
Q Qanon - The Final Piece Of The Q Puzzle - WHAT Is CHRIST?

Sep 11th, 2019
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  1. Hi there,
  3. "To discover & build on your strengths, YOU must first discover then work on your weaknesses. Always question YOURSELF." - David Ruck
  5. What, why, how, when, where and WHY again & again & yet AGAIN.
  7. I should start this by saying I am NOW a Christian and NOTHING I am saying goes against scripture but, you WILL find it goes against many INTERPRETATIONS of scripture - this is EXACTLY how they have created confusion and division between Churches and even religions around the world which in turn has caused most people to not even consider anymore that there IS a creator, The MOST High, The DIVINE ONE - The ONE. BUT - the deception is now coming UNDONE. Language, is a VERY TRICK subject and by going back through the evolution of LANGUAGE you will start to SEE & HEAR much more CLEARLY. It is not a pleasant journey as you do this because your new understanding of your language will RESHAPE how you PERCEIVE EVERYTHING around you and everything you have been taught, everything you have ever HEARD or SEEN will CHANGE. The end IS drawing nearer BUT, it is NOT how most PERCEIVE it, As a CHRISTIAN, you should be very interested in considering all of this.
  9. Q is VERY clever, Q planted many seeds for thought in my mind, one of which was when Q posted "god bless", I WONDERED why Q used "god" and not "God".
  11. "The choice to know will be yours" #Q #Qanon - read below...
  13. Because of a miraculous moment I had 12 months ago in July 2018, I realised at that moment that GOD is real but, I had serious questions about religion which, is a very difficult truth to actually find because, quite a long time ago this truth, this knowledge was removed from humanity (but also kept safe by a very few other hidden people until NOW) by a very few very powerful people. However, my journey to FIND this TRUTH, as difficult as it was, led me to the realisation of who Jesus really was and what he was really teaching us and WHY it was written the way it was... it all becomes more and more evident as you STOP what you are doing and start looking BACK whilst questioning EVERYTHING over and over again. Here is a small example of the questions I had for THE MODERN BIBLE:
  15. What DOES the WORD CHRIST mean?
  16. Why are the Churches all divided?
  17. Why do so many religions have many things in common?
  18. Why does the ENGLISH bible use God, god & gods?
  19. What ARE The Father, The SON & The Holy Ghost? The HOLY TRINITY?
  20. Why do Christians refuse to understand Satans plan? How can you discover The FATHERS plan if you don't understand SATANS plan?
  21. If SATANISTS believe in Satan then they MUST believe in God so WHY do they want to go to hell?
  22. What is a Luciferian and WHY do they follow LUCIFER?
  24. The reality is that a Government should not be TELLING people what to do, they should be LISTENING to the CONCERNS of the PEOPLE and then helping with the FLOW OF INFORMATION and EDUCATION between communities. Each small community should be listening to each OTHER - Christians (which I am) use all sorts of ludicrous justifications for their actions - LOVE thy neighbour" should be taken EXTRENMELY literally yet, Christians have been fooled into going EVERYWHERE BUT THEIR NEIGHBOURS. (As a small but VERY real example). Now, DEFINE LOVE and DEFINE NEIGHBOUR, as a CHRISTIAN, you can NOT tell me you have not been FOOLED into running to and fro whilst Satan has snuck in and is destroying your LITERAL neighbours in one way or another <--- a VERY good example of THE GREAT DECEPTION.
  26. This may be hard to believe but, the more you question everything around you that is and ever was, in particular listening to those with whom you disagree, the closer you will be drawn to understanding the ONE. There are a few SMALL mis-interpretations in the modern Bibles (not original scriptures but in the language with which we use to interpret them) that once accepted & understood, UNLOCKS a CASCADE of the truth within your mind. It should and WILL TROUBLE you as it TEARS down MANS SYSTEMS which is merely a powerful illusion built to falsely offer an answer that it will never provide as is now quite evident. The depth of this deception is quite magnificent and everyone, at some level, has been fooled.
  28. Everything is a VERY clever and powerful lie which has been constructed to give us empty promises and false hope distracting us from what we REALLY need to find. "Time really IS money" - your TIME is the MOST valuable thing and your TIME is consumed with non-sense. To help you realise the depth of the deception and help get you to WONDER what you might have been fooled by, it is worth watching the following video. Remember, everyone has different parts of the WHOLE truth based on many variables but also everyone is also MISSING piece of the puzzle. It appears that those with positions of responsibility & influence, those who we look to in positions of power in every sector, are the ones who reinforce the biggest part of the LIE whether they do it intentionally or not, there is a reason they are "allowed" to be in those positions, they are either stupid, sick or evil - WHICH ONE ARE YOU?
