this is most unfortunate....but understandable*the grab sophies legs and arms*
  147. MedriHarker: *the group than begins to push the young girl around as they gather around *
  148. MedriHarker: IN HER NAME!
  149. MedriHarker: *push*
  150. MedriHarker: SET HER FREE!
  151. Heockius: Ack!
  152. MedriHarker: *Sophie is tied to the chair as she is forced to watch the girl be pushed around*
  153. vathella tries to escape
  154. vathella tries to fight
  155. Heockius: -Sophie grits her teeth as she struggles-
  156. MedriHarker: *a knife slashes into the girl as she attempt to break the circle forming around her*
  157. MedriHarker: *Push*
  158. vathella: eeeee!
  159. MedriHarker: *the begin to push around the cricle*
  160. MedriHarker: *with every push, she receievs another stab in this mosh pit of death*
  161. vathella: eee!
  162. Heockius: -Sophie just glares at Alice-
  163. vathella: eeek!
  164. SlaughteredLamb: In her Name! -she teared sadly-
  165. vathella collapses
  166. Heockius: How could you!
  167. SlaughteredLamb: -she looked away guiltly-
  168. vathella: ((i need dead poses in your game))
  169. Heockius: DON'T YOU LOOK AWAY FROM ME! -Sophie screams at Alice-
  170. MedriHarker: *the group gathers around and begins to stab at the girl,*
  171. SlaughteredLamb: I really hoped you would join us.. I care for you
  172. Heockius: Oh yeah right!
  173. MedriHarker: Enough! *the group steps away, as the girl looks practially unrecognizable from all the stabbings her hair perhaps the only thing able to identify her*
  174. MedriHarker: *he looks to the painting andn ods* our work begins*
  175. MedriHarker: *looking to sophie he looks to the others* take her to the isolation chamber.
  176. MedriHarker: *the grab her gagging her and drag her away to another location*
  177. Heockius: -Sophie glares- You limp dick, mother fucker! Is this how you get off? -She spits towards the man just before they gag her-
  178. MedriHarker: our manifesto is to weed out the wicked, to carve out the greedy and to burn the ones who thwart our gain! IN HER NAME!
  179. MedriHarker: the chant once more In her name and begin to paint the walls in the young girls blood*
  180. MedriHarker: *hanging her body upside down to be seen in the room*
  182. Options: Reply
  183. MedriHarker
  184. avpic CassCassiopeia 2DarthMusicBella - I support SuzanaBella DEEPLY IN LOVESEXY!Lowdman !!The Shopping Badge.Customer Appreciation
  185. 32
  186. Re: LOGS
  187. December 10, 2017 10:05PM
  189. MedriHarker: diana Clark would look around and shiver* jesus its cold isnt it! *She looks back to her camera guy* whats you rname again?
  190. MedriHarker: is wear the studio keeps sending me a new guy every week, listen dont worry about the rumors ya the town has some serial killer on the loose or serial kilelrs but dont worry it almost never affects us.
  191. DrArtemis: Hello, Miss Lamb and Miss Vathec. How are you ladies tonight?
  192. vathella: hi Dr Artemis
  193. vathella: ((i don't know why i'm here))
  194. MedriHarker: ((amke a reason))
  195. DrArtemis: OOC: Do any of us?
  196. SlaughteredLamb: -he rolled his eyes, of course the news would effect them- (heys)
  197. MedriHarker: make a reason, this is a school and your student...;) ))
  198. vathella: i'm returning a library book
  199. MedriHarker: ok ok, now get a clear shot of me on this beautiful snow terrain...
  200. DrArtemis: A book? From last year?
  201. MedriHarker: ok now remember I point where you shoot and wright now *she points to herlse* You shoot me it!
  202. vathella: um yeah when i was a student -bites lip-
  203. DrArtemis: Oh dear. That could get expensive.
  204. vathella: i know
  205. DrArtemis: *I calculate the fees*
  206. DrArtemis: That will be $147.00, Miss Vathec.
  207. vathella: :o
  208. MedriHarker: oh ya this is themoney shot, ok three two and go! *SHe lifts upher mic*
  209. Rhyaad has joined the chat
  210. vathella: will you take a check?
  211. DrArtemis: No. Credit card or cash.
  212. vathella hands him her card
  213. DrArtemis: *I process the credit card*
  214. DrArtemis: Thank y... *I notice the unsavory figure before me*
  216. DrArtemis: Excuse me. You, with the camera. What's the meaning of this?
  217. MedriHarker: *Diana clark would begin to introduce herself* we are live here att he miskatonic university, wher eit has been noted that students are reputed to go missing, the most recent being the three victims found in the woods butchered and the fourth laying in a coma with no answers to question..Arkham are you listening*She bumps into Dr Artemis* GAH!
  218. .
