
F1 AIE Chapter 3

Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. >After the rest of the Mane 6 introduce themselves to you, you kinda want to know how the fuck you got here.
  2. ”Which one of you guys can tell me how I got here and why?”
  3. >5 of them in unison, “Twilight can.”
  4. >TS: “Yes well, I was trying to show everyp0ny here a new spell I learned yesterday. The spell was meant to teleport slow moving vehicles for faster travel between cities. I must have focused my energy a tad too hard. None of us were expecting something that fast and LOUD to fly out.”
  5. >Hehe yeah, high performance internal combustion engines. They’re loud as shit.
  6. >TS: “As to why YOU are here, I just tried to focus on a random moving carriage somewhere in Equestria.”
  7. >Somewhere in Equestria huh? Good job nailing that one Twi.
  8. ”So I’m here by accident?”
  9. >TS: “Eeyup”
  10. “Neat”
  11. >PP: “I’ve never heard of ‘humans’ before. What part of Equestria are you from?”
  12. >Oh boy, time to blow their little fucking minds.
  13. “I’m not from here”
  14. >RD: “…What the shit?”
  15. >AJ: “…Say what?”
  17. >Oh yeah their minds are definitely blown.
  18. >And you’re slightly taken aback at what Dash said, didn’t see that coming.
  19. >TS: “What do you mean you’re not from Equestria!?”
  20. “I mean just that. I’m not from this world; you pulled me from a place called Earth.”
  21. >RD: “Earth? Never heard of it.”
  22. “Didn’t expect you too. Look, Twilight, I’m thinking your spell might have crossed dimensions here.”
  23. >Might have? You’re in a place where p0nies can talk, fly, and perform actual magic. Pretty sure it fucking did.
  24. >Shut up brain, no one asked you.
  25. >TS: “You know, I was starting to suspect that. Definitely focused too hard. My magic must be more powerful than I thought!”
  26. >You would think she would be more shocked at the thought of other dimensions actually existing.
  27. >No, wait a sec. Tartarus, right. They’re used to this kind of shit.
  28. >Over next to the car, Applejack quizzically looks at your sponsors.
  29. >AJ: “Hey Anon. What does um… ‘Tag Heeuwer’ and all these other words mean?
  30. >you chuckle at her pronunciation of “Heuer”
  31. “Oh those? Those are my team’s sponsors. Different companies, organizations and what not. They give us money to race and in turn we put their logo on the car”
  32. >RD: “Wait, so driving this thing is your JOB?”
  33. “Yeah kinda.”
  34. >RD: “That’s got to be the BEST job ever.”
  35. >Yeah, it is isn’t it?
  37. >TS: “Judging from the speed that you were going when I teleported you here, I think it’s safe to say that you were in the middle of one of these races?”
  38. “Yes I was, only in the first lap too. I was in the lead coming up to a turn when my brakes failed and my throttle stuck at the same time.”
  39. >TS: “As is to be expected. That’s part of the spell. When I locked on to your position I had to keep you at the same speed you were going for the spell to work.”
  40. >That explains a lot.
  41. >PP: “What’s this handle thingy with all the buttons all over it?”
  42. >You walk over to the car and get in to better show off the device.
  43. “This here, Pinkie, is the steering wheel. It’s basically the brain of the car. It can do everything from making aerodynamic changes on the fly…”
  44. >You press the DRS (Drag Reduction System) button and a panel on the rear wing raises up. It then goes back down when you tap the brakes.
  45. >RD: “Whoa”
  46. “to steering the car.”
  47. >You turn the wheel back and forth, moving the front tires.
  48. >Not that fascinating, but that is the main point of a steering wheel.
  49. >RD: “Hey, what do ya say you fire it up again?”
  50. >Fluttershy lets out a very loud “EEEP” and hides behind Rarity.
  52. >Flutters is definitely afraid of the car.
  53. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, starting up this thing is a very long process. You have to warm up the engine which takes a bit of time. That and I don’t even have a starter motor to get the gearbox going.”
  54. >Come to think of it, everything you need for this car to function was left back on Earth: Starter motor, spare tires, replacement engines, gas.
  55. >Sure you have a full tank, and it’s meant to last over 170 miles with the engine going at full power, but sooner or later this thing is going to become a very expensive paperweight.
  56. >RA: “Um, Twilight dear. What exactly are you doing?”
  57. >Looking over at Twilight, you see an aura around her horn and a look on her face like she’s… feeling around for something?
  58. >Suddenly, the car roars to life, startling the fuck out of everyone, including you.
  60. >Twilight is showing her satisfaction of getting the car to start by displaying a shit eating grin.
  61. >F1 cars at idle are still kinda loud, but not deafening. You are able to talk with slightly raised voices.
  62. >TS: “Long process huh?”
  63. “In a world without MAGIC it is.”
  64. >You notice that crowds are starting to form, the car drawing attention to itself.
  65. “Hey Twilight, you got a spot where I can park this thing besides the middle of town?”
  66. >TS: “Yeah, there is a small spot next to the library where you can put it. It’s down the road to the right, look for a large tree. We’ll talk about more important stuff there.”
  67. >You put your helmet back on and shift the car into first.
  68. “Alright, I’ll meet you guys there. Cover your ears.”
  69. >A couple of very loud revs and you let go of the clutch, rolling your way towards the library.
  71. >Loads of p0nies start lining the dirt road you’re travelling, all giving varying looks of curiosity.
  72. >With all of them watching you drive towards the library, you have the sudden urge to give em a little show.
  73. >But you decide against it. This thing is still new to them, the best a few donuts would do is just frighten them even more.
  74. >Rainbow might dig the fuck out of it though.
  75. >Eh, later.
  76. “Ah, there it is.”
  77. >You pull up to the spot next to the library, shut off the V8 engine, take off the steering wheel and climb out.
  78. >Taking off your helmet you wonder just what the hell is going on right now back on Earth.
  79. >The race, like all others, was televised and shown all around the planet.
  80. >And being the first race at the brand new Circuit of the Americas, you knew the ratings would be high.
  81. >A shitload of people saw what happened and you know it.
  82. >Have they called off the race? Is your team worried? How many times have they replayed you disappearing just before creaming that wall?
  83. >It’s probably made world news by now.
  84. >Your thoughts are interrupted when an overly excited Dash lands next to you.
  85. >RD: “I just can’t get over how cool your car is Anon. Not quite as cool as The Wonderbolts are, but it’s up there.”
  86. “You’re a p0ny that appreciates speed and agility; it’s just natural that you would like something like this.”
  87. >RD: “Yeah you’re right. It’s like you know me or something.”
  88. >You have no idea.
  89. >RD: “Hey, what’s this?”
  90. >She walks over to the tail end of the car… uh oh, she didn’t notice it did she?
  91. >RD: “Um… why is my cutie mark on the tail here?”
  92. >… Fuck.
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