
SkyWolven Pack 11/28/17 thru 12:47am

Nov 28th, 2017
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  1. AisuSkyWolven: hiya kiddo
  2. KaitoArius: Hihi Nana
  3. KaitoArius: Shifter was in ><
  4. AisuSkyWolven: awww I hate Imissed him
  5. AisuSkyWolven: hopefully he'llcome back
  6. KaitoArius: I growled at him not remembering who he was ><
  7. KaitoArius: hopefully ^.^ he said brb then poofed
  8. KaitoArius: Love yer fur Nana
  9. KaitoArius: heyo Brooke
  10. IHeavensGuardianI: hi
  11. KaitoArius: how ish yew?
  12. IHeavensGuardianI: good, wbu
  13. KaitoArius: ish otay
  14. KaitoArius: Hihi Moi
  15. IHeavensGuardianI: do you know anyone called dragonslayer?
  16. KaitoArius: wooks familir
  17. MoiZ107: Hey, Kaito. And all.
  18. IHeavensGuardianI: someone messaged me this morning on kik with a user similar to that and I have no idea who it is cause I didnt share it yesterday
  19. IHeavensGuardianI: either someone is sharing my kik user or is someone I used to know
  20. KaitoArius: I've seen the user name but can't remember how I know it
  21. KaitoArius: how ish Moi?
  22. MoiZ107: They do or say anything to you? >. > as in, anything inappropriate?
  23. MoiZ107: Moi is good. Chill.
  24. MoiZ107: Just brought some boots online.
  25. KaitoArius: :o ish knows moi ish cill :p
  26. IHeavensGuardianI: they just said "meow" but their name on there is I will kill you
  27. IHeavensGuardianI: it's weird
  28. KaitoArius: hmm
  29. KaitoArius: dat ish wierd
  30. IHeavensGuardianI: I blocked them after that
  31. MoiZ107: It's not that weird. You're over thinking it.
  32. KaitoArius: brb
  33. IHeavensGuardianI: well it's just I've had people add me before who I didn't know and wanted to kill my imvu account also harassing me in a way
  34. IHeavensGuardianI: tyt
  35. MoiZ107: They probably thought your kik pic was cute and wanted to say whats'up. Or they were bored and were randomly talking to folk... OR! You knew them once upon a time and they remembered a past friendship... which means they wanted to catch up.
  36. IHeavensGuardianI: my kik pic is a picture of gwen from spider man so lol and if they wanted to catch up who starts a conversation by saying meow?
  37. IHeavensGuardianI: any normal person would be like hey dont know if you remember but I'm blah blah.
  38. MoiZ107: ... it's Imvu... it's more rare meeting someone normal...
  39. IHeavensGuardianI: true but still I've never known anyone to greet me on kik with meow espacially if I didn't give them my kik personally but they are blocked unless they message me on here they can forget it
  40. AisuSkyWolven: Hi just a quick reminder....any drama that starts in here ...will end here...not only will you be booted but you will also be perma blocked.......I'm not Koori nor am I only get one chance here
  41. IHeavensGuardianI: no offense but isn't this her room though?
  42. KaitoArius: Mummy put it up for Nana
  43. AisuSkyWolven: Nope...Alphas here are Aisu and Sohei SkyWolven
  44. IHeavensGuardianI: oooh
  45. KaitoArius: and tankies for stating that Nana
  46. DameDawson: salutations.
  47. KaitoArius: Ewwo Dame
  48. DameDawson: how are you
  49. AisuSkyWolven: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Welcome to SkyWolven Pack, I am the Alphess, Aisu SkyWolven. Please be in furry or neko form, unless your a Vampire, Scaly, Elf, or anything Fantasy. After you have loaded please post a 3 + line para role play entrance that includes what brings you to our lovely pack. HUMANS AND FLASHING LIGHT TRIGGERS WILL GET AUTO BOOT. Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
  50. MoiZ107: I like this room better than the snow one.
  51. KaitoArius: pwoof
  52. KaitoArius: Nana yew want meh locator shut off?
  53. AisuSkyWolven: sure
  54. KaitoArius: kk ish shut off, turned it in this morning so family could follow me if the wanted
  55. KaitoArius: put no fighting and no drama on my room discription this morning too
  56. KaitoArius: Guest_KaitlynBuchanan1 is looking to mate with pups and just got banned from Asuvia
  57. KaitoArius:
  58. KaitoArius: ><
  59. KaitoArius: I'm even in my black wolf pup form too 0.o
  60. KaitoArius: Sorry Nana thought yew should know about her is she decides to come in
  61. IceFantasia: Good afternoon, everyone.
  62. KaitoArius: Good Afternoon Ice welcome home
  63. IceFantasia: Thank you.
  64. KaitoArius: Your welcome.
  65. KaitoArius: Nana wants no drama in here Ice
  66. IceFantasia: Okie dokie.
  67. KaitoArius: AisuSkyWolven: Hi just a quick reminder....any drama that starts in here ...will end here...not only will you be booted but you will also be perma blocked.......I'm not Koori nor am I only get one chance here
  68. AisuSkyWolven: back and welcome hime Ice
  69. IceFantasia: Welcome back. Thank you.
  70. AisuSkyWolven: ty and yw
  71. KaitoArius: Nana you see what I posted about the 42 year old? :x
  72. AisuSkyWolven: one second
  73. KaitoArius: kk
  74. KaitoArius: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Welcome to SkyWolven Pack, Lady Aisu and Sir Sohei SkyWolven are the Alphas. Please be in furry or neko form, unless your a Vampire, Scaly, Elf, or anything Fantasy. After you have loaded please post a 3 + line para role play entrance that includes what brings you to our lovely pack. HUMANS AND FLASHING LIGHT TRIGGERS WILL GET AUTO BOOT. Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
  75. AisuSkyWolven: oh wow people are just plain sick
  76. KaitoArius: yus they are, I mean if someone looks like a pup then they shouldn't be asked
  77. AisuSkyWolven: Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Welcome to SkyWolven Pack, the Alphas are , Aisu and Sohei SkyWolven. Please be in furry or neko form, unless your a Vampire, Scaly, Elf, or anything Fantasy. After you have loaded please post a 3 + line para role play entrance that includes what brings you to our lovely pack. HUMANS AND FLASHING LIGHT TRIGGERS WILL GET AUTO BOOT. NO DRAMA OF ANY KIND OR YOU WILL BE BOOTED & PERMA BLOCKED.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
  78. AisuSkyWolven: much better , Ice and Kaito this is our new greeting
  79. IceFantasia: Alrighty.
  80. KaitoArius: kk ty Nana
  81. IceFantasia: Thank you.
  82. AisuSkyWolven: you're very welcome
  83. KaitoArius: copies, pasted and saved.
  84. KaitoArius: coppied*
  85. AisuSkyWolven: great
  86. AisuSkyWolven: Brooke due to orders of our enforcer I must ask you to leave
  87. KaitoArius: I thought that might have been why you were Multi tasking Nana
  88. AisuSkyWolven: they are no longer allowed here under any circumstances
  89. AisuSkyWolven: and yes that's why
  90. IceFantasia: Aye aye, captain.
  91. KaitoArius: Yes Nana, since thats the case I'll block her so she can't get into my forest
  92. AisuSkyWolven: gotta make sure both are blocked from here as well as the Kingdom
  93. KaitoArius: Whats his exact username? I can copy and paste him to my blocked list on my account page
  94. AisuSkyWolven: IHellsGuardianI
  95. KaitoArius: ty Nana
  96. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  97. AisuSkyWolven: hers is IHeavensGuardianI
  98. KaitoArius: ty Nana
  99. AisuSkyWolven: yw
  100. IceFantasia: brb
  101. AisuSkyWolven: tyt
  102. KaitoArius: tyt
  103. KaitoArius: Yew have any chat room slots Nana?
  104. AisuSkyWolven: sadly no
  105. KaitoArius: aww :( I thought thats why Mummy made this one for you
  106. AisuSkyWolven: nope I don't have any chat rooms of my own yet but hopefully that will change soon
  107. KaitoArius: I hope it does change soon Nana, I'm looking to see if there's a thread on the SkyWolven pack with names that need to be blocked
  108. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  109. AisuSkyWolven: and thank you
  110. KaitoArius: direwolf pack? x.x
  111. IceFantasia: back
  112. KaitoArius: welcome back
  113. IceFantasia: ty
  114. KaitoArius: yw
  115. KaitoArius: brb gotta go eat irl brb
  116. IceFantasia: tyt
  117. AisuSkyWolven: tyt
  118. AisuSkyWolven: once he comes back I'll explain that to you both also
  119. IceFantasia: Okay
  120. LimboTheWanderer: Ello ello
  121. IceFantasia: Welcome back.
  122. LimboTheWanderer: Do What? O.o
  123. AisuSkyWolven: hey bro
  124. LimboTheWanderer: Just waiting for Anubis now.
  125. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  126. LimboTheWanderer: Lmao do you see where I am?