  221. vathella backs away
  222. MedriHarker: oh and here we have the schools *studies dr artemis outfit*...librarian?
  223. SlaughteredLamb: -Richard sighed as he held the camrea, surpised as he was practicly hired off the streets, dispite he was appling as a plumber-
  224. DrArtemis: Who are you? Have you obtained the Dean's permission to film in here?
  225. MedriHarker: cut!
  226. MedriHarker: *she looks to artemis* hi there Diana Clark, you may know me from my segment Arkham are you listening and I am doing a piece based off the recent murders..
  227. SlaughteredLamb: -he pressed the button to stop fiming-
  228. DrArtemis: Oh. That.
  229. DrArtemis: I have no statement for you.
  230. MedriHarker: *she hands artemis her card* anyway, i have full permission to be her eon campus to get the opion of those who..*we hear the osund of screaching tires outside and a crash*...what the..*She looks off to the doorway* richard this way now!
  231. DrArtemis: This is a library and we maintain a quiet environment so that our students might study.
  232. DrArtemis: What was that?
  233. MedriHarker: some quite enviroment
  234. Heockius: -I return shortly after visiting the station. They were happy to take any tip they could get and got my statement quite quickly. I round the corner just in time to hear that.-
  235. vathella hears the crash and runs that way
  236. MedriHarker: *she runs down the stairs and steps ouside, seeing her news van wrecked and white van screaching away* NOOOOO!!!! NOT THE VAN!!!!!
  237. vathella: wow
  238. MedriHarker: *the tire marks seem to have stopped beside the van, and foot steps on the snow show someone ran to place an object in the middle of the lawn*
  239. vathella takes out her phone and gets a pic (probably too late)
  240. SlaughteredLamb: Coming Ma'am.. -he walked over toward her-
  241. MedriHarker: *drips of red, lead to the object*
  242. Heockius: -I look at the foot steps-
  243. MedriHarker: *the pic captures the blur of the van and its licence plate*
  244. SlaughteredLamb: -he started filming-
  245. vathella gets pics of the footprints and ruined van and the red stuff
  247. M
  248. Heockius: -I look after the van then at the box and quickly call the police-
  249. vathella: why would anyone blow up your van?
  250. MedriHarker: *the van is not blown up, just scratched up and banged up on the side as if anothe vehicle barely missed it*
  251. MedriHarker: *and was to much in ahurry to even looks back at it*
  253. MedriHarker: *Diana Clark looks to the red trail and begins to step closer to the object, shshe pushes her glasses uptries to focus her gaze on what it is that is place don teh snow*
  254. vathella: it looks like that other van sideswiped yours
  255. MedriHarker: what in the...*her eyes widen*
  256. SlaughteredLamb: -he frowned as he filmed the evidence for the police report-
  257. Heockius: Yes. I just saw an accident... The university library... Yes... I'll stay on the line.
  258. vathella vathella Narrate gets beside diana and looks with my phone's flashlight
  259. MedriHarker: *if anyone witnessed what happened, theyw ouldve seen the van side swipe the news van and a figure run out and place something upon the snow and run back int he van*
  260. MedriHarker: *the light shines on what apears to be the head of young woman whhose jaw is broken as it apears to have a heart stuffed in its mouth, Diana Clark Screams in terror*
  261. vathella waits for the police
  262. vathella: ohmygod! o.o
  263. vathella calls the police
  264. Heockius: Yes... -I continue to talk into the phone- I saw someone get in.. There's a box here... No. It's not that... I saw someone...
  265. vathellavathella : oh my god who could do such a thing to a nice redhead?
  266. SlaughteredLamb: -he trembled griping onto the camrea a he saw the body-
  267. SlaughteredLamb: Look away.. -he reached for Diana-
  268. MedriHarker: *Diana Clark steps back...her eyes wild with terror as she looks to richards camera, attempting to compose herself..she begins to shake as she speaks in her mic* ...diana clark....i am ...unsure..what we are looking at here...but it seems to be another victim has fallen to the cruel hands...of *she looks back at sees the head she pushes richard away and throws*
  270. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : put that camera away respect the dead*she gasps as she looks terror*
  271. Heockius: Red head? -I ask as I look at the box, unable to see the contents from here-
  272. vathella stays back but talks to the police
  273. MedriHarker: *there is no box,it is a headd in the snow with a heart in its mouth*
  275. Heockius: -I stagger back- There's someone's head here... Please come quick.
  277. GilbertGilman has joined the chat
  278. Heockius: -I keep the call open as I wait for the police-
  279. vathella waits on the steps for the police
  280. MedriHarker: *seems to have all the footage she needs, she looks to richard and tells him to call the studio letting them know what happened in the van she takes her note pad out and writes down a few notes to not lose detail of what she saw..she takes a dep breath*
  281. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : geez is the police erver going to get here?!
