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Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. #====================================================================
  2. # █ Plugin: Modern-Parkour █
  3. # █ Made by : Technik █
  4. # █ Version : 4.0 Release █
  5. #====================================================================
  6. # Copyright © Texk Skripts Technik - SM. All rights reserved.
  7. # Date : 2019
  8. # discord :
  9. #====================================================================
  10. #TO DO
  11. #Manimulacja levlm teleportem
  12. #oceny parkourow
  13. #Statystyki fail and ends gracza
  14. #seettings fail run messages on/off and other sttuf
  15. #nether start slot 0 of player tepa na lobby
  16. #encanted papier jesli raz pszeszedl
  17. #ZAbespieczenie checkpointa infinity fall
  19. #iny kolor zbroi
  20. #SOlo top 3 places
  21. #Pokaz wszystkie faile i finishe podliczone
  22. #Automatyczny event
  23. #ROzdawanie kasy i xp
  24. on server list ping:
  25. set motd to "&8[ &6&l* &8] &7&n-------- &8[ &6Modern-Parkour &8] &7&n-------- &8[ &6&l* &8]"
  26. command /setpvpspawn:
  27. trigger:
  28. if player is op:
  29. set {PVPSPAWN} to location of player
  30. send "&cPVP spawn is set!"
  32. command /lvl:
  33. aliases: info, stats
  34. trigger:
  35. send "&c-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
  36. send "&aJumps: &b%{JUMPS::%player%}%"
  37. send "&aLVL: %{LVL::%player%}%"
  38. send "&aXP: %{XP::%player%}%/%{LEVELS::%{LVL::%player%}%}%"
  39. send "&aMONEY: %{MONEY::%player%}%"
  40. send "&c-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
  41. on join:
  42. if player is op:
  43. send "&8====================================="
  44. send "&4Modern-Parkour &bVersion 4.0 Release"
  45. send "&cDon't forget to look for new &3(&2Updates&3)"
  46. send "&8====================================="
  47. wait 5 seconds
  48. send "&4Here is a small tutorial"
  49. loop 2 times:
  50. wait 4 seconds
  51. send "&4Use &aGreen wool to start parkour"
  52. send "&4Use &9BLue wool to finish the parkour"
  53. on chat:
  54. cancel event
  55. if {TEAMPLAYER::%player%} is set:
  56. if player has permission "modern.root":
  57. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8]&2<&a%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%&2> &c%player%&6: &6%message%" to all players
  58. stop
  59. else if player has permission "modern.player":
  60. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8]&2<&a%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%&2> &7%player%&6: &7%message%" to all players
  61. stop
  62. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8]&2<&a%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%&2> &7%player%&6: &7%message%" to all players
  64. else:
  65. if player has permission "modern.root":
  66. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8] &c%player%&6: &6%message%" to all players
  67. stop
  68. else if player has permission "modern.player":
  69. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8] &7%player%&6: &7%message%" to all players
  70. stop
  71. send "&8[&fLVL&2%{LVL::%player%}%&8] &7%player%&6: &7%message%" to all players
  72. stop
  73. on load:
  74. loop {MAPS} times:
  75. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is set:
  76. create holo object "&2&lWelcome to map %loop-number%!;&3Ends: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ENDS}% &4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::FAILS}%;&6Lets Join the map !" with id "id.%loop-number%.start" at {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::STARTHOLO}
  77. command /all:
  78. trigger:
  79. send "Graczy: %{ALL}%"
  80. on first join:
  81. wait 2 tick
  82. add 1 to {ALL}
  83. set {XP::%player%} to 0
  84. set {LVL::%player%} to 1
  85. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  86. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  87. set {JUMPSTATUS::%player%} to false
  88. set {JUMPTIME::%player%} to now
  89. set {JUMPS::%player%} to 0
  90. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to true
  91. set {MONEY::%player%} to 0
  92. set {JUMPS::%player%} to 0
  93. set {PVP::%player%} to false
  94. set {HELMET::%player%} to 1
  95. set {CHESTPLATE::%player%} to 1
  96. set {LEGGINGS::%player%} to 1
  97. set {BOOTS::%player%} to 1
  98. set {SWORD::%player%} to 1
  99. on join:
  100. wait 2 tick
  101. set {_list::%player%} to the player
  102. loop {_list::*}:
  103. set {_player} to "%loop-index%" parsed as player
  104. set {LVL::%player%} to yaml value "LVL" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  105. set {XP::%player%} to yaml value "XP" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  106. set {MONEY::%player%} to yaml value "MONEY" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  107. set {JUMPS::%player%} to yaml value "JUMPS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  108. set {HELMET::%player%} to yaml value "HELMET" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  109. set {CHESTPLATE::%player%} to yaml value "CHESTPLATE" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  110. set {LEGGINGS::%player%} to yaml value "LEGGINGS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  111. set {BOOTS::%player%} to yaml value "BOOTS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  112. set {SWORD::%player%} to yaml value "SWORD" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml"
  113. wait 2 tick
  114. if "%{LVL::%player%}%" is "<none>":
  115. set {LVL::%player%} to 1
  116. set {XP::%player%} to 0
  117. set {MONEY::%player%} to 0
  118. set {JUMPS::%player%} to 0
  119. set {HELMET::%player%} to 1
  120. set {CHESTPLATE::%player%} to 1
  121. set {LEGGINGS::%player%} to 1
  122. set {BOOTS::%player%} to 1
  123. set {SWORD::%player%} to 1
  124. set {LVL::%player%} to "%{LVL::%player%}%" parsed as number
  125. set {XP::%player%} to "%{XP::%player%}%" parsed as number
  126. set {MONEY::%player%} to "%{MONEY::%player%}%" parsed as number
  127. set {JUMPS::%player%} to "%{JUMPS::%player%}%" parsed as number
  128. set {HELMET::%player%} to "%{HELMET::%player%}%" parsed as number
  129. set {CHESTPLATE::%player%} to "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%" parsed as number
  130. set {LEGGINGS::%player%} to "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%" parsed as number
  131. set {BOOTS::%player%} to "%{BOOTS::%player%}%" parsed as number
  132. set {SWORD::%player%} to "%{SWORD::%player%}%" parsed as number
  133. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  134. set {JUMPSTATUS::%player%} to false
  135. set {JUMPTIME::%player%} to now
  136. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to true
  137. set {PVP::%player%} to false
  138. on quit:
  139. set {_list::%player%} to the player
  140. loop {_list::*}:
  141. set {_player} to "%loop-index%" parsed as player
  142. wait 2 tick
  143. set yaml value "LVL" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{LVL::%player%}%"
  144. set yaml value "XP" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{XP::%player%}%"
  145. set yaml value "MONEY" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{MONEY::%player%}%"
  146. set yaml value "JUMPS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{JUMPS::%player%}%"
  147. set yaml value "HELMET" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{HELMET::%player%}%"
  148. set yaml value "CHESTPLATE" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%"
  149. set yaml value "LEGGINGS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%"
  150. set yaml value "BOOTS" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{BOOTS::%player%}%"
  151. set yaml value "SWORD" from file "Parkour/Players/%{_player}%.yml" to "%{SWORD::%player%}%"
  152. wait 2 tick
  153. delete {STATUS::%player%}
  154. delete {STARTBUFOR::%player%}
  155. delete {JUMPSTATUS::%player%}
  156. delete {JUMPTIME::%player%}
  157. delete {TIME::%player%}
  158. delete {MAP::%player%}
  159. delete {HIDESHOW::%player%}
  160. delete {CHECKPOINT::%player%}
  161. delete {MONEY::%player%}
  162. delete {JUMPS::%player%}
  163. delete {PVP::%player%}
  164. delete {HELMET::%player%}
  165. delete {CHESTPLATE::%player%}
  166. delete {LEGGINGS::%player%}
  167. delete {BOOTS::%player%}
  168. delete {SWORD::%player%}
  169. delete {LVL::%player%}
  170. delete {XP::%player%}
  171. every 1 seconds:
  172. loop all players:
  173. if {PVP::%loop-player%} is true:
  174. set slot 8 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of ladder named "&cPARKOUR"
  175. set slot 7 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of book named "&cSKLEP"
  176. if {PVP::%loop-player%} is false:
  177. set slot 8 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of diamond sword named "&cPVP"
  178. set slot 3 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of book named "&2Parkours"
  179. set slot 4 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of blaze rod named "&2Checkpoint"
  180. if {HIDESHOW::%loop-player%} is true:
  181. set slot 5 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of 351:10 named "&2Hide players"
  182. if {HIDESHOW::%loop-player%} is false:
  183. set slot 5 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of Gray Dye named "&2Show players"
  184. every 10 minutes:
  185. loop {TEAMNAMES::*}:
  186. set {_STATS::%loop-index%} to "%{TEAM::%loop-index%::LVL}%" parsed as number
  187. set {_r} to size of {_STATS::*}
  188. loop {_r} times:
  189. loop {_STATS::*}:
  190. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  191. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  192. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  193. if loop-value is greater than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  194. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  195. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  196. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {_STATS::*}
  197. loop {_r} times:
  198. set {_STATS::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  199. #loop 15 times:
  200. #if {_i.%loop-number%} is set:
  201. #send "&e%{_i.%loop-number%}% &7> &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%"
  202. loop {TOPLVL::*}:
  203. add 1 to {_stop}
  204. set {_TOPLVLNICK::%{_stop}%} to "%{TOPLVLNICK::%loop-index%}%"
  205. set {_TOPLVLLVL::%{_stop}%} to "%loop-value%"
  206. send "&6=================&9&lModern&5&l-&b&lParkour &6=================" to all players
  207. send "&7--------------&6&lTOP &a&lLVL &6PLAYER&7--------------" to all players
  208. send "&9%{_TOPLVLNICK::1}% &2%{_TOPLVLLVL::1}%" to all players
  209. send "&b%{_TOPLVLNICK::2}% &a%{_TOPLVLLVL::2}% &b%{_TOPLVLNICK::3}% &a%{_TOPLVLLVL::3}%" to all players
