
The Lamentations of Hulk

Jul 12th, 2014
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  1. This is just a silly little greentext I did for the first run of The Lamentations of Suri Polomare by Schwartz.
  3. >as you sit there on the street, you feel a tear roll down your cheek.
  4. >you start to think, where did you go wrong?
  5. >as your mind works through its problems, you start to feel your sadness replaced with anger.
  6. >this shouldn't have happened to you.
  7. >you were only trying to help them.
  8. >soon, you feel your anger turn to rage.
  9. >This is all there fault!
  10. >Those damn princesses!
  11. >If it wasn't for them, everything would be good with you and Suri.
  12. >as your rage builds, a sharp pain shoots thru your body.
  13. >you fall forward onto your hands and knees.
  14. >the pain is only getting stronger.
  15. >as it builds, you feel your body start to change, to grow.
  16. >you can feel your muscles getting bigger, stronger.
  17. >you look at your hands and notice a strange shade of green is starting to replace you normal skin tone.
  18. >your body just continues to grow, ripping thru your clothes, except your pants. Pants never rip.
  19. >all the while this is going on, there is a lone drunkard pony walking by.
  20. >he sees you on the ground, writhing in pain.
  21. >he approaches you
  22. "Are you *hic* Are y-you ok, son?"
  23. >as soon as you hear his voice, everything stops.
  24. >no pain, no growing, nothing.
  25. >nothing but rage.
  26. >you turn towards the drunkard, and his face starts to shift from concern to fear.
  27. >as you look at him, nothing goes thru your head. No thoughts. No emotions. Only one thing comes into your mind.
  28. >you let out the loudest, deepest roar your body can muster.
  29. >it's a satisfying feeling to watch as all the alcohol is simultaneously expelled from every pore on his body.
  30. >...
  31. >along with the contents of his bowels and bladder.
  32. >he turns and runs away, crying as he leaves a trail of excrement behind.
  33. >you smile internally at the sight before you.
  34. >as you start to stand up, you here someone yell at you.
  35. "Hey you there!"
  36. >you turn to the new sound.
  37. >its two of Lunas night guards.
  38. "We saw what you did to that pony!"
  39. "In the name of Princess Luna, stand down now, or face the consequences!"
  40. >the mere mention of her name sets your rage levels at maximum.
  41. >you let out a growl as you lunge at the two guards.
  42. >neither of them have time to react before you have both their heads in your hands.
  43. >they don't even have time to scream before the sheer strength of your grip crushes their skulls, killing them instantly.
  44. >you stand up straight, the two limp bodies of the guards still dangling in you hands.
  45. >the sounds of hoofsteps catch your attention.
  46. >you turn to see two more guards running up to you.
  47. >they stop about five yards from you, faces filled with a mix fear and anger.
  48. "Sweet Luna. What have you done."
  49. >the other one gets into a fighting stance.
  50. "You'll pay for their deaths, MONSTER!"
  51. >they both charge at you.
  52. >you only grunt and like some twisted conkledurr, you use the two dead ponies in your hands to knock them away.
  53. >as the two live guards lay on the ground, you drop the dead ones and look towards the mountain.
  54. >and there, in all its glory, sits the Canterlot Castle.
  55. >and it's there that you'll find them.
  56. > you let out one last roar before you jump with incredible strength towards the castle.
  57. >its inhabitants unaware of what comes for them.
  58. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  59. >the sun starts to rise in the morning sky.
  60. >its warming rays leaking into the broken throne room.
  61. >at the back lies the bloodied lifeless body of Princess Celestia, slumped over her throne.
  62. >Princess Luna, battered and beaten as she is, is still clinging to life, as she is slowly crushed by the relenting force of your foot.
  63. >with pleading eyes she looks up at you.
  64. "Please anonymous, we beg you. Let us live."
  65. >you push down just a tad harder.
  66. "Please. We... I am sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."
  67. >you just stare down at her, as tears well up in her eyes.
  68. "Anon, please. I love you. Don't do this."
  69. >the pressure of your foot lightens a little at those words.
  70. "I will help you. We can get through this together."
  71. >you start to feel a certain calmness course thru your body as she talks.
  72. "We'll get you help, then we can work together to help find Sunset."
  73. >the moment you hear Shimmers name, you remember her tricking you and running away, the talk with Suri in the diner. The breakup right after.
  74. >the breakup.
  75. >Suri.
  76. >...
  77. >the calmness that started to show itself within you disappears and is replaced with an all to familiar rage.
  78. >you bare your teeth and start growling at Luna, while putting more pressure onto her small frame.
  79. "ANON! NO!"
  80. >you continue to push down on her.
  81. "Pl-please, no. Anon. I lo-love yo-"
  82. >the next thing you hear is the sickining crunch of her bones as you finally succeed in crushing her.
  83. >you let out a triumphant roar that can be heard thru all of Canterlot
  84. >your about to turn when a purple beam of magic strikes your shoulder from behind.
  85. >you look for this new source of resistance.
  86. >there, at the broken doorway, stands Twilight and the rest of the girls.
  87. >they all have a look of fear and disgust at the carnage in the room.
  88. >Twilight is the first to speak up.
  89. "Anon. What have you done?"
  90. >the others just keep staring.
  91. "Oh no. Princess Celestia. And Princess Luna."
  92. >you look down at the dead princess at your feet.
  93. >Twilight looks as if she is about to cry, but takes in a deep breath and releases it.
  94. >she then dons a look of determination.
  95. "Anon. For your acts tonight. I, Princess Twilight, herby deem you to dangerous to live any longer. You will now be destroyed for the proctection and well-being of Equestria."
  96. >she spreads out her wings and starts charging her horn.
  97. >you just stand there and stare.
  98. >the other five girls stare back in shock.
  99. >all you do then is smirk.
  100. >you let out another roar as you lunge towards them, beginning the final struggle for Equestria.
  102. Directed by m. night shyamalan
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