  32. Believe it or not, The Father began to lead me 12 months ago in quite a miraculous way. Before that time I had very little interest in religion or history. At that moment I instantly knew that there is a GOD and instantly gave EVERYTHING up for Him and to discover the WHOLE TRUTH and began a crazy journey and now, I know. Below is the most powerful information that WILL bring you much closer to CHRIST. The journey is rough, troubling etc but, as emotional as the ride is, the end is VERY rewarding!
  34. You may have noticed He IS HASTENING His words and works, His hand is a little closer than usual right now I'm SURE if you're reading this you have most likely realised this.
  36. It truly IS time! ( I even JUST looked at THIS post having JUST posted it and it's even full of little "coincidences" - MIRACLES - the amount of "coincidences" ((they are miracles)) I have witnessed in the last 12 months are so vast and it's impossible to describe )
  38. There is a powerful hidden code in all scripture, It was installed because Jesus KNEW "they" (the Pharisee who still hide amongย us but not for long as EXPOSURE IS happening AS WE SPEAK) would try and destroy the FULL message to maintain "their" power (VERY clever stuff by Jesus!).
  40. The MORE you search for FULL & ALL TRUTH, the more you will draw the same conclusion - only when you realise EVERYTHING around us is infiltrated and is a LIE the more you will question EVERYTHING. It ALL makes MORE than just SENSE the more you...
  41. ...QUESTION IT!
  43. Watching just the FIRST TWO videos below will literally open some LOCKS installed in your mind because, they are words from JESUS Himself, MISSING from SCRIPTURE and are VERY powerful - The Gospel Of Thomas. (Constantine was a FOOL but Gods WORDS WERE PROTECTED and His plan is certainly NOT foolish, in fact, of course, this is ALL part of HIS plan but you have to look, that's all).
  45. It is studying the history of LANGUAGE that REALLY brings you closer to understanding how EMOTION has been removed from LANGUAGE - we now use words and people mis-communicate.
  46. There used to be very few words used and people would FEEL each other (resonance frequencies) - ever walk into a room and FEEL the TENSION? Ever FEEL like you were being watched? yea. Ever send TEXT to someone and it is completely taken the wrong way? Yea. WORDS/TONGUES without some type of physical connection cause confusion - (The Bible even states that somewhere)
  48. They have removed our understanding of feeling HOPE, LOVE, FAITH, BELIEF (not JUST in The Most High but in EVERYTHING - we GIVE our POWER away to THEM because they install a problem then SELL us a SOLUTION) and installed covertly + cleverly installed FEAR, DOUBT, LOW SELF ESTEEM etc etc especially via ALL forms of media but you find distraction and confusion installed EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING (every sector ESPECIALLY education).
  50. Gospel Of Thomas is the KEY to UNLOCKING the SCRIPTURES.
  54. Actual INSTRUCTIONS (introduction) given by JESUS on how to discover CHRIST & The Kingdom...
  58. Random extras to consider...
  60. Science moving closer to realising the truth...
  64. More and more are WAKING up and moving CLOSER to the TRUTH... "Follow The White Rabbit"
  68. "Symbolism WILL be their downfall" โ€“ Q
  72. "Plan to save the world" (Disclosure by the TRUMP / US Military administration DRAINING THE SWAMP
  76. The SUPER ELITE network is coming undone โ€“ the THIRD THRONE is about to fall โ€“ as a Christian, you should be VERY interested in this...
  80. The DISCLOSURE 7 EXPOSURE of the EVIL and CORRUPTION within the worlds POWER structure (the SYSTEM) we are experiencing will bring the TRUTH of all the LIES and people will search for TRUTH and they will FIND it now.
  82. The THRONE Of DAVID - When the THRONE falls 3 times (The Epstein case will bring down the Royal Family + ALL the SUPER ELITE POWER over the people when they are exposed and PEOPLE LOSE FAITH IN THEM) - THEN they will seek TRUTH & quickly turn to SCRIPTURE / HISTORY & THEN CHRIST returns. (See video below).
  86. Kind Regards & GOD Bless - CHRIST JESUS really DOES save!
  88. This is where Christians have it INTERPRETED wrong - CHRIST returns, but Jesus does not because HE NEVER LEFT US! - His SPIRIT is with us and ALWAYS will be! Jesus is the WAY, the LIFE - it's the TEACHINGS of JESUS that bring us to the KINGDOM and CHRIST CONSCIOUS returns when we WAKE UP TO THE POWER WITHIN US and stop giving power away.
  92. David Anthony Ruck - A US Citizen in New Zealand - You will find that, I AM DAVID! Who are YOU? EXCITING STUFF! LOVE YA'LL!
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