  210. send "&7--------------&6&lTOP &a&lLVL &6TEAM&7--------------" to all players
  211. send "&9%{_i.1}% &2%{_v.1}%" to all players
  212. send "&b%{_i.2}% &a%{_v.2}% &b%{_i.3}% &a%{_v.3}%" to all players
  213. send "&7--------------&6&lTOP &a&lPlace &6TOURNAMENT&7--------------" to all players
  214. send "&9%{SOLO::WINNAR::1}%" to all players
  215. send "&b%{SOLO::WINNAR::2}% %{SOLO::WINNAR::3}%" to all players
  216. send "&6=================&9&lModern&5&l-&b&lParkour &6=================" to all players
  218. {SOLO::WINNAR::%{SOLO::SLOTS}%}
  219. every 10 seconds:
  220. loop all players:
  221. if {XP::%loop-player%} is greater or equal to {LEVELS::%{LVL::%loop-player%}%}:
  222. subtract {LEVELS::%{LVL::%loop-player%}%} from {XP::%loop-player%}
  223. add 1 to {LVL::%loop-player%}
  224. send "&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-" to loop-player
  225. send "&8- &9Jumps: &b%{JUMPS::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
  226. send "&8- &9LVL: &b%{LVL::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
  227. send "&8- &9XP: &b%{XP::%loop-player%}%/%{LEVELS::%{LVL::%loop-player%}%}%" to loop-player
  228. send "&8- &9MONEY: &b%{MONEY::%loop-player%}%" to loop-player
  229. send "&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-&2-&3-&4-&5-&6-&7-" to loop-player
  230. on hunger meter change:
  231. cancel event
  232. on damage:
  233. if {PVP::%attacker%} is true:
  234. if {PVP::%victim%} is true:
  235. if "%{TEAMPLAYER::%attacker%}%" is "<none>":
  236. stop
  237. if "%{TEAMPLAYER::%victim%}%" is "<none>":
  238. stop
  239. if "%{TEAMPLAYER::%attacker%}%" is "%{TEAMPLAYER::%victim%}%":
  240. send "&cNie mozez bic swojego" to attacker
  241. cancel event
  242. stop
  243. else:
  244. cancel event
  245. else:
  246. cancel event
  247. on death:
  248. set the death message to ""
  249. if {TEAMPLAYER::%attacker%} is set:
  250. add 1 to {TEAMKILLS::%{TEAMPLAYER::%attacker%}%}
  251. heal attacker by 5 hearts
  252. clear drops
  253. set {PVP::%victim%} to false
  254. every 5 second:
  255. loop all players:
  256. loop 999 times:
  257. delete {_v.%loop-number%}
  258. loop 999 times:
  259. delete {_i.%loop-number%}
  260. loop {_STATS::*}:
  261. delete {_STATS::%loop-index%}
  262. loop {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::*}:
  263. set {_STATS::%loop-index%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  264. set {_r} to size of {_STATS::*}
  265. loop {_r} times:
  266. loop {_STATS::*}:
  267. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  268. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  269. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  270. if loop-value is smaller than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  271. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  272. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  273. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {_STATS::*}
  274. loop {_r} times:
  275. set {_STATS::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  276. display board named "&6*&9Modern&d-&bParkour&6*" to loop-player
  277. if {_v.1} is set:
  278. set {_v.1} to {_v.1} parsed as number
  279. make score "%{_v.1}% &e%{_i.1}%" in board of loop-player to -1
  280. if {_v.2} is set:
  281. set {_v.2} to {_v.2} parsed as number
  282. make score "%{_v.2}% &e%{_i.2}%" in board of loop-player to -2
  283. if {_v.3} is set:
  284. set {_v.3} to {_v.3} parsed as number
  285. make score "%{_v.3}% &e%{_i.3}%" in board of loop-player to -3
  286. if {_v.4} is set:
  287. set {_v.4} to {_v.4} parsed as number
  288. make score "%{_v.4}% &7%{_i.4}%" in board of loop-player to -4
  289. if {_v.5} is set:
  290. set {_v.5} to {_v.5} parsed as number
  291. make score "%{_v.5}% &7%{_i.5}%" in board of loop-player to -5
  292. if {_v.6} is set:
  293. set {_v.6} to {_v.6} parsed as number
  294. make score "%{_v.6}% &7%{_i.6}%" in board of loop-player to -6
  295. if {_v.7} is set:
  296. set {_v.7} to {_v.7} parsed as number
  297. make score "%{_v.7}% %{_i.7}%" in board of loop-player to -7
  298. if {_v.8} is set:
  299. set {_v.8} to {_v.8} parsed as number
  300. make score "%{_v.8}% %{_i.8}%" in board of loop-player to -8
  301. if {_v.9} is set:
  302. set {_v.9} to {_v.9} parsed as number
  303. make score "%{_v.9}% %{_i.9}%" in board of loop-player to -9
  304. if {_v.10} is set:
  305. set {_v.10} to {_v.10} parsed as number
  306. make score "%{_v.10}% %{_i.10}%" in board of loop-player to -10
  307. move display of loop-player to sidebar
  308. every 1 minute:
  309. loop 999 times:
  310. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is set:
  311. add 1 to {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TIME}
  312. every 15 minutes:
  313. send "&6--------+ &9Modern&5-&bParkour &6+--------" to all players
  314. send " " to all players
  315. send "&6/podbij - aby podbic mape !" to all players
  316. send " " to all players
  317. send "&6====================================" to all players
  318. loop 999 times:
  319. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "easy" or "medium" or "hard":
  320. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is set:
  321. if {_first} is not set:
  322. set {_first} to "%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TIME}%" parsed as number
  323. set {_map} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  324. else:
  325. set {_second} to "%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TIME}%" parsed as number
  326. if {_first} is smaller than {_second}:
  327. set {_first} to {_second}
  328. set {_map} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  329. if {_map} is set:
  330. set {PODBIJMAPE} to "%{_map}%" parsed as number
  331. wait 5 minutes
  332. delete {PODBIJMAPE}
  333. set {_r} to size of {PODBIJTOP::*}
  334. loop {_r} times:
  335. loop {PODBIJTOP::*}:
  336. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  337. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  338. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  339. if loop-value is smaller than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  340. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  341. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  342. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {PODBIJTOP::*}
  343. loop {_r} times:
  344. set {PODBIJTOP::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  345. loop {PODBIJTOP::*}:
  346. delete {PODBIJTOP::%loop-index%}
  347. if {_i.1} is set:
  348. if {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::TEAM} is set:
  349. subtract 1 from {TEAM::%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::TEAM}%::MAPS}
  350. set {_player} to "%{_i.1}%" parsed as player
  351. set {_team} to "%{TEAMPLAYER::%{_player}%}%"
  352. add 1 to {TEAM::%{_team}%::MAPS}
  353. send "&6--------+ &9Modern&5-&bParkour &6+--------" to all players
  354. send " " to all players
  355. send "&6/Podbijanie mapy zakaczane" to all players
  356. send "&6Team > &a%{_team}% &6podbil mape &a%{_map}%" to all players
  357. send " " to all players
  358. send "&6====================================" to all players
  359. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::TEAM} to "%{_team}%" parsed as string
  360. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::TIME} to 0
  361. command /podbij:
  362. trigger:
  363. if "%{MAP::%player%}%" is not "%{PODBIJMAPE}%":
  364. if {PODBIJMAPE} is set:
  365. teleport player to {PARKOUR::%{PODBIJMAPE}%::SPAWN}
  366. send "&6Wtiaj na podiciu mapy masz 5 minut"
  367. set {MAP::%player%} to "%{PODBIJMAPE}%" parsed as number
  368. delete {CHECKPOINT::%player%}
  369. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  370. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  371. else:
  372. send "&cPodbijanie mapy sie zakaczylo"
  373. else:
  374. send "&cYou allready on this map"
  375. command /leave:
  376. trigger:
  377. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  378. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  379. teleport player to {LOBBY}
  380. command /spawn:
  381. trigger:
  382. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  383. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  384. teleport player to {LOBBY}
  385. on drop:
  386. cancel event
  387. command /toplvl:
  388. trigger:
  389. loop {TOPLVL::*}:
  390. send "&6%loop-index%. &9%{TOPLVLNICK::%loop-index%}% &a%loop-value%"
  391. every 1 hour:
  392. loop 999 times:
  393. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is set:
  394. wait 1 second
  395. execute console command "do %loop-number%"
  396. command /do [<text>]:
  397. trigger:
  398. loop 10 times:
  399. add 1 to {_int}
  400. delete {_first}
  401. loop {TOPTIME::%arg 1%::*}:
  402. if {_first} is not set:
  403. set {_name1} to "%loop-index%" parsed as string
  404. set {_first} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  405. else:
  406. set {_name2} to "%loop-index%" parsed as string
  407. set {_second} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  408. if {_first} is greater than {_second}:
  409. set {_name1} to "%loop-index%" parsed as string
  410. set {_first} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  411. delete {TOPTIME::%arg 1%::%{_name1}%}
  412. set {_NICK::%{_int}%} to "%{_name1}%"
  413. set {_TIME::%{_int}%} to "%{_first}%"
  414. loop {TOPTIME::%arg 1%::*}:
  415. delete {TOPTIME::%arg 1%::%loop-index%}
  416. loop 10 times:
  417. set {TOPTIME::%arg 1%::%{_NICK::%loop-number%}%} to "%{_TIME::%loop-number%}%" parsed as number
  420. command /parkour [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  421. aliases: pk
  422. trigger:
  423. if "%player%" is "technik":
  424. if arg 1 is not set:
  425. send "&6&l__--++::=== &9Modern&d-&bParkour &6&l===::++--__"
  426. send "&5/&epk &4loadall &7-To load all levels"
  427. send "&5/&epk &2create"
  428. send "&5/&epk &2setholo teleport &5- &3to teleport to start"
  429. send "&5/&epk &2setspawn"
  430. send "&5/&epk &2setfailblocks &2<&cFailBlock&2>"
  431. send "&5/&epk &2setfailplace/undo"
  432. send "&5/&epk &2type &2<&bType&2>"
  433. send "&5/&epk &2edit &2<&a&lID&2>"
  434. send "&5/&epk &2list/newlist"
  435. send "&5/&epk &2info &2<&a&lID&2>"
  436. send "&5/&epk &2setlobby"
  437. send "&5/&epk &3settings"
  438. send "&5/&epk &9event"
  439. send "&5/&epk &9Solo"
  440. send "&5/&epk &9Team"
  441. send "&5/&epk &9Maraton"
  442. send "&5/&epk &4delete"
  443. if arg 1 is "loadall":
  444. set {_xp} to 25
  445. loop 100 times:
  446. add 1 to {_next}
  447. add {_xp} to {_total}
  448. set {LEVELS::%loop-number%} to "%{_total}%" parsed as number
  449. if {_next} is greater or equal to 10:
