
Magical Burst: Session 14.5 OVA: Testgun

Feb 17th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, February 14, 2014
  3. 9:34 PM - The Dicelord entered chat.
  4. 9:34 PM - Smas entered chat.
  5. 9:34 PM - Smas: Oh, what is this?
  6. 9:35 PM - The Dicelord: Dan's back from school
  7. 9:35 PM - Smas: Doing MB right?
  8. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: what
  9. 9:35 PM - The Dicelord: Mekton you sod
  10. 9:35 PM - The Dicelord: :V
  11. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: friday is always mekton
  12. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: except for the time ryan was sick and unable to gm
  13. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: in which place we played m
  14. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: b
  15. 9:35 PM - The Dicelord: Yeah
  16. 9:35 PM - Smas: I thought that's what you said ok I totally thought you mentioned that there was a change in plans with yeah ok
  17. 9:35 PM - Contract Renewal: that was a one time thing how do you even
  18. 9:35 PM - Smas: bluh
  19. 9:37 PM - ? ??????: Hint hint for whats happening tonight btw :V
  20. 9:37 PM - Smas: brb translating russian to english
  21. 9:38 PM - Smas: How cryptic
  22. 9:38 PM - Smas: and slightly forboding
  23. 9:38 PM - Contract Renewal: say the translation here
  24. 9:38 PM - ? ??????: >:3
  25. 9:38 PM - Contract Renewal: save me the google translate
  26. 9:38 PM - Smas: "I Machine"
  27. 9:39 PM - Contract Renewal: fun
  28. 9:39 PM - Smas: inb4 I get subjuggulated into O-Type/Aoi Ken crossover
  29. 9:39 PM - Contract Renewal: are you forgetting we're combined
  30. 9:40 PM - ? ??????: He said Aoi Ken
  31. 9:40 PM - ? ??????: (BLUE FIST)
  32. 9:40 PM - Contract Renewal: right
  33. 9:40 PM - Smas: (and who says you need to be subjugulated :v)
  34. 9:41 PM - Contract Renewal: Data's friend, as he told me earlier today, is now up to log 4 on magical burst
  35. 9:41 PM - Contract Renewal: that's when shit really starts to not be so happy funtimes
  36. 9:41 PM - ? ??????: Christ she is hooked :V
  37. 9:41 PM - ? ??????: Also, Saratoya
  38. 9:41 PM - Contract Renewal: I want to see her depiction of the mall scene with Ally and the rabbits
  39. 9:41 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: I do too
  40. 9:44 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: Waiting on Data-meister and his chump-ass?
  41. 9:44 PM - ? ??????: Yup
  42. 9:44 PM - ? ??????: Considering he's bolted to the O-Type, start without him? :V
  43. 9:45 PM - Contract Renewal: iirc he was just about free
  44. 9:45 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: He was, indeed
  45. 9:45 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: perhaps give him until 10:05?
  46. 9:45 PM - ? ??????: Fuck it, he's not here :V
  47. 9:45 PM - ? ??????: Fine
  48. 9:45 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: that should be 9:05 to you Ryan
  49. 9:45 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: I think
  50. 9:45 PM - ? ??????: I know time genius
  51. 9:46 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: just making sure :c
  52. 9:46 PM - ? ??????: :V
  53. 9:46 PM - ? ??????: I think data's friend is making me legitimately like Saratoya
  54. 9:47 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: I don't think Data wants it though :u
  55. 9:47 PM - ? ??????: 50% consent achieved
  56. 9:47 PM - ? ??????: Rounded up
  57. 9:47 PM - ? ??????: That makes a ship
  58. 9:47 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: I suppose :P
  59. 9:48 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: Also Ryan, did you give any thought to that idea I kept pesturing you about but you never replied to? I'm sure you know the one.
  60. 9:49 PM - ? ??????: ?
  61. 9:49 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: The possibility of constructing an AI, which I found out how to do by scouring the player book a few days back :u
  62. 9:50 PM - ? ??????: Ah
  63. 9:50 PM - ? ??????: Maybe
  64. 9:50 PM - ? ??????: :V
  65. 9:50 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: Well, I'll tell you about it later if you are interested
  66. 9:50 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: I do have a plan on how to do it, it's not like I'll just pull an AI out of my ass
  67. 9:52 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  68. 9:52 PM - MeltingData: yo
  69. 9:53 PM - ? ??????: Name change and let's get started bitch
  70. 9:53 PM - MeltingData: poppin in to say nah don't feel like it
  71. 9:53 PM - MeltingData: toodles niggas~
  72. 9:53 PM - MeltingData left chat.