  127. AisuSkyWolven: on the rock one over from me
  128. LimboTheWanderer: No. Lol
  129. LimboTheWanderer: Look at my post.
  130. LimboTheWanderer: On my profile xD
  131. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  132. AisuSkyWolven: lol you sir have no more room on your profile card to even add SkyWolven
  133. LimboTheWanderer: Nope.
  134. LimboTheWanderer: Wayy to many packs lmao
  135. AisuSkyWolven: -sniffles-I feel so left out in the cold
  136. LimboTheWanderer: :T
  137. LimboTheWanderer: Sorry. Lol
  138. AisuSkyWolven: welcome Asami
  139. IceFantasia: Welcome back, Asami.
  140. AisuSkyWolven: she dead?
  141. IceFantasia: Ruh roh
  142. AsamiMoon: thanks
  143. IceFantasia: Good to see you are alive. How are you doing?
  144. AsamiMoon: im fine
  145. AisuSkyWolven: YAY!!!! she lives
  146. AsamiMoon: lol
  147. AisuSkyWolven: hadus worried niece ...we thought the trip in killed you
  148. KaitoArius: back
  149. IceFantasia: wb
  150. KaitoArius: ty
  151. AsamiMoon: theres sould more to kill me
  152. IceFantasia: Do what now
  153. KaitoArius: 0.o wha?
  154. KaitoArius: :o cause she's normally in Crystal instead?
  155. AisuSkyWolven: everyone is safe worries
  156. KaitoArius: yus ^^
  157. IceFantasia: Aisu, what was that thing you wanted to talk about when Kaito got back?
  158. AisuSkyWolven: ty for reminding me Ice
  159. KaitoArius: she said too just waiting on Daddy now
  160. IceFantasia: Np
  161. KaitoArius: otay
  162. AisuSkyWolven: our last names used to be DireWolf....not to many people know of the name keep this to yourselves
  163. AisuSkyWolven: this was all due to an idiot literally tryg to create wars between us and every other pack on IMVU
  164. AisuSkyWolven: and all that happened when he joined my pack ...we found out the reason why he joined is because he joined packs to cause chaos ....make the members leave and collect the super strong ones by giving them a "oh poor you have no pack ..but you're welcome to join mine ...I wouldn't treat you like the others did" speech
  165. KaitoArius: May I ask who the idiot was?
  166. AisuSkyWolven: dragonlazer Rex
  167. IceFantasia: Sounds like a huge mess
  168. AisuSkyWolven: it was and he was even trying to put Koori and Miyako in the hospital irl
  169. KaitoArius: I'm very sorry you had that happen Nana
  170. KaitoArius: wow x.x
  171. KaitoArius: that may be why the name looked familiar
  172. AisuSkyWolven: ty and this is the reason why it seems like wenever sleep...because 9 out of 10 times...we don't
  173. KaitoArius: .......
  174. KaitoArius: /me pulls out his chewing teeth "May I has permision to start chewing ankles Nana?"
  175. KaitoArius: May this pup make a suggetion?
  176. IceFantasia: Welcome back, Darcy.
  177. KaitoArius: Heya Darcy
  178. Guest_xDarcyx96: Thank you, and hii
  179. Guest_xDarcyx96: So i've seen the continent of Ammeonon...impressive ;o
  180. KaitoArius: how impressive? :o
  181. Guest_xDarcyx96: very
  182. IceFantasia: Have you seen it yet, Kaito?
  183. KaitoArius: Not yet ><
  184. AisuSkyWolven: oh you will love it
  185. IceFantasia: I'll invite you
  186. Guest_xDarcyx96: ;p
  187. KaitoArius: kk
  188. AisuSkyWolven: it's great especially if you love to role play
  189. Guest_xDarcyx96: mhm :)
  190. KaitoArius: good lord 0.o
  191. KaitoArius: Love it except the brick detailing on the castle ><
  192. AisuSkyWolven: I love the fact that the owner is a friend of the family and gave a shout out to SkyWolven Pack on his profile card
  193. Guest_xDarcyx96: yeah ^^
  194. KaitoArius: :o nice
  195. IceFantasia: He's a cool dude
  196. KaitoArius: it is impressive there tho
  197. AisuSkyWolven: very and that's why I return the favor as much as I can
  198. KaitoArius: I couldn't do much in there unless it's the only place I'm in
  199. KaitoArius: Aww thats sweet of you Nana
  200. AisuSkyWolven: I'd gladly do the same for any other family friend or family member
  201. KaitoArius: Your really sweet and Kinda Nana ^.^
  202. AisuSkyWolven: i try my best to be
  203. KaitoArius: /me snuggles Nana
  204. AisuSkyWolven: /me smilesasshe cuddles him
  205. KaitoArius: oh the thread on the rules is closed Nana
  206. KaitoArius: /me smiles and waggles his tail
  207. AisuSkyWolven: yea we'rehaving to makea newgroup page
  208. KaitoArius: otay
  209. AisuSkyWolven: if all goes well this wedding is going to be sooooooo beautiful
  210. Guest_xDarcyx96: wedding?
  211. KaitoArius: yesh it will Nana
  212. AisuSkyWolven: mhm we're working on a surprise double wedding
  213. Guest_xDarcyx96: oh??
  214. Guest_xDarcyx96: who are the lucky ones? c;
  215. KaitoArius: Mummy daddy is one
  216. AisuSkyWolven: and Sohei and I are the second
  217. Guest_xDarcyx96: oooh nice ^^
  218. KaitoArius: yew guys already have a room yew are working on for teh wedding?
  219. AisuSkyWolven: as soon as we decide on a date we have one that's kind of set up
  220. KaitoArius: otay :3 raven has one already setup from years ago x.x
  221. KaitoArius: yew already have one in mind, if anyone else needs one I can has Raven use his
  222. IceFantasia: He crashed
  223. AsamiMoon: /me curls up as she slowly falls asleep-
  224. AisuSkyWolven: wb
  225. Guest_xDarcyx96: wb
  226. KaitoArius: /me flattens his ears against his head and bow's in respect to Alphess Nana and raises one paw lowering his tail laying it on the ground and awaits patiently for a responce
  227. KaitoArius: (ty ty)
  228. AisuSkyWolven: oh that would be nice too gbb
  229. KaitoArius: ish actually in teh rules for Frozen and Crystal's rules to
  230. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  231. KaitoArius: and without speaking tho
  232. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  233. KaitoArius: * When entering, it is a must to bow to the Alphas and wait until they are seen before they speak or do anything. Show respect or you can instead offer your paw to the Alphas (you lift your paw and wait for her clasp it).
  234. AisuSkyWolven: true and there are still so many that disregard this as well as everything else
  235. KaitoArius: mhm like that of teh drama x.x
  236. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  237. IceFantasia: Is there a second page of rules somewhere? I didn't see the bowing to the Alpha anywhere otherwise I would be doing that o_0
  238. AisuSkyWolven: hold on
  239. KaitoArius: your looking at the direwolf one
  240. IceFantasia: Yeah, what's the group yall are talking about?
  241. KaitoArius: found mine in Frozen and Crystal
  242. KaitoArius: Daddy!
  243. IceFantasia: Welcome back, Dark.
  244. KaitoArius: /me wiggles out of Nana's arms and waddles over to daddy raising his front paws
  245. Guest_xDarcyx96: ((I'm off to bed...i had a busy day x_x))
  246. AisuSkyWolven: and the Dire Wolf page will be getting updated soon
  247. IceFantasia: ((Goodnight.))
  248. AisuSkyWolven: {{nini Darcy pleasant dreams}}
  249. KaitoArius: ((Good night Darcy weet dreams))
  250. Guest_xDarcyx96: ((nini ^-^))
  251. AisuSkyWolven: welcome Dark
  252. KaitoArius: ish also a good idea for members to ask for permission to be dismissed and await a responce
  253. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he walks over to pick up his son whom he smiles at to see him wadding into a walk and hugs his boy lovingly "Hello son, mom everyone."
  254. KaitoArius: /me huggles daddy hearing his words "Ewwo Daddy " How ish yew?"
  255. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he tickles his son and smiles "I'm good son and I hope you are well too as everyone else."
  256. KaitoArius: once mummy's doing better I ish gonna have a vewwy serious question :x
  257. AisuSkyWolven: welcome home
  258. KaitoArius: /me listens to daddy's every word "Ish glad yew ish good daddy " Ish good"
  259. AnubisDarkWolf: Thx mom
  260. AisuSkyWolven: yw
  261. KaitoArius: it will also aplly to Nana as and gpa :x
  262. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he smiles gently and wags his tail "Daddy is doing what he can for mommy I've got a good idea that she's not going to give up." "I'm glad you are well son."