  450. set {_next} to 0
  451. add 25 to {_xp}
  452. set {_xp} to 0
  453. loop 100 times:
  454. add 3 to {_xp}
  455. set {STEPS::%loop-number%} to "%{_xp}%" parsed as number
  456. loop 15 times:
  457. if {TOPLVL::%loop-number%} is not set:
  458. set {TOPLVL::%loop-number%} to 0
  459. set {TOPLVLNICK::%loop-number%} to "NONE" parsed as string
  460. set {PARKOURXP::easy} to "50" parsed as number
  461. set {PARKOURXP::medium} to "100" parsed as number
  462. set {PARKOURXP::hard} to "150" parsed as number
  463. set {PARKOURMONEY::easy} to "1" parsed as number
  464. set {PARKOURMONEY::medium} to "2" parsed as number
  465. set {PARKOURMONEY::hard} to "3" parsed as number
  467. set {PARKOURXP::retroeasy} to "25" parsed as number
  468. set {PARKOURXP::retromedium} to "50" parsed as number
  469. set {PARKOURXP::retrohard} to "75" parsed as number
  470. set {PARKOURMONEY::retroeasy} to "1" parsed as number
  471. set {PARKOURMONEY::retromedium} to "2" parsed as number
  472. set {PARKOURMONEY::retrohard} to "3" parsed as number
  473. send "&4&lEveryting is loaded sucesfully"
  474. if arg 1 is "setlobby":
  475. set {LOBBY} to location of player
  476. send "&2Lobby is been set"
  477. if arg 1 is "list":
  478. loop 999 times:
  479. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is set:
  480. if {_first} is not set:
  481. set {_first} to "&6Parkours ID: &a%loop-number%"
  482. else:
  483. set {_first} to "%{_first}% &7, &a%loop-number%"
  484. send "%{_first}%"
  485. if arg 1 is "newlist":
  486. if arg 2 is not set:
  487. loop {TYPE::*}:
  488. send "%loop-index% - %loop-value%"
  489. if arg 2 is "easy" or "medium" or "hard" or "event" or "solo" or "team" or "none" or "retroeasy" or "retromedium" or "retrohard":
  490. loop 999 times:
  491. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 2%} is set:
  492. if {_first} is not set:
  493. set {_first} to "&6Parkours %arg 2%: &a%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 2%}%"
  494. else:
  495. set {_first} to "%{_first}% &7, &a%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 2%}%"
  496. send "%{_first}%"
  497. if arg 1 is "create":
  498. loop 999 times:
  499. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ID} is not set:
  500. set {_map} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  501. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::ID} to "%{_map}%" parsed as number
  502. set {PARKOURMAPS::%{_map}%} to "%{_map}%" parsed as number
  503. set {EDITMAP} to "%{_map}%" parsed as number
  504. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILS} to 0
  505. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::ENDS} to 0
  506. set {PARKOUR::%{_map}%::TIME} to 0
  507. add 1 to {MAPS}
  508. send "&2&lNewe map is created ID: &6&l%{_map}%"
  509. exit loop
  510. loop 999 times:
  511. set {_type} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  512. if {PARKOUR::%{_type}%::TYPE::none} is not set:
  513. add 1 to {TYPE::NONE}
  514. set {PARKOUR::%{_type}%::TYPE::none} to "%{_map}%" parsed as number
  515. set {PARKOURALIASE1::%{_map}%} to "none" parsed as string
  516. set {PARKOURALIASE2::%{_map}%} to "%{_type}%" parsed as number
  517. exit loop
  518. if arg 1 is "setfailplace":
  519. add 1 to {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE}
  520. execute player command "rg define fail_%{EDITMAP}%_%{PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE}%"
  521. if arg 1 is "undo":
  522. execute player command "rg delete fail_%{EDITMAP}%_%{PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE}%"
  523. if {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE} is greater than 0:
  524. subtract 1 from {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE}
  525. else:
  526. send "&cAll regions are removed"
  527. if arg 1 is "type":
  528. if arg 2 is "easy" or "medium" or "hard" or "event" or "solo" or "team" or "none" or "retroeasy" or "retromedium" or "retrohard":
  529. if "%{_oldtype}%" is not "%arg 2%":
  530. set {_oldtype} to {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  531. subtract 1 from {TYPE::%{_oldtype}%}
  532. add 1 to {TYPE::%arg 2%}
  534. delete {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  535. delete {PARKOURALIASE2::%{EDITMAP}%}
  536. loop 999 times:
  537. "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "%{_oldtype}%":
  538. add 1 to {_next}
  539. set {PARKOURAL::%{_next}%} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  540. loop 999 times:
  541. if {PARKOUR::%{_loop}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%} is set:
  542. add 1 to {_next2}
  543. set {_TYPE::%{_next2}%} to "%{PARKOUR::%{_loop}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%}%" parsed as number
  544. loop {_TYPE::*}:
  545. add 1 to {_n1}
  546. set {PARKOUR::%{_n1}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  547. set {PARKOURALIASE2::%loop-value%} to "%{_n1}%"
  548. loop 999 times:
  549. if {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 2%} is not set:
  550. set {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%} to "%arg 2%" parsed as string
  551. set {PARKOURALIASE2::%{EDITMAP}%} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  552. set {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 2%} to "%{EDITMAP}%" parsed as number
  553. exit loop
  554. send "&2The type is set"
  555. if arg 1 is "edit":
  556. if arg 2 is set:
  557. if {PARKOUR::%arg 2%::ID} is set:
  558. set {EDITMAP} to "%arg 2%" parsed as number
  559. send "You editing map : %{EDITMAP}%"
  560. if arg 1 is "info":
  561. if arg 2 is set:
  562. if {PARKOUR::%arg 2%::ID} is set:
  563. set {_map} to "%arg 2%" parsed as number
  564. if arg 3 is set:
  565. if {PARKOUR::%arg 3%::TYPE::%arg 2%} is set:
  566. set {_map} to {PARKOUR::%arg 3%::TYPE::%arg 2%}
  567. send "%{PARKOUR::%arg 2%::TYPE::%arg 3%}%"
  568. send "&2ID: &6%{_map}%"
  569. send "&5Ends: &6%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::ENDS}% &5Fails: &6%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILS}%"
  570. send "&2Spawn: &a%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::SPAWN}%"
  571. send "&bFailBlocks: &c%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILBLOCKS::1}%,%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILBLOCKS::2}%,%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILBLOCKS::3}%,%{PARKOUR::%{_map}%::FAILBLOCKS::4}%"
  572. if arg 1 is "setspawn":
  573. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::SPAWN} to location of player
  574. send "&2Spawn is been set"
  575. if arg 1 is "setfailblocks":
  576. if arg 2 parsed as item is set:
  577. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILBLOCKS::1} to "%arg 2%" parsed as item
  578. if arg 3 parsed as item is set:
  579. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILBLOCKS::2} to "%arg 3%" parsed as item
  580. if arg 4 parsed as item is set:
  581. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILBLOCKS::3} to "%arg 4%" parsed as item
  582. if arg 5 parsed as item is set:
  583. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILBLOCKS::4} to "%arg 5%" parsed as item
  584. send "&cFail blocks are set"
  585. if arg 1 is "setholo":
  586. if arg 2 is "teleport":
  587. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::TELEPORT} to location of player
  588. send "&2Start teleport is been set"
  589. create holo object "&2&lWelcome to map %{EDITMAP}%!;&3Ends: %{PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::ENDS}% &4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILS}%;&6Lest Join the map !" with id "id.%{EDITMAP}%.start" at block above player
  590. set {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::STARTHOLO} to block above player
  591. if arg 1 is "delete":
  592. if {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::ID} is set:
  593. subtract 1 from {MAPS}
  594. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::ID}
  595. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::SPAWN}
  596. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%}
  597. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::TELEPORT}
  598. delete {PARKOURMAPS::%{EDITMAP}%}
  599. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILS}
  600. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::ENDS}
  601. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::STARTHOLO}
  602. loop 4 times:
  603. delete {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILBLOCKS::%loop-number%}
  604. loop {TOPTIME::%{EDITMAP}%::*}:
  605. delete {TOPTIME::%{EDITMAP}%::%loop-index%}
  606. delete holo object "id.%{EDITMAP}%.start"
  607. set {_oldtype} to {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  608. subtract 1 from {TYPE::%{_oldtype}%}
  609. add 1 to {TYPE::%arg 2%}
  611. delete {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  612. delete {PARKOURALIASE2::%{EDITMAP}%}
  613. set {_oldtype} to {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  614. subtract 1 from {TYPE::%{_oldtype}%}
  616. delete {PARKOURALIASE1::%{EDITMAP}%}
  617. delete {PARKOURALIASE2::%{EDITMAP}%}
  618. loop {PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE} times:
  619. execute player command "rg delete fail_%{EDITMAP}%_%{PARKOUR::%{EDITMAP}%::FAILPLACE}%"
  620. loop 999 times:
  621. "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "%{_oldtype}%":
  622. add 1 to {_next}
  623. set {PARKOURAL::%{_next}%} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  624. loop 999 times:
  625. if {PARKOUR::%{_loop}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%} is set:
  626. add 1 to {_next2}
  627. set {_TYPE::%{_next2}%} to "%{PARKOUR::%{_loop}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%}%" parsed as number
  628. loop {_TYPE::*}:
  629. add 1 to {_n1}
  630. set {PARKOUR::%{_n1}%::TYPE::%{_oldtype}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  631. set {PARKOURALIASE2::%loop-value%} to "%{_n1}%"
  632. send "&4&ldeleted map ID :%{EDITMAP}%"
  633. if arg 1 is "settings":
  634. if arg 2 is not set:
  635. send "&b/pk &csettings &a<Type> xp <Amount>"
  636. send "&b/pk &csettings &a<Type> money <Amount>"
  637. send "&b/pk &csettings &aresettime <ID/Player>"
  638. if arg 2 is "easy" or "medium" or "hard":
  639. if arg 3 is "xp":
  640. if arg 4 parsed as number is set:
  641. set {PARKOURXP::%arg 2%} to "%arg 4%" parsed as number
  642. send "&cXP is been set"
  643. if arg 2 is "easy" or "medium" or "hard":
  644. if arg 3 is "money":
  645. if arg 4 parsed as number is set:
  646. set {PARKOURMONEY::%arg 2%} to "%arg 4%" parsed as number
  647. send "&cMoney is been set"
  648. if arg 2 is "resettime":
  649. if {PARKOUR::%arg 3%::ID} is set:
  650. loop {TOPTIME::%arg 3%::*}:
  651. delete {TOPTIME::%arg 3%::%loop-index%}
