
Yuno VS Stella

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. Yuno: "Hello Stella," Yuno said with her hands behind her back, she leaned forward and smiled, the pinkette would seem so innocent and childish for now as she watched the Pillory Boy.
  3. Stella: "Oh, hello Medus.. I mean hello Yuno." the young pillory-boy said. Just seeing a sweet and innocent looking young girl. He didn't know anything about her other side. He had no idea if she was probably a psychopath or a sadist in her heart. He would just smile to her and say. "What can I help you with, beautiful?"
  5. Yuno: Yuno would lean forward and grin, her body tensed as she moved her hand out to show him a kitchen knife. Her face was now hollow and void of emotion, Yuno wasn't a sadistic girl she just saw no other option but to kill. She stepped forward and closer to him as she stared him down, making sure he was well aware of what would happen. "You almost ruined my Yukki, MY Yukki has been nothing but good to me!" Yuno yelled with a deep hatred for Stella at this point, her Yukki got mad, she didn't want him mad, the Pillory Boy would pay for what he has done as she pressed the knife to his chest, her pink hues glowing red as if she was something unholy.
  7. Stella: Stella kept his sweet smile. Hoping that she probably got bored of Yukki for the moment and was looking for some hot sex with Stella. He stepped closer her. He was naked, except the stockings on his arms and legs and was already looking forward to touch her in some lewd ways. But soon everything changed. Stella's heart stopped beating for some beats as he saw the knife. "Oh.. hehee.. careful with that thing. "He said, examining the knife. "It looks really sharp." He said, feeling how his palms were getting sweaty and his mouth dry. Looking at her face, he felt like looking into the face of a whole new person.. a psychopath. "Oh.. what? I.. I am sorry I didn't plan to lower your chances on Yukki.." He said, slowly stepping some steps back. By the way of how she was yelling he was more than just scared of her now. He knew he had to get away from her as fast as possible or.. he didn't even want to think about it. "Alright.. let's calm down okay?.. I will not interrupt you anymore..."
  9. Yuno: Yuno would smile as she would start to walk after him, she saw his fear, she could smell it if she was something unholy, lucky for Stella, she wasn't this would be too easy for Yuno to deal with, a simple and swift cut to his throat, a stab into his chest? She saw the door swing open. Her heel pressed into the ground as she took off, sprinting after him within a few seconds she was on him pouncing onto the boy as she wasted little to slide the knife into the back of his calf, this would prevent him from running far with a wound to his calm on his right leg. She gripped his hair on the way down forcing him to eat the ground as she pressed boy against the hard ground right outside his front door. She huffed and grinned down at him. "Yukki, Yukki will only forgive me if I do this," Yuno said softly and ripped the knife free from Stella's calve. Her eyes widened as she pressed it into the boy's hip, her hands holding onto his head as she spoke. "..."[C] Yuno said nothing she was gone, and nothing was going to stop her from hurting Stella, he was a goner
  11. Stella: Stella was a cheerleader, so he had a well trained body and hoped that he could run faster than Yuno. After a while of running with his maximum speed, he planned to turn his head around, to see where Yuno was. But before he could do so, he felt her hands grabbing him, forcing him to fall down and smack on the hard and cold ground with his nude body. His face would hit the ground hard, his nose met it first. Stella wasn’t sure if his nose was broken now, it was hurting a lot, but he didn’t care for that right now. Right now there was something much more serious he had to care about. Yuno was laying on his back, keeping the slutty and feminine boy on the ground. He struggled and moved, trying to get her down from his back. He planned to stand up as soon as possible and keep running, before the knife would hit him.. but too late. “AAAAAAAAAH!!!” A loud and painful scream would leave the mouth of the poor boy so loud, that his throat would start to hurt. He felt the sharp -c- knife cutting and digging deep into the back of his right calf. As she pulled out, the pain was unbelievable terrible and unendurable. He felt the warm blood squirting out like crazy. His calf was feeling very warm and numb. He didn’t stop screaming, but for now, his struggling stopped since he was too distracted by the pain in his calf. Stella cried out, trying to get up but the hand of Yuno on the back of his head would press face him down on the hard ground again, hurting his nose even more, before.. “AAAAAAAAAH!!!!” The next unbelievable painful sounding scream would leave Stella’s throat, as the knife cut into the right side of his hips. She pushed the knife deep inside, till only the grip was looking out. Blood was again shooting out from this hips now, covering his butt and the side of his hips with blood. Blood-covered like his calf. She was going to stab him.. over and over till he died. He had to do something. He looked around in despair, but it was night and there -c- was no one around.. but then he saw a branch laying on the ground. Every little movement.. every breath would be extremely hard and painful for Stella, with the two deep injuries in his body. But he still managed to take the branch and then moved his arm back to hit Yuno’s face with that, causing her to shift down from his body a bit. That was his chance. Getting her down from him he tried to stand up. Using his hands to get on his knees first, the knife still inside his hip. He stood up but then.. he fell to the ground again, since he wasn’t able to stay on his right foot probably, with the two injuries. Falling back on his knees he crawled, trying to escape, trying to get away from her. -e-