  263. KaitoArius: /me he smiles happily waggling his tail "Mummy's a fighter of course she's not gonna give up daddy"
  264. KaitoArius: /me "Yew ish a gweat daddy and a gweat mate"
  265. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he smiles nuzzling his boy hearing his words "Thank you son that means alot to me, I do my best for your mother and everyone." "But pray your father doesn't get ahold of the one who hurt her."
  266. KaitoArius: /me huggles daddy hearing every word " I know yew do daddy " Ish gonna pway yew find teh vfjdskl and yew come back safe"
  267. KaitoArius: ><
  268. KaitoArius: (The random words is my version of cussing)
  269. KaitoArius: :x
  270. AisuSkyWolven: {cute}
  271. KaitoArius: ( :3 )
  272. AnubisDarkWolf: /me huggles his son and smiles "Your father is angry yes but as much as I'd like to revenge just isn't the answer he would hurt your mother more by just doing the wrong thing but I just can't help but want to get my own paws dirty but I mustn't." (XD when I saw that I laughed I knew what it meant)
  273. KaitoArius: /me smiles hearing his daddy's words "Yew right daddy but they guy deserve's at least his own Karma"
  274. AisuSkyWolven: YAY!!!! welcome mom
  275. Robin772004: ty bbg
  276. KaitoArius: Ewwo ggma
  277. Robin772004: So is this your pack room?
  278. Robin772004: Hey grandson
  279. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  280. Robin772004: ok yay I will save it then
  281. Robin772004: oh duah it has your name on the top lol so sorry Blond moment
  282. AisuSkyWolven: for those of you that don't know this is me and Miyakos' mom, Kooris' gma and Kaitos' ggm
  283. KaitoArius: oh daddy, yew should have seen my post after I came back from being a goof earlier
  284. KaitoArius: yus ^.^
  285. Robin772004: yep and I am so proud to be that as well
  286. KaitoArius: awwie <3
  287. IceFantasia: It's a pleasure to meet you. -she bows her head and flattens her ears in respect- I am Ice, a healer for Aisu's pack.
  288. AnubisDarkWolf: *giggles* You just be you Son. And hello my lady nice to meet my mom's mom. *he smiles and kneels*
  289. Robin772004: nice to meet you ice and grandbaby
  290. Robin772004: I to am a healer and elven healer
  291. AnubisDarkWolf: I am Dark I call Lady Aisu my mom since I'm marrying her daughter Koori. Kaito is one of our pups. *he smiles*
  292. KaitoArius: /me happily waggles his tail "Nice to meet you ggm"
  293. Robin772004: Nice to meet all of you and welcome to the family Dark well when you marry my granddaughter that is
  294. KaitoArius: "I'm Kaito, I think we met once before if I remember correctly"
  295. Robin772004: yes we have hun
  296. AnubisDarkWolf: Thank you my lady, I'm glad to be apart of the family they are very nice people and Im happy to be apart of it.
  297. KaitoArius: (( KaitoArius flattens his ears against his head and bow's in respect to Alphess Nana and raises one paw lowering his tail laying it on the ground and awaits patiently for a responce ))
  298. Robin772004: yes they are and I love being a part of it as well
  299. AisuSkyWolven: you are always welcome to visit here anytime you want to mom
  300. KaitoArius: (was the post when I came back)
  301. Robin772004: ty bbg and I sure will
  302. AisuSkyWolven: ty Kaito may rise
  303. Robin772004: -Nods-
  304. KaitoArius: :3 ish so much more ten happy to be part of teh family
  305. KaitoArius: Yw and ty Nana :3
  306. AisuSkyWolven: yw sweetie
  307. Robin772004: yvw hun anytime
  308. AnubisDarkWolf: Yeah I've been very happy since I came here *he rises himself holding his son* Koori gave me a nice family of my own too.
  309. KaitoArius: /me huggles daddy as he watches everyone
  310. Robin772004: Well like I said Dark it is such a pleasure to get to know you and the rest of my grandkids as well
  311. Robin772004: and to be able to spend time with my bbg as well
  312. AnubisDarkWolf: Its a pleasure in return my lady. One of them is out right now Snow Kaito's twin sister but not sure when she'll come on next time.
  313. AisuSkyWolven: mhm-she huggles mom-
  314. Robin772004: -huggles and snuggles with her bbg-
  315. Robin772004: And ty Dark for letting me know I can't wait to meet her as well
  316. AnubisDarkWolf: Yvw :) She's a good girl too.
  317. Robin772004: I bet she is
  318. Robin772004: if shes anything like her dad
  319. Robin772004: and her mom
  320. AnubisDarkWolf: I take no pleasures in being the bad guy who starts trouble I prefer to nice to everyone. And show my vicious side when my family is hurt in anyway shape or form. Im worried for Koori right now.
  321. Robin772004: awww I am so sorry to hear that your so worried about her and I to prefur to be nice and kind till others hurt my family that is
  322. AnubisDarkWolf: Its alright I been helping getting her back can't lose my mate after all I refuse to actually. Kaito over there I call my little champ because he'll grow up someday to be better than his old man. *chuckles*
  323. KaitoArius: /me smiles and waggles his tail
  324. Robin772004: awww thats so sweet
  325. AnubisDarkWolf: He's very smart too. *he smiles wagging his tail nipping his boy's ear*
  326. Robin772004: we all want our children to be better than us I mean I am like that with my 2 rl kids
  327. KaitoArius: /me waggles his ears to daddy's nip
  328. Robin772004: lol
  329. AnubisDarkWolf: XD I'm working on the rl part though but I'll get there soon.
  330. AnubisDarkWolf: (Glad she's gone)
  331. Robin772004: I know you will
  332. Robin772004: who?
  333. Robin772004: Heaven? who is that
  334. AnubisDarkWolf: Heavens Guardian she's the mate of the one who caused the recent trouble.
  335. Robin772004: that is if I may ask
  336. Robin772004: oh I see
  337. AisuSkyWolven: Brooke and Storm
  338. AisuSkyWolven: lol she got booted and sent me a friend request....ummm nope
  339. Robin772004: lol ha
  340. AnubisDarkWolf: She has alot of brass showing up here though.
  341. Robin772004: I so agree
  342. AnubisDarkWolf: Now she is in one of Miyako's places.
  343. Robin772004: I thought that all her places were shut down? Cause I dont have any of them on my list
  344. AnubisDarkWolf: I don't have all of her rooms on list but she has her locator on.
  345. Robin772004: owe ok
  346. AisuSkyWolven: she's at Moon and Sirennes' place...Storms' parents
  347. Robin772004: owe ok
  348. AnubisDarkWolf: She changed rooms hoping to lure one of us there.
  349. AnubisDarkWolf: That's what I think. Hey Moi.
  350. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  351. AisuSkyWolven: wb
  352. KaitoArius: ((Hey Moi wb))
  353. IceFantasia: ((Welcome back, Moi))
  354. MoiZ107: (( Thanks ^_^ / ))
  355. Robin772004: -waves at Moi-
  356. AisuSkyWolven: yw
  357. MoiZ107: What I miss?
  358. AnubisDarkWolf: yw ^^
  359. AnubisDarkWolf: Only thing you likely missed was Storm breaking his agreement with everyone about keeping himself in line.
  360. Robin772004: -nods-
  361. MoiZ107: Never met the guy.
  362. AnubisDarkWolf: HellsGuardian is his name. And you wouldn't like him once he opens up his mouth.
  363. AisuSkyWolven: aka Storm
  364. MoiZ107: Eh... I'm sure he wasn't that bad.
  365. Robin772004: I just realized who they were it just dawned on me lol Blond moment once again
  366. AisuSkyWolven: umm okay let's not talk about that any more....moving on
  367. Robin772004: I so agree bbg
  368. KaitoArius: /me his tummy growls and he tried to keep it quiet by putting his paws on his tummy
  369. Robin772004: awww hes hungry
  370. AnubisDarkWolf: *he feels his son's stomach and he gets up* Mom this is your territory where can I find the food?
  371. AnubisDarkWolf: (Moving on XD Dick Van Dyke Night at the museum lol)
  372. KaitoArius: /me huggles his daddy as he gets up
  373. Robin772004: lol
  374. KaitoArius: (Lol)
  375. AisuSkyWolven: /me "on the other side of the tent there's some fressh deer strips in the fridge"
  376. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he holds his son "Thanks mom Ill give my little champ some eats." he looks to his boy. "Deer strips okay with you?"