  282. SlaughteredLamb: -he stopped filming, putting the camrea away-
  283. GilbertGilman: *the first of six police cruisers arrive*
  284. MedriHarker: *walks to selene* what did you say your name was again?
  285. Heockius: I did not say.. But I am Selene.
  286. GilbertGilman: All right everyone stand back.
  287. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : Nice to meet ya, and you say you saw a van side swipe my van....and did you see anyoen place that head over there?
  288. MedriHarker: *gets shoved by an officer* hey watch it!
  289. Heockius: -I put my phone down and step back-
  290. GilbertGilman: You. Miss Clark. I'm conducting this investigation.
  291. MedriHarker: *she snaps her fingers* richard camera! cops! shooot what you can!
  292. GilbertGilman: Get that camera out of my face.
  293. MedriHarker: ya and im a witness officer and that is my van! *she points at the damaged vehicle*
  294. SlaughteredLamb: I just put it away..
  295. GilbertGilman: Keep it that way.
  296. MedriHarker: the damaged news van*
  297. MedriHarker: **she looks to richard, making a gesture with her hand to imply discretio*
  298. GilbertGilman: You in the fur coat, did you say you saw what happened?
  299. MedriHarker: *she grabs her phone and flips the recorder on and stuffs it away in her coat*
  300. Heockius: Yes I did. I was stepping around the corner as it happened.
  301. SlaughteredLamb: =he rubbed his brows, not savy with media law-
  302. GilbertGilman: What did you see?
  303. Heockius: Oh. Selene Heockius, officer. I saw right after the collision happened... A man got out and placed a box.. Then he ran back to his vehicle and they drove off. -I point to the head- That was in the box.. The man was in a black hoodie.. And the van was the same as the one that was used in the Kidnapping of the man in Scarlet Creek...
  304. GilbertGilman: How do you know that?
  306. Heockius: I just turned in my statement on that... I didn't see you there.. I guess you haven't read it yet. I was in Scarlet Creek with a friend...
  307. MedriHarker: (Diana looks at the head laying in the middle of the snow with its heart stuffed in its unhinged jaw*...poor thing...she seems young....
  308. Heockius: I saw the kidnapping there... The Journalist was being followed.. That van screeched up.. They grabbed him and sped away.
  309. GilbertGilman: And you just happened to witness two of this county's most horrific murders?
  310. Heockius: I didn't witness any murder... I just keep seeing that van.
  311. MedriHarker: *looks to selene with suspicion*
  312. SlaughteredLamb: (not feeling well)
  313. GilbertGilman: OK, you've seen this van twice. What's the license plate number?
  314. MedriHarker: well we all saw it screeching away, just now..i think she *points to val* even got a photo of it...
  315. vathella looks at her phone
  316. Heockius: -I rattle off what I could see-
  317. vathella runs down the steps to the cute officer
  318. vathella: officer i got a pic of the van...
  319. vathella: it's kind of small but maybe you can blow it up?
  320. GilbertGilman: Let me see that.
  321. vathella hands the phne to him
  322. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : Hmm. Maybe we can do something with this.
  323. Heockius: -I nod slightly and glance the direction the van went-
  324. MedriHarker: *stands close to gilman, the license plate can be seen on vals phone*
  325. GilbertGilman: *I call in an APB to dispatch*
  326. GilbertGilman: *I look at Diana, glaring*
  327. GilbertGilman: Back. Off.
  328. GilbertGilman: *then I radio in the license plate number*
  329. MedriHarker: *you ahvent even asked about my news van yet...
  330. MedriHarker: *She walks over to it* my poor baby!
  331. GilbertGilman: *I tell all officers to be looking for it*
  332. Heockius: -I look at Diana curiously-
  333. GilbertGilman: Who would do this to your van, Miss Clark?
  334. MedriHarker: *she looks to the officer* well isnt it obvious, those creeps in the van! look at the white streaks across my face*The news van had dianas clar face on it , now it was alls cratched up...the damage being more in the back but the paint job very scratched up*
  335. Heockius: Hm. -I speculate as I watch-
  336. GilbertGilman: *I look around* And does anyone know the victim?
  337. MedriHarker: oh god the equipment!!
  338. Heockius: I don't recognize her..
  339. MedriHarker: *she runs into her van and checks on it*
  340. vathella: not me
  341. GilbertGilman: Don't touch anything Miss Clark.
  342. Heockius: Could have been a message or a genuine accident... -I say to myself-
  343. GilbertGilman: *dispatch radios back*
  344. GilbertGilman: *they have a match on the van*
  345. Heockius: -I look up-
  346. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *she alks over to a becn and takes a seat, seeing her equipment rattled but nothing seemed to damage*....wait are you telling me my van is evidence?...but what about my job?