  652. send "&cAll tops are removed from map"
  653. else:
  654. loop 999 times:
  655. delete {TOPTIME::%loop-number%::%arg 3%}
  656. send "&cAll top stats are been removed"
  657. if arg 1 is "event":
  658. if arg 2 is not set:
  659. send "&a/pk event xp <Amount> <ID>"
  660. send "&a/pk event slots <Amount> <ID>"
  661. send "&a/pk event list"
  662. send "&a/pk event start <ID>"
  663. if arg 2 is "xp":
  664. if arg 3 parsed as number is set:
  665. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%arg 4%}%" is "event":
  666. set {PARKOUR::%arg 4%::EVENT::XP} to "%arg 3%" parsed as number
  667. send "&6XP is set to %arg 3%"
  668. if arg 2 is "slots":
  669. if arg 3 parsed as number is set:
  670. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%arg 4%}%" is "event":
  671. set {PARKOUR::%arg 4%::EVENT::SLOTS} to "%arg 3%" parsed as number
  672. send "&6Slots ar st to %arg 3%"
  673. if arg 2 is "list":
  674. loop 999 times:
  675. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "event":
  676. send "&2ID &5: &6%loop-number%"
  677. if arg 2 is "start":
  678. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%arg 3%}%" is "event":
  679. set {EVENT::XP} to "%{PARKOUR::%arg 3%::EVENT::XP}%" parsed as number
  680. set {EVENT::SLOTS} to "%{PARKOUR::%arg 3%::EVENT::SLOTS}%" parsed as number
  681. set {EVENT::ID} to "%arg 3%" parsed as number
  682. set {EVENT::STATUS} to true
  683. set {EVENT::PLACE} to 0
  684. set {_int} to 30
  685. loop {EVENT::PLAYERS::*}:
  686. delete {EVENT::PLAYERS::%loop-index%}
  687. loop 3 times:
  688. send "&2EVENT STARTING &6/event" to all players
  689. loop 30 times:
  690. loop all players:
  691. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{EVENT::ID}%":
  692. send "&2Event starts in %{_int}%" to loop-player
  693. subtract 1 from {_int}
  694. wait 1 second
  695. loop all players:
  696. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{EVENT::ID}%":
  697. send "&6&lGO GO GO" to loop-player
  698. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{EVENT::ID}%::SPAWN}
  699. if arg 1 is "solo":
  700. if arg 2 is not set:
  701. send "&9/pk solo &astart <ID>"
  702. send "&9/pk solo &alist"
  703. send "&9/pk solo &astop"
  704. if arg 2 is "stop":
  705. loop all players:
  706. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{SOLO::ID}%":
  707. teleport loop-player to {LOBBY}
  708. set {SOLO::STATUS} to false
  709. send "&4&lTURNIEJ SOLO ZOSTAL ANULOWANY" to all players
  710. if arg 2 is "list":
  711. loop 999 times:
  712. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "solo":
  713. send "&2ID &5: &6%loop-number%"
  714. if arg 2 is "start":
  715. if arg 3 is set:
  716. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%arg 3%}%" is "solo":
  717. if {SOLO::STATUS} is not set:
  718. set {SOLO::STATUS} to false
  719. if {SOLO::STATUS} is false:
  720. loop {SOLO::PLAYERS::*}:
  721. delete {SOLO::PLAYERS::%loop-index%}
  722. set {SOLO::SLOTS} to 0
  723. set {SOLO::STATUS} to true
  724. set {SOLO::ID} to "%arg 3%" parsed as number
  725. send "&6&lTournament SOLO Starting in 30 sconds /solo"
  726. set {_int} to 10
  727. loop 30 times:
  728. wait 1 second
  729. if loop-number is greater or equal to 20:
  730. send "&6&lTournament SOLO Starting in %{_int}% sconds /solo" to all players
  731. subtract 1 from {_int}
  732. loop all players:
  733. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{SOLO::ID}%":
  734. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{SOLO::ID}%::SPAWN}
  735. loop 3 times:
  736. send "&6&lTurniej SOLO wystartowal" to all players
  737. if arg 1 is "team":
  738. if arg 2 is not set:
  739. send "&9/pk team &astart <ID>"
  740. send "&9/pk team &alist"
  741. send "&9/pk team &astop"
  742. if arg 2 is "stop":
  743. set {TEAMTT::STATUS} to false
  744. loop 3 times:
  745. send "&a&lTEAM TOURNAMENT CLOSED" to all players
  746. if arg 2 is "list":
  747. loop 999 times:
  748. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "team":
  749. send "&2ID &5: &6%loop-number%"
  750. if arg 2 is "start":
  751. if arg 3 is set:
  752. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%arg 3%}%" is "team":
  753. if {TEAMTT::STATUS} is not set:
  754. set {TEAMTT::STATUS} to false
  755. if {TEAMTT::STATUS} is false:
  756. loop {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::*}:
  757. delete {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::%loop-index%}
  758. loop {TEAMTT::GROUP::*}:
  759. delete {TEAMTT::GROUP::%loop-index%}
  760. set {TEAMTT::STATUS} to true
  761. set {TEAMTT::ID} to "%arg 3%" parsed as number
  762. send "&2&lTEAM TURNIEJ WYSTARTUJE ZA 2 MINUTY" to all players
  763. wait 1 minute
  764. send "&2&lTEAM TURNIEJ WYSTARTUJE ZA 1 MINUT" to all players
  765. wait 50 seconds
  766. send "&2&lTEAM TURNIEJ WYSTARTUJE ZA 10 sekund" to all players
  767. wait 10 seconds
  768. loop {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::*}:
  769. add 1 to {_TEAM::%loop-value%}
  770. loop {_TEAM::*}:
  771. if "%loop-value%" is "1":
  772. loop {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::*}:
  773. if "%loop-index-1%" is "%loop-index-2%":
  774. delete {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::%loop-index-2%}
  775. set {_size} to size of {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::*}
  776. if "%{_size}%" is "<none>" or "1":
  777. send "&4Tournament closed"
  778. stop
  779. loop {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::*}:
  780. set {TEAMTT::GROUP::%loop-index%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as string
  781. loop all players:
  782. if {TEAMTT::GROUP::%loop-player%} is set:
  783. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{TEAMTT::ID}%::SPAWN}
  784. set {_int} to 5
  785. loop 5 times:
  786. wait 1 second
  787. loop all players:
  788. if {TEAMTT::GROUP::%loop-player%} is set:
  789. send "&cTEAM TURNIEJ WYSTARTUJE ZA %{_int}% sekund" to loop-player
  790. add 1 to {_int}
  791. loop all players:
  792. if {TEAMTT::GROUP::%loop-player%} is set:
  793. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{TEAMTT::ID}%::SPAWN}
  794. loop 5 times:
  795. send "&6TEAM TURNIEJ &2WYSTARTOWAL !!!" to all players
  796. set {_size} to size of {TEAMTT::GROUP::*}
  797. if {_size} is greater or equal to 4:
  798. loop 9999 times:
  799. wait a second
  800. set {_size} to size of {TEAMTT::TIMES::*}
  801. if {_size} is set:
  802. loop 3 times:
  803. send "&2TEAM TURNIEJ ZAKACZY SIE ZA 30 SEKUND" to all players
  804. wait 30 seconds
  805. exit loop
  806. else:
  808. stop
  809. loop {TEAMTT::TIMES::*}:
  810. add loop-value to {_TEAMTIMES::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-index%}%}
  811. add 1 to {_ADD::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-index%}%}
  812. loop {_ADD::*}:
  813. if "%loop-value%" is "<none>" or "1" or "none":
  814. delete {_ADD::%loop-index%}
  815. set {_skip} to true
  816. if {_skip} is not set:
  817. set {_fintal::%loop-index%} to "%{_ADD::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-index%}%} / {_TEAMTIMES::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-index%}%}%"
  818. delete {_skip}
  819. set {_r} to size of {_fintal::*}
  820. loop {_r} times:
  821. loop {_fintal::*}:
  822. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  823. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  824. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  825. if loop-value is greater than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  826. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  827. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  828. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {_fintal::*}
  829. loop {_r} times:
  830. set {_fintal::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  831. loop 15 times:
  832. if {_i.%loop-number%} is set:
  833. send "&4&lTOURNAMENT STATS : &e%{_i.%loop-number%}% &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%" to all players
  834. wait 10 seconds
  835. loop 5 times:
  836. send "&6&lWYGRAL TEAM %{_i.1}% Z SREDNIM CZASEM: %{_v.1}%" to all players
  837. if arg 1 is "maraton":
  838. if arg 2 is not set:
  839. send "/pk maraton add/remove <ID>"
  840. send "/pk maraton show"
  841. send "/pk maraton start"
  842. send "/pk maraton stop"
  843. if arg 2 is "stop":
  844. set {MARATON::STATUS} to false
  845. loop 3 times:
  846. send "&2MARATON IS CLOSED" to all players
  847. if arg 2 is "add":
  848. if {PARKOUR::%arg 3%::ID} is set:
  849. loop {MARATON::LIST::*}:
  850. if "%loop-value%" is "%arg 3%":
  851. send "&cTa mapa juz jest w maratonie!"
  852. stop
  853. add arg 3 to {MARATON::LIST::*}
  854. send "Dodano %arg 3% to maratonu"
  855. if arg 2 is "remove":
  856. if {PARKOUR::%arg 3%::ID} is set:
  857. remove arg 3 from {MARATON::LIST::*}
  858. send "Usunieto %arg 3% z maratonu"
  859. if arg 2 is "show":
  860. loop {MARATON::LIST::*}:
  861. send "%loop-index% - %loop-value%"
  862. if arg 2 is "start":
  863. if {MARATON::STATUS} is not set:
  864. set {MARATON::STATUS} to false
  865. set {MARATON::STATUS} to false
  866. if {MARATON::STATUS} is false:
  867. loop {MARATON::PLAYERS::*}:
  868. delete {MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-index%}
  869. loop {MARATON::MAPS::*}:
  870. delete {MARATON::MAPS::%loop-index%}
  871. loop {MARATON::LIST::*}:
  872. add 1 to {_int}
  873. set {MARATON::MAPS::%{_int}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  874. set {MARATON::FINAL} to "%{_int}%" parsed as number
  875. set {MARATON::STATUS} to true
  876. set {MARATON::FINISH} to 0
  877. set {_size} to size of {MARATON::LIST::*}
  878. loop 5 times:
  879. send "&4Maraton of &a%{_size}% &4Maps starting &6/maraton&4 - to join" to all players
  880. set {_time} to 15
  881. loop 4 times:
  882. wait 5 seconds
  883. loop all players:
  884. if {MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} is set:
  885. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{MARATON::MAPS::%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}%}%::SPAWN}
  886. set {MAP::%loop-player%} to "%{MARATON::MAPS::%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}%}%"
  887. send "&4Maraton startin in %{_time}% seconds" to loop-player
  888. subtract 5 from {_time}
  895. command /maraton:
  896. trigger:
  897. if {MARATON::STATUS} is true:
  898. if {MARATON::PLAYERS::%player%} is not set:
  899. set {MARATON::PLAYERS::%player%} to 1
  900. send "&4Witamy w maratonie"
  902. command /event:
  903. trigger:
  904. if {EVENT::STATUS} is true:
  905. set {MAP::%player%} to "%{EVENT::ID}%" parsed as number
  906. teleport player to {PARKOUR::%{EVENT::ID}%::SPAWN}
  907. send "&4&l Welcome to the event!!!"