  377. Robin772004: mmhmm
  378. KaitoArius: /me happily waggles his tail as his tummy growls again
  379. Robin772004: sounds so good
  380. KaitoArius: /me "Sounds good daddy"
  381. AisuSkyWolven: /me "there should be enough for mom if she would like some"
  382. Robin772004: -tummy growls-
  383. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he pokes his stomach with a finger to get him to giggle as he carries him over to the tent and opens up the fridge to warm up some deer strips for his boy and once they are heated up enough for him he cuts them into little pieces for his son and puts them on a place then places both the plate and his boy in a high chair. "Here you go son, eat up like a champ, but don't wolf it down so fast."
  384. KaitoArius: /me waggles his tail as he sits in the high chair he wooks up to daddy and softly speaks "Tankies Daddy"
  385. AisuSkyWolven: /me smiles as she levitates a bowl of deer stips over to mom in a insulated bowl to retain it's heat "here ya go mom"
  386. Robin772004: -takes it and thanks her bbg then nibbles on the meat-
  387. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he looks down at his son and smiles softly petting his boy and watches "Ye welcomes son." he chuckles
  388. AisuSkyWolven: /me "me smiles as she telrots a bowl to Ice also insulated and stuffed full of deer strips " here ya go Ice"
  389. KaitoArius: /me pokes one of the pieces of deer meat lifting it up to his snout opening his mouth and places the deer meat in his mouth as he's listening to everyone wiggling his ears as he hears his words
  390. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he giggles seeing his boy eat and watches him sitting next to him and takes a small piece of deer meat and places it on his own nose for his son to see and balances it on his face then tosses it upwards and it lands in his mouth to chew
  391. Robin772004: Well family I am so sorry but I need rest cause I have 2 dr's apt's tomorrow real early. I love you all so much and will be back tomorrow hope to see you all then. Bye and Poof
  392. AisuSkyWolven: okay love you mom and tc
  393. AisuSkyWolven: wlcome gpa
  394. RenoZiEverburn: Hello
  395. AnubisDarkWolf: She's a good lady mom glad to know her :)
  396. RenoZiEverburn: Guessing robin just poofed
  397. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  398. RenoZiEverburn: Darn
  399. AnubisDarkWolf: Yeah she poofed almost instantly after telling us she had two doctors appointments.
  400. KaitoArius: /me watches daddy with the peice of deer meat in amazement he picks up a peice and tries to ballance it on his own nose as it's twitching and the peice of meat falls back to teh plate
  401. KaitoArius: awwies get yew west
  402. KaitoArius: o.o talking about late xD
  403. AisuSkyWolven: lol
  404. KaitoArius: Ice went brb a bit ago, I neither of us wanted to interupt teh mood
  405. AisuSkyWolven: oh okay
  406. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he chuckles seeing that happen and leans forward to do the same for his son placing a peace of meat small enough on his nose so its balanced and his father shows him how to do it. "Keep it on your nose son and flick with your mouth upwards so it can go straight up and then open wide for it then chew after it lands." he chuckles more knowing mom might disapprove of what's happening.
  407. AisuSkyWolven: /me giggles as she watches them
  408. AisuSkyWolven: hello Blue
  409. alaskenblue: hello
  410. alaskenblue: are the other rooms dwon
  411. KaitoArius: /me concentrates on teh peice of meat on his nose as it's balanced and hearing his daddy's words he flicks his mouth upwards opening his mouth so the peice of meat falls into it he chews and swallows before speaking "Tankies daddy ish so cool"
  412. AnubisDarkWolf: (hey Blue ^^)
  413. AisuSkyWolven: yes
  414. KaitoArius: (Heya Blue)
  415. alaskenblue: (hai everyone)
  416. alaskenblue: hey watch this.)
  417. alaskenblue: ta a
  418. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he chuckles petting his son seeing his mom smiling. "We can practice that more later I'm sure Nana doesn't like play at the table son." he chuckles "But nothing wrong with enjoying your meal right son?" he smiles
  419. alaskenblue: tah da
  420. AnubisDarkWolf: (Looks pretty good Blue)
  421. alaskenblue: i match AsamiMoon
  422. AnubisDarkWolf: (oh Nice! Didn't notice what Asami had on till now XD My bad)
  423. alaskenblue: XD
  424. alaskenblue: daddy is in a whole buntch of troble
  425. KaitoArius: /me wiggles his ears while he's being petted by daddy "Right daddy" he returns to eating the rest of the deer meat on his plate noticing teh twins
  426. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he chuckles watching his son eat and goes to get a small piece of deer meat for himself to snack on "Old man's gotta have at least one bad habbit."
  427. alaskenblue: aisu guess what my daddy did
  428. AisuSkyWolven: hmm
  429. alaskenblue: he asked brooke to be a sex slave
  430. KaitoArius: /me watches his daddy take one more peice of deer meat to snack on as he waggles his tail "yew need to eat too daddy" he leaves a couple peices on his place placing his paws on opposite sides of the plate he picks up teh plate and holds it up for daddy to take "Yew can has teh rest daddy"
  431. KaitoArius: (A who deh watta?)
  432. KaitoArius: << pup :O
  433. AisuSkyWolven: wow and meaning no harm but can we not discuss that in front of my gbb
  434. alaskenblue: (sorry_
  435. alaskenblue: sorry)
  436. AisuSkyWolven: {it's okay we'll find time to talk a little later okay}
  437. alaskenblue: [ okay]
  438. AnubisDarkWolf: /me "Awww son you are a good pup a chip off the old block, did you get enough to eat though?" he sits down next to him before he decides to take him up on his offer.
  439. KaitoArius: /me he looks to daddy looking into his eye's as he listens to his words "Yes daddy ish full tankies for asking" waggles his tail happily
  440. AisuSkyWolven: /me smiles and looks to kaito "little one would you like something to drink?"
  441. AnubisDarkWolf: /me to ease his son's worries he eats the remains of what his son offered him and he pets him gently hearing his mom's words on something to drink looking back at his boy while he chews
  442. KaitoArius: /me turns to Nana wif a dry mouth "yes pwease Nana"
  443. AisuSkyWolven: /me she passes him a sippy cup with some juice in it"
  444. AisuSkyWolven: so how'syour day been Blue?
  445. KaitoArius: /me turns back to daddy to watch him eat as he takes teh sippy cup lifting it up to his mouth and lifts the cup to take a drink waggling his tail showing daddy he put his worries at ease
  446. alaskenblue: ehh
  447. alaskenblue: im sure you guys hurd
  448. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he smiles keeping his mouth closed as he eats chewing on the remainder of the food left over from his son and he watches him showing those innocent eyes and he feels alot calmer now and rubs his son cheek gently, his son knew he was worried deeply for his mother.
  449. AnubisDarkWolf: You and Moi?
  450. AnubisDarkWolf: Mist my bad
  451. alaskenblue: yup
  452. AnubisDarkWolf: I heard it either last night or a few nights ago.
  453. alaskenblue: last night
  454. AnubisDarkWolf: I don't mind it it all not my place to approve really Im only alpha of Crystal lake wolf not this territory and I'm happy for you two.
  455. KaitoArius: /me nuzzles his daddys hand with his cheek knowing hie's really worries about mummy he finishes his juice setting the empty cup on the table and reaches both his paws up for his daddy to pick him up "I love yew daddy how ish mummy doing?"
  456. IceFantasia: ((back, Ty for the deer Aisu lol))
  457. KaitoArius: ((Wb Icey))
  458. AisuSkyWolven: {{lol wb and yw}}
  459. IceFantasia: ((ty ty))
  460. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he picks him up and nuzzles his son holding him "I love you son.....Your mom is recovering son he brought her home for now its best for you not to see mommy's condition until Nana approves she is ready for you and your sister."
  461. AnubisDarkWolf: he not I* XD
  462. AnubisDarkWolf: *reverse I not he* dang XD)
  463. KaitoArius: /me nuzzles daddy listening to every word handing on to each and every one he huggles his daddy "I love yew daddy and mummy I will be more then happy to wait"
  464. alaskenblue: no he had someone eles in rl
  465. KaitoArius: (I knew what you ment ^^)
  466. AnubisDarkWolf: (I get ahead of myself sometimes XD)
  467. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he hugs his boy and he smiles "Your mother blessed your father with two wonderful pups and your older brother as far as I'm concerned is also my boy too." "I want you to see your mother soon as possible but when she gets a little better then we can all go and see her together." he kisses his son's cheek wagging his tail making him feel alot better
  468. KaitoArius: (I noticed XD but you've had a long day today)
  469. AnubisDarkWolf: (giving this situation of what happened not too recenty its weighed in on all of us to have a long day since we are worried for Koori)
  470. KaitoArius: /me huggles daddy hanging onto every word knowing mummy wants to see all of us togther but is willing to wait untill she's ready "As I am blessed to have you as my daddy and her as my mummy" "I know you've accepted all of us into your hearts with open arms" waggles his tail happily feeling his daddy's kiss "Wuv yew daddy"
  471. alaskenblue: i dont know what happend
  472. AnubisDarkWolf: (as mom said we'll talk more later about it)
  473. LimboTheWanderer: Are you ready? *Flings monkey shit all over the place.*
  474. IceFantasia: No. I was not ready for that.
  475. KaitoArius: -.- yew gonna clean dat up?
  476. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he smiles holding his boy to him " I wuvs you son, and I'm glad to have met you all and have you all."
