
Leona Bio

May 13th, 2014
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  1. Leona
  2. Leona is the youngest of five daughters. Unlike all of her sisters she wasn’t strong, clever or athletic. In fact to this day she remains childish and clumsy.
  3. They all live on a big house near the river. Her and her family share a secret. They are all blessed with the power to call upon the totem of their homeland and rise their power. Leona was named after her totem. The Lion.
  4. She doesn’t see herself as a teenager just a slightly bigger girl. She likes books about romances and kung fu performances at the street. She dreams that one day the publishing will wise up and make a romantic drama about a kung fu couple she even has the text done and ready.
  6. She never has been on a relationship for long. At least she always get’s the short end of the stick when it comes to love affairs. She only remembers two of them since they were the only time she had been on a relationship.
  7. One was with a boy that lived near her house. Both of them hanged out and the boy got teased a lot by Leona’s sisters. Leona played with him and they promised each other that they would get married “for real”. The day after that promise the boy had to leave the country for unknown reasons at least to Leona. She didn’t know how to feel. But she knew she didn’t like it.
  8. Years passed and she had a crush on every boy she meets. She always tripped or said something that made her look like a stalker. She got more and more disappointed but she never knew what she was doing wrong.
  9. When she was 13 she finally meets what she tough she meet her prince charming. After failing yet again the get into the movie business she met a boy almost her age. At least that’s what he said.
  10. Both of them shared the same dream to do a romantic kung fu novel and shared ideas. From there it seemed almost like magic since both hit it off pretty nicely. Both were kung-fu fans and practiced its move although they were both very clumsy. Most of the time they would just hang out on the library and do nothing on interest, they just talked and talked until one of them had to go. One day both stayed too late and woke up when the library was just opening up. Both felt asleep together hugging each other.
  11. For Leona this was the clear sign she always waited for. She always saw her friend as a potential lover. She requested for the meetings to be more frequent and so it happened. They saw each other after school and club activities.
  13. By this time something happened to Leona, Maybe the planets aligned on her side. Maybe the gods took pity on an airheaded girl. But everything seemed to come her way. She was always lucky. She could stroll by the street half dozing and no car hitted her; she would always get the big prize from the raffle. If her family made plans and she didn’t wanted to go it would rain. The popsicles she ate had always another one for free. This didn’t make up for her lack of athleticism or wit but it helped her survive the day to day life she lived. Of course she was unaware of this and only had happy tough on her head.
  14. Her luck grew larger when most of her sister moved away and she had a big house all for herself. It semmed that it was time for her to declare her love to his friend.
  15. She found a letter on her friend’s backpack the day she was going to make her feeling for him, It was a love letter signed “For someone close to me” she blushed and smiled. So many thing had gone her way she tough this was yet another one. She also finded his ID. She realized that he was older than her. This striked her as odd but she was happy to know someone liked her.
  16. That day it turned out that the letter was for a girl from the boy class. He only saw her as a friend and a sister and she could never be more. Once again a bitter feeling overwhelmed her body. She apologized and ranned off. She locked herself on her room. Eventually the boy would move out as well. Leona never knew this and to this day evertime she passes by that boy’s house she whimper’s a little.
  17. More days passed. And sadness never seem to get the better of the little kitten.
  19. As the years passed sadness became nothing but a distant memory. She always had a bright smile on her face. As she grew on spiriti she seemed only to get clumsier and clumsier. Her air headness made her a target for everyone’s pranks. Pranks she didn’t get most of the time thanks to her luck.
  20. She grew closer to her father and her mother. But a whole gew bigger on her heart.She tough if she managued to publish her book her friend left over he would come back. One day while looking for a job she found a job on a neighborhood next to her home as a maid. She saw this as an opportunity to have both free food and a job to entratain her while publisher wised up about her book.
  21. However something she didn’t expect happened. The first day she saw her “master” she blushed. Once again a child like rush of love filled her body. He was young. A lot younger than her but unlike her friend she was not going to let him go beause of the age. She did not know how to approach him.
  22. She took the job as a maid. Convinced it would be training from when the two of them would be married. This time it would be different. This time love would finally correspond her.
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