  73. 9:53 PM - ? ??????: Nigga say what
  74. 9:53 PM - Contract Renewal: wtf
  75. 9:53 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem: What a conk-suck
  76. 9:53 PM - ? ??????: RIGHT
  77. 9:54 PM - ? ??????: I HAVE TWO IDEAS
  78. 9:54 PM - Contract Renewal: can we really play with two people
  79. 9:54 PM - ? ??????: Here's the thing
  80. 9:55 PM - ? ??????: Both are tests
  81. 9:55 PM - ? ??????: Either some Mekton stuff
  82. 9:55 PM - ? ??????: OR
  83. 9:55 PM - ? ??????: Test the new MB concepts (Magic guns) I'm working on
  84. 9:55 PM - Contract Renewal: would that involve me GMing MB?
  85. 9:55 PM - ? ??????: Nope
  86. 9:55 PM - Contract Renewal: yay no effort
  87. 9:56 PM - ? ??????: You have the honor of borrowing Satoya if you want :V
  88. 9:56 PM - Contract Renewal: oh boy
  89. 9:56 PM - Contract Renewal: I get to make terrible cat puns
  90. 9:56 PM - Contract Renewal: and kiss sarah without her consent
  91. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: OH I FORGOT
  92. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: I STATTED THE PUNT GUN
  93. 9:57 PM - Contract Renewal: oh god
  94. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: ALSO
  95. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: WHATS A PUNT GUN?
  96. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: THIS IS
  97. 9:57 PM - ? ??????:
  98. 9:57 PM - Contract Renewal: the name made me think boomstick
  99. 9:57 PM - ? ??????: A GUN MEANT FOR HUNTING DUCKS
  100. 9:58 PM - ? ??????: FLOCKS
  101. 9:58 PM - ? ??????: OF DUCKS
  102. 9:58 PM - Contract Renewal: but oh
  103. 9:58 PM - Contract Renewal: that's
  104. 9:58 PM - Contract Renewal: kinda better
  105. 9:58 PM - Contract Renewal: now let's dual weild them
  106. 10:00 PM - Hemway, We may have a problem has changed their name to Extremely Responsible Individual.
  107. 10:06 PM - ? ??????: So
  108. 10:06 PM - ? ??????: Smas, Dan
  109. 10:06 PM - ? ??????: MB guns time?
  110. 10:06 PM - Contract Renewal: sure
  111. 10:07 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Sure why not, not sure what you are exactly testing for though :u
  112. 10:07 PM - Contract Renewal has changed their name to Shitty Cat Pun.
  113. 10:07 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I hope you know I'd going to probably murder Satoya's character
  114. 10:07 PM - ? ??????: :V
  115. 10:08 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: because I'm not diagnosed psycho enough to handle her
  116. 10:08 PM - ? ??????: Roight, noncanon time (probably)
  117. 10:09 PM - ? ??????: Satoya had decided to accompany her furriend home from school, walking with Eri, murming about the day, the passed an alley in the city, hearing a gunshot and a scream, they stop dead in their tracks
  118. 10:10 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Eri checks to make sure no one is watching, and goes invisible.
  119. 10:10 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "This sounds like it could be a purroblem."
  120. 10:10 PM - ? ??????:
  121. 10:10 PM - ? ??????: Group is meguca
  122. 10:11 PM - ? ??????: ((Dan, you normally make Smas roll to do that?))
  123. 10:11 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: well since it isn't really a combat situation at the moment I'd let it slide
  124. 10:11 PM - ? ??????: Roight
  125. 10:12 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (I have to start rolling to stay in cloak though, once we get into battle)
  126. 10:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: since he'd just keep trying until she nails it anyway, save a thousand rolls
  127. 10:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ay
  128. 10:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: e
  129. 10:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: roll every turn of combat to stay
  130. 10:12 PM - ? ??????: Slipping away from the sight of all around, Eri stands completely invisible at the mouth of the alley
  131. 10:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I pussyfoot my way over
  132. 10:13 PM - ? ??????: The worlds least stealthy cat, and the invisible woman wander down the alley, the sight at the end of it is quite grim.
  133. 10:14 PM - ? ??????: A girl sits, slumped over, shotgun pointing up at her chin, blood and bits of gore splattered against the wall, a reasonable person would assume she's dead
  134. 10:14 PM - ? ??????: Except for the fact that she's bawling her eyes out
  135. 10:14 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I don't trust corpses
  136. 10:14 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I poke it with a stick
  137. 10:15 PM - ? ??????: You grab a stick from the ground and poke the crying girl.
  138. 10:15 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I deal with undead on a regular basis so I'm a professional
  139. 10:15 PM - ? ??????: She looks up just intime for you to see her eyes begin to change color from a normal brown to an outstanding silver.
  140. 10:15 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Eri remains quietly concerned over these shenanigans.
  141. 10:15 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "Ooo, that's nyaat normal."
  142. 10:16 PM - ? ??????: Confused, she blinked a few times before standing. Her normal clothes beginning to peel away and turn into ash as you can see another outfit beneath. "I-Is this the end? Or is this after all that?"