  477. LimboTheWanderer: >___> *Litterly was taking about Anubis spar.*
  478. LimboTheWanderer: *talking
  479. AnubisDarkWolf: I been ready since I showed up
  480. LimboTheWanderer: Ah I passed out.
  481. KaitoArius: /me he smiles to daddy and huggles him "We are all blessed to have met each other daddy"
  482. AisuSkyWolven: indeed gbb
  483. LimboTheWanderer: -----------IC------------ (Please keep all forms of OOC in brackets.)
  484. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he nuzzles his son and hugs him "Indeed son."
  485. KaitoArius: /me nuzzles his daddy in return waggling his tail
  486. AnubisDarkWolf: (Where should I stand?)
  487. KaitoArius: /me ish in daddy's arms
  488. KaitoArius: (Just a friendly reminder)
  489. AnubisDarkWolf: /me has his son holding him and then gives him to Nana to hold in her chair "Daddy has business to take care of son." "I shall hold you once we are done."
  490. KaitoArius: /me huggles nana as he patiently waits for daddy to finish his bussiness "Otay daddy" he smiles and wagles his tail
  491. KaitoArius: (Sorry I've had a deer leg droped on me before XD)
  492. AisuSkyWolven: /me cuddles him as she rocks him
  493. KaitoArius: /me cuddles Nana and closes his eye's as he relaxes
  494. AnubisDarkWolf: (That's gotta hurt there son hope you were alright after that happened)
  495. KaitoArius: (Yes I was fine, shrugged it off like daddy would)
  496. AnubisDarkWolf: (I never been around deer much and I still find hit hard to believe they are stronger than they look)
  497. KaitoArius: (Yeah their to skiddish and the only way they can hurt someone is either to use their racks {Males} or their reae hooves, I was trying to help out with an injured pup but stay out of the way, Mist had killed the deer earlier and I chewed it's hind leg off and tried to drag it over to the campire when sugar notice and asked if I needed help and ask asked and said pwease and thank you but she didn't realize my tail was around it and it was already chewed free from the deer at the time, she proceeded to tear it off and carry it to the campfire, thus me hanging from it via tail and she droped it by the fire)
  498. AnubisDarkWolf: (Ouch that's gotta hurt but least you are alright. In rl I was leaving a camping ground and just before I got out the front gate a doe and her fawn were across the road so I stopped to let them pass the mom was walking slowly already across the road but the fawn only looked a few weeks old giving it was barely walking much)
  499. alaskenblue: why dose brooke keep getting booted from here
  500. AisuSkyWolven: because Ihaveno time for drama of any kind
  501. AnubisDarkWolf: (Its part of the reason mom said we should talk later)
  502. alaskenblue: oh okay
  503. AisuSkyWolven: {trust me when this spar is over I'm sure you'll find out}
  504. KaitoArius: (it tickled a little bit but ish fine :3 the doe was walking slow to make sure the fawn could keep up and not get hit first)
  505. AnubisDarkWolf: (I wasn't gonna hit any of them and thank goodness I was the only car there so I stopped and waited.)
  506. KaitoArius: (I know your to nice and wouldn't hurt them if at all possible)
  507. KaitoArius: (Deer are as protective as we are and would sacrifice themselves for their fawns)
  508. AnubisDarkWolf: (Yeah and I wouldn't want there to be sacrifice that day on my watch)
  509. KaitoArius: (Yeah :3)
  510. LimboTheWanderer: *A malicious mist rolled slightly acrossed the entrance towards the SkyWolven Pack, as the thick mist began to simmer in one single spot, a silhouette of a man appeared through the thick of the mist. What appeared on the silhouette was a tall frame, nearly seven foot tall, with broad shoulders and a heavy top, but downwards towards the silhouette frame had a very elegant trance towards the silhouette frame, as a hand appeared thick through the malicious mist, the mist began to disappear revealing a eerily site of a wraith, not just a typical wraith but a wraith that had a ghostly, white essence towards wraith that illuminated and pondered about slightly, this resembled that he broke from the spiritual realm and formed a physical body. This is what created the god forsaken mist, something about the man was eerily, there was no scent upon this man and the aura that cracked and popped was not from this physical realm as the physical realm carried a small trance of power but the spiritual aura had a very strong pressure resistance towards his aura. The man wore a long cloat, almost like a trench coat but not surely a trench coat it was as trench coats are usually made from a shirt type of material but this coat was made of hardened leather to protect from any sort of heavy blows, not very many blows of course it could take but just enough to make sure if he messes up he can rebound off his coat. He wore a casual white shirt under the leather coat and running downwards he wore a flimsy type of leather jeans that had chainlinks embedded into the seams itself and protected heavy and light blows to his legs. He wore long boots that catered right underneath his shins, these boots were almost made with the same type of chainlink material as well to protect against anything that would effect his feet. He wore only two acessorie and that was his medallion he wore acrossed his neck that had a wolf's metal head and also carried a small satchel full of tormented souls that was latched around his belt loop. Limbo had very tender features and complexition but had a rough attribute against his body. His skin was a ghostly white as if he has never seen the sun, he had tattoos bearing the spiritual realm and had a sharp face with pure white eyes. His hair was over the front of his face and covered most of his face, even covered his mask, making it harder to see his entire face, but had a large, reddish scar that covered half of his face. As the man stood there, a bit lop sided, he raised his left arm and made a bit of gurgling noise as he casted a spell.* "N'ar,zan" *Out of the spiritual realm from what the spell was, he was calling upon his crimson, blood scythe. This scythe weighted nearly seventy-five pounds and the scythe was made of pure titanium, with circular markings to indicate where the souls should be put, if he smeared souls acrossed this blade, he would begin a spiritual trance, as when a enemy deflects each swing a pressure would begin to build in the static air until he makes a direct blow, when he makes a direct blow depending on how many souls circlets he has made will either protect 50% of the blow or he will circulate the powerful crushing force towards his enemy and he would take half of the damage from the crushing force itself. As the scythe began to burst through the spiritual realm and leaving a small gape of where the scythe erupted, as the scythe landed into his left opened hand, it look absolutely large, large than Limbo's body. As he stood there, holding his scythe with the shaft of the scythe up and under his left armpit, he stood in a snake like stance and awaited for when his opponent shall appear.*
  511. LimboTheWanderer: ((Sorry got distracted would've post 20 minutes ago but I was watching something xD))
  512. LimboTheWanderer: ((Blue, Brooke is not allowed in any of the pack rooms as well as Hells. No questions asked.))
  513. LimboTheWanderer: ((Hey baby.))
  514. HeatherAsunaLatross: [heya darling]
  515. AisuSkyWolven: {{welcome sunty and nice as always bro}}
  516. AisuSkyWolven: {{aunty*}}
  517. LimboTheWanderer: ((Of course my post are always nice xD, I shouldn't have gotten distracted by tv, will you repost for Heather btw?))
  518. HeatherAsunaLatross: *she pads in quietly as not to interrupt anything, her pawsteps being light yet quick. Her path was towards her neice aisu, and as she reached aisu she pounced her lovingly* Hello sweetie, hope you're doing well
  519. AisuSkyWolven: /me "Eeeep" she squeaks as she's pounced and huggles her tightly "I'm good aunty...and yourself?"
  520. LimboTheWanderer: ((Sis <___< Repost for Heather please xD))
  521. AisuSkyWolven: {{okay}}
  522. HeatherAsunaLatross: Abit tired but doing well, just been busy working and loving on my family *a soft chuckle escaped her as she snuggled up with her great neice, her tail intertwining with aisu's gently as not to alarm her*
  523. HeatherAsunaLatross: [I've I end up unresponsive it's cause I ran off to shower but I know sparrs can last quite awhile so I know I've got time]