  347. Heockius: -I roll my eyes slightly-
  348. GilbertGilman: OOC: I need to know who's the owner.
  349. MedriHarker: *Kurt Marlyn*
  350. GilbertGilman: *I get the address and jump in my cruiser*
  351. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *other officers and crime scene investigators will secure the area and bag the evidence*
  352. MedriHarker: ******ok here we goo lets see what he finds******
  353. MedriHarker: *Diana Clark runs to selene* you...can you drive me over?
  354. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *Selene and Diana will be taken to the police station to get their statements*
  355. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : oh come one!!*shes taken in a cruiser and is taken for questioning*
  356. Heockius: -I go along willingly-
  357. MedriHarker: *the police cruiser would arrive at an old dilapidated apartment building not to far from the university*
  358. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *four officers get the keys from the landlord and enter*
  359. GilbertGilman: OOC: Do we spot the van?
  360. MedriHarker: *the landlord seems to be absent*
  361. MedriHarker: *the entire building seems abdoned, in the alleway you see the van*
  362. GilbertGilman: *I have them secure the van first*
  363. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *then we go to the apartment*
  364. MedriHarker: *the van is empty*
  365. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *the door in the front seems boarded up, but a door in the alleyway into the building seems wide open*
  366. GilbertGilman: *I radio for forensics to take control of the van*
  367. GilbertGilman: *I entere that way with another officer*
  368. MedriHarker: *officer bristow draws her weapon* something dont feel right gilman
  369. GilbertGilman: *I have them bring in Steinhart the sniffing dog*
  370. SlaughteredLamb whispers: trying to decide what i need more.. cold med or chamile tea >.<
  371. MedriHarker > SlaughteredLamb: *the smgirl go take care of yourself and exit out of the other chat *huggles* i need gil to be there for the crimescenee
  372. MedriHarker: *the dog goes crazy as he leads the way to each floor, the apartments all seem to hav eben abaonded*
  373. MedriHarker: *it looks like a large group of people were staying here and evacuated rather quickly*
  374. GilbertGilman: *I follow with my gun ready*
  378. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2017 08:04PM by MedriHarker.
  380. Options: Reply
  381. MedriHarker
  382. avpic CassCassiopeia 2DarthMusicBella - I support SuzanaBella DEEPLY IN LOVESEXY!Lowdman !!The Shopping Badge.Customer Appreciation
  383. 32
  384. Re: LOGS
  385. December 10, 2017 10:08PM
  387. : Officer Bristow knocks on the door* Arkham Police Department open up!
  388. Heockius: -Sophie is bound in a side room. Her head jerks up as she hears the knock-
  389. MedriHarker: *she nods to gilman* looks like noones answering sir
  390. Heockius: -Sophie tries to make some sort of noice-
  391. Heockius: *Noise
  392. GilbertGilman: *I nod then hit the door with my shoulder, breaking it in*
  393. GilbertGilman: *I brage in, ready to fire*
  394. GilbertGilman: ^ barge
  395. Heockius: -Sophie recoils from the sudden noise but listens-
  396. MedriHarker: *the rooms odor is a mixture of fresh blood and we see a decapitaed corpse with its hear ripped out and multiple stab wounds laying sprawled across the floor*
  397. MedriHarker: * a portrait of a very familiar criminal is placed in the centar of theroom with a few candles about it like a saint*
  398. MedriHarker: and all abou tthe walls, written in the blood of the body we can only assume is" IN HER NAME"
  399. GilbertGilman: Jesus.
  400. MedriHarker: "DELIVERANCE"
  401. GilbertGilman: *I call for forensics again*
  402. Heockius: -Sophie tries to squirm her way to the door and bump against it-
  403. MedriHarker: what was that?!
  404. GilbertGilman: What's that?
  405. GilbertGilman: *I run in that room, my gun aimed to kill*
  406. MedriHarker: *you see a tied up, white faced firl in a hoodie and black attire*
  407. GilbertGilman: *I pull off her gag*
  408. GilbertGilman: Who are you?
  409. Heockius: -Sophie had lost the sunglasses she had been given and she squints up- Ack.
  410. Heockius: S-Sophie Turner.
  411. Heockius: -Sophie looks down at her attire and looks back up- They tried to recruit me... They made me grab this woman... Then they told me to kill her... I tried to help her get out...Then.. They tied me up.
  412. MedriHarker: *Bristow looks to gilman in disbelief*....
  413. GilbertGilman: *I untie the woman...*
  414. GilbertGilman: *then I cuff her*
  415. GilbertGilman: Just until your story clears.
  416. MedriHarker: *she looks tot he painting, knowing she seen that face before *...
  417. Heockius: -Sophie sighs slightly as she's cuffed, but she expected that. She just nods-
  418. Heockius: The guy in charge kept going on about continuing her. -Sophie nods to the painting- Work.. Creating a new world.