  143. 10:17 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I toss the stick dramatically behind me, totally not hoping it thunks against Eri and ruins her cloak
  144. 10:17 PM - ? ??????: It bounces off her head, being too little of an impact, it does nothing but plink off
  145. 10:18 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "As a purrfessional nekomancer, I can confirm that you are nyaat dead!"
  146. 10:18 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: oo triplepun extra credit pls
  147. 10:19 PM - ? ??????: "N-Not dead? NOT DEAD!" Her jaw dropped as the gun began to change, the barrel growing with considerable speed, poking Satoya in the gut and pushing her back across the alley.
  148. 10:19 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "Is that gun in your pocket? Or are you just very happy to not be dead?"
  149. 10:20 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Eri just remains quiet, slightly aggravated by Sato's stick throwing, but vigilant to see what the new girl is going to do next.
  150. 10:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: Completely ignoring gun safety protocols, I close one eye and peer down the barrel for anything suspurricious
  151. 10:21 PM - ? ??????: Standing a few feet away now, a match appeared in the air, confused, she took it, and put it to the slow match of the gun.
  152. 10:22 PM - ? ??????: Initative time~
  153. 10:23 PM - ? ??????: Choose youre attack defense support roll physical you know the drill
  154. 10:23 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 13 on initative
  155. 10:23 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  156. 10:23 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: welcome back faggot
  157. 10:24 PM - MeltingData: hayyy~
  158. 10:24 PM - ? ??????: We're testing MB guns
  159. 10:24 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (do I roll additional dies on a crit for initiative?)
  160. 10:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: no
  161. 10:24 PM - ? ??????: Its not a magical challenge, so no
  162. 10:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: it's a physical roll
  163. 10:24 PM - MeltingData: i'm drinking coffee
  164. 10:24 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: kk
  165. 10:24 PM - MeltingData: and magical burst guns what
  166. 10:24 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 17 then
  167. 10:24 PM - MeltingData: the fuck are you guys talking about
  168. 10:24 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (it's a test dawg of course you havent heard of it)
  169. 10:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: Magic - Support: 6
  170. Heart - Defense: 7
  171. Fury - Attack: 5
  172. 10:24 PM - ? ??????: Guns with magical properties
  173. 10:25 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Magic - Support 8
  174. 10:25 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Heart - Defense 6
  175. 10:25 PM - MeltingData: are these going to be a thing
  176. 10:25 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Fury - Defense 6
  177. 10:25 PM - MeltingData: because if so thats dumb as fuck lol
  178. 10:25 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: woops, Attack on that last one
  179. 10:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: wow a pleb and shit taste
  180. 10:25 PM - ? ??????: And who didnt want to play Mekton :V
  181. 10:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: only redeeming factor is love of homura
  182. 10:26 PM - MeltingData: yeah this is dumb as hell dude
  183. 10:26 PM - ? ??????: Anyways new girl rollin
  184. 10:26 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I don't even
  185. 10:26 PM - MeltingData: this doesnt even fit with anything at all
  186. 10:27 PM - ? ??????: 16 Iniative
  187. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you don't know WHY the guns are magic
  188. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: shitlord
  189. 10:27 PM - ? ??????: Exactly :V
  190. 10:27 PM - MeltingData: goddamn i leave for 5 hours and you do stupid shit like this
  191. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and nobody said it was just guns
  192. 10:27 PM - MeltingData: never ever falling asleep again i swear to fucking god
  193. 10:27 PM - MeltingData: m8
  194. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: good
  195. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: serves you right
  196. 10:27 PM - MeltingData: the very idea of magical weapons which are probably just made out of bullshitium
  197. 10:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: cheeky cunt m8 sware
  198. 10:27 PM - MeltingData: is dumb as hell
  199. 10:28 PM - MeltingData: like a sword or some shit
  200. 10:28 PM - MeltingData: yeah thats cool
  201. 10:28 PM - MeltingData: a bullet? radical, keep it comin
  202. 10:28 PM - MeltingData: gun?
  203. 10:28 PM - MeltingData: alright now you're just being silly nigga
  204. 10:29 PM - ? ??????: No, they're weapons that have claimed lives, magical abilities come from the souls claimed by it, inorder to keep the weapon from falling apart/losing its power, it needs to kill something at least 1 in a period of time
  205. 10:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: guns in FO3 and NV are literally reskinned spells from Oblivion
  206. 10:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: checkm8 athetits
  207. 10:29 PM - MeltingData: ok
  208. 10:29 PM - MeltingData: who came up with this
  209. 10:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ryan obviously :v
  210. 10:29 PM - MeltingData: tell me the blithering goddamn idiot who thought up this fanfiction tier of bullshit
  211. 10:30 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: and I gave supportive criticism
  212. 10:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: guys, I think Data's cranky
  213. 10:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: someone give him his baba and burp the babe
  214. 10:30 PM - MeltingData: this is like
  215. 10:30 PM - ? ??????: Okay, fine, if it's dumb I'll delete the .txt rules for it, since apparently this is bullshit?
