Guest User


a guest
Dec 12th, 2018
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  1. <div style="position: static; top: 134px; left: 10px; height: auto; margin-left: 15px;">
  2. <style tyle="text/css">
  3. .gameCard {border: solid white 4px;line-height: 12px !important;text-align:center;height:auto;width:auto;min-width:110px;padding: 13px 25px;margin-bottom:10px !important;font-size: 14px;color:#616161; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap;}
  4. .gameCard:hover {border: solid #dbdbdb 4px;-webkit-transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.55, 1); -moz-transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.55, 1); -ms-transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.55, 1); -o-transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.55, 1); transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.55, 1);}
  5. .gameCard img {background: #e3e3e3; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 5px;}
  6. .gameCard.inactive {opacity:0.3}
  7. .gameCard.inactive:hover {opacity:0.7}
  8. .gameCard span{font-size: 0.85em}
  9. .gameCard .seen{display:none}
  10. .gameCard .time{display:inline}
  11. .gameCard:hover .seen{display:inline}
  12. .gameCard:hover .time{display:none}
  13. .online {display: inherit; background: #7ba60d; color: white; padding: 2px 6px; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 2px;}
  14. .noonline {display: inherit; background: #e3e3e3; color: #4d4d4d; padding: 2px 6px; border-radius: 3px; margin-top: 2px;}
  15. </style>
  16. <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/" charset='{$this->settings['gb_char_set']}' async></script>
  18. <if test="count($przycisk)">
  19. <foreach loop="$przycisk as $row">
  21. <div class="header" style='padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px;'>
  22. <div class="ipsButton_secondary ipsList_inline" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5px;margin-right:5px;font-weight:normal"><a href="/index.php?app=panel&module=characters&section=create"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i> Stwórz postać</a></div>
  23. </div>
  24. </foreach></if>
  26. <div class="ipsPad">
  27. <if test="count($chars)">
  28. <ul class="ipsList_inline">
  29. <foreach loop="$chars as $row">
  30. <php>
  31. $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM `ipb_members` WHERE `member_id` = '.$row['GUID'].'');
  32. $rows = $this->DB->fetch();
  33. </php>
  34. <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1">
  35. <if test="$this->memberData['member_id'] == $row['GUID'] || $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 8">
  36. <a href="{parse url=" app=panel&amp;module=ajax&amp;section=character&amp;do=details&amp;char={$row[ 'ID']}&amp;md5check={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}" onclick=", {$row['ID']});return false;">
  37. <li class="gameCard">
  38. <img src="/public/skins/{$row['LSKIN']}.png" <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == 0 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == -1 || $rows['ban'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW || $rows['ban'] == -1">style="opacity: 0.5;"</if>>
  39. <br>
  40. <span class="hnick" <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == 0 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == -1 || $rows['ban'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW || $rows['ban'] == -1">style="opacity: 0.5;"</if>>{$row['name']}</span>
  41. <br>
  42. <if test="$row['ONLINE'] == 1"><span class="online" <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == 0 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == -1 || $rows['ban'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW || $rows['ban'] == -1">style="opacity: 0.5;"</if>>Online!</span>
  43. <else /><span class="noonline" <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == 0 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == -1 || $rows['ban'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW || $rows['ban'] == -1">style="opacity: 0.5;"</if>>Postać ukryta!</span></if>
  44. </span>
  45. </li>
  46. </a>
  47. </if>
  48. <else />
  49. <a href="{parse url=" app=panel&amp;module=ajax&amp;section=character&amp;do=details&amp;char={$row[ 'ID']}&amp;md5check={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}" onclick=", {$row['ID']});return false;">
  50. <li class="gameCard"