  908. else:
  909. send "&cBrak eventu"
  910. command /solo:
  911. trigger:
  912. if {SOLO::STATUS} is true:
  913. set {MAP::%player%} to "%{SOLO::ID}%" parsed as number
  914. teleport player to {PARKOUR::%{SOLO::ID}%::SPAWN}
  915. send "&4&l Welcome to solo Tournament"
  916. else:
  917. send "&cBrak turnieju solo"
  918. command /turniej:
  919. trigger:
  920. if {TEAMTT::STATUS} is true:
  921. if {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::%player%} is not set:
  922. if {TEAMPLAYER::%player%} is set:
  923. set {TEAMTT::PLAYERS::%player%} to "%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%" parsed as string
  924. send "&aZostales zapisany na liste turnieju teraz zaczekaj chwile do startu"
  925. on region enter:
  926. set {_region} to "%region%"
  927. replace all "world" with "" in {_region}
  928. replace all "in" with "" in {_region}
  929. replace all " " with "" in {_region}
  930. if "%{_region}%" contains "fail":
  931. send "&cFail...:/"
  932. add 1 to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%player%}%::FAILS}
  933. if {CHECKPOINT::%player%} is set:
  934. teleport player to {CHECKPOINT::%player%}
  935. else:
  936. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  937. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  938. teleport player to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%player%}%::SPAWN}
  939. every 300 seconds:
  940. loop all players:
  941. wait 10 tick
  942. execute loop-player command "loopplayerlevel %loop-player%"
  943. command /loopplayerlevel [<text>]:
  944. trigger:
  945. set {_player} to "%arg 1%" parsed as player
  946. set {_lvl} to "%{LVL::%arg 1%}%" parsed as number
  947. loop {TOPLVLNICK::*}:
  948. if "%loop-value%" is "%{_player}%":
  949. if {TOPLVL::%loop-index%} is smaller than {_lvl}:
  950. if "%loop-index%" is "1":
  951. set {TOPLVL::%loop-index%} to "%{_lvl}%" parsed as number
  952. set {TOPLVLNICK::%loop-index%} to "%{_player}%"
  953. send "&4&l *** &9%{_player}% &bWbil &2LVL:&a&l%{_lvl}% &bOraz &a&l1 &bMiejsce na &c/toplvl &4&l ***" to all players
  954. stop
  955. else:
  956. delete {TOPLVL::%loop-index%}
  957. delete {TOPLVLNICK::%loop-index%}
  958. else:
  959. stop
  960. loop {TOPLVL::*}:
  961. add 1 to {_int1}
  962. set {_TOPLVL::%{_int1}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  963. loop {TOPLVLNICK::*}:
  964. add 1 to {_int2}
  965. set {_TOPNICK::%{_int2}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as string
  966. loop 15 times:
  967. if {_lvl} is greater than {_TOPLVL::%loop-number%}:
  968. set {TOPLVL::%loop-number%} to "%{_lvl}%" parsed as number
  969. set {TOPLVLNICK::%loop-number%} to "%{_player}%"
  970. send " " to all players
  971. send "&4&l *** &9%{_player}% &bWbil &2LVL:&a&l%{_lvl}% &bOraz &a&l%loop-number-1% &bMiejsce na &c/toplvl &4&l ***" to all players
  972. send " " to all players
  973. set {_first} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  974. set {_second} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  975. loop 15 times:
  976. add 1 to {_second}
  977. if {_second} is smaller than 16:
  978. set {TOPLVL::%{_second}%} to "%{_TOPLVL::%{_first}%}%" parsed as number
  979. set {TOPLVLNICK::%{_second}%} to "%{_TOPNICK::%{_first}%}%"
  980. else:
  981. stop
  982. add 1 to {_first}
  983. every 1 tick:
  984. loop all players:
  985. set {_time} to difference between {JUMPTIME::%loop-player%} and now
  986. if {_time} is greater than 1 tick:
  987. if {JUMPSTATUS::%loop-player%} is true:
  988. set {_yblock} to y-coordinate of block below the loop-player
  989. set {_yplayer} to y-coordinate of loop-player
  990. set {_yblock} to "%{_yblock}%" parsed as integer
  991. set {_yplayer} to "%{_yplayer}%" parsed as integer
  992. set {_y} to difference between {_yblock} and {_yplayer}
  993. if {_y} is greater than 1:
  994. set {JUMPSTATUS::%loop-player%} to false
  995. else:
  996. set {_yblock} to y-coordinate of block below the loop-player
  997. set {_yplayer} to y-coordinate of loop-player
  998. set {_yblock} to "%{_yblock}%" parsed as integer
  999. set {_yplayer} to "%{_yplayer}%" parsed as integer
  1000. set {_y} to difference between {_yblock} and {_yplayer}
  1001. if {_y} is smaller or equal to 0.57:
  1002. add 1 to {JUMPS::%loop-player%}
  1003. set {JUMPSTATUS::%loop-player%} to true
  1004. set {JUMPTIME::%loop-player%} to now
  1005. loop {MAPS} times:
  1006. set {_id} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  1007. if distance between loop-player and {PARKOUR::%{_id}%::TELEPORT} is smaller than 1.3:
  1008. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{_id}%::SPAWN}
  1009. set {MAP::%loop-player%} to "%{_id}%" parsed as number
  1010. send "&2Welcome to map &c%{_id}% " to loop-player
  1011. set {MAP::%loop-player%} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  1012. delete {CHECKPOINT::%loop-player%}
  1013. loop 4 times:
  1014. if "%block below the loop-player%" is "%{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::FAILBLOCKS::%loop-number%}%":
  1015. set {_y} to y-coordinate of block below the loop-player
  1016. set {_yplayer} to y-coordinate of loop-player
  1017. if difference between {_y} and {_yplayer} is smaller than 0.51:
  1018. send "&cFail...:/" to loop-player
  1019. add 1 to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::FAILS}
  1020. if {CHECKPOINT::%loop-player%} is set:
  1021. teleport loop-player to {CHECKPOINT::%loop-player%}
  1022. else:
  1023. set {STATUS::%loop-player%} to false
  1024. set {STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  1025. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::SPAWN}
  1026. if "%block below the loop-player%" is "green wool":
  1027. if "%{STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%}%" is "waiting":
  1028. set {STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%} to "starting"
  1029. else:
  1030. if {STATUS::%loop-player%} is false:
  1031. if "%{STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%}%" is "starting":
  1032. if {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::TEAM} is set:
  1033. send "&2Map &6%{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::TEAM}% &2> Run Run" to loop-player
  1034. else:
  1035. send "&2Run run!" to loop-player
  1036. set {TIME::%loop-player%} to now
  1037. set {STATUS::%loop-player%} to true
  1038. set {STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%} to "running"
  1039. set level progress of loop-player to 0
  1040. set level of loop-player to 0
  1041. while {STATUS::%loop-player%} is true:
  1042. wait 1 tick
  1043. add 0.05 to level progress of loop-player
  1044. delete holo object "id.%{MAP::%loop-player%}%.start"
  1045. create holo object "&2&lWelcome to map %{MAP::%loop-player%}%!;&3Ends: %{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::ENDS}% &4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::FAILS}%;&6Lets Join the map !" with id "id.%{MAP::%loop-player%}%.start" at {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::STARTHOLO}
  1046. if "%block below the loop-player%" is "blue wool":
  1047. if {STATUS::%loop-player%} is true:
  1048. delete {CHECKPOINT::%loop-player%}
  1049. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{MARATON::MAPS::%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}%}%":
  1050. if {MARATON::STATUS} is true:
  1051. add 1 to {MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}
  1052. set {_mapnr} to "%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} - 1%" parsed as number
  1053. send "&a&l>>>> %{_mapnr}% &2&lto finish &a&l%{MARATON::FINAL}% <<<<" to loop-player
  1054. if {MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} is greater than {MARATON::FINAL}:
  1055. add 1 to {MARATON::FINISH}
  1056. send "&4&l%loop-player% &6&lFinised maraton NR:&9&l %{MARATON::FINISH}%" to all players
  1057. teleport loop-player to {LOBBY}
  1058. delete {MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}
  1059. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{MARATON::MAPS::%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}%}%::SPAWN}
  1060. set {MAP::%loop-player%} to "%{MARATON::MAPS::%{MARATON::PLAYERS::%loop-player%}%}%"
  1061. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{TEAMTT::ID}%":
  1062. if {TEAMTT::STATUS} is true:
  1063. set {_time} to difference between {TIME::%loop-player%} and now
  1064. loop 60 times:
  1065. if {_time} is greater or equal to 1 minute:
  1066. add 1 to {_minutes}
  1067. remove 1 minute from {_time}
  1068. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as string
  1069. replace all "seconds" with "" in {_time}
  1070. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1071. loop {_minutes} times:
  1072. add 60 to {_time}
  1073. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1074. set {TEAMTT::TIMES::%loop-player%} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1075. teleport loop-player to {LOBBY}
  1076. send "&aGratulacje Zaczekaj az wszyscy przejda parkoura" to loop-player
  1077. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{SOLO::ID}%":
  1078. if {SOLO::STATUS} is true:
  1079. if {SOLO::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} is not set:
  1080. set {SOLO::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} to "%loop-player%" parsed as player
  1081. add 1 to {SOLO::SLOTS}
  1082. set {SOLO::WINNAR::%{SOLO::SLOTS}%} to "%loop-player%" parsed as player
  1083. send "&6&lSOLO TURNIEJ &2&l%loop-player% &9&lWygral z &3&l%{SOLO::SLOTS}%" to all players
  1084. if {SOLO::SLOTS} is greater or equal to 3:
  1085. set {SOLO::STATUS} to false
  1086. loop all players:
  1087. if "%{MAP::%loop-player-2%}%" is "%{SOLO::ID}%":
  1088. teleport loop-player-2 to {LOBBY}
  1089. loop 3 times:
  1090. send "&5SOLO TURNIEJ ZOSTAL ZAMKNIETY" to all players
  1091. else:
  1092. send "&cJuz raz wygrales turniej" to all players
  1093. teleport loop-player to {LOBBY}
  1094. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{PODBIJMAPE}%":
  1095. if {TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%} is set:
  1096. set {_time} to difference between {TIME::%loop-player%} and now
  1097. loop 60 times:
  1098. if {_time} is greater or equal to 1 minute:
  1099. add 1 to {_minutes}
  1100. remove 1 minute from {_time}
  1101. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as string
  1102. replace all "seconds" with "" in {_time}
  1103. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1104. loop {_minutes} times:
  1105. add 60 to {_time}
  1106. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1107. set {PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%} to "%{PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%}%" parsed as number
  1108. if {PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%} is not set:
  1109. set {PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1110. if {PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%} is greater than {_time}:
  1111. set {PODBIJTOP::%loop-player%} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1112. set {_r} to size of {PODBIJTOP::*}
  1113. loop {_r} times:
  1114. loop {PODBIJTOP::*}:
  1115. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  1116. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1117. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1118. if loop-value is smaller than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  1119. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1120. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1121. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {PODBIJTOP::*}