  216. 10:30 PM - MeltingData: what
  217. 10:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: poor thing must have gas
  218. 10:30 PM - MeltingData: like what even
  219. 10:30 PM - ? ??????: You know, I wonder why we're testing instead of playing mekton
  220. 10:30 PM - ? ??????: Oh wait
  221. 10:30 PM - ? ??????: Data
  222. 10:31 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: #rekt
  223. 10:31 PM - MeltingData: yeah i fell asleep
  224. 10:31 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: just show up 20 minutes after you piss off and suddenly start getting butthurt
  225. 10:31 PM - MeltingData: couldnt sleep again
  226. 10:32 PM - MeltingData: i made coffee instead
  227. 10:32 PM - MeltingData: anyway so the idea is actually pretty fuckin cool, but not for magical burst
  228. 10:32 PM - MeltingData: it doesnt really fit, imo
  229. 10:32 PM - MeltingData: seems more like something for a game like d&d
  230. 10:32 PM - ? ??????: DND does not need magical guns
  231. 10:32 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I dunno, I think it does
  232. 10:32 PM - MeltingData: not guns, nerd
  233. 10:33 PM - ? ??????: That and magical/enchanted weapons are already a thing
  234. 10:33 PM - MeltingData: i mean soulbound weapons that have to kill to continue functioning
  235. 10:33 PM - MeltingData: like thats really dnd to me
  236. 10:33 PM - MeltingData: hrm
  237. 10:33 PM - ? ??????: Well, you aren't a GM, so, to quote the GM's most sacred rule
  238. 10:33 PM - MeltingData: lemme think more on this
  239. 10:33 PM - ? ??????: #0
  240. 10:33 PM - ? ??????: Players disagree? WHO GIVES A SHIT
  241. 10:33 PM - ? ??????: 0u0
  242. 10:34 PM - MeltingData: yeah
  243. 10:34 PM - MeltingData: m8 i even tell you to enforce that rule lol
  244. 10:34 PM - MeltingData: remember the time you took half an hour up arguing with appy about a combat turn in MB?
  245. 10:34 PM - MeltingData: anyway, continue with your test
  246. 10:35 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: because you didn't want like 6 damage
  247. 10:35 PM - MeltingData: whats special about these things
  248. 10:35 PM - ? ??????: Well, right now they're going up against a suicidal bitch with a punt gun
  249. 10:35 PM - MeltingData: so are these things that magical girls end up getting commonly
  250. 10:35 PM - MeltingData: because i feel like they'd be rare as fuq
  251. 10:35 PM - ? ??????: They are
  252. 10:35 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: wait she has a punt gun
  253. 10:35 PM - ? ??????: Also, are you up to actually play?
  254. 10:35 PM - MeltingData: aight that makes more sense then
  255. 10:35 PM - MeltingData: mekton?
  256. 10:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: how the fuck did she point that thing at herself
  257. 10:36 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (it transformed from a shotgun to that)
  258. 10:36 PM - MeltingData: also lol @ punt gun holy shit
  259. 10:36 PM - MeltingData: thats badass
  260. 10:36 PM - ? ??????: ((Nigga the gun transformed, normally they're small normal weapons, when they're used on the owner, they change drastically))
  261. 10:42 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual disconnected.
  262. 10:42 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual entered chat.
  263. 10:43 PM - ? ??????: Okay
  264. 10:43 PM - ? ??????: We doing the test still?
  265. 10:43 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I am
  266. 10:43 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: hi
  267. 10:44 PM - ? ??????: Roight
  268. 10:44 PM - ? ??????: 16 was this girls Initative, you two?
  269. 10:44 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: dunno maybe
  270. 10:44 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 17
  272. 10:45 PM - MeltingData: (( appy you are such a pos lol))
  273. 10:46 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 13
  274. 10:46 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I'm getting into Ryan's character
  275. 10:46 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ie not paying attention at all
  276. 10:46 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: c:
  277. 10:47 PM - ? ??????: :I
  278. 10:47 PM - ? ??????: Right, Smas, you go first
  279. 10:47 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: ok, rolling to see if still cloaked
  280. 10:48 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: hyper cloak activate, I think I have to roll invon oc on that
  281. 10:48 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: dunno, I think you only OC on the roll to turn it on
  282. 10:48 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: maybe not checks
  283. 10:48 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: so invisible I cease to exist
  284. 10:48 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: but I want to take that back because of the double oc
  285. 10:49 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: well, it's a magical check, so make of it what you will I suppose
  286. 10:49 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: but it's just a check
  287. 10:50 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: it says I have to reroll each round to stay invisible so idk
  288. 10:50 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: yeah, I agree with data though, that feels awkward
  289. 10:51 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: since i already have to make checks against their finesse if they want to spot me
  290. 10:51 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ffs as gm and creator of that move, you only overcharge on the original roll, the following rolls to continue staying invisible are not actual rolls that can gain oc but checks to see if you're still invisible
  291. 10:51 PM - MeltingData: lol
  292. 10:51 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: kk
  293. 10:52 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Welp, I do my buff this turn, and move to the side of new girl.
