

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. <Wind> hey sigh
  2. <LitDude> who are you
  3. <sigh> hello
  4. <Danny> <Viola_> why are we caring about it just some immature kid who needs attention
  5. <Danny> like me
  6. <sigh> where can i download The Great empire ?
  7. <Viola_> what
  8. <Darkonius64> Wind your avatar in the talkhaus is just so magnificent
  9. <Wind> it was drawn by Martin
  10. <sigh> ???
  11. <TNTtimelord> what is it
  12. <Martin> Can I see
  13. <sigh> ????????????????????????????????/
  14. <Wind> i had to resize it to like 10‰
  15. <Wind> because shit avatar limits
  16. <Martin> mhm
  17. <Valtteri> [22:13:51] <Quill> i think mouser was innocent
  18. <Valtteri> are you retarded
  19. * Yoshi29 (~webchat@ has joined #smbx
  20. <sigh> Wind where do i download great emprie
  21. <Wind> eh
  22. <ZVoid> .wav sucks
  23. <Wind> idk
  24. <Quill> that was rude valtteri
  25. <Martin> mouser tried to kill fucking mario with bombs why is this even debatable
  26. <Viola_> <Wind> because shit avatar limits
  27. <sigh> Quill where do i download great empire ???
  28. <Viola_> still the most glorious avatar
  29. <Quill> sigh ask Knux
  30. <sigh> Knux where do i download it ??
  31. <Viola_> wtf did no one register Knux
  32. <Valtteri> Quill i take defending a pedophile who just insulted me personally
  33. <Viola_> we can't ghost him now
  34. <Quill> there's no proof that it was actually him
  35. <Wind>
  36. <Wind> there
  37. <Knux> sigh i dont have the great empire
  38. <Wohlstand> ZVoid: .wav is source, as cpp
  39. <Valtteri> but Quill it's painfully obvious...
  40. <Viola_> age 0
  41. <sigh> who has the great EMpire?
  42. <Martin> i need to be registered to read profiles
  43. <Wohlstand> ZVoid: but .flac is best
  44. <Wohlstand> i like .ogg
  45. <ZVoid> I mean .wav is too heavy
  46. <Viola_> maybe Luigifan2010 has it
  47. <Viola_> his episode manager only shows tge2
  48. <Wohlstand> ZVoid: because is uncompressed
  49. <Viola_>
  50. <sigh> Help!
  51. <zlakerboy357> I have it
  52. <Wohlstand> ZVoid: mp3 sucks, because it pooring quality
  53. <zlakerboy357> But I'm on my phone now
  54. <zlakerboy357> So I can't upload it now
  55. <Danny> knux
  56. <Viola_> zlaker you lurked
  57. <Knux> sigh: Valtteri might have it
  58. <sigh> ):::
  59. * Joey removes ban on *!*@
  60. <Wind> Martin
  61. <Danny> Knux: There should be a new character in taok
  62. <Wind>
  63. <sigh> is the great empire a good hack
  64. <Danny> The Arseblaster
  65. <Wind> talkhaus avatar
  66. <Knux> danny did you like the new aok
  67. <Martin> lmao
  68. <bossedit8> sigh: I have it
  69. <Danny> knux did you even read my comment you fuck
  70. <Viola_> i agree Wind
  71. <Martin> nice
  72. <Knux> sigh: it's ok. it has a few doctor who references
  73. <Viola_> Name is Fatso
  74. <Knux> danny dont be like that
  75. <Viola_> Special Ability
  76. <Viola_> causes earthquakes
  77. <Danny> <sigh> is the great empire a good hack
  78. <Danny> >hack
  79. <Danny> LOL
  80. <zlakerboy357> rofl
  81. <sigh> mean
  82. <Viola_> some people think smbx is a hack
  83. <Knux> dude he doesnt know its called an episode
  84. <Danny> It's not a hack.
  85. <zlakerboy357> It's a game
  86. <Knux> no need to be wide about it
  87. <Danny> It's an episode.
  88. <h2643> It's engine
  89. <Viola_> It's an cake
  90. <Danny> Nothing involving SMBX is a hack.
  91. <Knux> an cake
  92. <sigh> where do i find great empire
  93. <Knux> lunaddl?