  51. <if test="$row['UKRYTA'] == 1 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == 0 || $row['AKTYWNE'] == -1 || $rows['ban'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW || $rows['ban'] == -1">style="opacity: 0.5;"</if>>
  52. <img src="/public/skins/{$row['LSKIN']}.png">
  53. <br>
  54. <span class="hnick">{$row['name']}</span>
  55. <br>
  56. <if test="$row['ONLINE'] == 1"><span class="online"><if test="$row['is_team'] == 1">TEAM<else />Online!</if></span>
  57. <else />
  58. <span class="noonline" <if test="$row['is_team'] == 1">style='font-weight: bold; color: white; background: #2c4762;'</if>>
  59. <if test="$row['is_team'] == 1">TEAM<else />{parse date="$row['OSTATNIO_NA_SERWERZE']" format="short"}</if></span></if>
  60. </span>
  61. </li>
  62. </a>
  63. </if>
  65. </foreach>
  66. <else />
  67. <div class="message unspecific">Nie znaleziono żadnych postaci.</div>
  68. </if>
  70. </div>
  71. <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 4 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 8">
  72. <form action="{parse url="app=panel&module=admin&section=penality" base="public"}" method="POST" style="text-align: center;">
  73. <select name="option" style='font: normal 13px helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding: 3px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.29); background: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 5px;'>
  74. <option value="block">Blokada postaci</option>
  75. <option value="block_ooc">Blokada OOC</option>
  76. <option value="block_veh">Blokada prowadzenia pojazdów</option>
  77. <option value="block_bieg">Blokada biegania</option>
  78. <option value="block_bron">Blokada broni</option>
  79. <option value="klatwa">Klątwa</option>
  80. <option value="ban">Ban</option>
  81. <option value="aj">AJ</option>
  82. <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 4 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7">
  83. <option value="score">iPoints</option>
  84. </if>
  85. </select>
  86. <select name="ID" style='font: normal 13px helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding: 3px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.29); background: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 5px;'>
  87. <if test="count($chars)">
  88. <foreach loop="$chars as $postac">
  89. <option value="{$postac['ID']}">{$postac['name']}</option>
  90. </foreach>
  91. </if>
  92. </select>
  93. <input id="anonymous_element_69" data-tooltip="W tym miejscu wprowadź ilość dni kary, ilość iPoints lub ilość minut Admin Jail" name="wartosc" type="text" placeholder="Wartość np. ilość dni" style='font: normal 13px helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding: 3px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.29); background: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 5px;'>
  94. <input name="Tekst" type="text" placeholder="Powód" style='font: normal 13px helvetica, arial, sans-serif; padding: 3px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.29); background: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 5px;'>
  95. <input type="submit" class="input_submit" name="submitForm" value="Nadaj karę">
  96. </form>
  97. </if>
  98. <br>
  101. <div class="ipsBox" style="margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  102. <if test="count($logs)">
  103. <table class="ipb_table" summary="Logi"><tbody style='font-size:12px;'><tr class="header"><th scope="col">Nadano</th><th scope="col">Postać</th><th scope="col">Powód</th><th scope="col"></th><th scope="col"></th></tr>
  104. <foreach loop="$logs as $row">
  105. <php>
  106. $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM `jochym_postacie` WHERE `ID` = '.$row['UID_POSTACI'].'');
  107. $char = $this->DB->fetch();
  108. $char['name'] = str_replace("_", " ", $char['name']);
  110. if($row['GUID_NADAJACEGO'] > 0)
  111. {
  112. $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM `ipb_members` WHERE `member_id` = '.$row['GUID_NADAJACEGO'].'');
  113. $iss = $this->DB->fetch();
  114. }
  118. $user = IPSMember::load( $row['GUID_NADAJACEGO'] );
  119. $user2 = IPSMember::load( $row['GUID_DEZ'] );
  122. </php>
  123. <tr class="row1">
  124. <td>
  125. {parse date="$row['DATA']" format="short"}<br>
  126. <span class="desc">przez <if test="$row['GUID_NADAJACEGO'] == -1">System<else />{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$user"}</if></span>
  127. </td>
  128. <td>
  129. <if test="$char['UKRYTA'] == 1">