  294. 10:52 PM - ? ??????: Roight
  295. 10:52 PM - ? ??????: That it?
  296. 10:52 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: yeah
  297. 10:53 PM - ? ??????: Dan
  298. 10:53 PM - ? ??????: You stand infront of a loaded gun
  299. 10:55 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: creating purrtecting shield from the ground below the barrel so it pushes it out of my magnificent when controlled by me catgirl face
  300. 10:55 PM - ? ??????: Roll support :V
  301. 10:55 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual disconnected.
  302. 10:56 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 15, and oopsies, an OC
  303. 10:56 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 20
  304. 10:56 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: :3
  305. 10:56 PM - MeltingData: (( love this system ))
  306. 10:56 PM - MeltingData: (( accidentally vaporizing legbones ))
  307. 10:56 PM - ? ??????: The shield rises out of the ground, the bones push the barrel into the sky and out of your face
  308. 10:56 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual entered chat.
  309. 10:56 PM - MeltingData: (( swear 2 god these dice just dont do what i want them to do ))
  310. 10:57 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and now there's a wall between me and her :3
  311. 10:57 PM - ? ??????: One more action right?
  312. 10:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: not that I know of, since that was my attack move for the turn
  313. 10:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: unless I feel like moving, which I don't
  314. 10:58 PM - ? ??????: Right
  315. 10:58 PM - ? ??????: He turn
  316. 10:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: there's just movement if applied and the attack, it isn't like Mekton
  317. 10:58 PM - ? ??????: Her*
  318. 10:58 PM - ? ??????: Also I know, Im so used to it now :V
  319. 10:59 PM - ? ??????: Raising the massive barrel up, she brought it down in an attempt to crush the shield
  320. 10:59 PM - ? ??????: OCd one
  321. 10:59 PM - ? ??????: 18
  322. 10:59 PM - ? ??????: :V
  323. 11:00 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you're supposed to make Burst attack rolls public
  324. 11:00 PM - ? ??????: What room are you guys in, the normal one?
  325. 11:00 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you literally told us to join a room
  326. 11:00 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: meguca
  327. 11:00 PM - ? ??????: Hmm
  328. 11:01 PM - ? ??????: I just rolled in there
  329. 11:01 PM - ? ??????: :V
  330. 11:01 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you must have spelled it wrong
  331. 11:01 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: are you seeing our rolls?
  332. 11:01 PM - ? ??????: WAIT
  333. 11:01 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: cause me and smas are in here
  335. 11:01 PM - ? ??????: I AM A FUCKING MORON
  336. 11:01 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 11/10
  337. 11:01 PM - MeltingData: ahaha you dumb piece of shit lol
  338. 11:02 PM - ? ??????: Shh
  339. 11:02 PM - ? ??????: Okay, rerolled attack
  340. 11:02 PM - ? ??????: OCd one die
  341. 11:02 PM - ? ??????: 20
  342. 11:03 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so the same thing applies :v
  343. 11:03 PM - ? ??????: :V
  344. 11:03 PM - ? ??????: Bypasses the shield
  345. 11:03 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: rip shield
  346. 11:03 PM - MeltingData: (( rip and tear ))
  347. 11:03 PM - ? ??????: 6 damage
  348. 11:03 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and that's her attack, shield's borked
  349. 11:03 PM - ? ??????: The shield crumbled, Satoya standing behind the remains of it, is smacked by the barrel
  350. 11:04 PM - ? ??????: Well, they're in the same space, Satoya and the shield, arent they"
  351. 11:04 PM - ? ??????: ?
  352. 11:04 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I assumed the shield would just absorb the blow and that'd be that
  353. 11:04 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you never really used it in our game
  354. 11:04 PM - ? ??????: Yeah
  355. 11:04 PM - ? ??????: Alright
  356. 11:05 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: not like I care if this Sato dies so bullshiting self-preservation isn't in my interest :v
  357. 11:05 PM - MeltingData: what a thug
  358. 11:06 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so that makes it Eri's turn again
  359. 11:06 PM - ? ??????: The shield blows to pieces, and the barrel is lowered again
  360. 11:06 PM - ? ??????: Yes
  361. 11:06 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: also I don't think we ever mentioned this, but the invisiblity gives you +8 to finesse for hiding purposes
  362. 11:06 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: ok rolling invis
  363. 11:06 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: oh sweet didn't know
  364. 11:07 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 19 for staying invis yis
  365. 11:07 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: +1 for each raise above the TN14 during the original roll
  366. 11:07 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Ok, can I attempt to disarm new girl?