  13. Yuno: Yuno would grin as she heard his pain, he was causing her pain so why should she care? She needed to kill him, right away. She grunted and felt her head turning, being sent to her back, as she growled. Her cheek reddening from the branch. She looked at the wooden object as she slowly got up and huffed, she could see his struggle, his small body grasping to the little life he had, she hated him. She hated anyone who even remotely made Yukki upset. This thought alone fueled her anger, she stood up walking slowly to him as she grabbed the branch, her eyes wide as she ran up behind him and with a loud grunt she swung. She didn't hit him, she hit the handle of the blade, bending it and causing the blade to fling out now and fall to the ground. Yuno wasn't done, she raised the branch above her head and swung down hitting the back of the boys head. If this didn't drop him she brought her foot up and slammed it against his pucker, sending him forward.[C] This should flatten him out, she would soon hold the bat near her shoulder, getting in a batting stance as she gave a golf swing and bashed his rib cage with the wood hearing a crack, maybe his ribs but her new found branch just cracked from how hard sh hit him. Her eye swollen as she had a bruised cheek. She lifted the branch and slammed it on his back, three more times before it broke and split into two, she growled as she pressed the branch to his pucker and rammed the wood half way in, she was surprised it wouldn't fit all the way. She picked up her knife and huffed,s he was sweating and getting tired from doing this her hand clenching the knife tightly as she swung her hand down with a loud yell and pressed the blade between his shoulder and collarbone. "Die! You! Bitch!" Yuno yelled out angered by this boy, her body tensed as she stared at what she has down, a wound in his calf, hip, a traumatized head probably bleeding from back there and a branch up his ass.[C] She huffed as her clothing had blood all over it, her face as well, her hands, she was a mess of a girl. She teared up and lifted her foot. "YUKKI!!!" She slammed his head down forcing his face to smash against the ground making him eat his own teeth.[E]
  15. Stella: Stella crawled desperately, losing a serious amount of blood on his way. Even when he was in such a hopeless situation, he was thinking about possibilities how he could survive. He hoped to find someone seeing him and helping him, but that was really unlikely. Since the place they where they were, was really hidden also it was night and there weren’t any people around. The other idea would be fighting her, but since his calf and his hips were damaged badly he couldn’t fight in such a state. He couldn’t stand up and every movement he would do would cause him some serious pain. Too much to be able to attack her. With a weapon, he probably could so something, but the only weapon he had was the branch. He turned around, seeing her picking up the branch and slowly making her way to him. His heart stopped beating for a bit again now, due to the unbelievable fear he was feeling. Stella looked forward again, desperately trying to escape but soon he would collapse instantly as -c- the branch did hit the handle of the knife in his hips so that it would shift, cut even more of his flesh and then fall out. Tears were dropping out from his eyes as he gave everything to keep staying on his knees. He couldn’t crawl anymore tho, but the hit of the branch on the back of his head and then the foot of her, kicking right into his tiny pink asshole, would cause him to fall down finally. Again landing on the cold, hard and dirty ground with his naked front-body. Laying there helplessly it wouldn’t take long to the next part of her cruel killer-combo would hit him. The branch would hit his ribcage with enough force to break several ribs. Then, as she took the broken branch, she slapped it on his back causing Stella some serious bruises till it finally broke as well. Stella screamed after every hit. Even when she was finished with the branch hits, he would keep moaning painfully, caused by all the hurting spots of his body. But as if that wasn’t enough, she now -c- rammed the end of the dirty branch inside his anus. The hard branch would cause his anus and his guts to rip and bleed. Since the branch wasn’t made to be used as a sex-toy and it was also too thick for Stella. “Sto..stooop..” He begged. His voice was really weak. He knew, with his state, there was no way to survive. He could just beg now and hope for her mercy.. or he could hope that she would at least kill him fast since the pain was more than hellish. Of course, she didn’t care for that and slammed the knife into a new spot, right under his shoulders. “AAAAAAH!!” A loud scream would escape his lips, as the knife was so deep inside, that it was almost getting out from his front-side as well. Then, finally, she kicked down on the back of his head, pressing his head down on the ground, causing his nose to break even more and get into his head, while his tears would break and fall down on the ground. His nose and mouth were bleeding. He lost almost lost all of his front teeth. -c- He was still far away from being death. But telling by the pain, he wished he could just die now, since he couldn’t take it anymore, in his humiliating state, having the branch racking out from his bleeding and abused asshole. He knew she enjoyed it.. she had several chances to just kill him till now.. but he was still alive. -e-
  17. Yuno: Yuno would rip the knife free as she started to slam the knife into the boy's back, over and over, her long knife slamming into his ribs, lungs, and spine. She was going to kill him now, this was it. She grinned as she could feel him slowly drifting away and with that, she swung her arm sideways and slammed the knife into the side of his head, right in his artery causing him to die almost instantly, he was bleeding heavily and he was truly dead. She slowly stood up and rubbed her cheek, she began to walk away holding her cheek and knife with a grin. Her body tense as she panted heavily, feeling the exhaustion finally. Her red hues turning pink as she fell over and collapsed in the bushes. This was the end of this event, Yuno was passed the fuck out in the bushes half a mile away from Stella's dead body.
  19. THE END
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