  419. MedriHarker: *Officer bristow looks to the painting and than to the body of the decapitaed victim*
  420. GilbertGilman: *I look up at the painting*
  421. GilbertGilman: Who's that?
  422. Heockius: He said... Arabella Hart.
  423. MedriHarker: *gilmand would recognize the face, having worked on many of her cases before*
  424. GilbertGilman: OOC: If you say so.
  425. MedriHarker: ((didnt he?))
  426. MedriHarker: ((if not null))
  427. MedriHarker: ((i thought he had one))
  428. MedriHarker: ((or two)
  429. MedriHarker: *theres a black book on the dloor near the painting, titled the Black Manifesto*
  430. Heockius: -Sophie nods to the book- He said that had all of the plans too...
  431. MedriHarker: *officer bristow walks over to the body, ignoring the book and looks for an id on the victim*
  432. GilbertGilman: *I have forensics bag the book and the painting along with the body and weapons*
  433. MedriHarker: we will need forensics to see if this body checks out with our head.
  434. MedriHarker: *an id would be found, naming the victim Delveen James a student of computer science at the miskatonic*
  435. Heockius: -Sophie's head jerks up- Oh god... Where did they put the head?
  436. MedriHarker: how about you let us do the questioning, it will be best that way.
  437. Heockius: -Sophie flinches back and nods-
  438. GilbertGilman: OOC: I really need to go now. Or an hour ago.
  439. GilbertGilman has left the chat
  441. Options: Reply
  442. MedriHarker
  443. avpic CassCassiopeia 2DarthMusicBella - I support SuzanaBella DEEPLY IN LOVESEXY!Lowdman !!The Shopping Badge.Customer Appreciation
  444. 32
  445. Re: LOGS
  446. December 12, 2017 10:07PM
  448. The scene opens up in the Arkham Police department, Officer Gilman is working diligently at his desk as Officer Bristow enters in with her cofee
  450. GilbertGilman: *working at my desk I look up*
  451. GilbertGilman: Find anything new, Bristow?
  452. MedriHarker: you kidding me? ive been keeping at the reporter detained and in questioning....but i think i ran out of questions nd may have to release her in the wild..and by what she has knowledge of *shakes her head*...well lets just say mayor strahm will be glad to retire
  453. GilbertGilman: Yeah?
  454. GilbertGilman: What's that?
  455. GilbertGilman: I know the old buzzard has some secrets...
  456. GilbertGilman: But who in this town doesn't?
  457. MedriHarker: *nods her head* oh yead, shes claiming that shes going to shut this citys government down for the lack of care in these cult like activities....and yes sir she is calling it a cult *shakes her head* glad she didnt see the building *she takes a seat *I did read up on the Hart case, not much in the arkham files except she was one time kept in the asylum and escaped ...shes mainly a scarlet creek case and uh from what i understand dead.
  458. GilbertGilman: Well... check out the Maine files anyway. Never can be too careful.
  459. MedriHarker: right *nods*
  460. MedriHarker: I do have the other girl we got, ready to talk..if your ready to se eher
  461. MedriHarker: she seems shaken and admits to taking part in the murder victims kidnapping.
  462. GilbertGilman: The one last night? OK.
  463. GilbertGilman: I also need to talk to the girl in the hospital if she's able to speak now.
  464. MedriHarker: *nods her head* i can make that phone call and see I belive they are assigning a *looks at her filework* Dr Artemis and Dr her case but neither have taken a look at her yet since she hasnt waken...*whistles*....tell you what gilman after this whole thing blows over im ready for that vacation.
  465. GilbertGilman: I hear you. But no vacation yet.
  466. MedriHarker: *nods her head* than cofee it is , you want some?
  467. GilbertGilman: Let's talk to the girl... what's her name again?
  468. MedriHarker: ((one sec, trying ot invite heo))
  469. MedriHarker: Sophie, she says a friend dragged her along to the gathering..
  470. GilbertGilman: Sophie... that's right.
  471. GilbertGilman: *I go to the interrogation room*
  472. MedriHarker: *Diana CLark is still in there* ((shes wfk, shell be back in the meantime enjoy diana for a bit))
  473. MedriHarker: am i free to go now? i said all i knew
  474. MedriHarker: and i cant belive you guys are asking me about my sources a good reporter never reveals such things you know!
  475. GilbertGilman: I want to know how you knew so much about this case before anyone else.
  476. MedriHarker: *her hair showing signs of unkemptness an d her jacket and sweayer off*
  477. MedriHarker: *blazer***
  478. MedriHarker: knew? why ...*sighs*you guys really do play hardball here in arkham..*she
  479. MedriHarker: smirks* at least i know someone is out there trying to make a difference
  480. MedriHarker: fine...ill tlak
  481. MedriHarker: JOhnny Dame was my source...from the scarlet seeker
  482. MedriHarker: the one who was murdered..poor guy*shakes head*
  483. MedriHarker: he was good people he was, but...*hesitates*
  484. GilbertGilman: OK. Tell me about him.
  485. MedriHarker: for the longest time, i used to think he was the best..i mean I am good..*smirks and sits up straight * belive I am good
  486. GilbertGilman: Yes. You're great.
  487. GilbertGilman: But stay on the subject.
  488. HeockiusHeockius has joined the chat
  489. MedriHarker: *blushes*..oh why officer gilman..i do belive that is a compliment *she woul dshake her head* anyway*she leans in close*....Johnny had a new contact..normally he wouldnt mind hinting..but this one he kept toight lips about...