  367. 11:07 PM - ? ??????: Yup, but you need to roll insanely high to wrestle a punt gun from her :V
  368. 11:08 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: if only stronk murrican was here to wrestle bookshelves
  369. 11:08 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: No need to wrestle when I can just smash her arm in a sneak attack :u
  370. 11:09 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and he gets +2 for staying hidden from the start
  371. 11:09 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: to the attack
  372. 11:09 PM - MeltingData: i could probably rek her shit if i got in close :v
  373. 11:09 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and +1 for his swordbuff
  374. 11:09 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: well, rolling to attack her shit in
  375. 11:10 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: oc oc oc
  376. 11:10 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: "I'd like to have a word with you." Eri states, swinging at new girl's arm.
  377. 11:10 PM - ? ??????: (If they drop the weapon, they lose the transformation)
  378. 11:10 PM - ? ??????: (Whoops)
  379. 11:10 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so, disarming is an entirely viable method
  380. 11:11 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: also, activating full drive
  381. 11:11 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: for extra shits and giggles
  382. 11:11 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 17 base
  383. 11:11 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: going to oc 3 times
  384. 11:12 PM - ? ??????: Chrost
  385. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: wooooooo
  386. 11:12 PM - MeltingData: (( >only 3 ))
  387. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: oc again
  388. 11:12 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: one more involuntary
  389. 11:12 PM - MeltingData: ((this fuckin guy))
  390. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: my god
  391. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: he REKT HER SHIT
  392. 11:12 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 36 all together
  393. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 40
  394. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: oh yeah 36
  395. 11:12 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: that 4 was a reroll
  396. 11:13 PM - MeltingData: at a certain point it stops being a number and start being "enough"
  397. 11:13 PM - ? ??????: Thats to disarm?
  398. 11:13 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: that was just an attack :v (at her arm that is)
  399. 11:14 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: so yeah, if that disarms her than woo
  400. 11:14 PM - ? ??????: Her arm withdrawls at the blow, she lets out a cry in pain, barely holding the gun in one hand.
  401. 11:14 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: magic gun disabled session over game over go home
  402. 11:14 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: aw
  403. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: Satoya time
  404. 11:15 PM - MeltingData: fire the puntgun one handed
  405. 11:15 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (also 8 resolve damage woo-ie)
  406. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: :V
  407. 11:15 PM - MeltingData: sacrifice common sense for mad gains
  408. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: Oh also
  409. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: I dont know if I said this
  410. 11:15 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: speaking of resolve, he needs to roll damage
  411. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: With weapons
  412. 11:15 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: o
  413. 11:15 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: wow nvm I'm distracted
  414. 11:15 PM - ? ??????: You dont untransform at 0 resolve, you untransform when you drop the weapon
  415. 11:16 PM - ? ??????: The lower it goes, the more damage to non-magical you
  416. 11:16 PM - ? ??????: Leading to death when you get to -whatever your max resolve is
  417. 11:16 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I think I'll just cut a bitch with bonesword
  418. 11:17 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: lolfuckthat ocing
  419. 11:17 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so, 20
  420. 11:17 PM - ? ??????: Hit
  421. 11:17 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: yiss
  422. 11:18 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 8 damage
  423. 11:18 PM - ? ??????: Christ you are fucking her up :V
  424. 11:18 PM - ? ??????: Taking another hit, she stepped back a bit, barely holding on to the gun
  425. 11:19 PM - ? ??????: Taking aim, she raised the massive barrel to Satoya's head
  426. 11:19 PM - ? ??????: (I used the punt gun because the stats are fuuuun~)
  427. 11:19 PM - ? ??????: (Including its fury)
  428. 11:19 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "Uh-nyoo"
  429. 11:19 PM - MeltingData: (( #blownthefuckout
  430. 11:19 PM - MeltingData: ))
  431. 11:19 PM - ? ??????: 19
  432. 11:19 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: rollin defense
  433. 11:20 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ouch
  434. 11:20 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: fuckit taking the hit
  435. 11:20 PM - ? ??????: 16 damage
  436. 11:20 PM - ? ??????: PUNT GUN BITCH
  437. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: christ op nerf
  438. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: can I stick my finder in the barrel and have it backfire on her when she shoots it like a cartoon
  439. 11:21 PM - ? ??????: :V
  440. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: finger
  441. 11:21 PM - ? ??????: No
  442. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: aw
  443. 11:21 PM - ? ??????: Your hand will just explode
  444. 11:21 PM - ? ??????: A lot
  445. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: no fun
  446. 11:21 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: :c
  447. 11:22 PM - ? ??????: Smas's turn
  448. 11:23 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: "I WARNED YOU!" Eri moves in to finish the job, going for Finishing Attack her shit in.
  449. 11:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: no no you should totally hold
  450. 11:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so we can finisher her together
  451. 11:24 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: fine, I'll hold so that I can have Catgirl assist in fucking her shit up.