  94. <sigh> or is there better hacks
  95. <Darkonius64> i know, they call episodes ''hacks''
  96. <Knux> sigh: ask Valtteri
  97. <bossedit8> sigh: Wait, I am uploading it for you
  98. <h2643> I have TGE
  99. <h2643> ok
  101. <Darkonius64> i liked TGE
  102. <zlakerboy357> :O
  103. <h2643> Knux do yuo have TGE2?
  104. <Darkonius64> am i the only one<?
  105. <Knux> no
  106. <h2643> f
  107. <Knux> i only have valtteri's episodes
  108. <zlakerboy357> You're the Dark Knight
  109. <h2643> ..
  110. <Knux> funny that
  111. <sigh> is the apoapylse of froze hack good
  112. <Valtteri> lolol
  113. <Knux> i also have an unreleased smbx episode
  114. <Viola_> nope it sucks
  115. <sigh> ok
  116. <h2643> Ok
  117. <Viola_> lol
  118. <sigh> does the g8 empire suck too
  119. <Viola_> yes
  120. <Zupermariobros> no
  121. <sigh> what hack is good then???
  122. <Knux> the great empire 1 and 2 are both good episodes ignore the critics
  123. <ZVoid> apocalypse of frozen
  124. <Viola_> Valtteri's ISland
  125. <bossedit8> Viola_: Stop Joking
  126. <Viola_> you can slide into pits
  127. <bossedit8> sigh: They are joking
  128. <Valtteri> valtteri island revisited is a very good hack
  129. <Danny> <sigh> what hack is good then???
  130. <sigh> valerteri island more like pen island LOL xDD
  131. <Danny> HAHAHAHA
  132. <Danny> HACKS
  133. <Danny> <sigh> valerteri
  134. <Quill> <sigh> valerteri island more like pen island LOL xDD
  135. <Quill> ROFL
  136. <Viola_> [21:22] <sigh> valerteri island more like pen island LOL xDD
  137. <Viola_> lol
  138. <Viola_> gg mate
  139. <Danny> well
  140. <Viola_> you earn a medal
  141. <Danny> I think it's a given
  142. <Joey> hah
  143. <Danny> insulting
  144. <Knux> valerteri
  145. <sigh> :D
  146. <Danny> Valtteri Island
  147. <Blueoak> u w0t m9
  148. <Knux> Eric Sean
  149. <Viola_> Penisland
  150. <Knux> Eric Sean
  151. <Knux> Eric Sean
  152. <Knux> Eric Sean
  153. * Yoshi29 has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  154. <sigh> Who is Eric Sean??
  155. <bossedit8> sigh: Here is The Great Empire:
  156. <sigh> does he make hacks
  157. <zlakerboy357> Knux would you like to be a world map designer if I'm gonna have a world map in my project?
  158. <zlakerboy357> I'll pay you
  159. <Viola_> yay tge time to use one of it's level for the contest
  160. <Knux> Valtteri i dare you to post your piano cover here
  161. <sigh> thank you bombeditor8
  162. <Danny> bombeditor8
  163. <Danny> what
  164. <bossedit8> Bombeditor? Lol
  165. <Knux> my sister was singing let it go and i immediately thought of valtteri
  166. <GhostHawk> lol
  167. <Knux> zlakerboy357 yes
  168. <Viola_> bosseditor confirmed as bomb specialist
  169. <zlakerboy357> Great
  170. <bossedit8> I am not a bomb
  171. <Knux> pay me with aok cards
  172. <Ragont> 3:22pm
  173. <Viola_> boooom
  174. * Yoshi29 (~webchat@ has joined #smbx
  175. <Knux> zlakerboy357 you'd have to give me worlds and the levels per wordl though
  176. <sigh> bossedit8: I am not a bomb
  177. <sigh> 9/11?
  178. <Knux> and pecificallywhats what
  179. <Knux> like if for example 1-3 is a ghost house
  180. <zlakerboy357> I'll give ya the list soon
  181. <Valtteri> uh Knux wasn't your sister born like three months ago
  182. <Knux> valtteri: my other one
  183. <zlakerboy357> It's not done yet
  184. <Knux> she's 4
  185. <Panda> today in hmv when i was buying the blink album they had an A1 poster of frozen :*
  186. <Viola_> omg
  187. <Knux> i have 2 sisters
  188. <Danny> knux do your parents have sex often
  189. <Knux> 4 technically
  190. <Viola_> tge only has 16,5 mb
  191. <h2643> bossedit8 do you have The Great Empire 2??