  490. GilbertGilman: *I lean in*
  491. GilbertGilman: So what did he say about this guy?
  492. MedriHarker: he said that this contact wa going to help bring in a change...and make a difference *shrugs* i was thinking he was talkin gabou ta certain businessman in the oval office if you know what i mean...but...the way he spoke abou tthis contact in the last few days of his know..*she sighs*
  493. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : Or was it a girl?
  494. MedriHarker: *shakes her head* I cant say he wouldnt talk...but i did manage to go to his office in the seeker..and i found this manifesto...
  495. MedriHarker: you know a manifesto...talking about how they were following the teachings of "Her" but ...not very specific...
  496. GilbertGilman: Do you have this manifesto?
  497. MedriHarker: I think he was in on whateve ris going ..but in the end..the way he that last article*shivers*...i dont think he wanted to go..*stops* do i have it? on me? *smiles* sorry officer but a girl cant give away all her clues, like you im working on this case..not for the department of justice..but for the people..*she stops, thinking of the officers nature in this particular caste* but i do have these *she takes out her phone and shows the pictures of each page and the book fron and back*
  498. MedriHarker: JOhnny Dame was a good guy, he wasnt one to just join some gang cause it was cool...whatever this group impressed him..or even more scared him.
  499. GilbertGilman: *I look at the pictures and hand you back your phone*
  500. MedriHarker: i can send these to you if you like , but i would need you rnumber.
  501. GilbertGilman: *I hand you a card* Here. Arkham PD email address.
  502. MedriHarker: *nods* consider it done
  503. MedriHarker: like i said Johnny Dame, wasnt impressed by much or scared of anything...he was a good journalist and knew how to weed out the facts...
  504. GilbertGilman: Thank you.
  505. MedriHarker: *she smiled, puting on her glasses and grabbing her purse and coatt* anyway, officer i don tmean to rush and be persistant but am I free to go..i do have a show to conduct
  506. GilbertGilman: Not just yet.
  507. MedriHarker: hm?
  508. MedriHarker: *she sits back down*
  509. GilbertGilman: I'm considering arresting you for interfering in a police investigation and obstructing justice.
  510. GilbertGilman: Because you are obviously not telling me everyting.
  511. MedriHarker: obstrucing justice?
  512. MedriHarker: oh you mean the book?
  513. MedriHarker: *sighs*
  514. MedriHarker: it was in his office, i was asked to clear it out and bring his stuff to his think id give her that rather he rememebr her husband as a good man
  515. GilbertGilman: And the whole story about Johnny Dame's informant.
  516. MedriHarker: right, well as of now, im in the dark..*sh elooks to the officer* that contact is not looking for me i can tell you that..but i am looking for him or her
  517. GilbertGilman: Ok... tell you what. I'll cut you a deal.
  518. MedriHarker: *crosses her arms* im listening.
  519. GilbertGilman: I don't want to ruin your reputation so I'll give you 24 hours to track down Dame's informant.
  520. Heockius: (Will Gilbert want to talk to Selene also or should I just be here as Sophie?.. ... It was sophie right? I forget... >.<;)
  521. MedriHarker: ((sophie ya))
  522. MedriHarker: 24 hours huh? *she smiles at officer gilman* and what if I dont find this informant, not saying tha ti cant.
  523. GilbertGilman: Then you don't need to worry about room and board.
  524. MedriHarker: alright one sec, what exactly can you charge me with, curiosity asking
  525. Guest_Callen314 has joined the chat
  526. GilbertGilman: Like I said, interfering with a police investigation due to withholding information in a felony.
  527. Guest_Callen314: (mind if i join)
  528. GilbertGilman: ooc: As?
  529. Guest_Callen314: (whatever you want)
  530. GilbertGilman: ooc: Are you her lawyer?
  531. MedriHarker: alright, you go t me ther *she opens her purse and hands over the manifesto, it looks just like the one found in the apartment* i dont want that over my head for anyreason....but I will still take you up on your challenge *she smirks* and when i find the contact, you will hear everything over a lobste dinner*she hands over the manifesto*
  532. GilbertGilman: *I take the manifesto*
  533. GilbertGilman: *begin thumbing through it without touching the pages*
  534. Guest_Callen314Guest_Callen314 has left the chat
  535. GilbertGilman: That's a deal, Miss Clark. I'm buying.
  536. MedriHarker: I wouldnt have it any other way.
  537. MedriHarker: *she smiled that pearly smile and would clear her throat* i free to go? I do have an informant to find and a show to host..and this hair is all but a stylist will have a fit!