  452. 11:24 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: awye
  453. 11:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: now let's finisher her together
  454. 11:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: "Nyow you've made me angry!"
  455. 11:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: >Grand barrage
  456. 11:25 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: INCOMING CATWAVE
  457. 11:25 PM - ? ??????: APOCALYPSE MEOW
  458. 11:25 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (And I'll ride those cats to freedom and justice)
  459. 11:26 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 3 voluntary, 2 involuntary
  460. 11:26 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: actually I think I can roll one more oc
  461. 11:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: rolled 1, first oc, rolled 6, second oc, rolled 6, invol, rolled 4, invol, rolled 3, third oc
  462. 11:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: nevermind then
  463. 11:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so yeah, 29 then
  464. 11:27 PM - ? ??????: Chorist
  465. 11:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: c:
  466. 11:27 PM - ? ??????: Defense challenge
  467. 11:27 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I'll go even higher if you wish ryan ;u
  468. 11:27 PM - ? ??????: Shh
  469. 11:27 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: also whoops got 7 fury oc
  470. 11:27 PM - ? ??????: OC Three times
  471. 11:28 PM - ? ??????: OCd last OC
  472. 11:28 PM - ? ??????: 22
  473. 11:28 PM - ? ??????: Damn
  474. 11:28 PM - MeltingData: that 1 tho
  475. 11:28 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ha, 22
  476. 11:28 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: talk shit get hit
  477. 11:28 PM - MeltingData: thats some sarah-levels of luck
  478. 11:28 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: by a kit if cats
  479. 11:28 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: a lot
  480. 11:28 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: close enough
  481. 11:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: :3
  482. 11:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: rollin damage
  483. 11:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: 13
  484. 11:29 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and Eri didn't even do anything :v
  485. 11:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: Eri, do something, we're supposed to be attacking at the same time
  486. 11:30 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I'll assist you by tossing cats
  487. 11:30 PM - ? ??????: :V
  488. 11:30 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: it'll give you +2 to your roll ;v
  489. 11:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: so that's like 15 damage then
  490. 11:30 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and 31 on the roll
  491. 11:31 PM - ? ??????: She is still standing, but you can see the blood drip from the many scratches and cuts, she doesn't have much fight in her
  492. 11:31 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: Standing triumphantly, Satoya says, "Talk shit, get kit."
  493. 11:32 PM - ? ??????: "Two can play at that game" Breeching the gun to reload, she grins as she takes aim at Satoya
  494. 11:32 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I use my held action
  495. 11:32 PM - MeltingData: didnt you just use it assisting tho
  496. 11:32 PM - ? ??????: Hah
  497. 11:33 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: it's a special action
  498. 11:33 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: aka free
  499. 11:33 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (for assists that is)
  500. 11:33 PM - MeltingData: ah
  501. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: As long as its not during another person's turn
  502. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: Puntgun chick is a person
  503. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: :V
  504. 11:34 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: nah she's a zombie
  505. 11:34 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: well, I was going to go after Dan, but you didn't exactly give me time to do that :u
  506. 11:34 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: and besides, you haven't rolled anything yet
  507. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: There
  508. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: 1dFuckSmas
  509. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: Which was a 0
  510. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: Not an error
  511. 11:34 PM - ? ??????: A 0
  512. 11:35 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: fine, have your fun ;u
  513. 11:35 PM - ? ??????: :V
  514. 11:35 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: that just means I get two turns in a row
  515. 11:35 PM - MeltingData: 10 bucks on ryan rolling a 0
  516. 11:35 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: is this technically assisted suicide for him then
  517. 11:35 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: if he kills satoya that is
  518. 11:36 PM - ? ??????: As she turned the gun to face Eri, she pulled the triggers with a grin, the ground shaking heavily as the shots exploded out in a blinding flash
  519. 11:36 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: you'll just unresolve, so no worries there
  520. 11:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: until she shoots me again
  521. 11:36 PM - ? ??????: 16
  522. 11:36 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: totally blocking that shit
  523. 11:36 PM - ? ??????: To hit
  524. 11:36 PM - ? ??????: 3 voluntary OC
  525. 11:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: chtist
  526. 11:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: christ
  527. 11:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: no need
  528. 11:36 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you passed without it
  529. 11:37 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: gotta roll to see OC though
  530. 11:37 PM - ? ??????: No, I need it :V
  531. 11:37 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I will take resolve damage from this
  532. 11:37 PM - ? ??????: 26 total
  533. 11:37 PM - ? ??????: 3 voluntary 1 extra
  534. 11:37 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: ooh, I read that as Smas rolling to defend
  535. 11:37 PM - ? ??????: From rolling a 6
  536. 11:37 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 17 atm, got one oc involn
  537. 11:38 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: ok, so, all together that was 31 for defense
  538. 11:38 PM - ? ??????: Welp
  539. 11:38 PM - ? ??????: You somehow block the bullets
  540. 11:38 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Eri yawns and deflects each bullet.
