

Apr 19th, 2018
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  2. tubular - Yesterday at 11:07 PM
  3. beautiful
  4. ... and also probably valid
  5. i don't think there's any electric types involved in this whole deal yet at all
  6. fucking zviad flips because vasa liked them
  7. im sorry my brain is this way
  8. .........
  9. ok but
  10. ok
  11. bear with me
  12. what if there was someone in a vault still, with a self sustaining garden system
  13. a small one but enough to keep one person alive
  14. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:25 PM
  15. Zviad would probably be a Limbo tho to match Lucine lel
  16. tubular - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  17. and they crack it open and its just
  18. anime snake
  19. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  20. ... o
  21. tubular - Yesterday at 11:26 PM
  22. also that should be a thing
  23. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:27 PM
  24. ... anime snek and like 50 chikens
  25. tubular - Yesterday at 11:27 PM
  26. but like they just get in there and there are hundreds of bright purple chickens
  27. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:27 PM
  28. combined they probably eat as much as one person lel
  29. so it's a gardening thing - probably with some kind of bio engineered prototype food, at that - probably enough for 5-10 people
  30. just her and CHIKENS
  31. tubular - Yesterday at 11:28 PM
  32. ... i bet you that's where the seed bank is
  33. and then its like she's not even native to the alchemy realm, she's like friend and just wanted to do weird science
  34. (she probably thinks friend is fascinating)
  35. so probably most of these vaults are empty, everyone in them died
  36. ... a couple aren't
  37. and then there's just the one thats filled with chickens
  38. i can even complete the reference, she's been trying to figure out why an eye pattern just spontaneously manifested on her head. bam now she's even a walker
  39. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:32 PM
  40. leeel
  41. perfect
  42. someone suggests like... "Wow, clever, keeping all these animals using a portino of the grains increases food output as well as protein intake for long term survival"
  43. and she gets SUPER FUCKING OFFENDED
  44. tubular - Yesterday at 11:36 PM
  45. yes
  46. .... she's probably looking pretty shabby by the time they pull her out of there, that said
  47. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:37 PM
  48. ...... y eah
  49. couple thousand years of nothing but plant matter to eat
  50. tubular - Yesterday at 11:37 PM
  51. she can probably get by on it, most fae probably can
  52. but... she is still a snake
  53. its not optimal by any stretch of the imagination
  54. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:38 PM
  55. fae are going to be pretty resiliant, but like... even vegetarian species probably wouldn't be the happiest with that much time of such a contained diet
  56. tubular - Yesterday at 11:38 PM
  57. yeah
  58. every once in a while she'd suck it up and eat like. a single egg
  59. but she really was not happy about it
  60. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:39 PM
  61. in fairness even under normal wild circumstances don't chickens lay more eggs than they fertalise
  62. some are probably going chickenless anyway
  63. tubular - Yesterday at 11:39 PM
  64. i think?
  65. so i guess she did have some protein intake but it may not have been enough
  66. depending on how many of those chickens ended up being weird eggless hybrids
  67. (many, probably, she is still simic)
  68. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:42 PM
  69. a simic in the alchemy realm
  70. she probably has her share of wierd bullshit in there just from boredom
  71. tubular - Yesterday at 11:42 PM
  72. yeah
  73. ..... she probably had no idea there was even a war until it was too late because she was just
  74. so fixated
  75. on her science
  76. and her chickens
  77. "what do you mean infestatio- the door sealed. okay."
  78. "this is fine i'm sure it's just a false alarm. someone will unlock the door in a day or two."