  538. GilbertGilman: You may go now Miss Clark.
  539. MedriHarker: *agent bristow would begin going toward the cells, to get Sophie*
  540. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : But no further than Scarlet Creek.
  541. Heockius: -Sophie sits in her cell with her head in her hands. She had taken quite some time trying to scrub that makeup off and clean her hair. Thankfully the dye had been temporary. The black hoodie she had been wearing also lays in a crumpled ball in the farthest corner from her as she could throw it-
  542. MedriHarker: what about kingsport? t
  543. GilbertGilman: ...Kingsport is 15 miles from here.
  544. MedriHarker: im only asking, after all i dont want to overstep my boundaries..*the way she says this,almost has a hint of mischief and delight*...but maybe scarlet creek may have a few places that i havent quite found yet...*she nods* ill kep you informed officer* Diana clark would get up and begin to go*
  545. GilbertGilman: *I get up and go to the lock-up*
  546. MedriHarker: *Officer BRistow would look in the cell* alright Miss Turner, your up..come on *she unlocks the cell and looks at the hoodie* you going to take that sweater?
  547. Heockius: -Sophie looked at it- They gave it to me... I'd... rather not...
  548. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : what do you mean they..*she quickly looks at the sweater*...
  549. GilbertGilman: *I look her over*
  550. Heockius: The.. Whoever they were.. When they tried to recruit me.
  551. GilbertGilman: The cult memebers gave you the hoodie?
  552. Heockius: Yes...
  553. MedriHarker: Officer GIlman. was about to take this one over to you..
  554. GilbertGilman: We can do this here.
  555. MedriHarker: *puts on her gloves and picks up the sweater* Ill take this over to forensics...
  556. GilbertGilman: Sophie who was in this cult?
  557. GilbertGilman: Who introduced you to them?
  558. Heockius: -Sophie pulls her vest closed- Well.. My best friend Alice took me there... No one gave their names... They did this whole thing about not needing names anymore...
  559. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : Alice who?
  560. Heockius: (Asking Lamb)
  561. Heockius: Alice Huson
  562. Heockius: *Hudson
  563. GilbertGilman: And where can I find this Alice Hudson?
  564. Heockius: Well... We're both in the dorms... We would go to parties together.
  565. Heockius: She took me to the meeting... I thought it was a party..
  566. GilbertGilman: So the university will have her address.
  567. GilbertGilman: Bristow call them up.
  568. Heockius: -Sophie nods-
  569. MedriHarker: *she would nod still holding the sweater with ehr glvoed hand* sure thing gil *she would turn and walk down the stairs .as she does this an officer with a lowered cap would be escorting a woman with a blonde bob and heavy eye makeup to the cells*, he bumps into bristow rather bluntly and a little to close for comfort* hey hey...whos this...*the officer face is lower and he looks to bristow*....found this one turning tricks mam..*the woman seems in a daze and quite lost*..uhuh... well did you..*the officer nods his head* I took it up with barrows..he says to take her on up to the cells...*she looks over to barrows empty desk* barrows huh...mustve gone to the bathroom...*she looks to the officer* alright you know the way...*the officer nods and takes the woman ahead*
  570. GilbertGilman: Sergeant Gil to you.
  571. Heockius: Oh.. The leader said she killed the journalist in kingsport... The cutting him up was her idea supposedly..
  572. GilbertGilman: The leader is a woman?
  573. Heockius: Oh. The leader was a man.. He said Alice killed the Journalist. -Sophie tries to clarify-
  574. GilbertGilman: Some friends you have.
  575. Heockius: -Sophie lowers her head- I didn't know... She was always so nice! Then... Suddenly bam! Murder...
  576. GilbertGilman: How long have you knwn her?
  577. Heockius: Oh. We've been friends for years. We met in highschool.
  578. GilbertGilman: Has she ever exhibited anti social behavior before?
  579. MedriHarker: *the cop takes over the prostitute, he opens the cell and shoves the hooker inside...who turns her attention and presses herself against the bars toward him..he nods his head and looks over to officer gilman...the officer closes the cell..and walks off*