  541. 11:38 PM - ? ??????: Your turn
  542. 11:38 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: TWICE EVEN
  543. 11:39 PM - ? ??????: And since she has no more actions, she cant drop the gun
  544. 11:39 PM - ? ??????: 2 more resolve of damage and she's dead
  545. 11:40 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: "Are you even trying?" Eri retorts, swinging at the one arm holding up the gun.
  546. 11:40 PM - ? ??????: "Im doing my best!"
  547. 11:40 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 14, with involn
  548. 11:41 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 15, rolling an oc
  549. 11:41 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: 17
  550. 11:41 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: what the fuck is with all these rolls
  551. 11:41 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I forgot modifiers though, so 20 altogether
  552. 11:42 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (2 from sword, +1 striker, and wait, have +2 more from Full drive so 22)
  553. 11:43 PM - ? ??????: Christ
  554. 11:43 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I think she got cut to ribbons
  555. 11:44 PM - MeltingData: what the fuck is with everyone rolling so high today
  556. 11:44 PM - MeltingData: sweet jesus
  557. 11:44 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (i've got to keep a check sheet for my bonuses, I have too many)
  558. 11:44 PM - ? ??????: Yup
  559. 11:44 PM - ? ??????: She dead
  560. 11:44 PM - ? ??????: End game
  561. 11:44 PM - ? ??????: :V
  562. 11:44 PM - ? ??????: You fucking blocked bullets
  563. 11:44 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: No, I deflected them with my sword :v
  564. 11:44 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: theres a difference
  565. 11:45 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: in how cool one is over the other
  566. 11:45 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: raiden clone
  567. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: its time fer jack
  568. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: to letter ip
  569. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: rip
  570. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: fuk
  571. 11:46 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: (YOUR MEMES END HERE)
  572. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: ARRRMSTROOOOOOOOONG
  573. 11:46 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Have time for Mekton test too?
  574. 11:47 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: test?
  575. 11:47 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: Also Ryan, it might look like I didn't take a scratch, but I was only 4 resolve away from dying at the end
  576. 11:47 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: same here!
  577. 11:48 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: but I got shot by a punt gun point blank so
  578. 11:48 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: yeah though, you were saying something about either testing something in mekton or testing something for MB
  579. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: oh yay
  580. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: everyone made up for sarah not being here by almost dying
  581. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: thanks guys~
  582. 11:48 PM - ? ??????: Hmm, nah, I need to finish a few things for testing
  583. 11:48 PM - ? ??????: (Hint, its racing)
  584. 11:49 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: I figured as such
  585. 11:49 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: shame the main racer is thinking of dropping the game
  586. 11:50 PM - MeltingData: ye
  587. 11:50 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: little old but
  588. 11:50 PM - Shitty Cat Pun:
  589. 11:51 PM - MeltingData: i dont get it
  590. 11:51 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: innuendo
  591. 11:51 PM - MeltingData: oh
  592. 11:51 PM - MeltingData: i still dont get it
  593. 11:51 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: size difference
  594. 11:51 PM - MeltingData: oh
  595. 11:51 PM - MeltingData: that hamsters too cute to be innuendo
  596. 11:52 PM - MeltingData: goddamn he is ripped
  597. 11:52 PM - MeltingData: what was his name again
  598. 11:53 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: gamagori
  599. 11:53 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: you sod
  600. 11:53 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: from klk
  601. 11:53 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: do you not recognize him
  602. 11:53 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and mako
  603. 11:53 PM - MeltingData: i do
  604. 11:53 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: he recognized him, just forgot his name
  605. 11:53 PM - MeltingData: but i couldnt remember his name
  606. 11:54 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and do you still not understand the joke and innuendo?
  607. 11:54 PM - MeltingData: no i get it
  608. 11:54 PM - MeltingData: the hamster is just too cute
  609. 11:54 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: k
  610. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: i have a 5000x1000 image of max paynes face
  611. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: i dont know why but i do know that its definitely a good thing
  612. 11:55 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: xp for beating shit out of non-important npc test girl? ;v
  613. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: wow smas
  614. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: scum as fuck
  615. 11:56 PM - Extremely Responsible Individual: twas merely a jest
  616. 11:56 PM - MeltingData: i know, lol
  617. 11:57 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: lolno
  618. 11:57 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: a battle that easy wouldn't even earn any xp in real burst
  619. 11:57 PM - MeltingData: i cant find my [brain problems] reaction image
  620. 11:57 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: it lasted like 3 rounds max
  621. 11:57 PM - MeltingData: oh there it is
  622. 11:58 PM - MeltingData: so what now
  623. 11:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: we're done
  624. 11:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: I guess I log this into Burst folder
  625. 11:58 PM - Shitty Cat Pun: and I go to bed
  626. 11:58 PM - MeltingData: mmk
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