  81. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:48 PM
  82. warning klaxons are going off and it takes her like 5 minutes to even notice
  83. tubular - Yesterday at 11:49 PM
  84. yes
  85. Save Her
  86. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:52 PM
  87. save animu snek
  88. tubular - Yesterday at 11:53 PM
  89. .... god that could get really sad really quick
  90. fae are resilient but like they still have to eat and they can still probably be brought down by malnourishment
  91. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:54 PM
  92. yeeeeeah
  93. tubular - Yesterday at 11:54 PM
  94. when they crack that vault she might be hours away from keeling over
  95. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:54 PM
  96. ...... also. there probably were other people in there
  97. tubular - Yesterday at 11:55 PM
  98. ... i guess that's the keyword huh
  99. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:55 PM
  100. uuuh huh
  101. andI guess she can probably "compost" her own "bio waste"
  102. ...... but those bones never went anywhere
  103. and yes I mean bathroom AND friend meat
  104. ....... chickens and lab mates both
  105. tubular - Yesterday at 11:55 PM
  106. yeah
  107. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:56 PM
  108. there's just an entire corner, sealed off and hidden from sight by every method possible
  109. FULL of chicken bones
  110. but at the bottom
  111. um
  112. non-chickens
  113. tubular - Yesterday at 11:56 PM
  114. "... this woman has not had a happy life"
  115. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  116. or like more bone meal than you could ever know what to do with
  117. tubular - Yesterday at 11:57 PM
  118. thats probably what happened to the chickens. she honestly felt wrong doing that to the... others tho
  119. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  120. yeeeeeeah
  121. chicken friends can return to the cycle, but grinding up your people-friends bones is kind of a downer(edited)
  122. tubular - Yesterday at 11:58 PM
  123. y eah
  124. gnarly - Yesterday at 11:59 PM
  125. ... you think any souls they've redeemed have ended up chickens down there
  126. tubular - Yesterday at 11:59 PM
  127. ... oh my god
  128. April 19, 2018
  129. gnarly - Today at 12:00 AM
  130. "thank you... I will rejoin the river and be reborn... I wonder what I'll be... a noble creature? or one of ultimate humbleness--"
  131. BUH GAWK
  132. tubular - Today at 12:00 AM
  133. at least one of the poor sons of bitches that got pulled out of the demon is now a chicken
  134. gnarly - Today at 12:00 AM
  135. actually more accurately
  136. peep peep
  137. tubular - Today at 12:01 AM
  138. yes
  139. gnarly - Today at 12:01 AM
  140. "..... is.. that..... tiny electric grape chick familiar some how"
  141. tubular - Today at 12:01 AM
  142. "................. i cant deal with this"
  143. gnarly - Today at 12:02 AM
  144. "that one. in particular. it's matrix-glitching me right out."
  145. tubular - Today at 12:02 AM
  146. "same"
  147. .... yknow im having really dumb brain thoughts all over the place tonight because like i just thought what if she wasn't alone still
  148. because all of a sudden i remembered that ur doggos are a thing
  149. gnarly - Today at 12:04 AM
  150. b ark
  151. to be fair they miiiight be in a different place
  152. cause again this is a small scale garden and she's feeding lots of chickens
  153. tubular - Today at 12:04 AM
  154. tru
  155. gnarly - Today at 12:05 AM
  156. oh and she'd probably kill them when they inevitably tried to eat a chicken
  157. tubular - Today at 12:05 AM
  158. y eah
  159. gnarly - Today at 12:06 AM
  160. there's only so long you can go before snapping and trying to devour them if you aren't her lel
  161. tubular - Today at 12:06 AM
  162. it took her all the willpower in the world not to do that
  163. ... which is fucking impressive
  164. gnarly - Today at 12:07 AM
  165. even if you fuckin luv chikens after thousands of years of malnourishment you'd be flat out hallucinating cartoon-style
  166. "eat me, eeeeat meeee"
  167. tubular - Today at 12:08 AM
  168. still tho i guess not alone in spirit also works because like if we do do that i bet they knew each other
  169. gnarly - Today at 12:10 AM
  170. yeah most likely
  171. might've even been able to power the comms for short periods of time and check in on one another
  172. literally grow potato batteries
  173. tubular - Today at 12:11 AM
  174. yes
  175. ... i like that
  176. its probably what kept them all sane even
  177. gnarly - Today at 12:11 AM
  178. I mean.. it's legit. I bet she could alchemise some kind of short term electric thing
  179. cause- yeah
  180. without that much there' isn't a lot of go on
  181. lot of trapped folks probably lasted like 200 years max without any contact and just..... well, left the metaphorical premises
  182. tubular - Today at 12:12 AM
  183. y eah
  184. ... there's at least one chicken in there whose eggs are inedible because instead of laying eggs it lays batteries
  185. gnarly - Today at 12:14 AM
  186. ... amazing
  187. so it's one of those glitch chickens
  188. tubular - Today at 12:14 AM
  189. yes
  190. gnarly - Today at 12:15 AM
  191. it's a straight up battery factory she just made it in the form of a chicken because she was bored
  192. tubular - Today at 12:16 AM
  193. yes
  194. she needed something to do and potatoes werent cutting it
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