  580. Heockius: -Sophie shakes her head- She doesn't like the government... How things are run...
  581. GilbertGilman: ooc: slow down MedriHarker
  582. GilbertGilman: ooc: you always rush through your turn and don't give me a chance to respond.
  583. GilbertGilman: *I spot the officer*
  584. GilbertGilman: ooc: I know every officer in this small town so if I don't recognize him, I'm going to react.
  585. MedriHarker: *officer is quite unfamiliar*
  586. MedriHarker: *he continues to walk out and down the stairs*
  587. GilbertGilman: Hey! Who are you?!
  588. Heockius: -Sophie looks up-
  589. GilbertGilman: *I go after him*
  590. MedriHarker: *the officer looks back at gilman from the foot of the stairs and continues to walk toward the door*
  591. MedriHarker: *the prostitute rises from her seat and opens her cell door...the keys from the officer in her hands*
  592. MedriHarker: *Bristow rises from her desk* Brstow-hey who took my keys!
  593. Heockius: -Sophie stands- Hey!
  594. GilbertGilman: *I jump him, bringing him down*
  595. MedriHarker: *the officer removes his hat and holds draws a gun, his hair a black bob*
  596. Heockius: HEY! -Sophie shouts- THE WOMAN HAS THE KEYS!
  597. MedriHarker: *she steps infront of sophies cell and opesn it, drawing a gun from beneath her skirts*
  598. MedriHarker: *closes the cell behind her*
  599. Heockius: -Sophie aims a quick kick at the woman's gut-
  600. MedriHarker: *the woman fires her weapon at sophie, falling back from the kick*
  601. GilbertGilman: *I wrestle the gun from his hand*
  602. MedriHarker: *the man screams in her name! as he begins to struggle back*
  603. GilbertGilman: Gun!
  604. Heockius: -The motion of the kick causes the shot to only hit her shoulder. She screams in pain-
  605. GilbertGilman: *all the cops come to my assistance*
  606. MedriHarker: *the woman rises and waims at her head*...In her name!
  607. MedriHarker: *fires*
  608. Heockius: -Sophie is hit and goes limp-
  609. MedriHarker: *the man is caught, but the gun shots from the cells are heard*
  610. MedriHarker: *takes the blood from the shoulder wound to write on the wall* IN HER NAME
  611. MedriHarker: *she turns the gun on herself *
  612. GilbertGilman: *the other officers cuff the fake cop*
  613. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *fires*
  614. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *I run up the steps*
  615. MedriHarker: *she falls limp*
  616. GilbertGilman: God damn it...
  617. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *I call for the paramedics, hoping to save one of them*
  618. GilbertGilman: *I open the cell and examine the bodies looking for life signs*
  619. Heockius: -Sophie has two wounds. Shoulder and head. She is not responding-
  620. MedriHarker: *the fake cop stays silent, his pale makeup and bob now seen it is obvious he is farf rom a cop*
  621. MedriHarker: *the hooker brains are splattered on the wall...her hair seems to show recent black dyes that stained the blonde and white make behind the ears *
  622. GilbertGilman: *I try to revive Sophie*
  623. Heockius: (What kind of gun was it? )
  624. MedriHarker: *bristow runs in*
  625. MedriHarker: (((an unlicense one?))
  626. GilbertGilman: ooc: No. The caliber. .22 .38 .45 9mm
  627. MedriHarker: 9 mil))
  628. MedriHarker: *the fake cop is placed in the cell, the moment he is he begins to bang his head against the wall laughing wildly* Deliverence In Her Name!
  629. Heockius: -As he works to revive her. He sees the shot was slightly high. It was enough to knock her down, but the shot took some out of the top of her head-
  630. GilbertGilman: Restrain him!
  631. GilbertGilman: Put him on suicide watch.
  632. MedriHarker: *bashes his head over and aover again, blood gushing*
  633. GilbertGilman: ooc; They won't let him do that.
  634. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : *is restrained, lauhging widly than crying uncrontrallbly*
  635. Heockius: -Sophie takes a few weak breaths but doesn't move much-
  636. MedriHarkerMedriHarker : jesus! what is going on in this town...glad that reporter wasnt here for this *she is quick to bring in the straigh jacket as officers hold him down in the cell*
  637. GilbertGilman: *the paramedics arrive*
  638. MedriHarker: *the department secretary comes in and whispers in bristows ear, she looks to gilman*....officer gilman...i know the timing is quite..well uh...shifty but it looks like our girls awake..
  639. GilbertGilmanGilbertGilman : *I let them work on her and just stare at the psycho*
  640. GilbertGilman: Great. I can't wait to talk to her.
  641. MedriHarker: *the man in the jacket begins to sway and chant to himself* in her name, we are her name, we are delivered*he stops and looks to bristow as shes says her news*
  642. GilbertGilman: ooc: We need to wait. I'm going to bed now.
  643. Heockius: -Sophie is alive. Some streak of luck the damage won't kill her. But right now she's out cold.-
  644. MedriHarker: ((understood, Dr Artemis will be notifed as well about her waking and will need to conduct what he can on her..also he has a new patient *looks to heo)))
  645. Heockius: (Luckiest girl around.)
  646. MedriHarker: *bristow looks to gilman* we sure we dont want to send that one straight to arkham..he gives me the creeps
  647. GilbertGilman: Keep him here on suicide watch. I don't want any less than two officers watching him at all times.
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