  524. LimboTheWanderer: ((I sure hope Anubis is actually posting and not taking all this time to read lmao.))
  525. HeatherAsunaLatross: [lol]
  526. LimboTheWanderer: ((You going to get squeaky clean baby?))
  527. AisuSkyWolven: LimboTheWanderer: *A malicious mist rolled slightly acrossed the entrance towards the SkyWolven Pack, as the thick mist began to simmer in one single spot, a silhouette of a man appeared through the thick of the mist. What appeared on the silhouette was a tall frame, nearly seven foot tall, with broad shoulders and a heavy top, but downwards towards the silhouette frame had a very elegant trance towards the silhouette frame, as a hand appeared thick through the malicious mist, the mist began to disappear revealing a eerily site of a wraith, not just a typical wraith but a wraith that had a ghostly, white essence towards wraith that illuminated and pondered about slightly, this resembled that he broke from the spiritual realm and formed a physical body. This is what created the god forsaken mist, something about the man was eerily, there was no scent upon this man and the aura that cracked and popped was not from this physical realm as the physical realm carried a small trance of power but the spiritual aura had a very strong pressure resistance towards his aura. The man wore a long cloat, almost like a trench coat but not surely a trench coat it was as trench coats are usually made from a shirt type of material but this coat was made of hardened leather to protect from any sort of heavy blows, not very many blows of course it could take but just enough to make sure if he messes up he can rebound off his coat. He wore a casual white shirt under the leather coat and running downwards he wore a flimsy type of leather jeans that had chainlinks embedded into the seams itself and protected heavy and light blows to his legs. He wore long boots that catered right underneath his shins, these boots were almost made with the same type of chainlink material as well to protect against anything that would effect his feet. He wore only two acessorie and that was his medallion he wore acrossed his neck that had a wolf's metal head and also carried a small satchel full of tormented souls that was latched around his belt loop. Limbo had very tender features and complexition but had a rough attribute against his body. His skin was a ghostly white as if he has never seen the sun, he had tattoos bearing the spiritual realm and had a sharp face with pure white eyes. His hair was over the front of his face and covered most of his face, even covered his mask, making it harder to see his entire face, but had a large, reddish scar that covered half of his face. As the man stood there, a bit lop sided, he raised his left arm and made a bit of gurgling noise as he casted a spell.* "N'ar,zan" *Out of the spiritual realm from what the spell was, he was calling upon his crimson, blood scythe. This scythe weighted nearly seventy-five pounds and the scythe was made of pure titanium, with circular markings to indicate where the souls should be put, if he smeared souls acrossed this blade, he would begin a spiritual trance, as when a enemy deflects each swing a pressure would begin to build in the static air until he makes a direct blow, when he makes a direct blow depending on how many souls circlets he has made will either protect 50% of the blow or he will circulate the powerful crushing force towards his enemy and he would take half of the damage from the crushing force itself. As the scythe began to burst through the spiritual realm and leaving a small gape of where the scythe erupted, as the scythe landed into his left opened hand, it look absolutely large, large than Limbo's body. As he stood there, holding his scythe with the shaft of the scythe up and under his left armpit, he stood in a snake like stance and awaited for when his opponent shall appear.*
  528. HeatherAsunaLatross: [you know it]
  529. HeatherAsunaLatross: [holy mother of posts, lol time to read]
  530. LimboTheWanderer: ((Good because I can smell you from here : P))
  531. HeatherAsunaLatross: [>.> Imma smack you]
  532. LimboTheWanderer: ((Can't touch me I'm too fast. :P))
  533. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he was already expecting his opponent to make an appearance as he was informed of this a day ago but he felt the hairs stand up on the back of his head as the sign that his opponent had appeared in the territory. He would stand up to turn his gaze to meet the one he would face him as if he was standing there watching him and had eyes only for his opponent. He would walk towards his opponent without any fear in his mind or heart as he then begins to chant his words in his mind to show his true self. As his chant begins in his mind his shapeshifting form that he was in wasn't his true form but the chant itself that he speaks in his head would be that power to show his true appearance. His body changed into a hellhoundish form showing off golden spots over the primary black fur that was common among jackal types, but his real power of his cursd body would be that of his blood as his primary source of everything he truly is. Through demonic magics he learned he begins to hold out his hand speaking in an ancient dragon tongue and out comes a sword known as the Ankh Buster sword. This sword stands as long as his 6 ft body is made entirely of black with white hot steel on the edges that is capable of cutting just about anything in two and was made with the rarest medals to have ever existed in fallen asteroids. Above the Hilt stood a red gem that was mysterious in its own way even to him, but the sword itself weighed about 100 pounds itself, its swing could devestate an opponent or an object if it ever made contact but the catayst of the energy source came from its wielder itself. He keeps this blade hidden away through magics accessible only to his own blood as part of the forgery of this sword was made by his own dangerous blood. Upon his hellhound jackal mixed form he wore a long coat and upon that coat stood two Wolf pauldrons that protected his upper body, bearing magics like a protective barrier that would shield him from deadly attacks of many types. He wore no shoes nore gloves as he prefers to have his golden claws out and free to move in while the wings on his back were also part of his true form. The golden aura that he shows to have around him was part of the curse he had bore since the day of his abnormal evolution from a feral white wolf to his present state but this aura was part of this form that boasts attack and speed evenly but if not careful lowered defense as a side effect. He walked towards his oppenent bearing this blade only as he stuck it in the ground standing behind it not saying a word and waiting for what was to come next.
  534. AnubisDarkWolf: (I don't know if this is nearly half as good but maybe its a start.)
  535. LimboTheWanderer: ((I see you took my advice well.))
  536. AisuSkyWolven: {{very nice son}}
  537. AnubisDarkWolf: (Thx mom and Ghoul :) I figured there were stages of T1 battles like introductions first post stage settings like second post and etc XD)
  538. LimboTheWanderer: ((You learn well from just a few words of advice, but let's see how well you fare against attacks.))
  539. AnubisDarkWolf: (I have A.D.D which can be a problem but once I study it I can improve much.)
  540. LimboTheWanderer: *As his opponent appeared infront of him, his white eyes simmered over the man, seeing his armor and his mysterious sword that made Limbo smile as he spoke several words before moving his right foot back slightly, then moved his left foot back infront of his right foot, this was his position of where he would begin the spar and made a gesture of a bow, a elegant bow it was as his scythe bowed with him, but as he bowed a copy cat of himself bowed as well. This was his spiritual self following his same acts. As he then began to make a moments notice and moved his right hand to the back of the shaft and as his muscles bulged, the scythe went in a ninty degree angel, his body twisting with a slight pop of such a quick movement, he rotated in such a furious motion and using a normality of what a human could do, he began the attack process. The crimson blade of the scythe whisked in the air as the inner side of the blade was moving at an incredible speed towards the man's right side, he was intending on cutting him and making a hook around his body, then he would make a more of a pulling motion to dismember half of his body from his legs, as he spun with the attack, he made his left side vulnerable for quite a second as he was making the attack itself. Limbo would make a loud yell, but just a white yell as in the spur of the moment he began the attack. The blade began to whip sideways around the man.*
  541. LimboTheWanderer: ((Trying to make it slightly small for you so it doesn't take forever to read.))
  542. HeatherAsunaLatross: *she watches curiously but snaps quietly errecting a trasluciant barrier around the spectators that would allow them to watch without having to worry about any blowback from the attacks to come, is circled around them creating a decent perameter for those wanting to move for better views or for more stretching space. Her light green eyes flickered between all the spectators anxiously for a moment then relaxed as she felt her barrier connect. The protection also dug several feet underground as well as about eight feet into the air so noone would suddenly look down to find the ground decided to give way. Ears flicking back and forth listening to the sounds eminating between the spactators and those involved in the spar she returns her attention back to the action at hand*
  543. HeatherAsunaLatross: [Shower time brb]
  544. AisuSkyWolven: {{tyt}}
  545. LimboTheWanderer: ((Shower stinkay!))
  546. LimboTheWanderer: ((Welcome, sparring Anubis, trying to see where his potential lies, feel free to relax and watch.))
  547. MoonEclipseWolf: Hello family
  548. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he would make his own bow before the attack process had begun he would now notice two of him which he figured this would happened as he had done this sort of thing before in previous battles giving his experience. His golden aura now began to intensify which he then gripped his sword and the red gem above the hilt began to shine red while the blade itself was now shrouded in a golden aura much like the aura around its wielder is. The aura now began to affect his body as it increased his muscle size in arms, chest, and legs making the blade he carries feel like a featherweight now, he began to jump back to avoid the attack his sparring partner had begun to do a quick chant from his sword to process a projectile attack from the ground. Almost immediately beginning the chant he would slash away at one of the trees to act as a first line defense while it was falling to aid him in his next attack, then by the time he was finished quickly slamming the sword doing a frontal flip on the ground creating a shockwave of golden power like his aura to send it spiraling towards Limbo
  549. AnubisDarkWolf: (Thanks for trying to keep it short I hope I did a good followup)
  550. LimboTheWanderer: ((No problem, I know in my mind I have to keep saying gotta keep it short gotta keep it short lmao.))