  192. <Knux> danny for fuck sake
  193. <Valtteri> Danny that's a reasonable question
  194. * sigh is now known as Idlera
  195. <Panda> danny thats gross
  196. <bossedit8> h2643: Sadly no
  197. <Knux> danny: do you have any social skills at all
  198. <Panda> lol
  199. <Valtteri> lol
  200. <h2643> :|
  201. <Danny> lol
  202. <h2643> lюl
  203. <bossedit8> h2643: I really want to get it
  204. <bossedit8> though
  205. * Idlera is now known as IdleGirl
  206. <h2643> i too
  207. <Valtteri> [22:25:15] <Panda> today in hmv when i was buying the blink album they had an A1 poster of frozen :*
  208. <Valtteri> isn't A1 like massive
  209. <Viola_> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook
  210. <Darkonius64> uuh, is there chatzilla for chrome?
  211. <Valtteri> i want it
  212. <Viola_> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  213. <Knux> The Great Empire 2 - The Lost Levels
  215. <Viola_> jk
  216. <Darkonius64> OH YEAH
  217. <Darkonius64> ok
  218. <bossedit8> Viola_: Sure
  219. <Wind> ok wtf
  220. <Danny> alright knux I added that to my list of favorite quotes
  221. <Wind> i just realised
  222. <Panda> A1 is huge lmao
  223. <IdleGirl> Valttei
  224. <Knux> Panda: does your version of enema have all 25 skits
  225. * Viola_ has quit (Quit: banned by bossedit)
  226. <IdleGirl> Valttei
  227. <IdleGirl> Valttei
  228. <Panda> enema? silly
  229. <Valtteri> hey IdleGirl
  230. <Panda> um yeah it's got like 50 tracks
  231. <Knux> panda: the ENEMA STRIKES BACK
  232. <IdleGirl> are you from asia
  233. <Knux> so i im right ye
  234. <zlakerboy357> It's Lord Voltteri
  235. <Martin> hardcore castle rock
  236. <zlakerboy357> :DDD
  237. <Panda> yeah yeah
  238. <Knux> Panda: do not listen to the skits when your parents are around
  239. <Valtteri> no IdleGirl i'm from europe
  240. * Disconnected (No such device or address).
  241. * Joey already in use. Retrying with Raikou...
  242. * Raikou sets mode +Z Raikou
  243. * Raikou sets mode +i Raikou
  244. -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
  245. -NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
  246. -NickServ- You are now identified for Joey.
  247. * Now talking on #smbx
  248. * Topic for #smbx is: Welcome to the IRC channel for Super Mario Bros. X | Wiki channel - #smbxwiki :: Level Judge discussion channel - #smbxlevels | Join the 8th Level Contest! | TOB6:
  249. * Topic for #smbx set by reghrhre!~uwasa@smbx/chanop/reghrhre at Mon Jun 16 21:18:54 2014
  250. -ChanServ- [#smbx] Welcome to #smbx!
  251. * #smbx :
  252. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Raikou
  253. <IdleGirl> is Aok a hack?
  254. <Raikou> ugh this connection
  255. <zlakerboy357> Lol
  256. <Knux> IdleGirl: AOK (short for The Adventures of Knux) is a webcomic on this community
  257. <GhostHawk> yes, I hack Aok all the time
  258. <Knux> currently, there are 730 episodes
  259. <Danny> <IdleGirl> is Aok a hack?
  260. <ZVoid> knux: do you remember beetlebailey?
  261. <Danny> LOL
  262. <Knux> more info:
  263. <Viola> i love how my phone doesn't like kottnet anymore
  264. <IdleGirl> webcomics suck
  265. <Danny> knux stop self-promoting
  266. <Knux> ZVoid: yeah. cloud told me last year he commited sucidie. he didnt though
  267. <Knux> hes still alive
  268. <Danny> or is he
  269. <Viola> get dat motherfucker
  270. <Danny> knux what if cloud is a ghost
  271. * Joey has quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Raikou)))
  272. <Danny> what if cloud is in the dead world knux
  273. * You are now known as Joey
  274. <Viola> w
  275. * IdleGirl is now known as Entei
  276. <Viola> wait what
  277. <Viola> cloud and beetlebaily dude are both different or?