  130. <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 4 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 8">{$char['name']}</if>
  131. (postać ukryta)<else />{$char['name']}</if>
  132. <br>
  133. <span class="desc">{$row['Typ']}</span>
  134. </td>
  135. <td>
  136. {$row['POWOD']}
  137. <br>
  138. <span class="desc">
  139. <if test="$row['AKTYWNE'] == 1"><if test="$row['DATA_DEZAKTYWACJI'] == -1">Nigdy nie wygasa<br /><else /><if test="$row['DATA_DEZAKTYWACJI'] > IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW">Wygasa {parse date="$row['DATA_DEZAKTYWACJI']" format="short"}<else />Wygasła {parse date="$row['DATA_DEZAKTYWACJI']" format="short"}</if></if><else />Dezaktywowano przez {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$user2"}
  140. </if>
  141. </span>
  142. </td>
  143. <if test="count($przycisk)"><td>
  144. <ul class="right"><li>
  145. <a href="/index.php?app=panel&module=apelacje&section=add&id={$row['ID']}" class="ipsButton_secondary">Apeluj</a>
  146. </li></ul>
  147. </td></if>
  148. <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 4">
  149. <td>
  150. <a href=/index.php?app=panel&module=ajax&section=character&do=penDeactivate&penalty={$row['ID']}&md5check={$this->member->form_hash} class="ipsButton_secondary">Dezaktywuj</a>
  152. </td>
  153. </if>
  154. </foreach>
  156. </tr></tbody></table>
  157. <else />
  158. <div class="message unspecific">Nie znaleziono żadnych logów.</div>
  159. </if>
  160. </div>
  164. <div class="ipsBox" style="margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
  165. <if test="count($apelacja)">
  166. <table class="ipb_table" summary="Logi"><tbody style='font-size: 12px;'>
  167. <tr class="header">
  168. <th scope="col">Postać</th>
  169. <th scope="col">Kara</th>
  170. <th scope="col">Werdykt</th>
  171. </tr>
  172. <foreach loop="$apelacja as $row">
  173. <php>
  174. $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM `jochym_kary` WHERE ID = '.$row['Kara'].'');
  175. $rows = $this->DB->fetch();
  176. $member2 = IPSMember::load( $rows['GUID_NADAJACEGO'] );
  179. $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM `jochym_postacie` WHERE ID = '.$rows['UID_POSTACI'].'');
  180. $rowss = $this->DB->fetch();
  181. $rowss['Postac'] = str_replace("_", " ", $rowss['name']);
  183. if($rowss['UKRYTA'] == 1)
  184. {
  185. if($this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 4 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 7 || $this->memberData['member_group_id'] == 8)
  186. {
  187. $rowss['Postac'] = str_replace($rowss['Postac'], $rowss['Postac']." (postać ukryta)", $rowss['Postac']);
  188. }
  189. else
  190. {
  191. $rowss['Postac'] = str_replace($rowss['Postac'], "(postać ukryta)", $rowss['Postac']);
  192. }
  193. }
  196. $typ = array(
  197. 0 => 'Kick',
  198. 1 => 'Warn', //h 1 +
  199. 2 => 'Ban', //h 2 +
  200. 3 => 'Admin Jail', //h 3 +
  201. 4 => 'Blokada postaci', //h 4
  202. 5 => 'Blokada biegania', //h 5 +
  203. 6 => 'Blokada prowadzenia pojazdów', // 6 -
  204. 7 => 'Blokada OOC', // 7 -
  205. 8 => 'Blokada broni', // 8 -
  206. 9 => 'GameScore+', // 9
  207. 10 => 'Klątwa', //h 10 +
  208. 12 => 'Ban w wyniku klątwy', // 11 +
  209. 12 => 'GameScore-', // 12 +
  210. );
  211. $rows['Type'] = $typ[(int)$rows['TYP']];
  212. </php>
  213. <tr class="row1">
  214. <td class="altrow">{$rowss['Postac']}</td>
  215. <td>
  216. <a href="/index.php?app=panel&module=apelacje&section=view&id={$row['id']}">{$rows['Type']} z {parse date="$rows['DATA']" format="short"} od</a> <i><if test="$rows['GUID_NADAJACEGO'] == -1">System<else />{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$member2"}</if></i><br><span class="desc">{$rows['Tekst']}</span>
  217. </td>
  218. <td class="altrow">
  219. <if test="$row['Status'] == 0"><span style="color:#ff8c00;"><strong>Oczekuje</strong></span></if><if test="$row['Status'] == 1"><strong><span style="color:#008000;"><img src="/public/style_images/master/accept.png" alt="+"> Zaakceptowane</span></strong></if><if test="$row['Status'] == 2"><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong><img src="/public/style_images/master/cross.png" title="" alt="*"> Odrzucona</strong></span></if>
  220. </td>
  221. </tr>
  222. </foreach>
  224. </tr></tbody></table>
  225. <else />
  226. <div class="message unspecific">Nie znaleziono żadnej apelacji.</div>
  227. </if>
  228. </div>
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