  1122. loop {_r} times:
  1123. set {PODBIJTOP::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  1124. loop 10 times:
  1125. if {_i.%loop-number%} is set:
  1126. send "&e%{_i.%loop-number%}% &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%" to loop-player
  1127. set {STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  1128. set {STATUS::%loop-player%} to false
  1129. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::SPAWN}
  1130. stop
  1131. else:
  1132. send "&cYOu need a team use /team" to loop-player
  1133. if "%{MAP::%loop-player%}%" is "%{EVENT::ID}%":
  1134. if {EVENT::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} is not set:
  1135. if {EVENT::STATUS} is true:
  1136. set {EVENT::PLAYERS::%loop-player%} to "%loop-player%" parsed as player
  1137. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{EVENT::ID}%::SPAWN}
  1138. add 1 to {EVENT::PLACE}
  1139. add {EVENT::XP} to {XP::%loop-player%}
  1140. send "&6&l%loop-player% &2&lWygral event NR:&d%{EVENT::PLACE}% XP:%{EVENT::XP}%" to all players
  1141. set {EVENT::XP} to "%0.95 * {EVENT::XP}%" parsed as number
  1142. subtract 1 from {EVENT::SLOTS}
  1143. if {EVENT::SLOTS} is smaller or equal to 0:
  1144. loop all players:
  1145. if "%{MAP::%loop-player-2%}%" is "%{EVENT::ID}%":
  1146. teleport loop-player-2 to {LOBBY}
  1147. loop 3 times:
  1148. send "&cEVENT CLOSED" to all players
  1149. set {EVENT::STATUS} to false
  1150. stop
  1151. else:
  1152. send "&cJuz raz wygrales ten event" to loop-player
  1153. teleport loop-player to {LOBBY}
  1154. set {_true} to false
  1155. if {STATUS::%loop-player%} is true:
  1156. if "%{STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%}%" is "running":
  1157. set {_true} to true
  1158. if {_true} is true:
  1159. if {TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%} is set:
  1160. add 1 to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::STEPS}
  1161. if {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::STEPS} is greater or equal to {STEPS::%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::LVL}%}:
  1162. set {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::STEPS} to 0
  1163. add 1 to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::LVL}
  1164. loop 3 times:
  1165. send "&2Youre team is level up LVL: &6&l%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::LVL}%" to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::MEMBERS::*}
  1166. loop 25 times:
  1167. if "%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::LVL}%" is "5" or "10" or "15" or "20" or "25":
  1168. add 1 to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::SLOTS}
  1169. exit loop
  1170. add 1 to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::MONEY}
  1171. add 50 to {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::XP}
  1172. set {_time} to difference between {TIME::%loop-player%} and now
  1173. loop 60 times:
  1174. if {_time} is greater or equal to 1 minute:
  1175. add 1 to {_minutes}
  1176. remove 1 minute from {_time}
  1177. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as string
  1178. replace all "seconds" with "" in {_time}
  1179. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1180. loop {_minutes} times:
  1181. add 60 to {_time}
  1182. set {_time} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1183. if {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%} is not set:
  1184. set {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1185. if {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%} is greater than {_time}:
  1186. set {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%} to "%{_time}%" parsed as number
  1187. send "&6You have broken your record" to loop-player
  1188. set {TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%} to "%{TOPTIME::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::%loop-player%}%" parsed as number
  1189. add {PARKOURXP::%{PARKOURALIASE1::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%}%} to {XP::%loop-player%}
  1190. add {PARKOURMONEY::%{PARKOURALIASE1::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%}%} to {MONEY::%loop-player%}
  1191. if {TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%} is set:
  1192. set {_new} to "%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%loop-player%}%::MAPS} / 10%" parsed as number
  1193. set {_bonus} to "%{_new} * {PARKOURXP::%{PARKOURALIASE1::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%}%}%" parsed as number
  1194. add {_bonus} to {XP::%loop-player%}
  1195. if {_bonus} is set:
  1196. send "&6TEAM MAP BONUS XP &6&l%{_bonus}%" to loop-player
  1197. send "&2&lYou finished the map in %{_time}% seconds. +XP %{PARKOURXP::%{PARKOURALIASE1::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%}%}% MONEY:%{PARKOURMONEY::%{PARKOURALIASE1::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%}%}%" to loop-player
  1198. set {STARTBUFOR::%loop-player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  1199. set {STATUS::%loop-player%} to false
  1200. add 1 to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::ENDS}
  1201. teleport loop-player to {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::SPAWN}
  1202. delete holo object "id.%{MAP::%loop-player%}%.start"
  1203. create holo object "&2&lWelcome to map %{MAP::%loop-player%}%!;&3Ends: %{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::ENDS}% &4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::FAILS}%;&6Lets Join the map !" with id "id.%{MAP::%loop-player%}%.start" at {PARKOUR::%{MAP::%loop-player%}%::STARTHOLO}
  1204. on right click:
  1205. if name of tool is "&2Parkours":
  1206. wait 1 tick
  1207. open chest with 6 rows named "&9&lModern&5-&9&lParkour" to player
  1208. wait 1 tick
  1209. format slot 10 of player with green wool named "&2Easy" to close then run [execute player command "menugui easy"]
  1210. format slot 12 of player with yellow wool named "&6Medium" to close then run [execute player command "menugui medium"]
  1211. format slot 14 of player with red wool named "&4Hard" to close then run [execute player command "menugui hard"]
  1212. format slot 16 of player with Purple Wool named "&5None" to close then run [execute player command "menugui none"]
  1213. format slot 31 of player with diamond named "&bEvent" to close then run [execute player command "menugui event"]
  1214. format slot 39 of player with Enchanted Golden Apple named "&9&lSolo" to close then run [execute player command "menugui solo"]
  1215. format slot 41 of player with Enchanted Golden Apple named "&9&lTeam" to close then run [execute player command "menugui team"]
  1216. format slot 45 of player with Green Hardened Clay named "&2RetroEasy" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retroeasy"]
  1217. format slot 49 of player with Yellow Hardened Clay named "&6RetroMedium" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retromedium"]
  1218. format slot 53 of player with Red Hardened Clay named "&4RetroHard" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retrohard"]
  1219. delete {CHECKPOINT::%player%}
  1220. if name of tool is "&2Hide players":
  1221. if {HIDESHOW::%player%} is true:
  1222. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to false
  1223. send "&cALl players are hidden now"
  1224. loop all players:
  1225. hide loop-player to player
  1226. if name of tool is "&2Show players":
  1227. if {HIDESHOW::%player%} is false:
  1228. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to true
  1229. send "&2ALl players are visible now"
  1230. loop all players:
  1231. reveal loop-player to player
  1232. if name of tool is "&2Checkpoint":
  1233. if {STATUS::%player%} is true:
  1234. set {CHECKPOINT::%player%} to location of player
  1235. send "&2Your loaction is saved"
  1236. if name of tool is "&cPVP":
  1237. set {PVP::%player%} to true
  1238. teleport player to {PVPSPAWN}
  1239. clear player's inventory
  1240. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  1241. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  1242. if name of tool is "&cPARKOUR":
  1243. set {PVP::%player%} to false
  1244. teleport player to {LOBBY}
  1245. clear player's inventory
  1246. if name of tool is "&cSKLEP":
  1247. execute player command "sklep"
  1248. on left click:
  1249. if name of tool is "&2Parkours":
  1250. wait 1 tick
  1251. open chest with 6 rows named "&9&lModern&5-&9&lParkour" to player
  1252. wait 1 tick
  1253. format slot 10 of player with green wool named "&2Easy" to close then run [execute player command "menugui easy"]
  1254. format slot 12 of player with yellow wool named "&6Medium" to close then run [execute player command "menugui medium"]
  1255. format slot 14 of player with red wool named "&4Hard" to close then run [execute player command "menugui hard"]
  1256. format slot 16 of player with Purple Wool named "&5None" to close then run [execute player command "menugui none"]
  1257. format slot 31 of player with diamond named "&bEvent" to close then run [execute player command "menugui event"]
  1258. format slot 39 of player with Enchanted Golden Apple named "&9&lSolo" to close then run [execute player command "menugui solo"]
  1259. format slot 41 of player with Enchanted Golden Apple named "&9&lTeam" to close then run [execute player command "menugui team"]
  1260. format slot 45 of player with Green Hardened Clay named "&2RetroEasy" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retroeasy"]
  1261. format slot 49 of player with Yellow Hardened Clay named "&6RetroMedium" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retromedium"]
  1262. format slot 53 of player with Red Hardened Clay named "&4RetroHard" to close then run [execute player command "menugui retrohard"]
  1263. delete {CHECKPOINT::%player%}
  1264. if name of tool is "&2Hide players":
  1265. if {HIDESHOW::%player%} is true:
  1266. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to false
  1267. send "&cALl players are hidden now"
  1268. loop all players:
  1269. hide loop-player to player
  1270. if name of tool is "&2Show players":
  1271. if {HIDESHOW::%player%} is false:
  1272. set {HIDESHOW::%player%} to true
  1273. send "&2ALl players are visible now"
  1274. loop all players:
  1275. reveal loop-player to player
  1276. if name of tool is "&2Checkpoint":
  1277. if {STATUS::%player%} is true:
  1278. set {CHECKPOINT::%player%} to location of player
  1279. send "&2Your loaction is saved"
  1280. if name of tool is "&cPVP":
  1281. set {PVP::%player%} to true
  1282. teleport player to {PVPSPAWN}
  1283. clear player's inventory
  1284. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  1285. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "waiting" parsed as string
  1286. if name of tool is "&cPARKOUR":
  1287. set {PVP::%player%} to false
  1288. teleport player to {LOBBY}
  1289. clear player's inventory
  1290. if name of tool is "&cSKLEP":
  1291. execute player command "sklep"
  1292. command /menugui [<text>] [<text>]:
  1293. trigger:
  1294. set {_type} to "%arg 1%" parsed as string
  1295. wait 2 tick
  1296. open chest with 6 rows named "&9-+- &9&l%arg 1% &9-+-" to player
  1297. wait 2 tick
  1298. set {_i} to 0
  1299. loop 54 times:
  1300. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "%arg 1%":