  278. <Valtteri> Danny do your parents have sex a lot
  279. <Viola> say yes
  280. <Knux> 2 new pms
  281. <Martin> Qig looks like he just shat himself
  282. * Zupermariobros is now known as Suicune
  283. <Danny> valtteri no
  284. <Suicune> Danny yes
  285. <Entei> My parents dont have sex as 1 is dead
  286. <Panda> ahahha
  287. <Danny> my parents are divorced
  288. <Viola> Valtteri do your parents sing let it go?
  289. <Suicune> ........
  290. * Suicune is now known as Zupermariobros
  291. <Valtteri> Viola no
  292. <Darkonius64> YEAH BOIIIIIII
  293. <Danny> KUP TERAZ
  294. <Darkonius64> oh sorry
  295. <Darkonius64> wrong chat
  296. <Viola> sad
  297. <Valtteri> you're on one channel Darkonius
  298. <Panda> kup teraz
  299. <Valtteri> did you mix irc with steam
  300. <Valtteri> :/
  302. <Panda> LET'S NOT
  303. <Darkonius64> YES
  304. <Viola> 3 channels here all on 3 different ircs
  305. <GhostHawk> can u not
  306. <Danny> I'm on like
  307. <Danny> 5 different networks
  308. <Knux> why does smbxer have -8 rep
  309. <Danny> the dead ircnode
  310. <Entei> i am making new hack for smbx called Mario: Princess Peach's Betrayal
  311. <Danny> indieirc
  312. <Danny> kottnet
  313. <Entei> it will have deep and sad story );
  314. <Danny> espernet
  315. <Valtteri> six networks here Danny
  316. <Valtteri> i win
  317. <Danny>
  318. <Viola> <Knux> why does smbxer have +8 rep
  319. <Danny> and foonetic
  320. <Viola> fixed
  321. <Viola>
  322. <Danny> Rena
  323. * Wohlstand has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  324. * CatezeeY ( has joined #smbx
  325. <Zupermariobros> well there not called hacks there called ethier projects or episodes
  326. <Viola> another channel or?
  327. <Danny> it's Renaporn
  328. <Danny> lol
  329. <Panda> danny
  330. <Darkonius64> Zone tan
  331. <Danny> pffftt
  332. <Darkonius64> lol
  333. <Entei> peach will team up with bowser cuz mario is too fat and luigi fucking sucks and it will be sad as mario will cry and toads will suicide
  334. * Wohlstand ( has joined #smbx
  335. <Danny> wow that's
  336. <Darkonius64> wat
  337. <Valtteri> Darkonius64 did you read the rules like at all
  338. <Danny> dark
  339. <Darkonius64> ...?
  340. <Danny> no not you
  341. <Valtteri> you mixed everything in one folder
  342. <Danny> this is dark
  343. <Danny> <Entei> peach will team up with bowser cuz mario is too fat and luigi fucking sucks and it will be sad as mario will cry and toads will suicide
  344. <Knux> great
  345. <Darkonius64> yeah...?
  346. <Valtteri> making it a pain in the fucking ass to organize
  347. <Viola> Danny aren't you banned on Talkhaus
  348. <Knux> first level for the contest
  349. <Knux> and its just a giant dick
  350. <Knux> for fuck sake
  351. <Danny> viola I was banned from #talkhaus
  352. * Cannot join #LJ (Channel is invite only).
  353. <Blueoak> dont worry knux i promise im making a serious level
  354. <Danny> for joining the channel
  355. <Entei> first level will be mario trying to overcome depression with help of luigi
  356. <Viola> welp
  357. <Viola> they let me in
  358. <Danny> <Entei> first level will be mario trying to overcome depression with help of luigi
  359. <Danny> how
  360. <Danny> I mean
  361. <Viola> <Entei> first level will be mario trying to overcome depression with help of luigi
  362. <Viola> Mario is a serial killer
  363. <Joey> somebody needs to log everything entei is saying
  364. <Joey> this shit is good
  365. <Entei> second level mario will get fresh air but he will see a picnic site where he had picnic with peach and he will cry many tears and try to drown himself on the castle moat hoping this is all a dream but rosalina saves him
  366. <Viola>
  367. <Viola> see
  368. <Panda> where can i buy a bonzi buddy plush toy
  369. <Entei> in a cutscene after 2nd level rosalina gives mario a hug but he only recieves hugs from peach but remembering that he tries to hang himself on a tree but he is stopped and put in a mental hospital for the time
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