  551. AnubisDarkWolf: (Lmao still this is an honor Ghoul I apprieciate this ^^ )
  552. LimboTheWanderer: ((No problem ^^.))
  553. alaskenblue: ((the chat is so blue))
  554. alaskenblue: (pun intended))
  555. AisuSkyWolven: {wellthis is why we announced a spar would be going on before they started}
  556. LimboTheWanderer: *As Limbo whisked the attack and missed his sparring partner by an a few inches, he will make sure his next attack was for sure to take effect, as the blade curved back around with an amount of force he threw behind it, he brought his forearm towards shaft and rebounded the blade downwards into the ground, as his scythe could easily rip away the shockwave and fully block the attack, as the shockwave erupted right infront of him, he took into action on when the shockwave would hit him, he pushed the blade of the scythe deep into the ground as the shockwave hit the blade and the shockwave was cut into half, the shockwave would go on to hit the barrier and would begin to dispate into thin air after hitting the barrier that his mate created. He then stood up and rested his arms against the hilt of his scythe and placed his hand against his cheek, as he then spoke to the his sparring partner.* "Gotta be better than that."
  557. LimboTheWanderer: ((What really sucks is that I can't add to much detail or it'll start taking to long for Anubis.))
  558. AnubisDarkWolf: (I'd love to go longer myself but you did say for an hour to see what I can do ^C
  559. AnubisDarkWolf: (Stupid enter button lol)
  560. LimboTheWanderer: ((Go ahead and make your last post, I basically just said that spar has ended.))
  561. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he nods knowing it was going to take more than just effort to bring down such a powerful opponent but knowing there are people nearby he would wonder just how much power would that barrier hold up for his family. He knew he would have to hold back such powers if he was to at least gain some kind of ground against him. So for his next attack he would think that since there are two of them only the real one could actually hold the scythe up but he would have a readied defense just incase. Flapping his wings he ascended high into the air continuing for his aura to shine he began to expand his aura to make it brighter until it was almost like a second sun, however this light would bring heat and thus making him sweat and probably harder to breathe so he had to make it quick but a powerful strike thinking his secondary persona would try to interfere he would have to proceed carefully. He swooped down from the shining sky nearly impossible to see him with the naked eye and pointing his blade forward and twirling around him making him act as like a downward tornado, he used his pauldrons to act as a full barrier to prevent a counter attack making his way down towards his opponent going at least 100 mph an hour.
  562. HeatherAsunaLatross: [lol just in time for the end huh]
  563. AnubisDarkWolf: (XD Yeah I hope I did alright here overall)
  564. LimboTheWanderer: *A chuckle escaped his lips, as he sensed his sparring opponent using very much of his power, he looked up and squinted in a mere second his spiritual essence began to tear from his body, as two of them began to form in a circular motion, each one had their back to each other Limbo and his spiritual side began running to the barriers, on the opposite side of each other, one was the real one and the other one was illusion but they were both complete look alikes, the real one was running towards the left and the fake one was running towards the right all while Limbo still stood there, as if nothing has happened but as soon as his sparring opponent gotten closer, the mimics began to runs towards Limbo at a furious rate, each mimic jumped up on top of Limbo and was impaled by the sword, each mimic began to flutter as blood from the real one spewed acrossed the entire area, but slowing his sparring partner, Limbo moved after he grabbed his scythe out from the ground and stood where his sparring partner was going to crash. As that mimic began to die (his spiritual essence.) Another one has already formed behind him, he just wasted his longest essence running and sarcrifced it in a mere spar, this could tell how Limbo was holding back very much so. Limbo did not even break a sweat from this spar, he implanted the scythe into the ground, and rested against it and made a small clap as he spoke.* "Good, good."
  565. HeatherAsunaLatross: *is not worried about her barrier at all as no matter how much force or power was put against it had no affect as it was not a normal barrier, it instead acted as lapse in space, all attacks and force was diverted to the 17th dimesion with rather simple ease with only a mild strain on her to do so. Seeing them wind down her head gave a quick nod allowing the barrier to slowly come down from around them. A proud purr rose from her chest* You both did well,
  566. LimboTheWanderer: ((It's not over just yet.))
  567. HeatherAsunaLatross: [D: dang it, well the barrier is still comin down and we'll see what happens next]
  568. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he picks up his sword from the ground noticing the clapping and decides to let his golden aura disappate to where its no longer showing and he would send his sword away using a magic enchantment as his way of sheathing his blade in a seal and makes it vanish, not once was he exhausted but he had sweated much from the heat the light was generating from his aura. If he had gotten wounded it would've turned it to his own advantage but he knew he had lots to do before he could truly take on this opponent of his as he knew this was merely a sparring match. " are very good, surely I hit a fake one of you but at least I did hit someone." he would chuckle in good laughter letting down his guard as he clearly showed no more signs of wanting to battle now. He takes a deep breath with his eyes closed and does an honorable bow to his opponent.
  569. LimboTheWanderer: *He'd bow towards him, revealing a slight blood stain acrossed his white shirt, a smile was acrossed his face.* "Good job, you managed to hit me with your downfall."
  570. AnubisDarkWolf: /me he would tilt his head at the moment he saw that but then he felt a slight cut on his own arm and pictured the moment he jump back the scythe had clearly gotten his forearm as well and some blood dripped on the ground from his body. " mean to say all those aspects of you were still the real you?" "Well...I guess looking just like you would make lots of sense, most would use that trick as an illusion in itself." "But with those aspects your power was also divided equally among them right?"
  571. LimboTheWanderer: "My powers divides equally among them, when one dies, I take the brunt of the damage to make sure they go back towards the spiritual realm and heal, everything I do has a consequence."
  572. LimboTheWanderer: ((That is how I make my character Limbo a T1 character as well as a K1 character.))
  573. LimboTheWanderer: ((I've barely even posted and didn't even actually use his full potential of what he can do because it require a significant amount of time to do.))
  574. LimboTheWanderer: ((If we were actually in a DM or a tournament it would actually take 3-4 post to do what I did in 1 post because of the rules, this basically was T1 Para and rules are slightly different from T1 Novella.))
  575. AnubisDarkWolf: (Nice ^^ I know that T1 is time consuming that's why you limited it for such a time period we had here. My character sacrifices alot of stamina for power The longer he uses it the more his body is wore down. If he is bleeding though the blood itself is also a weapon but he can only use it for a short time.)
  576. LimboTheWanderer: ((Ah, well what I see in you is another time to discuss, but you do fit the match perfectly as a T1 Para.))
  577. AnubisDarkWolf: (I knew I had it figured out in a way I just needed some experience to do better in and I got that from an Expert.)
  578. AnubisDarkWolf: (Really this does help me alot Thank you very much Ghoul ^^ )
  579. LimboTheWanderer: ((The reason why I said I was doing short post is because I was refraing from Novella as that's where my speciality lies, but T1 Para is where I was trying to be for you.))
  580. LimboTheWanderer: -----OOC----- Drop brackets.
  581. AnubisDarkWolf: Thank you for helping me out and helping me get started on it. You thought of me but I hope I did better than what you thought especially after my last attempt yesterday XD
  582. LimboTheWanderer: You did a lot better than yesterday, you just needed some advice as where to lead you to.
  583. LimboTheWanderer: But holy fuck did it take time for me to post because I was trying to do Para xD
  584. AnubisDarkWolf: XD Whichever you did I am very grateful for the spar.
  585. LimboTheWanderer: I was almost on <C> before I realized I needed to be on <A>
  586. LimboTheWanderer: You're welcome, if you want to spar any other time, give me a day and a time and I'll see what I can do.
  587. AnubisDarkWolf: You know I will Ghoul. Ill practice in the meantime
  588. AisuSkyWolven: bro you could always do with him like you did with Khan
  589. LimboTheWanderer: Do what with Anubis that I did with Khan sis?
  590. AisuSkyWolven: have the spar on skype so you can post at your leisure
  591. LimboTheWanderer: Nah.
  592. LimboTheWanderer: Besides Khan sucked ass xD
  593. LimboTheWanderer: Atleast Anubis can actually post fairly well.
  594. AisuSkyWolven: which is why I made the suggestion
  595. LimboTheWanderer: But Anubis on a grading scale in T1 Para I'd say a B+
  596. LimboTheWanderer: If you ever feel like you want to learn Novella, I am always here.
  597. HeatherAsunaLatross: Such a good teacher ^.^
  598. LimboTheWanderer: I'm not really a teacher anymore though. :l
  599. HeatherAsunaLatross: shhhhhhhhh they don't know that >.> <.<
  600. LimboTheWanderer: >_> They do now.
  601. LimboTheWanderer: Anubis probably didn't know I've been rping for 14 years xD
  602. AnubisDarkWolf: Sorry had to step away for a moment XD
  603. LimboTheWanderer: That's fine.
  604. AnubisDarkWolf: I had this character for about 15 years only thing that changed was to fit Imvu's stuff.
  605. HeatherAsunaLatross: haha 13 years for me with many different characters
  606. LimboTheWanderer: Right
  607. LimboTheWanderer: I come from forum Rp.
  608. HeatherAsunaLatross: same
  609. LimboTheWanderer: It takes day to spar not hours.
  610. LimboTheWanderer: Days*
  611. AnubisDarkWolf: Well this character wasn't meant for Rping I did real physical stuff like in rl using this character
  612. HeatherAsunaLatross: nah mine were all online only
  613. AnubisDarkWolf: The physcial part was when I was teenager about 18 years old with my cousin who I call my brother but then we decided to put a stop to that as we gotten older lol so I converted this character of mine to Rp use online.