  1301. if "%{MAP::%player%}%" is "%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TYPE::%arg 1%}%":
  1302. set player's current inventory's slot {_i} to snow named "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}% %{PARKOURALIASE2::%loop-number%}%" with lore "&5Finishes: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ENDS}%||&4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::FAILS}%"
  1303. else:
  1304. set player's current inventory's slot {_i} to paper named "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}% %{PARKOURALIASE2::%loop-number%}%" with lore "&5Finishes: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::ENDS}%||&4Fails: %{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::FAILS}%"
  1305. add 1 to {_i}
  1306. on inventory click:
  1307. loop 999 times:
  1308. if name of player's current inventory's slot slot is "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}% %{PARKOURALIASE2::%loop-number%}%":
  1309. if "%{PARKOURALIASE1::%loop-number%}%" is "event" or "solo" or "team" or "none":
  1310. if player is op:
  1311. send " "
  1312. else:
  1313. set {_stop} to true
  1314. if {_stop} is true:
  1315. send "&cBrak permisji"
  1316. stop
  1317. send "&2Welcome to map &c%loop-number%"
  1318. teleport player to {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::SPAWN}
  1319. set {MAP::%player%} to "%loop-number%" parsed as number
  1320. close player's inventory
  1321. set {STATUS::%player%} to false
  1322. set {STARTBUFOR::%player%} to "starting"
  1323. exit loop
  1324. command /team [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  1325. trigger:
  1326. if arg 1 is not set:
  1327. send "&3_> /&ateam &2create <Name>"
  1328. send "&3_> /&ateam &2info"
  1329. send "&3_> /&ateam &2leave"
  1330. send "&3_> /&ateam &2add <Player>"
  1331. if arg 1 is "create":
  1332. if arg 2 is set:
  1333. if length of arg 2 is greater or equal to 2:
  1334. if length of arg 2 is smaller or equal to 5:
  1335. if {TEAM::%arg 2%::NAME} is not set:
  1336. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::NAME} to "%arg 2%" parsed as string
  1337. set {TEAMNAMES::%arg 2%} to "%arg 2%" parsed as string
  1338. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::LEADER} to "%player%" parsed as player
  1339. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::MEMBERS::%player%} to "%player%" parsed as player
  1340. set {TEAMPLAYER::%player%} to "%arg 2%" parsed as string
  1341. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::SLOTS} to 3
  1342. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::LVL} to 1
  1343. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::STEPS} to 0
  1344. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::MAPS} to 0
  1345. set {TEAMKILLS::%arg 2%} to 0
  1346. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::XP} to 0
  1347. set {TEAM::%arg 2%::MONEY} to 0
  1348. send "&2%player% has created a tame &6%arg 2%" to all players
  1349. else:
  1350. send "&cThis team name is allready exists"
  1351. else:
  1352. send "&clength of the name is to big"
  1353. else:
  1354. send "&clength of the name is to small"
  1355. else:
  1356. send "&cNeed name of the team"
  1357. if arg 1 is "info":
  1358. if arg 2 is not set:
  1359. if {TEAMPLAYER::%player%} is set:
  1360. loop {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MEMBERS::*}:
  1361. if {_first} is not set:
  1362. set {_size} to size of {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MEMBERS::*}
  1363. if {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MEMBERS::%loop-index%} is online:
  1364. set {_first} to "&6Players: (%{_size}%/%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::SLOTS}%) &a%loop-index%"
  1365. else:
  1366. set {_first} to "&6Players: &c%loop-index%"
  1367. else:
  1368. if {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MEMBERS::%loop-index%} is online:
  1369. set {_first} to "%{_first}% , &a%loop-index%"
  1370. else:
  1371. set {_first} to "%{_first}% , &c%loop-index%"
  1372. loop 999 times:
  1373. if "%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%" is "%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TEAM}%":
  1374. if {_podbite} is not set:
  1375. set {_podbite} to "&6Podbite mapy: &e(&6ID:&2%loop-number%&e)"
  1376. else:
  1377. set {_podbite} to "%{_podbite}% , &e(&6ID:&2%loop-number%&e)"
  1378. send "&6TAG: &e%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}% &6LVL: &2%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::LVL}%"
  1379. send "%{_first}%"
  1380. send "&6Next LVL : &a%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::STEPS}% &7/ &a%{STEPS::%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::LVL}%}%"
  1381. send "&6TeamXP: <%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::XP}%> TeamMONEY: <%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MONEY}%>"
  1382. send "%{_podbite}%"
  1383. send "&cKills: &4%{TEAMKILLS::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%}%"
  1384. if arg 1 is "leave":
  1385. if "%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::LEADER}%" is "%player%":
  1386. set {_team} to "%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%" parsed as string
  1387. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::NAME}
  1388. delete {TEAMNAMES::%{_team}%}
  1389. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::LEADER}
  1390. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::SLOTS}
  1391. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::LVL}
  1392. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::STEPS}
  1393. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::MAPS}
  1394. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::XP}
  1395. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::MONEY}
  1396. delete {TEAMKILLS::%{_team}%}
  1397. loop {TEAM::%{_team}%::MEMBERS::*}:
  1398. delete {TEAM::%{_team}%::MEMBERS::%loop-index%}
  1399. delete {TEAMPLAYER::%loop-index%}
  1400. loop 999 times:
  1401. if "%{_team}%" is "%{PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TEAM}%":
  1402. delete {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TEAM}
  1403. delete {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::TIME}
  1404. delete {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::LVL}
  1405. delete {PARKOUR::%loop-number%::STEPS}
  1406. send "&4Team &c%{_team}% &6is removed" to all players
  1407. else:
  1408. send "&c%player% left team &6%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%" to all players
  1409. delete {TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::MEMBERS::%player%}
  1410. delete {TEAMPLAYER::%player%}
  1411. if arg 1 is "add":
  1412. if arg 2 parsed as player is set:
  1413. if "%{TEAM::%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%::LEADER}%" is "%player%":
  1414. if {TEAMPLAYER::%arg 2%} is not set:
  1415. set {JOINTEAM::%arg 2%} to "%{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%"
  1416. send "&a&lYOu sent the team join request to %arg 2%"
  1417. set {_player} to "%arg 2%" parsed as player
  1418. send "&a&lUse /accept - to join team %{TEAMPLAYER::%player%}%" to {_player}
  1419. wait 30 seconds
  1420. delete {JOINTEAM::%arg 2%}
  1421. else:
  1422. send "&cthis player allready have a team"
  1423. else:
  1424. send "&cYou are not the team leader"
  1425. else:
  1426. send "&cNickName needed"
  1428. command /accept:
  1429. trigger:
  1430. if {JOINTEAM::%player%} is set:
  1431. set {_size} to size of {TEAM::%{JOINTEAM::%player%}%::MEMBERS::*}
  1432. if {_size} is smaller than {TEAM::%{JOINTEAM::%player%}%::SLOTS}:
  1433. set {TEAM::%{JOINTEAM::%player%}%::MEMBERS::%player%} to "%player%" parsed as player
  1434. set {TEAMPLAYER::%player%} to "%{JOINTEAM::%player%}%" parsed as string
  1435. send "&2%player% joind team &6%{JOINTEAM::%player%}%" to all players
  1436. delete {JOINTEAM::%player%}
  1437. else:
  1438. send "&cThe team is full"
  1439. else:
  1440. send "&cYou have no team request"
  1441. command /topteam:
  1442. trigger:
  1443. loop {TEAMNAMES::*}:
  1444. set {_STATS::%loop-index%} to "%{TEAM::%loop-index%::LVL}%" parsed as number
  1445. set {_r} to size of {_STATS::*}
  1446. loop {_r} times:
  1447. loop {_STATS::*}:
  1448. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  1449. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1450. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1451. if loop-value is greater than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  1452. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1453. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1454. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {_STATS::*}
  1455. loop {_r} times:
  1456. set {_STATS::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  1457. loop 15 times:
  1458. if {_i.%loop-number%} is set:
  1459. send "&e%{_i.%loop-number%}% &7> &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%"
  1460. command /topkills:
  1461. trigger:
  1462. loop {TEAMKILLS::*}:
  1463. set {_STATS::%loop-index%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as number
  1464. set {_r} to size of {_STATS::*}
  1465. loop {_r} times:
  1466. loop {_STATS::*}:
  1467. if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  1468. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1469. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1470. if loop-value is greater than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  1471. set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1472. set {_i.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1473. remove {_v.%loop-number%} from {_STATS::*}
  1474. loop {_r} times:
  1475. set {_STATS::%{_i.%loop-number%}%} to {_v.%loop-number%}
  1476. loop 15 times:
  1477. if {_i.%loop-number%} is set:
  1478. send "&e%{_i.%loop-number%}% &7> &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%"
  1479. every 1 tick:
  1480. loop all players:
  1481. if {PVP::%loop-player%} is true:
  1482. if "%{HELMET::%loop-player%}%" is "1":
  1483. equip the loop-player with a iron helmet
  1484. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%loop-player%}%" is "1":
  1485. equip the loop-player with a iron chestplate
  1486. if "%{LEGGINGS::%loop-player%}%" is "1":
  1487. equip the loop-player with a iron leggings
  1488. if "%{BOOTS::%loop-player%}%" is "1":
  1489. equip the loop-player with a iron boots
  1490. if "%{HELMET::%loop-player%}%" is "2":
  1491. equip the loop-player with a iron helmet of protection 1
  1492. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%loop-player%}%" is "2":
  1493. equip the loop-player with a iron chestplate of protection 1
  1494. if "%{LEGGINGS::%loop-player%}%" is "2":
  1495. equip the loop-player with a iron leggings of protection 1
  1496. if "%{BOOTS::%loop-player%}%" is "2":
  1497. equip the loop-player with a iron boots of protection 1
  1498. if "%{HELMET::%loop-player%}%" is "3":
  1499. equip the loop-player with a iron helmet of protection 2
  1500. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%loop-player%}%" is "3":
  1501. equip the loop-player with a iron chestplate of protection 2
  1502. if "%{LEGGINGS::%loop-player%}%" is "3":
  1503. equip the loop-player with a iron leggings of protection 2
  1504. if "%{BOOTS::%loop-player%}%" is "3":
  1505. equip the loop-player with a iron boots of protection 2
  1506. if "%{HELMET::%loop-player%}%" is "4":
  1507. equip the loop-player with a iron helmet of protection 3
  1508. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%loop-player%}%" is "4":
  1509. equip the loop-player with a iron chestplate of protection 3
  1510. if "%{LEGGINGS::%loop-player%}%" is "4":
  1511. equip the loop-player with a iron leggings of protection 3
  1512. if "%{BOOTS::%loop-player%}%" is "4":
  1513. equip the loop-player with a iron boots of protection 3
  1514. if "%{HELMET::%loop-player%}%" is "5":
  1515. equip the loop-player with a iron helmet of protection 4
  1516. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%loop-player%}%" is "5":
  1517. equip the loop-player with a iron chestplate of protection 4
  1518. if "%{LEGGINGS::%loop-player%}%" is "5":
  1519. equip the loop-player with a iron leggings of protection 4
  1520. if "%{BOOTS::%loop-player%}%" is "5":
  1521. equip the loop-player with a iron boots of protection 4
  1522. if "%{SWORD::%loop-player%}%" is "1":
  1523. set slot 0 of loop-player's inventory to 1 of diamond sword named "&cZabij"
  1525. command /sklep [<text>] [<text>]:
  1526. trigger:
  1527. wait 2 tick
  1528. if arg 1 is not set:
  1529. wait a tick
  1530. open chest with 1 rows named "&2SKLEP" to player
  1531. wait a tick
  1532. format slot 4 of player with diamond chestplate named "&aZbroja + Miecz" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz"]
  1533. if arg 2 is "helmet1":
  1534. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1535. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1536. add 1 to {HELMET::%player%}
  1537. if arg 2 is "chestplate1":
  1538. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1539. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1540. add 1 to {CHESTPLATE::%player%}
  1541. if arg 2 is "leggings1":
  1542. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1543. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1544. add 1 to {LEGGINGS::%player%}
  1545. if arg 2 is "boots1":
  1546. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1547. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1548. add 1 to {BOOTS::%player%}
  1550. if arg 2 is "helmet2":
  1551. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1552. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1553. add 1 to {HELMET::%player%}
  1554. if arg 2 is "chestplate2":
  1555. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1556. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1557. add 1 to {CHESTPLATE::%player%}
  1558. if arg 2 is "leggings2":
  1559. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1560. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1561. add 1 to {LEGGINGS::%player%}
  1562. if arg 2 is "boots2":
  1563. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 25:
  1564. subtract 25 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1565. add 1 to {BOOTS::%player%}
  1567. if arg 2 is "helmet3":
  1568. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1569. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1570. add 1 to {HELMET::%player%}
  1571. if arg 2 is "chestplate3":
  1572. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1573. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1574. add 1 to {CHESTPLATE::%player%}
  1575. if arg 2 is "leggings3":
  1576. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1577. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1578. add 1 to {LEGGINGS::%player%}
  1579. if arg 2 is "boots3":
  1580. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1581. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1582. add 1 to {BOOTS::%player%}
  1584. if arg 2 is "helmet4":
  1585. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1586. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1587. add 1 to {HELMET::%player%}
  1588. if arg 2 is "chestplate4":
  1589. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1590. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1591. add 1 to {CHESTPLATE::%player%}
  1592. if arg 2 is "leggings4":
  1593. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1594. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1595. add 1 to {LEGGINGS::%player%}
  1596. if arg 2 is "boots4":
  1597. if {MONEY::%player%} is greater or equal to 50:
  1598. subtract 50 from {MONEY::%player%}
  1599. add 1 to {BOOTS::%player%}
  1601. if arg 1 is "zbrojamiecz":
  1602. wait a tick
  1603. open chest with 1 rows named "&2Zbroja + Miecz" to player
  1604. wait a tick
  1605. if "%{HELMET::%player%}%" is "1":
  1606. format slot 0 of player with iron helmet named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz helmet1"]
  1607. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%" is "1":
  1608. format slot 1 of player with iron chestplate named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz chestplate1"]
  1609. if "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%" is "1":
  1610. format slot 2 of player with iron leggings named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz leggings1"]
  1611. if "%{BOOTS::%player%}%" is "1":
  1612. format slot 3 of player with iron boots named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz boots1"]
  1614. if "%{HELMET::%player%}%" is "2":
  1615. format slot 0 of player with iron helmet of protection 1 named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz helmet2"]
  1616. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%" is "2":
  1617. format slot 1 of player with iron chestplate of protection 1 named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz chestplate2"]
  1618. if "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%" is "2":
  1619. format slot 2 of player with iron leggings of protection 1 named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz leggings2"]
  1620. if "%{BOOTS::%player%}%" is "2":
  1621. format slot 3 of player with iron boots of protection 1 named "&aPrice (25$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz boots2"]
  1623. if "%{HELMET::%player%}%" is "3":
  1624. format slot 0 of player with iron helmet of protection 2 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz helmet3"]
  1625. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%" is "3":
  1626. format slot 1 of player with iron chestplate of protection 2 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz chestplate3"]
  1627. if "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%" is "3":
  1628. format slot 2 of player with iron leggings of protection 2 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz leggings3"]
  1629. if "%{BOOTS::%player%}%" is "3":
  1630. format slot 3 of player with iron boots of protection 2 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz boots3"]
  1632. if "%{HELMET::%player%}%" is "4":
  1633. format slot 0 of player with iron helmet of protection 3 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz helmet4"]
  1634. if "%{CHESTPLATE::%player%}%" is "4":
  1635. format slot 1 of player with iron chestplate of protection 3 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz chestplate4"]
  1636. if "%{LEGGINGS::%player%}%" is "4":
  1637. format slot 2 of player with iron leggings of protection 3 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz leggings4"]
  1638. if "%{BOOTS::%player%}%" is "4":
  1639. format slot 3 of player with iron boots of protection 3 named "&aPrice (50$)" to close then run [execute player command "sklep zbrojamiecz boots4"]
  1641. command /pomoc:
  1642. trigger:
  1643. send "&6/team"
  1644. send "&6/event"
  1645. send "&6/topteam"
  1646. send "&6/topkills"
  1647. send "&6/toplvl"
  1648. send "&6/lvl"
  1649. on command:
  1650. if player don't have permission "show.plugins":
  1651. if command is "pl" or "bukkit:pl" or "plugins" or "bukkit:plugins":
  1652. send "&cNie masz uprawnień do podglądania listy pluginów :<"
  1653. cancel event
  1654. #command /kit [<text&gt]:
  1655. # trigger:
  1656. # argument 1 is not set:
  1657. # message "&8 /kit enderchest &7 - Startowy enderchest"
  1658. # message "&8 /kit vip &7 - Podstawowe przedmioty VIP'a"
  1659. # # stop
  1660. # if {cooldown.kitgracz.%player%} is set: if difference between {cooldown.kitgracz.%player%} and now is less than 5 days: message "Musisz poczekac jeszcze %difference between {cooldown.kitgracz.%player%} and now% zeby moc znow uzyc tej komendy!" stop if {cooldown.k
  1661. #{PARKOUR::%{_type}%::TYPE::none}
  1662. #command /komenda [<text>]:
  1663. # trigger:
  1664. # open chest with 1 row named "&6Nasze inventory !" to player
  1665. # set player's current inventory's slot 0 to diamond named "&6Nazwijcie to jak chcecie" with lore "&c» &7No dawaj nie zbugujesz mnie :D!"
  1669. #command /top [<integer=1>]:
  1670. # trigger:
  1671. # set {_strony} to rounded up (size of {stats.kill::*} / 54)
  1672. # if arg is between 1 and {_strony}:
  1673. # open chest with 6 rows named "&6Top kille &8(&3%arg%&8)" to player
  1674. # wait 2 tick
  1675. # loop {stats.kill::*}:
  1676. # set {_lista::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  1677. # set {_num} to size of {_lista::*}
  1678. # set {_max} to arg * 53 #54 slot -> przejście na kolejną stronę.
  1679. # set {_min} to {_max} - 52
  1680. # loop {_max} times:
  1681. # loop {_lista::*}:
  1682. # if {_v.%loop-number%} is not set:
  1683. # set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1684. # set {_n.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1685. # if loop-value is larger than {_v.%loop-number%}:
  1686. # set {_v.%loop-number%} to loop-value
  1687. # set {_n.%loop-number%} to loop-index
  1688. # delete {_lista::%{_n.%loop-number%}%}
  1689. # set {_i} to 0
  1690. # if (arg + 1) is larger than {_strony}:
  1691. # set player's current inventory's slot 53 to nether star named "&6Koniec" with lore "&aNie ma juz wiecej stron."
  1692. # else:
  1693. # set player's current inventory's slot 53 to nether star named "&6Nastepna strona." with lore "&6Przejdz na strone: &c%arg + 1%"
  1694. # loop {_max} times:
  1695. # loop-number is between {_min} and {_max}
  1696. # if loop-number <= {_num}:
  1697. # set player's current inventory's slot {_i} to paper named "&6Miejsce: &c&l%loop-number%" with lore "&aNazwa: &6%{_n.%loop-number%}%||&aPunkty: &6%{_v.%loop-number%}%"
  1698. # add 1 to {_i}
  1699. # stop
  1700. #send "&cBlad: &6Nikt jeszcze nikogo nie zabil."
  1701. #stop
  1702. #on inventory click:
  1703. # if "%inventory name of player's current inventory%" contains "&6Top kille ":
  1704. # if slot is smaller than 0:
  1705. # stop
  1706. # cancel event
  1707. # if player's current inventory's slot slot is nether star:
  1708. # if name of player's current inventory's slot slot is "&6Nastepna strona.":
  1709. # set {_strona} to "%uncoloured inventory name of player's current inventory%"
  1710. # replace all "Top kille (" in {_strona} with ""
  1711. # replace all ")" in {_strona} with ""
  1712. # set {_strona} to {_strona} parsed as integer
  1713. # close player's inventory
  1714. # wait 2 tick
  1715. # execute player command "top %{_strona} + 1%"
  1716. # stop
  1717. #command /fakekills:
  1718. # trigger:
  1719. # loop 150 times:
  1720. # set {stats.kill::wadawd%random integer between 0 and 1000%} to random integer between 0 and 100
  1722. # on inventory click:
  1723. # if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6Nasze inventory !":
  1724. #if name of player's current inventory's slot slot is "&6Nastepna strona.":
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