  614. LimboTheWanderer: Cool cool
  615. HeatherAsunaLatross: wooo hit 5k credits <3
  616. LimboTheWanderer: Anyways I'm off for now, you have a goodnight Anubis and sis.
  617. AnubisDarkWolf: When I say Physical I mean doing actings like Power ranger stuff you see lol We did it for the fun and working out so it was good for us. We had good storylines to work with.
  618. AisuSkyWolven: nini bro
  619. AnubisDarkWolf: Take care Ghoul
  620. AisuSkyWolven: great job aunty
  621. HeatherAsunaLatross: Who me?
  622. AisuSkyWolven: mhm on the 5k credits
  623. HeatherAsunaLatross: oh lol
  624. HeatherAsunaLatross: yeah I'm saving up to go on a shopping spree and to get ghoul something for christmas
  625. AisuSkyWolven: I'm working with the silly surveys to get more credits
  626. AisuSkyWolven: you sound like me but I have a wedding coming up also as soon as we have enough for it
  627. HeatherAsunaLatross: literally just tried like 15 of them and none allowed me to finish
  628. AisuSkyWolven: that means the survey fairies aren't playing nice
  629. AnubisDarkWolf: Awww couldn't skeleton Butler behind mine scare them into giving out free credits XD
  630. AnubisDarkWolf: me not mine* XD
  631. AisuSkyWolven: right
  632. AnubisDarkWolf: Do we have a day set soon though mom?
  633. AisuSkyWolven: I told Sohei I definitely want it tobe before Christmas
  634. IceFantasia: The 24th of December it is.
  635. HeatherAsunaLatross: ?
  636. AnubisDarkWolf: Koori and me were thinking the same thing before Christmas.
  637. AisuSkyWolven: whatever day we decide on I just hope a majority of the family can be there because i know everyone won't be able to make it
  638. AnubisDarkWolf: If were going to try to decide a day getting started how about we have a decision next week on the the deal at least by either this Sunday or next.
  639. AisuSkyWolven: sounds good
  640. AnubisDarkWolf: I hope it will be a good start to getting Koori and Miyako back with us because of two unions coming together.
  641. AisuSkyWolven: so do I
  642. AisuSkyWolven: lol I almost have to start completely from scratch with rings, a dress, tux.....soooooooo much ti get
  643. AnubisDarkWolf: XD Thankfully I had a tux covered and the ring is there too now. But I have a question mom are you going to look like a furry or a human?
  644. AisuSkyWolven: Iwas thinking ...human or elf...ish
  645. AnubisDarkWolf: Well if I have to go as one of those I can redo my outfit but I have no idea what Koori's gonna be looking as, from the shop I say she wants to be human.
  646. IceFantasia: I'm excited to see what everyone is going to look like dressed up as a human.
  647. AisuSkyWolven: I think that's the reason why I wanted to go that route
  648. AnubisDarkWolf: Human it is then so Ill do just that then.
  649. AisuSkyWolven: -clears throat- and to be politically correct son it would be our dmon forms
  650. AisuSkyWolven: demon*
  651. AnubisDarkWolf: *giggles* Demon eh. I think I got something to match it then
  652. AisuSkyWolven: nice
  653. AisuSkyWolven: {lol my demon tail and elf ears are my demon form}
  654. AnubisDarkWolf: XD I remember the profile saying Full succubus right
  655. AisuSkyWolven: {even tho I could switch it up and add my horns as well}
  656. AisuSkyWolven: -blushes-yes
  657. IceFantasia: ((I was putting together an elf outfit earlier now I have a reason to buy it >:3))
  658. AnubisDarkWolf: Sorry for bringing that up *blushes* But I look forward to this day when it comes.
  659. AisuSkyWolven: {yay}
  660. AnubisDarkWolf: (Nice ^^)
  661. AisuSkyWolven: so do I
  662. AisuSkyWolven: lol now to decide on who will give her and I away
  663. AnubisDarkWolf: Yeah because your love can't do it since its his day too. XD
  664. AisuSkyWolven: right
  665. AisuSkyWolven: let's see
  666. AisuSkyWolven: we have Dad, gpa, uncle Ghoul & brother LimboIlll bring it up in Ohana and see who bites
  667. AnubisDarkWolf: Indeed fishing.
  668. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  669. AnubisDarkWolf: Well two bites have to happen since you need an escort too.
  670. AisuSkyWolven: sound like we can figure out a way to use all 4
  671. AnubisDarkWolf: What do you have in mind?
  672. AisuSkyWolven: wellwe need 2 to walk us down the ailse
  673. AisuSkyWolven: oh and maybe the next 2 can be the first peoplewedance with after themarried couples dance of course
  674. AnubisDarkWolf: Well if Kaito is not just gonna be a ring bearer I wonder if he could be my best man too.
  675. AisuSkyWolven: lol that might be another dilemma for me ...I know for deffinite 3 of my boys will want to help along that route and thenof course...I also have bbg Cara
  676. AnubisDarkWolf: Well aside from the part we don't know who might show up mom even if they knew of their roles shouldn't we have backup plans just incase?
  677. AisuSkyWolven: true
  678. AnubisDarkWolf: Well if those present who don't have roles of those who couldn't make it we could assign last minute ones to be sure.
  679. AisuSkyWolven: okay that should work
  680. AnubisDarkWolf: Well the day we decide to set all this up we should announce it to the family that way everyone can be ready just incase.
  681. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  682. AnubisDarkWolf: What about the room capacity mom?
  683. AisuSkyWolven: I honestly think we'll be lucky if 10 people show up
  684. AnubisDarkWolf: Yeah its too early to ask that then.
  685. AisuSkyWolven: what color are you two going with?
  686. AnubisDarkWolf: From what Koori bought I say she's going in a Teal color I think either white or black on my outfit
  687. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  688. AnubisDarkWolf: I don't know if she bought all that though right away but I see what she might be wearing.
  689. AisuSkyWolven: I might just scare everyone and show up in Goth
  690. AnubisDarkWolf: XD Its mom's wedding too she has a right to wear what she wants
  691. AisuSkyWolven: true true
  692. IceFantasia: I'm going to head out for the night. Goodnight everyone and take care.
  693. AnubisDarkWolf: You take care too Ice.
  694. AnubisDarkWolf: I wanna look good for Koori XD Does that mean I have to set up something for you know "later that night"
  695. AisuSkyWolven: sure...go all out because I plan to
  696. AnubisDarkWolf: Well then Ill get started on that later.
  697. AisuSkyWolven: okay
  698. AisuSkyWolven: here ish on kik with Koori
  699. AnubisDarkWolf: Yeah Im glad she is doing better. The fact she responds to us is a good sign.
  700. AisuSkyWolven: mhm
  701. AnubisDarkWolf: Had to bring my charger with me my phone was just about dead.
  702. AisuSkyWolven: oh my
  703. AnubisDarkWolf: I know I say odd things mom forgive me for that XD
  704. AisuSkyWolven: np
  705. RustyHarper: just came to say hi
  706. RustyHarper: and wondering if blue is still alive lol
  707. alaskenblue: dont start it
  708. RustyHarper: im not starting anything XD
  709. RustyHarper: i was wondering if you were still alive lol
  710. alaskenblue: yeah i am
  711. AisuSkyWolven: okaty tc
  712. RustyHarper: okay lol
  713. RustyHarper: well i just thought id come meet your pack
  714. AisuSkyWolven: sorry but all role play abd recruiting is done for the night feel free to try again tomorrow
  715. RustyHarper: so blue are we back together im guessing?
  716. AisuSkyWolven: and*
  717. AisuSkyWolven: someone is confused I see
  718. alaskenblue: you have to earn it back
  719. AisuSkyWolven: I believe I said tc
  720. RustyHarper: =P why did she leave?
  721. AisuSkyWolven: you would have to follow her and findout
  722. AisuSkyWolven: now I said tc and try again tomorrow
  723. AisuSkyWolven: Rusty leave my pack room
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